The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (2024)

The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (1)

I know that by now you have seen the many pictures I have posted of our wonderful Livestock Guardian dog, a beautiful Great Pyrenees named Esme. She has been a great addition to our family, and by now, at more than eighteen months of age, she has developed into a fantastic guardian dog for our goats and chickens. The care and training of a Livestock Guardian Dog is an investment that will NOT disappoint, as long as you do it the right way.

Great Pyreneesare one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. They were bred as dogs of war and then used during peacetime as sheep guarding dogs. They are one of the least aggressive of the large guardian dogs (LGD), so often people cherish them as family dogs. They are regal, independent and aloof compared to other dogs breeds,traits necessary to spend days alone guarding flocks. This independence shows when you call them—they come, but maybe not on the first call.

Raising a livestock guardian dog is much different than raising a pet dog who lives with you in your home. Making the right decisions in the period of training will guarantee that you livestock dog performs his duties perfectly for the rest of his life. But choosing to raise him as a pet with little or no specific guardian training will give you a dog who cannot be trusted with your livestock.

Raising puppies to become livestock guardian dogs is a 12 month to 18 month venture. These breeds of dogs are slow to mature and thus are often not trustworthy and reliable before this age. I want to take a brief look at three major areas of training for a livestock guardian dog.

  • How do I teach my livestock guardian dog to bond with my livestock?
  • How does my livestock guardian dog learn to obey fence and gate boundaries?
  • How do I socialize my livestock guardian dog to people and my surroundings?

How do I teach my livestock guardian dog to bond with my livestock?

The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (2)

Livestock guardian breeds come with an inherent ability to guard that which they bond to. When you bring your pup home be prepared for him to spend the night where you expect him to spend his nights as an adult. With the stock. Not in your house.

Every day the pup will need to exercise and have interaction with his charges.You can allow free time outside the puppy pen whenever you are around to keep an eye on the action. For the first few weeks, lock the pup up when you are not there to supervise. During the small puppy-stage (which doesn’t last long in a Great Pyrenees) we used a large dog kennel and kept it in the barn with the goats. Our Esme slept in the large dog kennel at night and during the day we put her in a separate fenced section. She could smell and be out with the goats and chickens, but the fence kept her from developing any bad habits of chasing the livestock.

NEVER throw your puppy in with your livestock and expect him to naturally take on the role of a Livestock Guardian Dog. A Great Pyrenees does NOT equal a good Livestock Guardian Dog. A well-trained and time-invested Great Pyrenees DOES!

Over the next several months supervise the pup anddiscipline any unwanted action toward the animals such as chasing, chewing, and biting. And by discipline, I do not mean you EVER hit or kick a livestock guardian dog. This will leave a bad impression and could ruin the demeanor of the dog forever. You firmly say, “NO…my chickens,” and then walk away from the dog and show them no attention. If they continue to misbehave, you lock them in their pen (which they utterly hate). You can also praise the pup for good behavior. Pet and feed the pup when he is with the livestock, not when he is away from them so that he never develops the bad habit of being possessive of his food. Do not take the pup up to the house forfoodand attention.As the pup matures you will notice if he is bonding to your livestock or not.

If the dog is to guard, it is not good to raise it around other non-Great Pyrenees dogs where it can pick up bad habits such as chasing poultry or livestock. Great Pyrenees don’t normally chase, but if the big puppy bounces up to a chicken and the chicken runs the other way, the dog will give bounce after it. Once chasing starts, the chicken soon becomes a diversion, and that dog can no longer be trusted with poultry. Closely monitor your Great Pyrenees puppy for its first 12-24 months if you desire to raise a trustworthy poultry guard. Some dogs take 2 years to become trustworthy around chickens. We found that Esme took 15 months till we were confident in leaving her alone with the chickens but the training was SOOOOOO worth it.

The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (3)

How does my livestock guardian dog learn to obey fence and gate boundaries?

A large part of success with raising puppies is being able to teach them to respect boundaries.Under no circ*mstances is climbing over or crawling under the fences going to work. Supervise and correct any attempts to go over or dig under fences as you see them. Use the time that you have thedognearby and bonding to stock to set up the enclosure with hot wires, and allow the dog to learn the consequences of crossingelectric fences.

