Estate Planning Roundup: 2023 Updates and the Urgent Need to Utilize Exemptions (2024)


Trusts & Estates

There are a number of tax changes that took effect at the beginning of the new year. Given these recent changes, as well as the lack of certainty regarding actions Congress may take this year and in the coming years, especially as it relates to the federal gift/estate and generation-skipping transfer (“GST”) tax exemptions, it is of upmost importance for individuals to begin working with their advisors to review their current estate plans and implement any necessary changes and strategies.

This alert will outline the current state of the law relating to the federal gift/estate and GST tax exemptions, the need for individuals to put vehicles in place now to capture the present exemption amounts, new planning opportunities, and recent changes in tax and estate laws.

  1. The 2023 Exemption Amounts and the Looming 2026 Reduction

Given the rampant inflation over the last year, the federal exemption amounts have increased by an unprecedented amount. Effective January 1, 2023, the federal gift/estate tax exemption and GST tax exemption increased from $12,060,000 to $12,920,000 (an $860,000 increase).[1] The federal annual exclusion amount also increased from $16,000 to $17,000.

The federal gift/estate tax exemption and GST tax exemption will continue to increase each year for inflation through December 31, 2025. However, under current law, on January 1, 2026, the exemption amounts are scheduled to be automatically cut in half. It is anyone’s guess whether legislation will be introduced retaining the increase in the exemption amounts (eliminating the automatic sunset) or slashing the exemption amounts sooner.

Indeed, over the last few years, we have seen a number of unsuccessful proposals seeking to reduce the exemption amounts at an earlier date, and we are likely to see additional proposals over the next three years from both parties – the Democrats seeking to reduce the exemption amounts early and the Republicans seeking to eliminate the January 2026 sunset and retain the increased amounts (or perhaps even eliminating the estate tax altogether). Given the uncertainty of what might occur, the time is now for individuals to begin the process of putting vehicles in place to utilize the increase in the exemption amounts before the exemption amounts automatically sunset or before legislation can be introduced and passed affecting the exemption amounts prior to 2026.

This year’s significant increase in the exemption amounts presents a prime estate planning opportunity not only for those individuals who have not previously engaged in significant gifting, but also for those individuals who previously made gifts to capture their exemptions. For individuals in the latter category, such individuals now have, at least, an additional $860,000 of exemption available for further estate planning.

When establishing vehicles to use the increase in the exemption amounts, one central question on many individuals’ minds is whether use of the increased exemption amounts will have adverse tax consequences if and when the exemption amounts are reduced. In late 2019, the IRS released guidance regarding the use of the increased exemption amounts during this period. This guidance clarified that a taxpayer is permitted to utilize his or her increased exemption amounts between December 31, 2017, and December 31, 2025, without adverse tax consequences at death.[2]

Additionally, as most are aware, in late 2022, the Biden Administration announced plans to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. Whether these new agents will be hired is currently hanging in the balance - the House of Representatives recently approved a bill that would repeal the funding for hiring these new agents. Nevertheless, if and once these new agents are hired and trained, within the next few years, we can expect to see an increase in audits of gift tax returns. Under current law, the statute of limitations for the IRS to audit a gift tax return is three years from the due date of the return, or three years after the gift tax return was filed, whichever is later, provided that the return adequately disclosed all gifts and valuations. As such, to decrease audit risk, especially for those types of gifts where valuation discounts may be applied (i.e., gifts of minority interests in entities, such as limited liability companies or closely held corporations, and gifts of fractional interests in real estate), it would be best to make these gifts as soon as possible to begin the running of the statute of limitations.

There are a number of vehicles an individual can put in place to utilize his or her federal exemption amounts. The next two sections of this alert address specific exemption-utilization strategies ideal for the current economic environment; the remaining sections of this alert address recent changes in tax and estate laws.

  1. Estate Planning in an Economic Downturn

    • Gifting Assets with Depressed Values

The current economic downturn is an ideal time for making both annual exclusion and lifetime exemption gifts. Gifting assets when values are depressed permits an individual to transfer additional property to his or her descendants (or others) at a lower transfer tax cost with future appreciation accruing outside of the individual’s estate.

