The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (2024)

The Wealth Well™️ is that once-in-a-lifetime offering. A 12-week self-paced course built to help you navigate your own unique and aligned pathway toward building out and manifesting long-term wealth and abundance.

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (2)

There’s no need to continue...

  • Feeling stressed and anxious about your future around finances, career, or business - whatever you want, you can have it!

  • Feeling unfulfilled with the career and life you are living. You know there is so much more to life, but feel lost on what to do and how to get there.

  • Worrying about how you’ll pay off your debt if you’ll ever build out your savings, and how much more you are falling behind on your investments

  • Feeling like ‘living your best life’ is a scam. You can’t take multiple trips a year and a six-figure business will take years and sleepless nights

Wealth would look so good on you.

By the end of the course, I want you to…

  • Be saving a lot more, spending less, and investing like the best

  • Create additional streams of income that highlight your gifts in ways that are fulfilling, fun, and won’t burn you out

  • Have all the information and resources to start and/or grow your business to the next level

  • Identify and release the limiting beliefs holding you back, while learning how to manifest your most aligned life like a genie in a bottle

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (3)

You do not have to continue living with these feelings of anxiety and uncertainty around how to truly live out your wealthiest and most aligned future. Steadily wondering if achieving your desires is even a real thing (which it is - but you gotta trust me!)

Better yet, trust YO’SELF that you are ready to cut the excuses and DO this.

I know you can overcome the initial overwhelm of managing your life and finances right now and instead learn how to live your life with more ease, intention, and alignment. That’s all you need to manifest the financial security, the career of your dreams, and the business that succeeds.

And that’s why investing in this course will be SO WORTH IT.

It just takes a little upfront investment, time, and dedication in me as your mentor, to see the difference.

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (4)

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (5)

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (6)

My relationship with myself was full of avoidant and unhealthy self-soothing behaviors, and if I wanted to one day free myself from the chains of debt, find fulfillment in a career, and settle down with a healthy and loving partner, I was going to have to make some drastic changes. Getting my money sh*t together would be the catapult to the awakening I needed to believe that I had the ability to take ownership of other areas of my life and actions. When my friend introduced me to the world of investing, I made it my mission to never struggle, settle for less or be broke again.

Trust me, I get it. Figuring out how to get a handle on even just your finances alone can seem overwhelming. From feeling like money is a necessary evil holding you back to not knowing where to start investing. Let's just say that the road between understanding and strategizing towards your goals to actually seeing the results you want, can be a bit of a rollercoaster.


With a blend of holistic and strategic guidance, you can discover and wield your own unique blueprint toward manifesting your wealthiest and most abundant self. Feeling secure in your ability to build out a richer future, a resilient mindset, and if done right - living life with increased trust, confidence, and internal alignment. If there was ever any course that I could've taken 5 years ago to get me to where I am today, it would've been this.

Fortunately for you, I had to go through breaking free from being thousands of dollars in debt, untangling trauma, fear, and limiting beliefs, navigating a psychosomatic disorder, and lowering my self-worth, so that you can avoid similar mistakes and not have to feel powerless any longer.

This journey called life just got a little easier for you.

You’ll know this course is for you, if you:

  • Want to be in love with life, have the ability to foster healthy connections, a fat savings and investment account, a job you are passionate about, and a business that brings in $10k+ months, provides incredible impact, and doesn't burn you out

  • Don’t need somebody to hold your hands. I can show you the blueprint, and you’ll figure it out without additional 1:1 accountability

  • Aren’t taking a course, just to take another course. You realize that the time, energy, and investment that goes into your future self depends on YOU

  • Are willing to see not only the financial benefits and returns, but also the internal results around your capacity for deeper self-love, personal fulfillment, and manifestation prowess

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (7)

It’s time to choose you.

It’s time to choose wealth and abundance.

It’s time to choose elevation & integration.

It’s time to stop playing small and to get aligned with what you know you want out of life.

It’s time to awaken the magnificent spirit that is within you and live the abundant life you’ve always deserved and desired.

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (8)

This 12-week self-paced course is an immersive course designed to help the conscious creative and entrepreneur gain the confidence to build out a resilient mindset, aligned wealth, abundance and personal freedom.

