What is options trading? | CMC Markets (2024)

Call and put options

There are two main types of options contracts: calls and puts. Buying a call gives you the right to buy an underlying asset at a predetermined price when entering the options trade; the buyer of the call ideally wants the price of the underlying asset to be higher than the strike on the expiry date.

Buying a put gives you the right to sell an underlying asset at a strike price determined when entering the options trade; the buyer of the put ideally wants the price of the underlying asset to be lower than the strike on the expiry date.

Call options explained

A call option provides the holder (buyer) with a right (but not an obligation) to buy an underlying asset at the strike price. For cash-settled options, buyers receive a cash payment if the underlying price is above the strike price, at a specified expiration date and time.

If you’re the writer (seller) of a call option, you have the obligation to sell an underlying asset. For cash-settled options, writers make a cash payment if the holder/buyer exercises the option. Cash-settled options are exercised automatically when in the money.

Long call option example

Imagine that a trader expects the FTSE 100 index to rise over the coming month. The trader buys a call option at a strike price (the pre-agreed price at which an options buyer will settle the contract) of 7,500 points, expiring in one month.

The options we offer on the underlying indices have a multiplier of 1. This means that 1 option contract refers to 1 unit of the underlying index. The premium for this option is £60.

One month later when the option expires, the FTSE 100 has risen to 7,650 points. This means that the trade is ‘in the money', by £150 (7,650-7,500), and is therefore favourable to the trader.

In this scenario, the trader has generated a net profit of £90 after the cost of the premium (£60) is subtracted from the in-the-money value (£150).

However, if after one month the index settles at the same level as the strike price of 7,500 points, this is known as being ‘at the money’, where the strike price and the underlying asset’s current price are the same. In this scenario, the option would not be exercised, and the trader would therefore lose the premium of £60.

If the underlying asset price is below the level of the strike price, it’s ‘out of the money’, which is when the current price of the underlying asset is unfavourable for the buyer. The option would not be exercised, and the trader would lose the premium of £60.

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (1)

Short call example

Let’s assume that a trader expects the FTSE 100 index to remain stable, or slightly decline, over the coming month. The trader sells a call option with a strike price at 7,400 points, expiring in one month. The trader receives a premium of £50 for the sale of the option.

One month later when the option expires, the FTSE 100 settles at 7,350 points. In this case, the option buyer will not exercise the contract, meaning the trader, who sold the contract, gets to keep the premium of £50 as profit.

However, if the FTSE 100 settles at expiration above 7,400 points, then the buyer will exercise the contract. If the price is significantly above this level, then the seller can incur large losses. For example, if the FTSE settles at 7,500 points the contract will be exercised and the trader (the seller of the contract) will make a loss of £50.

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (2)

Put options explained

A put option provides the holder (buyer) with a right (but not an obligation) to sell an underlying asset at the strike price. For cash-settled options, buyers receive a cash payment if the underlying price is below the strike price, at a specified expiration date and expiration time.

If you’re the writer (seller) of a put option, you have the obligation to buy an underlying asset, or where an option is cash-settled, make a cash payment if the holder exercises the option.

Long put option example

In this example, a trader buys a put option for the FTSE 100 with a strike price of 7,450 points, expiring in one month. The premium for this option is £40.

One month later when the option expires, the FTSE 100 has fallen to 7,350 points. This means that the trade is ‘in the money’ by £100. The net profit – after deducting the premium of £40 – would be £60.

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (3)

However, if the trader’s assumptions were wrong and the FTSE 100 rises to 7,550 points, the option will expire out of the money. The trader’s loss will be capped to the option’s premium of £40.

Short put trade example

Let’s assume that a trader expects the FTSE 100 index to remain stable, or slightly increase, over the coming month.

The trader sells a put option with a strike price of 7,500, expiring in one month. The trader receives a premium of £40 for the sale of the option.

One month later when the option expires, the settlement price is 7,520. In this case, the option buyer will not exercise the contact, meaning the trader, who sold the contract, gets to keep the premium of £40 as profit.