For instance, if, on January 1, 2022, 100 shares of X stock had a fair market value of $1,000,000 and now, given the downward trend in the market, the value of such shares is $850,000, an individual can gift such shares using $150,000 less of his or her federal gift/estate tax exemption.[3] Assets whose values are expected to rebound in the future are ideal candidates for gifting strategies in the current environment because all appreciation following the date of the gift will escape gift and estate taxation.

  • Making a Late Allocation of GST Tax Exemption to Prior Gifts

A down market also presents a prime opportunity for making a late allocation of GST tax exemption to prior gifts to trusts, which permits an individual to use his or her remaining GST tax exemption without having to make additional gifts.

The federal GST tax is in addition to the federal estate tax and it, generally, applies to transfers to beneficiaries (either outright or in trust) who are more than one generation removed from the donor or settlor (i.e., an individual establishing a trust) or more than 37½ years younger than the donor or settlor. Generally, GST tax exemption is allocated to a gift in trust on the settlor’s federal gift tax return and, if reported on the initial return reporting the initial transfer to the trust, the allocation is based on the fair market value of the property on the date of the gift. If the settlor did not allocate GST tax exemption to his or her gift in trust on his or her initial gift tax return, whether by an inadvertent mistake or an intentional decision, the settlor has the ability to make a late allocation of GST tax exemption to his or her prior gift, to the extent that the settlor has GST tax exemption remaining.

When a late allocation of GST tax exemption is made to a prior gift in trust, the exemption is applied based on the value of the trust assets on the date of the late allocation, rather than the date of the gift. If asset values have declined since the date of the gift, making a late GST tax exemption allocation may result in a fully GST exempt trust using less exemption.

For instance, if, on January 1, 2022, a settlor gifted 100 shares of X stock to a new irrevocable trust that had a fair market value of $1,000,000, the settlor would have been required to use $1,000,000 of GST tax exemption to fully exempt the trust. If, however, given the depressed market, on February 1, 2023, such shares had a fair market value of $800,000, the settlor can make a late allocation (to the extent that he or she did not allocate GST tax exemption to the gift on his or her initial federal gift tax return) and use only $800,000 of GST tax exemption to fully exempt the trust.

  1. Estate Planning in a High-Interest Environment

Many estate planning techniques are based on the interest rates set forth by the federal government. In recent years, we have seen historically low rates, which provided opportunities for various estate planning vehicles, such as intrafamily loans and grantor retained annuity trusts (“GRAT”). Although the significant increase in the rates, such as the applicable federal rates (“AFR”) and the Section 7520 rate of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), has hindered these types of vehicles, the increase has provided new estate planning opportunities.

Specifically, a high-interest environment presents unique estate planning opportunities to establish certain types of split-interest trusts, such as a qualified personal residence trust (“QPRT”) for those individuals looking to utilize their federal gift/estate tax exemption in a transfer tax-friendly way, and a charitable remainder trust (“CRT”) for those individuals that are charitably inclined.

A QPRT is a trust to which a settlor transfers his or her primary residence (or even one secondary residence), and after a term of years during which the settlor has exclusive use of the residence, the property will pass to the settlor’s descendants (or others) free of transfer tax (assuming the settlor survives the trust term). At the time that the residence is transferred to the QPRT, the remainder interest that will ultimately pass to the remainder beneficiaries is a taxable gift and will use a portion of the settlor’s federal gift/estate tax exemption amount. However, the settlor’s retained interest for the terms of years, the value of which is calculated in accordance with the Section 7520 rate of the Code, is reduced from the fair market value of the property at the time the QPRT is funded to determine the value of the taxable gift of the remainder interest. The higher the rate, the higher the value of the retained interest, and, therefore, the lower the value of the gift of the remainder interest. As such, given the unprecedently high Section 7520 rate, a QPRT is an attractive estate planning strategy in this high-interest environment.

