Your Own Photos Vs. Stock Photos - Which Should You Use On Your Blog? - Home with the Kids Blog (2024)

Your Own Photos Vs. Stock Photos - Which Should You Use On Your Blog? - Home with the Kids Blog (1)

If you want visually attractive blog posts, you have to use images, usually photos. The right photos will enhance your blog post, make it more shareable on social media, and help you emphasize some of the points you make in your posts.

But it takes a lot of time to create visually appealing photographs and images. Stock photos sound so much easier. How do you decide when to use your own photos vs. stock photos?

Sometimes the answer is obvious. Other times, not so much.

Recipe Photos

If you’re sharing a recipe, you should definitely create your own photos for it. Many readers will find it helpful to see parts of the process, not just the finished meal.

Take several photos as you make a recipe. You never know which ones will turn out well enough to use. You want to have a selection of them.

If you’re trusting a family member to take photos, make sure they understand what you need. I let my husband take some pictures of a cake I made, intending on a post for another site of mine. He only took two, and they’re both badly blurred. He didn’t take any time to make sure they had come out. I was busy with other things and didn’t find out until it was too late.

How-To Photos

Similarly, any sort of how-to post with photos should have photos from the thing actually being done.

Photos showing the process will in part help show that yes, you really did this thing. They also help illustrate steps that may not be clear when written out. Some techniques are much better taught visually, perhaps even in video if it’s complicated.

When Are Stock Photos Okay?

Lots of people hate stock photos. I mean HATE them. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t reasonable times to use them.

Stock photos are fine to use when they go well with the post. I use a lot of stock office or computer images, for example. My posts would be pretty dull if I used nothing but shots of my own office or computer. Stock photos give more range.

You can get a lot of stock photos for free, which is a huge advantage when you’re on a budget. Many bloggers do not want to spend money on photography.

Stock Photo Disadvantages

The huge disadvantage to stock photos, especially free ones, is that anyone can use them. You’ll probably see the same image on other sites, other pins, and other social media posts. Your use of that image won’t stand out unless you do something to make it stand out.

This makes branding more difficult. When an image is important to your brand identity, you probably do not want to use stock photography.

It also takes time to find the perfect stock photo. Sometimes you’ll go through a bunch of images before finally finding one that works for your post. If you know you can take the photo you need where you are already, it might be faster.

If you use Rights Managed stock photography, you have even more concerns to deal with. This is not something most bloggers will want to do, but you should be aware of this type of stock photography.

Advantages Of Your Own Photos

Using your own photos has its advantages. This goes beyond the simple need to use your own photos for certain kinds of posts. You may find it better to use your own photos even when stock photos are a possibility.

The most basic reason is that they’re yours. You won’t find the same photos in use all over the internet. That makes your site and social media posts more unique.

There’s also much less concern about legal issues. While you may have to be careful about how you use product photos or pictures of people on your site, you don’t have to worry that someone will say you stole their photo.

Disadvantages Of Your Own Photos

The problem with using your own photos is that it can take a lot of time to get just the right photograph. You will have to take quite a few pictures of anything you might want to use in your blog. Small differences in angle, lighting and so forth will make big differences in your final images.

You also have to handle your own editing when you take your own pictures. You may do this to some degree with stock photos as well, but if you get them from a good site, they should look pretty good already.

If you’re using a picture of a person, make sure they’re okay with it. This includes your kids. You may not need to go so far as a signed model release, but you shouldn’t post photos of people who don’t want their pictures shared, especially if it makes them look as though they’re endorsing something.

Make Sure You Keep It Legal

Whatever you do, make sure you keep your stock photo usage legal. Don’t just use Google Images to find things – that’s an easy way to get in trouble. Use reputable stock photo sites and make sure you understand their terms of use and the kind of copyright the images have.

I prefer sites that offer Creative Commons Zero (CC0), as that gives the most freedom. You can get better photos on sites where you have to pay for the rights, but there will be a lot more restrictions as a general rule.

Use Stock Photos Creatively

If the stock photos you get allow you to make changes (another advantage of CC0!) and you have the ability, change them up! Put two or more stock photos together in an interesting way. It’s more work than simply using the photos, but will give you that unique result you’re looking for.

Your Own Photos Vs. Stock Photos – Which Do You Use?

When it comes to using your own photos vs. stock photos, which do you use? Why? I’d like to hear more opinions.


Your Own Photos Vs. Stock Photos - Which Should You Use On Your Blog? - Home with the Kids Blog (2024)


Your Own Photos Vs. Stock Photos - Which Should You Use On Your Blog? - Home with the Kids Blog? ›

While custom images will often give you better quality, hiring a photographer for every blog post you add to your site would be a significant time sink. Using stock photos is a terrific option if turnaround times are tight or you're posting content on a regular basis.

