The Secret to Getting a Tax Deduction for Buying Bitcoin (2024)

You've seen all the headlines. Bitcoin is huge, and not going away anytime soon. The volatility can be difficult to stomach. But if you are ready to take the plunge, it would be nice to do it in a tax efficient manner.

What if you could invest in Bitcoin and get a tax deduction? What if you could buy and sell Bitcoin without having to report taxable gains and losses each year? There could be an innovative answer for you.

The Bitcoin 401k

I imagine that you have heard of a 401k plan. In fact, you may have had one at a prior employer. But many entrepreneurs don't realize that they can have a 401k for their business...a certain kind of 401k that is.

The plan is actually called a solo 401k. The key to qualifying is that you need to be the only full time qualified employee. You cannot have any employees who work more than 1,000 hours and are age 21 or older. If your spouse is employed by the business, he or she can contribute as well.

Solo 401ks are suitable for sole proprietorships, limited liability companies (LLCs) and corporations. They work for companies in a wide range of industries. So long as you meet the requirements and have a desire to fund the account, you are set.

The great news is that the IRS allows you tremendous flexibility in what you can invest in. You are prohibited from investing in certain insurance policies, S corporation stock and collectibles. Bitcoin does not fall into any of these categories, and is therefore an allowable investment.

The true beauty of a solo 401k plan is that you can be your own trustee. Instead of having a custodian that manages your assets, you have total control. This effectively allows you to "self-direct" your investments.

Let's look at an example

Business owners are able to contribute up to $18,000 ($24,000 if age 50 or over) of earned income to their solo 401k. As employers, the business is able to contribute an additional 25 percentof employee compensation to the 401k as a profit sharing contribution.

For example, let's assume you are under the age of 50 and earned $50,000 in W-2 wages from your S corporation. You can contribute up to $18,000 to your solo 401k, and your business can contribute an additional $12,500 (25 percentof your compensation). In this case, the total maximum contribution is $30,500. Not bad.

The advantages of this strategy are that you:

  • get a full tax deduction for the $30,500;
  • can open and fund a plan by December 31st to get a tax deduction for the current year;
  • get tax deferred growth and are only taxed when funds are dispersed upon retirement;
  • are not taxed on trading gains and losses;
  • can invest the money in any asset class that is not specifically prohibited; and
  • are not required to make annual contributions if you don't want to.

How it works

How does this relate to cryptocurrency? If you contribute to your solo 401k and then make your Bitcoin investments (ideally as part of a diversified portfolio), the contribution is tax-deductible. The key is that you establish a plan, make sure you are the designated trustee, and be careful of any prohibited transactions.

I must confess that I have not invested in Bitcoin, nor would I at this price. When folks with limited financial backgrounds start piling in I get a little scared. But that's just me.

You should take the same approach when investing in Bitcoin as you would any other investment. Make sure it meets your investment criteria, check it against your investment objectives, and evaluate the risk.

I am certainly not making the case that you should use your retirement for Bitcoin. I am just trying to give you tax efficient options. Retirement planning and cryptocurrencies can co-exist. Find a strategy that works for you.

The Secret to Getting a Tax Deduction for Buying Bitcoin (2024)


Is buying Bitcoin tax deductible? ›

Your crypto could be taxed as an asset or as income depending on your actions. Cryptocurrency is classified as property by the IRS. That means crypto income and capital gains are taxable and crypto losses may be tax deductible.

How do I not get taxed on crypto? ›

How To Minimize Crypto Taxes
  1. Hold crypto long-term. If you hold a crypto investment for at least one year before selling, your gains qualify for the preferential long-term capital gains rate.
  2. Offset gains with losses. ...
  3. Time selling your crypto. ...
  4. Claim mining expenses. ...
  5. Consider retirement investments. ...
  6. Charitable giving.
Mar 9, 2023

How much crypto loss can I write off? ›

When you sell your crypto at a loss, it can be used to offset other capital gains in the current tax year, and potentially in future years, too. If your capital losses are greater than your gains, up to $3,000 of them can then be deducted from your taxable income ($1,500 if you're married, filing separately).

