How to Ace "Tell Me About Yourself" in College Interview? | Leverage Edu (2024)

Getting admission to a university abroad is a dream of many, but going through the whole application procedure can be quite nerve-wracking. Universities abroad have become highly selective in choosing the right candidates. One’s exceptional grades are not sufficient, rather what stands you apart from the competition matters more. Therefore, when applying for your dream university, you must prepare for frequently asked questions like “tell me about yourself”, whether you are writing a statement of purpose or appearing for a face-to-face interview. This blog elaborates on the key essentials you must mention while answering the questiontell me about yourself” along with helpful tips and examples to make sure you ace your university application!

Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question and Answer Example PDFDownload

Also know How to Ace Your Self Introduction in an Interview?

This Blog Includes:
  1. Why do College Interviewers Ask This Question?
  2. A Simple Formula to Answer “Tell me about yourself”
  3. Things to Include While Answering “Tell me about yourself”
  4. Tell Me About Yourself Answer
  5. Tell Me About Yourself Interview
  6. Tell Me About Yourself Best Answer
  7. Tell Me About Yourself For Fresher
  8. Tell Me About Yourself Example
  9. Additional Interview Questions Students Can Prepare
  10. Things to Avoid
  11. FAQ

Why do College Interviewers Ask This Question?

Before you answer the question “tell me about yourself” in a college interview, try to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer. Understanding why an interviewer asks this question enables you to focus on the intent of the inquiry and develop a logical response. This question is asked by interviewers because it corresponds with the main aim of the college interview—getting to know you. An interviewer wants to know who you are and what you would bring to the student body. Allowing you to speak allows an interviewer to discover something about you that they would not have known otherwise.

The “tell me about yourself” question facilitates the transition from casual conversation to the main topic of the interview. An interviewer prefers to set the framework before diving into difficult topics. Starting with a conversational, open-ended question can put you at ease and allow for a more natural flow of the interview.

Finally, an interviewer may utilise details from your response to influence the next part of the interview. Remember that a good college interview should feel like a constructive discussion. Something you mention in your response might be a fantastic transition into the following topic or offer the interviewer an idea for something to bring up later.

A Simple Formula to Answer “Tell me about yourself”

Talk about the present. For example, you can talk about what your current education is, or what are you currently doing. You can also talk about its scope, and maybe about a big recent accomplishment. You can also talk about your past where you can tell the interviewer how you got there. You can also talk about your previous experience that’s relevant to the job. Lastly, you can talk about what you’re looking to do next and where you see yourself in the future!

Things to Include While Answering “Tell me about yourself”

Now that you know what the interviewer is thinking, it’s time to prepare your response to the question “tell me about yourself” in a college interview. The inquiry “tell me about yourself” maybe both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you can portray yourself in a flattering manner to the interviewer. On the other hand, there is the risk of becoming sidetracked and sharing irrelevant information. You can add the following to provide a full answer that remains on track:

  • Details about your life that show how you’d be a good match at the college
  • Details that reflect your individuality and help you stand out
  • A brief explanation of what prompted you to apply to college or select your major
  • Your one-of-a-kind passions or interests (connect them to the college if possible)
  • Strengths and successes that may be demonstrated via tales and stories

Protip – Steer clear of typical clichés or descriptions. For example, instead of just saying that you are hardworking, you should explain the importance of being diligent and what made you so hardworking.

How to Tackle the Why MBA Interview Question?

Tell Me About Yourself Answer

Thepersonal statementis a crucial part ofuniversity applications, so catch the eye of the admission committee by adequately structuring your answer and supporting it with relevant examples.

Start with a brief about yourself, highlight your accomplishments, and finally list the differentiators. Overall, make sure to highlight the following factors:

  • Educational background along with positions held, and awards or commendations received in your previous school or college.
  • Your motivation behind choosing the course/subject. It would be best if you wrote about why you want to study your chosen course, your interest in the subject, and how you will be a good fit.
  • Supplement your essay with relevant skills and knowledge. Make it more impactful by listing your hobbies/passions and life goals.

Protip – Try employing the remarkable ‘necklace approach,’ i.e., linking your opening sentence andclosing paragraph to reinforce and add an extra dimension at the end.

For example, if you started your essay on “tell me about yourself” with the motivation behind choosing a specific degree course, you could link it back to it in your closing paragraph by concluding that you would love to study this subject at the University.

