Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (2024)

If you’re spending the time and energy creating podcast episodes, it’s important to make your content as accessible and discoverable as possible. You can add a ton of value to each episode with a podcast transcript.

Grow Your Audience by Including Episode Transcripts

Spend time creating your podcast, not transcribing it. Castos has teamed up with the industry-leading text-to-voice technology provider to offer an affordable, automatic, and seamless transcription experience that is available to all of our Castos hosting customers. Click here to get started on a 14-day free trial or enter your email to learn.

What Is A Podcast Transcript?

A podcast transcript is a word-for-word account of your episodes. You or an automated software simply listen to your episode and write down every word spoken by you or your guests.

You can’t publish your podcast transcriptions on the big podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify, but you can post it on your own podcast website. It’s best to include a transcription for each episode on the same page as your audio player and show notes.

The Benefits Of a Podcast Transcript

Why should you include podcast episode transcriptions alongside your audio files? They have several benefits.

1. Podcast transcriptions make your episodes more accessible

According to the World Health Organization, 5% of people struggle with some kind of disabling hearing impairment. Podcasting is an audio-first medium, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your content available to people with hearing impairments.

An audio transcription gives people with hearing loss a way to enjoy your amazing content. They might use it to supplement the parts they can’t hear or they might read it through entirely.

Podcast episode transcriptions also make your show accessible to non-native speakers. You can help them out by putting that content in written form for them to look up.

2. Transcripts maximize your SEO reach

Your show notes are valuable ways to help Google understand what your episodes are about, but notes only create a few hundred words. That’s hardly the type of long form content Google likes to show at the top of its results.

A podcast transcript, however, can reach 6,000 words from a 30 minute episode. That’s a ton of content that creates a massive SEO boost for your website, which ultimately makes it easier for new listeners to find your content.

3. Podcasts with transcripts have more backlink opportunities

Most content creators avoid linking to podcast episodes without a podcast transcript because there’s nothing for their readers/followers to explore without listening to an entire episode.

However, content creators don’t mind linking to podcast episodes with podcast transcripts because their readers/followers have something to explore without committing to a full episode or following a lot of steps. So if you want more backlinks (great for SEO!), publish transcriptions.

4. A podcast transcript creates content you can repurpose

A podcast transcript is a valuable bank of written copy you can use to create other forms of content. You might use it for email marketing campaigns, social media posts, or infographics. Many podcasters use their transcriptions as sources for blog articles.


Read to start your own podcast? Learn the nitty-gritty details of starting your own show in our comprehensive guide. Learn how to start a podcast.

How To Create a Podcast Transcript

Now that you understand the benefits of a podcast transcript, you’ll need to understand how to create them for your site.

How to write a podcast transcription yourself

Writing your own podcast transcription is pretty straightforward: Just listen to your episode and write what you and your guests say.

This method just costs your time. A 30-minute episode could take two to three hours to transcribe with pausing and rewinding. After transcribing a few episodes, most podcasters decide that their time is better spent producing content.

You can speed up the process of creating your own podcast transcript with a voice-to-text app that automatically types whatever you speak. Let it run while you record your episode and it will capture the audio and record it as text. You’ll still need to clean up the app’s output, however.

If you want your episodes transcribed by a human, but don’t want to do it yourself, your only option is to pay someone to do it. This is expensive. The cheapest services cost about $0.50/minute of audio, which is five times the price of our automated service. If you need a native speaker (and you do), that price can be higher.

How to create a transcript using a podcast transcription service

The easiest way to add a transcription to each podcast is to let software do it automatically.

If you use Castos as your podcast host, our transcription service will automatically transcribe a full, word-for-word account of each episode. We’ve teamed up with the industry leading text-to-voice technology provider to offer an entirely seamless transcription experience that is available to all of our Castos hosting customers. If you’ve already published episodes with Castos, you can even go back and transcribe previous episodes.

If you don’t use Castos to host your podcast, you can use an automated transcription service like Rev or Descript. (Rev is our favorite. We like it so much that we use it to power our transcription feature.)

