What You Need to Know – Maxxia (2024)

  • What You Need to Know – Maxxia (1)

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IFRS 16 is a new International Financial Reporting Standard for lease accounting which came into force on 1 January 2019. It replaced the existing IAS 17 accounting standard and was introduced by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

At first glance, it’s a complicated piece of accounting legislation which could potentially be difficult to navigate. On closer examination, however, it’s fairly straightforward to understand, but could be less so to implement.

Here we try to make it easier for you to understand the pros, cons, and implications of IFRS 16 for your business accounting and even come up with a suggestion or two to make it simpler still.

What is IFRS 16?

IFRS 16 is the most significant change to lease accounting in over 30 years. Since its introduction on 1 January 2019, this new standard will affect most companies reporting under IFRS and will have a major impact on the financial statements of lessees of property and high-value equipment.

IFRS 16 takes a totally new approach to accounting for leases, called the ‘right-of-use’ model. This means that if a company has control over, or right to use, an asset they are renting, it is classified as a lease for accounting purposes and, under the new rules, must be recognised on the company’s balance sheet.

This no longer allows for significant financial liabilities to be held off-balance sheet, as permitted for certain types of leases (operating leases) under the previous rules. The objective is to ensure that companies report information for all of their leased assets in a standardised way and bring transparency on companies’ leaseassets and liabilities.

As with other changes to accounting standards, companies will also need to produce a set of comparative accounts for the prior year.

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What’s changed under IFRS 16?

Basically, the changes apply to the accounting treatment for lease agreements. Previously, these were split intofinance leasesandoperating leases.Generally, operating leases were not included on balance sheets but were simply accounted for via profit and loss accounts.

The biggest IFRS 16 change is that now most leased items have to be included as an asset in the company books, following the new ‘right-of-use’ model which says:

‘A contract is, or contains, a lease if it conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration’ (IFRS 16, par.9)’

In addition, the lease payments you make on the agreement have to be reported as a lease liability on your balance sheet.

Accounting can be further complicated by the new standard as costs for maintenance, cleaning, etc have to be separated from the main lease payments, if they’re included in them, and reported separately.

Added to these, the depreciation of the asset and interest on the lease liability have to be shown on your profit and loss accounts.

One ‘pro’ for IFRS 16 is that, if your company carries a number of lease agreements, it can be possible to combine them into a portfolio, instead of having to individually report them. This can only be done if you can show that there is no financial advantage for you in doing this.

It’s worth noting that lessor accounting is basically unaffected by the introduction of IFRS 16.

Exceptions to the rule

There are two specific types of lease which don’t come under IFRS 16 leases and which don’t have to be recorded as an asset:

  1. A lease where the value of the item when new islow value, currently indicated as less than US$5000.
  2. A lease with a shorter than 12-month term and which does not have an option to buy the leased item at the end of the lease.

So for example, if you were to use a scheme where the lease period on a vehicle is less than 12 months and you don’t have the option to buy the cars at the end of the contract, then these would not be included under IFRS 16.

That’s a definite advantage when you consider that any maintenance, breakdown cover or anything else which is included as part of the car leasing agreement won’t need to be calculated and reported separately, as has to be done with a long-term lease agreement.

If that sounds like a good option for your business, find out howCLM’s Mini-leasecan give you a cost-effective way to both lease your fleet and save yourself some accounting headaches.

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What is IFRS 16 replacing?

IFRS 16 replaces IAS 17 accounting standard.

Why the change?

The objective of the change is to make sure that companies all return information for leased items in the same way, making their existence more transparent financially. Previously, businesses could hold large financial liabilities on their operating leases but keep them off the balance sheets, giving a skewed view of their overall financial status.

The IASB Chairman Hans Hoogervorst says of the new requirements:

(They) bring lease accounting into the 21st century, ending the guesswork involved when calculating a company’s often-substantial lease obligation. The new standard will provide much-needed transparency on companies’ lease assets and liabilities, meaning that off balance sheet lease financing is no longer lurking in the shadows. It will also improve comparability between companies that lease and those that borrow to buy.

Who does IFRS 16 apply to?

Initially, at least, these changes will only apply to organisations that already report using IFRS, typically international companies or PLCs. The majority of SMEs report to the UK’sgenerally accepted accounting principles(UK GAAP) and this is unlikely to change until around 2022/23.

If IFRS 16 does apply to your organisation then you need to first determine whether your rental contractsareactually considered to be IFRS 16 leases under the new standard, or are some other kind of contractual or service agreement.

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A simple example would be renting long-term storage space.

If you rent a specific unit – a self-contained building or storage container or similar – where you have sole access, you have the keys and you have exclusive use of the space during the life of the contract, then you have theright to use.This would need to appear on your balance sheet as an asset and any included maintenance costs etc would have to be pulled out and separately reported in your accounts.

Alternatively, imagine you rent some space in a large warehouse where you don’t have sole use of the facility and the landlord simply rents you some square meterage. If the area you occupy is chosen by him and can be changed by him down the line depending on the space available, then that’s not considered to be a right-of-use asset and isn’t technically a lease under IFRS 16. The payments would just be included in your profit and loss statement and you would not account in your financial statements under IFRS 16.

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What does this mean for financial reporting?

