The Abmeldung - How to deregister in Berlin (2024)

When you move out of your apartment and leave Germany, you must deregister your address at the Bürgeramt. This is called the Abmeldung.

This guide explains why and how to do your Abmeldung in Berlin.

Who needs to deregister

You must do your Abmeldung if:

  • You move out of Germany, and you will not return to your current address.
  • You leave one of multiple homes. For example, if you have two registered apartments, and you sell one of them.

You don’t need to do your Abmeldung if:

  • You temporarily move out of Germany, and you will return to the same address later. For example, if you study in another country for a semester.
  • You move to another address in Germany. When you register your new address, your old address is automatically deregistered.
  • You have not registered your address.

Why you must deregister

When you do your Abmeldung, you officially stop living at your old address.

You can use this to:

  • Stop paying the TV tax
  • Stop paying for health insurance (if you move out of Germany)
  • Cancel your phone, internet and electricity contracts

Moving outCancelling your contracts

How to do your Abmeldung

You can deregister your address in person, by post or by email. It’s free.

You can deregister 7 days before you move out. You must deregister maximum 14 days after you move out.1

After you deregister, you get an Abmeldebescheinigung. This document confirms that your address is deregistered. If you deregister by email or by post, they sometimes send it to your new address.2

In person at the Bürgeramt

Here is how you can do your Abmeldung in person:

  1. Book an appointment for Abmeldung einer Wohnung. You can choose any Bürgeramt in Berlin. Sometimes, there are no appointments available. Check again every few minutes, and you will find one.
  2. Fill the Abmeldung form
  3. Go to your appointment. Bring:
    • The filled Abmeldung form
    • Your passport or national ID
    • If you deregister late, a proof of your move-out date26

You can do it alone, even if you don’t speak German. It takes around 10 minutes.

During your appointment, you will get an Abmeldebescheinigung.

By registered mail

Send these documents by registered mail to any Bürgeramt in Berlin:

  • The filled and signed Abmeldung form
  • A copy of your passport
  • If you deregister late, a proof of your move-out date26

Write your new address on the form. If you use a German address, and your name is not on the mailbox, use “c/o” or “bei” on the address form.

You will get an Abmeldebescheinigung at this address around 4 to 12 weeks later.3 It will be sent by regular post, not registered mail. Some Bürgeramt locations don’t send an Abmeldebescheinigung to addresses in other countries. If you need this document, it’s better if you deregister in person.

How to mail a letter — from your computer, without a printer

By email

You can deregister by email,4 but it’s not a good idea. You might not get a confirmation email or an Abmeldebescheinigung.3 They might not send your Abmeldebescheinigung to another country. They send it by regular post, not registered mail. It’s better if you deregister in person.

You can deregister by email at any Bürgeramt, but they all have different rules:

    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post, in Germany or in another country.5
  • Friedrichshain and
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post, not by email.6
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post7 and by email.8
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post to an address in Germany, and sometimes in another country.9
  • Neukö
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post to an address in Germany or in another country, and by email.
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by email, or to an address in Germany.10
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post to an address in Germany, but not in another country.11
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post to an address in Germany or in another country.12
  • Treptow-Kö
    They will send your Abmeldebescheinigung by post to an address in Germany or in another country.13
  • Other Bürgeramt locations
    Other locations might let you deregister by email. They did not confirm it.

To deregister by email, send this message to the Bürgeramt:

Title: Abmeldung einer Wohnung

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Hiermit möchte ich nach einem Auszug meine Wohnung abmelden. Beigefügt sind das ausgefüllte Formular “Abmeldung bei der Meldebehörde”, sowie eine Kopie meines Personalausweises.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
[an image of your signature, and your name]

Attach this to your email:

  • The filled and signed Abmeldung form
  • A copy of your passport
  • An image of your signature, in the email message. It must look like the signature on the Abmeldung form.14
  • If you deregister late, a proof of your move-out date26

Write your new address in the form. If you use a German address, and your name is not on the mailbox, use “c/o” or “bei” on the address form.

You will get an Abmeldebescheinigung at this address around 4 weeks later.3 It will be sent by regular post, not registered mail. Some Bürgeramt locations only send the Abmeldebescheinigung to German addresses.

