The 5 Best Tools for Calculating Social Media ROI (2024)

5 of the best tools in 2023 to measure your social media ROI

The likes might be stacking up on your social media accounts, but that doesn’t always tell the whole story. We don’t know about you, but we haven’t seen many businesses last without making a profit. That’s why it’s critical to compare your expenses and revenue to see if your digital marketing efforts are bringing in the dough or if they’re going to waste.

When it comes to your social media campaigns, your return on investment, or ROI, is the best way to ensure you're getting rave-worthy results. Examining ROI can show you what messaging or content types are resonating with your audience, what actions they’re taking on your website or eCommerce store, and what effect social media is having on your bottom line.

Shockingly, almost half, or 44% of businesses, don't measure the ROI of their social media marketing because they consider the process too time-consuming or confusing.

Luckily, there are fantastic tools out there that make calculating ROI easy. Get ready to show off your stellar social skills and share insights on your growth and engagement to make your ROI plain as day.

What is Social Media ROI?

Your social media ROI, or return on investment, is a measure of how effective social media is in generating profits for your client’s business.

Since organic social media can reach a large audience at a low cost, social media managers need to track the ROI of their social media campaigns and ensure they are getting a good return on their investment.

While quantitative or tangible returns like increased sales or a higher volume of website traffic are nice to see, don’t ignore the returns that aren’t directly associated with a monetary value, such as brand awareness and customer service.

Measuring Your Social Media ROI

There are a handful of ways to calculate social media ROI. Some businesses simply compare the amount of money they’ve spent on social media campaigns to the amount of revenue generated. Others use more complex formulas that account for things like website traffic, leads generated, and customer engagement.

No matter which method you use, you must follow the same general ROI formula:

(Earnings – Investment Made) x 100/ Investment Made = Social Media ROI

Sounds simple, right? But you might be wondering: "where on earth do I get the numbers for this formula?"

That's where social media ROI tools come in handy. With a dedicated tool designed to track your social media success, you'll have everything you need to use this formula effectively.

What Are Social Media ROI Tools?

Social media ROI tools are software applications that help business owners measure the ROI of their social media marketing efforts.

Most tools used to calculate social media ROI are analytics tools. Social media analytics are an essential aspect of any content marketing strategy because they help collect data on important metrics like brand awareness, engagement, clicks, and sales. In marketing speak, these metrics are also known as key performance indicators, or KPIs.

While talk of analytics and KPIs might make your eyes glaze over, they’re an essential part of social media marketing. They show you what’s working well, what’s not, and where you can improve.

How Social Media ROI Tools Can Simplify Your Life

As a social media manager, you might feel stretched thin at times. You want to feel confident that your tools are doing their job so you can show clients that your efforts are paying off.

The best tools save time and un-frazzle nerves. Here are a few more ways social media ROI tools can help social media managers.

First, they provide valuable insight into your audience and social media performance. This includes metrics like:

  • Customer demographics (e.g. age range, location, gender, etc.)
  • Engagement rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Website or landing page traffic
  • Lead generation

Aside from providing you with cold hard data, social media tools enable you to build bigger and better-engaged audiences across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. You can optimize campaigns and evaluate if your social media strategy is working all in one place. That's the beauty of these tools — they make monitoring your social media activities much less complicated!

ROI tools take the guesswork out of your decision making. The right tool can help you benchmark current performance against past performance or against competitors to provide a fuller picture of your social media efforts.

The benefits of using social media ROI tools vary depending on the tool. Common benefits include improved insights into your social media goals, active monitoring of metrics, and automated social campaigns. You can even get tools that specifically look at the ROI of influencer campaigns.

Additionally, many social media ROI tools offer free trials or free plans, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Investing in a tool to monitor your social networks and marketing spend is the best way to achieve your social media objectives. Back up your strategy with valuable insights to show your clients that their business is in good hands.

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The Top 5 Social Media ROI Tools

Your social media journey doesn’t end when you hit the “publish” button. In fact, it’s only the beginning. Once you’ve sent your content into the social sphere, it’s time to start analyzing and learning from each post.

Here are five of our favorite tools to measure social media ROI;

1. Google Analytics

With relevant quantitative data, Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools to measure the ROI of your social media campaigns. It helps you quickly identify which social media platforms drive the most traffic and which content is getting the most traction.

By tracking results such as website visits, page views, and conversions, you can see which campaigns are attracting and converting visitors.

There are a few different ways to calculate social media ROI using Google Analytics. The first is to look at the total number of website visits generated from social media platforms.

To do this, go to Acquisition > Social > Network Referrals. This report will show you how many website visits were referred by each social media platform.

You can also track conversions from your social ads to calculate social media ROI.

To do this, go to Conversions > Goals > Overview. This report will show how many conversions were referred from each social platform.