For those who are charitably inclined, CRTs are also prime estate planning tools in high-interest environments. A CRT lasts for a term of years or a lifetime, during which annual payments are made to one or more persons (which usually includes the settlor), and after the expiration of the CRT, the trust property remaining will pass to a designated charity (or charities). There are two types of CRTs: a charitable remainder annuity trust (“CRAT”), which pays a fixed income stream based on a percentage of the initial fair market value of the gifted assets, and a charitable remainder unitrust (“CRUT”), which pays an income stream equal to a fixed percentage of the value of the trust’s assets that are revalued annually. Upon the creation of a CRT, with certain limitations, the settlor may claim an income tax deduction on the charitable remainder that will ultimately pass to charity, which is valued at its present value also using the applicable Section 7520 rate of the Code. With respect to CRTs, the higher the Section 7520 rate, the higher the value of the remainder interest passing to charity, thereby providing a greater charitable income tax deduction for the settlor.

  1. New Planning Opportunities for Connecticut Residents

Given that Connecticut is the only state in the union that has retained a state-level gift tax[4] and the state’s gift tax exemption amount has been historically lower than the federal gift tax exemption amount, Connecticut residents were hindered in prior years from taking advantage of the full amount of their federal gift/estate tax exemption amount without incurring a state gift tax liability.

As of January 1, 2023, the Connecticut gift/estate tax exemption amount now mirrors the federal gift/estate tax exemption amount, and it will continue to do so in future years. As such, as of January 1, 2023, Connecticut residents can now utilize the full amount of their federal gift/estate tax exemption using any property without incurring a Connecticut gift tax liability. This presents a prime estate planning opportunity not only for those Connecticut residents who have not previously made gifts, but also for those residents who only previously made gifts up to the amount of their Connecticut gift/estate tax exemption.

Of course, it is important to note that since the Connecticut gift/estate tax exemption amount now mirrors the federal gift/estate tax exemption amount, if and when the federal exemptions sunset on January 1, 2026, the Connecticut exemption amounts will also be reduced accordingly.

  1. New Revenue Procedure Regarding Portability Elections

Under current federal law, the deceased spousal unused exclusion (“DSUE”) provides that any federal gift/estate tax exemption that is unused at a decedent’s death can be “ported” over to the decedent’s surviving spouse by filing a federal estate tax return (Form 706) and making a portability election (unfortunately, portability does not apply to any unused federal GST tax exemption).

Portability essentially allows the deceased spouse’s unused federal gift/estate tax exemption to be made available to the surviving spouse. For instance, if spouse 1, a New York resident, died on January 1, 2023, and only used $6,580,000 of his or her federal estate tax exemption, spouse 1’s remaining $6,340,000 of federal gift/estate tax exemption can be ported over to spouse 2 (giving spouse 2 a total of $19,260,000 of federal gift/estate tax exemption in 2023 - $12,920,000 in his or her own right and $6,340,000 from his or her deceased spouse) to use either during his or her lifetime or at death. The amount ported from spouse 1 to spouse 2 is locked in based on the exemption available at the time of spouse 1’s death. As such, any ported exemption will not be affected by the January 1, 2026, sunset of the exemption amounts.

Under Section 2010(c)(5)(A) of the Code, a portability election is effective only if made on a federal estate tax return that is filed within the time prescribed by law (including extensions) for filing such return.[5] In 2017, the IRS issued Rev. Proc. 2017-34, which provided a simplified method for the executor of a decedent’s estate that did not meet the threshold for filing an estate tax return to elect portability under Section 2010(c)(5)(A) of the Code within two years of the decedent’s death. In 2022, to reduce the number of requests for private letter rulings, the IRS issued Rev. Proc. 2022-32, which extends the two-year time period to five years.

  1. New FinCEN Reporting Requirements Effective January 1, 2024

On September 29, 2022, the U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) issued a final rule implementing the Corporate Transparency Act, which imposes a reporting requirement for most corporations, limited liability companies, and other entities that do business in the United States. The implementation of this new rule is especially important from an estate planning perspective as many individuals establish entities as part of their estate planning.

The new rule will require “reporting companies” to file reports with FinCEN identifying two categories of individuals: (i) “beneficial owners” of the entity; and (ii) the “company applicants” of the entity.

The rule establishes two types of reporting companies: domestic reporting companies and foreign reporting companies. A domestic reporting company includes any entity that is established by the filing of relevant documents with a secretary of state or similar office in any jurisdiction within the United States. A foreign reporting company includes any foreign entity that is registered to do business in the United States.