Four Examples Of Great Podcast Transcripts

Need inspiration? Here are some examples of shows who include podcast episode transcriptions in aesthetically pleasing and user friendly ways.

1. This American Life podcast transcript

This American Life keeps their pages need by adding a link to the transcript at the top of the page.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (1)

Clicking that link takes you to a new page with the full transcript.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (2)

This method doesn’t concentrate SEO value on one page, but it’s an easy experience for the user. There’s a link from the transcript back to the episode anyway, so if a Google search brings you to the transcript, there’s an easy path to listen.

2. Freakonomics Radio podcast transcript

Freakonomics takes a pretty standard approach. They publish their podcast episode transcriptions right beneath their introduction paragraph. They put the whole piece in quotes so you know can identify the transcript at a glance.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (3)

3. Masters of Scale podcast transcript

Masters of Scale takes their podcast pages very seriously. Each page is well designed with lots of information, including custom photography from the interview. The last element on the page is this nicely formatted transcript.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (4)

4. StoryCorps podcast transcript

This is another podcast with a button to read the transcript. It’s right under the title, so visitors can’t miss it.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (5)

However, unlike This American Life, StoryCorps keeps all the content on the same page in a popup overlay. This concentrates the SEO value while also keeping things organized.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (6)

Where To Include Podcast Transcriptions

You have a few options when it comes to making your podcast episode transcriptions available to your readers. Choose the option that’s right for your show and your listeners.

  • On each episode’s page. (Recommended method.) Post each transcription directly beneath your show notes and audio player on a blog page. This way everything relating to that episode is in one easy to find place and Google knows what the page is about.
  • Podcast transcript collection page. A transcript collection page is simply a page on your website that’s dedicated to podcast episode transcripts. If you don’t have many episodes, or if your episodes are short, you can post all of your transcripts on the same page. Otherwise, you’re collection page would contain a list of links to each transcript.
  • Downloadable transcripts. Another method is to make the transcript downloadable. Upload the document to your website and create a link to that file on the episode’s page. The downside, however, is that you lose all of the benefits we listed above. Downloadable documents aren’t accessible, don’t help SEO, and people don’t link to them.

How Castos Transcription Works

Every episode you publish on the Castos platform can be automatically transcribed into a full, word-for-word account of your episode. We’ve teamed up with the industry leading text-to-voice technology provider, Rev, to offer an entirely seamless transcription experience that is available to all of our Castos hosting customers.

All you need to do is head over to our Integrations section and subscribe to the Transcription feature. This is an account-wide setting that will apply to all of the podcasts that you host with Castos.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (7)

From that point forward all of your podcast episodes will be automatically transcribed for you and sent directly back to your Castos dashboard within that episode details area.

From there you can copy/paste the transcription into your website if you’d like, or export a PDF copy of the transcription to offer as a download for your listeners.

Transcribing previous podcast episodes

If you’ve already been publishing episodes with us at Castos for some time you can even go back and transcribe previous episodes.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (8)

In the Integrations -> Transcription area of your Castos dashboard you’ll see a list of all episodes that have already been transcribed, and those that have not. There you have the option to manually trigger a transcription job of those previous episodes.

Billing information

Castos’ automated transcription service is a pay-as-you-go feature which you’re free to subscribe to and/or cancel at any time. There is a $0.10/audio minute charge associated with the transcription, and this will be included in your monthly Castos hosting bill.

So, for instance, if you publish weekly episodes that are all 30 minutes long you would have 120 minutes of audio each month. The transcription bill for that would be 120 minutes x $0.10/minute for an additional $12 on top of your existing Castos bill.

Why (& How) Your Should Create A Podcast Transcript | Castos (2024)


Why do you need a podcast transcript? ›

The benefit of a podcast transcript is that it helps search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing to index your episode and make it quickly found online. Search engines do not index the information recorded within digital audio files, so generating a transcript makes your podcast searchable online.