This course will help you move from just knowing and understanding the basic concepts around sculpting a magnetic mindset and building wealth to finally feeling confident, comfortable, and safe enough to embody and integrate these practices into your daily life. In doing this, you’ll be able to finally manifest the life you’ve always desired.

You will learn how to deepen and strengthen your relationship with yourself on both an energetic, practical and holistic level. By incorporating the worlds of quantum mechanics, psychology, and economics you will have a great understanding of how both to build and attract abundance into your life with ease.

Imagine releasing limiting beliefs and trusting the power of manifestation, intuitively budgeting without the traditional ways that feel restrictive, replacing your 9-5 with a sustainable biz, landing that dream career all while financially investing in a way that will secure your path towards generational wealth and create more freedom for your life.

This is what you’ll get inside of the Wealth Well™️. The ultimate blueprint to building out the wealth and abundance in ANY area of your life - and in the way that you’ve always desired and deserve.

“It's probably the most holistic yet pragmatic wealth makeover course you’ve ever dreamed of, but didn't know existed".

Client Love Note💌

“Morgan was incredible at creating an environment of zero judgment and allowing for space to discuss money with a holistic approach. She really created a specific plan for what I needed, which was to learn how to invest my money with confidence, both in myself and in my business. My anxiety about when and where my next income would come from has been almost non-existent for the first time in my freelance career. I doubled my income from the previous year and I know a lot of that has to do with the work I did with Morgan. Morgan is warm, welcoming, and incredibly diligent and I feel so lucky to have learned from her.”

- Molly Fredenberg, NYC Makeup Artist

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (9)

The main features will include: Instant access inside The Wealth Well’s 3 foundational modules, weekly lesson plans, built-in activities and worksheets, journal prompts, pre-recorded videos, group discussion threads, and exclusive access to the Resource Vault/Library.

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (10)

Module Breakdown

  • Module 1: The Wellness Principle

    Module 1 consists of 5 lessons centered around mindset, goal setting, and manifestation. We’ll take a look at how your belief sets and limiting scripts are limiting your ability to build wealth and create the life you love. I'll also put you onto some incredible self-devotional tools, manifestation techniques, and therapeutic practices that will help to strengthen your mindset, energy, and relationship with yourself.

    **Inside of this module I will walk you through:**

    • Understanding quantum mechanics and spiritual philosophy and principles, to better navigate our soul through this material world

    • Releasing trauma embedded within the body through various psychological tools and exercises

    • Learning how to embody and utilize self-healing tools for personal growth, reflection, and transformation

    • Building out S.M.A.R.T goals, understanding the importance of planning toward your future, and how to form lasting habits

    • The secrets to manifestation and attracting your dreams, desires, and goals with more ease

  • Module 2: The Wealth Principle

    Module 2 consists of 7 lessons, centered around strengthening financial literacy, tracking your wealth, and learning the strategies around investing and building generational wealth. No more avoiding looking at your money or being confused about how to start or successfully invest for your future. We’ll dive into how to manage your finances in an anti-traditional fashion, and instead, make it simple, sustainable, expansive, and fun.

    **Inside of this lesson I will walk you through:**

    • The importance of tracking your cashflow and when to do it to prioritize your savings, debt, and investment goals

    • The #1 savings strategy to set you up for lasting success, and what your emergency fund should look like

    • Best practices when it comes to improving your credit score and paying off your debt as fast as possible

    • The difference between Done-For-You and Do-It-Yourself investing, how to get started, and best practices

    • Planning out your retirement and mapping out the steps to take now to secure your future wealth and income.

  • Module 3: The Creative Principle

    Module 3 consists of 3 lessons centered around discovering your soul’s purpose, discovering the most aligned career path, and building a sustainable and profitable brand. We’ll learn how to showcase your unique gifts, essence, and the way you express yourself, out into the world as a way to feel fulfilled while also generating additional income.

