Why Being Hospitable Matters — Jackie (2024)

Hospitality is defined as the generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests. Some take it a step further and describe it as the reception and entertainment of others. Bottom line, hospitality, in its most basic form, can be simplified down to two main ideas; generosity and kindness. As women, our predisposition to nurture and care for those around us gives us the amazing gift of being innately talented at the art of hospitality.Being hospitable has a deep and profound effect on the people we love and might just impact our own nature more than we think. At Jackie, we want to explore the art of hospitality and unpack not only why it is important but why it is absolutely essential.

The Art of Hospitality

Why Being Hospitable Matters — Jackie (1)

When you provide excellent hospitality for those in your life, you are giving them permission to bring whatever they carry with them into your space to be shared. You are inviting them to let their guard down and make themselves at home. When you allow someone to be completely comfortable in your space, not only are you building immeasurable trust, but you are sending the message that they can be wholly and completely themselves, without risk of judgement.Hospitality matters because it deepens existing relationships and creates the space for new ones to flourish. Hospitality matters because it feeds the most basic human need that we all have, to feel loved and accepted. That is not something to overlook. There is a surplus of beauty in providing space for others to feel important, cared for and genuinely loved.

Studies have shown that women have an inherent desire and drive to nurture and care for others. Some call it maternal instinct, but whether you have children or not, you surely have interacted with this in some capacity. Having the space to feed that desire and provide for others, demonstrating genuine care and compassion is a truly beautiful gift. Give yourself space and time to make this a priority. You will surely be gifting others with your warm hospitality, but more than that, you'll be giving yourself a little soul food by striving to meet the needs of those you love.

Why Being Hospitable Matters — Jackie (3)

Did you know that being hospitable reflects positively on your physical and emotional health? The best part is, it's good for both parties! It increases self esteem, decreases stress and depression, and even boosts your immune system. When you find yourself in a mutually supportive community defined by hospitality, self esteem goes through the roof. When you feel loved and mutually cared for, it is going to reflect positively on how you view yourself. When you find yourself in this kind of relationship, you are less likely to feel stressed and depressed simply because you have someone lending a listening ear. Chemically speaking, endorphins are released, which helps to fight depression, infection and sickness, while keeping your blood pressure low and your heart healthy!How cool is that?

Why Being Hospitable Matters — Jackie (4)

Everybody needs community. It's human nature to seek out connections that matter and to share oneself with others in a meaningful way. Feed into that need! Life is too short to waste time feeling lonely. You have the key to meaningful relationships at your fingertips and it starts with hospitality. It starts with inviting others in. When you invite people into your space, you build trust, respect and break down walls. This kind of vulnerability paves the way for lasting community one tiny stepping stone at a time. At Jackie, we challenge you to put this to the test. Reach out to others and display acts of genuine hospitality. You won't be displeased with the results.

Why Being Hospitable Matters — Jackie (5)

Positivity is positively intoxicating. Think about someone who've you met who you were immediately drawn to. We are willing to bet that they were an incredibly positive influence. When you find yourself extending hospitality in attempt to establish meaningful relationships, it is absolutely essential that you take on an air of positivity. When you do, the lighthearted spirit will continue to blossom. When you begin to share yourself with another,self esteem will increase and thus the positivity cycle continues! Do not doubt the power of hospitality. It has benefits beyond a night with friends over drinks or dinner. Seek out opportunities to invite others in and be expectant that good things will happen, because in time they will.

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Why Being Hospitable Matters — Jackie (2024)


Why Being Hospitable Matters — Jackie? ›

Hospitality matters because it deepens existing relationships and creates the space for new ones to flourish. Hospitality matters because it feeds the most basic human need that we all have, to feel loved and accepted. That is not something to overlook.

What is the benefit of showing hospitality? ›

But I do know that there is real personal benefit—even beyond a standard statement—in serving others. In fact, I have found that when I serve others, God often blesses me through it, so that the pleasure really is mine. Gracious hospitality offers comfort, encouragement, and forgiveness in generous helpings.

What do you think is the negative effects of being too much hospitable? ›

You attract the wrong kind of people

Be excessively nice and "you will start to attract needy, whiny, overly emotional, demanding/controlling, 'guilt tripping you if you don't do something for them' types of people," she writes.

What is an example of being hospitable? ›

A hospitable person is friendly, generous, and welcoming to guests or people they have just met. The locals are hospitable and welcoming. He was very hospitable to me when I came to New York.

What is your own understanding of hospitableness '? ›

Definitions of hospitableness. having a disposition that welcomes guests and is fond of entertaining. Antonyms: inhospitableness. having an unfriendly and inhospitable disposition. type of: friendliness.