Handle Tough Interview Questions with Ease!

Tell Me About Yourself Interview

The interviewer will ask this question as an icebreaker to understand how you are the right “fit” for the course and university and what makes you unique. Here are the major pointers you must keep in mind regarding the interview question “tell me about yourself” in order to set the right pace of your interview.

  • Your aim when answering this question should be a concise and brief walkthrough of your educational background, interests, passions, and future goals.
  • Tailor your answer to the University and course you hope to study there. For example, if you want to study Bioinformatics, include your passion for creating computation drug discovery models and your goal of building a career in research.
  • The answer should be structured in a simple, easy to follow, and tested format of “Past-Present-Future.”

Best Answers for Why MBA

Apart from basic guidelines and strategies on approaching the “tell me about yourself” interview question, here are some samples that can put you on the right track to respond to this question.3ws

Tell Me About Yourself Best Answer

Keeping all the above-stated tips in mind, here’s what a good tell me about yourself sample answer for freshers would look like:

“My name is ______, and I am interested in biology and human physiology. I have always been curious about studying biology as both my parents are doctors, and discussions with them have expanded my knowledge of the healthcare industry.

I was the co-Leader of the medical club and volunteered at my parent’s hospital during high school. All this hands-on experience taught me how to interact with patients and hospital administrators. My strengths are excellent leadership skills, problem-solving, and taking the initiative to work.

My goal is to complete my major in human physiology and contribute to cancer studies. After completing graduation, I would like to work in research.”

How to Answer “Why Should You Be Hired for this Internship?”

Tell Me About Yourself For Fresher

If you’re a fresh graduate applying for a job, you should start with the fact that you just graduated and explainwhy you chose this area of study. Here is an example of “tell me about yourself” answer for fresh graduates:

My name is ______, and I recently graduated from University _____ with a B.Tech in Biotechnology. During my course, I was involved in multiple internships with different firms, and I am intimately familiar with critical competencies in the biotechnology sector. I was also part of the various student bodies and maintained a GPA of 3.8.

Now, I’m looking to leverage my learning and get some hands-on work experience. I would bring value to an organization like yours through my understanding of this field, and my positive ‘can do” attitude.“

Tell Me About Yourself Example

Here is another example of a well-structured answer that includes your past, present and future strategy.

“I was born in Pune but migrated to New Delhi while I was in elementary school. During my childhood, I used to visit my relatives in Pune on a regular basis. My aunt would take me to museums, libraries, and the theatre on my visits to the city, which started my interest in reading, drama, and theatre arts. I’ve performed in over 30 musicals at my school and local theatre since then. I intend to specialise in musical theatre since I am a brilliant singer and performer who is comfortable in her own skin both on and off the stage.

Despite my love of the theatre, I was quite timid as a child. It took me years to have the confidence to even audition for a play. I am thankful for how my engagement in theatre has helped me develop as a well-rounded individual and excellent communicator. Aside from theatre, I am a huge fan of reading and literature. I believe I am the ideal candidate for (University Name), and I would love to go since it has such a high concentration of academics that specialise in the performing arts and literature. In a nutshell, it’s a fantastic chance for me to learn from such great professors.

Moreover, after spending 14 years of my life landlocked in New Delhi, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to live near the shore once again!”

What are Your Hobbies?

What is Your Strength and Weakness?

Additional Interview Questions Students Can Prepare

In addition to expressing about yourself to the interviewer. Apart from academics and things mentioned in the resume candidate should also prepare for some additional questions. Some are mentioned below.

  • Have you ever done SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat) analysis?
  • Who is your role model?
  • Where do you want to be in next 5 years?
  • What approach and skills make you different from others?
  • Which historical personality from past you don’t like and why?

Things to Avoid

Although the question “tell me about yourself” may appear general, there are certain things the interviewer wants to learn about you as a candidate, while other elements of your life may be unnecessary or even improper to share.

  • Your interviewer does not need to know everything about you. Don’t inform the interviewer about personal activities that aren’t related to the school or university,
  • Don’t talk about your friends, family, or other elements of your life that don’t illustrate how you may contribute as a student.
  • You should also avoid expressing anything bad about the school or implying that you are uninterested in attending there.


