Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (2024)

Among the dreams many people have is owning houses. You want to come back from work or any other activity and have a peaceful rest without worrying about how you will pay rent. The benefits of being a homeowner are endless. However, actualizing that dream is never an easy task. So much time, effort, money, and other resources are invested.

If you live in Vietnam and are constantly thinking about building your own house, this is the article you need. Some live in Vietnam who have had this dream for years but haven’t accomplished it yet. Quite unfortunate. Keep reading to find out how your story can be different. Explore to find out what to take note of before building the house, find the house models, the government approvals, and much more.

Land to build in Vietnam: things you need to know

Before even talking about building a house, you need to be clear and have the minimum information about land ownership in Vietnam. If you are not familiar with those concepts, read the complete guide on buying a land as a foreigner in Vietnam. You will learn more about the misconceptions, pitfalls to avoid as well as the legit framework you can use to buy land in Vietnam as a foreigner.

Let’s assume that you are “owning” or at least, you have the right to build on a specific land in Vietnam. No matter where you want to build, prices may vary, but the ideas are the same. The scope and advice of this guide are based on a personal experience that is highlighted in this video:

In this video I explain:

  • The reasons why I decided to build a house in Vietnam;
  • How I went about managing the project;
  • Where I decided to invest and the type of house built;
  • Building for resale or for renting;

If you have the same type of project (personal or as an investment), feel free to download my book: The 7 mistakes made in Asia to discover some pitfalls you must avoid, proven shortcuts and solutions for expats or investors in Vietnam.
Click here to receive your copy of the book

Houses in Vietnam

Do you have an idea of what kind of houses you expect to see in Vietnam, especially in the towns? The houses in Vietnam are known to be extremely narrow and tall. Why? You wonder. This kind of frontage is due to the former property tax. Therefore, the narrower the houses, the better for the individuals. People went for very narrow, deep, and tall houses.

Initially, the houses were intended for single families. However, some have been rebuilt to accommodate many families. This is a result of urbanization, and many people are moving into the cities. Moreover, there are fewer houses, making housing an issue of concern. Therefore, it is not surprising to find house owners rent out parts of their houses to other families.

Moreover, the price of land in the towns has shot. For instance, if you want to buy land in Nha Trang, be ready to cough some good amount. They are measured in 6-figure dollars. The high prices have made many families sell their properties at a profit then move out to the countryside, where they either build or buy houses and still retain some money.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (1)

Therefore, with such a condition in the country, you might be wondering where to start if you want to build your house. How about you start from the model?

Where to Find House Models

Before we get started, how about you have a clear picture of the kind of house you want to own in Vietnam. When you can visualize everything, you can get motivated and encouraged to work towards getting it done. Who knows?

Whether you have built a house before or have had a share in someone’s journey, don’t worry. The experience you get can help you get a house model that not only fits your needs but is something you love. Who wouldn’t want to always look forward to getting back to their house? Therefore, you can get ideas from working and interacting with other peoples. The good thing is, people are always building. Chances are, you will get something you like, or something closer to it, from one already developed by another person. A few alterations and improvements here and there, and you have your house. So, where else can you find these house models?

Moreover, you can get a good house model from the internet. There are various websites with good options to choose from. Therefore, you can look through to find out what captures your attention and what you love. After that, you can have a professional work on it to give you the design. Alternatively, you can have a chat with your local construction group. They can give your ideas on the house model to choose from. Moreover, they can also help you with any ideas you might be having already.

Contacting a company for a house design is another available option. You can choose one of their designs and work with it. However, you should be ready to pay for it since the price might be high.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (2)

Remember, you can always think of the house design as you wait for your red book. Check out the available designs and see what works out best with what you want.

What Do You Deal with?