Why is hospitable important? ›

It increases self esteem, decreases stress and depression, and even boosts your immune system. When you find yourself in a mutually supportive community defined by hospitality, self esteem goes through the roof. When you feel loved and mutually cared for, it is going to reflect positively on how you view yourself.

Why is hospitality important to people? ›

"Hospitality in the hotel industry is extremely important. Creating a hospitable environment in the hotel industry allows people to unwind and relax after a long day of traveling and business meetings. It is important to help people feel at home even when they're not at home.

What are the morals of hospitality? ›

Some of the most important ethics in the hospitality industry include: Integrity. Trustworthiness. Respect for others.

What are the benefits of being welcoming? ›

Five benefits of being welcoming
  • Word of mouth is a powerful thing. ...
  • Your online presence is in your hands. ...
  • You are able to influence the number of returning guests. ...
  • Engaging meaningfully can have far-reaching consequences. ...
  • You are part of the greater tourism industry.
Feb 15, 2018

What impact does hospitality have on society? ›

An example of a direct impact would be the employment that hospitality creates. An indirect impact is the further employment that's created as a result of hospitality, for example, jobs created in the supply and delivery industry, marketing, or in the farming industry.

What is the quality of being hospitable? ›

When someone makes you feel comfortable and at home, that person is being hospitable, providing a warm, friendly environment. Anything hospitable is welcoming and open. A Greek proverb suggested that in being hospitable, the main feeling should be good will.

Is hospitable positive or negative? ›

Positive trait: HOSPITABLE | One Stop For Writers.

What is hospitality in one sentence? ›

Hospitality is friendly, welcoming behaviour towards guests or people you have just met. Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness, charm and hospitality of the people. [ + of] Synonyms: welcome, warmth, kindness, friendliness More Synonyms of hospitality.

What does hospitality mean in the Bible? ›

The word hospitality can be found in the ESV Bible four times (Romans 12:13; 1 Timothy 5:10; Hebrews 13:2; and 1 Peter 4:9). To summarize, these verses show that hospitality is both action and affection, receiving and loving a stranger.

What are the 3 domains of hospitality? ›

Therefore, the understanding of hospitality provision can be more sharpened by acknowledging the hospitality activities into 3 (three) domains which are social, private/domestic, and commercial. The manner of the private and social domains can inform commercial hospitality practice.

Is hospitality and hospitable the same thing? ›

From these perspectives, hospitality can be seen as a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of human life, and hospitableness indicates the willingness to be hospitable for its own sake, without any expectation of recompense or reciprocity (Lashley & Morrison 2000, Lashley et al. 2007).

What does it mean to be hospitable? ›

: given to generous and cordial reception of guests. a kind, hospitable people. they are hospitable … : give a guest everything, and leave him free to do as he likes Bram Stoker. : promising or suggesting generous and friendly welcome.

What is the most important thing in hospitality? ›

Yes, it's the customer service which acts as the soul of hospitality.

What does hospitality mean for you? ›

What does hospitality mean? Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines hospitality as, “generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests or hospitable treatment.” It also refers to the industry in which hotels, caterers, and event planners largely operate.

Why is hospitality an important virtue? ›

Hospitality is a gift and a virtue. There is a sacredness in welcoming another into your home. Jesus adds the spiritual dimension to this practice: “Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.”

Is hospitality a value? ›

Having the right hospitality values is essential in providing a consistent brand of service for the people it serves. Why? Because every hospitality worker needs the mindset, behaviour, and knowledge that spark positive connections between the business and its clients.

What are the values of hospitality? ›

Hospitality can mean many things, but for me, it means being truly caring, trusting and investing in customers. It's hospitality that makes businesses strong and helps eliminate anxiety created by the paradox of choice—the overwhelming amount of options that customers are faced with on a daily basis.

What is the key behavior of hospitality? ›

Being friendly and personable goes a long way in the hospitality industry. Keep a smile on your face even in frustrating situations to make guests feel at ease. Positivity helps guests trust your ability to resolve their issues and be optimistic about any problems they are facing.

What are the 5 keys to hospitality? ›

Although the job description for these duties varies, there are mainly five key responsibilities every Hospitality Manager should expect to administer: Managing budgets, customer service, supervising maintenance, coordinating departmental tasks, and overseeing food and beverage.

How can I be hospitable to others? ›

12 Ways to Show Hospitality While Going Through Your Week
  1. Invite someone over for a meal or just dessert.
  2. Give a hug to everyone as you come into the church or a gathering with friends.
  3. Double a recipe and take someone a meal in need.
  4. Ask someone about their day and sit down to really listen.

What is welcoming hospitality? ›

Hospitality is friendly, welcoming behavior toward guests or people you have just met. Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness, charm, and hospitality of the people. Synonyms: welcome, warmth, kindness, friendliness More Synonyms of hospitality. uncountable noun.

