The healthcare system in the Netherlands (2024)

One of the many great things about living in the Netherlands is the excellent standard of medical care, which is ranked among the best in Europe. Though not completely free, the statutory healthcare system ensures all residents have access to primary care, no matter their income.

Keep reading for more information on:

  • How does healthcare in the Netherlands work?
    • The Dutch healthcare system
    • Who can access healthcare in the Netherlands?
    • How to register for healthcare as an expat
  • How much is healthcare in the Netherlands?
  • Healthcare facilities in the Netherlands
    • Health centers and clinics
    • Pharmacies in the Netherlands
    • Hospitals in the Netherlands
  • Healthcare professionals in the Netherlands
    • Dentists in the Netherlands
    • Doctors and specialists
    • Physical therapy
  • Specialized healthcare in the Netherlands
    • Children’s healthcare
    • Mental healthcare
    • Sexual and reproductive health
    • Women’s healthcare
  • COVID-19 in the Netherlands
    • Long COVID support
  • Other forms of healthcare
    • Alternative medicines in the Netherlands
    • Community-based health and wellbeing
  • What to do in an emergency?
  • How to make a complaint about healthcare?
  • Useful resources

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How does healthcare in the Netherlands work?

The Dutch healthcare system

The Netherlandshas a first-rate healthcare system (gezondheidszorg) that offers broad universal health coverage for all residents.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (2)

It consists of three separate coverage levels:

The Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport is responsible for public healthcare in the Netherlands, offering guidance through their department National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu – RIVM). Every year, the government reevaluates the primary care needs of the Dutch population to determine what will be covered by the system and what is not.

According to the nonprofit think tankFoundation for Research on Equal Opportunity(FREOPP), the Dutch healthcare system is ranked third best in the world (2020). The high quality and effectiveness of the system is perhaps why the Netherlands was named the eighth healthiest country in the world (2021). The overall life expectancy is 81.5 years old, almost one year higher than the EU average of 80.6 years.

Who can access healthcare in the Netherlands?

All residents who live in the Netherlands must get mandatory health insurance (ziektenkostenverzekering) to cover their primary care needs, including multi-year students and retirees. The government annually readjusts the coverage package, but it usually includes visits to the family doctor (huisarts), hospital visits and specialist care, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and mental healthcare.

Although additional health insurance is optional, it is very common to have in the Netherlands. In 2022, 83.7% of the population had a supplementary insurance policy. Depending on the insurer, these add-ons cover secondary medical costs, such as dentistry, long-term physiotherapy, and vision care.

Minor children aged under 18 are covered by the insurance policy of their parents or guardians. If the parent or guardian has the highest level of coverage, the child will too. Moreover, basic dentistry (i.e., not orthodontics) is free for minors, regardless of their parent’s policy.

While having medical insurance is required by law, residents can also apply for exemption on the grounds of conscientious objection. For example, if your religion or beliefs prevent you from taking out health insurance.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (4)

Temporary visitors (i.e., non-residents) from the EU/EFTA (European Free Trade Association – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) can also access Dutch healthcare with aEuropean Health Insurance Card(EHIC). Third-country citizens will need to have medical insuranceas part of theirvisa application.

How to register for healthcare as an expat

Internationals staying in the Netherlands will first need to obtain a Citizen Service Number (burgerservicenummer– BSN). You can apply for this at your local municipality. After that, you can register for health insurance.

You are free to choose which insurance company you want to go with. For example, one with the lowest quote or one that offers the most coverage. Insurers cannot refuse your application, though, keep in mind that there are regulations regarding payment history (or more importantly, lack thereof).

To register, you’ll need to provide your:

  • Passport or ID
  • BSN
  • Other personal details (including bank account)

Once you have been approved, you can register with a Dutch doctor. You’ll receive your EHIC, which you might need to present when you use any of the healthcare services in the Netherlands.

If you are looking for an international health insurance provider, there are also many global insurance companies operating in the Netherlands, including:

How much is healthcare in the Netherlands?

In 2019, the Netherlands spent €97 billion on healthcare (or over €5,600 per inhabitant). Thisisreportedlyaround 10.2% of the GDP, which is slightly above the EU average of 9.9%.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (6)

Despite the impression some might have, the Dutch healthcare system is not free. Instead, it is financed by a combination of social security contributions, mandatory health insurance, and other fees. “Other fees” points to a deductible (eigen risico) that residents pay when they need primary care. This deductible means that if you go to a hospital or need a medical device, you must first pay a portion of the costs before the insurance provider pays the rest. In 2023, the ‘eigen risico’ is a total of €385 for the entire year.

