Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (2024)

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (1)If you’re looking for a status update on cryptocurrency, you’ve come to the right place.

Although Bitcoin price levels have now dipped to a year-to-date low, there’s a perfectly valid explanation for it.

The mystery has been solved!

Here’s what’s driving share values downward and how it can make you big-bucks once this dive is all said and done with.

Within the past month alone, market capitalizations of ALL cryptocurrencies have fallen 47%!

But what exactly is causing this vicious downtrend?

New evidence suggests that this recent price plummet is a result of the SEC’s decision to treat crypto as a security. Because of this, digital coins are now being charged with HUGE fines.

Here’s where things get interesting…

These fines are only payable via Bitcoin or Ether, which explains why shares have been tanking lately.

Millions upon millions of dollars are constantly being pulled from each of these big-name cryptocurrencies to cover the cost of these unexpected charges. It’s liquidation at its finest.

In short, this forced selling is the root cause of crypto’s ongoing dive.

The thing is, once these dues are paid off its almost a guarantee that values will start to climb back up.

Interesting enough, research shows that the transactional volume on the Bitcoin network is exploding. In other words, more people are actually using Bitcoin!

It’s a fact that’s hard to pick up on, considering the severe drop in price. But as I mentioned, this is due to the security fees that crypto was recently faced with.

It’s a bullish sign to say the least and it gives hope for the digital coins that many investors have been losing faith in.

Things are looking up…

As share prices dip lower and the fees that have racked up are paid off, crypto will eventually reach a bottom.

After that happens, a buy-in is ideal as you should start to see prices tick up afterwards.

Hopefully this gives you a taste of what’s in store for crypto, but there’s still time before this turnaround takes effect.

No, there’s not a set date for when you should buy-in, but it’s a good idea to do everything you can to prepare until then.

This time last year, Bitcoin shares climbed close to $20,000!

Now, who’s to say that a similar increase won’t come around after these fines come to an end?

You’ll want to ensure you’re getting the absolute most out of your crypto investments, which is why I encourage you to attend the upcoming Annual Wealth Summit.

A good portion of this special event will focus on crypto and how you can take full advantage of it.

Give yourself your peace of mind, knowing that you’re strategically investing in something that could potentially make you THOUSANDS!

If that’s not enough in itself, there are plenty of other bonuses that come included with your ticket purchase…

All the money under the sun…

I’ll be waiting to shake your hand and explain everything about this massive opportunity at this year’s Annual Wealth Summit

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (2)So get some winter sun on your back as you join myself and my team for a weekend in Orlando, Florida this January 5thand 6th – that’s just a few short weeks away!

Escape the freezing cold this winter, and sip co*cktails by the pool instead. Maybe visit friends or relatives or enjoy world-class attractions like EPCOT. There are plenty of flights to Orlando at low prices and lots to do…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (3)In a private room at a secluded luxury hotel in the heart of Orlando’s resort area, I’ll teach youeverything I know as well as my deepest moneymaking secrets that I haven’t dared to tell you until now…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (4)As you can see from these pictures from last year’s Annual Wealth Summit, there will be the opportunity to shower you with valuable gifts and allmy latest moneymaking research (not just the one I’ve spoken about), and be my guest at a lavish gala dinner where you’ll enjoy fine food, drinks, entertainment, and an award ceremony with my staff, and I!

Lives will be changed on that weekend. And there’s a lot more to look forward to…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (5)So, as well as learning all you need to know about cryptocurrency,if you’re lucky enough to snap up one of these limited places at our third Annual Wealth Summit, you’ll ALSO get all this…

“Your Golden Ticket” Seminar with Jim Samson – Value $2,000

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (6)Would $20,000+ a monthchange your life? That’s my reality, let’s make it YOURS with this simple ‘peel-and-stick’ system that lets you use my biggest trade secret…

Stuffing your pockets full of cash- that’s what this two-day, live-event is about- and making all your dreams come true. I’ll give you my proprietary, NEW “Money Machine” and show you how to use it, as well as walking you to a golden tomorrow, face-to-face.

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (7)You just fill in the blanks, then fill your pockets!

I will spend a whole day walking you through my latest, cutting edge moneymaking secrets that WILL take you from zero to thousands of dollars a month, overnight. And I’m going to bring your course materials to life such as those seen in Midas Circle and The 7 Scripture Secrets.

