Working arrangements, August 2023 (2024)

Some of the information on working arrangements iscollected in alternating years of the Characteristics of Employment Survey. As a result, this topic page contains data from both August 2022 and August 2023. The page also includes data from Labour Force, Australia, Detailed and the Multi-Purpose Household Survey.

The main indicator ABS uses for casual employment iswhether an employee is entitled to paid leave, which includespaid sick leave or paid holiday (annual) leave. These entitlements are usually reserved for non-casual or permanent employment.

In August 2023, there were 2.7 million employees who were not entitled to paid leave. This is equivalent to 22% of all employees, or 19% of all employed people.

For employees who work part-time in their main job, 51% were not entitled to paid leave (1.9 million).

Quarterly measures of paid leave entitlements have been collected in the Labour Force Survey since August 2014, and are available in Table 13 ofLabour Force, Australia, Detailed.

The proportion of employees in casual employment was 22.4% in August 2023. In May 2020, the proportion of employees in casual employment fell to 20.6%, which is the lowest rate since August 1991.

Share of casual employment
Men (%)Women (%)Total (%)
  • Quarterly estimates from August 2014 onwards aresourced fromLabour Force, Australia, Detailed.

What is casual employment?

There is no single definitive measure to determine the number of people in casual employment at any one time; however, the ABS most regularly uses information on paid leave entitlements as a proxy for measuring casual employment in the Australian labour force. The ABS has three data items related to casual employment:

  • employees without paid leave entitlements.
  • employees who receive a casual loading (last collected in August 2013).
  • employees who consider their job to be casual (self-perception).

For more information, refer toLabour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods.

Access to leave entitlements is more common among higher paid workers. In August 2023, 92 per cent of employees who earned the median wage of $1,300 per week or more were entitled to paid sick leave or paid holiday leave. Over 50 per cent had access to paid parental leave.

For workers in the lowest 25 per cent of earners (less than $820 per week), 44 per cent had access to paid sick leave or paid holiday leave and 21 per cent were entitled to paid parental leave.

Paid leave entitlements by lower and higher paid workers
Paid sick leave (%)Paid holiday leave (%)Paid parental leave (%)
All employees77.076.144.2
Lowest 10 percent of earners25.623.711.4
Lowest 25 percent of earners43.542.220.7
Second 25 percent of earners81.179.942.4
Third 25 percent of earners90.790.053.5
Highest 25 percent of earners92.992.460.4
Highest 10 percent of earners92.391.661.8

Some of the information on working arrangements iscollected in alternating years of the Characteristics of Employment Survey. As a result, this section on broader indicators of casual employment contains data that was last collected in August 2022.

There are several other broader indicators of casual employment that can be used, for example a variable number of hours worked or earnings each week.

For employees in August 2022:

  • 21.8% consider their job to be casual (self-perception) (2.5 million).
  • 24.5% have earnings that vary from one period to the next (excluding overtime payments) (2.8 million).
  • 20.5% do not usually work the same number of hours each week (2.4 million).
  • 20.6% do not have a guaranteed minimum number of hours each week (2.4million).
  • 10.8% donot expect to be working for current employerin 12 months (1.2 million).
Indicators of casual employment
Aug-16 (%)Aug-18 (%)Aug-20 (%)Aug-22 (%)
No paid leave entitlements25.024.522.023.5
Considers job to be casual23.422.520.521.8
Pay varies weekly24.723.624.024.5
Does not usually work the same hours each week21.120.720.220.5
Not guaranteed minimum hours per week19.519.320.520.6
Does not expect to stay in job for 12 months10.29.89.310.8

Casuals converting to non-casual employment

Given the longstanding interest in casual employment, it is useful to understand the extent to which people change between casual and non-casual working arrangements. To better understand this, the ABS developed an initial experimental survey module, with data collected during the 2022-23 financial year from the outgoing Labour Force Survey rotation group (through the Multi-Purpose Household Survey, which is designed to collect statistics for a number of small, self-contained topics).

It is important to note that there are provisions within the Fair Work Act that may influence decisions that employees and employers make around changing between casual and non-casual employment. As a result, there is particular interest in Australia around people working as a casual employee in a role for an extended period of time.

During 2022-23, the ABS collected additional information from casual employees who had been with their employer for 12 months or more and who also identified as being in a casual job. They were asked about their desire to change from a casual to non-casual employment arrangement within the next 12 months.

Of these people:

  • 58% wanted to continue in a casual arrangement (56% of males and 61% of females).
  • 29% wanted to change to a non-casual arrangement (30% of males and 27% of females).
  • 13% were unsure.

