The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (2024)

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (1)


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China Currently Controls 80% of the Global Lithium Market…

Like the oil boom of the last century,
the coming lithium explosion could make everyday investors very wealthy.


The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (3)

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (4)

James Hyerczyk is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader. James began his career in Chicago in 1982 as a futures market analyst for floor traders at the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and numerous brokerage firms. He has been providing quality analysis for professional traders for 40 years.

In June 2021, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and National Economic Council Director Brian Deese issued their long-awaited report in response to President Biden’s Executive Order 14017.[1]

The report declared lithium “essential” to U.S. economic security[2] and “critical” to U.S. national security.[3] Global demand for lithium is expected to grow 4,000% by 2040.[4]

China currently controls 80% of the global lithium market.[5]

Sullivan and Deese concluded: The United States must secure reliable and sustainable supplies of critical minerals [such as lithium]… to ensure resilience across U.S. manufacturing and defense needs.[6]

One little-known American lithium exploration company may be one of the keys to the U.S. winning the lithium wars. Get to know Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF) now — before it becomes a new Goliath in today’s high-stakes energy race.*

By James Hyerczyk

Beneath the dust and heat of the desolate Nevada desert, a fortune lies below the ground. No, it’s not gold. And it’s not oil.

Instead, it’s a soft, silver-white metal—the lightest metal in the world… so light it can float on water. Its chemical symbol is Li.

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (5)

It’s called lithium. Sometimes referred to as “white gold.”[7] Thanks to a volcanic eruption millions of years ago, this patch of the Nevada desert contains the largest known lithium deposit in the U.S. – if not the world.[8]

No doubt you’ve heard of lithium.

It’s the not-so-secret ingredient in lithium-ion batteries – the batteries that will power our renewable, clean-energy future mandated by President Biden.

Lithium batteries are the leading technology in electric vehicles (EVs), laptops, computers, mobile phones, pacemakers, hearing aids, drones, even remote-control toys… and so much more.

The U.S. military has been using lithium batteries in radios, thermal imagers, and other portable devices for over a decade. Over the next five years, the Department of Defense expects to expand the use of lithium batteries into military vehicles, ships, aircraft, and missiles.[9]

With the demand for lithium batteries skyrocketing, the U.S. government has officially classified lithium as essential and critical to our economic and national security.[10]

Projected U.S. Battery Demand[11]

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (6)

Like the oil boom of the last century, the coming lithium explosion could make everyday investors very wealthy.* And one lithium resource company, Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF), is worth a look.

Hello, I’m James Hyerczyk.* I have spent nearly 40 years as a market technical analyst, market researcher, educator, and trader. I began my career in 1982 as a futures market analyst for professional traders. And to be frank, I have never seen such an amazing opportunity for everyday investors to potentially grow significantly richer than I see today… with the world’s commitment to transition to clean energy and as a result, the soaring demand for lithium.

The Race for Lithium

Make no mistake. A new energy race is underway between the U.S. and China. With echoes of past wars over oil, the U.S. and China are now fighting to procure new sources of lithium – the key to transitioning away from fossil fuels to clean energy.

Thankfully, lithium is not a rare mineral. It’s found in salt-lake brines (the most common source), sediment, clays, hot springs, seawater, volcanic rocks and ash, and other rocks too.

But the explosive growth in EVs, mobile phones, energy storage units for wind and solar energy, and other clean technologies suggests that lithium will be the hottest in-demand mineral for decades.

Whether the US or China become the leader in lithium raw material resources and lithium battery production could determine which country dominates economically and technologically in the 21st century.

Both the U.S. and China seem determined to win the lithium war.

Right now, Chinese chemical companies account for 80% of the world’s total output of raw materials for making lithium batteries. China is rapidly buying up stakes in lithium mining operations in Australia and South America.[12]

China also dominates lithium battery production. In fact, 101 of the 136 lithium battery plants are located in China.[13] As a result, Chinese makers of lithium batteries exert a great deal of influence over the global market.

“The high-capacity [lithium] battery market is arguably one of the most critical to our Nation’s interests.” [14]

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor and Brian Deese, National Economic Council Director

That’s why domestic lithium sources in Nevada may be so critical to the U.S. in the race for dominance.

