The Happiest States in the U.S. 2022 Report (2024)


Written by Modern Recovery Editorial Team

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To determine the most accurate answer to our question: “Which is the happiest U.S. state in the nation?,” we decided to keep things relatively simple.

The Happiest State in the U.S.

Method of Calculation: We took all the ranking positions for each state. We want to think we performed a unique, highly complex mathematical matrix so we arrived at our definitive answer.

In reality, we added all seven ranking positions for each state together and then divided them by 10. This gave an entirely new set of overall results to only one decimal point (imagine dividing the total number by 7?).

We could then rank these results (with the lowest number being in 1st place) and so find the U.S. state to be crowned “Happiest State in the U.S.” Here are the final “Happiness” rankings:

The Happiest State in the U.S. (Official Modern Recovery Rankings)

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
MassachusettsVirginiaNorth DakotaKansasTennessee
New HampshireConnecticutWashingtonIndianaTexas
MarylandIowaSouth DakotaGeorgiaArizona
VermontDelawareFloridaMissouriNew Mexico
New JerseyIllinoisMontanaNorth CarolinaWest Virginia
Rhode IslandPennsylvaniaMichiganKentuckyAlaska
HawaiiNew YorkIdahoLouisianaMississippi
MaineNebraskaSouth CarolinaAlabamaArkansas

And introducing the state of Massachusetts as “The Happiest State in the U.S.”

Massachusetts: “The Happiest State in the U.S.”

The Happiest States in the U.S. 2022 Report (1)

It seems fitting that our study of which state in the U.S. should be deemed “The Happiest” has led us back to the very origins of the nation we know today, back to the land where the Pilgrim Fathers, the English settlers who came to North America across the vast Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower, chose to settle over 400 hundred years ago.

Our research studies reveal that the state of Massachusetts topped the rankings for 3 of our categories: Well-being, Mental Health, and Family, and featured in the top 11 states for three more: Health Care, Financial Security, and Work.

How do you define the feeling of being happy? Can happiness be measured in some way?

What Is Happiness?

Abraham Lincoln once famously said, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”

But is that true? Can you decide to be happy? Probably not, as we’d all be doing it now if we had the choice. For a fact, the vast majority of mental health clinicians, other medical experts, and your family doctor would certainly disagree with old Abe.

So the question remains: “What is happiness?”

And if you could measure real happiness somehow, would you be able to calculate which state in the U.S. is the happiest?

First of all, let’s define happiness:

According to The Greater Good Science Centerat the University of California, Berkeley, CA., most of us probably don’t care what the definition of happiness is – we just know it when we feel it, and we all want to be happy.

Charles M. Schulz, the creator of the Snoopy cartoon, even entered his own opinion on the subject: “Happiness is a warm puppy.” To be honest, he certainly has a point, but in reality, it’s a little more involved than that.

We use the word “happy” to describe many positive emotions, including contentment, pride, joy, and gratitude. Most dictionaries simply define it as “the state of being happy.”

Sonja Lyubomirsky, a positive psychology researcher and author, defined happiness more thoroughly in her 2007 book “The How of Happiness” as “the experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”

Many researchers use the word “happiness” interchangeably with the term “subjective well-being,” which can be measured, according to social and psychology experts. This is done by asking people to report how satisfied and content they feel with their own lives and how many positive and negative emotions they’re experiencing.

What is “Subjective Well-Being”?

Subjective well-being (often abbreviated to SWB and also known as “self-reported well-being”) refers to how people experience and evaluate the different aspects of their lives. It is often used to measure a person’s mental health and level of happiness, and it can be an important predictor of individual health, wellness, and longevity.

As major U.S. corporations, politicians, and charitable foundations become more data-driven, SWB has also become a useful measure of societal health and a source of information for policymakers to base decisions upon, such as those involving public health, and economic and social policies, too.

Subjective well-being can be influenced by several different factors, including those that are internal, such as your personality, or external, such as the culture or the environment of where you live.

SWB researchers have identified specific key categories that play an important role in your overall well-being; these are:

  • Your Basic Resources: Having what you need in life, eg. money, housing, or healthcare.
  • Your Personality & Temperament: Your inborn temperament will affect your overall happiness throughout your life. Your personality is another key component, too.
  • Your Mindset & Resilience: People with a positive, strong mindset and a strong sense of resilience are more optimistic and tend to be happier, even when facing difficult life events.
  • Your Social Support: Social support – having a network of family and friends that you can turn to in times of need – impacts both your physical and mental well-being,
  • Your Society: The characteristics of the society in which you live, especially if it is affected by crime, war, poverty, or conflict, for example, will also influence how you feel about your life.