The most common reasons reported by longer-term casual employees for wanting to remain casual were:

  • Flexibility (39%).
  • Higher hourly pay rate (20%).

The most common reasons reported by longer-term casual employees for wanting to change to a non-casual arrangement were:

  • Job security (62%).
  • To have paid leave entitlements (22%).

Most (75%) longer-term casual employees had not had a discussion with their employer about changing their employment from a casual to non-casual arrangement. Of these people, 26% indicated wanting to convert to non-casual employment.

Of the 25% of longer-term casual employees who had discussed conversion with their employer, only around a third of them (34%) wanted to convert to non-casual employment.

Working time arrangements

For employed people inAugust 2023:

  • 33% had an agreement to work flexible hours, down from 36% in 2021.
  • 37% regularly worked from home, down from 40% in 2021.
  • 31% usually worked extra hours or overtime, down from 34% in 2021.
  • 19% were usually required to be on call or standby, down from 23% in 2021.
Working arrangements
Aug-15 (%)Aug-17 (%)Aug-19 (%)Aug-21 (%)Aug-23 (%)
Usually worked extra hours or overtime35.634.934.133.931.4
Usually required to be on call or standby23.923.922.022.519.0
Usually worked shift work15.916.115.614.914.7
Had an agreement to work flexible hours31.932.734.135.633.4
Regularly worked from home in job or business29.930.932.140.336.9
Monday to Friday only64.363.765.266.166.9

The ABS has measured the number of people working from home since 1970. The rates seen during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 were the highest ever recorded.

In August 2023, 37% of employed people regularly worked from home.

Between 1989 and 2008, around 20-30% of people worked from home, with around 4-8% working most of their hours from home. In August 2021, working from home increased to 40%.

The ABS measured people working from home during the pandemic in theHousehold Impacts of COVID-19 Survey. While it is not directly comparable with estimates from the Characteristics of Employment Survey, it showed that between September 2020 and June 2021, about 40% of employed people were working from home, with 20-30% working most of their hours from home.

Working from home
Worked from home - Upper estimate (%)Worked from home - Lower estimate (%)Worked from home (%)Work from home most of the time (%)
1970-May (a)15.5
1974-Aug (a)12.4
1989-Apr (b)22.83.5
1992-Mar (b)26.44.0
1995-Sep (b)25.84.1
2000-Apr-Jun (c)30.84.4
2000-Jun (d)20.98.1
2005-Nov (d)24.77.7
2007-Apr-Jul (c)30.75.7
2008-Nov (d)23.87.6
2015-Aug (e)29.9
2017-Aug (e)30.9
2019-Aug (e)32.1
2020-Apr (f)53.039.0
2020-Sep (f)44.135.930.7
2020-Dec (f)42.635.827.4
2021-Feb (f)44.437.425.9
2021-Jun (f)41.333.523.9
2021-Aug (e)40.3
2022-Feb (f)50.138.734.1
2022-Apr (f)51.640.830.4
2023 - Aug (e)36.9

Worked from home last week: (a)Journey to Work and Journey to School, 1970-1974, (b)Persons Employed at Home, 1989-1995,(d)Locations of Work, 2000-2008; - Usually works from home: (c)Employment Arrangements, Retirement and Superannuation, 2000-2007, (e)Characteristics of Employment, 2015-2023; - Worked from home in last four weeks: (f)Household Impacts of COVID-19 Survey, 2020-2022

In 2023, the main reason people worked from home was due to flexible working arrangements. The proportion of people who worked from home due to flexible working arrangements increased from 13% in 2015 to 39% in 2023.

Between 2015 and 2019, the main reason people worked from home was to catch up on work. In 2021, people reported 'other reasons' as the main reason why they worked from home. The increase in respondents reporting 'other reasons' during the pandemic is consistent with responses provided to other questions in established labour household surveys during this time, such as the reasons why people worked fewer hours than usual in Labour Force statistics.

Main reason worked from home
Aug-15 (%)Aug-17 (%)Aug-19 (%)Aug-21 (%)Aug-23 (%)
Flexible working arrangements1314.91922.139.4
To catch up on work41.743.238.122.720.7
Wanted office at home, no overheads, no rent20.81817.71414.1
Other reasons8.99.29.527.78.8
Conditions of employment7.
Childcare or family considerations4.
To operate farm3.

In August 2023, 60 per cent of managers and professionals usually worked from home, compared to 22 per cent for all other occupations.

People who worked from home were more likely to:

  • work paid or unpaid overtime (45% of people who worked from home worked overtime, compared to 24% of workers who did not work from home).
  • prefer to work fewer hours (23%, compared to 12%).
  • have an agreement (written or unwritten) to work flexible hours (48%, compared to 25%).
  • work on weekdays only (76%, compared to 61%).

