Raiz - App Guide (2024)

Table of Contents

  1. Home Screen
  2. Past Screen
  3. Future Screen
  4. Round-Ups
  5. Whole Dollar Round-Ups
  6. Linking and Unlinking Spending Accounts for Round-Ups
  7. Linking and Changing your Funding Account
  8. Access your Statements
  9. Performance Screen
  10. Positions Screen
  11. Portfolios Screen
  12. Custom Portfolio
  13. Deposit and Withdraw
  14. Set a Recurring Deposit/Savings Goal
  15. Raiz Kids
  16. Raiz Rewards
  17. Offsetters
  18. My Finance
  19. Raiz Invest Super

Home Screen

The Home screen (also known as the Today screen) is the first screen that is displayed when you log into the app. The Home screen displays your Account Balance, any earned Raiz Rewards and your Raiz Invest Super account balance, which you can tap on to view in detail. At the top of the screen you can also navigate to the past and future screens.

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Past Screen

The Past tab is located at the top of the home page. The Past screen shows any pending and processed Buy (deposit) or Sell (withdrawal) orders as well as any reinvested Dividends.

To cancel transactions that are pending, simply tap on a pending transaction and tap “Cancel transaction”. Please note that if the “Cancel transaction” button does not appear, your investment is being processed and can no longer be cancelled.

Keep in mind that deposits to your Raiz account take 2-3 business days to process, and withdrawals take up to 5 business days to process into your bank account. Withdrawals take an extra few days because industry regulations require a 2-day settlement period after investments are sold before the money can be transferred out of an investment account. For your security you may be asked for further verification which can cause the withdrawal process to take a bit longer.

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Future Screen

Our Future screen gives you a unique window into the outlook for your investment. The future screen displays a graph that shows you an estimated value projection of your investment, based on your selected portfolio, age and monthly deposit amount. Please note that the projected values shown are hypothetical in nature and should not be relied upon.

To adjust the projected monthly amount deposited, tap and drag the white dot on the graph up and down. To adjust the age, tap and drag the white dot horizontally from side to side.

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When you register for a Raiz account, Automatic Round-Ups are turned on by default if you have a linked spending account. You can turn off automatic Round-Ups if you want to manually approve Round-Ups on your transactions. With Automatic Round-Ups turned on, the app will monitor your spending and automatically approve and invest your Round-Ups for you. With Automatic Round-Ups turned off, you must manually approve each Round-Up to be invested.

To enable or disable automatic Round-Ups, login to the app and go to:

  1. Invest
  2. Round-Ups
  3. Round-Ups Settings
  4. Settings Cog
  5. Select or deselect Automatic Round-Ups.

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If Automatic Round-Ups are disabled, you can choose to manually Round-Up your transactions. Simply go to the Round-Ups screen and select the + symbol next to each Round-Up transaction you would like to invest. A Raiz logo will appear next to transactions that have already been invested.

Please note that both automatic and manual Round-Ups have a minimum threshold of $5 which must be reached before they are invested. This threshold is automatically adjusted for you based on your spending habits; however, it can also be specified under the ‘Smart Round-Ups’ section of your Round-Ups settings. Once your Round-Ups reach this threshold, Raiz initiates the investment, and the transaction will be shown as pending on the History screen. Please allow 2-3 business days for investments to be processed.

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Whole Dollar Round-Ups

The app’s default behaviour is to Round-Up all transactions to the next dollar. When you make an even whole dollar transaction, such as spending $25.00 at a movie theatre, the app will Round-Up $1.00 for you (or allow you to round up $1.00 if you don’t have Automatic Round-Ups turned on). If you wish to decrease the amount that is Rounded-Up on whole dollar transactions, please follow the instructions below to configure it to any sub-dollar amount, even $0.00.

To adjust Whole Dollar Round-Ups, go to:

  1. Invest
  2. Round-Ups
  3. Round-Ups Settings
  4. Settings Cog
  5. Drag the slider to choose the set amount that gets invested when you have a whole dollar transaction.