After purchasing land in Vietnam, there are things to keep in mind before you start building your house. These include;

  1. You must have a certificate allowing you to use the land. Remember, you do not own the land. Rather, you lease it for around 50 years. After this time has elapsed, your property can be transferred to another person.
  2. When you want to build a house, you buy the land use rights for the empty piece of land. Also, Vietnam has laws on the books in regards to building and zoning permits.
  3. You should let your ward or village land clerk know about your property. This way, they can repeat the block appropriately. Watch out so that your pegs are not moved or shifted to favor others, such as your neighbors.
  4. There are zoned areas. Such regions can be set for growing rice or doing any other type of farming. When you realize this is the case, you should ensure you get the area rezoned. You can do this by paying tax. With this step, you get the area rezoned to make it suitable for building a residential house.

Q&A – Build a house in Vietnam : answers to the main questions ?

📕 What is the most important document when building a house in Vietnam?

There’s thing called “the red book” as locals call it “Sổ đỏ”. It is a land use certificate and it gives you the permission to lease the land for the maximum of 50 years. The lease is also transferrable.

👷‍ What is the most important thing to be aware of when hiring a builder?

Only allow your builder to build only. Any building materials and internal items should be decided by you. Also, make sure to buy the best materials on the market because there’s a mix between a lot of good and bad building materials.

🏠 What is tube house?

Tube house has been a part of Vietnamese architecture. It’s designed with a narrow-shaped facade coming with a great length. The purpose for this is because Vietnam wanted to utilize as much land as possible. Also, it’s a way to reduce taxes that the locals had to pay back in the day. You will see them stack next to each other and are built with many floors.

💵 How much does it cost to build a house in Vietnam?

This is a huge topic to cover. It depends on the area and the type of house that you’re planning to build. It’s usually a lot more expensive in big cities like Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi. Overall, to build a standard house in Vietnam, it may cost you somewhere around 20.000 – 50.000 US dollars. The range can vary depending on a lot of different factors.

🧐 Which one is cheaper: buying a house or building a house?

For most cases, it’s usually cheaper to build your own house. The reduction can be between 5.000 – 7.000 US dollars with some certain steps that you can take to reduce the construction cost.

The Government Approval

Owning and building a house in Vietnam involves a lot. There are things to be approved by the government before you get the go-ahead sign. They include;

  • You will have to prove that you have the title to the piece of land where you want to build your house.
  • Your house plan must be approved. Besides, you must write the plan in Vietnamese. This is regardless of the drafting style you opt for. When you have the approval for the plan, you help keep yourself safe and off trouble. There could be inspections. If you get things done the right way, you don’t have to be scared of this.
    You can get a modification or a redrawing of your house plan to what and how you want it to look. Contacting a builder or an architect can help. Plus, they can help you get through the approvals required by the Vietnam government.

Therefore, you must get a building permit from the local authorities. Notably, the process can be lengthy, so be ready for that. Once you get the government approval, you should be prepared and ready to accommodate any future community proposals. For example, there could be proposals concerning the road windings in your area and other utilities. Therefore, this calls for flexibility on your side.

Important Things to Note Before Construction

Before any construction process commences, there are things to be taken into consideration.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (3)

Such include the following;

  1. You have to apply for a building permit. Next, you will have to pay tax.
  2. Get the services of an architect to draw for you the plan of your house. Remember, every activity undertaken here should comply with the set regulations regarding building your house.
  3. Inform your builder if you want to have hot water in your house, for instance, in places like the kitchen and bathroom. This way, he can buy the necessary taps.
  4. If you would like to have an alarm system installed in your house, it is appropriate to tell your builder in advance.

As you might have noticed, you should tell your builder exactly what you want in the house and how you want them done. You have to ensure they do everything right. Therefore, don’t be sacred to instruct and question where and when appropriate.

What to Buy For Your Building Project

Once you set your mind on building a house, there are items you need to purchase. You can get assistance on getting the quality items from or where there are fairer prices. Also, remember that when you contact a company to build your house, you should not allow your builder to buy every material that is needed.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (4)

Moreover, you should keep them away from purchasing anything that will be used for the interiors. Let your builder do his job; building.

