What Are UCITS Equivalents Of Popular Vanguard Funds? (2024)

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What Are UCITS Equivalents Of Popular Vanguard Funds? (1)

What Are UCITS Equivalents Of Popular Vanguard Funds? (2)

  • Raph Antoine
  • April 3, 2023
  • Comment Article On Forum


What Are UCITS Equivalents Of Popular Vanguard Funds? (3)

  • Raph Antoine
  • April 3, 2023
  • Comment Article On Forum


The Definitive Guide to Equity Index Investing - PART 7

This article is Part 7 of ourdefinitive guide to Equity Index Investing.

While Vanguard is a relatively small Asset Manager in Europe, you can still build a 100% Vanguard Index Fund Portfolio.

And there are lots of reasons to back Vanguard, including excellent reputation and unique ownership structure with low conflicts of interest.

As a European or UK Investor, you would have to slightly adjust the way to construct a typical two, three or four Fund Portfolio using UCITS ETFs.

Here are some questions, that European and UK Investors frequently ask.


  • US Investors can invest in either Vanguard’s ETFs or Index Mutual Funds. In Europe, investing through ETFs is easier, but UK Investors can also opt for Index Mutual Funds.
  • UK and German Investors can also open an account directly with Vanguard. Other European investors would need a minimum of €500,000 to access Vanguard directly.
  • So, as most Europeans, you will most likely need to find a European broker that gives access to Vanguard UCITS ETFs.
  • But you can still access the same funds as US Investors. Vanguard Total World Stock (VT) has an equivalentMutual Fund for UK Investors, and a correlated UCITS ETF for Europeans. Other ETFs, including VTI, VOO, VXUS also have UCITS equivalents.
  • Some European countries, like Switzerland, allow Investors to invest in Non-UCITS ETF, so an equivalent UCITS Fund may not be needed.

Here is the full analysis

How To Access Vanguard Funds Outside Of the US?

Can I open an account with Vanguard?

Most individual investors in Europe do not have the option to open a direct account with Vanguard and need to invest in Vanguard ETFs through their brokers.

However, the following types of Investors have direct access to Vanguard:

  • Investors in the UK,with a minimum initial investment of £500.
  • Investors in Germany, with a minimum initial investment of €5,000.
  • Non-Professional Europeans that may be treated as elective professionals, usually requiring a minimum of €500,000.

Do I Need a UCITS ETF?

Most Individual Investors in Europe and the UK are bound by UCITS, a regulatory framework for investment funds in the European Union.

However, there are a couple of exceptions, when as an Investor you may directly invest in US ETFs:

  • Investors from countries like Switzerland.
  • Non-Professional Europeans that may be treated as elective professionals, usually requiring aminimum of €500,000.

If, like most Europeans, you are not part of the above list, you may need a UCITS equivalent of a US ETF. The good news is, there is plenty of choice. Let’s go through them one by one.


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Here are the first three ETF Master Guides:

  • Guide to Equity Index Investing – We designedETF selectionframeworks and then picked the best funds in each category.
  • Guide to Slashing Costs and Taxes – Become the Passive Investing Ninja. Cut TERs, Taxes, FX Fees and Invisible Costs.
  • Guide to Sustainable Investing – Hardly anyone understands this topic. What may surprise you is that ESG Ratings are not designed to protect the planet. Adjusted for risk, ESG ETFs will also inevitably underperform.

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Vanguard Equity Funds

Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund (VT & VTWAX)

What is UCITS equivalent of Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund (VT ETF)?

Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund, as ETF (VT) or Mutual Fund (VTWAX), gives you access to all Global markets:

  • Developed and Emerging Markets
  • Large, Mid and Small Caps

It tracks the FTSE Global All Cap Index, as illustrated below.

The closest European equivalent is theVanguard FTSE ALL-World UCITS ETF, with accumulating share classes in GBP and EUR and distributing share classes in GBP, EUR and CHF. It tracks the FTSE All-World Index.