For companies affected by the changes, this will work in a similar way to the reporting of other non-financial assets (such as property, plant and equipment) and financial liabilities:

  • Balance sheets– lessees will need to show their right-of-use asset as an asset and their obligation to make lease payments as a liability.
  • P&L accounts– lessees will show depreciation of the asset as well as interest on the lease liability. The depreciation would usually be on a straight-line basis.

As interest charges are higher in the early years of the lease, the total impact on the P&L account is front-loaded even though rentals remain constant throughout the term of the lease.

Rather than having to account for all asset leases individually, there is scope to combine these into a portfolio. This can only be applied if the company can demonstrate that there would be no financial advantage to them taking this approach.

Affected companies will broadly have to go through three stages to be able to complete their IFRS 16 financial reporting:

  1. Identification of all their assets which will be defined as leases under the new regulations (property, equipment, vehicles, etc).
  2. Collecting all the information on these leases – term, options at end of lease, rentals payable, interest rate of the lease (if available; for operating leases this will not usually be available) so the lessee will need to think about their incremental borrowing cost (this could be the rate they internally borrow at).
  3. The accounting for their leases to recognise assets and liabilities – once all the information is assembled the calculation is actually relatively easy – it’s just finding the inputs that could be challenging.

It is expected that step 2 will be the most difficult, and potentially time-consuming, for organisations with a large number of assets.

Efficient lessors should be able to assist companies with this stage by anticipating needs and communicating proactively.

Downsides of IFRS 16

The new rules could have some significant and possibly detrimental effects on the way the company finances appear on its balance sheet.

Businesses leasing equipment will appear from their balance sheets to be more asset-rich, but they will also appear to carry a bigger debt burden. The larger your company’s number of lease agreements, the bigger the impact on its balance sheet.

  • If your company has a large lease portfolio, you’ll find that the changes will affect your key accounting and financial ratios. This may decrease the firm’s potential attractiveness to investors and its ability to raise finance.
  • You may also have problems if you already have banking covenants in place which stipulate, for example, that a specific level of profitability must be maintained for existing bank agreements to continue. You’d be wise to check with your bank to make sure the new rules won’t affect your funding.

What is included and excluded under the IFRS 16 definition of a lease?

Many leasing contracts contain elements other than the actual rental of the underlying asset (e.g. services such as maintenance). Under IFRS 16 these don’t constitute part of the lease and will need to be split out as a separate charge by the supplier.

For example, a company leases a building and rental payments include fees for maintenance, cleaning or other ancillary services. These should be separated, as only the lease of the asset itself needs to be reported on the balance sheet.

Where a supplier has the right to substitute an asset being used by the customer for an alternative asset, and they have an opportunity to gain a financial benefit from doing this, the contract is not regarded as a lease and does not need to be reported.

Payments regarded as ‘contingent to the use’ of the supplied asset (such as charges for wear and tear during the term of the lease) do not need to be included in financial reporting.

If a company has a formal option within its contract to extend the term of the lease and it takes this option, then it will need to calculate the value of the use of the asset and include this within its reporting. However, informal extensions of leases, for example where a new asset is on order, do not need to be reported.

IFRS16 also has two specific exemptions where leases do not need to be reported on balance sheets:

  • Leases with a term of 12 months or less with no purchase option (such as a carMini-lease)
  • Leases where the asset has a low value when new (indicative definition of low value is < US$5000).

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Vehicle leasing specifics

The general rules and exemptions described above have some specific implications for vehicle leasing:

  • IFRS 16 effectively removes the distinction between Operational Leasing (of which contract hire is the most common type) and Finance Leasing. The ‘lease’ element of both forms of finance will now appear on-balance sheet.
  • Charges for ancillary vehicle services, such as maintenance, accident management, breakdown cover, etc. will need to be broken out of the overall lease payments for reporting purposes.
  • As with all assets, providing the contract is for less than 12 months, short andmedium-term hire vehiclesdo not need to be reported as assets.
  • Informal vehicle extensions at the end of their initial contract do not need to be reported.
  • While no specific guidance has been given on items related to the usage of the vehicle (such as excess mileage or damage charges), costs that are regarded as ‘contingent payments’ based on the use of the asset do not need to be reported.
  • Where a supplier has the right to substitute a vehicle for another during the term of the contract, this is not regarded as a lease and does not need to be reported. In practical terms, this could look like pooling of cars that multiple companies can access.
  • The ability to combine assets at a portfolio level provides fleet operators with the opportunity to simplify their financial reporting.

What are the impacts of IFRS 16 leases?

While the IFRS reporting changes do fundamentally change the treatment of assets acquired through operational leasing, companies are likely to want to continue to lease assets as the majority of the benefits remain:

  • Spreading a fixed cost over the lease term of the right-of-use asset rather than outlaying capital upfront.
  • Providing 50% VAT recovery on the financing of certain assets (e.g. company cars).
  • Offering protection against fluctuations in residual values and providing the opportunity to outsource operations and services

To summarise

A very quick summary of the major changes to your financial reporting needed to comply with IFRS 16 from 1 January 2019:

  • You’ll need to identify and show on your balance sheet your right to use an item as an asset and your obligation to make payments for it as a liability.
  • You’ll need to collate all the information on the leases – term, lease payments, end-of-term options, etc. and then extract and show separately any part of the payments which are not applicable to IFRS 16.

You might also find this video, from IFRSbox, useful. It covers an overview of IFRS 16 and the accounting treatment.