Q. What should strictly avoid while telling about yourself in an interview?

During an interview or meeting when asked to shared about oneself. Candidate should never share false information.

Q. What is the basic formula of structuring the conversation in an interview when sharing information about yourself?

Candidate should draft his/her communication on the simple structure formula of Present Past and Future. Candidate should share the details in the same manner.

Q. Do candidate’s dressing and body language matter in an interview?

Yes, dressing, physical appearance and body expression also equally matter in an interview. It is always advised to appear in formal dressing and look confident and real in an interview.

So this was all about how to answer “tell me about yourself” in your college interview. You can reach out to ourLeverage Edu experts and our experts will help you craft an impressive foreign university application to ensure that you get successfully shortlisted into your dream university! Call us at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

How to Ace "Tell Me About Yourself" in College Interview? | Leverage Edu (2024)


How to Ace "Tell Me About Yourself" in College Interview? | Leverage Edu? ›

For example, you can talk about what your current education

Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits. There are many debates about its precise definition, for example, about which aims it tries to achieve. A further issue is whether part of the meaning of education is that the change in the student is an improvement. › wiki › Education
is, or what are you currently doing. You can also talk about its scope, and maybe about a big recent accomplishment. You can also talk about your past where you can tell the interviewer how you got there.

How to answer the Tell me about yourself interview question as a college student? ›

Follow these steps to prepare an answer to this common college interview question:
  1. Provide an informal introduction. ...
  2. Talk about family and upbringing. ...
  3. Mention your general activities. ...
  4. Talk about quantifiable achievements. ...
  5. Give some unique personal information. ...
  6. Explain why this opportunity is important for you.
Mar 7, 2023

What is the best answer for tell me about yourself in an interview? ›

Your answer to the "tell me about yourself" question should describe your current situation, your past job experience, the reason you're a good fit for the role, and how you align with the company values. Tell the interviewer about your current position and a recent big accomplishment or positive feedback you received.

What should you tell colleges about yourself? ›

Tell Me About Yourself

What's the most meaningful and unique to you, of course! It could be activities you've been involved with, a unique experience you had, your academic interests, values or goals, fun facts or even your family or cultural background.

How can I introduce myself in school admission interview? ›

Just sit back and note down the following pointers on how to ace self-introduction.
  1. Dress Appropriately. ...
  2. Prepare What To Say. ...
  3. Begin By Greeting the Interviewer. ...
  4. Include Your Educational Qualifications. ...
  5. Elaborate on Professional Experience (if any) ...
  6. Mention Your Hobbies And Interests. ...
  7. Be Prepared For Follow Up Questions.

What is an example of a short description about yourself for students? ›

Example: “I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive towards. I am not comfortable with settling, and I am always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself college interview? ›

Details from your life that demonstrate how you'd be a great fit at the college. A brief look at what led you to apply to the college or choose your major. Your unique passions or interests (connect them to the college if possible) Strengths and accomplishments that you can illustrate with stories.

What is an example of tell us a bit about yourself? ›

'Tell me about yourself' sample answer

I've always been skilled at bringing people together and working towards common goals. My experience successfully leading teams and managing stores led me to consider administration, and I've been building a career as a health administrator for the last four years.

What is the best introduction line about yourself in an interview? ›

"Good day, I am [Name], and I am delighted to be here today. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications for the [Position/Job Title] role." "Having [Number] years of experience in [Field], I was able to develop a strong skill set that comes in line with the requirements of this position.

How can I start my self introduction? ›

If you are not sure what to share, your name and job title is a great place to start. If there's an opportunity to elaborate, you can also share other details such as a current project, your expertise, or your geographical location.

What do colleges want to hear about you? ›

They take into account more than your GPA and test scores. Your character and the personal qualities you can bring to a college are important, too. That's why you need to think about your goals, accomplishments, and personal values. Then, you can figure out how you can best express those in your applications.

How do colleges want you to describe yourself? ›

Think about where you were born, how you grew up, who you grew up with, significant life events and experiences, your passions, hobbies, and so on. You want to avoid dwelling on your academic achievements and any other information that the admissions officer can find in your high school resume or common app essay.