The FTSE All World Index excludes Small Caps, but performance is very closely correlated.

The closest UK equivalent is a Mutual Index Fund – the Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap Index Fund, that also includes Small Caps. UK Investors can also invest through the same UCITS ETF as Europeans, without access to Small Caps.

Vanguard Uses FTSE Benchmarks for its global ETFs

FTSE Global All Cap

FTSE All World

FTSE Developed All Cap

FTSE Developed

FTSE Emerging All Cap

FTSE Emerging

In the table above, DM = Developed Markets, EM = Emerging Markets

Are there are Non-Vanguard Equivalents of Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund (VT & VTWAX)?

Vanguard competes with other Asset Managers that provide you with similar access to all Developed and Emerging Markets. Below is what these cover. Read our guide to International Equity Markets to learn more.

Total World STock ANIMATION - 23 Developed & 26 Emerging Markets

So, you can also pick an iShares or SPDR equivalent instead of Vanguard.

I have done anextensive comparison of the below World ETFs that give you all the convenience of investing through a single Index Fund.

Similar, Highly Correlated UCITS Funds

RankGlobal(World) ETF3Y TDTERAcc.Dist.ReplicationSizeInceptionDomicileBenchmarkAcc ISINDist ISINRank Category
1Vanguard FTSE ALL-WorldUCITS ETF0.0%0.22%

Physical13.905/2012IrelandFTSE All World Net Total Return IndexIE00BK5BQT80IE00B3RBWM25Large & Mid Caps
2iShares MSCI ACWI UCITS ETF-0.1%0.20%

Physical6.310/2011IrelandMSCI All Country World Net Total Return IndexIE00B6R52259

Large & Mid Caps

Physical0.505/2011IrelandMSCI ACWI IMI Net Total Return IndexIE00B3YLTY66

With Small Caps

Source: Bloomberg, Bankeronwheels.com. Data as of February 2023. Definitions: 3Y TD - Annualised 3-year Tracking Difference. It is the ETF outperformance vs. a Total Return Net Index. Net Index represents the worst case tax treatment e.g. 30% for US Dividends. TER - Total Expense Ratio. Acc - Accumulating Share Class. Dist. - Distributing Share Class. Acc/Dist Cumulative size in € billion .

Vanguard TOtal Stock Market Index Fund (VTI & VTSAX)

What is the UCITS equivalent of Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTI ETF)?

The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund, as ETF (VTI) or Mutual Fund (VTSAX), gives access to the entire US Market – Large, Mid and Small Caps. The ETF Tracks the CRSP US Total Market Indexandincludes about 3,500 companies.It is a popular choice, given a larger coverage than the S&P 500, that only tracks Large Caps.

The closest UCITS equivalent to VTI ETF is Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF, with accumulating share classes in GBP and EUR, and distributing share classes in GBP, EUR and CHF.

Vanguard S&P 500 Vanguard excludes Small and some Mid-Caps. However, since both indices are weighted by market size, the performance is very similar.As a European or UK Investor, you don’t necessarily need to control the allocation to US Large Caps Stocks.

A more efficient way may be to split your portfolio into Developed and Emerging Markets ETFs. You can learn more about how the ETF World is divided through my analysis of ETF Benchmarks from two leading providers – MSCI and FTSE.

VanguaRd S&p 500 ETF (VOO)

What is the UCITS equivalent of Vanguard S&P 500 (VOO & VFIAX)?

The European and UK UCITS Equivalent to VOO ETF or VFIAX Mutual Fund is Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF, with accumulating share classes in GBP and EUR, and distributing share classes in GBP, EUR and CHF.

Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (VXUS & VGTSX)

What is the European equivalent of VXUS ETF (Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund ETF)?

Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund, VXUS as ETF and VGTSX as Mutual Fund, are used by American Investors that want to control exposure to all International markets ex-US.

There is no European and UK Vanguard UCITS ETF Equivalent to VXUS ETF, given that European and UK Portfolios are not US Centric.