It’s why lithium exploration companies likeAmeriwest Lithium (AWLIF), are important to the future of clean energy… and could provide investors significant opportunities in the world’s new energy race.*

With the rising demand for lithium, former President Trump, in October 2020, declared a national emergency regarding lithium mining operations. He cited lithium as “indispensable” to the country. Trump ordered the U.S. to enhance its mining capacity. He declared the reliance on foreign imports of lithium (as well as other critical minerals) “an extraordinary threat to the economy and security of the U.S.”[15]

President Biden also recognizes the threat China poses to the global lithium supply chain… and issued Executive Order 14017 for in-depth analysis and recommendations from his National Security Advisor and Economic Director to strengthen the lithium supply chain from mining raw materials to lithium battery production.

One thing the pandemic revealed is the weakness of foreign dependence on critical materials like lithium. The pandemic is forcing the U.S. to look locally for must-have resources.

In addition, Biden has made the transition to clean energy one of his administration’s top priorities. For instance, in one of his earliest Executive Orders, Biden ordered the entire federal fleet of vehicles (645,000 vehicles)[16] to transition to EVs by 2035.[17]

This is a huge boon to America’s fledgling EV market… and a catapult for greater lithium demand. But that’s not all. Automakers are jumping on the EV bandwagon too.

And domestically located lithium properties, such as those owned byAmeriwest Lithium (AWLIF)could reap the profitable benefits of this skyrocketing EV demand.*

“New EV’s Popping Up Like Weeds!”

The race for lithium is driven by the worldwide demand for electric vehicles. Lithium is ideal for electric car batteries. It is lightweight, stores lots of energy and can be repeatedly recharged.[18] There’s no question now that the EV market could soar over the next few years.*

In 2030, the U.S. is expected to sell 5 million EVs.[19] Today, China sells the most EVs than anyone else, capturing 50% of the EV market.[20]

Check out how fast EVs are projected to spread throughout the world in the next decade.

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (7)

And energy analysts predict that by 2040, 1 in 2 cars sold in the world will be electric.[21]

Given the aggressive trade battle between the U.S. and China, it’s no wonder that Congress considers the growth in the EV market (and its reliance on lithium) as a national security issue. [22] What’s more, as Sullivan and Deese warn in their report, “China stands out for its aggressive use of measures—many of which are well outside globally-accepted fair trading practices.[23]

As you can see, China and Europe are already miles ahead of the U.S. in demanding electric cars, trucks, and SUVs. But U.S. automakers are ramping up their EV production. Tesla is no longer the “oddball” maker of electric cars. Every automaker is hoping to get a piece of Tesla’s EV action.

U.S. automakers see the writing on the wall. More Americans are ready to move away from gas engines (especially with rising gas prices) – and even hybrid cars – to full-on electric vehicles.

It’s why General Motors – the king of U.S. automakers – announced it will transition its entire production to electric vehicles by 2035. Their stated goal is to “put everyone into an electric vehicle” – with every style of vehicle and price point.[24]

This is a big deal. GM has sold millions of cars every year – an average of nearly 9 million vehicles every year since 2010.[25] Last year, 3% of GM’s sales were EVs.[26]

Imagine the soaring demand for lithium car batteries now that the U.S. government, GM, and other automakers are committing to all-electric fleets.

For instance, Volkswagen is committing $55 billion to electrify its cars and SUVs – and like GM, plans to produce only EVs by 2035.[27] Today, almost 40 automakers are making EVs worldwide.[28] A lot of lithium batteries are needed to keep up with EV demand.

According to Motor Trend Magazine, “we’re seeing new electric vehicles pop up like weeds.[29] Luxury EV cars are being made by Mercedes, BMW, and Jaguar as well. [30]

Corporations are getting on board as well to end reliance on oil and gas and de-carbonize the planet. For instance, Amazon has committed to putting 100,000 EV delivery vans on the road by 2030.[31] And over 100 multinational companies have joined Amazon to target zero carbon emissions by 2040.[32]

Clean energy is here… and like it or not, it is an unstoppable trend. But to get to a clean future, an abundance of lithium is desperately needed.

