Who's Been Assaulting People? - Persona 5 Wiki Guide - IGN (2024)

Who's Been Assaulting People? - Persona 5 Wiki Guide - IGN (2024)


How do you unlock who's been assaulting people? ›

The following is IGN's guide for the Request Who's Been Assaulting People? available in Mementos in Persona 5. For this request, you need to work in the flower shop in the underground mall at Shibuya, which means you'll need at least a rank 2 in Charm. Complete at least 2 shifts at the flower shop beforehand.

What is Shadow Naguri weak to? ›

They are weak to Bless. Next, move on to Area 5 of the Path of Kaitul, where you will encounter Shadow Naguri.

How do you beat Shadow Naguri? ›

Shadow Naguri Strategy

He is immune to instant death, burn, freeze, shock, fear, despair, and brainwash. Use physical attacks to chip away at Shadow Naruri's HP. Be ready to heal as the enemy will occasionally use Counter.

Can you get caught cheating in Persona 5? ›

If you are dating multiple girls, there will be a bonus scene on Feb. 15, where your ladies catch you cheating on them. They will beat the living daylights out of you, and Sojiro will give you a bonus chocolate to make you feel better. It is a funny scene but you will end up feeling like a jerk in real life.

Can you get fired in Persona 5? ›

Answer: No, you can't get fired in Persona 5. It doesn't matter if you have all four part-time jobs at the same time; your job is secure.

Is Mementos important in Persona 5 Royal? ›

While not a mandatory part of the story, taking on Mementos Requests is needed to complete most of Joker's Confidants. As the Phantom Thieves' reputation grows, so does Mementos. Players should make a habit of going into Mementos during one of Joker's off-days.

How many levels of Mementos are there? ›

Mementos is made up of eight different areas and each area opens up to you after you beat a Palace.

How long can you stay in Mementos? ›

Mementos Requests stay open for as long as you want. The one exception is reaching the end of the game, of course, but by then you'll have access to all of Mementos anyway. Basically: just don't worry about side quests expiring. They don't — or at least not for an incredibly long time!

How do you beat Shadow Asakura? ›

Shadow Asakura Strategy

Cast Decaja on Shadow Asakura whenever he uses Tarukaja as he will always try to set it up again on his next turn. This will prevent him from attacking, allowing for an easy victory against him.

What is Shadow Akechi weak to? ›

Akechi is resistant to Bless attacks, and is weak against Curse.

How do you wound shadow Nejima? ›

Talk to Shinya Oda again to acquire the Down Shot ability. Return to the mementos and battle Shadow Nejima again. Use Down Shot and execute an All-Out Attack to defeat him.

How do you beat Shadow Akechi? ›

Akechi will erect walls that block either physical or magic damage for three turns. Do not use the type of damage that he is blocking against or he will reflect it back at you. Use the other damage type and wait out the wall. Stay healthy and slowly whittle down his health bar.

What is Shadow Niijima weak to Persona 5 Royal? ›

The Shadow will be a Ganesha, so it's weak to Psychic attacks. Defeating it will give you a Member's Card. You can now go up the elevator Sae went up.

How do you fight the Reaper in Persona 5? ›

Make Makoto use a nuke skill again. The Reaper is still annoyed from the Makarakarn, so he'll continue spamming Megidolaon and Concentrate. So on your third turn, heal, attack with a Gun type move with Haru, Charge/Concentrate with Joker, and nuke skill with Makoto. You repeat this until the Reaper is defeated.

Does Persona 5 have NSFW content? ›

Persona 5 does the opposite: there's no graphic sex or nudity, but each relationship objectifies the other character.

Should I finish palaces early? ›

For all but one Palace in the game, complete your Palaces as soon as possible. The only one you shouldn't do this on is the only one you can't do this on. Due to spoilers, we won't go into that here. Not completing a Palace means the owner of it is still up and doing evil things.

Is it bad to have multiple girlfriends in Persona 5 Royal? ›

Yes, you can have more than one girlfriend in Persona 5 Royal. In fact, you can date every single romance option if you want — but it's not necessarily recommended. Romancing multiple girls will eventually come back to bite you much later in the story, so think carefully before committing to a relationship.

Who is the most broken Persona 5? ›

Of course this team would have Yosh*tsune, arguably the most broken Persona in the game. Hassou Tobi (8 times light Physical damage to all foes) is the highest damage dealing skill in the game on average, and it doesn't even require any boosts/amps, allowing for more skill slots to use however you choose.

