Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (2024)

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Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (1)

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Discover Today's
Top Stocks
with the Zacks #1 Rank List

This private list is made up of Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) stocks - the top 5% with the most potential. It has more than doubled the S&P 500 with an average gain of +24.2% per year from January 1, 1988 to March 4, 2024. So it's easy to understand why checking this list is a smart way to start each trading day. Explore how the Zacks Rank works to increase your odds of success.

See Today's Zacks #1 Rank List

Zacks Rank vs S&P500 Average Annual Return: Jan1, 1988 - Mar 4, 2024

+2.5% #5 Strong Sell

+5.1% #4 Sell

+9.4% #3 Hold

+11.1% S&P 500

+18.0% #2 Buy

+24.2% #1 Strong Buy

The S&P 500 Index is owned and published by McGraw-Hill

Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (2)

Zacks Rank Returns
Portfolio Annualized
Zacks #1 Rank +24.15%
Zacks #2 Rank +18.00%
Zacks #3 Rank +9.44%
Zacks #4 Rank +5.10%
Zacks #5 Rank +2.53%
S&P 500 +11.08%
Zacks Rank Performance Summary
Year #1 Rank #2 Rank #3 Rank #4 Rank #5 Rank S&P 500
1988 +39.18% +29.69% +20.79% +19.13% +18.39% +16.20%
1989 +39.58% +26.84% +15.85% +9.55% -5.10% +31.70%
1990 -2.64% -13.69% -21.32% -23.85% -34.71% -3.10%
1991 +81.36% +56.80% +45.98% +36.60% +34.35% +30.40%
1992 +40.97% +29.63% +18.04% +12.24% +17.31% +7.51%
1993 +45.26% +26.86% +14.78% +8.59% +9.54% +10.07%
1994 +12.73% +5.15% -3.56% -11.14% -10.90% +0.59%
1995 +52.56% +46.84% +30.63% +17.35% +9.11% +36.31%
1996 +40.93% +28.60% +16.07% +7.71% +8.02% +22.36%
1997 +43.91% +33.87% +22.93% +10.17% +3.05% +33.25%
1998 +19.52% +12.92% -3.47% -8.77% -14.84% +28.57%
1999 +45.92% +35.53% +31.02% +18.46% +17.69% +21.03%
2000 +14.31% -1.47% -17.75% -19.52% -3.95% -9.10%
2001 +24.27% +11.70% +14.09% +17.93% +20.20% -11.88%
2002 +1.22% -13.50% -17.75% -24.03% -15.85% -22.10%
2003 +67.03% +69.52% +64.91% +54.96% +54.38% +28.69%
2004 +28.71% +23.74% +15.75% +11.47% +14.58% +10.87%
2005 +18.80% +12.57% +6.75% +0.51% -5.95% +4.90%
2006 +27.31% +26.26% +16.85% +15.01% +18.18% +15.80%
2007 +19.71% +5.37% -4.34% -13.07% -24.04% +5.49%
2008 -40.41% -43.48% -48.70% -45.75% -50.95% -37.00%
2009 +65.85% +84.19% +78.79% +60.36% +49.41% +26.46%
2010 +28.98% +35.17% +27.87% +29.28% +27.22% +15.06%
2011 -3.79% -4.89% -13.47% -18.58% -21.37% +2.11%
2012 +24.95% +19.06% +16.42% +6.53% +8.08% +16.00%
2013 +47.48% +37.24% +30.56% +23.89% +17.99% +32.39%
2014 +14.95% +10.26% +1.20% -3.97% -14.36% +12.88%
2015 +0.00% -0.94% -11.01% -13.78% -19.01% +0.23%
2016 +27.43% +27.15% +27.17% +21.00% +39.44% +14.78%
2017 +28.31% +23.17% +15.11% +16.28% +13.00% +21.44%
2018 -7.40% -6.68% -10.23% -14.19% -15.94% -3.83%
2019 +23.82% +27.13% +17.43% +20.07% +17.11% +29.36%
2020 +33.86% +39.71% +34.35% +30.43% +19.77% +19.27%
2021 +41.10% +30.90% +16.00% +8.90% +10.30% +28.70%
2022 -7.62% -13.32% -25.24% -25.42% -20.13% -17.96%
YTD through Mar 4, 2024 +2.83% +7.74% +5.07% +0.13% -2.99% +8.46%
Annual Average +24.15% +18.00% +9.44% +5.10% +2.53% +11.08%

Find Top Stocks that
Fit Your Investing Style
with Style Scores

These individual Style Scores of A, B, C, D or F for Value, Growth and Momentum are assigned to each stock we cover. This enables you to narrow down the Zacks #1 Rank List to the stocks that best fit your own investing style. You can also find stocks with the best scores across the board using the VGM (Value, Growth, Momentum) Score of A, B, C, D or F. The VGM Score is not just an arithmetical average, but actually a calibrated weighting of each individual style score. Selecting stocks with a Zacks Rank of 1 or 2 and Style Score of A or B can lead to improved performance.