The Real Benefits of Being Happy

As you would imagine, being happy is a good thing, and being happy with your life has real benefits, too. Here are the clearest benefits that happiness brings:

Health Benefits

Other Personal & Social Benefits

If you are happy and enjoy a high subjective well-being level, you will…

  • Tend to be healthier and live longer
  • Tend to earn more money
  • Have a stronger immunity and experience reduced inflammation
  • More likely to be productive and creative
  • Have a protective buffer against stress and negative emotions
  • Cooperate more with others
  • Have a decreased risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Engage in fewer risky behaviors
  • Faster recovery after illness
  • Enjoy better social relationships
  • Increased practice of health-promoting behaviors
  • Engage in more prosocial behaviors, eg. charity fundraising, and volunteer work

Here at Modern Recovery Services, we decided to research and study what we considered to be the seven most critical “happiness indicators” that would lead to a happier life to determine which is the happiest state in the U.S.

These factors are:

  • Wellbeing
  • Money
  • Mental Health
  • Homeownership
  • Health Care
  • Employment
  • Family

Happiness Indicator #1: Your Wellbeing

As we discussed earlier, your “subjective wellbeing” is a quality that can be measured and then indexed. One of the most respected indices – the “Sharecare Community Well-Being Index” – is the analysis of a national survey carried out by Sharecare, a leading U.S. digital health company, in partnership with Boston University’s School of Public Health.

The latest version of the index is Sharecare Community Well-Being Index, which was released last month (July 2022), and their results – U.S. state wellbeing rankings – are shown below.

In 2021, nearly 500,000 U.S. residents were asked questions based on Sharecare’s criteria, and the Wellbeing Index’s results mirror those residents’ responses.

Here are the determining factors which represent the Wellbeing Index’s criteria:

  • Physical
  • Financial
  • Social
  • Community
  • Purpose
  • Economic Security
  • Healthcare Access
  • Food Access
  • Resource Access
  • Housing & Transportation

And here are the results:

Massachusetts sits happily in the #1 spot – for the second year running, and… sadly, Mississippi is rooted at the bottom of the rankings – apparently, for the 3rd year running.

Happiness Indicator #1: Your Wellbeing

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
1Massachusetts11Rhode Island21New Hampshire31Montana41Indiana
3New Jersey13Illinois23Vermont33South Dakota43Oklahoma
5New York15Minnesota25Arizona35Georgia45New Mexico
6California16North Dakota26Kansas36Missouri46Alabama
8Connecticut18Pennsylvania28Alaska38North Carolina48West Virginia
10Utah20Florida30Iowa40South Carolina50Mississippi

Source: Sharecare Community Well-Being Index, 2021: State Rankings Report

Happiness Indicator #2: Your Mental Health

As you would imagine, your level of mental health plays an exceptionally important role in determining your level of happiness.

Did you know that striving to be happy can damage your mental health? According to several studies, excessively valuing happiness can cause a person to feel less happy than they are. It can even be associated with symptoms of depression, one of the most common mental health issues in the U.S. today.

However, those who live not striving for happiness and are more accepting of their circ*mstances tend to be happier. These more natural feelings of happiness have been proven to act as a protective barrier to depressing situations or events that may normally have led to symptoms of depression.

One of the most respected surveys of the nation’s mental health is undertaken by Mental Health America (MHA), one of the U.S.’s leading community-based nonprofits dedicated to addressing the needs of those with mental illness.

Using a range of specific criteria, including the prevalence of mental illness, substance use, and suicidal thoughts; the number of people with healthcare insurance and the number seeking treatment; and the presence of mental health treatment facilities in each state, the report provides a relatively accurate picture of mental health in the U.S. now.