But if you do opt for it, you will need a few ETFs:

  • A couple of ETFs to get access to Developed Markets ex-North America, as explained in this guideand illustrated below.
  • An ETF with exposure to Emerging Markets, like illustrated in this guide.
  • An ETF with exposure to Canadian Market.

DEveloped Markets ex-North America


What Are UCITS Equivalents Of Popular Vanguard Funds? (6)

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What Are UCITS Equivalents Of Popular Vanguard Funds? (7)

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Vanguard Bond Funds

Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund (BND & VBTLX)

What is UCITS equivalent of Vanguard Total Bond Market (BND & VBTLX)?

The Vanguard Stock Bond Index Fund, BND as ETF or VBTLX as Index Fund, gives access to the US Bond Market.It is a one-stop solution to give you exposure to the entire Bond Market including Government Bonds, highly rated corporate Bonds and Mortgage Bonds.

The BND ETF Tracks the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Index.Vanguard does not have a UCITS-equivalent tracker. However, BlackRock’s iShares and State Street SPDR have a direct equivalent.

Are there are Non-Vanguard Equivalents of Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund (BND ETF)?

The two equivalent funds are:

  • iShares US Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF, with accumulating share classes available in EUR,USD and CHF and distributing share classes in EUR,USD and GBP.
  • SPDR Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF, with distributing share classes in EUR and USD.

Are there are Vanguard's Bond ETFs designed for European and UK Investors?

Vanguard designed diversified Developed Markets Bond Funds to meet needs of European and UK Investors.

The UCITS diverified Bond Fund is Vanguard Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF withaccumulating share classes in GBP and EUR, and distributing classes is GBP and EUR.

This ETF tracks the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index.

As a European or UK Investor, you want access to High Quality Bonds available in your currency.

Developed BOnd Markets

That’s why tracking a Global Aggregate Benchmark hedged to your currency is the best practice when building your portfolio.

Alternatively, you can also invest in your local Government/High Quality corporates, but this provides lower diversification while not necessarily higher returns.If you want to learn more about the different Bond ETFs and how to make it fit into your portfolio, have a look at my analysisrelated to International Bond ETFs


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Vanguard FUND OF Funds

Vanguard Lifestrategy FUnds

What are UCITS equivalents of Vanguard Lifestrategy Funds?

Should you want to choose the efficient and simple way without splitting your portfolio into multiple ETFs, Vanguard Lifestrategy Funds are a great choice. It combines exposure to all global equity markets and bonds.

These products are structured as funds-of-fund.In a nutshell, it is a one ETF solution to gives you exposure to both Equities and Bonds.

The LifeStrategy Funds differ by the asset allocation and risk profile.

The European and UK Equivalents are Vanguard LifeStrategyUCITS ETFs. The Equity proportion varies from 20% to 80% and the ETFs are eitheraccumulating or distributing.Note that in the UK these are structured as mutual Index Funds and have some biases, while the European ETFs maintain market allocations.

If you want to learn more about the Lifestrategy range, I have included a dedicated section on them.



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What Are UCITS Equivalents Of Popular Vanguard Funds? (2024)


What is the UCITS equivalent of VOO? ›

What is the UCITS equivalent of Vanguard S&P 500 (VOO & VFIAX)? The European and UK UCITS Equivalent to VOO ETF or VFIAX Mutual Fund is Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF, with accumulating share classes in GBP and EUR, and distributing share classes in GBP, EUR and CHF.

What is Vanguard UCITS? ›

The index is a capitalisation-weighted index of 500 US stocks. The index is designed to measure performance of the broad domestic economy through changes in the aggregate market value of the 500 stocks representing all major industries.

What is a UCITS fund? ›

An Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) is an investment fund that invests in liquid assets and can be distributed publicly to retail investors across the EU.

What is the difference between a mutual fund and a UCITS fund? ›

UCITS funds are a type of mutual fund that complies with European Union regulations and holds securities from throughout the region.