If you really need the Abmeldebescheinigung need this document, deregister in person.

Pay someone to do it can do your Abmeldung for you. They will receive your Abmeldebescheinigung and forward it to you. They also help you cancel your TV tax, your health insurance, and your other contracts.

It’s a little expensive, but it lets you focus on other problems.

What happens when you deregister

When you deregister, you don’t live in Germany anymore. This has consequences.

Health insurance

When you deregister, you can lose your German health insurance.15 German health insurance is only for German residents. If you want to keep your health insurance, you probably should not deregister.

If you have private health insurance, you can ask for Anwartschaftsversicherung. You pay a little money every month while you are outside of Germany. When you return to Germany, you can get your old health insurance back.16 It guarantees that you will get the same health insurance for the same price.

Social security

When you deregister, you could lose access to ALG I, Bürgergeld, Kindergeld and other social services.17 Those services are only for German residents.

Bank account

You can keep your German bank account. If the bank sends you a letter, and it can’t be delivered, they might freeze your bank account.18 If they freeze your bank account, you can’t withdraw money, use your credit card, or make bank transfers.

Residence permit

There is no simple answer.19

See Also

You do not automatically lose your residence permit when you deregister your address.24 You only lose your residence permit if you leave Germany “not temporarily”. This is decided case by case.

Your residence permit can also expire. If you leave Germany for more than 6 months (12 months in some cases), your residence permit expires.20 You can ask the Ausländerbehörde to leave for a longer period.25

Without an address in Germany, you can’t renew your residence permit.21 You must have a lease and a Wohnungsgeberbestätigung to renew your German residence permit. If you lose your health insurance, it can also be a problem.22 You need valid health insurance to renew a residence permit.

Useful links:


You can’t own a vehicle registered in Germany if you don’t live in Germany.15 Some people had a different experience, so there are exceptions to this.

Other services

When you deregister, you can cancel your cellphone, internet and electricity contacts without any penalties.17 You might need a Abmeldebescheinigung to cancel your contracts.

If you own a business in Germany, you might also need deregister it,17 or transfer it to another person.

What to do next

How to move out of an apartment➞

How to change your address➞

2 years after you leave Germany, you can get a refund for your public pension payments. You can get thousands of euros back.

How to get a pension refund➞

Sources and footnotes

  2. Oliver at SympatMe (April 2023),,



  5. Screenshot

  6. Screenshot

  7. Screenshot

  8. Screenshot

  9. Screenshot, Screenshot,

  10. Screenshot

  11. Screenshot

  12.,, Screenshot, Screenshot, Screenshot, Screenshot

  13. Screenshot

  14. Screenshot


  16. Finanztip








  24., Bundesministerium des Innern, section

  25., Bundesministerium des Innern, section 51.1.5

  26. Oliver at SympatMe (April 2023)

The Abmeldung - How to deregister in Berlin (2024)


How do I cancel my anmeldung in Germany? ›

How to?
  1. Schedule a meeting at the local citizens office (“Bürgeramt”). ...
  2. Fill out this Abmeldung form (each state has its own form).
  3. Bring your identity card or passport for your appointment.
  4. They will issue you a deregistration certificate (“Abmeldebescheinigung”) on the spot.
Feb 16, 2023

How do I deregister when I leave Germany? ›

Based on the German “registration law,” you need to deregister between 7 days before and, at the latest, 14 days after you have left the country (Bundesmeldegesetz (BMG) § 17 Abmeldung). You must hand in the completed form at the citizen service of your registered office.

How do I deregister a resident in Germany? ›

In person: You can easily deregister your residency by going to a local registration office (Bürgeramt) and inform them that you are moving (abroad). Please note that you need to book an appointment in advance. Following, you will find a list of documents which you need to bring.

How do I deregister my business in Germany? ›

It is also possible to deregister your business online. To deregister, you must fill out the trade deregistration form and sign it, as well as submit your current trade license, ID card, and confirmation of registration (when moving abroad).

Can I deregister from Germany online? ›

You can deregister your address in person, by post or by email. It's free. You can deregister 7 days before you move out. You must deregister maximum 14 days after you move out.

How do I terminate a rental contract in Germany? ›

You can only terminate the rental contract after six months.” → The legal period of notice that tenants have to give is three months. And to protect the tenant, the notice period for landlords can be even longer.