The ‘eigen risico’ does not apply to visits to a family doctor, obstetric or maternity care, or district nursing (wijkverpleging). These services are completely free.

Lastly, there are some primary care needs that require a personal contribution (eigen bijdrage). This can be, for example, hearing aids or orthopedic shoes. The government annually decides which needs require this ‘eigen bijdrage’. You can visit the government website for more information.

Cost of Dutch health insurance

In 2023, the average premium of health insurance (zorgpremie) is €1,661.40 per year (or €138,45 per month).

Around 85% of Dutch residents also get additional health insurance to cover other medical costs, including:

Depending on the extra coverage, an additional health insurance policy sets you backan extra €120-960per year (or €10-80 per month).

Discounts, allowances, and tax deductibles

You can choose to increase your ‘eigen risico’ in exchange for a discount. This is called vrijwillig eigen risico. Depending on your insurer, you can increase it by €100-500 a year. Although your premium will be discounted by up to €300 a year (or €25 a month), you do take the risk that you have to pay an ‘eigen risico’ of up to €885.

If your income is below a certain threshold, you can apply for a healthcare allowance from the Dutch tax office (Belastingdienst). This allowance is available from the day you turn 18. In 2023, these threshold levels are set at €38,520 for single individuals and €48,224 for couples. If you do not have an income but have assets, they cannot be more than €127,582 for individuals and €161,329 for couples.

Those who have exorbitant medical costs (e.g., because they’re chronically ill), can deduct it from their income tax return. You can check the rules and your eligibility on the government website.

Healthcare facilities in the Netherlands

Health centers and clinics

For non-emergency-related medical issues, your first point of contact – including getting a prescription (voorschrift) – is the family doctor. These operate from a practice (huisartsenpraktijk) and are located across every city.

The practice is usually staffed by one or more doctors, as well as doctor’s assistants and practice nurses(Praktijkondersteuner Huisartsenzorg – POH). POHs take care of a wide range of things, including preliminary mental healthcare and smear tests (uitstrijkje) if the family doctor is a man.

Usually, each center has walk-in hours or you can schedule an appointment by phone. Although some allow you to book a meeting with a specific doctor, you might not see the same person each time you visit.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (8)

Opening hours are usually from 08:00-17:30 on Monday to Friday and are closed on the weekends. If you need to see a doctor outside of walk-in hours, you can go to an out-of-hours doctor’s service (huisartsenpost). However, these often charge extra fees.

Pharmacies in the Netherlands

After you’ve been given a prescription, you can pick it up from your local pharmacy (apotheek). These are usually located close to the practice, often indicated by a sign with the Staff of Asclepius.Opening hoursare usually from 08:00–17:30 (though some close during lunch hours) on Monday to Friday. Most pharmacies are closed on the weekends. In larger cities, there are also 24-hour pharmacies that are open at any time of day.

You can usually pick up your prescription the same day or the next day, depending on availability. If the pharmacy has a contract with your insurer, they will send the bill straight to the insurance company. If they are not contracted, you’ll have to pay first and claim it back later.

Some prescribed medications require apersonal contribution because there is a cheaper generic brand available. Another important thing to keep in mind is that family doctors often prescribe paracetamol; you can buy a cheaper version at any supermarket or drugstore (drogisterij).

To find your nearest pharmacy, you can use any search engine or check this list of pharmacies in the Netherlands.

Hospitals in the Netherlands

If you are in an emergency and need an ambulance (ambulance), you can call the pan-Europeanemergency number(112). For non-life-threatening emergencies (e.g., you broke your leg), you can contact your family doctor who will refer you to the nearest emergency care service (spoedeisende hulp), located inside the hospital (ziekenhuis).

The Netherlands has 113 hospitals and 147 outpatient clinics (buitenpoliklinieken). These include:

  • University hospitals (Universitair Medisch Centrum – UMC)
  • Children’s hospitals (kinderziekenhuis)
  • General hospitals (algemeen ziekenhuis)

Patients are given a bed in a shared room with up to six beds (mixed gender). Although toiletries are usually available, you may have to bring your own.

If you prefer to have access to a private room, you should consider taking out supplementary insurance.