Why is welcoming visitors important? ›

Whether it's a customer or an employee, everyone should be made to feel welcome, and waiting around in a reception area can have a negative impact on the overall feel of a visit. Welcoming guests with a warm smile, clear eye contact and friendly hello can go a long way in making someone feel at ease.

What is the positive effect of hospitality attitude? ›

Attitude in the hospitality industry

As such, having a positive, enthusiastic, cheerful and generous outlook on life will translate into someone who cares about their team, listens to instructions from leaders and is able to communicate with customers with professionalism.

Why is hospitality important in a community? ›

Hospitality concepts have an opportunity to contribute to a more connected society by offering guests the possibility to interact with others and connect with the local community.

What word describes hospitality? ›

Synonyms of hospitality
  • generosity.
  • kindness.
  • friendliness.
  • cordiality.
  • attentiveness.
  • geniality.
  • sociability.
  • neighborliness.

What does hospitality mean spiritually? ›

As Abraham models in Genesis 18, biblical hospitality is a sacred duty to treat strangers and friends alike, welcoming one another into our homes, communal spaces, and lives.

What was hospitality in Jesus times? ›

In Luke's writings the ancient practice of hospitality—the custom of welcoming travelers or strangers into one's home and establishing relationships with them—becomes the prism through which Jesus' disciples can view one another and others as valuable children of God.

How can you show God's love to others through hospitality? ›

How to Share God's Love through Hospitality
  • Hospitality isn't merely a command. ...
  • Invite friends to church. ...
  • Commit to engaging church guests. ...
  • Learn names. ...
  • Invite church guests to your home or out to coffee. ...
  • Help other members who struggle with hospitality. ...
  • Help guests integrate quickly into your community.
Oct 16, 2019

What are the 4 aspects of hospitality? ›

The hospitality industry is vast and can be broken down into separate sectors. The top four sectors consist of; 'Food and Beverage', 'Accommodation', 'Travel and Tourism' and 'Entertainment and Recreation'.

What is the third key behavior of hospitality? ›

3. Paying attention to detail, is a must. In the hospitality industry, it is all about the comfort, approval and satisfaction of the guest.

What is the summary of hospitality? ›

The hospitality and tourism industry is a vast sector that includes all the economic activities that directly or indirectly contribute to, or depend upon, travel and tourism. This industry sector includes: Hotels & Resorts. Restaurants & Catering.

What do you call a hospitable person? ›

generous. adjectivegiving, big-hearted. acceptable. altruistic. beneficent.

What is the 10 and 5 rule in hospitality? ›

The 10 and 5 rule is a simple guideline that is widely used in the hospitality industry. The rule dictates that when a staff member is 10 feet from a guest, the staff smiles and makes direct eye contact, and when they are within five feet, the staff verbally greets the guest.

Is hospitable a behavior? ›

Hospitable behavior is characterized by a positive orientation towards guests, enthusiasm, positive energy and the willingness to recognize and meet a guest's implicit needs. Hospitable behavior is often related to the idea that one has to be born with hospitable genes or with a hospitable personality.

What are two reason for showing hospitality? ›

Hospitality gives us opportunities to serve others.

2). Everyone in our family has opportunities to serve when we invite people into our space. My children have learned many lessons about taking care of the needs of others because of guests.

What does it mean to show hospitality to someone? ›

Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines hospitality as, “generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests or hospitable treatment.” Dictionary.com goes further to define it as, “the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.”

Why is it important for Christians to show hospitality? ›

Hospitality to strangers links us both with God and with others. It is a wonderful way of experiencing the presence of the Holy One. Often, it reveals appropriate awareness of our own family history.

Why should Christians show hospitality? ›

For Christians, the strongest motivation to show hospitality is not God's commands (the Law) but His love for us in Christ (the gospel). This is not unique to hospitality—the gospel ought to be the driving motivation for all our good works.

How would you describe hospitality? ›

What is hospitality? Hospitality means receiving and entertaining guests in a way that makes them feel well taken care of. It leverages ambiance, service and products or amenities to provide guests with the best experience possible.

What is the deeper meaning of hospitality? ›

Hospitality is about extending a welcome to a visitor and providing them with some form of comfort. A good way to think of the objective of hospitality is to view it as the provision of a 'home away from home' for people to enjoy.

How important was hospitality in the Bible? ›

In the New Testament, Jesus practiced hospitality and he received it. He ate with sinners and tax collectors. Accepting their hospitality was not just about sharing a meal, it was a way of identifying with them and making them a part of his community—a point the Pharisees both understood and reviled.

What does true hospitality mean to you? ›

Genuine Hospitality means we absolutely put service to our residents above all else. In other words, we put you above all else. And when something is honest, it is defined as genuine. Genuine Hospitality then is the way we deliver service—with sincerity.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.