Independent contractors

Additional questions in the Characteristics of Employment survey allow employment relationships to be reclassified using the Forms of employment framework. This enables people’s employment relationships to be classified as either:

  • employees.
  • independent contractors.
  • other business operators.

Forms of employment framework

The following provides an outline of how people are classified in the Forms of employmentframework.

In the monthly Labour Force survey (LFS), people are classified as employees, owner managers of incorporated enterprises (OMIEs) and owner managers of unincorporated enterprises (OMUEs) based on their responses to questions.

These people are then asked questions to identify key characteristics of employees, independent contractors and other business operators. The responses to these questions are then used to determine how people are classified as employees, independent contractors and other business operators in the Forms of employmentframework.

These questions are:

  • Do you work as an independent contractor in your job?
  • Do you receive a pay slip/advice?
  • Do you/Does your business invoice or bill clients/employers?
  • Excluding wages and salary, are you able to make drawings from your employer/business?

The following decision table, shows how people are classified in the Forms of employmentframework.

Status in employment (LFS)Whether considered to be an independent contractorWhether received pay slip/adviceWhether invoices or bills clients/employersWhether able to make drawings from employer/businessForm of employment (CoE)
EmployeesYesYesYes-Independent Contractor
EmployeesYesYesNoYesIndependent Contractor
EmployeesYesNoYes-Independent Contractor
EmployeesYesNoNo-Independent Contractor
EmployeesNoNoYes-Independent Contractor
Owner managersYesYesYes-Independent Contractor
Owner managersYesYesNoYesIndependent Contractor
Owner managersYesYesNoNoEmployee
Owner managersYesNoYes-Independent Contractor
Owner managersYesNoNo-Independent Contractor
Owner managersNoYesYes-Other Business Operator
Owner managersNoYesNoYesOther Business Operator
Owner managersNoYesNoNoEmployee
Owner managersNoNoYes-Other Business Operator
Owner managersNoNoNo-Other Business Operator

In August 2023, the industries which had the highest percentage of independent contractors were Construction (21%), Administrative and supportservices (19%) and Transport, postal and warehousing (14%).

The industries with the largest proportional increases for independent contractors from August 2018 to 2023were Transport, postal and warehousing (11% to 14%) and Information media and telecommunications (10% to 11%). The largest proportional decrease was seen in Construction (26% to 21%).

The industries with the highest proportion of other business operators were Agriculture, forestry and fishing (47%) and Other services (18%).

The industries with the highest proportion of non-employees (both independent contractors and other business operators) were Agriculture, forestry and fishing (54%) and Construction (33%).

Forms of employment, by industry
Independent Contractors ('000)Other Business Operators ('000)Employees ('000)
Professional, scientific and technical services147158978
Health care and social assistance1361031,917
Transport, postal and warehousing10556580
Administrative and support services7851290
Other services5793357
Education and training40361,068
Arts and recreation services2623204
Agriculture, forestry and fishing23142139
Financial and insurance services2146482
Information media and telecommunications2011146
Wholesale trade1941362
Rental, hiring and real estate services1736170
Accommodation and food services1665827
Retail trade161101,214
Public administration and safety94911
Electricity, gas, water and waste services33158

1. For more information on Industries, refer toAustralian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)

The occupations with the highest proportions of Independent Contractors were:

  • Technicians and tradeworkers(15%).
  • Machinery operators and drivers(11%).
  • Labourers (10%).
Forms of employment, by occupation
Independent Contractors ('000)Other Business Operators ('000)Employees ('000)
Technicians and trades workers2811891,441
Machinery operators and drivers10339789
Community and personal service workers88701,446
Clerical and administrative workers70931,675
Sales workers18611,053
Skill level 13225303,934
Skill level 2972191,411
Skill level 32992281,569
Skill level 42091402,976
Skill level 5113861,816

1. Data is coded to ANZSCO ver 1.2. For more information on Occupations and Skill level, refer toANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

For information on people who find work though a labour hire firm or employment agency, refer to Labour hire workers.

Fixed-term contracts

In August 2023, 3% of employees were employed on a fixed-term contract (345,000 employees). Of these:

  • 73% were working on a contract with a total term length of 1 year or less.
  • 60% were working with less than 9 months remaining on their contract.

79% of employees on a fixed-term contract expected to remain working in their current job in 12 months' time. In comparison, 90% of employees not on a fixed-term contract expect to remain in their current job (ie employed on an ongoing basis).