Healthcare professionals in the Netherlands

Dentists in the Netherlands

You can only go to a dentist (tandarts) in the Netherlands if you are registered with their practice (tandartsenpraktijk). In case of an emergency (e.g., part of your tooth broke off), you can also go to the emergency dentist (spoedtandarts). However, these charge additional fees.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (9)

Regular check-ups usually take place every year, though some will invite you for a visit every six months. Your dentist might delegate certain routine tasks to dental hygienists, dental assistants, and prevention assistants. If necessary, they may also refer you to specialized orthodontists and oral surgeons, who are usually based in hospitals.

Standard health insurance policies do not cover the cost of dental treatment unless it takes place in a hospital. Instead, you should consider taking out additional medical insurance.

Doctors and specialists

The Netherlands has ahigh number of doctors and nurses available. In 2021, there were 3.7 doctors and 10.7 nurses per 1,000 inhabitants, compared to the EU average of 3.9 and 8.4 respectively. An above-average share of physicians work as family doctors: 24% of all doctors are general practitioners compared with the EU average of 21%.

Family doctors are usually the first point of contact when you have a health problem. They deal with routine medical issues, perform standard gynecological and pediatric examinations, do preliminary mental health consults, and refer you to a specialist doctor (e.g., a physiotherapist or MRI specialist).

Visits to family doctors are covered by basic health insurance and do not require payment of the ‘eigen risico’. If you are referred to a specialist in a hospital, it is also covered by standard medical insurance, however, you will need to pay the ‘eigen risico’ of up to €385 annually.

Physical therapy

The Netherlands has a lot of physiotherapists that can help you with physical therapy. Basic health insurance covers nine sessions per year. That means, if you need long-term physical therapy, you should consider taking out additional insurance.

You do not need a referral from a family doctor to meet with a physiotherapist. That said, they will charge you extra if you make an appointment without one.

Your insurer has contracted a number of therapists across the country. If you go to a non-contracted physio, you will likely only get 60-80% coverage.

Specialized healthcare in the Netherlands

Children’s healthcare

Minor children under the age of 18 are insured free of charge through the policy of their parents or guardians, including for children’s dental care if their parents have additional insurance.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (10)

You can register your child with your own family doctor in the Netherlands. They offer pediatric care as well or can refer to specialist pediatricians if necessary. Your local municipality can also help you find the best available healthcare services for your child, including mental healthcare services or specialist care for children living with serious illnesses or disabilities.

The Netherlands also has a National Immunization Program. It is not mandatory to vaccinate your children by law, however, free vaccinations are available against childhood diseases such as:

  • Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
  • Meningitis
  • Polio
  • Tetanus

Mental healthcare

Nearly half (48%) of Dutch residents aged 18-75 will experience some form of mental illness during their lifetime. In 2022, 26% of the population had one or more diseases. The most prevalent disorder was anxiety (15%) and depression (9%).

Mental healthcare is covered by basic health insurance with a referral from the family doctor. This includes treatments such as:

  • Psychiatric treatment in a hospital or mental health institution
  • Psychological counseling (e.g., psychotherapy)
  • Testing for disorders (e.g., ADHD or bipolar disorder)

There are also English-speaking therapists in the Netherlands, however, not all are contracted by medical care insurers. Moreover, not all provide services that are covered by basic health insurance. Mental health services are provided through GGZ Nederland, which is the trade association for the sector.

If you have any mental health issues, you can contact your family doctor for a referral. And if you feel uncomfortable about approaching your doctor or any mental health services, you can also find easily accessible support online including treatment and tests.

Sexual and reproductive health

Anticontraception(anticonceptie) is widely available across the Netherlands.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (12)

The most popular method (2017) differs per age group:

  • Women aged 18-24 most use the pill (pil) – these require a prescription from a family doctor
  • Women aged 25-39 prefer condoms (condoom) – these can be bought at any drug store, pharmacy, orsupermarket
  • Women aged 40-49 are most likely to have an IUD (spiraaltje) – these require a prescription from a family doctor and are not covered by insurance

One in 12 sexually-active women aged 18-49 does not use contraception at all.

Emergency Contraception(morning-after pil) is available without a prescription and can be bought at any drugstore or pharmacy. Abortion until 21 weeks, or 24 weeks in some medical cases, is legal in the Netherlands. This requires a referral from a family doctor as well.