The following are the items you should buy on your own;

  • Steel
  • Cement
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Plumbing pipes
  • Bathroom fixtures
  • Lighting
  • Light switches

Importantly, you should strive to go for the quality. There is so much junk in the market. You wouldn’t want to spend so much on the materials, only to find out they are very poor. Therefore, if you have someone who you trust, you can get ideas, suggestions, and opinions from them. This way, you settle for the best and give your house the quality it deserves.

What to Do During the Construction

If you have a company build your house, you can avail yourself at the construction site every day. This allows you to observe the activities taking place. Moreover, you can also inquire and ask questions when necessary. Moreover, you could be there to give directions on how you want specific things done. Since it is your house, you can always choose to have things done your way.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (5)

Nonetheless, your availability at the site will prevent cases like theft. In most cases, the theft of bricks, cement bags, or steel is rampant, especially at night. You might hear of missing items the following morning. This is not uncommon. Therefore, guard your items at night. You wouldn’t want to buy items a second time once you had allocated the funds. Therefore, make yourself available so that you get the idea of whatever is going on and learn more where possible and prevent theft at the site.

Moreover, you should have a neutral building supervisor. The language barrier can be a major issue when you want to give out directions, ask questions or know more about whatever is going on. Therefore, you can ensure the building supervisor understands and speaks English well. This way, he can be a link between you and the builder.
Nonetheless, if you don’t speak Vietnamese well, and the builder understands just that, why not have someone close to you and who you trust do the communication? Besides, you might be good in Vietnamese, but the accent you are using might differ from that of the builder. In this case, you might still need someone’s help. This is advantageous, especially if this person knows the trade language. You can go for your brother or friend who has been in the area for a long time and understands better how things operate.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (6)

Alternatively, since language is a major issue when dealing with the builders, why not sub-contract the building to another firm? This allows you to find a way of watching how everything goes. The firm will allow you to have a project manager who understands you. You need to communicate with the individual and have your information passed on to the builders.

When you take some necessary steps in the building process, you can have the contract company build your house in the stated period. For instance, if it was a four-month contract, you can have it completed by that time. However, at times, the contract takes a little longer, say a month or so, from the one on the contract. These are overruns that happen with companies. If you get good services, have a good job done on your house, and are happy with how things turn out, you probably wouldn’t mind much about the overrun.

Improvements You Can Make

Once the company completes your house building, that doesn’t mean the end of everything. You can always make some improvements. Your taste and preference might change over time. Who knows?

The following are some of the improvements you can have to your house;

  • You can install a post-build aircon.
  • You can change the lighting to have a better standard one.
  • If you have a driveway, you can raise it by some measurements, around 40 cm, depending on your location. In the wet seasons, there may be flooding. You can help reduce it by raising your driveway.

Depending on how different you want your house to look, your changes can reflect this.

Steps to Build a House in Vietnam

There are two ways of building a house. One, you can do it yourself, with the help of a few individuals. On the other hand, you can contract a company to get the service.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (7)

If you are interested in knowing how typical Vietnam locals build their houses without contracting any company, don’t worry. They do not employ any complex methods or techniques. In house building, they use their hands, simple materials like sand, cement, and bricks. Also, some experts guide others through the whole procedure. Labor contribution in such activities is highly valued.

Below are the basic steps involved in building a local house in Vietnam;

Step 1; Digging and Filling in the Foundation

Suppose a house is in the exact location where you want to build the new one, you have to demolish the existing one. Once the previous one is down, there will be broken pieces of rubble.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (8)

These should not be disposed of since they can be beneficial. They can be used in filling in the foundation which is dug.

Step 2; Leveling the Foundation

Once the foundation is filled with rubble, sand is used to cover it up. Also, the foundation will be leveled once the sand covers up the rubble. Ensure the foundation is full at this point.

Step 3; Laying the Bricks

The foundation is already full at this stage. What’s more, the cement base is set, and everything is ready for you to start laying bricks.