Under the new rule, a beneficial owner would be any individual who meets at least one of two tests: (i) an individual who exercises substantial control over the entity; or (ii) an individual who holds at least a 25 percent ownership interest in the entity. A company applicant is any individual who filed a document to establish the entity.

Reporting companies that were established before January 1, 2024, will have one year to file their initial reports, while reporting companies that are established after January 1, 2024, will have 30 days from the date of establishment to file their initial reports. The initial reports must disclose sufficient information regarding the beneficial owners and company applicants, including their names, dates of birth, addresses, and a unique identifying number and issuing jurisdiction from an acceptable identification document (i.e., driver’s license number, passport number, etc.).

For additional information, please contact a member of Blank Rome’s Private Client team.

© 2023 Blank Rome LLP. All rights reserved. Please contact Blank Rome for permission to reprint. Notice: The purpose of this update is to identify select developments that may be of interest to readers. The information contained herein is abridged and summarized from various sources, the accuracy and completeness of which cannot be assured. This update should not be construed as legal advice or opinion, and is not a substitute for the advice of counsel.

[1] In some states that impose their own estate tax, the applicable state estate tax exemption amounts have also increased. Effective January 1, 2023, the estate tax exemption amount in the State of Connecticut increased to $12,920,000, the estate tax exemption amount in the State of New York increased to $6,580,000, and the estate tax exemption amount in the District of Columbia increased to $4,528,000. The estate tax exemption amount in the State of Maryland has remained static at $5,000,000 since 2018. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Florida, California, and Virginia do not impose a separate state estate tax, although some impose an inheritance tax in certain circ*mstances.

[2] Nevertheless, the IRS has recently proposed a regulation that provides that the lower exemption amounts may apply at death to certain types of gifts that were made while the exemption amounts were higher, such as gifts in the form of a promissory note and gifts under a partnership freeze technique. Specifically, under the proposed regulation, if a taxpayer made such a gift while the exemption amounts were higher and then dies within three years of the date of such gift and after the exemption amounts are reduced, the taxpayer would lose the benefit of the increased exemption amounts in effect at the time that the gift was made and be subject to estate tax on the difference.

[3] Of course, an individual must weigh the benefits of gifting in a down market against the loss of the step-up in cost basis that such assets would receive upon the individual’s death under current law.

[4] For a Connecticut resident, the Connecticut gift tax applies to any gift, except for a gift of real estate or tangible personal property situated outside of the State of Connecticut.

[5] Although there is a cost involved in preparing and filing a federal estate tax return at the first death that may not otherwise be required, there is a significant benefit of electing portability, especially for those couples who have total assets near or exceeding the federal estate tax exemption amount (either the current federal estate tax exemption amount or the estimated federal estate tax exemption amount following the January 1, 2026, sunset).

Estate Planning Roundup: 2023 Updates and the Urgent Need to Utilize Exemptions (2024)


What is the federal estate exemption for 2023? ›

The 2023 Exemption Amounts and the Looming 2026 Reduction

Effective January 1, 2023, the federal gift/estate tax exemption and GST tax exemption increased from $12,060,000 to $12,920,000 (an $860,000 increase). [1] The federal annual exclusion amount also increased from $16,000 to $17,000.

What is generation skipping exemption for 2023? ›

The annual exclusion amount for 2023 is $17,000 ($34,000 per married couple). That means you could give up to $17,000 (or a married couple could give a total of $34,000) in annual exclusion gifts to any child, grandchild or other person.

What is the lifetime exemption for 2023? ›

Lifetime IRS Gift Tax Exemption

Also for 2023, the IRS allows a person to give away up to $12.92 million in assets or property over the course of their lifetime and/or as part of their estate.

What is the federal estate exemption for 2024? ›

Applying the most recent 8.5% inflation rate, the year 2024 federal estate and gift tax exemption becomes roughly $14,197,333 per person. This becomes $28,394,666 for a married couple.

How much can you inherit from your parents without paying taxes? ›

There is no federal inheritance tax, but there is a federal estate tax. The federal estate tax generally applies to assets over $12.06 million in 2022 and $12.92 million in 2023, and the estate tax rate ranges from 18% to 40%.