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Linking and Unlinking Spending Accounts for Round-Ups

To link a spending account to Raiz you will need to be using an eligible bank that you can provide online banking login details for. Your security is our highest priority, which can read abouthere. To link or unlink your bank as a Spending Account to be monitored for Round-Ups, go to:

  1. My Settings
  2. Spending Account
  3. To link a new Spending Account, tap ‘Add Spending Account’ and follow the prompts on the following screens. For further instructions, see our Registration Guide.
  4. To select additional Spending Accounts to monitor for Round-Ups (effectively turning them on for Round-Ups), tap the plus signs next to the sub-accounts that you wish to use for Round-Ups. These will usually be the bank accounts that you often use for purchases. Some accounts with infrequent activity may not show any Round-Ups once they are activated. Once you have selected a bank account for Round-Ups, its plus sign will turn into a green circle with a check mark in it.
  5. To deselect Spending Accounts so that they will not be used for Round-Ups, simply tap their green circles with check marks, which will turn back into plus signs.
  6. To unlink an entire Bank Account and therefore all its Spending Accounts, tap Unlink next to the bank or credit provider name.

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Linking and Changing your Funding Account

To link or unlink a funding account, go to:

  1. My Settings
  2. Funding Account
  3. To link a Funding Account using your online banking details, tap on your bank and follow the on-screen prompts.
  4. If you would prefer to use a BSB and account number, or your bank is not listed, tap on ‘Use a Different Bank’ and enter your account details.
  5. To change your funding account tap ‘change’ on the funding account screen and go through the same steps as above. Please note that you may be required go through some additional verification steps to change your funding account.

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Access your Statements

Raiz automatically provides you with monthly account statements, annual tax reports, and daily trade confirmations. To access these, go to:

  1. My Settings
  2. Support
  3. View Statements

From the Statements screen, you can navigate between your different statements by tapping on the bar below your account value.

You can view your statements in a browser by tapping on them, or have them emailed to you by tapping the mail icon to the right of each statement.

Tap on ‘Select’ in the top right of the screen to select and email multiple statements at the same time. Just tap the grey circles next to the statements you wish to select and then tap ‘Send to email’.

You can request to have a .csv File of your statements sent to you by contactingsupport@raizinvest.com.au

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Performance Screen

The performance screen shows you how your Raiz balance has changed over time. By tapping and dragging your finger across the graph you can see information about your balance for different dates.

At the bottom of the screen you can change the time period to view your balance, starting at 1 day on the left, and then moving to 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and All Time.

The big number at the top is your account value, and underneath that shows your market returns for the selected period. You can read about how the percentage is calculatedhere.

The graph itself displays two lines. The white line is your total balance, including market returns. The green line represents ‘invested by you’ which is all of your deposits minus any withdrawals. The difference between these two lines represents any market gains/losses at that point in time.

The table at the bottom of the graph shows you the cumulative amount for a few different values that contribute to your Raiz account balance. The date for these values changes as you drag your finger along the graph. The ‘Rewards’ figure includes Raiz Rewards and Referral bonuses.

You can switch to your ‘Positions’ screen by swiping left at the bottom of the screen.

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Positions Screen

To navigate to this screen, go to your performance screen and then swipe left.

The big number at the top of this screen is your account value. This is the same value displayed on your home screen. The Change in Value figure beneath displays the total change in value of your portfolio over the selected time period.

Using the navigation bar under your account value, you can choose between the dollar values, percentages, and number of units you have for each holding in your Raiz portfolio.

Under the navigation bar, you can tap on a fund to access its information and historical performance.

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Portfolios Screen

Raiz offers 7 different portfolios with set asset allocations, each comprised of varying allocations of ETFs and Bitcoin based on different degrees of risk. You can change your portfolio at any time. You might consider changing your portfolio if your investment goals, time horizon, preferred level of risk, or other factors change.

Change your portfolio at any time by accessing the app and selecting:

  • Invest
  • Portfolio
  • Tap one of the 7 different selectable circles, each representing a different portfolio.
  • Once you have decided on a portfolio, confirm this change by selecting Change Portfolio.

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The portfolio that you select determines how we invest your money. The funds that you deposit into your Raiz account are invested according to the target allocations of your selected portfolio. If your account moves too far away from the target asset allocation, or when you deposit or withdraw money, Raiz will automatically rebalance your positions by selling and/or purchasing shares or fractional shares of the ETFs (or bitcoin), to bring them back in line with your target allocation. A rebalancing will also occur when you change your portfolio.

Custom Portfolio

The Custom Portfolio allows you to build your own personalised portfolio by choosing the target weightings from a selection of ETFs and Bitcoin. Your custom portfolio is unique to you. Please read the Raiz Invest Australia Fund Product Disclosure Statement for more information on the available ETFs as well as the investment risks and fees. A Custom Portfolio will not suit everyone.

Switching to a Custom Portfolio (or changing the target weights for an existing Custom Portfolio) is a free and easy process, and can be done from the portfolio menu in the ‘Invest’ section of the app.

