Mark Zuckerberg’s Photoshopped MacBook is alternate reality straight out of the metaverse (2024)

Mark Zuckerberg’s Photoshopped MacBook is alternate reality straight out of the metaverse (1)

It’s no secret that the relationship between Apple and Meta is strained, with the two companies routinely criticizing one another. Even Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg have taken jabs at each other in public and in private. Despite Zuckerberg’s hatred of Apple, however, it seems that even he can’t resist using a MacBook.

But Meta doesn’t want you to know that …

In a post on Facebook this week, Zuckerberg shared an image of himself surrounded by McDonald’s food, apparently as his way of “celebrating McDonald’s joining Workplace.” Workplace, for those not a member of the Facebook world, is the company’s “all-in-one business communication platform.” Who knew.

Even more bizarre than the image of Zuckerberg licking his lips surrounded by McDonald’s food, is the MacBook sitting in front of him. You’ll notice that the MacBook is conspicuously missing something: the shiny Apple logo on the lid. No, Zuckerberg doesn’t have some one-off MacBook without an Apple logo.

Instead, what appears to have happened here is Meta PR Photoshopped Zuckerberg’s laptop to remove the Apple logo. It’s still very clearly a MacBook, but Meta PR (or Zuckerberg himself even) couldn’t dare to post an image showing an Apple logo.

This sounds weird, and it is, but it makes sense when you remember that Zuckerberg reportedly ordered all Facebook executives to use Android phones after Tim Cook criticized the company’s handling of user data. Facebook denied this report with a PR spin saying it “encourages” the use of Android phones, but does not prohibit executives from using iPhones.

(Zuckerberg himself apparently uses an Android phone of some sort from Samsung, calling himself a “big fan” of the company.”)

The comment from Tim Cook that allegedly ruffled Zuckerberg’s feathers came in private. The two apparently had a meeting in 2019, during which Zuckerberg asked Cook how he would “handle the fallout” from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Cook’s response was that the company should “delete any information that it had collected about people outside of its core apps.” This notion was apparently so appalling to Zuckerberg that it set him on a warpath against Apple and Tim Cook.

Zuckerberg has since accused Apple of having a “stranglehold” on the iPhone, charging “monopoly rents” on the App Store, having an “incentive” to interfere with Facebook, and much more. Zuckerberg apparently even told his staff to “inflict pain” on Apple at one point.

For his part, Tim Cook has condemned Facebook’s business model, saying the company prioritizes engagement over privacy, leading to “polarization and violence.” When asked in an interview how he would respond to a Cambridge Analytica-style scandal, Cook doubled down and said: “I wouldn’t be in this situation.”

Mark Zuckerberg’s Photoshopped MacBook is alternate reality straight out of the metaverse (2)

An unrelated side-note here: Zuckerberg puts tape over the webcam and microphone of his MacBook. The CEO of Facebook, the company with no regard for user privacy, is worried about Apple spying on him through his Mac’s webcam and microphone. And he still uses a MacBook today!

Caption Contest

Think it’s an Apple Silicon Mac? Maybe an Intel one? Let us know down in the comments. Let’s do a little “Caption Contest” fun. The McDonald’s surrounding Zuckerberg makes it all the better. Top-voted comment can have a 9to5Mac sticker.

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Mark Zuckerberg’s Photoshopped MacBook is alternate reality straight out of the metaverse (3)

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Mark Zuckerberg’s Photoshopped MacBook is alternate reality straight out of the metaverse (2024)


Does Mark Zuckerberg use a Macbook? ›

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed that he uses a Samsung phone, but has also said he loves android phones. He explained that millions of people use the Facebook product on a smartphone that runs the Android operating system, which is why it is so important to him.

Is Zuckerberg done with metaverse? ›

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg says he isn't abandoning the metaverse, even as the division of the company that manages its virtual and augmented reality projects lost $4 billion in the first quarter.

What is the metaverse according to Zuckerberg? ›

Simply put, the metaverse is an immersive virtual world in which we are supposed to interact with each other using specialized glasses and virtual-reality headsets.

What happened to Zuckerberg metaverse? ›

But the Metaverse was officially pulled off life support when it became clear that Zuckerberg and the company that launched the craze had moved on to greener financial pastures.

Does Bill Gates use a Mac? ›

Bill Gates has said many times that he prefers Android over iPhone, and that apparently hasn't changed. In a recent “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, the Microsoft co-founder revealed that he unsurprisingly hasn't made the switch to an iPhone nor does he use an iPad, Mac, or Microsoft Surface Duo.