This empowering day will give you entirely new secrets that you won’t have seen before in anything else you’ve seen from me…!

Financial Seminar with Jim Samson and Jordan Bishop- Value $2,000

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (8)Another feature of this two-day live seminar is that I’m going to guide you to a more prosperous and much faster retirement than The Establishment is offering you, and I’m going to bring your course materials to life such as those seen in Rogue Insider, Retirement Underground, and Bank Raider.

I’ll show you how to skim $23,923 a month from “Shadow Banks” PLUS

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (9)The Elastic Band System. Proven for decades, every single time this ultra-simple signal is given, you can make over $100,000 with a single phone call. I used this to double my money in 2017, and seminar attendees will be alerted the next time I use it, so you just copy me!

The ‘weird’ trick that lets you CLEAN UP with ONE trade. The most SURE THING I’ve ever known. PROVEN on PUBLIC RECORD for 36 years. First it was a theory, now it’s a FACT. Previous attendees who used Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (10)this trick would now have made a TON of MONEY, and I’ll show you the hard proof, live on stage.

The four-letter word that makes the “Tech-Nerds” pay YOU triplecompensation for getting rich off our backs. The average American WOULD have received $5,064 a month from this- FACT. I think this is one of the hottest but least known secrets out there today, and I’ll walk you through it.

How I forced ‘Big Oil’ to pay for my gas FOREVER, and now they’ll pay for yours… With a simple two-step setup, I’m being paid realchecks from Big Oil in the form of thousands!I’m going to show you how you can join me by getting your gas paid for too.

Make ONE BET at the Right Time, and This ‘Rollover Jackpot’ WILL Fall into YOUR Lap, 100% Guaranteed. I’ve been waiting 10 years for this fortune to fall my way, and it’s finally time to cash in on it. I’ll show you exactly how to copy me as I pocket this cash.

AND MUCH MORE from myself, and Chief Editor, Jordan Bishop…

Gala Dinner and Book Signings with Jim Samson – Value $250…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (11)

On the Saturday evening, please be our guest for a sumptuous gala dinner in a private ballroom, with our compliments.

Along with myself, my wife, and my team, join us for a three-course dinner at The Hilton Hotel, good music, an awards presentation, and a free prize draw you’ll be entered into where you and several others can win valuable prizes!

I’m looking forward to buying you a drink and getting to know you face-to-face, as we discuss your future prosperity, using everything I’ll be giving you at this event.

We’ve spared no expense to entertain you for this evening- I’ve met with the chef and handpicked the menu.

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (12)

We’ll get a professional photo together, drink champagne, and I have some surprises for you along the way…

… including a personal signing of our latest book that explains How to Legally Cheat $2,000 a Month out of The System. And if you didn’t yet get a signed copy of my Riches from Godbook at last year’s summit, I’ll also sign one of those for you.

Both signed books are free of charge…

FREE Bonus: Turn $1,000 into a MILLION with these 10 phone calls!

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (13)ONLY for seminar attendees- you will not see our greatest and simplest opportunity to make a million available from us any other way, any time! Only those who get a seat at this year’s summit will have access…

I’ve come up with a challenge to prove my methods and help out my mom. I’ve taken $1,000 of my mother’s savings, and I’m aiming to turn it into a MILLION dollars in just ten trades. That means I have to double the money just ten times, by cherry-picking the very best trades I can find.

How would you like to do the same? I’ll let you know which trades to make and when, so I’ll be aiming to turn YOUR $1,000 into a MILLION at the same time! No work or study, you just make a simple phone call when I tell you! And if you want to start with just $100, that’s fine too, it just takes a few more calls.

Glen, here on the left with me, came to last year’s summit, and he already doubled his money with us, and is now looking forward to more. Join Glen as we walk you to your first million simply by making the phone calls we tell you to make…

FREE Bonus: 1 year subscription to The Jim Samson Hotline- Value $564…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (14)

You’ll be given an exclusive number to call in for any questions- I don’t want you to use the regular support phone line. When that special number rings, our staff know to drop what they’re doing, and give that call first priority, as well as give the person calling the royal treatment, including sending any more demanding questions to my desk.