Happiness Indicator #2: Your Mental Health

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
1Massachusetts11Rhode Island21Delaware31Washington41Indiana
2New Jersey12Illinois22Iowa32Oklahoma42Utah
3Pennsylvania13New Hampshire23California33Tennessee43Texas
4Connecticut14Hawaii24Ohio34New Mexico44Alabama
6New York16South Dakota26Georgia36Colorado46Alaska
7Wisconsin17Michigan27Florida37West Virginia47Wyoming
8Maine18Louisiana28North Dakota38Arkansas48Arizona
9Maryland19Virginia29South Carolina39Missouri49Idaho
10Minnesota20Montana30North Carolina40Kansas50Nevada

Source: 2022 The State of Mental Health in America Report

Happiness Indicator #3: Your HealthCare

The well-being and potential for the happiness of every single American are heavily dependent upon their level of health care. Put it this way – no one in constant chronic pain or with a debilitating medical condition has a realistic chance of finding true happiness without treatment.

In the U.S., one of the most respected sources of national surveys is the U.S. News & World Report. This multifaceted digital media companyassists Americans with important life decisions.

To find the best states for healthcare in the U.S. (one of our own “happiness” criteria), we looked at their official Health Care Rankings for all states. In determining their rankings, U.S. News looks at data for healthcare access, healthcare quality, and the state of public health.

Here’s what they found:

Happiness Indicator #3: Your Health Care

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
3Connecticut13New Hampshire23Illinois33New Mexico43Georgia
4New Jersey14Delaware24Idaho34South Carolina44Kentucky
7New York17Oregon27North Dakota37Ohio47West Virginia
9Rhode Island19Pennsylvania29South Dakota39Nevada49Arkansas
10Colorado20Iowa30North Carolina40Tennessee50Mississippi

Source: U.S. News & World Report Health Care Rankings

Happiness Indicator #4: Your Family

One of America’s greatest-ever comedians of the last century, George Burns, who over 70 years brought happiness to millions, once said of family: “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family… in another city.”

Chuckles aside, why is a “loving, caring, close-knit” family important to your happiness?

Scientific studies say this: Family (usually) provides financial stability in our early years, meeting our basic needs and so allowing us to grow – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Year-on-year studies have even found family bonds mattered more to people than income.

One of the primary reasons why family is important is support, and it’s not just a one-way street. One study found nearly 70% of parents depend on their children for emotional support, which is known to counter stress, depressive symptoms, and low self-esteem. Another survey found more than 60% of participants said their sibling was their best friend.

For our calculations into the happiest state in the U.S., we looked at the states where the highest percentage of the population lived within a family environment.

Happiness Indicator #4: Your Family

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
1Massachusetts11Rhode Island21Delaware31Washington41Indiana
2New Jersey12Illinois22Iowa32Oklahoma42Utah
3Pennsylvania13New Hampshire23California33Tennessee43Texas
4Connecticut14Hawaii24Ohio34New Mexico44Alabama
6New York16South Dakota26Georgia36Colorado46Alaska
7Wisconsin17Michigan27Florida37West Virginia47Wyoming
8Maine18Louisiana28North Dakota38Arkansas48Arizona
9Maryland19Virginia29South Carolina39Missouri49Idaho
10Minnesota20Montana30North Carolina40Kansas50Nevada

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Happiness Indicator #5: Your Financial Security

The Happiest States in the U.S. 2022 Report (2)

The opposite of financial security in today’s consumer-driven world is poverty. Most people would describe poverty as not having the money to pay for all the essentials most others can take for granted, such as food, clothing, and shelter.

However, poverty is much, much more than that – and poverty itself costs, just not in a financial way. The World Bank Organization describes poverty like this:

Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick, and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school, and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job, [it] is fear for the future, living one day at a time.”

Poverty also means:

  • Not being able to participate in recreational activities
  • Not being able to send children on a day trip with their schoolmates or to a birthday party
  • Not being able to pay for medications for an illness.

Therefore, for these reasons, we have included your financial security as an important element of achieving real happiness in your life.

Happiness Indicator #5: Your Financial Security

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
1New Hampshire11Delaware21North Dakota31Indiana41North Carolina
2Minnesota12Nebraska22Wyoming32South Dakota42Oklahoma
3New Jersey13Illinois23Hawaii33Nevada43Kentucky
5Washington15Oregon25Connecticut35New York45West Virginia
6Massachusetts16Rhode Island26Missouri36Florida46Arkansas
7Idaho17Maine27Montana37Ohio47South Carolina
8Maryland18Iowa28Arizona38Texas48New Mexico

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Happiness Indicator #6: Your Home

Shelter is a basic need of life (and, some would say, of survival, too). The simple idea that there is always a place for you to go – the family home – if your circ*mstances change for the worse is often a surprising yet real comfort in troubled times.