How do you ace a university interview? ›

These university interview tips listed below will help increase your chances of success.
  1. Practice answers to common questions. ...
  2. Re-read your personal statement. ...
  3. Make sure you can attend. ...
  4. Remember to bring any additional documents. ...
  5. Arrive early. ...
  6. Dress smartly and comfortably. ...
  7. Prepare your own questions in advance.

What is an example of self introduction for college students? ›

I'm currently studying ____________ at _____________, and I hope to become ___________ one day. I'm really passionate about ___________, and I'm always looking for new ways to learn and improve my skills. I'm also a firm believer of teamwork, and I believe that working together is the best way to achieve success.

How do you write a short introduction about yourself as a student? ›

How to Prepare a Good Student Self Introduction
  1. Always Greet and Smile Before Starting. ...
  2. Begin With Demographic Information. ...
  3. Talk About Skills and Experience. ...
  4. Include Hobbies and Interests. ...
  5. Discuss Achievements. ...
  6. Mention Strengths and Weaknesses. ...
  7. Show Your Unique Qualities. ...
  8. Make Connections.

How do you introduce yourself in a unique way as a student? ›

15 creative self-introductions
  1. Use a name tag. ...
  2. Share a unique fact about yourself. ...
  3. Express yourself through your clothing. ...
  4. Use a custom-made business card. ...
  5. Consider your surroundings. ...
  6. Uncover similarities. ...
  7. Identify a mutual friend or acquaintance. ...
  8. Offer your help.
Oct 31, 2022

How do you write 5 sentences about yourself? ›

I am a very honest and decent boy and follow all the instructions from my parents and teachers. I complete my homework regularly and never get late to school. I pay attention and respect to my teachers and elders. Also, I follow every piece of advice from them.

What not to say in a college interview? ›

Topics to Avoid

Your interviewer does not need to learn everything there is to know about you. Don't tell your interviewer about personal hobbies that aren't relevant to the school or interview, or talk too much about friends, family, and other aspects of your life that don't show how you might contribute as a student.

Why does a college want to interview me? ›

The interview is rarely the deciding factor in whether the college will accept you, but it can give a representative from the college a chance to get to know you better. And the interview gives you a chance to: Show your interest in the college. Share information about yourself beyond what's listed on your transcript.

What is the best example of Tell me about yourself? ›

I'm known for being a detail-oriented, well-organized team player. I never miss deadlines, I'm a good communicator and I can juggle multiple tasks at once. In my performance reviews, my supervisor always notes that he appreciates my professionalism and enthusiasm for the job.

What are 3 things you can tell someone about yourself? ›

Interesting Facts About Me:
  • Your non-traditional career path.
  • Your hobbies, volunteer work, and interests outside of work.
  • An SFW story that is almost too good to believe.
  • A skill you learned in the last few years.
  • Your biggest personal goal for the new year.

How do I answer the question Tell me a little bit about yourself? ›

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”
  • Mention relevant past experiences and successes. The job description and posting will tell you the basics of what this potential job will entail. ...
  • Relate your current job to the one you're applying for. ...
  • Focus on strengths and abilities. ...
  • Highlight your personality.

How do you introduce yourself in 4 lines? ›

You can use the below phrases to introduce yourself:
  1. I don't think we've met (before).
  2. I think we've already met.
  3. My name is ...
  4. I'm ...
  5. Nice to meet you; I'm ...
  6. Pleased to meet you; I'm ...
  7. Let me introduce myself; I'm ...
  8. I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...
Sep 1, 2021

What is a 5 minute speech about yourself? ›

What Is a 5 Minute Self Introduction Speech? As stated in the name, a 5-minute self-introduction speech is an informative speech about yourself with a time limit of five minutes. In this duration, you can talk freely about yourself. You can share facts about your strengths and weaknesses.

What should you tell while giving your introduction? ›

Greet your interviewers and tell your name to start the formal introduction. It is always a good idea to prepare for this most expected question beforehand. Do not hesitate to include some informal, personal information, such as your hobbies, or what you do on weekends.

What makes me a strong candidate for college? ›

A high GPA (relative to what admitted students have) and a rigorous curriculum. Strong test scores (relative to what admitted students have) A specific, honest, and well-written personal statement and/or essays. A unique extracurricular interest or passion (a "spike," as we like to call it)

What do colleges look at the most? ›

What are the Most Important Factors in College Admissions?
  • Grades in college prep courses. ...
  • Strength of curriculum. ...
  • Admission test scores. ...
  • Grades in all courses. ...
  • Extracurricular commitment. ...
  • Letters of recommendation. ...
  • Essay or writing sample. ...
  • Demonstrated interest.

