Which is the best GTA Online heist for two players in 2022? (2024)

GTA Online was changed forever with the Heists DLC way back in 2015. Players did not have to loot stores to make money anymore.

The DLC added five unique heists to the game. Since then, there have been multiple DLCs focused on heists, including the Doomsday Heist, Diamond Casino Heist, and Cayo Perico.

With so many heists available, gamers are often confused about the best one. Picking out the most enjoyable can be done via two factors: payout and fun.

Best GTA Online heist for duo co-op

Which is the best GTA Online heist for two players in 2022? (2)

Since the Heists DLC, there have been changes with each DLC. Users no longer need to have four participants in a team to start a heist (there are a few exceptions).

The Casino Heist even brought in the approach mechanic, while Cayo Perico can be done solo even.

At the end of the day, GTA Online is all about payouts. Money helps gamers buy new vehicles, weapons, properties, etc. So, with that in mind, Cayo Perico is hands-down the best heist to grind with a two-player team. It actually turns out better than solo.

Which is the best GTA Online heist for two players in 2022? (3)

Since its release, the Cayo Perico Heist has become the best way to grind money. The best part is that it can be done solo as well.

The heist overall is pretty straightforward. The first few tries might be tricky, but it can be done with closed eyes once gamers get settled in.

The main advantage of approaching this heist with two players is the availability of secondary loot in the compound. A few rooms in El Rubio's compound can only be accessed via a synchronized keycard swipe.

Solo users cannot do this for obvious reasons. Looting the rooms in the compound is very lucrative as that is where players can get gold and paintings. They are the most valuable secondary loot items.

The heist also becomes a lot easier with two gamers as it saves lots of time. The video above shows a specific approach, but there's a lot of freedom with the CP Heist. Doing the heist on hard mode and completing the Elite Challenge grants more money.

As far as payouts are concerned, the CP Heist in GTA Online has varying primary loot targets after the first attempt. Assuming that the safe has bearer bonds worth $1.1 million and the users get bags full of gold, the payout will be around 2 million. The better the primary loot, the higher the take.

Note: This article reflects the author's views.

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Which is the best GTA Online heist for two players in 2022? (2024)


Which is the best GTA Online heist for two players in 2022? ›

Diamond Casino Heist Payout Is the Highest

The Diamond Casino Heist payout is by far the highest in GTA Online. The rewards for the mission add up to $10.34 million on normal difficulty, and it can go up to $11.37 million, if the heist is on hard difficulty.

Which GTA heists can be done with 2 players? ›

Here is a list of heists that can be done with just two players in GTA Online:
  • The Fleeca Job.
  • The Data Breaches.
  • The Bogdan Problem.
  • The Doomsday Scenario.
  • The Diamond Casino Heist.
  • The Cayo Perico Heist.
Nov 10, 2022

What is the best heist payout in GTA 5 2022? ›

Diamond Casino Heist Payout Is the Highest

The Diamond Casino Heist payout is by far the highest in GTA Online. The rewards for the mission add up to $10.34 million on normal difficulty, and it can go up to $11.37 million, if the heist is on hard difficulty.

What is the highest paying heist in GTA 5 Online for 2 players? ›

What is the best paying 2 player heist in GTA 5? The Diamond Casino Heist offers by far the biggest pay-out of all of the game's heists, but just how big is dependent on what is in the target vault.

Which heist is two players? ›

What is the easiest GTA heist? The Fleeca Job is the first heist for new players in GTA Online, and it only has two setup missions to complete before the finale. The heist requires two players, and the maximum payout for completing it on hard mode is $143,750.

Can you do diamond heist with 2 people? ›

Whilst it cannot be played solo, you can play the Diamond Casino Heist with 2, 3, or 4 different players, meaning the final take can be split in a multitude of different ways.

Can you do Cayo Perico with 2 people? ›

GTA Online Cayo Perico Heist Payout – With 2 Players, 3 Players and 4 players. You can see how much you'll earn on the below table, which comes courtesy of the GTA Online Wiki.

How to get $10 million from Diamond Casino Heist? ›

The 10 million dollar reward is to complete ALL heists with the same people, don't lose any lives, play on hard difficulty, and complete the elite bonus challenges for the heist. It's probably to make sure Bull Shark cards are still feasible.

Which heist pays most? ›

The Diamond Casino Heist offers by far the biggest pay-out of all of the game's heists, but just how big is dependent on what is in the target vault. Perhaps surprisingly, cash is the worst of the four possibilities but it's still a great way to earn money.

What is the most efficient heist in GTA 5? ›

The best heist in GTA 5 is the Diamond Casino & Resort, hands down. The take for the Diamond Casino heist varies depending on how much damage is taken during the escape and what the vault contents are. Vault contents can be cash, gold, or artwork, and, during limited-time events, diamonds can also be found.

How much does Cayo Perico pay for 2 people? ›

The gross take amounts to $2,688,788 for solo, $3,188,576 for 2 players, $3,688,364 for 3 players, and $4,188,152 for 4 players. The fence takes a 10% cut of the profits, while Pavel takes a 2% cut. There is also a setup fee of $25,000 that is deducted from the final profit.

How much money does Cayo Perico 2 player pay make? ›

GTA Online Cayo Perico Heist Payout – With 2 Players, 3 Players and 4 players
1 player2 players
Leader max cut %100%85%
Leader Gross pay$2,366,133$2,385,055
Setup fee$25,000
10 more rows
Aug 17, 2022

How much does the Diamond casino heist pay for 2 players? ›

How much does the casino heist pay 2 players? The Diamond Casino Heist has varying payouts to consider: Setup: $25,000. Cash (Normal): $2,115,000. Cash (Hard): $2,326,500.

What is the money cheat in GTA 5? ›

There's no money cheat code in GTA 5. The developers from Rockstar like us to have some fun with cheating, but they have not given us a way to make a ton of free cash - which is not in the least bit surprising. This applies to both single-player and multiplayer, there's no GTA money cheat for either.

Is there a cheat for unlimited money in GTA 5? ›

That's right. There is no money cheat in GTA 5. However, we do have plenty of ways for you to make easy in-game money. You can also use the briefcase tactic to repeatedly earn money, as demonstrated in the video below.

Can you do the Fleeca job with 2 players? ›

The Fleeca Job is the first heist that players will take on in GTA Online. It is a job for two players, and initially serves as the tutorial for the heist missions.

Are there any 3 person heists in GTA 5? ›

You can do the casino heist and the doomsday heists with 3 people. The old apartment heists are only 2 for the first one and 4 for every following heist. You will need a 4.

Is the Cayo Perico heist single player? ›

For the first time in GTA Online history, the Cayo Perico Heist can be played entirely in single player. Of course, you'll probably have more fun in multiplayer — and there are additional money-making opportunities if you buddy up — but if you'd prefer to experience this new content on your own, then you can.

Can you have 2 heists in GTA 5? ›

You can have one of each active - normal heists (apartment), doomsday (facility), and casino. You can even go as far as setting up two casino heists if you wanted to, but this would require a 2nd character who also owns an arcade.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.