In the U.S., according to Census Bureau data from the 1st quarter of 2022, the national average homeownership rate is 65.4%. However, homeownership declined in 90% of U.S. states between 2005 and 2020.

In many states, homeownership rates are low because renting is extremely popular. However, some states with low homeownership rates also have a high rental vacancies, which may indicate gradual depopulation, as more people “up sticks” and move out of state for work or other reasons.

West Virginia has the highest homeownership rate nationwide (79.6%), and California has the lowest rate at 54.2%. Lastly (and just for information, as it is not included in our calculations), Washington, D.C.’s homeownership rate is a mere 40.3%.

Happiness Indicator #6: Your Home

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
1West Virginia11Wyoming21Pennsylvania31Florida41North Dakota
2South Carolina12Alabama22Kansas32Oklahoma42Washington
3Iowa14South Dakota24Rhode Island34Colorado44New Jersey
3New Hampshire16Vermont26Missouri36Arkansas46Massachusetts
8Minnesota18Wisconsin28North Carolina38Georgia48Hawaii
9Maryland19Louisiana29Nebraska39Texas49New York
10Michigan20New Mexico30Tennessee40Connecticut50California

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Note: Delaware, Iowa, Maine, and New Hampshire currently have identical homeownership rates.

Happiness Indicator #7: Your Work

The old saying goes, “The Devil makes work for idle hands….” Better than occupying yourself with occupation and earning (hopefully) enough money to live happily in the process.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest employment data, there are around 157 million Americans in the nation’s labor force. Most American workers are employed in the service sector (around 71%, accounting for a total of 107.8 million people).

The largest sectors in the services sector are trade, transportation, and utilities, followed by education and health services, profession and business services, and leisure and hospitality.

In addition, around 22.5 million Americans work in government, and 12.9 million work in the manufacturing industry. Lastly, around 16 million people are self-employed.

The job market, and its work opportunities, vary wildly in the U.S. from state to state, as each state has its economy and its industries.

South Carolina is honored to enjoy the highest employment rate in the nation, with the number of unemployed residents at only 2.3%. Interestingly, South Carolina has one of the lowest labor participation rates in the country – just 58%.

At the other end of the spectrum sits Alaska, which has suffered an ongoing statewide recession and has seen the fastest rate of job losses since 2015.

Happiness Indicator #7: Your Work

Top Quintile2nd Quintile3rd Quintile4th Quintile5th Quintile
1South Carolina11Massachusetts20Missouri31Connecticut41Ohio
1Vermont12Maine23Montana31North Carolina43Washington
4North Dakota14Florida23Oklahoma31Oregon44Pennsylvania
6Hawaii16Georgia26Maryland36Nevada46New Mexico
6New Hampshire16Indiana26New Jersey37California47Louisiana
6Virginia16Kansas26Rhode Island37Delaware48West Virginia
9Alabama16South Dakota26Texas37Michigan49Mississippi
9Iowa20Minnesota30Arkansas40New York50Alaska

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Note: Employment rates are calculated to one-hundredth of a percentage point, meaning some states have identical rates, which is reflected in their respective placings.

Modern Recovery Services: Mental Health Treatment

As we stated at the beginning of our study report, the definition of “happiness,” as written by psychology researcher and author Sonja Lyubomirsky, says it perfectly:

The experience of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”

Modern Recovery Services, located in Tempe, Arizona, is the only behavioral health accountability and support program that can offer technology-driven results to our clients, their families, and even treatment professionals.

Modern Recovery Services offers online intensive outpatient program (IOP) options for mental health treatment, recovery coaching, adolescent therapies and programs, and other mental health services.

Contact us today to learn about all the depression treatment options available to you.

Author: Modern Recovery Editorial Team
JANUARY 3, 2023

The Happiest States in the U.S. 2022 Report (2024)


The Happiest States in the U.S. 2022 Report? ›

WalletHub this week released its "Happiest States in America" list for 2022, ranking Hawaii as No. 1.

What is the happiest state in America 2022? ›


Where is the happiest place to live in America 2022? ›

Sunnyvale, CA is the No. 1 place where Americans are happiest. Well-being and quality of life is where Sunnyvale, California ranks best.

What is the happiest state to live in 2023? ›

The top 10 happiest states
  • Connecticut.
  • New Jersey.
  • New York.
  • Maryland.
  • Minnesota.
  • California.
  • Hawaii.
  • Vermont.
May 21, 2023

What state is the happiest state in the US? ›

Massachusetts: “The Happiest State in the U.S.”