Find Today's Best Stocks

Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (3)

Add Long-Term
Gain Potential
with the Focus List

The Focus List is a portfolio of 50 top long-term stocks selected by Director of Research Sheraz Mian based on their earnings momentum. Each selection has a comprehensive Equity Research Report that details the reasons behind each pick. Plus, every Monday Stock Strategist Mayur Thaker, CFA, will share timely insights on overall market direction, sector allocation and why specific stocks have been added or deleted from the portfolio in the Weekly Market Analysis email. Find out how the Focus List can help round out your portfolio.

See Stocks on the Focus List

Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (4)

The stocks that make up the Focus List complement the Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) short-term picks. In fact, since its inception on February1, 1996 through September 30, 2023, the portfolio has outperformed the market with an average annualized gain of +12.93% compared to the S&P500's +9.15% .

Zacks Focus List vs S&P500 Average Annual Return:
Feb1, 1996 - Sep 30, 2023

+9.15% S&P 500

+12.93% Zacks Focus List

The S&P 500 Index is owned and published by McGraw-Hill

Turn Up the Best Stocks
in the Best Industries
with Industry Rank

Use the Zacks Industry Rank to find stocks with the most potential to outperform in the future. It sorts companies into more than 250 industry groups which enables us to calculate the average Zacks Rank for all of the stocks in the industry. Once the top industries are identified, look inside those industries to find the stocks with the highest Zacks Rank. Our research shows that over the last 10 years, the stocks in the top half of industries beat the bottom half by a factor of more than 2 to 1.

Find Top Stocks in Top Industries

Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (5)

Identify the Best
Earnings Surprise Stocks
with the Zacks Earnings ESP Filter

Few events move a stock more than an earnings surprise. You can use the Zacks Earnings Expected Surprise Prediction (ESP) Filter to search for stocks to buy beforehand that have the highest probability of positively surprising for profitable earnings season trading. You can also use it to find those stocks to sell before they report that are likely to negatively surprise, or profit by going short before an earnings miss. It's based on the Zacks Earnings ESP metric that has proven to predict earnings with 70% accuracy over a 10-year study using a one-week holding period.

Use Zacks Earnings ESP Filter

Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (6)

Learn the Why
Behind Our Ratings
with Equity Research Reports

Zacks' Equity Research Reports cover more than 1,000 of the most widely followed stocks. Each report features independent research from Zacks' analysts and provides in-depth analysis on a company, its fundamentals and its growth prospects to firmly understand why a stock should be bought, held or sold. Learn what else these reports reveal.

This in-depth information isn't covered anywhere else, and delves into the growth drivers within a company. Each report includes a summary of its latest results, detailed reasons to consider before buying or selling, its last earnings report, Industry analysis to see how it stacks up against other stocks in its industry using key valuation metrics, recent news and more.

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Browse by market cap, Broker Rating Upgrades, Management Efficiency, Top Price Performance and more. You can also browse bear market strategies for stocks most likely to go down.

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Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (7)

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Copyright 2024 Zacks Investment Research

¹ The results listed above are not (or may not be) representative of the performance of all selections made by Zacks Investment Research's newsletter editors and may represent the partial close of a position.

This page has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved or endorsed by the companies represented herein. Each of the company names represented herein are trademarks of Nasdaq, Inc.; Dow Jones & Company; and Forbes Media, LLC.

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*Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. This material is being provided for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. It should not be assumed that any investments in securities, companies, sectors or markets identified and described were or will be profitable. All information is current as of the date of herein and is subject to change without notice. Any views or opinions expressed may not reflect those of the firm as a whole. Zacks Investment Research is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. The Zacks #1 Rank Performance covers a period beginning on January1, 1988 to March 4, 2024. These returns are from hypothetical portfolios consisting of stocks with Zacks Rank #1 that were rebalanced monthly (see additional details regarding rebalancing below) with zero transaction costs. These are not the returns of actual portfolios of stocks. Zacks Rank #1 stock-rating system returns are computed monthly based on the beginning of the month and end of the month Zacks Rank #1 stock prices plus any dividends received during that particular month. A simple, equally-weighted average return of all Zacks Rank #1 stocks is calculated to determine the monthly return. The monthly returns are then compounded to arrive at the annual return. Only Zacks Rank #1 stocks included in Zacks hypothetical portfolios at the beginning of each month are included in the return calculations. Zacks Rank #1 stocks can, and often do, change throughout the month. Certain Zacks Rank #1 stocks for which no month-end price was available, pricing information was not collected, or for certain other reasons have been excluded from these return calculations. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index. Visit for information about the performance numbers displayed above.

Zacks #1 Rank Stocks - Zacks Investment Research (2024)


Is Zacks Investment Research any good? ›

The Bottom Line. Zacks Investment Research is one of many firms that publish data and analysis of mutual funds, stocks, and other investment vehicles. However, Zacks stands out for its unique quantitative approach, focusing on revised earnings estimates as the key to identifying strong performers.