The first time you go to the Custom screen, the default will be to have 100% of your portfolio weighted towards the AAA (cash) ETF. To customise your allocations, tap on the ETFs/Bitcoin below the pie chart, and use the sliders to select your weightings. Any target weightings you assign will automatically be taken from the AAA ETF weighting. Your target weightings will always equal 100%, with the AAA ETF always being the balancing ETF to ensure this is the case.

Each ETF/Bitcoin belongs to an asset class, with each asset class having its own colour.

You will also need to choose a name for your portfolio, which can be done by tapping on the name at the top of the screen. Once you are done setting your allocations and naming your portfolio, tap on ‘Save Allocation’ at the bottom of the screen, and when you are ready to change to your Custom Portfolio, tap on the ‘Change Portfolio’ button.

After you change to a Custom Portfolio, Raiz will automatically process your buy and sell requests within 1 business day. Please note: Raiz and the Custom Portfolio are not trading tools and your changes will not be executed immediately.

If you have already switched to a Custom Portfolio and want to edit your existing target weightings, just tap on the ‘Edit Portfolio’ button on the Custom Portfolio screen in the app, and once you are done editing, tap on the ‘Save Allocation’ button to action the changes.

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Deposit and Withdraw

It’s easy to deposit and withdraw money with Raiz. From the home screen tap on invest, where you’ll then see two buttons at the top of the screen, one to deposit and one to withdraw. You can withdraw through the app at any time without penalty, however the withdrawal may not be actioned until the next business day by Raiz. The minimum investment is $5. Deposits take 2-3 business days to be invested into your Raiz account, whilst withdrawals can take up to 5 business days for the funds to reach your nominated funding account. You can view the status of and cancel deposits and withdrawals in the ‘Past’ tab.

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Set a Recurring Deposit/Savings Goal

Recurring Deposits and Savings Goals make it easy to regularly add money to your Raiz account, helping you stay disciplined with your investing and reach your investing goals.

If you did not set up a Recurring Deposit/Savings Goal when you signed up to Raiz, you can set one up through the ‘Invest’ section of the app.

To set up a recurring investment just select the amount of money you wish to invest regularly and then choose a time period that suits you – whether that’s on a daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

Along with your recurring investment, you can also choose to create an accompanying savings goal, allowing you to pick something to save for and track your progress in reaching a target balance. To create a savings goal, tap on the savings goal switch at the top of the screen when you are setting or changing a recurring investment.

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Raiz Kids

Raiz Kids is a simple way for parents to save and invest for their children and help them start adulthood with a solid financial basis. Grandparents can also save for Grand Children.

Part of the Raiz app, Raiz Kids enables you to set up to eight Raiz sub-accounts for anyone under the age of 18. An exciting feature of the Raiz Kids platform is the option for your Kids to have their own direct access to their investment portfolio! It’s an awesome way to teach your kids about taking care of their money and developing positive savings and investing habits.

With the new and improved Raiz Kids platform, you’ll able to create different portfolios for each child, create recurring investments and modify and monitor their ability to make changes to their Raiz Invest Kids Accounts.

How to set up a Raiz Kids Account:

  1. Head to “Invest” on the Home Page of the Raiz App or website and scroll down to “Automatic Savings for your Child”.
  2. Enter the personal information for your child:
    • PERSONAL INFO: Enter their name and Date of Birth.
    • LUMP-SUM INVESTMENT: Select an initial one-off investment into their new account.
    • PARENTAL CONTROLS: Choose what level of control your child can over the investments.
    • RECURRING INVESTMENTS: Create a recurring Investment, whether it’s Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly.
    • PORTFOLIO SELECTION: Select from one our 7 expertly designed portfolios, or make one up of your own!
    • RAIZ KIDS CONTROLS: Select further access controls relating to the recurring investments and portfolio.
    • NOTIFICATIONS Determine what notifications you’d like to receive when your Raiz Kid makes any changes to their account.

Any investments made into the Raiz Kids Account, whether via a lump sum investment, recurring investment or automatic round-up, will be debited from your funding account. You can review and update the funding account by heading to My Settings > Funding Account > Change.

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Raiz Rewards

Raiz Rewards is our cashback, or rather “cash-forward”, loyalty program. Each time you shop with your favourite brands through Raiz Rewards, you will earn a cash reward direct from the brand invested back into your Raiz or Raiz Invest Super account.