How do you answer why college is important to you? ›

College authorities want to know more about your academic interests and commitments. Talk about the specific educational, research, and other academic opportunities offered by the college that appeal to you. Expand on this idea by talking about how these opportunities help support your future goals.

What are the 10 most common university interview questions and answers? ›

How to answer common admission interview questions
  • Why do you want to attend this university? ...
  • Why do you want to study this subject? ...
  • What are you reading at the moment? ...
  • How would your friends describe you? ...
  • What achievement are you most proud of? ...
  • What do you like to do in your spare time?

What are the top 5 questions to ask an interviewer? ›

Smart questions to ask about the interviewer
  • How long have you been with the company?
  • Has your role changed since you've been here?
  • What did you do before this?
  • Why did you come to this company?
  • What's your favorite part about working here?
  • What's one challenge you occasionally or regularly face in your job?
Mar 3, 2023

What questions should I ask at the end of a university interview? ›

You can ask questions regarding accommodation, teaching methods, resources, scholarships, and curriculum. Make the most of those 30-60 mins and clear all your doubts with the Admissions Officer. Remember to ask these questions at the end of the internal interview.

How would you introduce yourself in college online class as a student? ›

Tips for Introducing Yourself in an Online Course
  1. Your name and preferred pronouns. Your name will be visible on your post, but if there's something you prefer to be called, let others know.
  2. The degree you're pursuing. Why did you choose this degree and/or concentration? What are your long-term goals?
Jan 5, 2021

How do you introduce yourself in 30 seconds as a student? ›

Practice, Practice, Practice

Your 30-second introduction should be conversational and natural so that you appear confident, enthusiastic, poised, and professional. Although prepared in advance, it should never sound memorized—you want to engage the listener and give him/her an opportunity to see your personality.

How to write an introduction about yourself as a college student? ›

Here are a few tips on how to prepare a good self introduction as a student:
  1. Always Greet and Smile Before Starting. ...
  2. Begin With Demographic Information. ...
  3. Talk About Skills and Experience. ...
  4. Include Hobbies and Interests. ...
  5. Discuss Achievements. ...
  6. Mention Strengths and Weaknesses. ...
  7. Show Your Unique Qualities. ...
  8. Make Connections.

How do I write about myself as a college student? ›

To get started, check out these 9 tips on how to write an essay about yourself:
  1. Create a List of Questions. ...
  2. Brainstorm and Outline. ...
  3. Be Vulnerable. ...
  4. Use Personal Examples. ...
  5. Write in the First Person. ...
  6. Don't Be Afraid to Show Off…But Stay on Topic! ...
  7. Show Personality. ...
  8. Know Your Audience.
Jan 14, 2020

How would you describe yourself as a college student? ›

I am a self-motivated student always like to inspire my school friends and help them in their hard times. I am a bright student in my school and do well in academic and sports activities. I am able to perform well in any stressful situation.

How do you describe yourself as a college student on a resume? ›

Consider briefly mentioning your academic experience and any honors or achievements you received during your college career. For example, you can say you're an honors student with proven academic success. You can also say you have experience working across various departments with faculty members and students.

What is an example of self introduction? ›

You can start your self-introduction by mentioning your name, experience, occupation and other details to create a positive first impression. Example: “My name is Satish Gupta. II am a recent chemical engineering graduate with six months of industrial training at a leading paper manufacturing company.”

How do you answer describe yourself in a college essay? ›

5 Tips For Writing About Yourself On College Applications
  1. SHOW PERSONAL DEPTH. While students may be tempted to state just the facts of their background, encourage depth and description in their application. ...

What to put on a resume as a college student with no experience? ›

Writing a resume with no formal work experience means emphasizing other aspects of your life that'll showcase your skills and passions—like your education, and involvement in activities like extracurriculars or volunteering. Having dedicated sections for a summary and a list of skills can round out your resume.

How can a college student make a resume with no experience? ›

You can create a killer no-experience resume by emphasizing your education instead. Include relevant internships, soft & hard skills, and projects. Other sections you can include on your resume are hobbies & interests, languages, certifications, or achievements.

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