How do I know if my ETF is UCITS? ›

Tracked indices must be sufficiently diversified UCITS ETFs are identified by the “UCITS ETF” label in the fund name. This enables investors to quickly identify funds that are subject to the UCITS regulatory framework.

Which funds are UCITS? ›

The term “undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities” (UCITS) should not require much explanation, it speaks for itself: It is an undertaking for collective investment (or “investment fund”) which invests in securities, i.e. in stocks, bonds, stocks and bonds, short term treasury instruments and ...

What is the difference between UCITS and non-UCITS funds? ›

The non-UCITS QIF has no borrowing limit, whereas a UCITS can only borrow up to a maximum of 10 per cent of assets and even then only on a temporary basis. The QIF has no leverage limit, whereas in general in a UCITS fund the global exposure cannot exceed the Net Asset Value.

What is the difference between UCITS and non-UCITS? ›

The main differences between UCITS and non-UCITS funds relate to the way in which the funds are marketed to investors and the proposed investment policies of the funds.

Are UCITS and ETFs the same? ›

UCITS is a set of voluntary rules which many ETFs follow. ETFs which are UCITS compliant must follow minimum standards - that includes holding a diversified portfolio, publishing clear guidance on their charges and taking steps to safeguard investors' money.

Can US citizens invest in UCITS? ›

But for U.S. investors, buying into UCITS funds is a little different than buying traditional mutual funds. You can purchase UCITS funds through a U.S.-based fund manager. That said, only an authorized EU-based management company can oversee that fund.

What are the different types of UCITS? ›

Index tracking UCITS. Index-tracking leveraged UCITS. UCITS ETFs – identifier and specific disclosure. Actively-managed UCITS ETFs disclosure.

Is Vanguard a UCITS? ›

Vanguard Funds plc has been authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland as a UCITS and has been registered for public distribution in certain EEA countries and the UK. Prospective investors are referred to the Funds' prospectus for further information.

How many UCITS funds are there? ›

UCITS are a very successful product: there are more than 30,000 UCITS funds in the EU which represent over €9 trillion of assets under management. ▸ To report about an infringement of national provisions transposing the UCITS Directive, please consult the Whistleblowers section.

Why are UCITS so popular? ›

UCITS were created so that retail investors have transparent, regulated, and cross-border investment opportunities. UCITS funds are perceived as safe and well-regulated investments and are popular among many investors looking to invest across Europe.

What are the benefits of UCITS? ›

Features of UCITS Funds

The main are: Diversification: UCITS funds aim to reduce investment risk by diversifying their portfolios cross different securities, sectors, and geographic regions. Liquidity: UCITS funds must maintain sufficient liquidity to meet investor redemptions quickly and efficiently.

What is Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD? ›

Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD Accumulation (VUAG)

This Fund seeks to track the performance of the Index, a widely recognised benchmark of U.S. stock market performance that is comprised of the stocks of large U.S. companies.

Are UCITS funds mutual funds? ›

What are UCITS funds? UCITS is an acronym for Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities. It is a regulatory framework for the creation and distribution of mutual funds in the European Union. UCITS funds simply refer to mutual funds that adhere to the UCITS framework.

Can a UCITS be a fund of funds? ›

UCITS can operate as a standalone fund or as an umbrella fund, with multiple sub-funds with segregation of liability assets and liabilities at sub-fund level.

What can UCITS not invest in? ›

A UCITS may not make investment in closed ended funds for the purposes of circumventing the normal UCITS investment limits.

What is the 20 35 rule for UCITS? ›

UCITS rules state a fund's top holding must remain below 35% of the portfolio while no other security can exceed 20%. The two ETFs previously tracked indices that held single securities with a weighting greater than 35% meaning BlackRock was manually required to ensure the ETFs did not exceed this limit.