To shop online, from within your Raiz App, tap on Rewards, select the brand you would like to purchase from, tap the ‘Shop Now’ link and make your purchase immediately. By clicking on the link, the brands can automatically track your purchase and invest the reward into your Raiz or Raiz Invest Super account.

To shop in-store, you need to activate the in-store offer within Raiz Rewards before you make a purchase at one of the brand’s Australian stores. Each in-store brand has a start and end date for their offer, you only need to activate the offer once during those dates and any purchases made on your linked spending card will be eligible.

Raiz Rewards are typically reinvested back into your Raiz account within 30 days from the date of purchase (in-store can take up to 90 days). Each partner link has their own terms and conditions (T&Cs). Please make sure you read the T&Cs for the partner before using Raiz Rewards.

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Offsettersis our environmentally conscious community which helps fund projects to offset your carbon footprint. An Offsetters subscription is $3.70 a month. To become a member of the Raiz Offsetters program you can scroll down on the homepage and tap on ‘Learn More’ in the Offsetters tile. From here, simply tap on ‘Join Offsetters Now’.

You can choose to unsubscribe from Offsetters by going to:

  1. Main Menu
  2. Rewards
  3. Offsetters
  4. Tapping the ‘Unsubscribe’ button

If you wish to become an Offsetter again you can follow the same steps to resubscribe.

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My Finance

The My Finance tab is a useful tool within Raiz to help track and categorise your spending, which can assist in creating and sticking to your budget. My Finance will only analyse transactions made from your linked spending accounts. To view your My Finance page, tap on the menu tab located on the top left of your Home page and select the My Finance option. Within the My Finance page you can choose to categorise transactions, see where you spend, and forecast income and spending.

To categorise your uncategorised transactions tap on the ‘Categorise Transactions’ button. You can then individually assign a category to each transaction by tapping on each.

You can track where you spend by tapping on the ‘See More’ option in the Where You Spend Category. In the Where You Spend page you will be able to see a detailed breakdown of your expenses each month including the dollar and percentage values of each category. You can also compare month-to-month spending by using the interactive graph on the top of the page.

The app allows you to forecast income and spending to help with cash flow in the next 30 days. You can find this by scrolling down on the My Finance page and tapping on the ‘Forecast Income and Spending’ button. The app takes an estimate of your income and expenses to forecast any potential spare cash.

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Raiz Invest Super

You can access your Raiz Invest Super account by clicking on the Super option on the home screen. Once on the Raiz Invest Super screen you will be presented with many options including making a Lump sum investment, your personal Super information, Rollover Super from other superfunds, your choice of Portfolio, turning on/off Raiz Rewards contribution and setting up a Recurring investment into your Raiz Invest Super account.

You can view the history of your Raiz Invest Super account by scrolling down and selecting the ‘History Details’ button. Like your regular Raiz account, the Raiz Invest Super ‘History details’ displays your total Employer Contributions, your own personal contributions, reinvested dividends, market returns and the total Rollover amount over the history of your Raiz Invest Super account.

To view the performance of your Raiz Invest Super account you can scroll further down on the Raiz Invest Super screen and tap on ‘performance details’. From here you will be able to adjust the performance over time from 1D, 1M, 3M, 6M, 1Y and All time. It has the same functionality as your regular Raiz account performance screen.

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If we have missed anything you think should be explained further, or need any clarification on this guide, please do not hesitate to contact us on1300 754 748or email us:support@raizinvest.com.au

Raiz - App Guide (2024)


Is the Raiz app worth it? ›

Whether or not Raiz is worth it all depends on how you use the service and your experience with investing. If you're just getting started, Raiz is a micro-investing app that allows you to get into the market sooner, offers decent returns over the long run and can even give you some cash back on your purchases.

Why am I losing money on Raiz? ›


The value of your Raiz Investment Account, can go up or down. Returns are not guaranteed, and you may lose money. The rate of return varies, so future returns may differ from past returns. Risk impacts vary for individual investors depending on age, investment time frame, and other investments held.

Has anyone made money from Raiz? ›

A good long term investment

I found Raiz easy to use .. I have made around 8% over the years , better than the banks with small fees and can offset fees with Raiz rewards .

How much money can you make on Raiz? ›

Raiz rounds ups as little as $0.01 on a $0.99 purchase, up to as much as $1.00 from a flat $10 purchase. So, if you make four transactions per day, rounding up an average of 50 cents each time, that will work out to $730 per year! And the best bit – you won't even notice it.