Right now, EVs are a critical driver of the demand for lithium batteries. The United States must quickly find new supplies of lithium as automakers ramp up the manufacturing of electric vehicles. I believe winning the Lithium War is imperative for the future viability of the U.S. auto industry.

Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF), with its substantial lithium property holdings in the Nevada desert,[33] may emerge as one of the critical new resources U.S. automakers need to survive the transition to clean energy.

Smart investors are turning to lithium investments to power their portfolio surges. And I urge you to consider Ameriwest for your portfolio.*

While EVs grab the spotlight in the lithium battery market, another clean energy industry is also exploding and pushing demand for lithium into the stratosphere.

Stationary Battery Storage About to go Seismic

As the popularity of renewable energy – solar and wind – continues to relentlessly rise, the biggest challenge to renewables remains. How do you store energy produced by sunlight and wind to use on calm and cloudy days and also at night?

A solution is energy storage batteries that are made from lithium… and building huge battery “parks” to deliver stored energy like the one you see here.

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (8)

Elon Musk of Tesla fame is behind Moss Landing Battery Park in Monterey, California, the largest battery park in the world. Moss Landing stores energy gathered from the sun and wind and transfers electricity into the nation’s electric grid.[34]

Stationary storage systems powered by lithium batteries are seeing record growth all over the world. Plans for new large-scale lithium battery grids are underway in London, Lithuania, Australia, Saudi Arabia and Chile.[35]

China is also on the energy storage bandwagon. It plans to increase its energy from wind and solar by 140% in the next decade and be carbon neutral by 2060. Energy storage companies will be racing to keep up with China’s demand and grab market share.[36]

And it seems they will need lithium to build their energy storage grids and battery parks. Lots and lots of lithium.

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (9)

Bloomberg NEF says that “renewables combined with battery storage are already an economically viable alternative to building new gas peaker plants” that burn natural gas for power.[37]

In addition to large battery parks, you can also get home battery packs. Back in 2015, Tesla launched the home battery storage market with a product called “Tesla Powerwall.”[38] This large lithium battery stores energy from a homeowner’s solar roof generated during the day for use when the sun isn’t shining.

Musk also created large battery storage for industrial use called the “Tesla Powerpack.”

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (10)

Tesla doubled sales of its Powerwall from 2020 to 2021. And Tesla has a substantial backlog of orders according to Tesla’s CFO saying, “the volume of installations will continue to soar in coming months.”[39]

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (11)

Lithium batteries could play a pivotal role as the U.S. – and the world – transitions to a clean energy future and makes fossil fuels obsolete.[40] What’s more, the large-scale battery energy storage will power a more reliable electric grid by integrating renewable energy into the grid.

According to Sullivan and Deese’s report, the U.S. has increased renewable megawatt-hours (MWh) by 240% in a single year, thanks to battery storage systems. And lithium batteries accounted for 99% of that increase.[41]

Over the next 2 years, the U.S. is projected to become the largest global market for stationary battery storage.[42] And by 2050, China and the U.S. (in that order) are projected to be the top two markets.*

“Large capacity batteries for EVs and grid storage will be essential to U.S. economic and national security.” [43]

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor and Brian Deese, National Economic Council Director

For the U.S. to continue its goal of clean, renewable energy, it must find new domestic sources of lithium. Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF)may soon become one of the new Goliaths in lithium exploration and resource generation that the U.S. desperately needs to win the lithium war with China.*

Sullivan and Deese are confident the U.S. will win the Lithium War. They conclude… “the opportunity for the United States to secure a leading position in the global battery market is still within reach if the Federal Government takes swift and coordinated action.”[44]

With the future of U.S. economic and national security at stake – and China’s relentless lithium-grab – the Biden administration is committed to securing new sources of lithium to secure our clean energy future.

And this is only good news for lithium resource companies like Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF). With the powerful backing of the U.S. government, all lithium stocks, but especially small lithium stocks, could skyrocket!*

The U.S. Government Jumps In!

In their recent eye-opening report to the president, Sullivan and Deese call for targeted investments in the “domestic extraction and refining of lithium”[45]as well as grant programs and loans to catalyze private capital. (Another boon to lithium exploration companies like Ameriwest.)

