What Is the Investment Holding Company Definition? (2024)

An investment holding company definition is an important term whether you are starting a business or growing an established one.3 min read

An investment holding company definition is an important term whether you are starting a business or growing an established one. Holding companies often come up when a company begins facing issues of investing in securities that are issued by a corporation such as:

  • Common stocks
  • Preferred stocks
  • Corporate bonds
  • Performing case studies in private companies

Many successful companies and corporations around the world actually function as holding companies. In general, a holding company will not perform any daily operations, activities, or functions for the business itself.

In essence, a holding company functions as a parent company, an LLC, or a limited partnership that owns enough of the voting stock in a company that it will actually have voting control over the policies and management of the company.

While a holding company will own a business, it will also own other assets in addition to it such as:

  • Stock in other corporations
  • Other limited liability companies
  • Other limited partnerships
  • Hedge funds
  • Private equity funds
  • Real estate
  • Bonds
  • Song rights
  • Brand and trade names
  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Other assets that may hold some value

The term "holding company" describes its purpose, which is to hold investments. Their sole reason to exist is to control other companies instead of producing goods or providing services. A holding company can also exist just to own specific types of property.

Two Forms of Holding Companies

There are two primary forms of holding companies. One form will serve as a vehicle for investors, and the other will serve as a risk management tool for larger corporations. When a business is completely owned by a holding company, it will be referred to as a wholly owned subsidiary. In this instance, the holding company has the power to hire or terminate the management that runs a company, but control of their operations will rely on the managers.

Even though the holding company is not involved in the day-to-day business operations of the companies that they own, it is vital for the holding company to understand each of the operations of their subsidiaries and necessary for them to evaluate the performance and prospects on an ongoing basis.

An example would be Johnson & Johnson, which is one of the most well-known and well-respected blue-chip stocks traded in the world. The company is actually a holding company, so when you buy shares in it to acquire stock, you are buying into a company that does not do anything in the more traditional sense.

In reality, Johnson & Johnson has the prime ownership stake in over 265 individual companies. This would be similar to the way a private investor would own several company stocks through a different business such as a brokerage house.

Johnson & Johnson owns the following three major types of businesses:

  • Consumer healthcare
  • Medical devices
  • Pharmaceuticals

While the companies that they own fall under one of these three umbrellas, each section is comprised of several types of companies that are actually on their own and located all over the world. They each hire their own employees, as well as maintain their own banking, offices, and manufacturing facilities.

The holding company Johnson & Johnson will have its own shareholders and board of directors that will act on their behalf and protect the interest of their company and its holdings. The board is responsible for determining the dividend policy for the stock as well as electing a CEO. Once the CEO has been named, they will be responsible for the people under them.

The board of directors of a holding company will have the responsibility for the hiring and termination of CEOs as well as other key executives of the subsidiaries that Johnson & Johnson controls.

A holding, or parent, company will also provide support for its subsidiaries by its ability to lower the cost of their capital due to their strength and power. Ways in which a parent company can provide a lower cost of capital to their subsidiaries include:

  • Issuing them stock at what would be considered rock bottom rates.
  • Lending them money at rates that would be significantly better than if they were to apply for funding on their own.

If you need help with investment holding company definition, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

What Is the Investment Holding Company Definition? (2024)


What Is the Investment Holding Company Definition? ›

An investment holding company is a company, usually an LLC or Corporation, that exists for the sole purpose of holding investments. It does not provide any financial services, nor any other product or service, to the public.

What is the main purpose of a holding company? ›

Their sole purpose is to hold the controlling stock or membership interests in other companies. This type of holding company is called a pure holding company. Some holding companies, in addition to owning and controlling subsidiaries, do have their own business operations.

What is the difference between holding and investment company? ›

A holding company is an investment company and the only difference is that it seeks to manage subsidiary companies not to make income by selling shares, and unlike large companies, they do not have any competitor and any certain customer, and subsidiaries of holdings like merged companies do not lose their legal ...

What is the advantage of a holding company? ›

Broadly speaking, a holding company has three major advantages: security, a solid and reliable structure and lower tax costs. When a group of partners owns several companies, the situation can (and usually does) generate conflicts that can affect their continuity.