However, if the FTSE 100 settles at expiration below 7,500, the buyer will exercise the contract. If the price is significantly below this level, then the seller can incur large losses. For example, if the FTSE falls to 7,400 points, the trader will suffer a loss of £60 (£100 - £40 [premium received]). The loss is partly offset by the premium received when the contract was sold.

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (4)

When should you trade call and puts?

You are expecting rising prices Long call
You are expecting falling pricesLong put
You are expecting stable or slightly decreasing pricesShort call
You are expecting stable or slightly increasing pricesShort put

It’s worth noting that options are not an entry-level investment product. They’re a high-risk investment product and your losses can quickly add up in case of losing trades.

Learn how options trading works with us

The risks of trading options

When you trade options, you can’t attach a stop-loss order or take-profit order to your position as you might with a CFD trade or spread bet.

However, if you buy (go long on) a call or put, your maximum risk is predetermined because your potential loss is limited to the price that you paid for the option, known as the ‘premium’.

On the other hand, if you sell (go short on) a call or put, your potential loss is unlimited. Overall, you could lose all the funds you've deposited in your account. For professional clients, losses can exceed deposits.

Buying a call/putSelling a call/put
Maximum lossLimited to premium paidUnlimited
Maximum profitUnlimitedLimited to premium received

Note: when you trade with us, options are denominated in the currency of the underlying instrument rather than your account currency. This mean that forex movements can impact overall profit or loss on a trade.

Learn more about trading options with us

How do options work?

Every option contract has what’s known as an intrinsic value. The intrinsic value is calculated from the difference between the option's strike price and the underlying asset's market price. The more significant this difference is, the more valuable the option. For example, if an index price rises, a call option on that index would gain value.

Increased volatility in the underlying asset can raise the option's price. When the underlying asset has greater price fluctuations, there's a higher chance of significant price moves, potentially making the option more valuable.

Traders can realise profits or losses by closing their positions before expiration. For cash-settled options, there's no acquisition or disposal of a physical asset, so if the option is ‘in-the-money’ at expiration, the holder receives the cash difference.

The price of a cash-settled option can be broken down into intrinsic value and time value (or extrinsic value). Intrinsic value for a call option is how much the underlying market is above the strike price. Time value accounts for the probability of the underlying moving further into the money before expiration. It’s important to bear in mind that an increase in volatility also raises the possibility of an option swinging toward being ‘out- of- the- money’ at expiration.

The two main styles of options available are American-style options and European-style options. American options can be exercised at any time before they expire, whereas European options can only be exercised in a set period just before their expiration date.

Why trade options?

Options can be an effective way to hedge an existing position on an investment. They give you an opportunity to hedge the downside in volatile markets, without giving up on upside potential. Taking out long option positions gives you certainty over your risk, as you know your maximum loss for the position is limited to the premium paid for the contract. However, the maximum loss when selling options is unlimited.

Even if you don’t exercise an existing option, trading them can be beneficial. Buyers may pay a higher premium to secure an attractive strike price, particularly if your call option strike price is currently much lower than market value. If the market value falls, and it’s no longer worthwhile to exercise them, you’ve made a profit from the premium.

How to trade options

  1. Learn key options terminology
    • Option: a contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specific price on or before a certain date
    • Strike price: the price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold
    • Expiration date: the date and time at which the option contract expires
    • Premium: the price paid to purchase the option
    • Multiplier (contract size): indicates the number of units of the underlying asset that one contract represents, and is usually used for stock index options
    • In-the-money (ITM), out-of-the-money (OTM), at-the-money (ATM): refers to the relationship between the option’s current price and the option’s strike price
  2. Understand the risks
    • Option contracts can expire worthless
    • There’s potential for significant loss, especially with certain strategies
    • Market conditions can be unpredictable

    Options Greeks are risk characteristics that measure how changes in certain factors, such as the underlying asset price or volatility, affect an option’s price. It’s important to understand how these factors can influence your options position. Understanding the Greeks can help traders effectively manage their portfolios and hedge against potential losses.

