Transcription Rates: Audio to Text Service Price 2023 | Sonix (2024)

Video is a powerful medium. Transcription takes this power one step further by creating a document that outlines everything said in a video.

A transcript can be a remarkable tool for both marketing and internal communication. For example, when utilizing transcriptions, you can repurpose video into other pieces of content, such as an article or a social media post. Transcriptions are also vital for indexing video assets with search engines, which allows for its reach and exposure to be extended.

They’re also crucial for your operations. Human resources (HR) can use transcripts to create training materials from a seminar video or distribute it to participants as a refresher.

Unfortunately, most teams overlook the importance of including transcriptions when budgeting for video costs. The same is true when production teams leave the translation process out of the planning stage.

Most of the money is often reserved for more critical tasks like equipment and post-production. Then, when teams need a transcript, they realize that free tools don’t get the job done. The result?

They’re forced to work with top-tier professionals who charge high transcription costs per hour, which pushes the video budget over its limit. Or, because the transcription services cost isn’t accounted for in the budget, teams have to sacrifice the quality of the translation.

Both options are problematic.

On the one hand, free and fast transcription tools are readily available. Plus, they have a low or zero transcription cost per word. The caveat is that they usually output inaccurate transcripts requiring you to make corrections manually, which is time-consuming.

On the other hand, you have high-quality professionals who can create accurate transcriptions. However, they tend to have long turnaround times and carry an expensive transcription cost per minute.

Luckily, Sonix offers a better solution for all—AI-powered transcription software.

It features the ease of use, fast turnaround time, and low cost of a digital transcription tool. But thanks to artificial intelligence and advanced natural language processing, it can produce accurate transcripts at or near-professional levels.

We’ve been discussing the merits of using a transcription tool like Sonix to lower the cost of transcribing your videos. But how much does transcription cost in the first place?

Before we get started, let’s look at the pricing structure of transcription services.

Transcription is usually billed in one of three ways.

The first is based on the audio or video length (called audio minute or hour). For this, professionals charge for every minute or hour of video they transcribe. This is the most common way many transcriptionists price their services.

Next is output-based. With this structure, pricing is dependent on the length of the transcript. An output-based billing structure is common for medical transcriptionists. Usually, they charge around 7-14 cents per document line. In some cases, they can also charge per page.

Last is time-based billing. Here, a transcriptionist charges an hourly work rate for transcription, regardless of the video length. This is less common and is usually adopted by higher-tier professional transcribers. Average transcription rates are around $25 to $40, with the highest cost for transcribing interviews (which are priced at $50 per hour on average).

So, what are some typical transcription costs?

The standard transcription cost per hour of audio in the U.S. and Canada is around $90, or $1.5 per audio minute. You’ll expect to pay this minimum transcription hourly rate for high-quality and accurate transcripts. Anything lower (less than $1 per audio minute) can be a red flag that the transcriptionist is a non-native English speaker and can produce less accurate transcripts.

Keep in mind that these are average transcription rates for standard audio or video transcription. Many factors can add or subtract from these amounts.

The difficulty of the audio or video file typically has the most significant impact on the hourly rate for transcription. The difficulty level of transcription can stem from anything in the file that can hinder the transcriptionist. Top examples include garbled audio, thick accents, heavy background noise, multiple people talking, or speakers who speak too fast or mumble. These complex issues can quickly add around 25% to 50% to a standard transcription price.

The number of speakers in the audio can also increase the effort (and therefore, price) of transcribing. The average addition is around 0.25 cents per audio minute for three speakers or more.

The location of the transcriptionist also matters. Professionals from North America typically charge more than non-English speaking countries. The higher rates are due to the fact that native speakers better understand the speech patterns of the language, which can ensure copy is transcribed correctly.

Lastly, requests like fast turnaround times (often 24 hours or less), timestamps, and subtitles can also balloon the transcription price tag.

Ultimately, the answer to “how much does transcription cost?” is not an exact figure. A reasonable estimate is around $100 - $150 per audio hour to get a high-quality and accurate transcript.

These transcription rates can be a significant cost for many companies who need to transcribe large volumes of videos. Fortunately, we already mentioned that AI-powered transcription tools are a fantastic alternative with lower transcription fees.

But how much does it compare to a traditional transcriptionist?

Let’s review Sonix’s pricing plan to compare the two approaches effectively.