Is it ok to get rid of Arsene Persona 5? ›

Answer: I will be honest, it's not worth keeping Arsene in Persona 5. It unlocks all of its skills at level seven, which is typically before even the first major boss. I think that you can keep Arsene around for the first two Palaces but, after that, you should get rid of it.

Can you kiss in Persona 5? ›

But in Persona 5, it is straight up. You can date older women, kiss them, and even (in the game's own sweet little off-camera way) sleep with them.

Should I refuse Igor Persona 5? ›

Answering with "I refuse" will get you the true ending. That is all you have to do to guarantee that you get the true ending. The final boss fight is not for the faint of heart, a true trickster can take it down.

What happens if you stay too long in Mementos? ›

The Reaper is a shadow that appears if you linger for too long in Mementos. It will always appear if you stay for five minutes on the same floor in Mementos. You will then have to hunt it down for a boss fight, locating it on the map with .

What's at the bottom of Mementos? ›

Next. The Depths of Mementos, also known as the Prison of Sloth, Prison of Regression, Prison of Acedia, or the Qliphoth World, is a location in Persona 5. It is the bottommost area of Mementos.

Is Morgana human Persona 5? ›

Beyond that, Morgana does end up regaining his memories, and despite what may have been hinted at in the story, he's not a human at all, and never was one before. He was in fact created by the Velvet Room's Igor to assist the protagonist.

Should I get all the stamps in Mementos? ›

To max out every Mementos change, you'll need to find all 165 stamps. The upgrades purchased with stamps apply even to insta-kills performed after getting the Chariot Confidant to Rank 7 and earning the ability to insta-kill enemies.

Can you get the Reaper as a Persona? ›

The Reaper works the same way as the original Persona 4, except that it can be encountered on the first playthrough of the game. In order to make it spawn, the protagonist has to open a total of twenty-one chests.

How many endings does Persona 5 have? ›

In total, there are five possible endings you can achieve in Persona 5. Of the five, three of them are considered "bad," one is considered "good," and then there's the true canonical ending.

Who should I max first in Persona 5 Royal? ›

On a first run, especially if players are trying to get Persona 5 Royal's True Ending, it's recommended to max out all the Phantom Thieves' Confidants, including Goro Akechi and Kasumi Yoshizawa.

Who is the God of control in persona? ›

Yaldabaoth, also known as the God of Control, Holy Grail, Malevolent God, Prison Master, and Warden, is the overarching antagonist of Persona 5. He is the manifestation of humanity's wish for order and control, considers himself to be a god, and represents all of the deadly sins.

What is Shido's weakness in Persona 5? ›

The Former Noble in his Shadow form is weak to Electric skills, so be sure to bring Ryuji to take him down quickly.

Is shido the final boss? ›

Shido, unsurprisingly, was the final boss of the original game and therefore is extremely difficult to take on. Without equipping a Persona that at the very least resists physical damage (if it doesn't repel or drain it) for Joker, you're probably going to have a very bad time with this fight.

Is Akechi the traitor? ›

Akechi is later revealed to be the traitor and working for Masayoshi Shido, a powerful political figure. Similarly, Akechi's true persona, Loki, is near-universally portrayed as an amoral villain in mythological lore and media depictions; the Phantom Thieves' Personas are portrayed as anti-heroes, at worst.

Why does Akechi hate Joker? ›

As someone who grew up in extremely unjust circ*mstances, with no real source of love from anyone, he doesn't know what it feels like to care about someone or have someone care about him. The reason Akechi "hates" Joker is because he doesn't know how to react to these new and unfamiliar feelings of love.

Is Akechi the black mask? ›

However, when he's the Black Mask, Akechi will always use "ore" to refer to himself (which is also used by Ryuji) and refer to others as "kisama" or "omae" (the latter of which is used by both Ryuji and Morgana.)

Where is futaba? ›

Futaba can be found during the day just outside of Cafe Leblanc and is often available, but she is unavailable during rainy days.

How do I talk to futaba about gamer King? ›

Head to the game center in Akihabara and a scene will trigger. After, talk to Futaba when she's in front of LeBlanc. Pick any decision and then when you talk to the Game King at the game center you can start the first rank. The first rank's coop ability will allow you to finish the mission when you go back to Mementos.

Who killed Akechi Persona 5? ›

Akechi later sacrifices himself to save the Phantom Thieves when he learns that Shido had planned on having him killed after the election.

Is Goro Akechi a killer? ›

Using his Persona, Loki, to take down important people connected to Shido by forcing them into psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns. Using this, he killed at least one or two of the parents of the Phantom Thieves' parents, being Kunikazu Okumura (Haru's father) and Wakaba Isshiki (Futaba's mother).