  3. Research the market you want to trade

    Options aren’t solely for stocks. They’re available for a variety of securities, including commodities, indices, and ETFs. It’s important to determine which market aligns with your trading goals and risk tolerance. By narrowing your focus, you can analyse specific sectors, implied volatility, price trends, expiration dates, and trading volumes, to make informed decisions.

  4. Pick which options to buy or sell

    Your prediction about an underlying 'asset's movement guides the type of option you might purchase or sell:

    • If you think the underlying asset price is moving up, you might look to buy a call option or sell a put option
    • If you think the underlying asset price is stable, you could choose to sell a call option or sell a put option
    • If you think the underlying asset price is falling, you might buy a put option or sell a call option.
  5. Predict the options strike price

    For an option to maintain value, the underlying asset price should settle in-the-money by the option’s expiration. Choose a strike price that mirrors where you anticipate the asset will reside for the option's duration.

  6. Choose a timeframe

    Every option has a predefined expiration, dictating the final day it can be exercised. Short-term investors may look to trade options that have a daily or weekly expiration date, while longer-term investors may find an option with a monthly or yearly expiry more suitable.

    The longer the time until the option expires, the more time there is for the underlying asset price to move in a direction favourable to you (as the option holder) – bear in mind that the opposite scenario is also possible. As a result, the option is priced higher by the seller.

    Longer timeframes offer more chances for your investment strategy to unfold. However, be cautious of time decay, as the value of options diminishes as they approach expiration, especially if they remain out-of-the-money.

  7. Place your options trade

    When you trade options with us, you’ll need to specify:

    • Whether you're buying or selling a call or put option
    • A strike price
    • An expiration date
    • The number of contracts you wish to trade – the higher the trade size, the greater the margin required, and therefore the higher the risk
    • Any additional order details like limit or market orders
  8. Monitor your position

    Regularly track your option trade, evaluating it against the underlying asset's movement, time decay, and any market events or news that might impact its value. Adjust or exit positions, if necessary, based on your initial strategy and changing market conditions.

What makes a good options trader?

Here are our five top tips for anyone looking to start options trading.

  • Don’t use options trading in isolation: options is a high-risk product designed for experienced traders, so you should have experience of trading lower-risk types of investment before trading options. Options can be a very useful product to use in conjunction with lower-risk investments, such as a share portfolio, as they allow you to hedge your portfolio against adverse market movements.
  • Understand and stick to your strategy: understand whether you’re hedging against losses or actively pursuing profits from underperforming options before making a purchase.
  • Stick to modest trades: a string of losing trades in options trading can quickly turn into significant losses. Avoid overcommitting on each trade to ensure that, if it doesn’t work out in your favour, your loss is only a small percentage of your overall trading funds.
  • Diversify as much as possible: As well as diversifying through alternative, lower-risk assets, it could also be sensible to hold a diverse range of options. If you solely invest in technology or NASDAQ indices, you could leave yourself open to losses if the tech sector doesn’t move in your favour. Choosing options from a range of industries and markets can help to balance your risk.

Start trading options

Before you can start trading options, you’ll need to take a short test to make sure you understand how options trading works and the risks involved.


Can I buy and trade stock options?

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (5)

Yes. Options are available on lots of securities, including stocks. We'll offer options based on the following indices initially: UK 100, US SPX 500, US NDAQ 100, Germany 40, France 40 and Euro 50, with more assets to follow.

Can I buy call and put options for the same security?

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (6)

Yes, and this approach is used by traders with the aim of helping to manage losses and increase profit potential. There are a number of complex options strategies that traders can benefit from, including straddles, strangles and spread options.

What are the fees associated with options trading?

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (7)

The fees associated with options trading are the bid-ask spread, and any currency conversion fee on realised profit and losses. You can find more information about the costs in our

Cost Disclosure Document.

Try these next

Discover our options trading product

Explore the features and benefits of our options trading product

Options greeks explained

Get to grips with the Greeks: the key metrics that show how sensitive options are to various market factors.

