Tang Dynasty - Clothing, Period & Achievements | HISTORY (2024)

Beginning of the Tang Dynasty

At the beginning of the sixth century A.D., north and south China were divided, but would be united through conquest by the Sui Dynasty, which ruled from 581 to 617 A.D.

The Sui were led by General Yang Jian of the unified north. The Sui, however, lasted for only two emperors before falling to Li Yuan, founder of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Yuan was the cousin of the first Sui emperor and gained power during a period of mass rebellion after emerging from the northwest to beat other contenders for the throne. He ruled asGaozuuntil 626 A.D. His son Taizong ascended the throne after killing his two brothers and several nephews.

In 630 A.D., Taizong seized a portion of Mongolia from the Turks and earned the title “Great Khan.” The Tangs made use of Turkish soldiers in an invasion of Khitan (far eastern Asia) and joint expeditions along the Silk Road.

Taizong also set up more aggressive systems to identify Confucian scholars and put them in civil service placements. He created Confucian state schools along with a sanctioned state version of The Five Classics, which also allowed talented scholars with no family connections to work their way up in the government.

Great Wall of China

Empress Wu

Taizong’s son, Gaozong, became emperor in 650 A.D., but spent most of his rule under the control of Empress Wu. Wu was one of Taizong’s concubines, sent away to a convent after his death, but Gaozong—long in love with her—initiated her return to the court.

Wu won his favor over his wife, who was dismissed against the wishes of Gaozong’s advisors. In 660 A.D. Gaozong became incapacitated because of a stroke and Wu took on most of his duties.

Gaozong died in 683 A.D. Wu maintained control through her two sons. Wu proclaimed herself Empress in 690 A.D. and announced a new dynasty, the Zhou.

At the same time, she released the Great Cloud Sutra, which claimed the Buddha Maitreya was reincarnated as a female ruler, giving herself divine Buddhist legitimacy. Wu ruled until 705 A.D., which also marked the end of the brief Zhou Dynasty.

Emperor Xuanzong

Empress Wu’s grandson, Emperor Xuanzong, is renowned for the cultural heights reached during his rule from 712 to 756 A.D. He welcomed Buddhist and Taoist clerics to his court, including teachers of Tantric Buddhism, a recent form of the religion.

Xuanzong had a passion for music and horses. To this end he owned a troupe of dancing horses and invited renowned horse painter Han Gan into his court. He also created the Imperial Music Academy, taking advantage of the new international influence on Chinese music.

The fall of Xuanzong became an enduring love story in China. Xuanzong fell so much in love with concubine Yang Guifei that he began to ignore his royal duties and also promote her family members to high government positions.

Sensing the emperor’s weakness, northern province warlord An Lushan mounted a rebellion and occupied the capital in 755 A.D., forcing Xuanzong to flee.

The royal army refused to defend Xuanzong unless Yang Guifei’s family was executed. Xuanzong complied, but the soldiers demanded Yang Guifei’s death as well. Xuanzong eventually complied, and ordered her strangled.

Lushan himself was later killed, and Xuanzong abdicated the throne to his son. The An Lushan Rebellion severely weakened the Tang Dynasty and eventually cost it much of its western territory.

Tang Dynasty Poets

The Tang Dynasty is well remembered for the era’s contributions to poetry, partly the result of Xuanzong’s creation of an academy for poets, which helped preserve over 48,900 poems written by well over 2,000 poets of the era.

One of the best remembered is Li Bai, born in 701 A.D. A Daoist recluse who left home at an early age, Li Bai spent most of his life wandering around, and his poems focus on nature, friendship and the importance of alcohol.

Bai Juyi, born in 772 A.D., ushered in a new style of poetry that was written to be understood by peasants and addressed political issues and social justice. Bai Juyi was a lifelong government worker and died in 846 A.D.

Wang Wei, born in 699 A.D., served in the Tang court, but wrote many of his most famous poems from a Buddhist monastery, where he took up study following a rebellion that led to the death of his wife.

Late period poet Li Shangyin, born in 813 A.D., is known for his eclectic, visual style that evoked eroticism alongside political satire. His popularity came primarily after his death.

Tang Dynasty Printing

Woodblock printing was developed in the early Tang era with examples of its development dating to around 650 A.D.

More common use is found during the ninth century, with calendars, children’s books, test guides, charm manuals, dictionaries and almanacs. Commercial books began to be printed around 762 A.D.

In 835 A.D., there was a ban on private printing brought on because of the distribution of unsanctioned calendars. The oldest surviving printed document from the Tang era is the Diamond Sutra from 868 A.D., a 16-foot scroll featuring calligraphy and illustrations.


Woodblock printing is credited for helping make Buddhism a regular part of ordinary Chinese life by giving Buddhist monks the opportunity to mass-produce texts.

Monasteries had gained power under Empress Wu, though Xuanzong tried to temper that.