Which stocks have a Zacks rating of 1? ›

Zacks #1 Rank Top Movers for Aug 08, 2024
Hamilton In...HG Quick Quote HG+6.53%
Vasta Platf...VSTA Quick Quote VSTA+5.17%
Transportad...TGS Quick Quote TGS+3.69%
Entrada The...TRDA Quick Quote TRDA+3.62%
1 more row

What is the success rate of Zacks? ›

Zacks Style Scores

As you know, the Zacks Rank is one of the most successful stock rating systems out there, with the Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buys producing an unmatched, +24.03% average annual return since 1988.

How much do Zacks cost per month? ›

Subscription: $59/month or $495/year. Our unique Zacks Ultimate program gives you full 30-day access to Zacks' market insights and the most private picks from ALL of our portfolio recommendation services for only $1.

Which is better, Morningstar or Zacks? ›

Zacks is much more quantitative in nature, while Morningstar uses fundamental analysis as a larger part of its recommendations. Morningstar appears to base its recommendations on an unbiased scale, while the Zacks Investment Research rating system is based solely on giving its members the most potential for profit.

How accurate is Zacks ranking? ›

This method predicts earnings surprises with 7 out of 10 accuracy. And when it is filtered with Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buys, #2 Buys, and #3 Holds, it gains an average of +28.3% per year.

What is the alternative to Zacks rank? ›

Alternatives to Zacks
  • Carnivore Trading. Carnivore Trading. 24 Ratings. ...
  • TradingView Stock Widgets. TradingView. 16 Ratings. ...
  • Bloomberg. Bloomberg. $0.99 per month. ...
  • Barron's. Barron's. ...
  • MarketBeat. MarketBeat. ...
  • GuruFocus. GuruFocus. ...
  • LevelFields AI. LevelFields AI. ...
  • TheStreet. TheStreet.

How often is Zacks rank updated? ›

The Zacks Rank is updated daily on and can be viewed by Zacks Premium subscribers.

What does a Zacks rank of 2 mean? ›

In order to get a lower score, an industry group must have a greater proportion of stocks with Zacks Rank of #1 ("Strong Buy") or #2 ("Buy"). These are stocks with the most positive trend in earnings estimate revisions.

Which is better, Zacks or Seeking Alpha? ›

Zacks also offers interactive charts that show a stock's reaction to earning reports and other fundamental data. Seeking Alpha is the better platform if you want a diversity of viewpoints, analysis methods, and opinions.

What is the best stock advisor? ›

Here's a quick look at my list:
  • Best overall: Motley Fool Stock Advisor.
  • Best quant-driven service: Alpha Picks.
  • Best for a high-caliber team of analysts: Moby.
  • Best for disruptive technology: Motley Fool Rule Breakers.
  • Best for long-term swing trades: Ticker Nerd.
  • Best for medium-term swing trades: Zacks Home Run Investor.
Jan 9, 2024

What is the best stock research site? ›

Here is a list of the best sites for stock market analysis:
  • Quantified Strategies - Daily Stock Market Analysis. ...
  • Yahoo! ...
  • Morningstar, Inc. ...
  • Seeking Alpha. ...
  • Zacks Investment Research, Inc. ...
  • Bloomberg. ...
  • WallStreetZen. ...
  • The Motley Fool.
Mar 28, 2024

Is Zacks worth paying for? ›

Zacks Investment Research Premium service uses the Zacks Rank proprietary system to identify the best-performing stocks to invest in. It's certainly worth a try when you look at their claim. $10,000 invested 30 years ago with their methodology would have produced over $3 million!

Is Zacks rank 1 good? ›

The Zacks #1 Rank List is the best place to start your stock search each morning. It's made up of the top 5% of stocks with the most potential.

What is the inactivity fee for Zacks Trade? ›

Account fees

While Zacks Trade doesn't charge the standard account transfer fee of $75, it does charge a $15 per month inactivity fee for accounts with balances below $25,000.

Can Zacks be trusted? ›

Because the company offers both strong buy and strong sell recommendations, investors may use Zacks for long and short strategies. Zacks also covers mutual funds, ETFs, and options, offering an extensive set of tools for both security analysis and portfolio analysis.

What is the best investment research company? ›

  1. Best overall: Stock Analysis. ...
  2. Best for opinionated research: Seeking Alpha. ...
  3. Best for charts and technical analysis: TradingView. ...
  4. Best for paid stock recommendations: Motley Fool. ...
  5. Best for mutual funds: Morningstar. ...
  6. Best Bloomberg terminal alternative: Koyfin. ...
  7. Best for the latest news: Yahoo Finance.
Mar 6, 2024

Is Zacks Trade safe? ›

Zacks Trade is a member of SIPC, which protects securities customers of its members up to $500,000 (including $250,000 for claims for cash).

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Views: 5860

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.