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If you need more help with any aspect of IFRS 16, contact an accountant who should be able to assist with the technicalities or advice in specific circ*mstances.

Maxxia is one of the UK’s fastest-growing asset finance companies, providing a comprehensive range ofleasing and asset finance services.

Important: The Maxxia Group of companies does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.


Catherine Dawson2021-01-21T18:10:32+00:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: Accounting, Asset Finance, Contract hire, Vehicle Finance|

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    Kamagra Gold 50 begins its action by allowing the PDE-5 hormones to stop being secreted. It is a drug where taking a single tablet allows vasodilation of the arteries of the penis. Kamagra 50 is due to these actions of the PDE-5 hormones that the secretion and presence of cGMP will begin to increase. And the cGMP enzyme is what allows nitric oxide to live. It is due to the presence of nitric oxide that the dilation effects will kick in by presenting more blood flow to the penile tissues.

  21. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (28)

    Vilitra 40July 20, 2023 at 9:35 am

    Vilitra 40 mg is the main component used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men. The drug is like type 5 inhibitors. It is one of the generic drugs that stimulate blood flow to the penis during sexual intercourse. The drug Vilitra 20 has so much power that it can erect your penis for 5 long hours. The medicine cures the problem of male impotence, nowadays most of the people suffer from this serious problem. The pill increases people’s energy so they can satisfy each other. In the list of dysfunction problems, Vilitra drug is one of the best.

  22. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (29)

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    Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common problems in men. Vidalista 10 Men may not be able to get or keep an erection long enough to have sex at any age. There are two types of erection problems. The first is that some men have the ability to achieve an erection but are unable to maintain or Vidalista 5mg achieve an adequate erection long enough during sexual intercourse. This condition is also known as partial erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, many men do not have an erection at all. The causes of the health problem are multiple. Smoking and lack of sleep are two common causes of erectile dysfunction.

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  35. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (42)

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  36. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (43)

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  39. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (46)

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    One component present in this drug that cures all s*xual problems is called Tadalafil. Doctors also prescribe this component to prevent harmful diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The main function of Vidalista 40 is to work by expanding the flexible muscle of the bladder and prostate. Thus, men can engage in safe s*x after taking this medicine, but it should be remembered that Vidalista is ineffective in s*xually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, HIV and gonorrhea. To treat erectile dysfunction (ED), Vidalista is the best option for people. It is a highly effective drug with few side effects which is why its market is growing day by day.

  40. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (47)

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    Cenforce 200mg is a high potency dose that should be swallowed whole with a glass of water. The patient must avoid serious, defy or chew the dose. Cenforce 200 dosage must be taken exactly as prescribed by your doctor. 45 minutes to 1 hour before the confidential s*xual interaction, the patient can take Sildenafil 200mg. However, for the drug to work, the tolerant must be s*xually animated. PDE-5 blockers, such as Cenforce 200 Sildenafil citrate, are used to treat erectile dysfunction. It inhibits the function of PDE-5 enzymes, preventing cGMP breakdown. Physical stimulation causes the release of NO (nitric oxide), which aids in the creation of cGMP.

  41. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (48)

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    Vilitra 40mg is the main component, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction problems in men. The drug is like type 5 inhibitors. This is one of the generic drugs that increase blood flow to the p*nis during s*xual intercourse. Vilitra 40 medicine has so much power that it can erect your p*nis for 5 long hours. The drug cures the problem of male impotence, today most of the people are suffering from this serious problem. The pill boosts people’s energy so they can satisfy each other. In the list of dysfunction problems, Vilitra medicine is one of the best. The drug also cures evacuation. But you have to get doctor’s permission before consuming the pill.

  42. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (49)

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    Take as directed: Swallow the capsule whole with a full glass of water. Do not crush or chew it.
    Timing matters: Take Doxycycline with food or milk to reduce the risk of stomach upset.
    Stick to the schedule: Follow the prescribed dosage and complete the full course, even if symptoms improve.
    Avoid interactions: Do not take Doxycycline with antacids, iron supplements, or dairy products, as they can reduce its effectiveness.

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    Timing matters: Take Doxycycline with food or milk to reduce the risk of stomach upset.
    Stick to the schedule: Follow the prescribed dosage and complete the full course, even if symptoms improve.
    Avoid interactions: Do not take Doxycycline with antacids, iron supplements, or dairy products, as they can reduce its effectiveness.

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  51. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (58)

    vidalista 40mgJune 26, 2023 at 7:59 am

    In the 21st century, the problem of impotence is known as ED. Vidalista 40 tablets have been used for its treatment. No increase in sleepiness is observed after taking this medicine. And common side effects like dizziness are seen. So do not do heavy work after taking this medicine.

  52. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (59)

    FabianaJune 24, 2023 at 2:35 pm

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  53. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (60)

    martinJune 16, 2023 at 2:59 pm

    Cenforce 100mg tablet can be a substance used to feast male feebleness of guys. It works by supporting the surge of circulatory system towards the penile piece of the framework. This helps guys in accomplishing and holding an erection. It’s one among a sort of medications named phosphodiesterase structure 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.

  54. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (61)

    josephJune 15, 2023 at 11:22 am

    Viagra 100mg is a commonly prescribed medication for erectile dysfunction. It contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate, which helps relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing for increased blood flow and improved erections. The recommended dosage is 100mg, typically taken about an hour before sexual activity. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper usage and potential side effects.

