FAQ | Dubai Islamic Bank (2024)

What is Islamic banking?

It is a banking system which provides banking services and products in line with the rules and principles of Shari’a and is conducted under direct supervision and audit of Shari’a scholars.

What is Interest/ Riba?

Interest/Riba is rent of money or the time value of money. It is the additional amount charged by a creditor in lieu of the time that he gives to the borrower for repayment or delay in payment.

What are the major modes of Islamic banking and finance?

Following are the most commonly used modes of Islamic banking and finance:

  • MURABAHA: It is a sale contract in which an individual/entity sells an asset at cost plus an agreed profit. The sale price could be paid on spot or deferred.
  • IJARA: It is a leasing contract in which the owner of an asset or its usufruct sells the usufruct of the underlying asset to the lessee for an agreed rental.
  • MUDHARABA is a form of partnership where one party provides the funds while the other provides management services against a pre-agreed share in the profit of the investment. However, if there is any loss, it is borne solely by the capital provider.
  • MUSHARAKA is a partnership with all the parties contributing to the capital of the Musharaka on the basis of profit and loss sharing. The profit shall be shared as per the agreement but the loss will be borne pro rata.
  • SALAM: It is a kind of sale in which payment is made on spot while the delivery of the goods is deferred.
  • ISTISNA’: It refers to a sale in which the buyer orders the would-be manufacturer to produce and deliver a fully described commodity from raw materials of its own. It is basically an order to manufacture.

Is it permissible for an Islamic Bank to impose penalty for late payment?

If Islamic banks do not impose any penalties on late payment the customers shall not pay in time and thus the Islamic banks will not be able to run their business efficiently and give a good return to the investors. Therefore, the Islamic banks have decided to take from each client an irrevocable undertaking that in case of late payment he shall be charged a penalty which shall be donated to a charity supervised by the Shari’a Board of the bank independently from the bank. The Islamic banks do not use these donations for their own benefit, but incorporate such provisions in their contracts to check potential default.

How do Islamic banks make profit?

The Islamic banks invest/utilize the funds received from the Account Holders/customers under Islamic modes of financing such as Ijara, Murabaha, Salam, Istisna and investment contracts such as Mudaraba, Musharaka, Wakala etc. to generate profit.

Do Islamic banks have credit cards?

Yes, Islamic banks offer interest free credit card facility for which the client pays a monthly fee irrespective of the way he uses the card during the period. The fee is in lieu of some real services that a credit card holder becomes entitled to. The fee neither increases nor decreases on the basis of the use, frequency of usage or non-use of the card by the customer.

Is there any difference between Interest and Usury?

No, both have the same meaning. Qur’an, Sunnah and Fiqh do not differentiate between the two. Islam terms what is known as interest or usury as Riba and therefore prohibits it.

How is Islamic Banking different from conventional banking?

Islamic banking offers Riba free banking in line with Islamic Shari’a rules. It neither gives nor takes loans on interest. It operates as a trading company which buys, sells and enters into different modes and contracts of investment such as Mudaraba, Musharaka etc

Is Islamic banking complicated? Does it involve a lot of documentation work?

No, it has simple Islamic contracts like Mudaraba, Musharaka etc.

What is different about DIBPL as other banks are also offering the same services?

DIBPL is the first fully-fledged Islamic bank in the world and has 30 years of banking experience. As for as comparison with the services provided by conventional banks are concerned, the main difference is that DIBPL provides only Shari’a compliant products and services and in no way enters into any Shari’a repugnant and interest based transaction. Compared with other Islamic banks or windows, DIBPL is proud of its pioneering role in the world of Islamic Banking combined with the rich experience and involvement in global deals of importance that such a long journey entails. Moreover DIBPL has a full fledged Shari’a Supervisory Department and a Shari’a Coordination Department which are involved in structuring, documentation, vetting approval and post transaction audit of all transactions and products. The affairs of the Bank are supervised by a Shari’a Board whose decisions are binding on the Bank. The Shari’a Board is comprised of a number of internationally renowned Shari’a scholars. Dr. Hussian Hamid Hassan, the Chairman of Shari’a Board, is one of the most revered Shari’a scholars in the world in the field of Islamic banking.

What would the bank do if a customer has any confusion while doing transaction on religious grounds? Do you have an Islamic council desk where he/she can consult with someone or refer the literature?

Yes, DIBPL has its Shari’a Department which the customers can consult if they have any confusion regarding any Islamic transaction.

How would it be possible to forecast long term profit rate?

No one can forecast profits. Islamic banks declare the profit of their investment pools periodically, and the declared rates can be referred to show their past performance with a clear disclaimer that the bank may or may not perform similarly in future.