After the Sullivan and Deese report was issued in early June, the Department of Energy was quick to announce $200 million in funding to help strengthen the domestic lithium battery supply chain from lithium mining to battery production.[46]

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm declares, “This is a race to the future that America is going to win.” [47]

Since domestic production of lithium has been declared a national emergency, mining companies are pressing Biden to include a $10 billion grant program in his new infrastructure bill.[48]

Biden is also asking for $174 billion to expand the EV national network of charging stations from 100,000 to 500,000 across the country.[49]

Uncle Sam already offers a federal tax credit of up to $7,500 if you purchase an EV. This is a credit, not a deduction, meaning you subtract the credit directly from your tax bill… not your income.[50] Sullivan and Deese also recommend revitalizing manufacturing tax credits for lithium batteries to spur domestic production.[51]

Energy Secretary Granholm is more blunt. She urges, “America is in a race against economic competitors like China to the EV market – and the supply chains for critical materials like lithium will determine whether we win or lose. We have to create our own supply here at home in America.”[52]

Junior lithium explorers like Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF)may hold the key to NEW domestic lithium resources the U.S. desperately needs to transition America to clean energy… and stop China from gobbling up every ounce of lithium in the world.

Let’s take a closer look at this gem of a lithium resource company exploring for lithium right here in the United States.

The U.S. Lithium Hotspot

Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF) is a junior exploration company with significant holdings in the hottest area of the United States for substantial lithium discoveries. These include properties in Nevada’s Railroad Valley, Edwards Creek Valley, Clayton Valley, and Arizona’s Thompson Valley.[53]

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (12)

Nevada’s governor, Steve Sisolak, pledges to make Nevada vital to the “new green energy economy”… especially Nevada’s potential as the state for lithium mining.

Gov. Sisolak says Nevada has “the opportunity to become to energy what Wall Street is to finance… or what Silicon Valley is to technology.”[54]

In fact, Nevada ranks #1 and Arizona ranks #2 in the investment attractiveness index out of 77 regions worldwide, according to Fraser Institute’s recent survey of mining companies.[55]

But, what could be the most exciting aboutAmeriwest Lithium’s(AWLIF)properties is that both Railroad Valley and Edwards’s Creek Valley are believed to be very similar in geologic potential to Clayton Valley and could even be better.[55b]The Railroad Valley, Edward’s Creek Valley, and Clayton Valley represent three exciting opportunities for exploration success.

This is important because the U.S. Geological Survey calls Clayton Valley “the best-known deposit in the world” for lithium.[56]

Right now, the only lithium-producing operation in America is located in Clayton Valley, Nevada. Its Albemarle’s Silver Peak Mine extracts lithium from salt brine.[57]

And in comparison, Albemarle’s (NYE: ABL) property is about 13,500 acres, whileAmeriwest’s(AWLIF)Railroad Valley Property is about 15,300 acres and their Edward’s Creek Valley Property is 22,200 acres.[58]

“Ameriwest has strategically located two major lithium properties in Nevada in basins with similar geologic characteristics to Clayton Valley. We hope to explore and find brine deposits similar in size and grade to Albemarle’s Silver Peak Mine, subject to exploration success. Our goal is to drill at both Railroad Valley and Edward’s Creek Valley in 2022 to test for lithium-rich brines,” says CEO David Watkinson.

In the Nevada desert, a quiet frenzy is building over lithium. Domestically-sourced lithium is crucial to meeting the U.S.’s goals to transition to clean energy and halt China’s current dominance in the lithium race.

Lithium, the crucial component in batteries for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage, has primarily been produced in countries likeChina, Australia and Chile. But with Nevada’s looming white gold rush the winds are shifting to the U.S. becoming lithium independent… and perhaps a dominant exporter.

One junior resource company,Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF),is worth your consideration. Here’s why.