  55. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (62)

    josephJune 15, 2023 at 11:20 am

    Viagra 100mg is a commonly prescribed medication for erectile dysfunction. It contains the active ingredient sildenafil citrate, which helps relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing for increased blood flow and improved erections. The recommended dosage is 100mg, typically taken about an hour before sexual activity. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper usage and potential side effects.

  56. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (63)

    johny78June 15, 2023 at 11:18 am

    Cenforce D is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejacul*tion. It combines two active ingredients, sildenafil and dapoxetine, to enhance sexual performance. While it is available for purchase online, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before using it to ensure proper dosage and minimize potential risks.https://sildenafiledcitrate.com/product/cenforce-d-for-sale/

  57. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (64)

    johny78June 15, 2023 at 11:17 am

    Cenforce D is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejacul*tion. It combines two active ingredients, sildenafil and dapoxetine, to enhance sexual performance. While it is available for purchase online, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before using it to ensure proper dosage and minimize potential risks.https://sildenafiledcitrate.com/product/cenforce-d-for-sale/

  58. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (65)

    jolly89June 15, 2023 at 11:10 am

    Cenforce D 160 is a medication commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejacul*tion. It contains 160mg of Sildenafil Citrate and 60mg of Dapoxetine, which work together to enhance sexual performance. Cenforce D 160 should be taken as directed by a healthcare professional and may have potential side effects.


  59. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (66)

    johny89June 15, 2023 at 11:09 am

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    is a medication commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejacul*tion. It contains 160mg of Sildenafil Citrate and 60mg of Dapoxetine, which work together to enhance sexual performance. Cenforce D 160 should be taken as directed by a healthcare professional and may have potential side effects.

  60. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (67)

    johny89June 15, 2023 at 11:07 am

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  61. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (68)

    johny89June 15, 2023 at 11:06 am

    Cenforce D 160 is a medication commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejacul*tion. It contains 160mg of Sildenafil Citrate and 60mg of Dapoxetine, which work together to enhance sexual performance. Cenforce D 160 should be taken as directed by a healthcare professional and may have potential side effects.


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    Buy Fildena 100 mgJune 8, 2023 at 10:16 am

    Fildena 100mg is a medication that you can use for penile hardness.

    The beneficial aspect of the pills will be felt by someone suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. ED is a disorder that does not allow your penis to become hard naturally with stimulation.

  66. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (73)

    joniscosttaleJune 7, 2023 at 9:02 am

    Tadaflo 10 Mg is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It contains the active ingredient Tadalafil, which helps increase blood flow to the penis, allowing for a firmer and longer-lasting erection during sexual activity. Tadaflo 10 Mg has a lower dose of Tadalafil compared to some other ED medications, and may be prescribed for patients who require a lower dose or who experience side effects with higher doses of Tadalafil.


  67. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (74)

    stephenbarkinJune 7, 2023 at 6:16 am

    Fildena Chewable 100 mg is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient, which is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor. Sildenafil helps increase blood flow to the penis, allowing men to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual stimulation. The chewable form of Fildena offers a convenient alternative to traditional tablets or pills. It is designed to be chewed and dissolved in the mouth before swallowing, making it easier to take for those who have difficulty swallowing tablets.

  68. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (75)

    josephnewbrownJune 7, 2023 at 6:15 am

    Malegra 200 mg is a medication that contains the active ingredient Sildenafil citrate, which is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Sildenafil citrate is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, similar to Tadalafil. Malegra 200 mg is a higher-dosage variant of the medication, indicating a stronger concentration of Sildenafil citrate compared to lower-dosage options like Malegra 50 mg or Malegra 100 mg. The increased dosage may provide potential benefits for individuals who require a higher strength of medication to achieve the desired results.


  69. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (76)

    cliffordfosterrJune 7, 2023 at 6:04 am

    Fildena 50 mg is a popular medication used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of Fildena 50 mg, including its composition, mechanism of action, dosage guidelines, potential side effects, and precautions. By understanding how Fildena 50 mg works, you can make informed decisions about its usage and explore its potential benefits in improving your sexual health.

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    fildenaMay 12, 2023 at 7:32 am

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  90. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (97)

    crish ryanMay 12, 2023 at 7:29 am

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  91. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (98)

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  93. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (100)

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    The utilization of a Vidalista 40 is becoming more common, and more men are realizing the importance of obtaining and deciphering results. Despite the fact that erectile dysfunction is primarily an emotional issue, the ED test can help you pinpoint the source of the problem. erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors, Vidalista 60 including clinical issues such as thyroid dysfunction, misery, and hormonal imbalances.
    The main cause of erectile dysfunction varies, but the primary cause is a failure of the vascular framework in the Cenforce 200 to relax. If the check is only in one place, careful circumvention of the penile conduits would be ideal. Nonetheless, the wipe-like vascular plexus contains the majority of the erectile dysfunction pathology, making the technique nearly impossible to achieve For Medsvilla.

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    A lot of respectable retailers sell Cenforce 200. In order to obtain your medication on schedule, you must purchase it from a trusted provider. You will also receive a 12% discount and the guarantee that the goods you purchase are authentic. The pharmacy must have a legal license to sell Cenforce 200.
    Vidalista 40Pill is an orally taken medicine that helps men recover normal erection performance. It merely takes a few minutes to start working and offers men with firm erectile for four to five hours. Overall, it improves the sex activities of couples. All that is necessary for this impotence therapy is a doctor’s prescription.
    Vidalista 60 is a very efficient prescription medication used to boost male libido. Impotent males are commonly treated by taking medicine orally to restore normal erection function. In addition to treating erectile dysfunction, this medicine may be used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (ED).must visitMedsvilla.