Would you be catering to the customers involved in business/activities prohibited in Islam?

No, Islam does not allow business in prohibited items. This is one of the major differences between an Islamic bank and a conventional one.

Who is eligible to open accounts in Islamic banks?

All persons (individuals, corporate entities, firms, societies, clubs, government organizations, statutory bodies/corporations, public and private institutions, etc.) are eligible to open account in Islamic banks provided they fulfill the banks’ and the regulatory authorities’ requirements

How can we ensure that all the investments are in line with the pronouncements and directives of the Sharia Board?

All investments are first approved before signing the contracts by our Shari’a Board. The Shari’a auditors monitor the operations of the Bank and the implementation process. If they find any transaction implemented in a Shari’a repugnant way, they take away its return and deposit it in a charity.

Are Islamic banking services offered to Muslims only?

No, Islam does not prohibit from selling or buying or entering into partnership with non-Muslims provided the underlying transactions are Shari’a compliant.

What would be the procedure and ratio of Zakat deduction in accounts maintained at DIBPL?

As per the Government policy which is 2.5%. The non eligible account holders are exempted from Zakat deduction in case they have submitted the required affidavit.

In a loss event, does the customer bear any loss?

Yes, the Account Holder bears the loss in proportion to his/her investment.

Is insurance allowed in Islamic banking?

The form of Islamic insurance is TAKAFUL which is based on Shari’a rules. In case of absence of a Takaful based company, Islamic banks are allowed to get insurance cover through conventional insurance to avoid exposing the investors’ deposits to high risk.

What is Takaful?

Takaful is the Islamic way of Insurance. Takaful means mutual protection and joint guarantee through contribution by each member.

How is Takaful different from conventional insurance?

Takaful eliminates the element of chance, gambling and ambiguity by:

a. investing the deposit pool in only Sharia compliant products.

b. the participants are investors and they share the profit of their investment.

c. A Takaful Company manages the Takaful Fund on Wakala or Mudarba basis. At the same time they compensate those of the group who areexposed to losses.

Is there a Takaful company in Pakistan?

Yes, Pak-Kuwait Takaful Company Ltd. has launched its operations in Pakistan with effect from 1st December 2005 and some other companies are launching operations shortly.

Will DIBPL offer overdraft facility?

No, overdraft facility is not allowed in Islamic banking. Islamic banks may offer Shari’a compliant alternatives for such a facility.

Does Islamic bank offer loans?

Islamic banks do not offer loans; they offer financing through Shari’a compliant modes of investment and transactions.

What is the term used for profit in Islamic banking?

It’s called Ribh in Arabic and is translated as profit in English.

Will DIBPL launch its credit card? When?

DIBPL is not offering credit card facility right now but it will launch its credit card soon.

Who are the members of Shari'a Board?

Members of DIBPL’s Shari’a Board are:

1) Dr. Hussein Hamed Hassan (Chairman of Shari’a Board)

2) Mufti Muhammad Hassaan Kaleem (Resident member Shari’a Board)

3) Mian Muhammad Nazir (Chairman Shari’a Board)

What are Sukuk?

Sukuk are Islamic Investments certificates issued against shares in the underlying assets, whether existing or described assets promised to be delivered in future, or shares in the usufruct of such assets or shares in services.

How is your Bank Islamic when it appears to be the same as any conventional Bank?

Dubai Islamic Bank may appear to look and feel the same as any conventional Bank through our branch presentation but all our operations are backed by Islamic contracts that are 100% Shari’a compliant. Just as any International fast food restaurant burger in Pakistan looks and smells the same as the one sold in USA, the back end processing operations along with FATWA in Pakistan makes it Halal and Islamic.

How are your profit Halal and Islamic when you provide the same profit rate as conventional banks?

Dubai Islamic Bank as per Mudariba contract for our deposit holders declares profit on a monthly basis. This declaration is based on actual profit or loss earned by the Bank in various diversified investment. Conventional banks do not share profit or loss from their investment but only declare a fixed rate of interest (RIBA) to their deposit holders.

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DIB - Fleet Financing FAQs PDF Download
FAQ | Dubai Islamic Bank (2024)


What are the basic rules of Islamic banking? ›

Shariah strictly prohibits any form of speculation or gambling, which is referred to as maisir. Shariah also prohibits taking interest on loans. In addition, any investments involving items or substances that are prohibited in the Quran—including alcohol, gambling, and pork—are also prohibited.