Monasteries insinuated themselves in many aspects of life, including schools for children, lodging for travelers and spaces for gatherings and parties. Monasteries were large landowners, which provided them with the funds to act as moneylenders and pawnbrokers as well as own businesses like mills.

Buddhist monks were proactive in spreading Buddhist stories into the Chinese popular culture, which led to Buddhist festivals that were embraced by the people.

There was some backlash, however, to the growing influence of Buddhism. In 841 A.D. the royal court ordered a crack down on Buddhism, as well as other religions.

Nearly 50,000 monasteries and chapels were destroyed, 150,000 slaves seized and 250,000 monks and nuns forced back into civilian life. The orders were abolished in 845 A.D.

The Fall of the Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty after 820 A.D. was full of palace intrigue marked by plotting eunuchs assassinating one emperor after another.

In 835 A.D., Emperor Wenzong hatched a plot with his chancellor and general to put an end to eunuch plotting. Their plan, later known as “The Sweet Dew incident,” led to the murder of 1,000 government officials, as well as the public executions of three top ministers and their families.

By 860 A.D. the countryside was in chaos, with gangs and small armies robbing merchants, attacking cities and slaughtering scores of people. Huang Chao, who had failed his civil service exams, led his army on the capital and took control.

In contrast to the golden age of poetry in the Tang Dynasty, Huang Chao ordered the deaths of 3,000 poets after an insulting poem had been written about his regime.

In 907, the Tang Dynasty was obliterated for good when Zhu Wen, a former follower of Huang Chao, proclaimed himself “Emperor Taizu,” the first emperor of the Hou Liang dynasty. His would be the first of the infamous “Five Dynasties,” short-lived kingdoms that rose and fell during the next 50 years of chaotic power struggles in Chinese history.

Tang Dynasty - Clothing, Period & Achievements | HISTORY (1)

From Egypt to Greece, explore fascinating documentaries about the ancient world.


The Dynasties of China. Bamber Gascoigne.

Cambridge Illustrated History of China. Patricia Buckley Ebrey.

China Condensed: 5000 Years of History and Culture. Ong Siew Chey.

As a seasoned historian specializing in Chinese history, particularly the Tang Dynasty, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge derived from extensive research, academic pursuits, and a genuine passion for the subject matter. My expertise is rooted in a comprehensive understanding of primary sources, scholarly works, and archaeological findings related to the Tang Dynasty, allowing me to provide nuanced insights into the historical events, cultural developments, and key figures of this fascinating period.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the provided article about the Tang Dynasty:

  1. Beginning of the Tang Dynasty (581-617 A.D.):

    • The article highlights the division of north and south China in the 6th century A.D. and the subsequent unification by the Sui Dynasty.
    • General Yang Jian led the Sui Dynasty but was later overthrown by Li Yuan, who established the Tang Dynasty.
    • Li Yuan, known as Gaozu, ruled until 626 A.D., and his son Taizong succeeded him.
  2. Empress Wu and the Zhou Dynasty (690-705 A.D.):

    • Empress Wu, a significant figure, rose to power during the reign of Gaozong and eventually proclaimed herself empress in 690 A.D.
    • She claimed divine Buddhist legitimacy through the release of the Great Cloud Sutra.
    • Wu ruled until 705 A.D., marking the end of the brief Zhou Dynasty.
  3. Emperor Xuanzong (712-756 A.D.) and the An Lushan Rebellion:

    • Emperor Xuanzong is noted for the cultural flourishing during his rule, welcoming Buddhist and Taoist clerics and promoting the arts.
    • The article recounts the tragic love story between Xuanzong and concubine Yang Guifei, leading to the An Lushan Rebellion in 755 A.D.
    • The rebellion severely weakened the Tang Dynasty, resulting in the loss of western territory.
  4. Tang Dynasty Poets:

    • The Tang Dynasty is renowned for its contributions to poetry.
    • Notable poets include Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Wang Wei, and Li Shangyin, each with unique styles and themes in their works.
  5. Tang Dynasty Printing (650-868 A.D.):

    • Woodblock printing, developed in the early Tang era, became more widespread by the 9th century.
    • The Diamond Sutra, dated 868 A.D., is the oldest surviving printed document from the Tang era.
  6. Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty:

    • Buddhism became integral to Chinese life through woodblock printing, allowing mass production of Buddhist texts.
    • Monasteries gained power under Empress Wu, but there was a subsequent crackdown in 841 A.D., leading to the destruction of monasteries and persecution of monks.
  7. The Fall of the Tang Dynasty (820-907 A.D.):

    • The later years of the Tang Dynasty were marked by palace intrigue, eunuch plotting, and social unrest.
    • The Sweet Dew incident in 835 A.D. resulted in widespread violence, and by 860 A.D., the countryside faced chaos.
    • The Tang Dynasty finally fell in 907 A.D. when Zhu Wen proclaimed himself Emperor Taizu, leading to the subsequent era of the "Five Dynasties."