  96. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (103)

    medyshine1April 22, 2023 at 3:30 am

    Malegra 200 is a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction and prevent pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It is made up of two different medications: fluoxetine and Sildenafil.

    The medication is a class PDE5 inhibitor that helps to increase blood flow to the penis and relaxes muscles and blood vessels. This enables blood to flow more easily into the genital area and increases oxygen in the blood.

    This medication will work best if taken before sexual intercourse. It is not recommended for other drugs, including nitrates (used to treat chest pain).

    It would help if you also avoid alcohol while taking this medication, as it can make the pills less effective and cause side effects. Taking this medicine at fixed times rather than taking it more frequently is also best.

  97. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (104)

    medyshine1April 21, 2023 at 7:00 am

    Cenforce 150mg pills are a common treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED). They are also known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors, and they work by increasing blood flow to the penis. This helps men to achieve and maintain an erection for sexual intercourse.

    These drugs are available in different strengths, and you should take them as prescribed by your doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dose, which can lead to side effects.

    Patients with serious heart problems or liver conditions should not take this medicine. It can also increase the risk of hypotension (low blood pressure). This medication should be taken cautiously if you take nitrate-based drugs or have recently had a stroke or heart attack.

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    Tadarise 40 mg is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It contains tadalafil, which is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5)inhibitor that works by increasing blood flow to the genital organ of the male, helping men to achieve and maintain an erection during sensual activity. You can buy tadarise 40 mg online. One of the advantages of Tadarise 40 mg is its long-lasting effect, which can last up to 36 hours. This means that men can enjoy spontaneous sensual activity without having to worry about taking the medication shortly before intercourse. It also allows for a more natural sensual experience and can help reduce performance anxiety. Tadarise 40 mg is also known for its fast onset of action, with many men experiencing the effects within 30 minutes of taking the medication. This quick response time allows men to be more spontaneous in their sensual activities and can increase overall satisfaction. Furthermore, Tadarise 40 mg is generally well-tolerated and has a low risk of side effects. The most common side effects include headache, nausea, and flushing, but these are usually mild and go away on their own. In conclusion, Tadarise 40 mg is an effective and convenient medication for treating erectile dysfunction. Its long-lasting and fast-acting effects, along with its low risk of side effects, make it a popular choice among men who want to improve their sensual performance and enjoy a more fulfilling sensual life.

  112. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (119)

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    Sildenafil Citrate, also known as Viagra is the trade name of the active ingredient in Cenforce 100mg. Viagra is recommended for use in men who experience any decrease in sexual performance. It helps in the treatment of male impotence and erectile dysfunction by enhancing the normal flow of blood into the penis. It has an active amount of sildenafil citrate in it.

  113. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (120)

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    Taking Cenforce 150 (Sildenafil and Dapoxetine tablets) treats erectile dysfunction and prevents premature ejacul*tion in males from 18 to 65 years old. It also provides a remedy for pulmonary arterial hypertension, which increases the capacity to exercise.

  114. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (121)

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    Cenforce D (Sildenafil and Dapoxetine tablets)The other drug that Cenforce D (Sildenafil and Dapoxetine) contains, Dapoxetine, is an antidepressant. What it does is that it increases the level of chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine in the body. Chemicals like serotonin send messages to the nerves, and this is what results in actions like ejacul*tion.

  115. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (122)

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    Cenforce 200Mg is a drug that is normally found in your daily routine to enable harder erections. If you are already a Cenforce 200 user, it is because you have ED or impotence problem. Falling into the category of a male erectile disorder will hamper a man’s ability to allow for a hard erection. Cenforce 200 mg is a generic brand of the ingredient Sildenafil and it will help you to overcome your erection disability. When the drug is in effect, men can easily achieve hard erection. Sildenafil is the most common generic ingredient with a very popular FDA approved brand Viagra in the US, while there are many generic brand names such as Cenforce and Fildena.

  116. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (123)

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  117. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (124)

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    Do you also want to have long erections with your partner but due to impotence problem you are not able to please your partner? So men should use Vilitra 40 pill. Vilitra 40 tablets increases blood flow in the range. This medicine helps men to get long lasting erections and enhance their sex life. Vilitra 40 makes you happy while taking the medicine. Heavy food should not be taken while taking Vilitra 40 Tablets. It is important to consult doctors while taking these tablets.

  118. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (125)

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    ED is a problem that occurs during sexual intercourse in men. Vidalista 2.5 has been used to treat it. It includes Tadalafil as a generic brand. Do not do any heavy work after taking this medicine. Because common side effects like dizziness are seen after taking this medicine. If you want to buy Vidalista 2.5 tablets at a discount, go to ividalista.com.

  119. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (126)

    fildenaFebruary 21, 2023 at 9:26 am

    Fildena tablets have been developed to relieve the problem of ED in men during sex. It contains sildenafil citrate as an oral ingredient. By taking this medicine as advised by the doctor, you can see the good effect of this medicine, and no one experiences any serious side effects. If you buy fildena tablets from our site, strapcart.com, you will get this medicine at a cheap price.