Do I have to pay taxes on a $10 000 inheritance? ›

In California, there is no state-level estate or inheritance tax. If you are a California resident, you do not need to worry about paying an inheritance tax on the money you inherit from a deceased individual. As of 2023, only six states require an inheritance tax on people who inherit money.

What are the disadvantages of a generation skipping trust? ›

One of the biggest disadvantages of a Generation-Skipping Trust is the fact that they are considered Irrevocable Trusts. This means you do not have the power to amend or cancel them. The assets contained within the Trust will also no longer be under your control, and will instead be administered by a Trustee.

What triggers generation skipping transfer tax? ›

What Triggers the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax? The generation-skipping transfer tax is triggered when a person gifts another person an asset but skips a generation in doing so. For example, when a person gifts a home to their grandchild and skips their child.

Are you exempt from 2023 withholding? ›

You Can Claim a Withholding Exemption

Looking ahead to next year, you qualify for an exemption in 2023 if (1) you had no federal income tax liability in 2022, and (2) you expect to have no federal income tax liability in 2023.

How does the IRS know if you give a gift? ›

The primary way the IRS becomes aware of gifts is when you report them on form 709. You are required to report gifts to an individual over $17,000 on this form. This is how the IRS will generally become aware of a gift.

What is the IRS lifetime gift exemption? ›

The annual federal gift tax exclusion allows you to give away up to $16,000 each in 2022 to as many people as you wish without those gifts counting against your $12.06 million lifetime exemption. (After 2022, the $16,000 exclusion may be increased for inflation.)

Can each parent gift $15000 to a child? ›

Annual gift tax exclusions

Each year, there's a set annual exclusion for gift tax. In 2021, it was $15,000 per person, and in 2022 it's $16,000 per person. This applies both to each gifter and to each recipient.

Does inheritance count as income? ›

Inheritances are not considered income for federal tax purposes, whether you inherit cash, investments or property. However, any subsequent earnings on the inherited assets are taxable, unless it comes from a tax-free source.

What will the federal estate tax exemption be in 2025? ›

The estate tax exclusion has increased to $12.06 million. This is the amount one person can pass gift and estate tax free during their life or upon death. With proper trust provisions, a married couple could pass $24.12 million.

What is bidens proposed estate tax exemption? ›

Beginning on January 1, 2026 the exemption will fall back to 2017 amounts of $5 million adjusted for inflation. The IRS has issued final regulations under IR-2019-189 that there will be no “clawback” for gifts made under the increased estate and gift tax lifetime exemption.

Can my parents give me $100 000? ›

Lifetime Gifting Limits

Each individual has a $11.7 million lifetime exemption ($23.4M combined for married couples) before anyone would owe federal tax on a gift or inheritance. In other words, you could gift your son or daughter $10 million dollars today, and no one would owe any federal gift tax on that amount.

Do beneficiaries pay taxes on inherited money? ›

Generally, beneficiaries do not pay income tax on money or property that they inherit, but there are exceptions for retirement accounts, life insurance proceeds, and savings bond interest. Money inherited from a 401(k), 403(b), or IRA is taxable if that money was tax deductible when it was contributed.

How do I avoid inheritance tax on my parents house? ›

5 Ways to Avoid Paying Taxes on Inherited Property
  1. Sell the Inherited Property as Soon as Possible. ...
  2. Turn the Inherited Home into a Rental Property. ...
  3. Use the Inherited Property as a Primary Residence. ...
  4. 1031 Exchange. ...
  5. Disclaim the Inheritance.

What is the tax limit amount is $16000 per individual? ›

The gift tax limit for 2022 was $16,000. This amount, formally called the gift tax exclusion, is the maximum amount you can give a single person without reporting it to the IRS.

Do I need to report inheritance money to IRS? ›

Is inheritance taxable income? Regarding your question, “Is inheritance taxable income?” Generally, no, you usually don't include your inheritance in your taxable income. However, if the inheritance is considered income in respect of a decedent, you'll be subject to some taxes.

Is $500000 inheritance taxable? ›

Someone who inherits a $500,000 bank account doesn't have to pay any tax on that amount. It doesn't matter how the property passes to the inheritor.