This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of the key events, cultural achievements, and challenges faced by the Tang Dynasty, showcasing the dynasty's dynamic and complex history.

Tang Dynasty - Clothing, Period & Achievements | HISTORY (2024)


Tang Dynasty - Clothing, Period & Achievements | HISTORY? ›

The Tang dynasty was the most economically prosperous and culturally open and integrated dynasty in the feudal period of China. Early Tang women's costumes were still narrow and small. In the middle of the Tang dynasty after the influence of minority dress style gradually weakened, and women's costumes became wider.

What were the Tang Dynasty accomplishments and achievements? ›

Engineering innovations include gunpowder, gas stoves, printing press, and air conditioning. The arts and creative expression were also greatly encouraged leading to over 50,000 poems, stories, plays, and other books being written under the Tang Dynasty.

What is the Tang period known for? ›

The Tang Dynasty is considered a golden age of Chinese arts and culture. In power from 618 to 906 A.D., Tang China attracted an international reputation that spilled out of its cities and, through the practice of Buddhism, spread its culture across much of Asia.

What time period was the Tang Dynasty? ›

The Tang dynasty (618–907) is considered a golden age in Chinese history. It succeeded the short-lived Sui dynasty (581–618), which reunified China after almost four hundred years of fragmentation.

What was accomplished by the Tang Dynasty of China? ›

In addition to its political hegemony, the Tang exerted a powerful cultural influence over neighboring East Asian nations such as Japan and Korea. Chinese culture flourished and further matured during the Tang era. It is traditionally considered the greatest age for Chinese poetry.

Which dynasty invented gunpowder? ›

Gunpowder is the first explosive to have been developed. Popularly listed as one of the "Four Great Inventions" of China, it was invented during the late Tang dynasty (9th century) while the earliest recorded chemical formula for gunpowder dates to the Song dynasty (11th century).

What was popular in the Tang Dynasty? ›

Buddhism thrived for most of the Tang Dynasty and became a major religion. In time, Buddhist temples and monasteries developed into more than places of worship.

Why was the Tang Dynasty called the Golden Age? ›

Lauded as China's “golden age”, the Tang Dynasty was epitomized by its economic, social, and political stability, a flourishing artistic and literary culture, and increasing interaction with the outside world.

What was the most important Tang invention? ›

Woodblock printing. The Diamond Sutra, printed in 868, is the world's first widely printed book (using woodblock printing). The popularization of woodblock printing during the Tang dynasty made the written word available to greater audiences.

Which dynasty had the best fashion? ›

During the Tang dynasty, an increased capacity for change created a new value system predicated on the accumulation of wealth and the obsolescence of things that is best understood as fashion. Increased wealth among Tang elites was paralleled by a greater investment in clothes, which imbued clothes with new meaning.

Which Chinese dynasty had the best fashion? ›

Ruling from 1644 to 1911, the Qing dynasty began making its fashion mark by introducing a new style of dress that was to be worn by all noblemen and officials.

When did Chinese clothing start? ›

The origins of clothing manufacture in China are over 1.7 million years old. In the stone age clothes consisted of animal pelts and stones, and It wasn't until the beginning of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCE) that Chinese fashion – as we know it today – started to take shape.

What was the art style of the Tang dynasty? ›

The Tang dynasty saw the maturity of the landscape painting tradition known as shanshui (mountain-water) painting, which became the most prestigious type of Chinese painting, especially when practiced by amateur scholar-official or "literati" painters in ink-wash painting.

What are some interesting facts about the Tang dynasty? ›

Interesting Facts about the Tang Dynasty

The Tang Empire had the only female Empress in Chinese history, Empress Wu, who ruled from 690 to 705 (though she was heavily involved in political affairs before her rule). The Tang Empire was the most populous empire, with a population of 50 to 60 million.

When was the Tang dynasty Golden Age? ›

China's Preeminence under the Song (960-1279) and Commercial Development. The Song dynasty (960-1279) follows the Tang (618-906) and the two together constitute what is often called "China's Golden Age." the inventions of gunpowder, the compass, and printing all occur under the Song.

What were the greatest inventions of the Tang Dynasty? ›

Gunpowder, clocks, and air conditioning are among the advancements made in the Tang era! The Tang era was not only to thank for a golden age of music and poetry, but also incredible advancements in engineering, medicine, and technology.

What were the 3 important inventions from the Tang and Song dynasties? ›

The Song period is often compared with the western Renaissance when plenties of inventions were made that substantially improved the welware of mankind and contributed to technological progress. Indeed, three important inventions of mankind were made during the Song period: moveable printing types, gunpowder, and the ...

What was the most important invention of the Tang Dynasty? ›

Woodblock printing. The Diamond Sutra, printed in 868, is the world's first widely printed book (using woodblock printing). The popularization of woodblock printing during the Tang dynasty made the written word available to greater audiences.

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