How do you use Raiz effectively? ›

5 Ways to Save More with Raiz - Raiz Invest
  1. Automate your Savings Goal.
  2. Check out 'Uncategorised' tab in My Finance.
  3. Do your normal shopping through Raiz Rewards.
  4. Get to know your finances instantly with Ashlee, the Raiz Chatbot.
  5. Personal Contributions to Raiz Invest Super.

What happens if Raiz goes bust? ›

Instead, they're held by an independent custodian: a third party who has the legal title to the investments on behalf of investors. This means that if Raiz went broke, the assets would still be safely held by the custodian and the value of the ETFs would be returned to the investors, not to Raiz.

How long does it take to get money out of Raiz? ›

Yes, you can withdraw money from your Raiz account at any time. This will take 5 business days to process before the funds become available in your account due to bank transfer times and the ASX's 2-day settlement period.

Which is the best Raiz portfolio? ›

The Sapphire portfolio is one of the most aggressive portfolios offered by Raiz, with a higher allocation to international equities than any other portfolio. This portfolio is designed for investors who are willing to take on more risk in pursuit of higher potential returns.

How much do you need to invest in Raiz? ›

The other benefit of Raiz is that you can start investing from only $5.00 and withdraw any amount from your account at any time without ever having to pay any fees or penalties. Just like you can add money at any time using our automated features.

Who is the competitor of Raiz? ›

Top 7 Raiz Invest competitors
  • Spaceship.
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
  • Bundil.
  • Stash.
  • Acorns.
  • ChangEd.
  • Cred.

Is your money safe in Raiz? ›

We protect the data and banking credentials you share with us, whether on our website or our app, with 256-bit encryption. That's the same level of encryption used by all the top Australian financial institutions.

Why did acorns change to Raiz? ›

“After our recent agreement with Acorns, we felt a new name was an important step forward. The change reflects our new autonomy and our ability to move quickly to develop and implement product improvements that are responsive to our customers in the Australian market.

Is Raiz good for beginners? ›

Raiz can be a worthwhile investment for individuals looking to start investing small amounts of money. By investing spare change automatically into diversified portfolios, Raiz allows users to grow their investments over time.

What is the minimum deposit for Raiz? ›

Deposit and Withdraw

The minimum investment is $5. Deposits take 2-3 business days to be invested into your Raiz account, whilst withdrawals can take up to 5 business days for the funds to reach your nominated funding account.

How do I stop Raiz from taking money? ›

Yes, you can request to close your Raiz account anytime through the app. Click on the Menu button, go to My Settings > Support > Close Account. Your Funding Account and Spending Account will be unlinked, and your remaining balance, if any, will be transferred to your Withdrawal Account.

Are micro investing apps worth it? ›

You won't get rich quick from investing in Acorns or any micro-investing app. The app's fees are actually rather high if you have a low account balance. However, using an app like Acorns can be a good introduction to the stock market if you're new to investing or you struggle with saving money.

How I can double my money? ›

Below are five possible ways to double your money, ranging from the low risk to the highly speculative.
  • Get a 401(k) match. Talk about the easiest money you've ever made! ...
  • Invest in an S&P 500 index fund. ...
  • Buy a home. ...
  • Trade cryptocurrency. ...
  • Trade options. ...
  • How soon can you double your money? ...
  • Bottom line.
Apr 7, 2023

When should I invest in Raiz? ›

Round-Ups can help you save in the background of life You can also set up a Recurring Investment plan or Savings Goal to help your account grow even faster. If you have spare cash you can always invest into your Raiz Account at anytime using a Lump Sum investment. Feel confident in saving more and investing with Raiz.

What does the green line mean in Raiz? ›

Since the white line represents your total balance, the difference between the white line and the green line represents any market gains/losses you have made at that point in time.

Why does Raiz take so long? ›

Due to the rules of buying and selling shares on the ASX, it takes 2 business daysfor us to receive payment for your withdrawal. Once received, Raiz transfers the withdrawal amount straight to your chosen funding source, which can take 1-3 business days depending on your bank.

What is the #1 investment app? ›

Robinhood – Best app for active trading

Robinhood is the app to have if you like a smooth interface and avoiding trading commissions, whether you're trading stocks, ETFs, options or cryptocurrency. You'll get to do it all with no commission and using a slick mobile interface that makes smooth work of it all.

Who has the biggest investment portfolio in the world? ›

Warren Buffett has been making money since before most of us were born. Even though he doesn't run a typical mutual fund, his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, has billions of dollars invested in a portfolio of stocks. Those holdings of company shares represent one of the largest mutual funds in the world.