What is the disadvantage of setting up a trust? ›

One of the most significant disadvantages of a trust is its complexity. Generally, trusts use very specific language, which can be difficult to understand for those who are not often involved in estate law. Because trusts were once written in Latin, there are many legal terms that still carry over.

What would be the disadvantage of naming a trust? ›

The primary disadvantage of naming a trust as beneficiary is that the retirement plan's assets will be subjected to required minimum distribution payouts, which are calculated based on the life expectancy of the oldest beneficiary.

What is the major disadvantage of a trust? ›

The major disadvantages that are associated with trusts are their perceived irrevocability, the loss of control over assets that are put into trust and their costs. In fact trusts can be made revocable, but this generally has negative consequences in respect of tax, estate duty, asset protection and stamp duty.

Can inheritance skip a generation? ›

Skipping a generation and incurring this tax can happen in three ways. It can happen intentionally, for example, if you skip the living parent (your child) and leave an inheritance directly to your grandchildren. It can also happen unintentionally.

Does the IRS give wealthy families more time to shelter assets from estate tax? ›

IRS Gives Wealthy Families More Time to Shelter Assets from Estate Tax. A recent change in IRS regulations will now give surviving spouses more time to claim estate tax exemptions–and make those exemptions potentially bigger.

What is an indirect skip? ›

Indirect skip.

In an indirect skip, someone transfers money to an entity (such as a trust) that may eventually distribute assets to a skip person. Sometimes, a gift or bequest goes to a trust, and a skip person may receive assets from the trust, but they're not guaranteed.

What is the new tax law for 2023? ›

Standard deduction increase: The standard deduction for 2023 (which'll be useful when you file in 2024) increases to $13,850 for single filers and $27,700 for married couples filing jointly. Tax brackets increase: The income tax brackets will also increase in 2023.

How many months can you go exempt without owing taxes? ›

An exemption from withholding is only good for one year. Employees must give you a new W-4 each year to keep or end the exemption. If the exemption expires, withhold federal income tax according to the employee's Form W-4 information.

What happens if you claim exempt all year? ›

When you file exempt with your employer, however, this means that you will not make any tax payments whatsoever throughout the tax year. Therefore, you will not qualify for a tax refund unless you are issued a refundable tax credit.

Is a $25 000 inheritance taxable? ›

You would pay an inheritance tax of 11% on $25,000 ($50,000 - $25,000) when it passes to you. Each state is different and taxes can change at the drop of a hat, so it's a good idea to check tax laws in your state, or better yet, talk to a tax pro!

How much money can a parent gift a child in 2023? ›

As of January 2023, the annual gift tax exclusion amount has increased to $17,000. That is the amount you can gift to any one person each year free of any tax implications. For years the amount was set at $10,000, but since 2002 it has been slowly increasing.

How much money can you give to your grandchildren tax free? ›

Methods for gifting assets to grandchildren

Perhaps the simplest approach to gifting is to give the grandchild an outright gift. You may give each grandchild up to $16,000 a year (in 2022) without having to report the gifts. If you're married, both you and your spouse can make such gifts.

How can I gift money without paying taxes? ›

6 Tips to Avoid Paying Tax on Gifts
  1. Respect the annual gift tax limit. ...
  2. Take advantage of the lifetime gift tax exclusion. ...
  3. Spread a gift out between years. ...
  4. Leverage marriage in giving gifts. ...
  5. Provide a gift directly for medical expenses. ...
  6. Provide a gift directly for education expenses. ...
  7. Consider gifting appreciated assets.

How do you gift a large sum of money to family? ›

Giving cash is the easiest and most straightforward way to accomplish gifting money to family members. You can write a check, wire money, transfer between bank accounts, or even give actual cash. You know exactly how much you are giving, making it easy to stay under the $17,000 annual gift tax exclusion.

What happens to the federal estate tax exemption in 2026? ›

As of January 1, 2026, the current lifetime estate and gift tax exemption of $12.92 million for 2023 will be cut in half, and adjusted for inflation. Families that may face estate tax liability in 2026 may benefit from transferring assets and their appreciation out of their estate sooner rather than later.

Can my parents give me $20000? ›

For example, say someone gives you $20,000 in one year. The giver must file a gift tax return showing an excess gift of $4,000 ($20,000 – $16,000 exclusion = $4,000). Your total gift amount will also be added to your lifetime exemption.