The median weekly earnings for employees on a fixed-term contract were $1,522, compared with $1,300 for employees who were not on a fixed-term contract.

The industries with the highest proportion of employees on a fixed-term contract were:

  • Education and training (8%).
  • Public administration and safety (8%).
  • Information media and telecommunications (6%).

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), like most national statistical organisations, is working to expand its statistics on relatively new and emerging forms of employment, including digital platform workers.

While digital platform workers and their work have always been included within existing labour statistics on employment and hours, they are a relatively small group of workers who have not been separately identifiable.

The majority of digital platform workers appear within existing data as independent contractors, using a registered Australian Business Number, but are difficult to distinguish from other self-employed people without employees.

The ABS developed an initial framework to measure digital platform work and workers, which was included in public consultation materials and also included in theLabour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods. The framework shows how the ABS has defined and scoped digital platform work and the classification of tasks undertaken by people who are paid-per-task.

The framework acknowledges that the ‘gig economy’ is a broad term that is generally used to describe a wide range of activities, from buying and selling goods to providing short term labour services, such as providing care. However, most of the recent and current interest, from a labour statistics perspective, has been on the supply of labour services through digital platforms.

Further information on the measurement approach and estimates of digital platform workers can be found in Digital platform workers in Australia.

In 2022-23, just under 1% (0.96%) of the employed population were digital platform workers. Of these:

  • 66% were male, representinga higher proportion of males than in the total employed population (52%).
  • 53%did not consider digital platform work to be their main job.
  • over 50% had been undertaking this form of employment for less than one year.
  • the most common digital platform work tasks were Food Delivery and Transport.
Digital platform workers by task type
Male (%)Female (%)
Personal Transport234
Food Delivery2312
Goods Delivery30
Caring for People54
Caring for Pets13
Home Maintenance41
Professional Services31
Events or Hospitality03

Other topics

Statistics from theCharacteristics of Employmentsurvey are also published in three other topic-based releases.

  • Employee earnings.
  • Trade union membership.
  • Labour hire workers.

Data downloads

Download all (30.21 MB)

Working arrangements

Data files

  • Table 1a - Working arrangements and Job flexibility

    Download xlsx [4.1 MB]

  • Table 1b - Casual work and Job security

    Download xlsx [1.8 MB]

  • Table 2 - Median earnings for employees and OMIEs by demographic characteristics

    Download xlsx [9.87 MB]

  • Table 3 - Form of employment by demographic characteristics

    Download xlsx [3.52 MB]

  • Table 4 - Form of employment by industry, occupation and educational qualification

    Download xlsx [4.19 MB]

  • Table 5 - Independent contractors by whether had authority over own work

    Download xlsx [1.35 MB]

  • Table 6 - Employees on a fixed-term contract

    Download xlsx [7.36 MB]

  • Table 7 - Casuals converting to non-casual employment

    Download xlsx [69.47 KB]

Employee earnings

Table 1 - Employee earnings, 1975-2023

Contains employees with and without paid leave entitlements, 1984-2023

More information on the weekly earnings of employees available in Employee earnings

Data files

Download xlsx [909.22 KB]

Microdata and TableBuilder

Characteristics of Employment survey microdata for 2014 to 2023 is now available in ABS DataLab as a supplementary file for theLongitudinal Labour Force(LLFS) microdata.For more information, refer toMicrodata and TableBuilder:Characteristics of Employment.

The release of the August 2023 Characteristics of Employment microdata into Tablebuilder has been delayed until next year due to continuing upgradesto the TableBuilder system infrastructure.

The previously released and unrevised issue ofCharacteristics of Employment microdata in Tablebuilder for the periods August 2014 to August 2022 will remain available during this time.

Previous catalogue number

This release uses ABS catalogue number 6336.0*.

Prior to 2020, statistics were published in:

  • Characteristics of Employment(6333.0**), 2014-2019.
  • Employee Earnings, Benefits and Trade Union Membership(6310.0), 1999-2013.
  • Weekly Earnings of Employees (Distribution)(6310.0), 1975-1998.
  • Forms of Employment(6359.0), 1998-2013.
  • Working Time Arrangements(6342.0), 1993-2012.
  • Alternative Working Arrangements (6341.0), 1982-1986.
  • Working Hours Arrangements (6338.0), 1981.
  • Work Patterns of Employees (6328.0), 1976.
  • Evening and Nightwork (6329.0), 1976.
  • Locations of Work(6275.0), 1989-2008.
  • Employment Benefits(6334.0), 1979-1994.
  • Working Conditions (6335.0), 1979.
  • Annual and Long Service Leave Taken (6317.0), 1974-1989.