You can get a free and anonymous STD (Seksueel Overdraagbare Aandoening – SOA) test at the Municipal Health Services (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst – GGD) if you are or have one of the following:

  • Under 25 years old
  • A man who has sex with men
  • A sex worker
  • From a country where, statistically, a lot of people have STDs
  • Had sex with a person from a country where, statistically, a lot of people have STDs
  • Had sex with someone who has an STD
  • Experiencing symptoms and complaints that could be caused by an STD

In other cases, you can contact your family doctor for a test. Although testing is covered by basic health insurance, you will likely need to pay the ‘eigen risico’.

Some fertility treatments (vruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen) are covered by standard medical insurance. You should check with your family doctor before pursuing IVF or the ROPA method.

Women’s healthcare

Although some women might have to travel a little further to get access, the overall standard of women’s healthcare in the Netherlands is pretty good. Especially in larger cities, more options are available.

Every year, 800 Dutch women get cervical cancer, and one in seven women experiences breast cancer in her lifetime. Women aged 30-60 are invited to do cervical cancer checks every five years. There is also a national breast cancer screening program for women aged 50-75. Lastly, residents aged 55-75 are invited to partake in a bowel cancer screening program every 2 years.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (14)

Like most other healthcare-related things in the Netherlands, cancer screenings, pregnancies, abortions, and maternity care are arranged through the local family doctor. Either they will perform the exams themselves or refer you to a specialist. This includes gynecologists, midwives, and oncologists. Once you have a referral, all costs are covered by basic health insurance.

Most gender-affirming treatmentsare also covered by basic health insurance in the Netherlands. However, there are a lot of hoops to jump through. It’s recommended to consult with your family doctor and insurer before you start any treatment. Also, gettinglegal insurance(rechtsbijstandverzekering) with medical coverage is strongly advised.

Lastly, there are many organizations in the Netherlands that offer help and support for people facing domestic abuse or sexual violence. You can reach out to:

If you are confronted with gender-based violence, please call the Dutchemergency services(112).

COVID-19 in the Netherlands

As of March 2023, theDutch governmenthaslifted all restrictionsthat they placed in 2020 to curb the spread of COVID-19. (Self)tests and self-isolation are no longer required. There will also not be another vaccination round.

Although COVID measures are no longer implemented, the government does recommend using common sense. If you are ill, you should call in sick and stay at home.

Long COVID support

According to researchers, one in eight Dutch people suffers from the condition known as long-COVID (long-COVID). If you live in the Netherlands and have been experiencingCOVID symptoms three months after recovery or vaccination, you can contact the government-backed foundation C-support. This organization provides advice and support to people who are affected by long-term corona symptoms and provides healthcare professionals with the latest information.

You can also get support and meet other long-COVID patients at the organization PostCovidNL.

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (16)

Children and young adults can also develop symptoms of long-COVID. The government advises them to reach out to their family doctor, or one of the above organizations. If they are located in or around Amsterdam, they can also the long-COVID clinic in the children’s hospital Emma Kinderziekenhuis Amsterdam UMC.

Other forms of healthcare

Alternative medicines in the Netherlands

Acupuncture, halotherapy, homeopathy, iridology, osteopathy, as well as other complementary therapies, are common forms of holistic treatments (alternatieve geneeswijzen) in the Netherlands.

Some alternative medicines are covered by additional medical insurance. Be sure to check what is in your policy before you schedule an appointment.

Community-based health and wellbeing

Some common examples of Dutch community-based health and wellbeing initiatives includecommunity gardens andcultural and art projects. These initiatives have shared benefits for people’s physical and mental health. If you live in a house without a garden, another option is to rent an allotment garden (volkstuin).

What to do in an emergency?

If you are in a life-threatening emergency, you can call the pan-Europeanemergency number(112). This number is free of charge and the operator speaks various languages, includingDutchand English. If you have a speech or hearing problem, call 0800 8112 and you can type a message to the emergency call center. You should write where you are, where you need help, as well as what service you need.

For less urgent situations, you can call your local family doctor or out-of-hours doctor’s service.

Other emergency numbers include:

Emergency servicePhone number
The Red Cross (Rode Kruis)070 445 56 78
Help with domestic abuse or violence0800 2000
Suicide prevention line0800 0113
Drug addiction support0900 1995
Elderly support (Ouderenfonds)088 344 20 00

How to make a complaint about healthcare?

If you have a conflict with a doctor or a clinic, you should contact management first. After that, you can make a complaint with the clinic’s complaints officer (klachtenfunctionaris) or the National Healthcare Report Center.