  120. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (127)

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  121. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (128)

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    Vilitra 20 tablets is used for the problem of men. The problem of erectile dysfunction is seen in men. To overcome this problem you can use Vilitra 20 Tablets. This medicine is used to treat the problem of growing impotence. Vilitra 20 tablets should be taken according to doctor’s advice. These tablets are taken 30 minutes or 1 hour before sexual intercourse. Men can now buy these tablets from online stores.

  122. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (129)

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    Tadacip 20 mg Tablet is used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence problems. The active ingredient is Tadalafil which increases blood flow in the range and relaxes the blood vessels. Tadacip 20 medicine helps men to get an erection for a long time and make their sex life happy. The effect of Tadacip 20 medicine lasts for 4-5 hours it is important to consult your doctor while taking Tadacip 20 medicine.

  124. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (131)

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    Cenforce might keep going for around 4 to 5 hours by and large – equivalent to Via-gra. Be that as it may, the term of activity might differ relying upon specific elements, for example, how you you’re your portion, whether while starving or with weighty dinners. It likewise relies upon the portion. Indeed, even the client’s age, weight, and digestion can assume a key part in how long the impacts of the medication work. This ED drug works best when you take it while starving. Taking it with food can slow medication ingestion.

  125. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (132)

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    Cenforce restrains the PDE-5 chemical present inside the penile region. This inhibitory activity stops the debasem*nt of cGMP, an endogenous synthetic liable for delivering unwinding of smooth muscles and widening of the veins.

  126. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (133)

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    Suhagra 100 tablets are used for the problem of erectile dysfunction. Due to this problem, you can get sexual erection with your partner, then he can use suhagra 100 tablets. It is important to take the advice of doctors for these tablets. These tablets are taken 30 minutes after sexual intercourse. If you are taking certain medicines called nitrates to treat high blood pressure, then you should not use Suhagra 100 tablets.

  130. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (137)

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    Many men suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction now they use Vidalista tablets to get relief from the problem so it will be useful to maintain sexual erection. Doctors should be consulted while taking Vidalista tablets. Vidalista tablets help men to get strong and long lasting erections in sex life. The effect of Vidalista tablets lasts for 24 hours. For more information and know more visit erectilepharma.com website.

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    Vidalista 10 Tablet has been touted as an effective drug for the treatment of impotence problems. In which tadalafil is found as an important ingredient. Do not take this medicine with alcohol. Because this reduces the effect of the medicine. Due to this, the good effect of this medicine cannot be seen. Take this medicine with water only. If you purchase Vidalista 10 tablet in discount price visit our site ividalista.com.

  136. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (143)

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    Buy Fildena 100 mgmg Erectile Dysfunction (ED), is a condition that causes males to have difficulty getting and maintaining an erection. Fildena 100mg is used to treat ED and impotence in men. This medication contains significant amounts of Sildenafil Citrate which is responsible for smooth blood circulation in male sex organs.

  137. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (144)

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    Hiforce 100 Tab is a prescription medication used to treat impotence for men with erectile dysfunction. As a result of the drug’s action, the penis absorbs more blood. This allows for male erection maintenance or onset. It is associated with phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE 5).

  138. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (145)

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    Only if you are losing erections prior to your org*sm will Viagra help you last longer in bed. Premature ejacul*tion treatment may be available if you’re org*sming more quickly than you’d like to during sex.

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    To achieve an erection, Viagra induces blood flow to the penis by inhibiting phosphodiesterase 5. It does not improve sexual function, alleviate erectile dysfunction or prevent pregnancy. It is also not effective against sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV).

  141. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (148)

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    TonyBryantDecember 23, 2022 at 11:58 am

    The Sildenafil withinside the Super P Force Oral Jelly lets in for extra enormous blood waft to the arteries and veins of your penis, permitting you to rise up straight. This happens due to the vasodilation outcomes of nitric oxide, which arise while the PDE-five hormones are absolutely blocked via way of means of Tadalafil’s robust movement.


  144. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (151)

    NovaballDecember 23, 2022 at 7:13 am

    Vidalista is a medicine used to assist you with acquiring an erection all through intercourse. Intended to be successful and modest, Vidalista is the alternative in assessment to other high-priced Erectile Dysfunction pills. Vidalista may be very affordable than its marked accomplice Cialis. Vidalista is accessible in Vidalista Pill. Men can contain these orange drugs to get the same viability as the little yellow pill at an exceedingly financially savvy value.


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    Vidalista 10December 21, 2022 at 10:09 am

    ED is not considered normal at any age and may be associated with other problems that interfere with sexual intercourse, such as lack of desire and problems with org*sm and ejacul*tion. Vidalista 10mg is a medication that is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence in men. It is to be noted that this medicine does not completely cure ED but is used for treatment. This medicine should be used as advised by your doctor.

  148. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (155)

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    ED, also known as erectile dysfunction, is a problem that affects men. It is caused by problems in the male reproductive system. Medications that treat erectile dysfunction can be used to relieve symptoms. These include Viagra, Sildenafil Citrate, and Levitra. However, you should be aware that these pills can interact with other medications and health conditions, which means you should tell your doctor before taking them.