Gates also need to be included in the training. LGD’s are smart dogs and will figure out that fences may be not so good but gates are okay. They need to know they do not cross gates unless invited out by you or moving with the flock. When raising puppiesdoing the work of teaching the pup respect for fences will go a long way to eliminating the core problem seen in LGD’s—wandering away from the flock and farm.

Adult Great Pyrenees will naturally cover a one to two mile radius. If that’s not allowable, the dog will have to be trained to a smaller area. Fences, electric fences, and invisible fences all work good. Neutering helps to keep a male dog at home. Close supervision and correction the first two years will help yield a dog that stays within the property lines.

When you bring your new puppy home, make sure you walk the perimeter of your property every day for a few weeks so that pup understands it’s boundaries.

How do I socialize my livestock guardian dog to people and my surroundings?

The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (4)

The calm nature of Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs around livestock, combined with proper training, will bring out the naturally gentle and submissive breeding that makes these dogs a wondrous thing to behold around small and delicate kids and lambs. However, we need to always remember that these dogs aren’t bred for obedience. Patience is a must. We expect our LGDs to think and react when we aren’t there to protect our flock. We cannot simultaneously expect independent thinking and mindless obedience. These dogs are ALWAYS multitasking; they are bred to reject human instructionswhere they see a better way to behave. This is what makes them the perfect pasture companions to our chickens, sheep, goats, cattle and even horses. This is also why we have trouble with them obeying fencelines and expanding their territory. They are good at what they do, and they know it. Be patient with them and they will be everything you expect, and then some.

Some livestock guardian dog trainers believe that LGD pups should be raised with the livestock they will be guarding, isolated from humans. In reality, this is an exaggeration of recommendations made by scientists in the USDA bulletin about selecting, raising, and using LGDs. The publication’s language about minimizing the dog-to-human bond has been incorrectly interpreted to meaneliminationof contact with humans. Training cannot be accomplished without human contact. We love, pet, show affection to our Esme, and in return, we have seen that nurturing blossom into an incredible human-dog bond.

Livestock guardian dogs are working dogs anda balance of how much interaction to have with the dog must be found. Be wary of how much attention you foster on the pup. The idea is not to make him into a pet but to let him know your touch by petting him and handling him. Let him know you control the food, and the access to stock and you set the boundaries. LGD’s grow into large independent natured dogs. You will need to stay on top of the pecking order, not by using force but by quietly assuming the role because it is your place and your stock and your duty to keep everyone safe.

The health of your Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dog

The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (5)

Great Pyrenees generally stay in good health. Some more common problems may include mats in the fur (especially around the neck and ears), the double dew claws growing too long, ear infections (due to dirt and moisture in the ear), eye infections (pink eye), allergies and “hot spots”. Hot spots are caused when an area of the skin becomes inflamed. The fur will fall out, the skin will turn bright red and the dog wants to bite at it. Some ointment from the Vet and keeping the spot dry cures this problem or a mixture of lavender and melaleuca essential oils mixed into a all purposesalve (here’s my recipe I use).

Genetic problems include: underbite, entropia (small eyeballs), seizures and hip dysplaysia. Pronounced underbite shows up as wet spots under the chin and neck. Entropia is when the eyeballs are small for the socket size and the eye lashes stick inward causing irritation. This can be cured with simple surgery, but the dog should not be used for breeding. The cause of seizures is unknown, but from what we have heard, changing owners, being confined to a small area, or other highly stressful situations will tend to bring them on. Hip dysplasia is not quite as common as in other breeds because Great Pyrenees have not been over bred. The most common form of death that we hear about is being hit by a car or being stolen.

We had to have stomach surgery on our Esme due to the fact she ate two rocks that got lodged in her stomach and small intestine. Thankfully, she made a full recovery! We corrected this behavior by providing her plenty of raw marrow bones to chew on in the late puppy stage and continuing to feed her a large breed high quality puppy chow to supplement the raw feeding that we do with her when we have extra meat laying around.


Investing in a Livestock Guardian Dog was the BEST decision we made when we started our homestead. We found our puppy on Craigslist and she came from a working farm with working parents. We have invested hours of training into her and I couldn’t imagine our farm without her. The ultimate satisfaction of this investment comes when I look out the window and I see her laying down near where the goats are grazing and our free-range chickens are pecking happily in the dirt beside her.

The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (6)


The Training of a Livestock Guardian Dog - The Paleo Mama (2024)


How much does a trained livestock guardian dog cost? ›

Cost of LGDs

Most sheep and goat producers consider their guard dogs an asset to the operation; however, there are significant costs associated with them. Estimated first-year cost for a new guard dogs is at least $1,000. Annual costs thereafter are about $500.