Sonix adopts a pay-as-you-go pricing structure, similar to a typical transcriptionist. However, Sonix is much cheaper – you only need to pay $10 per audio hour instead of the minimum $100 for a professional transcriptionist. That’s a whopping 90% discount.

What’s more, with Sonix, you also get many features and options that other services don’t include with their transcription rates. For example, we can translate over 40+ languages and add automated subtitles and word-by-word timestamps. With today’s global audience, the need to produce a video for a wide variety of languages is a crucial part of a business’s digital marketing efforts. Sonix can help you expand your global reach.

In addition, when you work with Sonix, you get top-notch security and secure file storage that only an online platform can provide.

Choosing an AI-powered automated transcription solution for both cost and quality benefits seems like an easy solution to your transcript needs. But with dozens of options out there, why make the switch to Sonix?

With Sonix, not only will you have access to an efficient transcription tool, but you'll also enjoy competitive pricing that suits your particular needs. Plus, with our transcriptions you get quick and accurate results. Experience the superior quality and remarkable savings Sonix delivers on projects of every size and complexity.

Sonix uses the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technology and natural language processing to automatically transcribe your video in seconds. Simply upload your video file, and Sonix’s speech-to-text algorithm will do the rest.

There’s no more need to spend exorbitant amounts of money to cover the cost of transcription services. Sonix provides a fast and affordable alternative, especially if you need to transcribe videos in bulk. There’s also no need to wait for a transcriptionist to finish their job manually – Sonix can deliver results in minutes.

But that’s just the beginning. Sonix also gives you powerful new ways to interact with your transcripts and video files.

For example, you can click the corresponding word on the transcript, and Sonix will jump to that specific point in the video. This feature is excellent if you want to review specific meeting or lecture video segments.

Sonix also allows you to edit the transcript directly, adjusting the video accordingly. Did the speaker say unnecessary words? You can remove them from the transcript using the Strikethrough feature, and Sonix will automatically edit the video to match. It gives content creators a fast and powerful new way to edit their videos.

Need to create a video for different regions? Sonix features an AI-powered translation engine that can transform your transcripts into 39 other languages. Thanks to its natural language processing algorithm, Sonix creates one of the most accurate translations in the industry in as little as 10 minutes. You can also view the original and the translated transcript side-by-side so that you can adjust them as needed.

The Sonix AI-powered translation platform allows you to take your original video and translate it into different language versions. It empowers you to disseminate your video to a broader audience, dramatically increasing your exposure. There’s also no need to worry about high transcription prices, which is often the case when translating a video into multiple languages.

Gone also are the days when you needed to type subtitles manually yourself. Sonix can create subtitles automatically in seconds. It can also split subtitles by lines, character, and duration. You may also fine-tune the timing of your subtitles by milliseconds for the best accuracy.

Sonix’s subtitle feature makes its already affordable audio-to-text transcription service price even more appealing.

Sonix also supports various file formats and workloads, including multi-track video files. For instance, if you have individual speakers on separate audio tracks, Sonix will combine them into one transcript. You can also upload an existing transcript, and Sonix will automatically align it with the accompanying video.

Sonix also provides robust solutions for managing large volumes of transcripts – perfect for enterprises and bigger marketing teams. You can organize your transcripts into folders and files with permission levels for each. In addition, you can use the powerful search feature to find specific words or phrases throughout your transcripts.

Today’s modern workflow involves dozens of platforms and apps; luckily, Sonix is compatible with most of them.

For instance, you can connect Sonix to a Google Drive folder, which will automatically transcribe any video files in the background. Want to transcribe your Zoom recording of an important meeting? Integrate Sonix, and it will do that task automatically at the end of every session.

Our platform is compatible with other major applications like Zapier, YouTube, Vimeo, and Adobe Premiere, to name a few.

Sonix’s flexible integration complements your video pipeline, saving you plenty of time and effort.

Transcription Rates: Audio to Text Service Price 2023 | Sonix (2024)


How much does it cost to transcribe audio to text? ›

Average transcription rates are around $25 to $40, with the highest cost for transcribing interviews (which are priced at $50 per hour on average). So, what are some typical transcription costs? The standard transcription cost per hour of audio in the U.S. and Canada is around $90, or $1.5 per audio minute.

How much should I charge for audio transcription? ›

“Transcription rates per minute” is a common rate structure. Expect to pay $1-3.5 per minute.