How do you write a podcast transcript? ›

Writing your own podcast transcription is pretty straightforward: Just listen to your episode and write what you and your guests say. This method just costs your time. A 30-minute episode could take two to three hours to transcribe with pausing and rewinding.

Should podcasts be transcribed? ›

You're a podcaster. You do audio, not the written word. Right? While it may seem like you don't need to provide a transcript for your listeners (they are listening, after all), transcribing your podcast audio should actually be a crucial part of your marketing strategy.

What does a transcript look like for a podcast? ›

A podcast transcript references your podcast. It creates a word for word information on every word said on your podcast and also adds timestamps to let listeners know when it was mentioned. If you do not want to go through the trouble of transcribing your podcast show manual… this can be automated.

Why should you always transcribe? ›

It is always better to transcribe files on your own. It helps a researcher better code the data, find illustrative examples of code pieces and easily organize research efficiently and transparently.

Why would you want to transcribe? ›

A career in transcription might be enjoyable for you if you like typing and helping people. Being a transcriptionist can have several benefits, like setting your own hours, picking projects or industries that interest you, and learning skills that can help you in several fields.

How should transcripts be written? ›

Your transcript should include page numbers, a title, and the date. It's also a good idea to include an abbreviated version of the title and date in a header or footer on the page. You also need to identify the different voices on the recording. You can use the first letter of each person's name or a nickname.

How do you format a transcript of a recording? ›

Key Elements of Formatting a Transcript
  1. Font type and size. Select a proper font type and size if you're writing your transcript in MS Word. ...
  2. Paragraphs, headings, and page number. ...
  3. Speaker labels. ...
  4. Time stamps. ...
  5. Tagging inaudible speech and crosstalk. ...
  6. Language. ...
  7. Background sounds. ...
  8. Capitalization.
Jul 29, 2022

What is the advantage of transcription from record? ›

In all industries, transcribing meetings and speaker events gives employees scannable records without forcing someone to take notes. This can help with everything from project management to repurposing a transcript into marketing content. Research has proven that visual memory is vastly stronger than auditory memory.

Where do I put my podcast transcript? ›

The best way is directly in the page, right after your show notes, in plain text or HTML. If you provide transcripts, always say so in the intro of your podcast episode.

How much should I charge to transcribe a podcast? ›

Standard rates for professional transcriptionists (especially those professionals from North America) range from $1.5 to $3 per audio minute or $90 to $180 per audio hour. If your project has extra requirements, such as a quick turnaround time, you may be forced to pay more to have the job done.

What can you not say on a podcast? ›

DON'T: Tell Insider Jokes

Your podcast isn't the place for insider jokes. Listeners won't have a clue what you're talking about. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't be that interested. Keep in mind new listeners know very little about you or your show.

What should a transcript include? ›

It includes your enrollment history, grades that you got, credits earned and attempted and average of grade-point. The classes would be arranged in chronological format by the enrollment semester or the quarter. The grade-point average may be given individually for each quarter, but total cumulative average is given.

What should my transcript look like? ›

Your transcript should include the following information:

The name of your school. Your current GPA. All terms you attended school with the course names/codes and grades as well as total credits/hours earned. High school transcripts should also include your class rank.

What should an audio transcript look like? ›

Typically, a transcript of a verbatim conversation includes interjections or interruptions, repetitions and non-speech signals such as crying, laughing and sighing. It captures pauses, hesitations and mood and tone can be included too.

How do you transcribe successfully? ›

Guidelines for Transcriptions
  1. Transcripts should be at least 99% accurate.
  2. Grammar and punctuation are important for providing maximum clarity.
  3. Speaker identification helps users identify who is speaking.
  4. Essential to communicate non-speech sounds.
  5. Transcribe content as close to verbatim as possible.
Aug 21, 2018

What are the basic rules to apply while transcribing? ›

When transcribing verbatim work, include every utterance and sound exactly as you hear. Unless directed in the work's “Notes” section, all filler words should be included. Also, transcribe stutters as accurately as possible.

What are the three types of transcripts? ›

The types of transcription are mainly categorized into three types – verbatim, edited and intelligent transcription. All these transcriptions can be used for audio or video files only the process could be different, depending upon the requirements and resource availability.