But much more than that, every month you’ll have access to a special Internet seminar where I speak live, bringing a live coaching element to your goals!

FREE Bonus: Project G.I.F.T. access– Value $2,000…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (15)My former life, declassified! My secretive operations as a diplomatic mail pilot uncovered this $148,000 in 7 weeks, no-work, secret from adocument that exposes government backed trades that are GUARANTEEDto NOT go to zero.

How rich would you be if you 100% KNEWwhich trades were about to go up or down, and that would double your money each time? The short answer is that if you 100% KNEW which trades were about to go up or down, you’d have a license to print more money than you can imagine.

This brand new recommendation service will launch in a few weeks and will be priced at $2,000 a year, but to attendees, it’s FREE. We give you the picks, you just make a call.

FREE Bonus: The Samson Files- Value- $97…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (16)After much discussion, we’ve finally decided to release The Samson Files. In a private room, in front of a recorder, I confessed all my deepest moneymaking secrets over several sessions. All of these secrets are legal, but they’re so controversial and so powerful that we hesitated to release them until now.

Real estate, home business, goal-setting, all my closest secrets and deepest thoughts are recorded here on this confidential audio that only attendees ever get access to. I’m giving you this for FREE if you get a seat at this year’s summit, but I’m going to need you to sign a confidentiality agreement before I give it to you…!

FREE Bonus: Tech Stock Jackpot Service- Value $2,000…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (17)How this “intelligent lottery ticket” couldmake YOU$182,000in the coming weeks…

At last year’s Annual Wealth Summit, we gave the audience such a powerful recommendation, that if they’d acted upon it as we said, they would now easily be over $50,000 richer. It was such a hit with people that we decided to make regular such recommendations in the form of a service called, Tech Stock Jackpot.

This brand new recommendation service will launch in a few weeks and will be priced at $2,000 a year, but to attendees, it’s FREE. We give you the picks, you just make a call.

FREE Bonus: Your 45-Day Retirement Package…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (18)This ‘45-Day Retirement Plan’ triggersyour$500,000retirement income on February 20th.

There’s no question about whether this ‘works’ or not. The PROOF that it DOES ‘work’ exists on years of public records that we’ll show you at the event.

FREE Bonus: DVD Recording of The Seminar- Value $1,000…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (19)

Rewind anytime, in the comfort of your own home. No need to take notes at the seminar, and no worries if everything you’re taught doesn’t sink in straight away, because you’ll also receive a full DVD recording of the event. I’m not selling this collection of my deepest secrets as a separate product- it’s too powerful for that- but even if it were, it would be a steal at $1,000…

FREE Bonus: “I want to give YOU this check!”

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (20)For the last three years, I’ve been quietly writing six-figure checks to selected apprentices who shadow me in daily life, being mentored in person, automatically making money from being under my wing, learning all my secrets, and living my life. Just like this guy here, with the antique Mustang he bought with some of his check.

Now it’s YOURturn. So would you like me to PAY YOU six figures for me to mentor you?

No, that’s not a typo; it’s me who’s paying you to be personally mentored by me, one-on-one. And I’m selecting this year’s apprentice from the seminar audience! If you’re successful in reserving your seat Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (21)at this year’s Annual Wealth Summit, you’ll be in the running…

Once you’ve secured your place at the event (details in a second), look out for a GOLDEN TICKET we will send. If you arrive at the event with this Golden Ticket, you’ll be entitled you to all this:

On the shortlist to become my next apprentice to receive the next six-figure check, and spend 30 days of mentoring with me, one-on-one, in Florida, or from your Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (22)home…

A special dinner on the Friday evening before the event (this is in addition to the Gala dinner on the Saturday)…

Backstage pass that admits you behind the scenes of the whole weekend- you’ll be with me behind the set with my team until a few Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (23)minutes before I go on stage…

The Friday daytime before the weekend event, we will “open the gates” for the first time ever, as we let you inside our headquarters. While on tour, you’ll have the option of featuring in a live WSITV episode!

FREE Bonus: “Dirty Money” PIN codes – Value $2,803 a month…

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (24)These PIN Codes have been Skimming $2,803 a Month from “Dirty” Corporate Accounts…If I route the next payoffs into YOURbank account will you give me 10% of the money?