Does NASA use Mac? ›

The question arises does NASA uses Apple Computers? Yes, they do use Apple computers. As per Robert Frost – Instructor and Flight Controller at NASA “Apple computers are quite common at the more research-oriented centers and very much less common at the operations-oriented centers.”

Who owns the metaverse? ›

In the case of the Facebook Metaverse, it is owned by the company founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. Decentraland was created by Ari Meilich and Esteban Ordano for a company called Metaverse Holdings Ltd., which and a number of investors own the rights to the digital universe.

How much does metaverse cost? ›

Metaverse Development Cost Across Industries

Cost Of Development- On average the development cost of Metaverse games lies between $30,000-$300,000. Cost Of Development- Depending on the complexity of the social media Metaverse the development cost can be from $25,000 to $400,000.

Who created metaverse? ›

1992 -- American sci-fi writer Neal Stephenson coins the term metaverse in his book Snow Crash, which depicts dystopian future world where rich people escape into an alternative 3D, connected reality.

Does Elon Musk believe in the metaverse? ›

Musk Celebrates the Metaverse's Demise

While Zuckerberg killed and buried the metaverse, Elon Musk, who never believed in this concept, has just bid farewell to it. The serial entrepreneur has just compared the metaverse to a disease that infected the world.

Do people make money in the metaverse? ›

The metaverse offers opportunities for investors and gamers. Investors can sell NFTs for a profit, and gamers can play to earn. You might want to hold an event and sell tickets or rent metaverse real estate. For long-term earning, consider a job in the metaverse industry.

What does Bill Gates say about metaverse? ›

Bill Gates. Credit: Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images. Bill Gates has said that he doesn't think the metaverse has been “revolutionary” in the way he claims AI will be, and revealed that his code hasn't been shipped with a Microsoft product since 1985.

Why is metaverse declining? ›

A main culprit of Meta's decline is the thing it was named after, Mark Zuckerberg's relentless pursuit of the metaverse through the company's Reality Labs division, which has lost $9.4 billion this year so far, and there are warnings that bigger and broader losses are to come in 2023.

Will the metaverse ever happen? ›

Don't get left behind while competitors continue to invest in virtual environments.

How do I access metaverse? ›

Join the metaverse with a VR headset
  1. Set up your Oculus Quest 2 first. Download the Oculus app onto your phone and create an account.
  2. Download the virtual reality applications of your choice.
  3. Click on “App drawer” in the menu. All of your apps will appear.
  4. Choose a platform and immerse yourself in the metaverse.
Feb 27, 2023

Does Mark Zuckerberg use Mac or PC? ›

The CEO of Facebook, the company with no regard for user privacy, is worried about Apple spying on him through his Mac's webcam and microphone. And he still uses a MacBook today!

Why doesn t Bill Gates use an iPhone? ›

Gates said he uses an Android because he wants "to keep track of everything," during an interview on Clubhouse in 2021. He said he'll "often play around with iPhones," but depends on his Android because he's used to it.

What cell phone does Bill Gates use? ›

The billionaire, in a ask-me-anything session on Reddit revealed that he is a Samsung loyalist. Gates currently uses Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 and before this he used Galaxy Z Fold 3 as his primary phone.

Does the FBI use Macbooks? ›

“I asked him about that, and he told us that many of the computer security folks back at FBI HQ use Macs running OS X, since those machines can do just about anything: run software for Mac, Unix, or Windows, using either a GUI or the command line. And they're secure out of the box,” said Granneman.

What computer system does SpaceX use? ›

Since SpaceX uses Linux as its operating system, it enjoys all the advantages. SpaceX empowers a spacecraft with rocket fuel and Linux.

Does SpaceX use Mac or PC? ›

We mostly use windows, but we sometimes use Mac OS.

Who will control metaverse? ›

Those in control of the metaverse are the people. Without anyone participating, the metaverse would not exist.

Who are the big players in metaverse? ›

Some of the major players in the market include Meta Platforms, Microsoft, Nvidia, Tencent Holdings Ltd, Roblox Corporation, Nextech AR Solutions Inc, Unity Software Inc, Bytedance, Epic Games, Inc., Decentraland, Antier Solutions, and Alibaba Group Holding Limited.