Our research studies reveal that the state of Massachusetts topped the rankings for 3 of our categories: Well-being, Mental Health, and Family, and featured in the top 11 states for three more: Health Care, Financial Security, and Work.

What state has the best quality of life? ›

What are the best states to live in? The best states to live in are Wyoming, Vermont, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, North Dakota, New Jersey, Maine, Florida, and Virginia.

What state is the most relaxed? ›

Most people think of a sunny beach when they hear the word "relaxation," but recent data shows that South Dakota is the most relaxed state in the US.

What is the #1 happiest place to live? ›

1. Finland: For the sixth year in a row, Finland is the world's happiest country, according to the World Happiness Report. Aleksanterinkatu (Aleksi Street) in Helsinki is pictured.

What is the #1 best place to live in America 2022? ›

Atlanta, Georgia is the best place to live in the U.S. in 2022 because of its booming jobs market and eye on equality.

What is the unhappiest city in the US 2022? ›

Once again, Fremont, California was determined the happiest city in America, with a total “happiness score” of 76.10 (down slightly from its 2022 score of 77.13). Meanwhile, Detroit, Michigan was dubbed the least happy U.S. city for a second year in a row, with a “happiness score” of 30.60.

What is the least happy state? ›

Oklahoma among least happiest states, study says
  • Personal finance.
  • Leisure activities.
  • Mental Health.
  • Physical Health.
  • Personal relationships.
  • Social policies.
May 16, 2023

Where do the happiest people in America live? ›

For 2023, California dominated the list of the happiest cities in America, while Fremont, California, topped the list for the second year in a row. That's according to a recent WalletHub study, which analyzed happiness-related data metrics to determine which American cities are home to the happiest residents.

What is the best state going into 2023? ›

U.S. News & World Report ranked Utah highly in both its economy and educational opportunities. It found that 46.3% of the population is college educated and has an 88.2% high school graduation rate, which is higher than the national average of 86.5%.

What is the states to friendliest states? ›

Friendliest States [Updated August 2022]
  1. Minnesota. The term “Minnesota nice” lives up to its name. ...
  2. Tennessee. Tennessee is full of the famous southern charm and hospitality. ...
  3. South Carolina. South Carolina is another southern state upholding the Southern hospitality reputation. ...
  4. Texas. ...
  5. Wyoming. ...
  6. Indiana. ...
  7. Colorado. ...
  8. Kansas.

Which US state is the proudest? ›

People who live in Montana and Alaska have the most state pride, according to a poll by Gallup. In these two states, 77% of residents said their state was the best or one of the best possible states to live in.

What is the #1 best state? ›

Utah takes No. 1 in rankings that measure health care, education and economy. WASHINGTON, May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Utah is the Best State in the country, according to the 2023 Best States rankings.

What state has the best cost of living? ›

States With Lowest Cost of Living

Mississippi is the state with the lowest cost of living in the US, with a cost of living index of 85. This means that the cost of living in Mississippi is 15% lower than the national average. The state has a low cost of housing, groceries, and utilities.

What is the most expensive state to live in the US? ›

According to several studies on cost of living, Hawaii is the most expensive U.S. state to live in. Prices are typically double in Hawaii compared to those on the mainland, and the continued rise in inflation is making costs ranging from housing to health care much more expensive.

What state has the least anxiety? ›

Top 10 least stressful states
  • Utah.
  • Minnesota.
  • South Dakota.
  • Wisconsin.
  • New Hampshire.
  • Hawaii.
  • North Dakota.
  • Massachusetts.
Mar 29, 2022

What is the most humble state? ›

Utah is the most humble state, according to the study, with only 22 percent of participants admitting to practicing self-promotion.

Where is the least stressful place to live? ›

These Are The Most And Least Stressful Cities To Live In, According To A New Study. According to The Least and Most Stressful Cities Index 2021, Reykjavik, Iceland has earned the top spot as the least stressful city around the world, followed by Bern, Switzerland, and Helsinki, Finland.