    **Inside this lesson I will walk you through:**

    • How to embody and celebrate your own unique presence, and find joy in sharing your unique gifts, personality, and essence with the world

    • Why a brand is different than a business, and how to decide whether you are ready to turn your brand into anything from micro to major world influencer

    • A holistic overview of the different business areas and strategies to implement in efforts to authentically show up in your business and drive meaningful profits

    • Various personality assessments and spiritual discovery tools to better understand who you are and the purpose you bring to this life

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (11)


  • Weekly lesson plans with informative deep dives into manifestation, embodying an abundant mindset, improving financial literacy, building and scaling a business, and investing your money into the stock market (valued at $3,000 USD)

  • Built-in exercises and worksheets, a customizable Wealth Tracker (aka Budgeting Sheet), journal prompts, extensive resources, and other tools (valued at $2,500 USD)

  • Access to the Resource Vault which includes exclusive audio files, spreadsheets, and tool recommendations (such as meditations, affirmations, guided visualizations, financial calculators, manifestation spells, and much more…) (valued at $500 USD)

And not to mention if you join the waitlist before the doors open you can receive the bonuses below.

  • 1:1 Voxer coaching throughout the 12 weeks from the initial enrollment of the course (valued at $1,500 USD)

  • A complimentary 45-minute follow-up call during or after completion of the course (valued at $175 USD)



Buuuuuut, i’m more than happy to give it to you for way less💚


FYI - No matter which payment plan you pick, you'll get access to The Wealth Well’s foundational modules, journal prompts, pre-recorded videos, in-course activities, and so much more.

Best Savings
One-Time Payment

Best Value
3 Monthly Payments

Limited Time Offer!
6 Monthly Payments


  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (12)

    Nikki D.

    Morgan helped me to shift my perspective and gain a new point of view on how to shift my money mindset. I love how she balanced mindset and practice advice to put into action. Morgan is supportive, inspiring, and like a big sister who just wants to help you out. I definitely recommend working with her!

  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (13)

    Candace O.

    This program came at a vital time in my life. i needed to make a change with money and Morgan was 100% willing to support this. She was very knowledgeable on many aspects of wealth (not only finances) and I loved how she connected it to spirituality and wellness. Morgan makes that feel (and be) really possible! Consistency is key and I believe if you’re ready to change your life, this is a great program to embark on for that.

  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (14)

    Natalie G.

    I personally never had the type of guidance, coaching, and educational info be offered to me the way Morgan did. Everything actually landed with me. She effortlessly offers services that motivate you to change for the better. I literally went from losing money to making money in one single session!

  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (15)

    Liana M.

    Morgan provided so much structure in a way that was really accessible, and a wealth of tools to continue using into the future. Through her program, I doubled my income coming in through my small business in under six months (yes, still during the pandemic)

  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (16)

    Lauren V.

    Morgan is so supportive, informative, and HELPFUL! I've learned so much and feel like I've totally reset my money mindset from one of hopelessness and despair to one of hope, knowledge and positivity.

  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (17)

    Dominiece C.

    Morgan pushed me to charge my worth (thanks to her I double what I was originally charging for coaching clients) and to believe in myself and my skills. Although believing in myself may not seem like it is directly related to finances, it is absolutely connected. I have deepened my spiritual practice and awareness thanks to Morgan. I am definitely grateful that I decided to work with her as a coach.

  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (18)

    Vanessa M.

    Morgan is wonderful! She really helped simplify budgeting and savings.

  • The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (19)


    Deep diving into my finances with Morgan was the ah-ha moment I needed. During our call, Morgan was able to lay out a financial blueprint for me that made my goals seem realistic and achievable. Her coaching is filled with so many gems and resources that left me motivated to take the next step toward my financial goals. Highly recommend working with Morgan you won't be disappointed.

Hi! I’m Morgan, the creator of this course.

Primarily, my coaching has been centered around helping new female biz owners and leaders become confident in their goal-setting decisions by embodying their own unique energetic blueprint, toward manifesting a wealthier and more abundant life. I now spend part of my time coaching and assisting others on how to live with integrity and full alignment around their goals (whether that’s finance, business, health, life’s purpose, etc.), as I spend the other half of my time creative writing, publishing, virtual assisting other coaches in the field and learning to just…be.

Always be choosing to live a life that I love.

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (21)


  • Q: Right now is a busy time for me, I’m worried I won’t have time! Do I need to follow week by week or can I go at my own pace?

    I feel you, but this whole course is entirely go-at-your-own-pace! Why? Because I want you to take your time, implement as you learn, and listen and re-listen as many times as you need! You can take a week or a whole year! Everyone’s journey through The Wealth Well™ course will look a little different and it's supposed to - that’s the beauty of it.