By tracking these metrics, you can see which socials are providing the best ROI and focus your efforts on content creation for those platforms.

2. Sked Social

Is your social media marketing primarily done through Instagram? Then a savvy, Instagram-first platform like Sked Social could be the tool for you!

Sked Social’s advanced Instagram analytics allow you to quickly deduce which posts and content topics create the most affinity and engagement with your audience. Their all-in-one Instagram tool allows you to track every conversion, interaction and lead generated from your Instagram stories and posts.

Measure the success of your Instagram stories, compare your activity to competitors, or track web traffic coming from your link in bio. There are endless ways to use Sked Social to monitor your socials and calculate your social media ROI.

To make things even simpler, you can get started with Sked Social’s 7-day trial - completely free!

3. Hootsuite Social ROI Calculator

In the world of social media, there are all sorts of opinions about how to best calculate social media ROI. Navigating the online noise can be a bit of a challenge, but Hootsuite's social ROI calculator gets the math done quickly and effectively.

Simply input your expenses (like total ad spend) and compare them with relevant metrics like conversions, website traffic, brand awareness, or audience engagement. This information can aid you in making better decisions about where to allocate your marketing dollars in the future.

To effectively use a tool like the Hootsuite Social ROI Calculator, it’s crucial to set social media marketing goals. Without clear goals and objectives, you'll find yourself monitoring vanity metrics like likes and followers, which don't always accurately reflect ROI.

Find out how Hootsuite compares to Sked Social in our detailed Hootsuite vs Sprout Social vs Sked Social comparison!

4. Facebook Pixel

If you aren’t familiar, the Facebook Pixel is a piece of code for your website that monitors insights from Facebook ad campaigns.

To start measuring conversions more accurately, you must first install the Facebook Pixel on your website. Next, install your conversion events (i.e. the end goal you want your customers to take), insert the code into your website, and input any necessary information.

Under the Results tab, you’ll see a list of all the conversion events you have set up. For each event, you can view how many conversions occurred as well as the total value of those conversions.

These Facebook insights can help you determine your social media marketing ROI and adjust as needed. For example, if you notice that a particular campaign isn’t generating many conversions, you can adjust your targeting or budget for that campaign or scrap it altogether.

5. UTM Parameters

UTM parameters are pieces of code you can add to the end of a URL to track how people interact with your business online. The code lets you see where website visitors are coming from, what social media channels they're using, and how they interact with your content. UTM parameters can be organized by medium (e.g. email, social media, Google search) and campaign or content piece (e.g. Instagram Story).

This information is invaluable when calculating your social media ROI. It helps you make more informed decisions about how to market your business online and shows where your efforts are paying off.

To create UTM parameters, you'll need UTM tagging. This comes built-in with tools like Google Analytics. Once you've generated your code, you can add it to the URLs for your social media posts, website, and any other online marketing materials.


Social media marketing is no walk in the park. It takes consistency, ambition, and a lot of hard work. Don’t let that hard work go to waste and show your clients a clear ROI that demonstrates the payoff for their business.

Calculating ROI doesn’t have to be challenging. Nowadays, you can leverage some amazing tools to streamline your process. With a tool that offers detailed analytics and reporting, you’ll blow your clients away in no time with just how impressive your social media skills are.

Get deep analytics you can actually act on with an Instagram-first tool like Sked Social. Find the best time to post, analyze your Instagram Story performance, compare your activity against competitors and more - all without a Data Science PhD. Start your free 7-day trial today.

As a seasoned expert in social media marketing and analytics, I can confidently assert that understanding and measuring Social Media Return on Investment (ROI) is paramount for any business striving to succeed in the digital landscape. The article you've presented underscores the importance of this metric and introduces five noteworthy tools for effectively measuring social media ROI in 2023.

Social Media ROI Defined: Social Media ROI, or return on investment, is a crucial metric that gauges the effectiveness of social media efforts in generating profits for a business. It goes beyond the mere accumulation of likes and followers, delving into the monetary impact of digital marketing endeavors.

Measuring Social Media ROI: The article rightly points out that businesses employ various methods to calculate social media ROI, ranging from straightforward comparisons of expenses and revenue to more intricate formulas encompassing metrics like website traffic, leads generated, and customer engagement. The general ROI formula provided - (Earnings – Investment Made) x 100/ Investment Made - serves as a foundational guide.

Social Media ROI Tools: The article introduces Social Media ROI tools as software applications designed to assist business owners in measuring the ROI of their social media marketing efforts. These tools predominantly fall under the category of analytics tools, helping gather data on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as brand awareness, engagement, clicks, and sales.

The article discusses the benefits of using Social Media ROI tools, highlighting their capacity to provide valuable insights into audience demographics, engagement rates, conversion rates, and other pertinent metrics. These tools simplify the monitoring of social media activities, taking the guesswork out of decision-making and enabling social media managers to benchmark performance against past results or competitors.