How does a holding company make money? ›

A holding company can make money via its subsidiaries, income from assets, royalties, or leasing/loaning assets to 3rd parties or subsidiaries as desired. Regular dividends - A holding company can profit from its subsidiary companies from shares of stocks or bonds that pay dividends or interest.

What are the disadvantages of a holding company? ›

Disadvantages of Holding Company Accounts

Complexity - When a holding company has a large number of subsidiaries and the subsidiaries are from different industries and their way of operation is different then it is difficult for the holding company to manage a large number of subsidiary companies.

How does a holding company protect you? ›

In the multiple-entity approach, the holding entity is where all wealth is located within the business structure. But because the holding company conducts no business activities, it has almost no exposure to liability, and therefore these assets are protected.

What are the pros and cons of investing in holding company? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages of Holding Company
  • Ease of formation. It is quite easy to form a holding company. ...
  • Large capital. ...
  • Avoidance of competition. ...
  • Economies of large scale operations. ...
  • Secrecy maintained. ...
  • Risks avoided. ...
  • Over capitalization. ...
  • Misuse of power.

Is it worth having a holding company? ›

The main tax advantage of a holding company is that it does not have to file different tax returns for each subsidiary company. Generally, subsidiaries can pay dividends to the holding company without creating a tax liability.

Is it good to have a holding company? ›

Holding companies enjoy the benefit of protection from losses. If a subsidiary company goes bankrupt, the holding company may experience a capital loss and a decline in net worth. However, the bankrupt company's creditors cannot legally pursue the holding company for remuneration.

Does a holding company pay taxes? ›

Holding Company Tax Implications. Even though the parent company typically remains in control of its subsidiaries, the companies are considered legally separate. Because the companies are recognized as separate, each company pays its own taxes as it corresponds to their specific income.

What assets can a holding company own? ›

Holding Company Overview

Its assets can be shares or stocks in other limited liability companies, publicly traded stocks, corporations, limited partnerships, hedge funds, private equity funds, bonds, brand names, real estate, patents, song rights, trademarks, copyrights, or anything else that's valuable.

Is it smart to invest in holding companies? ›

Holding companies, say market experts, can be a good investment option. "A holding company typically holds majority voting capital in another company," says Vikram Bohra, associate director, PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd. While some holding companies are pure investment vehicles, some have their own operations too.

Who pays taxes on a holding company? ›

In most cases, the parent company stays in control by being the only shareholder or by creating subsidiary bylaws. Since the two companies are separate, each pays its own taxes on its own income.

Can you take money out of a holding company? ›

Owners of closely held corporations often want or need to withdraw cash from the business. The simplest way, of course, is to distribute the money as a dividend. However, a dividend distribution isn't tax-efficient because it's taxable to the owner to the extent of the corporation's earnings and profits.

How much tax do you pay on a holding company? ›

Holding Company Taxes

If your holding company owns shares of another business, the dividends the holding company receives are typically tax-free. For those in the highest tax bracket, deferred taxes in these situations can amount to around 30 percent of taxable income.

What is the risk of holding company? ›

Since the holding company likely has a controlling interest in several corporations, management may have limited knowledge in the industry, operations and investment decisions of the controlled company. Such limitations may result in ineffective decision-making.

What are the rules of a holding company? ›

Structure of a Holding Company
  • Control, own, or have voting power over at least 25 percent of a financial institution.
  • Control the election of a majority of directors on the company's board.
  • Possess a controlling influence over the organization's policies.

What is a holding company example? ›

The holding company examples include the Google restructuring example and the creation of a parent company known as Alphabet Inc., which now involves a diverse business portfolio. Berkshire Hathaway, possessed by Warren Buffet, is another excellent holding company example that works in the investment space.

Does a holding company need a bank account? ›

Yes, holding companies need different bank accounts than their subsidiary companies. They are also required to maintain different accounting records.

How much does it cost to start a holding company? ›

The cost of setting up a holding company for your real estate investments will vary based on which state you live in. If you're setting up the LLC yourself, the average state filing fee is between $10 to $800. If you're working with an attorney or financial planner, they will charge you for their time.