What are good research questions on Islamic banking? ›

  • 2022 Dissertation Topics on Islamic Finance.
  • Evaluating the Islamic Types of Investments.
  • Comparative Study of Traditional and Islamic Finance.
  • How Interest-Free is Islamic Interest-Free Banking?
Jan 9, 2023

How much money can I withdraw from Dubai Islamic Bank? ›

UnionPay Usage limits
TransactionUnionPay Debit SilverUnionPay Debit Gold
ATM Cash WithdrawlPKR 100,000PKR 200,000
POS TransactionPKR 200,000PKR 400,000
Funds TransferPKR 200,000PKR 200,000

How does Islamic banking work without interest? ›

Islamic Lending Types

Instead of charging interest, the seller/lender makes a religiously allowed profit on the sale of goods that enables the buyer to make payments over time; profits are based on the contractual terms between the borrower and the bank.

What transaction is prohibited in Islamic banking? ›

These principles are supported by Islamic banking's core values whereby activities that cultivate entrepreneurship, trade and commerce and bring societal development or benefit is encouraged. Activities that involve interest (riba), gambling (maisir) and speculative trading (gharar) are prohibited.

Is there Islamic banking in USA? ›

Fardows is an Islamic financial technology company that allows you to save, spend and invest in a halal and efficient way.

What are the unique risks in Islamic banking system? ›

The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB, 2005) recognises six major types of risks: credit risk, equity investment risk, market risk, liquidity risk, rate of return risk, and operational risk.

What is the risk of Islamic bank? ›

Khan and Ahmad (2001) claim that sharing Islamic banks' profit or loss with their investment account holders introduces withdrawal risk. They also argue that different Islamic modes of finance have their own unique risk characteristics due to the various constraints enforced by Shariá (Islamic rules).

What are the essential risk in Islamic banking? ›

Islam also prohibits transactions that involve elements of gharar fahish (excessive uncertainty about the commodity) and ghish (cheating). The essential risk is inherent in all business transactions. This business risk is necessary and must be undertaken to reap the associated reward or profit.

Can anyone use an Islamic bank? ›

Islamic finance also encourages partnership. This means that, where possible, both profit and risks should be shared. This can be between two individuals, an individual and a business, or a business and a business. Anyone can use Islamic finance products and services – you don't have to be Muslim.

What is the limit of bank Islami account? ›

Total Credit Balance Limit: Rs. 500,000/- Simple one pager account opening form.

What is the minimum amount in Bank Islam account? ›

Minimum balance of RM20. 00 must be maintained.

Can I borrow money from Islamic bank? ›

As a matter of faith, a Muslim cannot lend money to, or receive money from someone and expect to benefit – interest (known as riba) is not allowed. To make money from money is forbidden – wealth can only be generated through legitimate trade and investment in assets. Money must be used in a productive way.

What are the advantages of Islamic banking? ›

Adhering to Islamic principles: 10 financial advantages
  • Lowering Economic Inequality.
  • Increasing Market Participation.
  • Simplicity and transparency are encouraged.
  • Linking Economic Activity to Financial Markets.
  • Linking Savings and Investment.
  • Refraining from Economic Bubbles (And Bursts)
  • Encouraging economic growth.
Jan 3, 2023

Why can't Muslims pay interest on a loan? ›

Islamic law considers money as a measuring tool for value and not an asset in itself. Therefore, it requires that one should not be able to receive income from money alone. Interest is deemed riba, and such practice is proscribed under Islamic law.

Can non Muslims use Islamic banking? ›

Can a Non-Muslim Take A Loan From An Islamic Bank? Islamic banks welcome Muslims and non-Muslims alike, so this should not be an issue when applying for a loan. Instead, the most important thing to compare will be the rates and the conditions of financing, customer service, and the bank's ethics.

Can Bank Islam accept international transfer? ›

Receive money from overseas and get conversion at competitive exchange rates and charges. In Bank Islam, customer can do foreign exchange transaction for value SPOT and FORWARD.

What types of deposits are allowed in Islamic banks? ›

Classification of Deposit Products in Islamic Banks. Generally the Islamic banks have three kinds of deposit products for account holders: current, savings and investment. Current or demand deposit is a deposit that can be withdrawn at any time using cheque, other payment instruction, or by overbooking.

What are the top Islamic banks in the US? ›

There are currently 25 Islamic financial institutions in operation in the US, the top three of which, according to asset size, are the American Islamic Finance House, University Bank (through its subsidiary University Islamic Financial) and the Harvard Islamic Finance Project.