How much does it cost to transcribe 1 hour of audio? ›

Standard rates for professional transcriptionists (especially those professionals from North America) range from $1.5 to $3 per audio minute or $90 to $180 per audio hour. If your project has extra requirements, such as a quick turnaround time, you may be forced to pay more to have the job done.

How much do you pay per word for transcription? ›

A 30 cents per word transcription rate would be $30 for every 100 words. A 50 cents per word transcription rate would be $50 for every 100 words. In some cases, there will also be a base fee or minimum fee that the client agrees to pay the transcriber up front. This fee could be anywhere from $25 to $100.

How long should it take to transcribe 20 minutes of audio? ›

That means you should expect any audio that is less than 15 minutes to be transcribed within an hour. Some experienced transcriptionists can transcribe files much faster. It's not unheard for experienced transcriptionists to transcribe 20 to 30 minutes of audio in one hour.

How long does it take to transcribe 15 minutes of audio? ›

Transcription Speed for the Average Person

It takes most people about one hour to transcribe 15 minutes of a clear, slow audio file. If any of the factors we mentioned above change the quality of the recording, that time might go up.

How much does freelance transcription cost? ›

Generally you can expect to pay 75 cents to $1.50 per audio minute for transcription services. Some transcriptionists charge an hourly rate of $15-$30.

Does audio transcription pay well? ›

Transcription is a well-paying career with many opportunities. A transcriptionist's salary is generally around $19.02, while an advanced transcriptionist earns around $25 to $30 per hour. With this rate, you can easily earn an average of $1141.2 every month if you work 2.5 hours per day for 24 days.

How long does it take to transcribe 1 minute of audio? ›

Transcription speed for an average person

An amateur transcriber typically types between 40 and 60 words per minute. As a result, it takes the average person about four hours to transcribe one hour of audio.

How much do freelance transcriptionists charge per hour? ›

Transcriptionists on Upwork cost $12–$22/hr.

How long should it take to transcribe 30 minutes of audio? ›

Various factors affect how long it takes. As a very broad rule of thumb, many transcribers say it takes four hours for every one hour of audio. Obviously, if you're wondering how long to transcribe 30 minutes of audio file, around two hours.

What is transcription rate? ›

Transcription rate encompasses two related, yet different, concepts: the nascent transcription rate, which measures the in situ mRNA production by RNA polymerase, and the rate of synthesis of mature mRNA, which measures the contribution of transcription to the mRNA concentration.

How much do remote transcriptionists make? ›

A Work From Home Transcriptionist in your area makes on average $18 per hour, or $0.72 (4%) more than the national average hourly salary of $17.43. ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Work From Home Transcriptionist salaries.

How much does Zoom transcription cost? ›

The average price for automatic Zoom captions is approximately $0.25 per audio minute (approximately £0.20), although you find some tools that are slightly higher or lower. If you have a lot of recordings to transcribe, you may prefer to opt for a monthly subscription plan.

How long does it take to transcribe 1000 words? ›

How long does it take to transcribe 1,000 words or more? An average typist can transcribe 1,000 words in about 25 minutes. However, a professional typist can achieve this same feat in less than 13 minutes with 99% accuracy.

How fast should a transcriber be able to type? ›

While most transcriptionists can type at around 50 words per minute (WPM), make it your goal to type at least 60 WPM. By improving your typing speed, you can get more work done in less time, which seriously increases your earning potential!

What are the four major skills needed for transcription? ›

In order to transcribe audio or a conversation accurately, you need these skills:
  • Active listening. Active listening is the ability to focus on a speaker and hear everything they say. ...
  • Typing skills. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Computer skills. ...
  • Research.
Mar 10, 2023

How long does it take a beginner to transcribe 1 hour of audio? ›

When it comes to individual transcribers, the average time to transcribe one hour of audio is approximately four hours. But, some transcribers quote four hours as the minimum since it can easily reach 10 hours.

How many lines can you transcribe per hour? ›

Manual Transcription Earning Potential

Manual transcriptionists are expected to average 150 lines per hour, as almost every national service vendor requires staff to deliver 1,200 lines per eight-hour shift to be considered a full-time employee.

How do you transcribe audio to text fast? ›

Let's have a look at these tips to get a faster transcription.
  1. Make use of an Autocorrect Tool.
  2. Practice Typing to perfection.
  3. Making use of High-Quality and noise cancellation headset.
  4. A comfortable and quiet environment.
  5. Type Smartly.
  6. Get your hands on a good transcribing software.
  7. Take Breaks.
  8. The final word.