Step 4; Laying More Bricks

In this step, you continue laying the bricks. As you continually do this, the house will be taller. You will be moving from the ground onto the scaffolding.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (9)

Step 5; Roofing

The next step involves adding the roof. In most cases, those who are experienced in this get to perform this task. Some local workers are skilled in this area.

Step 6; Cementing

At this point of plastering, not only is the brick-laying process complete, but the roofing is also over. The house has a roof in place. Once all these are over, it is time to cover the brick walls. A smooth layer of cement is used to do this.

Step 7; Plastering the Interiors

Once the outside walls of the house are cemented, you can go ahead and plaster the interior. Additionally, a layer of primer is applied. This prepares the inside wall for a different color.

Step 8; Painting and Other Finishes

You will paint your house using a color of choice. At this stage, there are additional touches to finish up everything. One of them is having tiles on the floor. As a tip, you should have tiles that do not slip. Important areas to pay keen attention to are the balcony and bathroom. You don’t want to have accidents. The good news is that you can always take some measures to prevent such from occurring.

There are Vietnamese who prefer the highly polished tiles. However, these kinds of tiles are not only expensive but can lead to accidents. Such can occur, especially when they are wet.

Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (10)

When most of the work is over or everything is completed, you can move into your house. Interestingly, most houses in Vietnam usually have either one, three, five, or seven rooms.

Among the Vietnamese, owning and building a house is very important and is one of the three most important things in their lives. What’s more, if you have a house, your social status ranks higher.

Therefore, owning a house in Vietnam is such a big deal. Why not have one yourself?

The Cost of Building a House in Vietnam

If you are interested in building a house in Vietnam, no doubt you might like to know the cost. To begin with, you must understand that the location of the land and whether it was free or not are factors that determine this. Places like Ho Chi Minh are quite expensive. However, you can build a modern house in the rural at a much cheaper cost.

If you want to work with estimates, you can spend around 400 million to 1 billion VND. However, much bigger houses could cost from 1.2-1.5 billion VND or more.

Remember, this cost excludes the legislation fee and the cost of purchasing the land. Therefore, if you start from scratch, from buying the land to building the house, be ready to double or triple the cost. However, if you are building the house on a family member’s land, the cost is cheaper.

Therefore, the type of house you want to build determines the overall cost. If it is a small one with no floors, about 500 US dollars can be enough. On the other hand, if it is a big house, with three to four floors, the cost of building it can be 50,000 US dollars or more.


Building a house involves lots of processes. If you live in Vietnam, you will have to get a permit from the local authorities to allow you to proceed. With the right procedure, you can have all the government approvals. This way, you can be safe if there is an inspection. After all, there is some inner peace in doing things the right way. Your builder or architect can be of great help with these procedures. Also, you do not own the land you are buying. However, you own your house.

If you involve a contract company in the building process, this article has discussed what to take note of before the construction begins, what you should buy, and what you should avoid. Moreover, since there could be a language barrier, you can explore the different solutions offered.

Nonetheless, it is possible to build a house without a contract with a particular company. The article has some steps which have been followed and applied. However, remember that building a house is not a one-person thing. Also, you can always make adjustments and improvements over time.

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Build a house in Vietnam : the ultimate guide (2024)


How much does it cost to build a house in Vietnam? ›

The Cost of Building a House in Vietnam

Places like Ho Chi Minh are quite expensive. However, you can build a modern house in the rural at a much cheaper cost. If you want to work with estimates, you can spend around 400 million to 1 billion VND. However, much bigger houses could cost from 1.2-1.5 billion VND or more.

What is the average cost of a house in Vietnam? ›

In Vietnam, a 50m2 downtown house costs at least around $500,000, sometimes even higher. However, the average income of Vietnamese is just over $3,000 a year. Thus, it will take us more than 160 years-worth of income to purchase a house.