Do Muslims pay interest in America? ›

Paying or charging interest, known as riba (usury), is strictly prohibited. Investing in businesses that are centered on activities considered to be haram, like producing or selling alcohol or pork, is forbidden. Speculation or gambling, known as maisir, is not allowed.

What banks are Sharia-compliant in the US? ›

University Islamic Financial (a subsidiary of University Bank) based in Ann Arbor, Mich., serving the large Muslim population of metropolitan Detroit and surrounding states, is the first and only exclusively Sharia-compliant bank in the United States — it offers no other products.

What is the superiority of Islamic banking? ›

But performance of interest-free Islamic banks in business development, profitability, liquidity and solvency is superior to that of interest-based conventional banks. That is comparatively Islamic banks are superior in financial performance to that of interest-based conventional banks.

Why Islamic bank has more risk than conventional bank? ›

Islamic banks' depositors are treated as investment account holders or preferred stockholders with residual claim to profits but without explicit capital protection; hence they share the risk of the bank's investments.

What are the three largest risks banks face? ›

The three largest risks banks take are credit risk, market risk and operational risk.

Which is the safest Islamic bank? ›

ADIB named safest Islamic financial institution in 2022.

Are Islamic banks better? ›

Furthermore, the logistic regression results reveal that Islamic banks perform well in asset quality, management adequacy and sensitivity to market risk whereas conventional banks are efficient in capital adequacy and liquidity.

Are Islamic banks ethical? ›

The Islamic banking system is, at its heart, an ethical system where depositors entrust the bank to invest their savings in partnership, sharing any profits which are generated.

What are the 7 types of bank risk? ›

These risks are: Credit, Interest Rate, Liquidity, Price, Foreign Exchange, Transaction, Compliance, Strategic and Reputation. These categories are not mutually exclusive; any product or service may expose the bank to multiple risks.

Which is the most common risk in banking? ›

Credit risk is the most obvious risk in banking, and possibly the most important in terms of potential losses. The default of a small number of key customers could generate very large losses and in an extreme case could lead to a bank becoming insolvent.

How to manage risk in Islamic banking? ›

For effective risk management in Islamic banking, institutions shall have comprehensive risk management and reporting process. The process shall take into account, appropriate steps to comply with Shariah rules and principles, and ensure reporting to the supervisory authority.

How is Islamic Bank different from other banks? ›

Islamic Banks work under the socio-religious guidelines that prohibit charging and paying interest and avoid all impermissible transactions like gambling, speculation, short selling & Sale of debts & receivables.

Can Muslims have mortgage? ›

Islamic law only permits interest free loans, which means that Muslims often can't get a traditional mortgage. It also means government schemes like Help to Buy and Shared Ownership generally don't work for Muslims.

Are Sharia savings accounts safe? ›

Are Sharia savings accounts covered by the FSCS? As long as the Sharia-compliant bank has been authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), your money will be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

How much money I can withdraw from Islami bank ATM? ›

10,00,000 per day per account.

What is the limit for online transfer in Bank Islam? ›


How much money can I withdraw from Islami ATM? ›

Alternative Payment

Being the largest in online connectivity among the branches we are capable of providing the better customer service to our clints. For Cash Withdrawal maximum amount is Tk. 50,000 in a calendar date.

How much money is allowed in a bank account? ›

Minimum balances aside, how much money can you have in a checking account? There is no maximum limit, but your checking account balance is only FDIC insured up to $250,000. However, as we'll cover shortly, it makes sense to put extra cash somewhere it will earn interest.

What is bank Islam personal rate? ›

Flat rate: 1 – 3 years: 6.0% to 7.0% p.a. 4 – 8 years: 6.8% to 7.8% p.a. 9 – 10 years: 7.0% to 8.0% p.a.

What is the profit rate of Islamic saving account? ›

Foreign Currency-USD
S. #ProductProfit Rates
5.Saving Account USD (100,000 & Above)2.05%
6.Roshan Digital Saving Account USD (0 - 4,999)1.00%
7.Roshan Digital Saving Account USD (5,000 - 9,999)1.24%
8.Roshan Digital Saving Account USD (10,000 - 24,999)1.46%
6 more rows

What are the rules of Islamic banking? ›

One of the primary differences between conventional banking systems and Islamic banking is that Islamic banking prohibits usury and speculation. Shariah strictly prohibits any form of speculation or gambling, which is referred to as maisir. Shariah also prohibits taking interest on loans.

What kind of loan is halal? ›

An interest-free alternative to traditional loans

These loans adhere to the principles of Sharia Law. Instead of interest, borrowers pay an origination fee set based on the amount borrowed. The fee is subtracted from the amount of the loan.