Next, if you are stillunable to find a solution, you can file a lawsuit or go to a dispute resolution body (geschilleninstantie) of the clinic. You can also submit a complaint to the national Disciplinary Court for Healthcare (Tuchtcollege voor de Gezondheidszorg).

Useful resources

The healthcare system in the Netherlands (2024)


Does the Netherlands have a good healthcare system? ›

Get to Know the Netherlands Healthcare System

The Netherlands has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, according to the Legatum Institute, a London-based think tank. In its 2023 look at global health systems, the Netherlands came in at No. 11.

Is Netherlands health Care free? ›

The Netherlands has universal healthcare, but the government requires all adults living or working in the Netherlands to have basic insurance. The basic plan will cost € 100-120 out of pocket. If you're employed, your employer will pay a small percentage towards medical coverage as well.

How does the Netherlands fund their healthcare system? ›

The healthcare system in the Netherlands is insurance based. In 2013, 79.9% of total health expenditure funding was generated from public sources. (205) Fiscal Sustainability Report 2015: ip018_en.

What are the health issues in the Netherlands? ›

In 2019, the leading causes of death in the Netherlands were lung cancer, stroke and ischaemic heart disease (Figure 2). Mortality rates from lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) continue to be among the highest in the EU, despite some reductions over the years.

Why is Netherlands healthcare so good? ›

The philosophy underpinning the Dutch health care system is based on several more or less universal principles: access to care for all, solidarity through medical insurance (which is compulsory for all and available to all) and high-quality health care services.

Why is healthcare not free in the Netherlands? ›

The system is 50% financed from payroll taxes paid by employers to a fund controlled by the Health regulator. The government contributes an additional 5% to the regulator's fund. The remaining 45% is collected as premiums paid by the insured directly to the insurance company.

Is college free in Netherlands? ›

No, Bachelor's Degree is not free in the Netherlands as the public universities in the Netherlands for international students charge tuition fees regardless of their country of origin. However, students coming from the EU/EEA, Switzerland, and Surinam often pay lower tuition fees than non-EU/EEA students.

How does the Netherlands healthcare system compared to the United States? ›

While the United States spends 15 percent of its GDP on health care and leaves close to 50 million uninsured, the Netherlands spends 9.8 percent and a much smaller number of people are insured. Total expenditure per capita is $5,635 in the United States, and $2,976 in the Netherlands.

Which country has the best healthcare? ›

Healthcare System Performance Ranking

Key findings: “The top-performing countries overall are Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia. The United States ranks last overall, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care.

How much does health insurance cost in the Netherlands? ›

The Cost of Dutch Health Insurance

The average basic Dutch health insurance premium in 2021 is approximately 120 euro per month. Basic health insurance in the Netherlands comes with a standard, obligatory deductible excess of 385 euro (in 2021).

Are the Netherlands a good place to live? ›

One of the biggest draws of Holland is their happy people and high quality of life. According to the World Happiness Report, the Netherlands ranks as the #5 happiest country in the world. From very friendly people to an extremely good work life balance, it's no wonder the people living in the Netherlands are so happy.

What Netherland is famous for? ›

The Netherlands has some of the world's most beautiful canals and windmills. It is also known for its scenic beauty, cheese, beer, rich historical past, vibrant and lively cities and serene countryside. The country is full of attractive tourist destinations you cannot miss out on.

What is the most common cause of death in the Netherlands? ›

Causes of death in the Netherlands 2021

The most common causes of death were neoplasms, diseases of the circulatory system as well as mental and behavioural disorders. By comparison, fatal diseases of the skin and complications of pregnancy and childbirth were not very common.

What are the top causes of death in Netherlands? ›

Cancer and heart disease were the leading causes of death in the Netherlands last year, claiming slightly more than half of the people who died last year. Covid-19 dropped to the sixth most common cause of death, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reported on Tuesday.

Is obesity a problem in the Netherlands? ›

In 2021, around half of the Dutch population aged 18 years and over were overweight. Of this group, 36 percent were moderately and 14 percent severely overweight (obesity).

Which country has best healthcare in the world? ›


Which country in Europe has the best healthcare? ›

Finland. Finland is renowned for its top-tier healthcare system, with health expenditure per capita in 2020 surpassing the EU average at 9.6% of GDP and out-of-pocket spending just over 16% of total health expenditure.

Is quality of life good in the Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands has been ranked in second place for quality of life globally by Numbeo's 2024 quality of life index. The ranking placed the tiny European nation of Luxembourg in the top spot.

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