Options valuation explained

Learn the essentials of how to value options, including the impact of time, volatility, and the underlying asset.


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CMC Markets

What is options trading? | CMC Markets (2024)


What is options trading? | CMC Markets? ›

What are options? An option is a contract that gives the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a financial product at an agreed price if the product moves beyond that price within a specific period of time. With us, you'll use a CFD account to trade OTC options that are cash settled.

What are options in stock market in simple words? ›

Options trading is a type of financial trading that allows investors to buy or sell the right to purchase or sell an underlying asset at a fixed price, at a future date. Options trading operates on the basis that the buyer has the option to exercise the contract but is not under any obligation to do so.

What is option trading easily explained? ›

Options are a type of derivative security. An option is a derivative because its price is intrinsically linked to the price of something else. If you buy an options contract, it grants you the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an underlying asset at a set price on or before a certain date.

What are options traded in the market? ›

Options are financial derivatives that give buyers the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at an agreed-upon price and date. Call options and put options form the basis for a wide range of option strategies designed for hedging, income, or speculation.

What is the main point of option trading? ›

If a speculator (the trader) might think the price of a stock will go up based on his research, he can buy the stock or buy a call option on the stock. If you buy a call option, your total risk is limited to the premium you pay to buy the option. While, your potential profit is unlimited.

What is the difference between options trading and stock trading? ›

While stock prices are volatile, options prices can be even more volatile, which is part of what draws traders to the potential gains from them. Options are generally risky, but some options strategies can be relatively low risk and can even enhance your returns as a stock investor.

Is option trading easy to learn? ›

You see, it's very easy to categorize options as difficult to understand, but knowing just a few basic characteristics about options makes them very useful and easy to understand. Anyone—meaning absolutely anyone—can learn how to confidently trade options.

What is the easiest option trade? ›

Buying calls is a great options trading strategy for beginners and investors who are confident in the prices of a particular stock, ETF, or index. Buying calls allows investors to take advantage of rising stock prices, as long as they sell before the options expire.

How option trading works with example? ›

Options Trading Example

You'd be entitled to purchase 100 shares at ₹110 per share regardless of the actual price of the share is on December 1. On that day, if the shares of Company X are trading at a price higher than ₹110, you have the right to purchase them at a lower price, and hence, make profits.

How to learn option trading step by step? ›

How are Trade Options Using Four Easy Steps?
  1. Step 1- Open An Options Trading Account. To start trading in options is not the endgame. ...
  2. Step 2- Pick The Options To Buy Or Sell. ...
  3. Step 3- Predict The Options Strike Price. ...
  4. Step 4- Analyse The Time Frame Of The Option.

Is option trading a gamble? ›

Unlike gambling, options trading provides the opportunity for profit through strategic decision-making and analysis of the underlying asset. While there is an element of risk involved, options trading is not solely based on chance, but rather on probability and analysis.

Is Option Trading good or bad? ›

There is a general misconception that option trading is very risky. Options can be risky, but they don't have to be. Options can be less risky or more risky, depending on risk tolerance. It can be used for speculation, but also for hedging, protection and leverage.

What is stock options and how does it work? ›

Stock options are a form of compensation. Companies can grant them to employees, contractors, consultants and investors. These options, which are contracts, give an employee the right to buy, or exercise, a set number of shares of the company stock at a preset price, also known as the grant price.

What is an example of a stock option trading? ›

Example: Stock X is trading for $20 per share, and a call with a strike price of $20 and expiration in four months is trading at $1. The contract pays a premium of $100, or one contract * $1 * 100 shares represented per contract. The trader buys 100 shares of stock for $2,000 and sells one call to receive $100.

What is the difference between options and stocks for beginners? ›

For beginner investors, and especially people with a long-term strategy, stocks are a more common entry point into the stock market than options, because they're more straightforward, tend to have lower expenses and allow for a hands-off approach.

What is exercising stock options for dummies? ›

Exercising a stock option means purchasing the issuer's common stock at the price set by the option (grant price), regardless of the stock's price at the time you exercise the option.

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