    However, if you are able to finish the course within 12 weeks, I will gift you with a complimentary 1:1 strategy call to help you tie up any loose ends and end the course with more confidence and clarity. Also, if you don’t find it was exactly what you needed or wasn’t worth what you invested, you may be eligible for a refund.

  • Q: How long will I have access to the content? Will the course expire?

    Girl, I got you. You will have access to this course for a lifetime (sadly can't promise you the next)! Why is that good for you? I want you to always have this content, so if you join now, it’s yours forever. I am constantly tweaking, adding to it, and recording new content so once you’re in, you’re in for everything that’s waiting for you now and anything that’s to arrive in the near future!

  • Q: I identify as - fill in the blank - will this work for me?

    No matter how you identify - BIPOC, LGBTQ+, a cancer moon, a projector etc. - the good news is that this course is for anyone who simply wants to manifest more, improve their relationship with themselves, and build long-term wealth.

    I provide a holistic and trauma-informed approach that incorporates self-devotional tools like astrology and human design to honor your innate and aligned way of living and showing up around your finances, love, and career.

  • Q: My time is limited, how much time will I need to set aside each week for the content?

    A: Since this is a go-at-your-own-pace course, it will differ for everyone. The recommended amount of time to spend on the course per week is about two hours if you want to finish it in twelve weeks. I recommend you read the modules, spend time completing the built-in workbooks, check out the respective resources, and then implement. I love that you can pause during your busy weeks, take the modules on the go, and revisit a lesson when you’re feeling stuck or need a refresher.

  • Q: Will I miss out on anything if I buy now and have to start the course later? The timing just isn’t right for me right now

    A: Absolutely not! There is a reason why I chose to do a lifetime, go-at-your-own-pace course, why? Life can get busy, and sometimes our direction for things changes. I want you to jump into the content when your life allows and when you’re really invested in the process and ready to rock and roll, baby! This course isn’t for people who just want a secret recipe or a get-rich-quick scheme, it’s for people who are ready to do the work. Only you can determine when the time is right to make big things happen!

  • Q: Why do I need a wealth building course if I could just google all the steps and figure it out?

    A: This is a valid question but I want to ask you this: will you do it? How much time will you waste watching money-ad-filled tutorials or consuming content that doesn't apply to your specific situation? Think about all the free resources out there for improving your relationship with money, self, business, health etc. that still has you in the same situation. Have you changed? I don’t think you would be here so… no?

    Not only will The Wealth Well™️ save you time spent googling to find your answers but it's ladened with video coaching, worksheets, exercises, resources, and tools for accountability and will be like I'm virtually walking you through each piece of the process so that you know exactly what to do to improve your desired outcomes.

    As promised, if you complete this course within the 12 weeks of enrolling, I will gift you with a complimentary 45-minute strategy call.

  • Q: Will this course be available in the future?

    It most definitely will, but it may not be at the same price you see today. I would definitely recommend you take advantage of the discount you are getting by either joining the waitlist or the early bird countdown price.

  • When do I get access into the course?

    The first round of access to the course will open up on October 1st, 2023, with the doors closing a couple of days before on September 28th, 2023. This is done so that everyone can be taking the course at the same time, and so that I can provide 12 weeks of Voxer group coaching to those who wish to receive this additional form of guidance and support.

    The doors to the course will open up for a second round again in the New Year but will increase in cost.


FYI - No matter which payment plan you pick, you'll get access to The Wealth Well’s foundational modules, journal prompts, pre-recorded videos, in-course activities, and so much more.

Best Savings
One-Time Payment

Best Value
3 Monthly Payments

Limited Time Offer!
6 Monthly Payments


If you’ve made it this far down the page, then what’s REALLY holding you back?

I know you want to build out your wealthiest life yet. Filled with adventure, a fat investment account, and a thriving career and/or biz. I know you want to stop feeling stressed and anxious when it comes to your money, career, and other life goals. But maybe you have a few more questions? Or you’d like some more information?

That’s perfectly fine!

Let’s schedule a clarity call so we can see if this is the right course for you :)

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (22)

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2020 Holistic Bucks. All Rights Reserved.


49 High Street, 3rd Floor
Barrie ON, L4N 5J4, Canada

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2020 Holistic Bucks Coaching Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Please check appointment calendarfor availabilities.


The Wealth Well™️

The Wealth Well™ Course - Morgan Blackman (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.