  • Decarbonization of the Energy System is a Growing, Unstoppable Trend. The world is looking to clean energy to power the future. There’s no turning back now. Lithium is the key.
  • Soaring Demand – Global lithium production is expected to triple by 2025[64] and increase ten-fold by 2030 – driven by the demand for electric vehicles (EV), battery storage systems, and consumer electronics.
  • National Emergency Declared – Both the Trump and Biden administrations declared foreign dependence (China) on the lithium supply chain – from mining to processing to manufacturing – a major threat to our economic and national security.[65] Establishing a healthy domestic lithium supply chain is a top priority for the U.S.
  • U.S. Pouring in Millions – The Biden Administration is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the private sector to increase the domestic production of lithium – a boon to junior mining operations like Ameriwest.[66]
  • Hot Location – Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF) has approximately 43,000 acres of mineral claims in Nevada, consisting of three major properties located in three large geologic basins, including Clayton Valley. Potential exists for Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF) to discover one or more brine deposits similar to Albemarle's (NYE: ALB) Silver Peak Mine--the only lithium producing mine in North America. Nevada is home to the largest-known lithium deposits in the world… and could hold as much as 25% of the world's lithium.[68]
  • Mining-Friendly Nevada – The governor, legislature, and officials are committed to the promotion and establishment of mineral exploration and development.[69] Junior exploration and resource companies, like Ameriwest Lithium, are very welcome in the state.
  • Expert Management – Exceptionally talented team with the education, energy, and decades-long experience… specifically in lithium mining and production in Nevada. Highly skilled in engineering and geology to accurately assess properties through geochemical sampling, geophysics, and drilling. Ameriwest has put together a team of experts adept at discovering lithium deposits from grassroots and having a nose for identifying acquisition opportunities. You can and should read more about their expert team on Ameriwest's website at

Don’t Miss this Historic Opportunity to be a Big Winner in the Unstoppable Clean Energy Revolution with Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF)*

It’s not often in the course of human events that everyday investors have the opportunity to ride a new energy wave into the future… and possibly make tons of money too. The last major shift happened in the 1860s when the country shifted from whale oil and candles to oil and gas. Many investors became millionaires.*

Today, we’re experiencing the next major shift… from oil and gas to renewable clean energy. Early investors willing to take on risk could possibly make their own energy fortune.

And for all the reasons I’ve mentioned in this report, the early window of opportunity is open thanks to America’s commitment to lithium mining and manufacturing. Securing a domestic source of lithium is an absolute must for America’s economic and national security. Failure is NOT an option.

Early aggressive investors in lithium exploration and mining companies could be tomorrow’s lithium millionaires.*

Here’s how to learn more about Nevada’s lithium jackpot and Ameriwest Lithium’s(AWLIF)sunny prospects for investors.

Simply go to While on the site, be sure to register your email address for future announcements from the company, particularly those that report ongoing exploration results. Click on “Get News Alerts!” at the top of the home page and sign up.

In 2021, Ameriwest’s stock gained over714%![70] And I believe that’s just the beginning of gains Ameriwest may have in store for early investors.*

What’s more, Ameriwest is affordable. The price for a single share of stock is just under $1 USD as of April 2022.[71]

Compare Ameriwest’s 2021 stock gains to larger lithium mining companies[72], such as…

  • Jiangxi Ganfeng[73] – 23% Gain. Current buy price: $16.45/share
  • Albemarle[74] – 55% Gain. Current buy price: $237/share
  • Tianqi Lithium[75] – 154% Gain. Current buy price: $107/share
  • Mineral Resources[76] – 37% Gain. Current buy price: $41.30/share
  • Piedmont Lithium[77] — 89% Gain. Current buy price: $54.39/share
  • Sigma Lithium[78] — 283% Gain. Current buy price: $10.50/share
  • Vulcan Resources[79] — 246% Gain. Current Buy Price $7.62/share

As you can see, investing in lithium stocks has been very profitable, with hefty gains realized in a few months. And with soaring lithium demand, strong annual gains could potentially be the norm for years to come.*

Take Your Position in Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF)

If you wish to be among the early bird big winners in the coming lithium explosion, then I suggest you show this report to your investment advisor or broker right away.

Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF) right now is a junior lithium resource and exploration company exploring one of the most lithium-rich and mining-friendly locations in the U.S., the state of Nevada.

