Can Weather Affect Starlink? (2024)

All satellite internet services require a clear view of the sky to most efficiently send internet signals to satellites in space. This means that it’s possible for weather to affect a Starlink internet connection. That said, satellite internet technology has come a long way and weather isn’t as big of a problem as it used to be.

Rain and Cloud Cover - Starlink satellite dishes are designed to work just fine on rainy, overcast days, but it’s still possible for heavy storms to affect the signal and slow the connection speed. Though it’s even more rare, it’s also possible for heavy storms to cause outages in the area.

Snow - Satellite dishes can be affected by snow in two ways. The first is snow build up on the satellite dish itself. Starlink dishes employ amazing technology that can detect snow on the dish, heat up, and melt the snow so that it slides right off. The second way that snow can affect the connection is if heavy snow build up around the dish blocks its view of the sky. This is solved as easily as brushing the snow away and clearing the signal’s path.

Lightning - Satellite dishes can be damaged by lightning strikes, but Starlink dishes come with built-in lightning protection. As long as you install the lightning protection in accordance with local electrical code, your satellite dish is unlikely to be affected by lightning.

Can Weather Affect Starlink? (2024)
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