What happens after abmeldung? ›

When you move out of Germany, you must deregister your address. This is called the Abmeldung. After you deregister, you stop paying for health insurance and TV tax. You also receive a deregistration certificate (Abmeldebescheinigung).

Do I need to close bank account before leaving Germany? ›

Bank Account: Can you keep your German bank account when leaving Germany? Yes, you can. And you should certainly keep it at least a few months until after you have left Germany since you will still need it for some transactions after you leave (e.g., your last electricity bill, your deposit from your landlord, etc.).

Do I have to close my bank account when I leave Germany? ›

Closing your bank account

If you do not plan to return to Germany in the foreseeable future, it is recommended that you close your German accounts in order to avoid incurring monthly account fees. Your bank or Sparkasse savings institution will be happy to provide you with information on this.

Can I lose my German permanent residence? ›

Can I lose my permanent residence permit? Yes. Under the following circ*mstances, you may lose your permanent residence permit: If you do not reside in Germany for more than 6 months or move to another country, in principle, you will lose your permanent residence permit (§ 51 I Residence Act ).

Can I have two address in Germany? ›

In order to register a secondary residence in Germany, you have to go to the Foreigners' Registration Office and receive a so-called “Freizügigkeitsbescheinigung” (certificate of freedom of movement).

How long can a resident stay out of Germany? ›

If it is necessary for you to stay outside Germany for more than 6 months then you must take special permission from the Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde) before leaving Germany. You cannot re-enter in Germany after the expiration of this 6 month period.

How do I deregister self-employed in Germany? ›

How can I deregister as a freelancer? If you want to give up freelance work, you need to deregister at the Tax Office - you can usually find the necessary form on their website. Please fill out the form and send it to the Tax Office. If you cannot find the form, send your Tax Office an (informal) letter/email.

How long can a German citizen stay out of Germany? ›

One of the benefits of the EU Long-Term Residence Permit, which differs from the German Settlement Permit, is that it allows you to stay out of the EU for up to 12 months without losing your residence permit. With just the German residence permit you can only stay outside Germany for six months.

How do I cancel my German VAT number? ›

You can send them an email asking them to deregister. Be sure to send them your VAT registration number in the email. They will then send you a form to fill in and return back to them.

What does Deregister mean? ›

/ (diːˈrɛdʒɪstə) / verb. to remove (oneself, a car, etc) from a register.

What happens if you don't pay rent Berlin? ›

You're behind on your rental payments: a German landlord can ask the court for eviction if your rental arrears amount up to 2 months of rent or more. Even if you're making partial payments, if you're behind more than the sum of 2 months rent, the landlord can push for eviction.

What is the minimum lease period in Germany? ›

There is no statutory minimum rental contract in Germany, which means that landlords are not required to offer a minimum lease term. However, it's essential to remember that most landlords will need a minimum lease term of 6 or 12 months.

Can I cancel a job contract after signing in Germany? ›

If not stated otherwise in your employment contract, you can generally terminate your employment after the end of the probationary period with only four weeks' notice to the fifteenth or end of a month - regardless of how long you have been employed there.

What happens if I don't deregister in Germany? ›

What happens if I don't deregister in Germany? If you are still registered in Germany, you need to apply with the relevant authority in Germany if you want to be issued with a new travel passport. The German mission abroad is in this case not responsible and can only help you in exceptional circ*mstances.

What is the new law for duldung in Germany? ›

Important: Since January 2023, you need to meet the following requirements: You have a "Duldung" according to §60a Residence Act, a residence permit ("Aufenthaltserlaubnis”), a temporary stay permit (“Aufenthaltsgestattung ”) or the so-called “Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht” (according to §104c Residence Act).

Can I get my taxes back if I leave Germany? ›

You can claim your refund via their website immediately after leaving Germany and they will start the refund application process 24 months later, leaving you free to get on with your life. They will keep you informed every step of the way, and before long a tidy refund will be heading towards your bank account!

Do I need to call my bank if I leave the country? ›

Generally, you should tell your bank the locations you are traveling to and the dates/duration of your travels. This will allow you to continue using your credit cards and debit cards without the fraud detection on your accounts being triggered, preventing you from using your cards.