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    Fildena 120m works by directly controlling the PDE5 enzyme which is the key to erections. This is how Fildena 120 mg achieves its intended effects.The medicine is made up of (PDE5 inhibitors), which prevent the PDE5 enzyme’s normal functioning.
    This allows for a more natural process, which relaxes blood vessels and stimulates erection.This process can take time so it is best to take Fildena 120m between 30 and 60 minutes before engaging in sexual activity.

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    Tramadol 100 MG (Oltram) is used to relieve moderate to moderately severe pain, including pain after surgery. Oltram 100 MG comes both in extended-release or long-acting tablets. They belong to the group of medicines called opioid analgesics. It acts in the central nervous system (CNS) to relieve pain. When Tramadol is used for a long time, it may become habit-forming

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  210. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (217)

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    Filitra 10 mg contains an active ingredient as a Vardenafil, which is used to treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men. Vardenafil is a super powerful formula to overcome the troubles of Impotency in males.

  211. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (218)

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    Edegra 100mg Tablet is a prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis. This helps men to get or maintain an erection. It belongs to a group of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.

  212. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (219)

    UDZIRE 100MGJune 20, 2022 at 3:40 am

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  213. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (220)

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    Super Tadalis SX Tablet is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), which is also called impotence, in men. Erectile dysfunction is a condition where a man is unable to achieve and/or maintain a penile erection adequate enough for sexual intercourse.

  214. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (221)

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  215. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (222)

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    Agra 50Mg Tablet is used the treatment of impotence; where achieving and sustaining an erection is a problem while having sexual intercourse. , it will work only if there is sexual stimulation.

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    Zydalis 10 Mg Tablet relaxes the smooth muscles present in the wall of blood vessels and helps in growing the flow of blood in certain specific areas of the body. It is used for the medication of erection disorders, prostate gland enlargement and Pulmonary Hypertension (high blood pressure of blood vessels attaching the lungs and the heart).

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  219. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (226)

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  224. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (231)

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    Приезд за 15 минут или в удобное для Вас время. Разумные цены — от рублей. Более моделей замков в наличии. Гарантия и бесплатный сервис — до 3-х лет. Надежные мастера с опытом более 5 лет. Работаем круглосуточно в Москве и области. Ситуаций, в которых не получается открыть входную дверь в квартире, множество — износ запирающего изделия, его порча злоумышленниками, сбой в работе из-за попытки взлома. В любом из этих случаев не рекомендуются самостоятельные попытки по устранению неполадок и восстановлению работоспособности запорного изделия. Незнание устройства механизма того или иного вида, отсутствие специальных инструментов и навыков — всё это может привести к поломке и блокировке входной группы. Лучше решение любых вопросов в области дверных замков доверять профессиональным мастерам. Наша служба оказывает ряд услуг, которые выполняются за один вызов:. Часто о том, что требуется ремонт дверных замков, можно догадаться по первым сигналам. Многие продолжают эксплуатировать изделия в обычном режиме и однажды сталкиваются с такой проблемой, как полная блокировка доступа в помещение. Так какие признаки, что запорные устройства работают неисправно? Если вовремя обратить внимание, можно не делать ремонт входной металлической двери. Решить подобные проблемы можно очисткой запирающего изделия от пыли и грязи, смазкой, регулировкой отдельных деталей или поменять поменять личинку. Если первые признаки серьезной поломки проигнорировать и он сломался, то простым ремонтом не обойтись — понадобиться полностью менять механизм на новый. Если ремонт механизма избежать не удалось, многие идут к частным мастерам. Такие профи в большинстве случаев либо не помогают восстановить механизм из-за отсутствия должного опыта и знаний, либо оказываются злоумышленниками, которые под таким предлогом делают слепки ключей от двери. Если запорный механизм входной двери перестал работать или не открывается — звоните. Мы работаем круглосуточно без выходных дней, поможем в любой экстренной ситуации. Благодаря работе специалистов колл-центра, мастеров и собственного отдела логистики, время прибытия на место вызова не превышает 15 минут. Мы работаем с механизмами стальных дверей, деревянных или комбинированных — аккуратно и без повреждений. Дополнительно установим броненакладки, монтажные пластины в дверной карман и прочую фурнитуру. Вызвать мастера в любую точку Москвы и МО можно по телефону или через специальную форму на сайте. Сколько стоит работа – выше в прайсе. Обращайтесь к нам за ремонтом замка входной металлической двери квартир быстро и с гарантией! Ремонт замков в металлических дверях выезд мастера Москва. Ремонт замков металлической двери с цилиндром от руб. Ремонт входной металлической двери сувальдного типа от руб. Ремонт замка электромеханического на двери от руб. Ремонт кодового замка в двери от руб. Ремонт защелки двери, ручек от руб. Вскрытие замков от руб. Замена цилиндровых замков от р. Замена сувальдных замков от р. Замена электромеханических замков от р. Замена кодового замка от р. Замена тубулярного замка от р. Установка замков от руб. Безопасно — Официально — Удобно. По типу монтажа: Врезные замки; Накладные; Навесные. По месту установки: Межкомнатные; Квартирные; Внутренние. Наша служба оказывает ряд услуг, которые выполняются за один вызов: Починка старых замков входной металлической двери и установка дополнительных в качестве усиления дверного блока; Срочное открытие заклинивших устройств и восстановление их работоспособности; В случае необходимости замена личинки замка или полностью поменять на новый механизм. Ключ начал застревать в скважине; Дверные замки или ручка стали издавать посторонние звуки — шум, скрип; Ригели в замке перестали выдвигаться полностью; Холостое прокручивание ключа. Мастера сервисной службы LOCKSERVICE выполняют качественный ремонт и ставят на двери новые устройства с гарантией полной безопасности каждого клиента: Все специалисты, которые будут восстанавливать металлическую дверь, являются сотрудниками компании, прошедшими в момент трудоустройства проверку по базе МВД. Все имеют московскую регистрацию; Для сувальдных, цилиндровых, кодовых и других дверных замков мастера дают официальную гарантию на ремонт сроком до 3-х лет; Если необходимо произвести замену дверного замка, каждый мастер имеет в своём автомобиле большой выбор различных механизмов отечественного и импортного производства — Cisa, Abloy, Securemme, Mottura, Kale, Apecs, Elbor и другие замки. Это значит, что клиент не останется с незапертой дверью. Рейтинг 4.