*Note: Catalogue number 6336.0 was previously used for Information Paper: Average Weekly Earnings: New Series to Replace Former Payroll Tax Based Series, 1982.

**Note: Catalogue number 6333.0 was previously used for Working Conditions, Australia (Preliminary), Feb to May 1979.

12/01/2024 - A paragraph under casual employment was updated to further clarify which population of people were asked additional questions in 2022-23.

Working arrangements, August 2023 (2024)


How many working days are there in August 2023? ›

Payroll Services
Time PeriodNumber of Working Days
July 1-3121
August 1-3123
September 1-3021
October 1-3122
9 more rows

Why is getting a job so hard right now 2023? ›

High inflation and the threat of a potential downturn are casting a dark shadow over the labor market. For much of 2023, companies felt like a recession was lurking around the corner and pulled back on hiring as a result — those fears aren't gone yet, says Zhao.

Why did unemployment rise in August 2023? ›

The jump in unemployment also came amid an increase in job seekers, as the civilian labor force grew by 736,000 during the month.

How hard is it to get a job 2023? ›

But active job seekers say the labor market feels more difficult than ever. A 2023 survey from staffing agency Insight Global found that recently unemployed full-time workers had applied to an average of 30 jobs, only to receive an average of four callbacks or responses.

How many work days does August have? ›

MonthDates Of HolidaysWorking Days in Month
8 more rows

How to calculate working days in a month? ›

To manually calculate working days, you begin with the total number of days in the month and then subtract any non-working days. In a standard calendar year, it's fairly simple to work out. Here's a quick breakdown: Start date to end date: Note the calendar date when the month starts and ends.

Why are people not working 2023? ›

Why are people not working in 2023? Aside from the re-evaluation of work-life balance, millions of Americans received hundreds to thousands of dollars in government funding, safety net expansions, and healthcare subsidies, making the same or even more than with their salaried jobs while unemployed.

What is the hardest time of year to get hired? ›

The summer and holiday season, starting around Thanksgiving, are the most difficult to interview since most companies slow down during those periods. Most people take their vacations and paid time off in July and August. The turnstile of workers coming and going away makes it hard to interview.

Is hiring slowing down 2023? ›

Total hiring in 2023 slowed to 71.4 million, down from the 2022 record high of 77.2 million. The reduced hiring pace contributed to a total job gain of 3.5 million in 2023, a decrease from the 6.3 million in 2022 and below the 4.1 million in 2021.

What is the employment situation in August? ›

Payrolls were up by 187,000 last month, slightly above market expectations of 170,000. The unemployment rate rose from 3.5 percent to 3.8 percent, making this the 19th month in a row with the jobless rate below 4 percent.

What is a good unemployment rate? ›

Percentage of employable people actively seeking work, out of the total number of employable people; determined in a monthly survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (website: An unemployment rate of about 4% - 6% is considered "healthy".

What is the nonfarm payroll in August 2023? ›


Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 187,000 in August, and the unemployment rate rose to 3.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment continued to trend up in health care, leisure and hospitality, social assistance, and construction.

What industry is hiring the most in 2023? ›

The government, manufacturing, healthcare and education services industries demonstrated strong annual job growth in 2023, and they are poised to continue offering consistent employment opportunities in 2024.

Why is finding a job so hard in 2024? ›

If you can't find a job in 2024, it is likely you are either looking in one of the industries that has seen some decline or have not searched the top job markets for 2024. Perhaps this is a good time to consider a career shift or look into ways your skillset can benefit companies experiencing growth.

Is it a bad time to change jobs 2023? ›

Economists are still predicting that a recession will occur in 2023, possibly leaving you with many questions regarding your career. Now is the time to prepare professionally for a possible recession, including finding a new job if needed. You should never let a recession stop you from finding a better opportunity.

How many calendar days in August 2023? ›

Today, August is the eighth month of the modern calendar with 31 days.

How many working days are there in each month? ›

There are 20 to 22 working days (or approximately four work weeks) in a month. Assuming an employee works full-time or eight hours per day, this translates to somewhere between 160 to 176 hours every month. Some specific months can have more or fewer working days, especially if holidays fall in them.

How many working days in 2023? ›

Because 2023 is not a leap year, it has 365 days. Let's remove 52 saturdays and 53 sundays. It remains 260 days. Now, let's remove 11 public holidays that do not fall during a weekend and we obtain 249 working days in 2023.

Why does july and August have 31 days in 2023? ›

July and August each have 31 days because of honors bestowed upon Roman Emperors Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar, with the latter ensuring August matched July's length to maintain the appearance of equal importance.

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