Do I need to let my bank know I m traveling out of the country? ›

Yes! It's hugely important for customers to inform their bank of their travel plans in advance. This helps to protect against fraudulent activity and ensures that you have access to your funds while you are away. Be aware of any limits on the amount of money that can be withdrawn or spent while you are abroad.

What happens to dormant bank accounts in Germany? ›

In any case, the German state guarantees the repayment of dormant assets to rightful owners in perpetuity. In other words: the money of depositors is safe.

How do I close my German bank account from abroad? ›

You can close our account by sending an informal letter by e-mail. Please note: You will have to send the e-mail to the same office where you opened the account in the first place. Go and close the account in person at the same branch where you opened the account.

What happens if I don't close my unused bank account? ›

Your bank could slowly drain the money away

This either leads to the account holder noticing that the bank is taking their money, or eventually the bank fees will bring the account balance down to $0 -- at which point, the bank will just close the account due to inactivity. Don't let this happen to you.

What happens if you don t close a bank account in another country? ›

Once a bank account is opened, it remains the property of the account holder, as long as it is active. The account holder can continue to deposit and/or withdraw money as before, as long as the bank's requirements for proper identity documents are satisfied.

Which country is better to live Canada or Germany? ›

Is Germany better than Canada for living? Germany offers high level education at a low cost, great weather, good healthcare and a minimum cost of living. On the other hand, Canada provides a quality healthcare system, effortless PR applications and an excellent public health system.

Does Germany allow dual citizenship? ›

As a rule, no. One aim of German nationality law is to avoid creating multiple nationality through naturalization as far as possible. However, there are exceptions for cases of special hardship. For more information please contact your local naturalization authority.

How long is permanent residence valid in Germany? ›

To be eligible for this permit, you must have lived in Germany for at least five years (or three years if you are married to a German citizen). You must also be able to provide proof of your employment, financial resources, and German language skills. If you have this permit, you can stay in Germany indefinitely.

What is proof of residential address in Germany? ›

The proof of residence certificate (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung or Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung) is a form, filled out and signed by your landlord, confirming that you have moved into a new place of residence. By law, anyone wishing to get registered at the local citizens' office (Bürgeramt) needs one.

What is anmeldung in Germany? ›

In Germany, you must register your address at the Bürgeramt. This will become your official address in Germany. This is called the Anmeldung. During the Anmeldung appointment, you get a registration certificate (Anmeldebestätigung). This document confirms your official address in Germany.

Do I need anmeldung in Berlin? ›

Anmeldung – Registering your address in Berlin

Put simply, Anmeldung is a compulsory registration of the address at which you are living. Every person living in Germany is obliged to do this within 14 days of moving into a new residence.

Can I travel to Canada with German residence permit? ›

No, Germany is visa-exempt and only requires an eTA for short term visits (180 days Per Entry). This is an easy document to obtain and you can apply online. Germans who wish to enter Canada for longer term visits or for reasons excluded under the Canada eTA may require a visa.

How long can a Canadian resident stay out of the country? ›

How long are you welcome to visit another country? A Canadian can stay for up to 182 days per calendar year (without paying U.S. income tax).

What happens if I stay more than 3 months in Germany? ›

If you intend to stay in Germany permanently or for more than 90 days, you have to apply for a national visa (long stay). This type of visa has to be applied for if you want to join a family member living in Germany or if you are interested to study or work in Germany.

How do I close a GmbH in Germany? ›

Among other things they must:
  1. announce the liquidation in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger)
  2. terminate the current business of the company.
  3. fulfil the obligations of the GmbH i. L. (satisfy the creditors)
  4. collect receivables.
  5. convert the assets of the company into cash.
Jul 30, 2020

How are self-employed taxed in Germany? ›

If your annual earnings from self-employment in Germany are more than the tax-free allowance (as of 2022: €9,984), you'll need to pay income tax (Einkommensteuer) — no matter whether you're a freelancer or run a company. Like with any income tax, the amount you'll need to pay depends on the size of your income.

Can you move to Germany if you are self-employed? ›

A visa or residence permit for self-employment is initially issued for up to three years. If your business idea is successful and you are able to cover the costs of living for yourself and your family, the residence permit can be extended.