Where can I move to be happy? ›

Here are the 25 happiest places in the country:
  • Boulder, Colorado. Photo credit: Rex Brown via Flickr. ...
  • Santa Cruz-Watsonville. Photo credit: Dale Cruse via Flickr. ...
  • Charlottesville, Virginia. ...
  • Fort Collins, Colorado. ...
  • San Luis Obispo, California. ...
  • San Jose, California. ...
  • Provo, Utah. ...
  • Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Connecticut.
Oct 22, 2017

What is the happiest and healthiest city in America? ›

The cities were scored based on 43 key indicators of health, including fruit and vegetable consumption and vaccination rates. The site dubbed Fremont, Calif., the happiest city nationwide, based on 30 indicators of happiness, including depression rate, income growth rate and average amount of leisure time per day.

Can where you live make you happier? ›

1. Find a change of scenery. Your home, neighborhood, and surroundings all have a huge impact on your quality of life—sometimes they'll contribute to your happiness, while other times they'll leave you feeling unfulfilled or unmotivated. Moving offers a fresh change of scenery that can recharge and boost your mood.

What is the #1 city to live in in America? ›

1 best U.S. city to live in is Cambridge, Massachusetts—see which other cities made the list. Niche released its list of the best U.S. cities to live in 2023.

What city is most moved to 2022? ›

Inbound moving rate to major U.S. metros, 2022
  • Houston. 55.7%
  • Miami. 55.2.
  • Atlanta. 53.8.
  • Washington, D.C. 53.4.
  • Dallas. 53.3.
  • Phoenix. 52.4.
  • Los Angeles. 51.5.
  • Riverside, Calif. 50.3.
Jan 31, 2023

What is the safest state to live in 2022? ›

Vermont was the safest state in the US in 2022, with a total score of 69.49. Vermont ranks second for Personal & Residential Safety and third for Road Safety. Vermont has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, has the third-lowest share of uninsured people, and has the second-fewest assaults per capita.

What is the saddest place in the US? ›

Based on the data, the U.S. city with the most depression is Billings, Montana. CEUFast says about 31% of residents out of a population of 181,000 have been told they're depressed by a professional.

Which US cities have the lowest depression? ›

Some other notable stats: Miami, Hialeah, Fort Lauderdale and Pembroke Pines, Florida, all have the lowest depression rate (12.5%), which is 2.3 times lower than in Charleston, West Virginia, the city with the highest depression rate (28.9%).

What is the most miserable city in the United States? ›

24/7 Wall St reviewed the happiness score from digital health company Sharecare's Community Well-Being Index for 383 metropolitan areas around the country to determine which cities are the most miserable in the U.S., with Pine Bluff, Arkansas taking the top spot due to its high poverty rate and low annual household ...

What is the healthiest state in the US? ›

Hawaii ranks as the healthiest US state with the score of 79.40, while Kentucky and West Virginia are the least healthy with the score of 40 out 100 respectively.

Which state has the happiest marriages? ›

The survey found that those in West Virginia were the most happily married in the country (90%). This was closely followed by those in Minnesota (88%) and Colorado (88%). There are various reasons why some people might be happier in marriage than others.

What are the top 5 saddest states? ›

Below are the most depressed states in the country.
  • Maine. Depression rate: 23.52% ...
  • Arkansas. Depression rate: 23.2% ...
  • Kentucky. Depression rate: 22.84% ...
  • Oklahoma. Depression rate: 22.70% ...
  • Alabama. Depression rate: 22.64% ...
  • Vermont. Depression rate: 22.64% ...
  • Tennessee. Depression rate: 22.36% ...
  • Washington. Depression rate: 22.22%

Where is the happiest on earth? ›

Finland is the No. 1 happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row. Finland has been the happiest country in the world since 2016. The World Happiness Report released its annual ranking of the happiest countries in the world and for the sixth year in a row Finland has landed in the top spot.

Who is the happiest man in America? ›

According to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, the happiest person in America is a tall, Asian-American male 65 or older, a resident of Hawaii who's married with children, religious (observant Jews score highest), owns a business and earns more than $120,000 a year -- in other words, it's Alvin Wong to a tee.

Are people happier in Florida or California? ›

Study: California Ranks as 4th Happiest State — Well Ahead of Texas and Florida.

Where is everyone moving to in 2023? ›

Based on migration data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Americans are moving to Austin, Texas; Raleigh, North Carolina; Orlando, Florida; Dallas, Texas; and Phoenix, Arizona. The most moved-to cities are based on percentage increases in population since 2010.

What is the cheapest state to retire in 2023? ›

Rather, Alabama is the most affordable state to retire in, according to WalletHub's “2023 Best States to Retire.” The analysis compared all 50 states across three key categories: health care, quality of life and affordability.