Should I create a holding company for my investments? ›

Investing via a holding company can be a good way to improve asset protection, minimize taxes and provide additional privacy. Many business owners will experience benefits from using a holding company.

Do you make more money trading or holding? ›

However, it should be noted that trading has a higher commission and a higher probability of loss. While trading makes money immediately, holding requires a longer period of time to generate considerable profits.

How do you structure a holding company? ›

The typical holding company structure involves creating a Parent company on the top to hold the assets of the subsidiaries. The most widely used entities for holding companies usually are Limited Liability Companies (LLC's) and Corporations.

Does a holding company pay employees? ›

This means that the holding company may be held responsible for the debts of the operating company. It's also important to pay employee salaries for those who perform operating functions from the accounts of the operating company.

How do I avoid personal holding company tax? ›

If your corporation meets the definition of a PHC in a given year, you can use several possible strategies to avoid the tax. One option is to increase the number of shareholders. For example, if you give or sell stock to others, it may be possible to reduce the holdings of the top five shareholders to less than 50%.

What is a good name for a holding company? ›

Examples of Good Holding Company Names
  • Progressive Bancorp.
  • TellTaleMedia.
  • Alliance Financial Corporation.
  • Vitality group.
  • StoryRite.
  • ElevateBliss.
  • Consolidated Investments.
  • Primary Profit.

What is the difference between a holding company and an LLC? ›

A holding company can be an LLC. The only difference between a traditional LLC and a holding company is that the holding company does not conduct any business of its own. Holding companies don't create products or manufacture goods—they exist purely to hold ownership of the assets of their subsidiaries.

Why would a holding company buy a house? ›

Asset Protection

The primary advantage of purchasing real estate through a holding company is creditor protection. Companies and individuals alike are exposed to risk, either by carrying on business or through everyday activities, such as buying on credit.

How do I pay myself from my holding company? ›

Here are four main ways you can receive payments from your LLC.
  1. Pay Yourself as a W-2 Employee. For many LLC owners, the most advantageous way to receive payment is to treat yourself as an employee. ...
  2. Earn Profit Distributions. ...
  3. Pay Yourself as a 1099 Independent Contractor. ...
  4. Keep the Money in the Business.
Sep 30, 2022

Why set up holding company and LLC? ›

Benefits of LLCs as a Holding Company

The operating company can shield its sole member from limited liability. The holding company can be protected from torts that occur as a result of the employees of the operating company. The holding company members will also enjoy the protection of limited liability.

Do holding companies pay capital gains tax? ›

A holding company can also help save capital gains tax. In many jurisdictions, the sale of subsidiaries by a holding company may be free of capital gains tax.

When should I start a holding company? ›

Do You Own Multiple Businesses? Many small business owners have several businesses. If you are in that situation, you may want to consider setting up a holding company as an overall entity. The reason for doing that would be to keep the liability of the businesses separate, and manage them together.

Can a family own a holding company? ›

A holding company can be a family office, for those with significant assets this is generally done via a Private Family Trust company meant to manage wealth across generations. A family trust can be a holding company, but generally it's advisable for the holding company to be held by a family trust.

Can a holding company own 100%? ›

Holding Company Basics

If the holding or parent company owns 100% of the subsidiary, it's called a wholly owned subsidiary. A holding or parent company may own a smaller stake, including less than 50%, as long as it gives the subsidiary's managers day-to-day control.

Do I have to file taxes on a holding company? ›

Even though holding companies are normally not operating entities, they still usually have to file tax returns, both at the federal and state levels. Dealing with minority owners. One of the advantages of a holding company – not needing to own all of a subsidiary's ownership interests, can also be a disadvantage.

What are the requirements for a personal holding company? ›

A corporation will be considered a personal holding company if it meets both the Income Test and the Stock Ownership Test. The Income Test states that at least 60% of the corporation's adjusted ordinary gross income for the tax year is from certain dividends, interest, rent, royalties, and annuities.

