Toy Story 4 reveals its villain: a really, really, really creepy doll (2024)

The first full trailer for Toy Story 4 brought back some very familiar faces, but also introduced new ones, from spork-turned-toy Forky to carnival prizes voiced by Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele. Among these were a few unnamed characters — including the movie’s villain.

Now we can put a name to the incredibly creepy face: Gabby. She’s a pull-string doll from the 1950s who’s been sitting in an antique store for ages. Voiced by Christina Hendricks (Mad Men), Gabby appears in the trailer and sends an army of creepy ventriloquist dolls after Woody and Bo Peep. Yikes!

“I’ve always loved The Twilight Zone and that Talking Tina-type of thing. We’ve never seen creepy, old dolls like that in Toy Story, and this was an opportunity to do that,” director Josh Cooley told Entertainment Weekly.

Toy Story 4 reveals its villain: a really, really, really creepy doll (1) Disney/Pixar

The Toy Story films have their human villains — the bad boy next door Sid who liked to dissect and blow apart toys, and greedy toy collector Al — but bad toys have always been at the center of the trilogy. Toy Story 2’s Stinky Pete the Prospector (voiced by Kelsey Grammer). Toy Story 3 saw Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear and his sidekick Big Baby. All toys had similar motives: spurned by children, they resolved that no toy should ever be loved again.

Gabby seems to continue this trend.

“Gabby has been in this antique store for 60-plus years. Gabby is a perfect toy except for the fact that she’s got one thing broken about her that’s been keeping her from being purchased and loved forever,” said Cooley.

Toy Story 4 will reportedly center around a family road trip. Bonnie takes her toys along, but encounters with Forky and old friend Bo Peep have them question the very nature of their existences. What does it mean to be a toy in this world?! Gabby certainly has something to say about that.

Toy Story 4 reveals its villain: a really, really, really creepy doll (2024)
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