Can a foreigner build a house in Vietnam? ›

Foreign enterprises can develop residential projects for sale or lease on land that requires land use fees. Foreign investors involved in residential projects for lease may also acquire LURs via a land lease with a term not exceeding 50 years; however, this can be extended to 70 years in certain circ*mstances.

Can a US citizen buy a house in Vietnam? ›

Unfortunately, foreigners cannot own land in Vietnam. However, you can still purchase other landed properties. It's possible to seek financing outside the country, but the process will take a longer time compared to local services. Not every company provides foreign financial support, either.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Vietnam? ›

Cost of Living in Vietnam: $700 to $1,400 per month

How much does it cost to live in Vietnam? $700 on the low end of the range, up to $1,400 for mid-range expats. This averages living costs across many months—you may spend more getting set up, but many expats average $1,000 per month.

Is there property tax in Vietnam? ›

Vietnam's property tax is lower than many countries. The country collects only VND1. 7 trillion in taxing non-agriculture land annually. Tax collection from both agriculture land and non-agriculture land accounts for only 0.24% of total tax or 0.03% of GDP, which is "too low," the government said.

How long can you own a house in Vietnam? ›

Moreover, foreigners can only get freehold tenure if they are married to Vietnamese citizens. The land leasehold period for both locals and foreigners is still 50 years. However, the period can be renewed or extended in some special cases. This means you can own a home or a property on the land but not the land itself.

What part of Vietnam is the cheapest to live? ›

Most affordable cities in Vietnam
  • Tra Vinh. Out of 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam, Tra Vinh is the least expensive place to live, with a rate of 87.6% compared to Hanoi. ...
  • Hau Giang. The province lies downstream of Hau River, amid an interlaced network of rivers and canals. ...
  • Soc Trang. ...
  • Ben Tre. ...
  • Quang Tri.
Apr 4, 2022

How much money do I need to retire in Vietnam? ›

If you plan to fund your retirement on only Social Security or a small pension, your monthly budget will go far here. Many expats live comfortably in Vietnam on less than $1200 per month. Regardless if your tastes are modest or luxury, your living costs are less than what you would spend in a MCOL city in the US.

Is Vietnam property a good investment? ›

Last updated December 19th, 2022. Vietnam has made rapid progress in the past several decades, averaging GDP growth rates exceeding 7% during the 1990s and 2000s. It remains one of the world's fastest growing economies, and owning property in Vietnam is a popular way to profit from the nation's rise.

Can you live in Vietnam permanently? ›

A permanent residence card (PRC) is a paper granted by immigration authorities to foreigners who are allowed to permanently reside in Vietnam and have validity longer than a Visa. Conditions and dossiers for the application of permanent residence cards for foreigners in Vietnam are flexible depend cases.

Why is Vietnam property so expensive? ›

Legal uncertainties, tight credit and high interest rates have constrained new housing supply, raising prices in Vietnam's housing market.

How long can a US citizen live in Vietnam? ›

There is no time limit for how long U.S. citizens may stay overseas. The validity of your Vietnamese visa, which allows you to legally stay in Vietnam, is determined by the Vietnamese government. Lawful Permanent Residents risk losing their status if they are outside the United States for over one year.

Can a US citizen retire in Vietnam? ›

While Vietnam does not have a retirement visa, there are several options for individuals who want to retire in Vietnam. Americans can apply for a visa to Vietnam through any Vietnamese embassy and will be approved for either six months or one year but can only stay in the country for three months at a time.

Can you live in Vietnam as a US citizen? ›

To be living in Vietnam legally, there are three levels of application you will need to make: A working visa. Temporary residency permit. Permanent residency permit.

How much USD is considered rich in Vietnam? ›

The benchmark for HNIs is accumulating a net worth of over USD 1 million. In contrast, the benchmark for UHNIs is having a net worth of over USD 30 million. The recorded number of HNIs in Vietnam reached 19,491 in 2020 and is expected to register over 25,000 in 2025.