  362. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (369)

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  364. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (371)

    ChiragAugust 17, 2021 at 1:10 pm

    which software or custom solution you recommend…. for IFRS 16 solution as most of the solution

  365. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (372)

    EdwinJune 11, 2021 at 9:47 am

    I am looking fro the best way to know the applicable way to account for the provision of unrealized profit in both the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Comprehensive Income and its calculation

  366. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (373)

    ThompsonMarch 29, 2021 at 2:15 pm

    I will appreciate it if i can get the spreadsheet sent to Bet also

  367. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (374)

    AdebolaDecember 16, 2020 at 12:35 pm

    My company just lease a property for the next five years.
    Payment has been made upfront, say N20m @ N4m per annum
    Since cash has been paid in advance, do I still need a Lease Liability Account?

  368. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (375)

    Catherine DawsonNovember 20, 2020 at 12:15 pm

    Hi Philip, the lessee should not have the option to buy the equipment under a lease but they can retain it indefinitely. Either way, IFRS applies to all leases unless less than 12 months although the managed service fee would not form part of the minimum lease rentals.

  369. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (376)

    Philip SpicerNovember 19, 2020 at 1:58 pm

    Could you advise if IFRS16 applies to Managed Service Contracts where the Lessee has the option to buy equipment but is not obliged to?

  370. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (377)

    Catherine DawsonSeptember 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm

    Hi – it only applies to organisations that follow International Accounting Standards, typically mulit-nationals or PLCs where consistent accounting is required. It’s not based on where you sell.

    However, it has been indicated that all UK companies may need to fall in line in the future.

  371. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (378)

    SatishSeptember 9, 2020 at 1:14 pm

    Do we need to follow IFRS16 if a business is done only in locally (within the country)? Not involved in any international business.

  372. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (379)

    AwaisSeptember 8, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    If our year end is June 30, 2020 and our rent agreement would expire at Dec 31, 2020.

    Lease period started in May 2019. Previously never applied IFRS 16.

    Do we need to apply IFRS 16 at 30 June 2020 now considering our contract will expire at December 31,2020 ( within 1 year)

  373. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (380)

    Maggie CunninghamSeptember 1, 2020 at 12:04 am

    We’ve been asked to identify the rental component within the provision of phone lines – usually identified as line rental. This seems ridiculous and beyond the purpose of the new standard and I don’t see how this adds value to the reporting. Does this sound right that we have to do this?

  374. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (381)

    Tracey WitneyAugust 26, 2020 at 7:56 am

    Does IFRS 16 relate to software licences or is it just PPE?

  375. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (382)

    Catherine DawsonJune 9, 2020 at 2:47 pm

    Hi Mody – OK, it’s on its way.

    Best wishes

  376. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (383)

    ModyMay 30, 2020 at 11:20 am


    Catherine Dawson kindly also email me the spreadsheet sent to Bet

  377. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (384)

    Nicole Rufaro BurutsaApril 30, 2020 at 10:28 am

    Thank you for this article, it really simplifies the standard.

  378. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (385)

    Catherine DawsonApril 16, 2020 at 6:02 pm

    Hi Bet. Thank you for your question – an interesting one! I passed this on to our CFO who has very kindly created a spreadsheet to show you how to deal with it. I’ll email this to you in the morning.
    Best wishes

  379. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (386)

    betApril 16, 2020 at 12:54 pm

    Hope you are well. I have a question. If a company made an agreement of office rent for the next 5-years and within the agreement paid office rent for 2-years(50000 x24) advance cash. The company Debit office rent and credit cash for $ 1200000. However, based on IFRS 16 because of 1200000 is the Present value, shall we discount and record the liability only $ 1,800,000(3,000,000-1,200,000) or 3 million. In other words “IFRS 16 considers prepayments or not?” What is the first and second entries if discounted?

  380. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (387)

    Catherine DawsonMarch 11, 2020 at 6:18 pm

    Hi Luana – I suggest you discuss with your accountant. Sorry we can’t discuss specific cases as we don’t have all the information about your situation.
    Best wishes

  381. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (388)

    Luana EseraMarch 9, 2020 at 1:41 am

    Hi, please I’ve just started my lease liability (rent office) in Dec 2019. How do I correct the July 2019 – Nov 2019 as currently rent expense?

  382. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (389)

    Carmille MacaslingFebruary 25, 2020 at 6:12 pm

    Ganda ng article nato. Thanks

  383. What You Need to Know – Maxxia (390)

    annaFebruary 8, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    That’s very helpful, very nice article

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