Don’t worry, it’s 100% legal and involves ZERO work- and I mean zero. I’ll be doing all the work, and telling you exactly what to do in 1-2-3 steps a 5-year old child could follow. You don’t have to leave the house, this simple sixty-second task can be done by phone or Internet, your choice.

You don’t even have to learn anything new or read a manual or watch a DVD- you just do exactly as I say, like an obedient robot! Can you handle that?

I’m talking about regularly skimming you just a teensy-weensy slice from this $3.7 TRILLION DOLLAR money-mountain…

All that is included if you get a place at The Annual Wealth Summit!

It’s an unbelievable package, isn’t it?

Well, it just gets better, because now I’m going to explain why and how all this is completely FREE of charge…!

How all this is FREE

The total value of all that is easily over $10,000and that’s without even counting any money you’ll make from the upcoming crypto boom.

But I’m not going to ask you for $10,000, because I know you also need an accessible entry-level. Here’s what I propose…

The biggest investment for me in this venture between us is my time- the training I give you at the seminar. So I’m going to ask for a training fee of $1,997 that will be returned to youwhen you’re accessing the cash from those Dirty Money PIN codes I just spoke about (because when you’re making money from that so am I). Think of this as a kind of security deposit on all the costs of setting this up for you, and something that I will return to you in full, when you’re making money from this….

… so that you effectively get all this for FREE!

Plus, this one-time security outlay is a full tax deduction, and we’ll give you the necessary piece of paper to claim it back! Don’t worry about travel and hotel- we can assist with good rates if needed.

The only way you should not be okay with that is if you’re not intending to do anything with all these opportunities, in which case, this won’t work for either of us. But if you are intending to make a fortune from this, as I know you can, then you should see this as the best deal you’ve ever come across!

And please have full peace of mind in the knowledge that we are an Inc. 5000 Company- an award that’s only been given to companies like Microsoft®, 7-Eleven®, and Under Armor®.

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (25)

Clearly, we are an organization with integrity, so when we say something, we mean it.

If by now you aren’t seeing this as the biggest no-brainer you’ve ever come across, with respect, I seriously wonder what you think willbe a no-brainer! I’ve made this as attractive as possible, not as a ‘big sell’, but so I can ensure I only get the people who are most likely to make money.

You see, only 0.5% of my readers will be able to meet me in private to receive all this…

Only available to 0.5% of those invited…

This isn’t hype; it’s simple math:

This invitation is being delivered to our 50,000 readers around the globe, and there are only so many seats in the room with me. 99.5% of invitees will not be successful in getting a seat.

So how can I decide who the few lucky people are to be allowed access?

It’s a matter of first come, first served– the way it should be when trying to select people who are most likely to succeed- the kind of people I want to work with for the rest of my life…

So the faster you apply, the more guaranteed you are of a place.

I realize that people are reading this at different times, so don’t worry because I’m releasing available slots in batches. But that still means you’ll need to act immediately.

And here’s another reason why you need to claim your seat NOW…

Receive $17,000 while you wait for doors to open

You’ll need to act NOW to get one of the limited seats in the room with me, but there’s no need to wait until you get there to start making money from this. The privileges of attendees begin before you’ve even arrived!

Here’s how…

We’ve already started giving out moneymaking recommendations to registered attendees, and they’re ALREADY making money, before they arrive!

This could pay for your ticket the same week you booked

Skim $23,923 a month and then some

So now it’s over to you, but this wealth WILL come overnight for the savvy few who act at the right time, so you will need to decide NOW…

Simply click hereto apply for a seat at this year’s Annual Wealth Summit, this January 5thand 6th– that’s just a few short weeks away!If your application is unsuccessful we will of course not charge you, but please be fast to save us both that trouble.

Don’t sell yourself short and don’t deny yourself an incredible opportunity. You deservea vacation in Florida, and you deserve this $23,923 a month, along with all the other incredible opportunities I’ll explain in person over what will be a life-changing weekend.

It doesn’t get any more ‘walk-the-talk’ than this. All you have to do is walk with me, as we use this finely-tuned system together, to make all the money we need…

My team and I are very excited to spend a weekend with you, in sunny Florida, in just a few weeks from now. See you there!

Click here to reserve one of the very limited seats today.

Your sneak peek at the upcoming crypto BOOM (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Author information

Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.