What is the best state to live in for weather? ›

Based on these criteria, California has the best weather in all 50 states. Coastal cities in south and central California, such as San Diego, Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Santa Barbara, experience only 20 inches of rain per year and temperatures typically between the low 60s and 85 degrees.

What is the least healthiest state? ›

West Virginia

West Virginia tops our list as the least healthy state. It has the highest prevalence of illness and death from chronic diseases.

What are the least healthy states to live in? ›

In addition to West Virginia, the top five unhealthiest states included Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama and Arkansas. Notably, nine of the 10 least healthy states are located in the South, according to the study.

Which states has the healthiest eating habits? ›

States like Washington and Vermont have among the highest healthy-eating scores in the country thanks to relatively high ratings of both their own diets and the diets of others in their state.

Which state is kindest? ›

Friendliest State: Oregon

Oregon is well known as a state where people are nice to strangers.

What is the safest state in USA? ›

Story at a glance
State/rankViolent crime rateProperty crime rate
1. Maine109 per 100K residents1,156 per 100K residents
2. New Hampshire146 per 100K residents1,099 per 100K residents
3. New Jersey195 per 100K residents1,158 per 100K residents
4. Vermont173 per 100K residents1,217 per 100K residents
6 more rows
May 7, 2023

What state has the friendliest neighbors? ›

Chances are if you live in Georgia you do, at least that's according to a new joint study from Nextdoor, Verizon, and Georgia topped the list out of 50 states in the country for having the kindest neighbors.

What is the most favorable state? ›

Overall Rankings
  • #1. Utah.
  • #2. Washington.
  • #3. Idaho.
  • #4. Nebraska.
  • #5. Minnesota.

Who loves their state the most? ›

In a new Gallup poll asked Americans to rate their state as a place to live, Montanans and Alaskans had more state pride than the rest of the U.S. Three of four Montanans and Alaskans (77 percent) said their state was the best or one of the best places to reside.

Which state residents are the happiest? ›

Massachusetts came in as the happiest state. Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York round out the top 5. The least happy states are Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas -- and the state with the most unhappy residents is West Virginia, according to the study.

What is America's happiest city? ›

Cities across the United States vary greatly in their environment, income, citizens' overall well-being and community. For 2023, California dominated the list of the happiest cities in America, while Fremont, California, topped the list for the second year in a row.

What is the 2nd happiest state in the US? ›

The study found that Illinois is the second happiest state in the U.S., Schoolaro said.

What is the least happiest state? ›

People who live in Oklahoma are not happy, according to a new study. Schoolaroo analyzed 54 metrics that were organized into seven key categories to find happiness levels in all 50 states.

What is the unhealthiest state? ›

West Virginia

What are the top 5 unhealthiest states in the US? ›

Source: Getty Images. West Virginia is the unhealthiest state in America, according to a study released by Forbes Advisor Tuesday morning. In addition to West Virginia, the top five unhealthiest states included Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama and Arkansas.

What is the #1 healthiest city in America? ›

1. San Francisco, California. San Francisco, California tops the list of healthiest city in America compared to all the others on expert lists. MindBody Business describes what makes this city stand out: “San Franciscans spend the 3rd highest amount on fitness, beauty, and wellness — on average $331 each month.

Where do happy people live? ›

For five years in a row, Finland has ranked No. 1 as the happiest country in the world, according to the World Happiness Report.

Where is the happiest on Earth? ›

Finland is the No. 1 happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row. Finland has been the happiest country in the world since 2016. The World Happiness Report released its annual ranking of the happiest countries in the world and for the sixth year in a row Finland has landed in the top spot.

What state has the happiest kids? ›

  • #8. North Dakota.
  • #7. Mississippi.
  • #6. Hawaii.
  • #5. Alabama.
  • #4. Louisiana.
  • #3. New Jersey.
  • #2. Georgia.
  • #1. Washington, D.C.
Jan 29, 2023

Who is the happiest person in the US? ›

According to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, the happiest person in America is a tall, Asian-American male 65 or older, a resident of Hawaii who's married with children, religious (observant Jews score highest), owns a business and earns more than $120,000 a year -- in other words, it's Alvin Wong to a tee.

Why is Utah so happy? ›

So what contributes to this happiness? Is it the mountain views? The fry sauce? According to WalletHub, Utah was ranked the highest for sports participation, volunteer rates, fewest work hours, lowest divorce rate and the overall safest state.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.