What is an example of transcribe? ›

If you transcribe a speech or text, you write or type it out, for example, from notes or from a tape recording. She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of his father.

How do you transcribe like a pro? ›

How To Transcribe Interviews Like a Pro
  1. Exactly verbatim: Type exactly what is said, including every “um,” “uh,” and “hmmm.”
  2. Intelligent verbatim: Type exactly what is said, EXCEPT for filler words that do not change the meaning. ...
  3. Edited transcription: Skip irrelevant sentences that don't relate to the evaluation.
Jul 9, 2020

What is the best way to transcribe an audio recording? ›

Here are 5 of the best ways to transcribe audio files to text to help you out:
  1. Try AI-Powered Automated Transcription Software. Also Great. ...
  2. Use a Human Transcription Service. ...
  3. Try Microsoft Word's Transcription Feature. ...
  4. Manually Transcribe Your Audio Into Text. ...
  5. Check Out Google Keyboard.
Feb 28, 2023

What is a transcript and how do I write one? ›

A transcript is an exact written record of the spoken words. Although sometimes it is not possible to transcribe every single word, always try your best to deliver a high quality transcript. Using transcription software can make your work easier and more enjoyable.

How do I turn an audio recording into a transcript? ›

Record in Word
  1. Make sure you're signed into Microsoft 365, using the new Microsoft Edge or Chrome.
  2. Go to Home > Dictate > Transcribe.
  3. In the Transcribe pane, select Start recording.
  4. Wait for the pause icon to be outlined in blue and the timestamp to start incrementing to let you know that recording has begun.

What is most important for transcription? ›

The main enzyme involved in transcription is RNA polymerase, which uses a single-stranded DNA template to synthesize a complementary strand of RNA. Specifically, RNA polymerase builds an RNA strand in the 5' to 3' direction, adding each new nucleotide to the 3' end of the strand.

What is an important fact about transcription? ›

Fun Facts about Transcriptions and Typing

A person speaks 7 times faster than he writes. A professional transcriptionist can type between 80 to 100 words per minute. The most translated languages in transcriptions are English, French, German, Italian, and Russian.

Which is more important for transcription? ›

CAAT is a promoter sequence that lies between -70 and -80 base pairs and is essential for transcription initiation. The sequence is GGT/ACAATCT. The promoter is a DNA segment that serves to initiate transcription of a particular gene.

Is there an app that will transcribe a podcast? ›

Castle is a really straightforward podcast player. If you're already comfortable with searching for podcasts that you want to hear, and need transcripts to aid listening (rather than replace it), it does the job.

What app transcribes podcasts? ›

Descript is the only tool you need to write, record, transcribe, edit, collaborate, and share your videos and podcasts.

How much do beginner transcriptionists make? ›

Most transcriptionists can make between $15 and $25 an hour when they're just starting out and don't have a specialization or expertise. Some fields pay more for transcription services, like legal or medical companies.

How long does it take to transcribe 1 hour? ›

When it comes to individual transcribers, the average time to transcribe one hour of audio is approximately four hours. But, some transcribers quote four hours as the minimum since it can easily reach 10 hours. Transcription time by audio hour varies so much mostly because each audio file is different.

How much does 1 minute transcription cost? ›

“Transcription rates per minute” is a common rate structure. Expect to pay $1-3.5 per minute. However, just because minute rates are quoted, it doesn't mean an organization now needs to track its transcription service providers' work minutes.

What is the biggest mistake you see in podcast recordings? ›

One of the most common mistakes podcast creators make is recording without proper soundproofing. This can lead to a number of problems, including echo and background noise. Even if you have a great microphone, recording in an untreated room can make your audio sound poor.

Why do most podcasts fail? ›

Why Podcasts Fail: Lack of Consistency. Most podcasters quit after the first three episodes. Starting a podcast and not sticking to a schedule is how most podcasts fail. You probably expect to succeed after you have published your first few episodes.