What is the correct way to transcribe time? ›

As an example, TranscriptionWing's standard format for timestamps is [HH:MM:SS] - that is the accurate hours, minutes, down to seconds - placed in different ways within the transcript.

How much do beginner transcriptionists make? ›

Most transcriptionists can make between $15 and $25 an hour when they're just starting out and don't have a specialization or expertise. Some fields pay more for transcription services, like legal or medical companies.

Can you make a living transcribing? ›

Transcription jobs are lucrative ways to make extra money, especially if you speak and write in more than one language. Here are the best work-from-home transcription jobs. Transcriptionists are in high demand.

Can you make a living as a freelance transcriptionist? ›

Working from home as a transcriptionist is a great way to earn a steady income with flexible hours . If you're an experienced typist with strong grammar skills , this may be a rewarding career for you.

What type of transcription pays the most? ›

High Paying Medical Transcription Jobs
  • Transcription Coordinator. ...
  • Medical Transcription Supervisor. ...
  • Radiology Transcriptionist. ...
  • Transcriber. ...
  • Medical Scribe. ...
  • Transcriptionist. Salary range: $28,000-$38,000 per year. ...
  • Scribe. Salary range: $27,000-$37,000 per year. ...
  • Pathology Transcriptionist. Salary range: $28,500-$28,500 per year.

How much can you make a month as a transcriptionist? ›

While ZipRecruiter is seeing monthly salaries as high as $4,375 and as low as $1,167, the majority of Transcriptionist salaries currently range between $2,333 (25th percentile) to $3,166 (75th percentile) across the United States.

How much can a transcriptionist make in a day? ›

Average Daily Transcription Transcriptionist hourly pay in the United States is approximately $56.38, which is 224% above the national average.

How hard is it to transcribe audio? ›

Transcription work sounds easy since it only involves listening to audio files and typing. In reality, however, transcription is quite complicated. It takes commitment and full involvement in the job to ensure that you produce excellent work.

How can I transcribe audio to text for free? ›

Online Audio to Text Converter
  1. Upload a file to Notta Click the 'Select File' to browse or drag and drop your file.
  2. Convert audio to text Select the audio language you want to transcribe. ...
  3. Get your transcript via email Once the transcription is finished, Notta will send the result to the email address you just entered.

How do you transcribe poor quality audio? ›

When you cannot understand the audio at all, instead of guessing, you can mention [inaudible] or [unintelligible] in the transcriptions to indicate that part of the recording wasn't clear to transcribe. You could use symbols like '-' or '....' or write [several inaudible words] to indicate unclear sounds.

Are transcriptionists still in demand? ›

Employment of medical transcriptionists is projected to decline 7 percent from 2021 to 2031. Despite declining employment, about 9,300 openings for medical transcriptionists are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

How much do audio transcribers make? ›

$34,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $47,500 is the 75th percentile.

How long does zoom take to transcribe? ›

Zoom typically takes twice the duration of your meeting to process the transcript. For a 30-minute meeting, it can take up to 60 minutes to get the transcript.

What are the basic rules a worker should follow while transcribing the audio? ›

Never paraphrase or reconstruct the speech in the audio you are transcribing. Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers. Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words. Example: If a speaker pronounces "niche" [neesh] as nitche.

How long does it take to transcribe 60 minutes of audio? ›

A 60-minute high-quality audio file could possibly be transcribed in three hours or even two! This works out to about one hour needed to transcribe 20-30 minutes for an hour of audio by a transcriber.

What are the best rates for transcription jobs? ›

Their typical rates are $1.00 per audio minute or $1.50 per audio minute for rush orders (same day or overnight). They claim that most professional transcriptionists can make $20 – $30 per hour of work based on these rates.

What pays more transcription or translation? ›

Translators are paid higher on average than transcriptionists, as translation is more time-consuming and more complex. This is mainly because a translator must be an expert bilingual to succeed, which requires plenty of time and effort.

How do you get clients for transcription? ›

How To Get Transcription Clients Easily
  1. Use Free Advertising. Businesses have several ways to advertise, and many of them are free! ...
  2. Offer Discounts. There are many different discounts you can offer to first-time clients. ...
  3. Give Referral Bonuses.
Oct 28, 2018

How much do transcribers get paid in the US? ›

Transcriber salaries typically range between $25,000 and $75,000 a year. The average hourly rate for transcribers is $20.93 per hour.