What is the maximum cash UCITS fund? ›

A UCITS must limit Ancillary Liquid Assets to bank deposits at sight, such as cash held in current accounts with a bank accessible at any time. Ancillary Liquid Assets held are limited to 20% of the net assets of a UCITS.

Which are UCITS? ›

UCITS or 'undertakings for the collective investment in transferable securities' are investment funds regulated at European Union level. They account for around 75% of all collective investments by small investors in Europe.

Do UCITS pay dividends? ›

There are typically 4 dividends per year (excluding specials), and the dividend cover is approximately 1.0.

Is a UCITS an open ended fund? ›

UCITS. UCITS is an abbreviation for Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities – these are open-ended funds set up subject to EU legislation. The legislation was designed to allow these funds to be marketed across the EU and to allow fund managers to operate in other EU countries.

What is the difference between index fund and UCITS ETF? ›

The primary difference between ETFs and index funds is how they're bought and sold. ETFs trade on an exchange just like stocks, and you buy or sell them through a broker. Index funds are bought directly from the fund manager.

Why can't Europeans buy American ETFs? ›

An EU/EEA regulation called MiFID requires brokers to categorize their clients as either “retail” or “professional” in order to determine the correct level of investor protection and transparency. MiFID has thus prohibited EU-residents from investing and trading in US ETFs, like for example SPY, XLP, EEM, etc.

Why are US ETFs not available in Europe? ›

The reason why US-domiciled ETFs are not available for European investors can be summed up in one word: compliance. To be allowed on EU markets, US-domiciled ETFs (exchange-traded funds) are required to produce documentation according to standards prescribed by MiFID, the EU's legal framework for securities trading.

Can US expats invest in Vanguard? ›

Vanguard offers an online platform that allows investors to purchase and manage investments from anywhere in the world. The main advantage of online investing is the convenience and accessibility it offers, as it allows expatriates to purchase and manage their investments from anywhere in the world.

How does UCITS work? ›

UCITS is a financial vehicle that allows a group of investors to invest their money under a predetermined investment objective. The UCITS have a fund manager, who is responsible for investing money in the underlying securities. By investing in a UCITS, essentially, the investor buys units and becomes a unitholder.

Are UCITS traded on an exchange? ›

A UCITS ETF is an exchange traded fund that follows a system of safety measures in accordance with UCITS regulations. This means that its holdings must be diversified, with no single holding above 10% of the fund's net asset value (NAV).

What is the difference between a Vanguard fund and a Vanguard ETF? ›

With a mutual fund, you buy and sell based on dollars, not market price or shares. And you can specify any dollar amount you want—down to the penny or as a nice round figure, like $3,000. With an ETF, you buy and sell based on market price—and you can only trade full shares.

Where are UCITS funds domiciled? ›

Almost half of all European UCITS and AIFs net assets are domiciled in Luxembourg and Ireland. Both countries have experienced steady growth rates of UCITS net assets of around 20 percent.

What is the difference between hedge fund and UCITS? ›

Hedge funds are largely unconstrained in their investment style and the instruments traded. Alt UCITS funds are subject to additional rules on fund terms, concentration, liquidity, portfolio transparency and instruments traded. They also tend to have lower fees than the “two and 20” seen in traditional hedge funds.

What is the best performing UCITS fund? ›

Top 10 Performing Funds in 2022
FundAnalyst Rating2022 Return
BGF World EnergyNeutral57.16
Aspect Core UCITSBronze43.98
JPM Natural ResourcesNeutral32.63
JPM Global Natural ResourcesNeutral30.79
6 more rows
Jan 5, 2023

What is the 30 rule for UCITS? ›

An individual investment in another UCITS fund must not exceed 20 per cent of assets, while no more than 30 per cent of the UCITS fund's portfolio can be invested in non-UCITS funds.

How much does UCITS cost? ›

» Investors tend to concentrate their assets in lower-cost UCITS. In 2021, the simple average ongoing charge for all equity UCITS was 1.42 percent, compared with an asset- weighted average of 1.21 percent.