What is the most aggressive livestock guardian dog? ›

Developed in China, the Tibetan mastiff can grow to be upwards of 150 pounds. They're also considered the most ferocious livestock dogs since they aren't afraid to fight predators like bears and coyotes. They're extremely loyal dogs and they are especially protective at night when they also tend to become more vocal.

Can you train a dog to be a livestock guardian dog? ›

Training a guarding dog uses techniques that are much different from those used in training a dog for obedience, hunting, or herding. Training a livestock-guarding dog is primarily a matter of raising the dog with sheep to establish a social bond between sheep and dog (Figure 1).

What is the acronym for livestock guardian dog? ›

There are at least 40 breeds of livestock guardian dogs ( LGDs ) used around the world . These breeds have been selected to have certain traits such as attentiveness, trustworthiness and protectiveness that make them effective guardian animals .

Is it better to have a male or female livestock guardian dog? ›

Male or Female? LGD research has shown that both sexes guard equally well, especially if they are spayed/neutered. If you plan on keeping more than one LGD, neutering/spaying will make it easier for you to place dogs together to work.

What are the problems with livestock guardian dogs? ›

Common Problems with LGDs

Some dogs fail to stay with livestock because they desire to roam a larger territory, or they don't respect boundary or interior fences. Other LGDs that are over-socialized with humans would rather be with people than with livestock.

What is the smartest livestock guardian dog? ›

Anatolian Shepherd

The large canines have historically served as guardians of sheep and other livestock. They are intelligent and loyal with a strong sense of devotion and desire to protect. With strong leadership and training, these dogs serve as valuable guard dogs and members of the family.

Can a livestock guardian dog be a pet? ›

The best owner for an LGD breed is someone experienced with dominant, independent breeds. They are neither couch potatoes nor easy going pets. Owners must understand their essential natures and be willing to meet those challenges and provide for a quality and safe life for their dog.

What is the number 2 most aggressive dog? ›

Yes – the wiener dog! The study found that “one in five dachshunds have bitten or tried to bite strangers, and a similar number have attacked other dogs; one in 12 have snapped at their owners.” Number two on the list is an even more diminutive breed – the Chihuahua, while Jack Russells came in third.

How do you discipline a livestock guardian dog? ›

A strong, verbal “NO” often will work. If it is not possible to regularly supervise the LGD puppy, a dangle stick or drag may be used to keep them from chasing livestock. An electric training collar may also be used if the puppy is older.

Do livestock guardian dogs sleep outside? ›

Others stated their dogs would sleep outside the pole barns, while the sheep slept inside . Of the LFOs surveyed, those that supplied a doghouse for their LGDs stated that the dogs never used the doghouse, and that they always slept outside .

What is the best collar for a LGD? ›

Collar Selection

After considerable research we decided SpotOn GPS Fence collars were the best collar for our LGDs to maximize their true potential.

What is the best guard dog for a woman? ›

The best protection dog for a woman is a German Shepherd. Full Contact K9 sells these dogs to women more than any other breed due to their temperament, ability, eager-to-please attitude, and adaptability to family life.

What is the difference between a herding dog and a livestock guardian dog? ›

Unlike herding dogs which control the movement of livestock, LGDs blend in with them, watching for intruders within the flock. The mere presence of a guardian dog is usually enough to ward off some predators, and LGDs confront predators by vocal intimidation, barking, and displaying very aggressive behavior.

Can you buy a fully trained guard dog? ›

ALL OF OUR FAMILY PROTECTION DOGS ARE VET CHECKED, PEDIGREE, VACCINATED, AND HAVE A PASSPORT. Here is a selection of Family Protection Dogs we currently have for sale. Some of our dogs are ready to leave us for a new home as 'fully fledged' and highly trained protection dogs.

How much is a well trained protection dog? ›

The cost of a protection dog can cost upwards of $100,000 or more, depending on several factors. Our dogs, however, start from around $20K and go up from there. These factors include the breed of the dog, the level of training, and the reputation of the training facility or trainer.

How many acres does a livestock guardian dog need? ›

The pen size should be half- to 1-acre in size for the next 2 months. Do not forget to closely watch the LGD puppy during this time, as they will have more room to explore and may start chasing livestock in this larger area.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.