Is Otter AI better than Zoom transcription? › transcribes more accurately than Zoom, especially for proper names, jargon, acronyms, and unique name spellings, because it lets you add Custom Vocabulary (available in Otter Pro and Otter Business, not in Zoom).

Is Otter Pro worth it? › is a great alternative to manual transcription services as it is faster and easy to access. However, if you depend on 100% accuracy, your needs are better served by a human transcriptionist; otherwise, you'll need to edit the transcripts.

How do I transcript audio to text? ›

How to Transcribe Audio to Text
  1. Upload Your Audio File. ...
  2. Choose Custom Transcription Options. ...
  3. Receive & Download Your Text File. ...
  4. Set Up. ...
  5. Find Your Shorthand. ...
  6. Write What You Hear. ...
  7. Edit Your Text File. ...
  8. Export the Correct File.

How many words is an hour long transcript? ›

Answer: At the normal speaking rate of 130 words per minute (wpm), a 1 hours long speech will have about 7,800 words .

How long to transcribe 20,000 words? ›

Writing 20,000 words will take about 8.3 hours for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 16.7 hours for handwriting.

How many words per minute can I transcribe? ›

The average typing speed for transcriptionists is 40 to 60 words per minute. Transcriptionists with above-average typing skills can type more than 80 words per minute. Many professional transcriptionists can type 80-100 words per minute.

How do I transcribe audio to text for free? ›

The Flixier free audio to text converter helps you generate transcripts of your audio recordings and conversations quickly and easily in minutes. And the best part is that it all runs in your web browser so you don't have to worry about downloading or installing anything to your computer.

Is there a free program that will transcribe audio to text? ›

Otter is a great online transcribing tool that enables you to take voice meeting notes and real-time transcriptions. This software uses artificial intelligence to transcribe sharable, searchable notes, and content. This tool will also provide you with accurate transcripts of different audio formats (e.g., WAV).

How long does it take to transcribe 4 hours of audio? ›

As a very broad rule of thumb, many transcribers say it takes four hours for every one hour of audio. Obviously, if you're wondering how long to transcribe 30 minutes of audio file, around two hours. However, because of the number of factors involved the four-hour time length can also be completely off.

Is there a free way to convert audio to text? ›

Online Audio to Text Converter
  1. Upload a file to Notta Click the 'Select File' to browse or drag and drop your file.
  2. Convert audio to text Select the audio language you want to transcribe. ...
  3. Get your transcript via email Once the transcription is finished, Notta will send the result to the email address you just entered.

Is Google transcribe free? ›

Live Transcribe is easy to use, all you need is a Wi-Fi or network connection. It's free of charge to download on over 1.8 billion Android devices operating on 5.0 Lollipop and above.

What app automatically transcribe audio to text? ›

6 Best Apps for Transcribing Audio
  • Rev Voice Recorder. Rev offers a free voice & audio recorder that will record and create audio files for transcription directly from your phone. ...
  • Temi Record and Transcribe App. ...
  • Rev Call Recorder. ...
  • Dragon Anywhere. ...
  • Speechnotes. ...
  • Otter.

What software do transcribers use? ›

Answer: Trint, Descript, Express Scribe, Inqscribe, Otter, Sonix, SpeedScriber, Rev, and Temi are some of the best software for transcribing. All these software offers you nice tools for transcribing, editing, and sharing your documents. Trint, Otter, and Temi even offer you mobile applications.

Is there a free transcription app? ›

Otter brings artificial intelligence to the human voice. It's an automatic transcription app: Whether you're recording a voice note, a lecture, a business meeting, or a video conference, the app listens to what's being said and automatically turns it into onscreen, searchable text.

What is the cheapest transcription tool? ›

TranscribeMe has the lowest price on the market for automated transcription at just 7 cents per minute. We also picked TranscribeMe for the variety of other services it offers, such as industry-specific transcriptions, translation, and data annotation services.

Can Google transcribe audio to text? ›

Google Docs can transcribe audio to text. This feature is known as voice typing. It is similar to the voice feature on google that allows you to search on the Google engine using your voice. The voice typing feature on Google Docs is only available in the Chrome browsers.

How long does it take to transcribe 1,000 words? ›

How long does it take to transcribe 1,000 words or more? An average typist can transcribe 1,000 words in about 25 minutes. However, a professional typist can achieve this same feat in less than 13 minutes with 99% accuracy.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Views: 6508

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.