Should I use stock photos on my blog? ›

Using paid stock photos means that your imagery is more likely to be unique (rather that just relying on photos that everyone has access to), you can sleep at night knowing you won't get any scary legal letters in your mail and you will have high-quality photos to attract and impress visitors (rather than using low- ...

What kind of photos can I use on my blog? ›

Always choose copyright-free images. You could create them yourself or use stock photo websites. Resize and compress your photos before uploading them to keep your posts loading as speedily as possible.

Should blog posts have pictures? ›

Final Thoughts on Blog Posts and Images

Your blog post needs images. If you have something you took yourself or a screenshot or video that helps explain the blog post, definitely include them. If you need to use a stock image, make sure it's one that you know is free for commercial use.

What is the best format for blog images? ›

For a blog post, we recommend you use a maximum width of 800px for your images. Regarding the format, we suggest you use next-gen formats such as WebP or AVIF instead of the traditional png or JPG. For the same quality, Google observed that the average WebP file size was 25%-34% smaller than the JPEG file.

Is it OK to use free stock photos? ›

If you are looking to use images from free stock photo sites such as Unsplash or Pixabay for non-commercial purposes, they are usually safe.

Should I watermark my blog photos? ›

As with most things in blogging, it's ultimately up to the creator whether or not they want to watermark their photos. They can help protect your photos from certain thieves, but they may not be entirely effective against all efforts to steal your content.

Can you use Amazon photos on your blog? ›

So, the short answer is: yes, you can use Amazon product images on your blog. But there are some things to know about Amazon's policies before you go adding images from the Amazon site: Respect copyright: Every image online is protected by copyright, and using one without permission could cause legal troubles.

How do I select a picture for a blog post? ›

When selecting your images, you must ensure that they are clear, and do not appear grainy or pixilated. Sometimes when you download an image that is perfectly clear, its clarity is lost when you size it for your blog posts. As a general rule, opt for images with twice the resolution you require.

Can I use Pinterest photos on my blog? ›

For example, if you come across a pin on Pinterest and then use that same image for your blog post on your owned website, while expressly noting who created the image, this would fall under copyright infringement.

What are the do's and don'ts in posting a blog? ›

Break up content into multiple entries if needed. Don't: Use profanity or unprofessional language. Don't: Use other people's stuff without permission and credit. Don't: Combine too many style effects like bold, italic, or underline.

Can I have a blog without pictures? ›

Indeed, individuals in all actuality do compose blog entries without pictures. While images can enhance the visual appeal of a blog post and help illustrate key points, they are not always necessary or appropriate for every type of content.

Can I use pictures from Google on my blog? ›

If you do search on Google for images, it's important to ask for permission before using them in a post. You can Visit Page (red circle) where the image is hosted, find the owner of the image, and ask for their permission to post.

What kind of images can I use on my blog? ›

What type of images should I use in my blog posts?
  • Stock images. Stock photos are a fantastic way to start adding images to blog posts, and I'll be honest: in many cases, they might be all you need. ...
  • Shoot your own. ...
  • Include screenshots in tutorials. ...
  • Use editing software or platforms. ...
  • Commission them to a graphic designer.
Feb 21, 2022

What is the best layout for a blog? ›

First and foremost, you should create a visually appealing layout that is easy to navigate. This means selecting an appropriate website template or theme with plenty of white space. Prioritize attractive, web-friendly/safe fonts (clear typography) that make it easy to read this type of website.

What is the ideal photo size for a blog? ›

Generally, blog images nest well on a website at 3:2 aspect ratio or 1200px by 630px. Blog images in landscape format are best sized to 1200px by 900px and featured blog images in portrait format are best sized to 900px by 1200px. High-quality images with small file sizes should be uploaded for blog images.

Do stock images affect SEO? ›

Stock photos are easy to find in a pinch and add a visual interest to your content. Another plus: stock photography won't have a negative impact on your website's SEO .

Can I use product photos on my blog? ›

Can you use product photos on your blog? Yes, you can use product photos on your blog. But you cannot use images that are protected under copyright law without the owner's permission. Most companies take the time and effort needed to produce high-quality photos for one reason, they want to sell the product.

Can I use Shutterstock images on my blog? ›

Shutterstock Photos Are Royalty-Free

Shutterstock content must not be used in any way that contradicts the license agreements you accepted with the company. One example of this is content that is used in an offensive manner or when images of models are used deceptively.

Can I legally use stock photos on my website? ›

Stock photos for commercial use can be placed on websites and in marketing materials and editorial work ― some stock photos can only be used for editorial purposes. The one caveat is that they cannot be used in materials related to illegal or morally sensitive areas, nor can they be resold or distributed.

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.