Who is leading in metaverse technology? ›

Epic Games is one of the leading big businesses creating the Metaverse thanks to a tremendous upsurge in invention and expansion. The development of the Metaverse will get a US$1 million investment from this Metaverse company in 2021, allowing game makers to investigate a variety of Web 3.0 options.

Is metaverse for free? ›

Create for Free

The more flexible and easy to use our platform is, the more artists and designers will use the platform, which will help our platform be even better. This is why we offer you the ability to create metaverse spaces to your customized specifications for free.

Is metaverse gonna be free? ›

While "the metaverse" won't have a single subscription fee, applications and experiences using and benefiting from metaverse technologies may have purchase prices, subscription fees, in-app purchases, or other business models.

Who bought land in metaverse? ›

Popstar Daler Mehndi Buys Land In Metaverse.

Why did Mark Zuckerberg create the metaverse? ›

Fierce Competition. Meta's platforms - Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp - have a combined audience of 3.7 billion users who log in regularly, the firm said. Maybe by analyzing the data related to these users, Zuckerberg felt that there is a need by users to alternate between the real world and the virtual world.

How did Mark Zuckerberg start metaverse? ›

Last October, when Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, announced that the company would change its name to Meta and become a “metaverse company,” he sketched a vision of a utopian future many years off in which billions of people would inhabit immersive digital environments for hours on end, working, ...

Where is metaverse located? ›

The metaverse is located on the latest version of the internet called Web3 and can be accessed online using a browser or virtual reality(VR)headset.

Does Apple believe in metaverse? ›

Apple is on the cusp of revealing its future post-iPhone with a big bet on the metaverse. Tim Cook is expected to unveil a new mixed-reality headset at WWDC in his riskiest move yet. Apple has the tough task of convincing the world the metaverse is still the future as interest dips.

What lies in the metaverse? ›

The metaverse will include familiar 2D experiences, as well as ones projected into the physical world and fully immersive 3D ones too. You'll be able to access the metaverse on different devices like your phone or computer, as well as virtual reality devices where you're fully immersed.

Is the metaverse another universe? ›

The metaverse is merely one digital world where users can spend time with their friends and family, play, shop, learn and work, all within the same universe. Whereas the multiverse is a collection of separate digital spaces, all with their unique traits and characteristics.

Is Metaverse only for rich? ›

Metaverses are introducing ownership and rarity to the internet for the first time in its history. It is already generating billions of dollars in transactions, but the risk is that it becomes a club exclusively for the wealthy.

Which Metaverse is best? ›

Decentraland is one of the most popular social virtual platforms in the Metaverse. Decentraland is the first decentralized online setting and largest Metaverse cryptocurrency.

How do you sell in Metaverse? ›

Creating your own NFTs to sell in the Metaverse is relatively easy. All you need is a platform like Crypto or Blockchain. You can make an NFT of anything you want, adding to the profit of your virtual business and giving you another avenue to engage with your customers and enhance their virtual life.

Why is metaverse controversial? ›

Critics Argue Meta's Lack Of Policing In Metaverse Is Harmful For Underage Users: Washington Post Report. For years, Meta Platforms Inc (NASDAQ: META) has argued that the best way to protect people in virtual reality is by giving users tools to control their environments, like blocking or distancing other users.

Is The metaverse realistic? ›

Digital facsimiles of ourselves, or avatars, move freely from one experience to another, taking our identities and our money with us. This is known as the metaverse and, hype notwithstanding, it does not exist today.

Is the metaverse artificial intelligence? ›

AI is playing a significant role in creating and enhancing the virtual world of the metaverse. One of the most promising use of AI with the metaverse is its ability to generate environments, characters, and objects.

Will the metaverse be bad for society? ›

While metaverse could make you experience any environment, the disconnect from the real world could seriously impact our mental health. Zoom fatigue was a concern when individuals spent too much time on virtual meetings. The same could be seen in a more aggressive form with a whole virtual world.

Is the metaverse dead yet? ›

Yet the metaverse concept isn't going away. “We think that, in the future, something like the metaverse will exist, whereby we have a 3D experience layer over the internet,” said Gownder. Don't expect this to happen any time soon, though: the development of the metaverse could take a decade, according to Forrester.

What is the biggest problem with the metaverse? ›

The challenges of Metaverse include time and space. The concept of time perception can be different if we compare the real world with a virtual environment, as users tend to be less aware of their bodies while inside the Virtual Reality.

Will humans live in the metaverse soon? ›

According to Mark Zuckerberg, mankind will migrate into the metaverse in the future, leaving reality behind for a world that we create and govern entirely. He claims that there will come a moment when virtual worlds are so absorbing and handy that we will not want to leave, at which point the metaverse will emerge.