What happens if you lose to Akechi? ›

If you lose, you must rechallenge Akechi until you win, as he won't rank up until you beat him. "You can't simply strike the ball you're aiming for.

What is Joker's strongest Persona? ›

His ultimate persona is Satanael, the Gnostic equivalent of the devil and a deity who can harness the power of the seven deadly sins. Joker's initial Persona was originally the German demon Mephistopheles, but it was changed to Arsène as the latter character better fit the game's themes.

What is the strongest spell in Persona 5 Royal? ›

1 Myriad Truths

It is the strongest magical attack in the game, with a damage output of 200 per strike for a total of 600 per use. That's without the use of any damage modifiers. Myriad Truths is an exclusive skill that can only be used by Izanagi-no-Okami and Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro of the World Arcana.

Can the Reaper spawn twice? ›

The reaper is unique, will only spawn 1 at a time.

Does Instakill work on Reaper? ›

One of the things that makes this fight so challenging is that The Reaper can and regularly will use insta-kill attacks.

How do I get Satanael p5? ›

Satan Saves Christmas

To achieve the original true ending, players need only refuse the God of Control's offer to "Return the World to the way it was" and defeat them on Christmas Eve. This is sufficient to complete the original true ending and thus unlock Satanael for new game plus.

How to do 999 damage in Persona 5? ›

In order to deal 999 damage in a single attack, you will need to have a high-level Persona in your possession, meaning you won't be able to do this until much later in the game. This Persona will need to have access to Colossal/Severe level attacks and also have a high Strength or Magic stat.

Should I turn myself into the police Persona 5? ›

Sae will ask you the hardest thing you will have to do in this game: turn yourself in. It's the only way to ensure that Shido pays for his crimes. If you don't turn yourself in, your friends will most likely get caught in the crossfire with you. Because of that, you have no other choice.

What do you say in interrogation Persona 5? ›

When Sae asks you whether or not your friends were involved with the Phantom Thieves, sell them out right away ("That's right.") or upon her pressing further after you deny ("I'll tell you everything."). The interrogation will end there and you will submit to ruin.

How do you work at the convenience store in Persona 5? ›

The only requirement for working at the convenience store is getting through the first few weeks (further than April 20) in the game. Other than that, the convenience store job is always open to you. The pay is on the lower end of ¥2,800 — don't get too excited, that's about $25.

Where is 777 in Persona? ›

The Triple Seven store is located in Shibuya Central Street down toward the movie theater, which informs how busy this part-time job can get - with Shibuya being a central district in Tokyo, you can bet on Joker staying busy.

Can you beat the Reaper Persona? ›

The Reaper is level 85, though a level 60 party is sufficient for fighting it as long as players are well-prepared and adequately equipped. The Reaper has no weaknesses and no resistances or immunities.

Should you lie to sae niijima? ›

To get the best ending, it's imperative that you never cooperate with Sae Niijima while she interrogates you. Ratting out your fellow Phantom Thieves will put you on the path to the bad ending, where you get iced by a Mysterious Man in the interrogation room.

Does romancing do anything in Persona 5? ›

Persona 5 Royal and Persona 5 probably have the most in-depth romance system that the series has seen. If you enter a relationship with someone, you'll be able to take them on dates and you'll unlock multiple special scenes that play out at set points during the story.

Should I accept Igor's deal? ›

Here, you are given a choice by Igor. If you agree to the offer, then you'll get the Good Ending. If you decline, then you'll then continue playing and ultimately make your way to the True Ending, which is of course the one that everyone wants.

Who is the traitor in Persona 5? ›

Akechi is later revealed to be the traitor and working for Masayoshi Shido, a powerful political figure.

Who to fuse Arsene with? ›

Fusing Inugami with Arsene to make the level 32 Jatayu is a great early game option. At the same time, Forneus is one of the highest-level options. However, the best option is Satanael, which is arguably the best Persona in the game.

What does my country right or wrong mean? ›

Usage notes. Frequently used either as an expression of jingoism (extreme patriotism), in the sense “I will stand by my country whether it be right or wrong”, or to attack such patriotism as unthinking: "...that patriotism which shouts 'our Country right or wrong,' regardless alike of God and his eternal laws..."

Can you negotiate in Persona 5? ›

Highlight the shadow you wish to negotiate with and press X to start a negotiation. You're then given three options: "lend me your power," "give me some money," and "I want an item." Ask it to offer you its power. Be mindful that you cannot convince a shadow that is higher in level than you to join your team.

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