What is the 10 illiquid rule for UCITS? ›

Article 50(2)(a) of the UCITS Directive provides that “a UCITS may invest no more than 10% of its assets in transferable securities or money market instruments other than those referred to in paragraph 1” (i.e. transferable securities and money market instruments traded on regulated markets, UCITS and UCITS equivalents ...

What are the disadvantages of UCITS? ›

UCITS include the possibility of low returns for investors. For fund managers, negatives include the higher cost to set up a UCITS, and the potential for lower fees for these funds.

What index fund is VOO equivalent to? ›

ETF Benchmarks & Alternatives
TickerNameExpense Ratio
VOOVanguard S&P 500 ETF0.03%
SPLGSPDR Portfolio S&P 500 ETF0.03%
IVViShares Core S&P 500 ETF0.04%
SPYSPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust0.09%
4 more rows

Which fund is similar to VOO? ›

VOO and VFIAX are both funds offered by Vanguard and they both seek to track the performance of the S&P 500, which is a market-cap-weighted index of the largest U.S. publicly traded companies.

What mutual fund is VOO equivalent to? ›

The main difference is that VFIAX is a mutual fund while VOO is an exchange-traded fund.

Which Vanguard fund mimics the S&P 500? ›

The Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO -0.37%) has a low minimum investment of one share ($355 as of March 14, 2023) and a low expense ratio of 0.3%. This index fund-like product trades on a major stock exchange, allowing investors to buy and sell like they would a stock.

Which Vanguard mutual fund is equivalent to the S&P 500? ›

The Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral Class (VFIAX) and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) are similar investment products. Both track the S&P 500, a U.S. stock index comprising 500 companies with the largest market capitalizations.

What is the Fidelity equivalent of Vanguard VOO? ›

FXAIX is a mutual fund managed by Fidelity, whereas VOO is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) managed by Vanguard.

What is the difference between UCITS and ETF? ›

UCITS is a set of voluntary rules which many ETFs follow. ETFs which are UCITS compliant must follow minimum standards - that includes holding a diversified portfolio, publishing clear guidance on their charges and taking steps to safeguard investors' money.

What does UCITS stand for in ETF? ›

UCITS or 'undertakings for the collective investment in transferable securities' are investment funds regulated at European Union level. They account for around 75% of all collective investments by small investors in Europe.

Should I own both VTI and VOO? ›

Does it make sense to have both VTI and VOO? For most investors, it probably doesn't make sense to own both. VTI and VOO both provide great diversification at a low cost. However, you may find that your retirement plan at work doesn't offer a total stock market index fund like VTI.

What is the best equal weighted S&P 500 ETF? ›

The largest Equal-Weighted ETF is the Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF RSP with $36.33B in assets. In the last trailing year, the best-performing Equal-Weighted ETF was FNGU at 143.83%. The most recent ETF launched in the Equal-Weighted space was the SoFi Web 3 ETF TWEB on 08/09/22.

Should I buy both VTSAX and VOO? ›

In this article we've looked at several factors between VTSAX and VOO. Overall, you can't go wrong with either fund. If you prefer a little more exposure to small-cap securities then VTSAX is for you. If you'd rather place your trust in America's top 500 companies then VOO would be your choice.

Is VOO or SPY a better investment? ›

The main difference that investors should note is in the expense ratios where SPY costs 0.09% while VOO and IVV cost 0.03%. Data provided below is accurate as of 30 May 2023.

What is the difference between VOO and S&P 500? ›

The S&P 500 represents 500 of the largest U.S. companies. The goal of the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF is to track the returns of the S&P 500 index. VOO appeals to investors because it's well-diversified and is made up of equities of large corporations—called large-cap stocks.

Which S&P 500 fund is best? ›

Our Top Picks for the Best S&P 500 Index Funds
  • Fidelity 500 Index Fund (FXAIX)
  • Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral Shares (VFIAX)
  • Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund (SWPPX)
May 12, 2023

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.