Investing in their company has the potential for higher rewards than other larger mining operations, but it also comes with higher risk. And past performance is no guarantee of future results.*

And I’m not an investment advisor, let alone your investment advisor. But my rule and admonition to all my readers is never invest more than you can afford to lose. Do not chase losses. That means if the prices slide, you must resist all temptation to “average down.”*

And to minimize risk, any investment you may make in Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF) should be part of a wider asset allocation strategy in your portfolio.

But with that strong caution to my readers, I believe my analysis of the potentially huge reward of Ameriwest (AWLIF)is a good one.

Wishing you success in all your investments.

– James Hyerczyk |

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (13)

* See our Important Notice and Disclaimer below for a detailed discussion on compensation, risks, atypical results, and more.

The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (14)Still want more information on Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF)?

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THIS PUBLICATION IS AN ISSUER-PAID ADVERTIsem*nT. This paid advertisem*nt includes a stock profile of Ameriwest Lithium (AWLIF). To enhance public awareness of AWLIF and its securities, the issuer has provided Promethean Marketing, Inc. (“Promethean”) with a total budget of approximately four million six hundred ninety-nine thousand six hundred thirty dollars ($4,699,630.00) USD to cover the costs associated with this advertisem*nt for a period beginning 3 June 2021 and currently set to end 24 February 2023. In connection with this effort, Promethean has paid the author of this advertisem*nt, James Hyerczyk, three thousand five hundred ($3,500.00) USD in cash out of the total budget. The website hosting this advertisem*nt, Investing Trends, is owned by Summit Publishing Group, Inc. (“Summit”), an affiliate of Promethean. Neither Summit nor Investing Trends have been paid to host this advertisem*nt. As a result of this advertisem*nt, Investing Trends may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. Promethean will retain any excess sums after all expenses are paid. James Hyerczyk is solely responsible for the contents of this advertisem*nt. As of the date this advertisem*nt is posted to the Investing Trends website, some or all of Promethean, Investing Trends, Summit, or James Hyerczyk, and any of their respective officers, principals, or affiliates (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Rule 501(b) promulgated thereunder) may hold the securities of AWLIF and may sell those shares during the course of this advertising campaign. This advertisem*nt may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of AWLIF, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of AWLIF’s securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the advertising campaign has ended. To more fully understand the Investing Trends website or service, please review its full Disclaimer and Disclosure Policy locatedhere.


[2] Page 5:

[3] Page 129:

[4] Page 9:


[6] Page 9:





[11] Chart is on page 108 and sourced to BloombergNEF 2020. Long Term Electric Vehicle Outlook 2020.

[12] China is among the five top countries with the most lithium resources, according tothe2020USGS, butit has been buyingstakes in mining operations in Australia and South America where most of the world’s lithium reserves are found.

[13] “Of the 136lithium-ionbattery plants in the pipeline to 2029, 101 are based in China,”










[23]Page 11:


















[41] Page 92

[42] Page 92

[43] Page 9

[44] Page 86







[51] Page 88:





[56] A Preliminary Deposit Model for Lithium Brines, page 1




[60] S&P Global Market Intelligence, Lithium Sector: Production Cost Outlook, 2019

[61] NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Railroad Valley Lithium Property, NV, for Blue Eagle Lithium, Edward Lyons, P.Geo., October 2018)



[64] Investment Highlights






[70]1/4/21 price 14 cents. Price on December 31 is $1.14 (1.14 -.14 = 1.00/.14 = 714%)

[71] March 30, stock was .91, April 25 stock was .76

[72] First 4 in list. Last 3 from Ameriwest website.

[73] 13.30 on 1/4/21 and $16.45 on 1/3/2022

[74] 152.63 on 1/4/21 and $237 on 1/3/2022

[75] 42 on 1/4/21 and $107 on 1/3/2022

[76] $30 on 1/4/21 and $41.30 on 1/3/2022

[77] 28.65 on 1/4/21 and 54.39 on 1/3/2022

[78] $2.74 on 1/4/21 and $10.50 on 1/3/2022

[79] $2.20 on 1/4/21 and $7.62 on 1/3/2022

Ad Note References:
[$193 billion stat] –

[$193 billion figure] –

[$3 billion investment plan] –

[$30 million car sales] –

[Cold War stimulus] –

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The Lithium Wars! U.S. vs. China​ – New Template – Investing Trends (2024)
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