Is it allowed to have a credit card in Islam? ›

According to the same standard, the Sharia ruling for credit cards provides that it is not permissible for an institution to issue credit cards that provide an interest-bearing revolving credit facility, whereby the cardholder pays interest for being allowed to pay off the debt in installments.

What are the unique features of Islamic banking? ›

The characteristics features of Islamic banking are divinely sourced, shari'ah compliant banking system, rich with numerous financial concepts, riba (usury) free banking system, garar (uncertainty) free banking system, prohibits injustice, and enjoys benevolence in transactions.

What are the two major sources of funds Islamic banks rely on? ›

The answer is option (d) i.e. transaction deposits and investment deposits.

Does financial performance of Islamic banking is better? ›

This research resulted in the finding that the performance of Islamic banks is significantly affected by non-performing finance and inflation. In addition, the performance of Islamic banks have relatively better after crisis.

Is it halal to finance a car? ›


Riba (Interest) - Islam prohibits the receipt or payment of interest. It is deemed to be haram. In car finance terms, this means that Muslims who want to remain Sharia compliant cannot borrow funds with an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) attached.

How to get rid of interest money in Islam? ›

Islam forbids interest (Riba), both receiving and paying it. Many of us can end up accumulating interest through our bank accounts even if we don't want it, so what should we do with Interest money? Since it is not permissible to utilise interest for one's own benefit one should donate it to charity.

What are the five elements of Islamic banking? ›

Mostly, they are based on sale and purchase transactions, accompanied by a degree of risk. There are five main contracts in Islamic finance: Mudarabah, Musharakah, Murabahah, Ijarah and Salam: i.

What are the five pillars of Islamic banking? ›

Some of the modes of Islamic banking/finance include Mudarabah (profit-sharing and loss-bearing), Wadiah (safekeeping), Musharaka (joint venture), Murabahah (cost-plus), and Ijara (leasing).

What are the ethical standards in Islamic banking? ›

The ethical standard to which Islamic business operates reflects the same standards and principles of the Qur'ān, which every Muslim is expected to follow in every aspect of their lives. Islamic business must operate on a basis of fairness and integrity, while treating everyone equally.

What is the main difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking? ›

Conventional Bank treats money as a commodity and lend it against interest as its compensation. Islamic banking products are usually asset backed and involves trading of assets, renting of asset and participation on profit & loss basis.

How does Islamic bank work? ›

Islamic finance is principally based on trading, therefore banks can profit from the buying and selling of Shari'ah-compliant goods and services. When customers deposit money, the banks select Shari'ah-compliant investments, then profits and risks are shared with the bank equally.

What are the benefits of Islamic banking? ›

Adhering to Islamic principles: 10 financial advantages
  • Lowering Economic Inequality.
  • Increasing Market Participation.
  • Simplicity and transparency are encouraged.
  • Linking Economic Activity to Financial Markets.
  • Linking Savings and Investment.
  • Refraining from Economic Bubbles (And Bursts)
  • Encouraging economic growth.
Jan 3, 2023

Which is the largest Islamic bank in the world? ›

Al Rajhi Bank also has branches in Kuwait and Jordan, and a subsidiary in Malaysia and Syria. Al Rajhi Bank has market capitalization of SR 302.80 billion.

What are the four prohibited elements in Islamic finance? ›

In this assignment, prohibited elements such as riba, gharar, qimar, maysir, fraud and coercion are discussed.

What are the types of transactions in Islamic banking? ›

Some of these include Mudharabah (profit sharing), Wadiah (safekeeping), Musharakah (joint venture), Murabahah (cost plus finance), Ijar (leasing), Hawala (an international fund transfer system), Takaful (Islamic insurance), and Sukuk (Islamic bonds).

What is Shariah risk in Islamic banking? ›

Shariah risk is generally said to be the potential loss in times when an Islamic financing transaction does not comply with Islamic law.

Why is Islamic finance ethical? ›

The formation of Islamic finance businesses is ethical since they are based on the principles of the Shari'ah. The Holy Quran offers, ““It is no crime in you if ye seek of the bounty of your Lord (by trading)” (Al- Baqrah (2):198).

Do Islamic banks perform better than conventional banks? ›

deposits and capital while Islamic banks are better in terms of spread and liquidity. quality, debt management, liquidity and solvency were better for Islamic banks.

Are Islamic banks more stable than conventional banks? ›

Cihak and Hesse (2010) find that small Islamic banks are more stable than small conventional banks, with the reserve holding for large banks. Abdull-Majid et al. (2010) find that the relative efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks varies significantly across countries. On the country level, Baele et al.

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