Does a holding company pay taxes twice? ›

While the corporation pays taxes once itself, double taxation happens when dividends paid to shareholders get taxed at the shareholders' individual rates after they've already been taxed at the corporate level.

Who controls a holding company? ›

Although owning more than 50% of the voting stock of another firm guarantees greater control, a parent company can control the decision-making process even if it owns only 10% of its stock. The relationship between the mother company and that of the corporations they control is called a parent-subsidiary relationship.

Can my holding company have employees? ›

Can a holding company have employees? Although a holding company doesn't always have its own business operations, the holding company itself can – but doesn't have to – have employees. These could be as few employees as necessary to manage the subsidiaries, or enough to run an entire business unit.

What is the IRS definition of a holding company? ›

A personal holding company (PHC) is known as a C corporation formed for the purpose of owning the stock of other companies; therefore, the holding company doesn't offer products or services but merely owns the shares of other corporations.

What are expenses of a holding company? ›

Holding Company Expense means, as applied to the Borrower for any period, the aggregate amount of intercompany expenses incurred by the Borrower and/or payments made by the Borrower on behalf of the Borrower's Subsidiaries in connection with services provided by the Borrower to its Subsidiaries.

What is the management fee for a holding company? ›

The management fee varies but usually ranges anywhere from 0.20% to 2.00%, depending on factors such as management style and size of the investment. Investment firms that are more passive with their investments generally charge a lower fee relative to those that manage their investments more actively.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a holding company? ›

Holding companies can offer a number of advantages, including the ability to operate your business and ensure that your family receives the income from your business. However, holding companies also have a number of disadvantages, including limited liability protection and high costs.

What are the four purposes of holding company meetings? ›

(i) The declaration of dividends. (ii) The consideration of accounts. (iii) The election of directors in place of the retiring. (iv) Appointment of and fixing of the remuneration of auditors.

Are holding companies a good investment? ›

Investing via a holding company can be a good way to improve asset protection, minimize taxes and provide additional privacy. Many business owners will experience benefits from using a holding company.

What are the tax implications of a holding company? ›

The main tax advantage of a holding company is that it does not have to file different tax returns for each subsidiary company. Generally, subsidiaries can pay dividends to the holding company without creating a tax liability.

What does a CEO of a holding company do? ›

The CEO is responsible for making major corporate decisions, managing overall operations, and setting the company's strategic direction. They are accountable to the board of directors or stakeholders of the company and are often the public face of the organization.

Is it smart to have a holding company? ›

Holding companies can be used to reduce tax as well as provide important non-tax related benefits. While each situation may be different, as your company's annual revenues and income increase, a holding company could be something to consider. A holding company is a corporation that owns shares in another company.

Should I put my house in a holding company? ›

A real estate holding company is typically a great choice for short-term and long-term investors. Any real estate investor can benefit from protecting their personal assets from any business liability, and it's also smart to keep your real estate income separate from your personal income.

Should a small business have a holding company? ›

Holding companies can provide liability protection, consolidate income for lending purposes, support multiple subsidiaries and centralize operations management. Disadvantages to holding companies include complex legal documentation, additional tax filing requirements and additional ongoing costs.

When should you have a holding company? ›

The purpose of holding company is to allow those who own several businesses a way to limit liability, create a streamlined management, and maintain ownership over each business. A holding company provides a central point of control over the businesses.

What is the best entity for a holding company? ›

An LLC most certainly can be a holding company. In fact, in most cases the limited liability company is the most desirable business entity. This is due to their flexibility, pass through tax status and strong protections from personal creditors.

How do I start a holding company? ›

How Do You Create a Holding Company? To create a holding company, you simply need to file the articles of incorporation in the state or jurisdiction where you want to register the company. You will also need to identify the business agents managing the holding and operating companies.

What are three key factors to consider when holding a meeting? ›

There are varied opinions on meetings.
However, we find these three key:
  • Have the right people at the table. Consider the meeting goal and determine who must be there. ...
  • Have an agenda that reflects the meeting goals. Let participants know in advance what will be covered and by whom. ...
  • Have a definite time limit.
Mar 15, 2017

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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