How do taxes work if you buy something with Bitcoin? ›

Retail transactions using Bitcoin, such as purchase or sale of goods, incur capital gains tax. Bitcoin mining businesses are subject to capital gains tax and can make business deductions for their equipment. Bitcoin hard forks and airdrops are taxed at ordinary income tax rates.

What happens if you don t report cryptocurrency on taxes? ›

If you don't report taxable crypto activity and face an IRS audit, you may incur interest, penalties, or even criminal charges. It may be considered tax evasion or fraud, said David Canedo, a Milwaukee-based CPA and tax specialist product manager at Accointing, a crypto tracking and tax reporting tool.

Do you have to pay taxes on Bitcoin if you don't cash out? ›

Frequently asked questions. Do you have to pay taxes on Bitcoin if you didn't cash out? In the event that you held your crypto and didn't earn any crypto-related income, you won't be required to pay taxes on your holdings.

Does Coinbase report to IRS? ›

What information does Coinbase send to the IRS? Coinbase sends two copies of each cryptocurrency tax form: one to the taxpayer and one to the IRS. Thus, if you have received a Coinbase 1099, so has the IRS—and they'll expect you to file taxes on your cryptocurrency income.

Do I need to report crypto if I didn't sell? ›

If you only bought but didn't sell crypto during the year, electing to hold it in a wallet or on a crypto platform, you won't owe any taxes on the purchase. Much like you wouldn't owe taxes for buying and holding stocks for your portfolio.

What crypto wallet does not report to IRS? ›

There are a number of crypto exchanges that do not issue 1099 forms nor collect KYC data for most small traders including: KuCoin. OKX (excluding for P2P trades) CoinEx.

How do you write off crypto expenses? ›

Crypto losses must be reported on Form 8949; you can use the losses to offset your capital gains—a strategy known as tax-loss harvesting—or deduct up to $3,000 a year from your ordinary income (referred to as the allowable capital loss deduction).

Do you have to report crypto under $600? ›

If you make less than $600 of income from an exchange, you should report it on your tax return.

Do you owe money if crypto goes down? ›

If your crypto balance goes negative, you must pay back the amount owed.

Is TurboTax good for crypto? ›

“The first time doing my taxes (19M), I traded options, crypto, even collected dividends from stocks I own and TurboTax helped me so much all I did was review the forms so easy highly recommend it.”

How do I cash out crypto without paying taxes USA? ›

Cashing Out Cryptocurrency

You will pay no taxes on your crypto gain if you earn less than $78,750 in annual income. Anyone with income over $78,750 has to pay the following tax rate: Tax rates for single filers: 15% capital gains tax rate for income between $78,570 and $434,550.

Do you pay taxes when you sell Bitcoin? ›

Generally, the IRS taxes cryptocurrency like property and investments, not currency. This means all transactions, from selling coins to using cryptos for purchases, are subject to the same tax treatment as other capital gains and losses.

Will the IRS know if I don't claim crypto? ›

If, after the deadline to report and any extensions have passed, you still have not properly reported your crypto gains on Form 8938, you can face additional fines and penalties. After an initial failure to file, the IRS will notify any taxpayer who hasn't completed their annual return or reports.

How does the IRS audit crypto? ›

All this to say, if the IRS wants to know about your crypto transactions - they have many means to do so. They use previous tax returns, your financial records and any KYC data they have access to to identify you and audit you.

How much do you pay in taxes when you cash out Bitcoin? ›

The IRS generally treats gains on cryptocurrency the same way it treats any kind of capital gain. That is, you'll pay ordinary tax rates on short-term capital gains (up to 37 percent in 2022, depending on your income) for assets held less than a year.

Will Coinbase send me a 1099? ›

Coinbase issues an IRS form called 1099-MISC to report miscellaneous income rewards to US customers that meet certain criteria.

Can IRS track crypto? ›

The IRS can and has requested these records from exchanges. In the past, the IRS has issued John Doe Summons to exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken. In addition, major exchanges issue 1099 forms to customers and to the IRS reporting on your crypto transaction activity.