Can my parents gift me 500k? ›

There is no limit to the number of recipients you can give a gift to. There is also a lifetime exemption of $12.92 million. Even if you gift someone more than $17,000 in one year, you will not have to pay any gift taxes unless you go over that lifetime gift tax limit.

Can my parents give me money to buy a house? ›

Lenders generally won't allow you to use a cash gift from just anyone to get a mortgage. The money usually must come from a family member, such as a parent, grandparent or sibling. It's also generally acceptable to receive gifts from your spouse, domestic partner or significant other if you're engaged to be married.

How to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property? ›

Here are five ways to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property.
  1. Sell the inherited property quickly. ...
  2. Make the inherited property your primary residence. ...
  3. Rent the inherited property. ...
  4. Disclaim the inherited property. ...
  5. Deduct selling expenses from capital gains.

Does an inheritance affect your Social Security? ›

Income from working at a job or other source could affect Social Security and SSDI benefits. However, receiving an inheritance won't affect Social Security and SSDI benefits.

What is the federal lifetime exemption for 2023? ›

Lifetime IRS Gift Tax Exemption

Also for 2023, the IRS allows a person to give away up to $12.92 million in assets or property over the course of their lifetime and/or as part of their estate.

Is capital gains going up in 2023? ›

Long-term capital gains tax rates for the 2023 tax year

In 2023, individual filers won't pay any capital gains tax if their total taxable income is $44,625 or less. The rate jumps to 15 percent on capital gains, if their income is $44,626 to $492,300. Above that income level the rate climbs to 20 percent.

What is the estate tax rate in 2023? ›

The estate tax, sometimes also called the "death tax," is a tax that's levied on a deceased person's assets. In 2023, the federal estate tax ranges from rates of 18% to 40% and generally only applies to assets over $12.92 million. In 2022, the exemption was $12.06 million. Some states also have estate taxes.

Are federal taxes going up in 2023? ›

Those rates—ranging from 10% to 37%—will remain the same in 2023. What's changing is the amount of income that gets taxed at each rate. For example, in 2023, an unmarried filer with taxable income of $95,000 will have a top rate of 22%, down from 24% in 2022.

What is the future federal estate tax exemption? ›

The current federal estate tax exemption is $12.06 million in 2022 (it was $11.7 million in 2021). However, this exclusion is set to expire on December 31, 2025, and revert to the pre-2018 level, which was $5.49 million.

What is the tax bracket for 2023? ›

The 2023 tax year—the return you'll file in 2024—will have the same seven federal income tax brackets as the 2022-2023 season: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35% and 37%. Your filing status and taxable income, including wages, will determine the bracket you're in.

What states have estate taxes in 2023? ›

If you die as a resident of certain parts of the country, your estate may also be subject to a state tax. As of 2023, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Illinois, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, Hawaii and the District of Columbia all levy estate taxes.

What is the generation skipping tax exemption for 2026? ›

What we do know with certainty is that the gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer tax exemptions are currently scheduled to be reduced to $5 million per person ($10 million for married couples), plus indexing, starting in 2026.

What is the lifetime exclusion? ›

The lifetime exemption is an amount of property or cash that you can give over the course of your entire life without having to pay a gift tax. The exemption is shared with the value of your estate at the time of your death, combined by a tax provision called the unified tax credit.

What is the standard deduction for seniors over 65 in 2023? ›

If you are at least 65 years old or blind, you can claim an additional 2023 standard deduction of $1,850 (also $1,850 if using the single or head of household filing status). If you're both 65 and blind, the additional deduction amount is doubled.

What is the extra standard deduction for seniors over 65? ›

If you are age 65 or older, your standard deduction increases by $1,700 if you file as single or head of household. If you are legally blind, your standard deduction increases by $1,700 as well. If you are married filing jointly and you OR your spouse is 65 or older, your standard deduction increases by $1,350.

Does Social Security count as federal tax? ›

Some of you have to pay federal income taxes on your Social Security benefits. This usually happens only if you have other substantial income in addition to your benefits (such as wages, self-employment, interest, dividends and other taxable income that must be reported on your tax return).

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Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.