What income is considered rich in Vietnam? ›

The average wealth of people in the top 5% of the richest population in 2021 is 316,658 USD (equivalent to 7.8 billion VND), top 10% richest is 181,132 USD (equivalent to 4.1 billion VND). Meanwhile, the average wealth of the poorest 50% of the population is only 3,429 USD (nearly 78 million VND).

Is 3000 usd a good salary in Vietnam? ›

I suggest that you start looking for jobs at least 3 months in advance before making a move to the country. Don't be scared if you're single and get an offer of USD 2,000 to USD 3,000, as this is considered to be a good salary in Vietnam, especially if you have no local work experience.

Do foreigners pay tax in Vietnam? ›

Non-resident taxpayers are subject to PIT at a flat rate of twenty percent (20%) on their Vietnam-sourced income.

Do expats pay tax in Vietnam? ›

Yes, expats pay tax in Vietnam. Individuals working in Vietnam (including foreigners) have to pay personal income tax (PIT) based on their tax residency.

How much is tax on expats in Vietnam? ›

Vietnam personal income tax rates are progressive to 35%. Nonresidents are taxed at a flat tax rate of 20%. Nonemployment income is taxed at rates from 0.1% to 25%. All residents and non-residents are subject to Personal Income Tax in Vietnam.

Is there a problem with real estate in Vietnam? ›

Vietnam's real estate sector had been through the ringer and there was no sign it would abate anytime soon. In the first two months of 2023, a total of 235 real estate firms went out of business, an increase of over 20 percent compared to the first two months of 2022, according to the General Statistics Office.

What are the risks of buying property in Vietnam? ›

Financial obligations when buying real estate in Vietnam

One of the most significant risks associated with a property purchase in Vietnam is the financial obligations. These financial obligations can be related to certain fees, land use rights, and change of legislation.

How big is a house in Vietnam? ›

A typical design of the tube house is 2.5m to 5m wide, the length which you can also regard as the depth of the house is 5 to 8 times as big as the width. The area of a normal tube house is often around 25 square meters.

Where do the rich stay in Vietnam? ›

There is a lot of money to be made in Hanoi's gated communities, private townships and luxury property developments, and catering to the urban elite has made some of Vietnam's wealthy even wealthier.

Is it cheaper to live in Mexico or Vietnam? ›

Cost of living in Vietnam is 11% cheaper than in Mexico.

Can I collect Social Security and live in Vietnam? ›

If you are a U.S. citizen, you may receive your Social Security payments outside the U.S. as long as you are eligible for them.

How much usd do you need to live in Vietnam? ›

💥 Cost of living in Vietnam (in 2022) : average in USD

Plan a minimum budget of $700/month if you are young or do not spend a lot. Your expenses may be up to $1,000/month if you want to be able to travel, enjoy the nightlife a bit more.

How much money can a family bring to Vietnam? ›

According to the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), foreigners are allowed to bring into/out of Vietnam of up to USD 5,000 or equivalent. Specific paperwork and approval are required before you are allowed to bring in currency beyond this amount into the country.

Is quality of life good in Vietnam? ›

Vietnam jumped 39 steps to become the 62nd best country worldwide for quality of life in 2021, according to a report released by CEOWORLD – the world's leading business and trade magazine.

Does Vietnam have a good quality of life? ›

Vietnam's quality of life index in 2021 is 78.49 points, holding the position of 62/165 countries on the ranking of the world's best quality of life index of CEOWORD.

How many Americans live in Vietnam? ›

In the northern city of Hanoi, you can find many teachers. There are also American expats who fought in the war sprinkled all over the country. There are an estimated 100,000 expats living overseas in Vietnam.

Where do most expats live in Vietnam? ›

Living by the Ocean

Da Nang is considered by many to be the most livable city in Vietnam. Expats can have the best of both worlds at their doorstep: spectacular, golden-sand beaches and easy access to a modern, cosmopolitan city. The large foreign community is friendly and welcoming.

