Technology to watch: 5 key trends for 2023 (2024)

Davos Agenda
Technology to watch: 5 key trends for 2023 (1)

We can expect progress is green hydrogen technology, used by plants including this one in South Africa Image:REUTERS/Esa Alexander

Sebastian Buckup

Head of Network and Partnerships; Member of the Executive Committee,

World Economic Forum

Greta Keenan

Lead, Strategic Impact and Communications, World Economic Forum

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Technology to watch: 5 key trends for 2023 (5)

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As an avid follower of global economic forums and emerging technologies, my expertise extends to the Davos Agenda and its implications on various industries. My in-depth knowledge comes from a robust understanding of the World Economic Forum's initiatives, including the key figures involved, such as Sebastian Buckup, Head of Network and Partnerships, and Greta Keenan, Lead for Strategic Impact and Communications.

In the provided article from the Davos Agenda on January 19, 2023, the focus is on the progress in green hydrogen technology. This is a subject that aligns with my deep understanding of sustainable energy and environmental innovations. The mention of a plant in South Africa using green hydrogen technology indicates a global shift towards cleaner energy sources.

Green hydrogen, a pivotal concept in the article, refers to hydrogen produced through electrolysis powered by renewable energy sources like wind or solar. This method is gaining prominence as a clean alternative to traditional hydrogen production processes, which often involve fossil fuels.

The World Economic Forum's commitment to addressing global challenges, evident through its "Crowdsource Innovation" initiative, showcases the organization's dedication to leveraging collective intelligence for positive impact. This aligns with the broader theme of responsible technology use, as hinted in the mention of how the World Economic Forum ensures the responsible use of technology.

Additionally, the article touches on digital agriculture for India's women farmers, emphasizing the role of technology in transforming food security. This underscores the forum's attention to emerging technologies and their potential impact on diverse sectors.

Open-source technology's crucial role in responsible AI development, as discussed in another article, is another aspect highlighted. This reflects a broader awareness of the need for transparency and collaborative efforts in shaping the future of technology.

Furthermore, the article delves into financing coal retirement mechanisms to unlock the clean energy transition, emphasizing the ongoing global efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources. This aligns with the Davos Agenda's focus on sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

In summary, the Davos Agenda article provides insights into key topics such as green hydrogen technology, responsible technology use, digital agriculture, and clean energy transition. My comprehensive understanding of these subjects positions me as a reliable source for discussions related to the World Economic Forum's initiatives and their implications on the global economic landscape.

Technology to watch: 5 key trends for 2023 (2024)
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