Can I be sued for podcast? ›

If you make false or misleading statements about your podcast or a product you're promoting on your podcast, you could be sued for false advertising. For example, if you claim that your podcast is the number one podcast in the world when it's not, you could be sued.

What are 2 things you can find on your transcript? ›

They detail your academic history, including your grades, the courses you have completed, and whether or not you graduated. They may also list additional information, such as a history of academic probation, honor code violations, or awards for your school performance. Your transcripts can unlock academic doors.

What makes a transcript? ›

What is a Transcript? A transcript is proof of education. It has a detailed record of all the subjects you have studied with your scores in the form of marks or grades given by the institution of study.

What makes an official transcript? ›

Hard-copy transcripts and other academic records are considered "official" when they arrive in a sealed, stamped, official envelope with the seal and any other security feature intact.

What is a good transcript? ›

A great transcript is one that has great constructed sentences and statements that make full sense and also words that are error-free. The opposite of this is definitely a terrible transcript so be sure to note this. Details: Details are very important when creating transcripts.

What is an initial transcript? ›

Initial Transcripts are the first transcripts that are sent to colleges. Midyear Transcripts are transcripts that are sent after first semester 12th grade classes are posted. These are usually sent out in February. You must request a midyear transcript through the same process as an initial transcript request.

Is an F or W better on a transcript? ›

Pro: A “W” (Withdrawal) is Better Than Failing

Failing a class can negatively affect your academic record and future opportunities. In addition, when universities look at a “W” on a transcript, they are more lenient than if there is a series of “F” grades.

What are the four major skills needed for transcription? ›

In order to transcribe audio or a conversation accurately, you need these skills:
  • Active listening. Active listening is the ability to focus on a speaker and hear everything they say. ...
  • Typing skills. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Computer skills. ...
  • Research.
Mar 10, 2023

What are the two types of transcription? ›

There are two primary transcription types: Verbatim and non-verbatim transcription. Each of these types of transcription serves a unique purpose and suits a specific kind of project.

Why do you need a soundboard for a podcast? ›

A soundboard gives you the ability to 'live produce' your podcast. Just like a radio show or live broadcast, a soundboard enables you to include sound effects, music, and other media in your podcast as you record it.

Do podcast transcripts help with SEO? ›

Record with SEO in Mind

Plan your podcast episodes in order to optimize for relevant keywords. Then your podcast transcripts will automatically be optimized for SEO and improve the quality of content on your website.

Are you supposed to hear yourself when recording a podcast? ›

Hearing yourself while recording will allow you to make those tiny sound adjustments along the way that keep your sound quality high. After all, sound quality is one of the biggest keys to a successful podcast!

What is the best mixer for a podcast? ›

Top 10 Podcast Mixer to Record Your Show
  • The Xenyx 1204USB (Behringer) ...
  • The MG10XU (Yamaha) ...
  • The ProFX10v3 (Mackie) ...
  • ZEDi 10 (Allen & Heath) ...
  • ZEDi 8 (Allen & Heath) ...
  • ProFX6v3 (Mackie) ...
  • MG06XU (Yamaha) ...
  • The Xenyx 1202USB (Behringer)
Jan 30, 2023

What would be the best audio format for a podcast and why? ›

We recommend uploading 128 - 160kbps MP3 files. These typically have the right balance of good audio quality and small size, which your listeners will appreciate. Acast does not change the quality of the files you upload. If you have recorded in a different file format (like .

Does Spotify do podcast transcripts? ›

For original Spotify content, transcripts are included in the podcast file. This functions in much the same way as the platform's song lyrics feature. However, for third-party podcasts, the easiest way to open a transcript is to include a link in the show notes, so listeners can follow along using a web page.

How many podcasts have transcripts? ›

Because podcasts are audio-only by nature, it is not always possible for those who are D/deaf or hard of hearing to enjoy podcast content. As of March 2022, only 1% of today's podcasts offer transcripts. That means 99% of podcasts are exclusionary to the 11.5 million Americans who are D/deaf or hard of hearing.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.