What age can you retire in Vietnam? ›

Since January 1, 2021, the retirement age of employees under ordinary working conditions are 60 years 3 months for male employees and 55 years 4 months for female employees; and the age increases by 3 months for male employees each successive year until he reaches 62 in 2028 and increases by 4 months for female ...

How much money should I have in Vietnam? ›

For a more comfortable backpacker experience in Vietnam, it's best to budget around $50 per day. This way, you'll have more money to spend on things like food, drinks, activities and hotel rooms. For a comfortable mid-range experience in Vietnam, it's best to budget $60 to $100 per day for your entire costs.

What is the most expensive city in Vietnam? ›

A recent report on the Cost of Living Index, published by the General Statistics Office, has revealed that Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, was the most expensive place to reside in the country in 2022.

How much cheaper is Vietnam than the US? ›

Cost of living in Vietnam is 56% cheaper than in United States.

Why are houses in Vietnam so expensive? ›

Land is expensive in Vietnam because there's not a lot of it. Vietnam is smaller than California in size and has a population of 95 million people (almost a 1/3 of US population). Also there are no annual property taxes in Vietnam compared to the US where most cities charge around 1% of the property value.

What is the average price of a house in Saigon? ›

For alley-view houses, the average price in District 1 was VND259 million ($11,164) per square meter, 32 percent higher than District 3 and 52 percent higher than District 10. For apartments, the average price in District 1 was VND114 million ($4,914) per square meter, twice that of the second-ranked District 10.

Where do the rich live in Vietnam? ›

According to the Spatial Cost of Living Index (SCOLI) compiled by the General Statistics Office, Hanoi has maintained its standing as the most expensive city to live in Vietnam. Compared to 2020, the rankings of the most expensive places in 2021 have not changed much, with Hanoi still in the first position.

How much is considered rich in Vietnam? ›

The average wealth of people in the top 5% of the richest population in 2021 is 316,658 USD (equivalent to 7.8 billion VND), top 10% richest is 181,132 USD (equivalent to 4.1 billion VND). Meanwhile, the average wealth of the poorest 50% of the population is only 3,429 USD (nearly 78 million VND).

What are the disadvantages of living in Vietnam? ›

Cons of Living in Vietnam
  • Complicated Work Visa Process. ...
  • Language Barriers (Unless You're Fluent) ...
  • Crowded Place (Too Many People) ...
  • Too Much Littering And Pollution. ...
  • Noisy Construction. ...
  • Chaotic (But Calculated) Driving. ...
  • Unstable Electrical Power Performance (Some Areas) ...
  • Nightlife Noise Could Keep You Awake.

Is buying property in Vietnam a good investment? ›

Vietnam is one of the countries with great potential in the real estate industry in Southeast Asia. This is evidenced by the outstanding growth of the real estate market in Vietnam in recent years. This is also the market that is attracting many investors to seek business opportunities.

How much is a one bedroom in Vietnam? ›

Cost of Living in Vietnam
ExpenseU.S. $
Apartment rental (one bedroom)$400 to $900
Electricity$60 to $80
Cell phone with unlimited data$3
8 more rows

What kind of home are most popular in Vietnam? ›

A farmhouse-style house can be easily recognized through the color, light, rustic look of the furniture, and often has a long, wide hallway and eaves in front of the house. Currently, in Vietnam, the farmhouse style is chosen by many people to decorate the house and interior.

How much does a car cost in Vietnam? ›

The price range for hatchbacks is 120,000 – 500,000, mid-size sedans range from 600,000 – 12,00,000 and luxury sedans range from 14,00,000 – 45,00,000.

Is Vietnam a place worth living in? ›

Vietnam is one of the best places in Asia for expats to live abroad, and there are plenty of reasons as to why. For pennies on the dollar, you get a year-round tropical climate and access to modern comforts and conveniences. Here are the best cities in Vietnam for expats to live.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.