Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (2024)

Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (1)
Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (2)
Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (3)

The Starlink Ethernet Adapter is an accessory from Starlink that adds an Ethernet port to your system. It’s a small device that plugs into the router. The Wifi router that is included with the Gen 2 Standard hardware kit does not have an Ethernet port. So if you would like to connect devices to the internet using a hardwire Ethernet connection instead of Wifi, you will need the Starlink Ethernet Adapter.

In this guide, I will walk you through the very simple steps of installing and setting up the Ethernet Adapter. I’ll also give you my review, including my initial impressions and a long term report of how it’s been working out since I bought it. Finally, I’ll answer a couple of important questions about compatibility and how to go about purchasing one for yourself.

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In order to decrease production costs, Starlink simplified a lot of the components with their 2nd generation Standard hardware. The power supply became integrated in the Wifi router, and the Ethernet LAN port was removed. Many people don’t use Ethernet connections at all, but some still have a need. That’s why Starlink decided to offer the Ethernet Adapter as an accessory, instead of including it on the system.

The Starlink Ethernet Adapter is a simple cable adapter that plugs into the Starlink router. The cable from the dish also plugs into it. Basically, the Ethernet Adapter sits in between your router and dish. What you get by installing the adapter is a single Ethernet LAN port. The port gives devices that are plugged in access to the internet and your home network.

You can plug almost anything in to the Ethernet port. Maybe you have a wired security camera. Or perhaps you have a network switch with lots of devices on your home network. Whatever the case, the Starlink Ethernet Adapter is required if you want an Ethernet port with the Gen 2 Standard hardware.

Features and Specs

The Starlink Ethernet Adapter supports up to 1 Gbps for the LAN interface. Like I mentioned before, you get a single Ethernet port. Besides the Ethernet port, there are two other connectors. There is a Starlink connector on one end that plugs into the router, and another Starlink connector that accepts the cable from the dish. Here are some additional specs:

  • Dimensions: 6.5” x 4.5” x 1.5” (16.5 x 11.4 x 3.6 cm)
  • Weight: 0.33 lbs (0.15 kg)
  • Indoor use only

Where Can I Buy It?

The Starlink Ethernet Adapter costs $25, and can be purchased at the official Shop. You need to have a Starlink account and be logged in to access the page.


The Starlink Ethernet Adapter is compatible with the following Starlink hardware versions:

  • Gen 2 Standard
  • Gen 2 High Performance
  • Gen 2 Flat High Performance

You don’t need the adapter if you have the original round dish. The router for the round dish has a built in Ethernet port.

Although the Ethernet Adapter is compatible with the Flat High Performance and High Performance kits, it isn’t necessary. Those kits include a cable that will connect the dish directly to a 3rd party router, switch, or any other network equipment with an RJ45 connector.

Video Setup Tutorial

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Setup and Installation

Installing the Starlink Ethernet Adapter is very simple, and there is virtually no setup required. You don’t need any tools or IT skills, just follow these steps:

Step 1 Unplug the Starlink router AC power cord from the wall. You will want the dish and router turned off while we reconfigure the cables.

Step 2 – Unplug the Starlink antenna cable from the bottom of the router.

Step 3 – Plug the Starlink Ethernet Adapter into the router, where the Starlink antenna cable was.

Step 4 – Plug the Starlink antenna cable into the connector on the Starlink Ethernet Adapter.

Step 5 – You can now power everything back on by plugging in the router AC power cord at the wall.

Give the Starlink system several minutes to boot up and connect to satellites. You can monitor the status of the system from the Starlink App. Once the app indicates that Starlink is Online, you are all set! There is no additional setup required. Your Wifi will continue to work as normal, but now you can connect devices via Ethernet for internet access.


Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (10)
Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (11)
Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (12)

I was an early beta tester for Starlink, when they were still selling the round dish. The round dish router has an Ethernet port built in, so I was confused by the decision to remove the Ethernet port for the next generation hardware that is being sold today to customers. My guess is that Starlink believes most people don’t use the Ethernet port. They are probably right. These days, everything connects via Wifi, from our TV’s, to our computers, to our cell phones. Most people won’t need an Ethernet port, so Starlink eliminated it on the router to lower manufacturing costs. And if your situation requires a hardwire connection, the adapter is just an extra $25 from the Starlink shop.

What else can I say, there really isn’t much to this device. It’s small and simple to install. It just sits between the router and the dish, and gives you one Ethernet port. It’s made of a nice looking plastic that matches the other Starlink hardware. It’s profile allows it to easily hang behind a desk or cabinet. If you’re like me, you will install it, shove it behind your desk, and forget it even exists. That’s a good thing in my book.

Long term, it’s worked as expected. I haven’t had a single issue with it, and I’ve mostly forgotten about it because it just does it’s job. I have my main PC plugged into it so that I don’t have to do any gaming or video conferencing over Wifi. Connecting via Ethernet has certainly proved to be faster and more reliable than Wifi. Is it worth it? Yes, and you don’t have much choice if you want an Ethernet port to plug devices in, or to use an aftermarket router with Starlink.

Starlink Ethernet Adapter Setup And Review - Starlink Hardware (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.