How long until the metaverse is real? ›

That would theoretically mean that we're not likely to be interacting in a fully-functional, fully-integrated metaverse space till 2031 – and on that timeline, it really doesn't matter what Zuckerberg's avatar looks like right now, because so much will happen as technological advancements continue to accelerate in the ...

How long until we live in the metaverse? ›

The technologies are not yet advanced enough to make a full version of the metaverse, but Meta Platforms predicts that they will be within 5 to 15 years from now. A sort of complete metaverse could therefore arrive between 2025 and 2035.

How many people are in the metaverse? ›

Metaverse has 400 million monthly active users as of 2023.

How many metaverses are there? ›

12 metaverse platforms to know about in 2023.

How to enter metaverse without VR? ›

Fortunately, you can explore the metaverse without using expensive VR headgear.
  1. Web-Based Metaverse Platforms. This is the easiest way you can explore the metaverse. ...
  2. Augmented Reality on Smartphones and Tablets. ...
  3. Video Gaming Consoles. ...
  4. 3 Pros of a Non-VR Metaverse.
May 26, 2023

What famous people use MacBook? ›

Did you know Bill Gates uses a Macintosh? So does Bill Clinton, Boris Yeltsin, Sylvester Stallone, and Martha Stewart. The late Princess Diana and King Hussein of Jordan were Mac users, too.

Do Facebook engineers use Macs? ›

Originally Answered: Which operating system do facebook engineers use? The client machines are usually OS X or Windows laptops and code is written on remote development machines running Linux. Some engineers chose to install Linux on their client machines.

What celebs are on MacBook? ›

The famous faces include: Kendrick Lamar, Gloria Steinem, Billie Eilish, Jonathan Van Ness, Lady Gaga, Serena Williams, RuPaul, Tarana Burke, Spike Lee, Stephen Colbert, Pharrell Williams, Takashi Murakami, Solange Knowles, Jane Goodall, Donald Glover and Iris Apfel.

Which laptop is used by Bill Gates? ›

Bill Gates uses a Surface Pro.

Do all Apple employees use Macs? ›

We let employees choose what they use and overwhelmingly they choose Apple products. It enables them to be more productive, and work the way that they want to work.

Who is the MacBook Pro targeted at? ›

Apple Target Audience

Apple's target audience consists of middle-class and upper-class users who can pay higher for products that provide them with an incredible user experience. This means that these users have a higher disposable income and are willing to pay more for as high-priced products as Apple's.

Why do all programmers use Macs? ›

One reason is that Unix-based systems are generally more difficult to exploit. Another reason is that Apple provides extensive security measures to protect your MacBook. Also, developers record fewer technical glitches and system crashes on a MacBook than on a Windows machine.

What laptops do Google employees use? ›

Chromebooks are laptops made by Google and use a Google-based operating system called Chrome OS. It's a shift from the range of offerings, such as Apple MacBooks, that were previously available to employees.

Why do tech companies use Macs? ›

Startups should use Mac, as it allows developers to work in an environment similar to servers, the Unix, as well as have all the software required for business purposes. It will increase the efficiency of your development team and better integrate them with others.

Who made Mac popular? ›

In the late 1980s, Jean-Louis Gassée, a Sculley protégé who had succeeded Jobs as head of the Macintosh division, made the Mac more expandable and powerful to appeal to tech enthusiasts, tinkerers, and enterprise customers.

Do Macbooks still have fans? ›

This rushing-air sound is a normal part of the cooling process. Ambient temperature, the temperature outside the device, also plays a role in the fans' responsiveness. If the ambient temperature is high, the fans turn on sooner and run faster. Learn more about the operating temperature of Apple laptop computers.

What is the richest laptop in the world? ›

Most expensive laptop in India to buy in 2023
S.NoProduct NamePrice
1.HP Omen ‎16-B1350TX₹1,13,999
2.ASUS ROG Strix G17₹87,480
3.Acer Predator Helios 300₹1,97,385
4.Dell New Alienware x15 R2₹3,56,600
1 more row

Which company laptop used by NASA? ›

ThinkPads have been used heavily in space programs. NASA purchased more than 500 ThinkPad 750 laptops for flight qualification, software development, and crew training, and astronaut (and senator) John Glenn used ThinkPad laptops on his spaceflight mission STS-95 in 1998.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.