What is the best way to cash out Bitcoin? ›

There are typically four ways to turn Bitcoin into cash instantly:
  1. Use a crypto debit card like the BitPay Card.
  2. Sell crypto for cash on a central exchange like Coinbase or Kraken.
  3. Use a P2P exchange.
  4. Seek out a Bitcoin ATM.
  5. Bonus: Gift cards.
Apr 3, 2023

What amount of crypto is taxable? ›

How much do you have to earn in crypto before you owe taxes? You owe taxes on any amount of profit or income, even $1. Crypto exchanges are required to report income of more than $600 for activities like staking, but you still are required to pay taxes on smaller amounts.

Do I have to report every crypto purchase? ›

You must report income, gain, or loss from all taxable transactions involving virtual currency on your Federal income tax return for the taxable year of the transaction, regardless of the amount or whether you receive a payee statement or information return.

What is the IRS loophole with crypto? ›

The IRS treats virtual currency as property. When you sell it at a loss, meaning you weren't able to recoup the amount you paid for it, the agency allows you to use those losses to offset profits made from other investments, known as capital gains.

How do I hide crypto profits from the IRS? ›

9 Different Ways to Legally Avoid Taxes on Cryptocurrency
  1. How cryptocurrency taxes work. ...
  2. Buy crypto in an IRA. ...
  3. Move to Puerto Rico. ...
  4. Declare your crypto as income. ...
  5. Hold onto your crypto for the long term. ...
  6. Offset crypto gains with losses. ...
  7. Sell assets during a low-income year. ...
  8. Donate to charity.
Feb 6, 2023

Can Bitcoin purchases be tracked? ›

Are Bitcoin transactions traceable? Since Bitcoin uses blockchain technology, there is complete transparency, and all the transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger. These ledgers are open to the public, and anyone can access them. This makes Bitcoin transactions traceable.

Should I claim crypto on taxes? ›

Exchanging crypto for property

If you exchange property for cryptocurrency, you'll have immediate tax consequences in that tax year. You must subtract the fair market value of the property received from you the basis of the crypto you exchanged. This will show you if you have a capital gain or loss.

Can you write off crypto gambling losses? ›

Gambling losses are indeed tax deductible, but only to the extent of your winnings and requires you to report all the money you win as taxable income on your return. The deduction is only available if you itemize your deductions.

How much is $1 Bitcoin in US dollars? ›

The conversion value for 1 BTC to 30268 USD. BeInCrypto is currently using the following exchange rate 30268. You can convert BTC to other currencies like BTC, BNB or ADA. We updated our exchange rates on 2023/04/16 04:18.

Do I have to report crypto on taxes if I made less than 1000? ›

It's important to note: you're responsible for reporting all crypto you receive or fiat currency you made as income on your tax forms, even if you earn just $1.

Do I have to report crypto if I made less than 10k? ›

Regardless of whether you had a gain or loss, these transactions need to be reported on your tax return on Form 8949. When you receive cryptocurrency from mining, staking, airdrops, or a payment for goods or services, you have income that needs to be reported on your tax return.

How much will I get if I invest $100 in Bitcoin? ›

How far can a $100 investment into Bitcoin go?
YearBitcoin price on January 1BTC acquired with $100 investment
2019$3,8000.026 BTC
2020$7,3000.013 BTC
2021$29,2000.0034 BTC
2022$47,8000.0020 BTC
8 more rows
Jan 31, 2023

What is the best time to buy cryptocurrency? ›

Cryptocurrencies are most active during the workweek, with prices starting low on Monday morning and steadily rising until they drop over the weekend. Paying attention to stock market trading hours can also have an effect on cryptocurrency trading, even though you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies 24/7.

Why can t you cash out crypto? ›

If you've recently purchased crypto via card or ACH, your crypto may be subject to a holding period. During a holding period, you cannot withdraw from your cash (GBP, EUR, or USD) account, send funds to your DeFi Wallet, or send to an external wallet.

Do you get a 1099 for cryptocurrency? ›

Yes. Cryptocurrency is considered a form of property by the IRS and is subject to capital gains tax upon disposal and ordinary income tax when earned. Remember, when major exchanges send you a Form 1099, they file an identical copy with the IRS.