What is the new citizenship law in Germany 2023? ›

Plans to simplify the citizenship law

Immigrants legally living in Germany will be allowed to apply for citizenship after five rather than eight years. This shall go down to only three years if the applicant can show special integration achievements.

What happens if you overstay your 90 day limit in Germany? ›

You could receive a fine, immediate deportation or even get banned from entering the Schengen Area for a period. It is also important to remember that the 90/180 day rule also applies to countries with a visa waiver agreement with the Schengen Area.

What is the fine for overstaying in Germany? ›

In Germany, they will depend on a range of circ*mstances, such as how long your overstay, whether the overstay is deemed intentional and if you have any previous convictions. For cases that are deemed to be 'administrative offences' - i.e. overstaying out of negligence - a fine of up to €3,000 is possible.

When should I deregister for VAT? ›

When must you de-register for VAT?
  1. You must cancel within 30 days if you are no longer eligible to be VAT registered.
  2. If you're no longer eligible and don't cancel within 30 days – your business may have to pay a penalty.

Can I cancel a rental contract after signing in Germany? ›

Indefinite rental agreements in Germany have no termination date. That means that tenants can end their lease by providing a notice. However a landlord can only terminate a rental contract under specific circ*mstances.

How do I deregister from Basel Stadt? ›

In the case of Basel Stadt, this is an easy process requiring you to complete a simple online form declaring when you intend to depart Basel and where you will move. Once the Canton has received your form they will issue an 'Abmeldebescheinigung' (Certificate of Deregistration), which will be delivered by post mail.

Can I cancel a contract after signing in Germany? ›

First of all, it depends on whether your contract is limited or unlimited. Unlimited contracts are usually easier to cancel as you always have the right to terminate the contract within a certain period of notice (usually this ranges between 2-6 weeks).

How do I cancel my registration in Munich? ›

You have to submit the deregistration form (filled out and signed) at the registration office responsible for the only residence or the main residence.

How long do you have to cancel a contract in Germany? ›

The cancellation period is usually specified in your employment contract. If no specific regulation is mentioned, the statutory cancellation period for you -as an employee- is four weeks to the 15th of a month or four weeks to the end of the month. You need to quit your job in writing.

Can I cancel a contract within 14 days in Germany? ›

If you bought a product or a service online or outside of a shop (by telephone, mail order, from a door-to-door salesperson), you also have the right to cancel and return your order within 14 days, for any reason and without a justification.

How do I terminate my contract? ›

Contracts are legally enforceable agreements that bind parties to meet an agreed set of obligations. A party decides to terminate the contract, written notice must be used for the termination. Once the party has established the reason for contract termination, they must notify the other party with their intentions.

What does deregister account mean? ›

to remove (oneself, a car, etc) from a register.

How do I deregister as a freelancer in Berlin? ›

How can I deregister as a freelancer? If you want to give up freelance work, you need to deregister at the Tax Office - you can usually find the necessary form on their website. Please fill out the form and send it to the Tax Office. If you cannot find the form, send your Tax Office an (informal) letter/email.

Can I change Canton with B permit? ›

However, federal law spells out specific conditions for moving within the country. It stipulates that people with residence permits L or B who would like to relocate to another canton "must apply for the appropriate permit from the new canton beforehand".

Can I resign after signing contract? ›

In most cases, yes, you can quit a contract job. Your contract likely dictates whether you need to give notice to your employer before quitting your contract job, and may outline what could happen if you fail to do so. If necessary, ask a legal professional to look at your contract and explain the terms to you.

Can I quit after I signed a contract? ›

Yes. You have an undeniable right to quit your job at any time for any reason. No one can force you to work against your will.

Can I cancel a contract before it ends? ›

Yes, but there's a good chance you'll have to pay an early cancellation fee if you terminate your phone contract early.

What happens if you don't do city registration in Germany? ›

By law, everyone staying longer than three months in Germany must register their address (anmelden) within 14 days of moving into a new apartment. Not registering your address within 14 days can result in a fine of up to €1,000.

Is it possible to cancel registration? ›

The deed that needs to be cancelled must be registered according to the laws prescribed in the Indian Registration Act, 1908. The process of cancellation can only be executed by the Registrar after the Civil Court gives an order for cancellation of the concerned deal.

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