What is the most profitable investment firm? ›

JP Morgan Chase

The company holds more than $2.8 trillion in assets under management for its clients. While most of J.P. Morgan Chase's products are targeted to high net worth individuals, the company's self-directed investment option offers commission-free trade, retirement accounts, and other perks for investors.

Is $10,000 enough to invest? ›

$10,000 is an excellent amount to start investing in individual companies. For example, you could buy $1,000 of stock in 10 companies or $500 of stock in 20 companies. However, self-directed investing requires you to do your research to make informed decisions.

How much money is enough to invest? ›

Most financial planners advise saving 10% to 15% of annual income. A savings goal of $500 a month amounts to 12% of your income, which is considered an appropriate amount for that income level.

How much does Raiz round up cost? ›

What are Smart Round-Ups? Smart Round-ups means you can override the $5 automatic round-up amount determined by Raiz, and choose from either $5, $10, $20 or $40 to be your preferred amount when your round-up funds will be invested (See icon 1 below).

Is Raiz or spaceship better? ›

Ultimately, choosing the best micro investing app in Australia depends on your personal preferences and investment goals. Raiz offers a set-and-forget approach with a variety of portfolios, while Spaceship provides actively managed funds and simple portfolio options.

Is Raiz expensive? ›

Among the three choices, Raiz Invest is the most costly at every investment tier, deducting 0.275% for higher balances and as much as 42% for a balance of $100. Comparatively, Spaceship doesn't start charging fees until your balance hits above $5,000, then it's only 0.10% of your investment, low by any measure.

What country is Raiz from? ›

Raiz Invest Limited (formerly Acorns) is an Australian financial technology company operating in Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia. It is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:RZI). It allows Australian customers to micro-invest.

How is Raiz taxed? ›

As a Raiz investor, any realized capital gains/losses through Raiz will be tax liable. We will produce an annual tax statement for all investors by the end of July. These statements will contain all details necessary for filling your tax returns.

Has anyone made money from Acorns? ›

Has Anyone Made Money On Acorns? Acorns has over 8 million customers and $3 billion in assets under management. The app lets its users make money and build wealth through long-term investing. You can also make free money with Acorns by shopping at 350+ Acorns Earn partners.

Does Raiz pay dividends? ›

The underlying stocks of the ETFs which make up the Raiz portfolios pay dividends from time to time. The ETF provider pays these dividends out monthly, quarterly or twice yearly. All dividends received by Raiz will be automatically re-invested back into the chosen portfolio of your Raiz investment account.

Is Acorns still a good idea? ›

Bottom line. For those who want to invest their money but don't know where to start, Acorns is an approachable platform for beginners. It has a simple interface and a micro-investing feature that goes to work every time you make a purchase. Plus, your investments will be safe in low-cost, diversified funds.

What is the easiest investment method to use? ›

A cash bank deposit is the simplest, most easily understandable investment asset—and the safest. It not only gives investors precise knowledge of the interest that they'll earn but also guarantees that they'll get their capital back.

Where should a beginner start investing? ›

The best investments for beginners
  1. A 401(k) or other employer retirement plan. ...
  2. A robo-advisor. ...
  3. Target-date mutual funds. ...
  4. Index funds. ...
  5. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) ...
  6. Investment apps.
Mar 30, 2023

What banks are compatible with Raiz? ›

This is an easy one step process that allows you to start investing in minutes! If you wish to connect one of these banks (Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, NAB, ANZ, St. George, Bank of Queensland) as a Spending Account to be monitored for round-ups: Select your bank from the list for easy signup.

How long does it take for Raiz to pay out? ›

Yes, you can withdraw money from your Raiz account at any time. This will take 5 business days to process before the funds become available in your account due to bank transfer times and the ASX's 2-day settlement period.

What percentage does Raiz take? ›

It charges no brokerage fee and instead uses a monthly fee model. With Raiz, you are charged $3.50 per month in fees if your account holds $15,000 or less or 0.275% a year in fees per year on balances more than $15,000.

How much does Raiz charge for round up? ›

What are Smart Round-Ups? Smart Round-ups means you can override the $5 automatic round-up amount determined by Raiz, and choose from either $5, $10, $20 or $40 to be your preferred amount when your round-up funds will be invested (See icon 1 below).

How many users are on Raiz? ›

Raiz (company)
Type of businessPublic
RevenueA$10.3 million (2020)
Users1,078,000+ (2020)
Current statusActive
7 more rows

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