Which TurboTax should I use for cryptocurrency? ›

How do I report my taxes on TurboTax Desktop? The Desktop version of TurboTax allows you to report your crypto gains, losses, and income. If you're using the Desktop version of TurboTax, you'll need to download a txf file of your cryptocurrency transactions instead of a csv.

When did crypto start getting taxed? ›

In March 2014, the IRS issued Notice 2014-21 (the Notice), stating that cryptocurrency was to be treated as property, rather than currency for US federal income tax purposes.

Should I sell my crypto at a loss? ›

Do I have to pay taxes if I sell crypto at a loss? Selling cryptocurrency at a loss can reduce your tax bill by offsetting capital gains from cryptocurrency, stocks, and other assets.

Can you sell crypto for a loss and buy back? ›

A wash sale happens when a holder sells crypto or a security at a loss to receive tax benefits and quickly rebuys the same or a similar crypto or security. If US investors buy back their crypto assets immediately after a sale, this constitutes a crypto wash sale.

How do I prove my gambling losses to the IRS? ›

Recordkeeping. To deduct your losses, you must keep an accurate diary or similar record of your gambling winnings and losses and be able to provide receipts, tickets, statements, or other records that show the amount of both your winnings and losses.

Do I need proof of gambling losses? ›

You Need Good Records

If you're audited, your losses will be allowed by the IRS only if you can prove the amount of both your winnings and losses. You're supposed to do this by keeping detailed records of all your gambling wins and losses during the year.

What if I lost more than I won gambling? ›

You can report as much as you lost in 2022, but you cannot deduct more than you won. And you can only do this if you're itemizing your deductions. If you're taking the standard deduction, you aren't eligible to deduct your gambling losses on your tax return, but you are still required to report all of your winnings.

Is crypto taxable if I make money? ›

The IRS generally treats gains on cryptocurrency the same way it treats any kind of capital gain. That is, you'll pay ordinary tax rates on short-term capital gains (up to 37 percent in 2022, depending on your income) for assets held less than a year.

Are Coinbase fees tax deductible? ›

In the past, major exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken have been subject to John Doe Summons by the IRS. Do I pay taxes on cryptocurrency fees? Cryptocurrency fees will not increase your tax bill. In fact, they can reduce your taxes if they are directly related to buying and selling cryptocurrency.

Is crypto taxable if you spend it? ›

How is crypto taxed? If you buy, sell or exchange crypto in a non-retirement account, you'll face capital gains or losses. Like other investments taxed by the IRS, your gain or loss may be short-term or long-term, depending on how long you held the cryptocurrency before selling or exchanging it.

What happens if you don't report crypto losses? ›

Investors must report crypto gains, losses and income in their annual tax return on Form 8940 & Schedule D. Evading crypto taxes is a federal offence. Penalties for tax evasion are up to 75% of the tax due (maximum $100,000) and 5 years in jail.

What is the best time of day to sell cryptocurrency? ›

The volatility of Bitcoin makes it possible to earn a large amount of money very quickly. According to experienced analysts, trading is best between midnight and 1 p.m. during the UTC zone. During this time, you are advised to open intraday transactions.

How do you take profits from crypto without selling? ›

Taking profits from your crypto investment can be a smart way to make money from your coins without having to sell them. There are many different options for doing this, including investing in dividend stocks, using an exchange, or creating a mining rig.

How do you make big money on crypto? ›

Mining is the most common way to make money with cryptocurrency. Mining validates blockchain transactions and adds new data blocks to the chain. Miners are rewarded with cryptocurrency as a result of their efforts. Mining can be done with either specialised hardware or cloud mining services.

What is the tax wash rule for crypto? ›

What makes crypto different. Unlike stocks, the wash sale rule doesn't currently apply to crypto. This rule states that you aren't allowed to claim a tax deduction if you sell a security at a loss and replace it with the same or a “substantially identical” security 30 days before or after the sale, according to the IRS ...

What happens if you buy crypto and it goes down? ›

You bought an asset at a particular market value, which can fluctuate over time. If it rises, it's worth more of the fiat currency. If it falls, it's worth less of the fiat currency. While you're still holding on to said asset, what you're experiencing are called unrealised gains and unrealised losses.

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