Top 5 Social Media ROI Tools in 2023:

  1. Google Analytics: Recognized as one of the most powerful tools, Google Analytics offers quantitative data to measure the ROI of social media campaigns. It tracks website visits, page views, and conversions, providing insights into the effectiveness of different social media platforms.

  2. Sked Social: Tailored for Instagram-centric marketing, Sked Social's advanced analytics allow users to track every conversion, interaction, and lead generated from Instagram. The platform offers a 7-day free trial to explore its capabilities.

  3. Hootsuite Social ROI Calculator: Hootsuite's calculator simplifies the process of calculating social media ROI by inputting expenses and comparing them with relevant metrics like conversions, website traffic, brand awareness, and audience engagement.

  4. Facebook Pixel: This tool, in the form of a code for websites, monitors insights from Facebook ad campaigns. By measuring conversions accurately, businesses can adjust their strategies based on the performance of specific campaigns.

  5. UTM Parameters: UTM parameters are pieces of code added to URLs to track online interactions. They provide insights into the origin of website visitors and their interactions with content, aiding in making informed decisions about online marketing strategies.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of leveraging these tools to streamline the process of calculating and demonstrating social media ROI. By utilizing dedicated analytics tools, social media managers can showcase the tangible impact of their efforts, ensuring businesses make informed decisions and achieve their social media objectives.

The 5 Best Tools for Calculating Social Media ROI (2024)


How do you calculate ROI for social media? ›

For example, let's say you invested $100 in a social media ad campaign and it resulted in 50 new leads. Your ROI would be calculated by dividing the total revenue generated from those 50 leads by the cost of the campaign ($100). In this case, if each lead brought in $10, your ROI would be $400.

Which of the following is the correct formula for calculating social media ROI? ›

Social media ROI = (Earnings – Costs) x 100 / Costs

You can figure out the specific ROI for each social network by segmenting your earnings and costs per social channel. Then make the per-channel calculations using the same formula above.

What is a social ROI calculator? ›

The Social Value ROI Calculator is designed to help users with their social value calculations. It is designed for organisations that wish to: Plan the social value they intend to create, Measure and understand the social value they create, Manage and improve the social value they create.

How to calculate the ROI? ›

Return on investment (ROI) is calculated by dividing the profit earned on an investment by the cost of that investment. For instance, an investment with a profit of $100 and a cost of $100 would have an ROI of 1, or 100% when expressed as a percentage.

What is an example of ROI on social media? ›

For example, you spent $500 on Facebook ads marketing and generated $2,000 in sales. Your profit here is $1,500 (revenue – investment = profit) and your social media marketing ROI can be calculated as $1,500 profit / $500 investment x 100 = 300%. A 300% return on investment is pretty darn good!

What measurement is the most important for social media ROI? ›

Goal Value

Of course, there's no better way to track the ROI from social media than to have a specific monetary value attached to each goal. To get your overall ROI from social, simply divide this number by advertising or employee costs associated with your social media marketing.

What are the two components for calculating social media ROI? ›

Calculating social media ROI involves two components: the return (revenue generated or cost savings from your efforts) and the investment (time, money, and resources spent on social media marketing).

Can you measure the ROI of social media marketing? ›

Social media ROI is a measure of the benefits delivered by social media marketing campaigns compared to the total investment on these campaigns — including money, time, and effort. ROI is a measure of spend versus value: If I spend “X” amount, how much do I get back?

What is a good social ROI? ›

What is a good ROI? A good ROI is any percentage or ratio result that is above 0. If your ROI is more than 0%, your investments are profitable and making your business money.

What is the formula for ROI for influencers? ›

Calculate ROI(%): (Revenue Generated - Total campaign cost) / Total campaign cost.

What is the formula for ROI in digital marketing? ›

Your digital marketing's ROI is a measurement of your online marketing campaign's profits or losses, which you calculate with the following formula: (net profit / total digital marketing costs) x 100. Measuring your online marketing ROI helps you determine the effectiveness of your strategies.

How do you measure ROI with digital marketing? ›

In its simplest form, digital marketing ROI is the revenue directly driven by your marketing efforts minus the money you spent on the marketing, divided by the money you spent on the marketing.

How do you calculate ROI for marketing activities? ›

To calculate marketing ROI, you need to subtract the marketing cost from your sales growth and divide it by the marketing cost. So, if sales revenue is $2,000 and the marketing campaign cost is $200, then the simple ROI is 900%. (($2000-$200) / $200) = 900%.

What does ROI mean in social media? ›

Social media ROI (return on investment) is what you get back in terms of revenue from all the time, effort, expenses, and resources you commit to your social media marketing campaigns.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.