T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (2024)

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (1)

Are you not so keen on parking your cash for 10 years in the Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) orSingapore Government Securities (SGS) bonds for the full tenor?

Or are you looking for an alternative to fixed deposits?

Enter treasury bills (T-bills) with short maturities of only six months or one year and the same backing of the Singapore Government, well-known for its high credit (AAA) rating.

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (3)

You’ll also receive a fixed interest payment upfront, and you can invest with cash, Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS), or Central Provident Fund (CPF) funds withno overall limit.

Here’s all you need to know.

TL;DR: T-Bill Singapore Guide — Treasury Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More

The latest 6-month Singapore T-bill (BS23125H) offered a yield of 3.73% p.a. in the auction held on 20 December 2023. ~90% of non-competitive applications were allotted. This is the second last T-bill for the year.

Click to Jump:

  • This Month’s T-bills Auction Updates
  • What is a Treasury Bill?
  • SSB vs SGS bonds vs T-bills
  • How Do I Buy T-bills?
  • What Is Competitive and Non-competitive Bidding?
  • How Do I Sell T-bills?
  • How Do I Check My T-bills?
  • FAQs
  • Are T-bills Right For Me?
  • Upcoming T-bill Auctions for 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided by Seedly serves as an educational piece and is not intended to be personalised investment advice. ​Readers should always do their own due diligence and consider their financial goals before investing in any investment product. Note that the information is accurate as of 20 Dec 2023.

T Bill Auction Updates

Historical Cut-off Yield

Auction DateIssue CodeCut-off yield (p.a.)
14 Sep 2023BS23118S3.73%
28 Sep 2023BS23119H4.07%
12 Oct 2023BS23120A3.77%
26 Oct 2023BS23121E3.95%
8 Nov 2023BS23122F3.75%
23 Nov 2023BS23123Z3.80%
7 Dec 2023BS23124S3.74%
20 Dec 2023BS23125H3.73%

The interest rate for T-bills changes every month and is only determined at the auction. So here’s a look at the upcoming auctions:

6-Month T Bill Singapore (20 Dec 2023 Auction)

BS23125H 6-Month T-bill (Closed)
Issue CodeBS23125H
ISIN CodeSGXZ97252035
Tenor6 months
Amount Offered$5.6 billion
Amount AllottedTotal:
$5.6 billion
$2.2 billion
% of Competitive Applications at Cut-off Allotted

Approximately 90%

% of Non-Competitive Applications Allotted100%
Interest Rate (Cut Off Yield)

3.73% p.a.
Benchmark yield as of 20 Dec 2023: 3.77% p.a.

Announcement Date13 Dec 2023
Auction Date20 Dec 2023
Issue Date26 Dec 2023
Maturity Date25 Jun 2024
Application PeriodOpens: 13 Dec 2023
Closing Date: Typically 1 – 2 business days before the auction date
(Do check with your bank for the exact closing date.)
Investment AmountsMinimum of $1,000 (in multiples of $1,000)

Source: MAS

1-Year T Bill Singapore (19 Oct 2023 Auction)

BY23103V 1-Year T-bill (Closed)
Issue CodeBY23103V
ISIN CodeSGXZ50774546
Tenor1 year
Amount Offered

$4.5 billion

Amount AllottedTotal:
$4.5 billion
$1.4 billion
% of Competitive Applications at Cut-off Allotted64%
% of Non-Competitive Applications Allotted100%
Interest Rate (Cut-off Yield)3.70% p.a
Announcement Date12 Oct 2023
Auction Date19 Oct 2023
Issue Date24 Oct 2023
Maturity Date22 Oct 2024
Application PeriodOpens: Closed
Closing Date: Typically 1 – 2 business days before the auction date
(Check with your bank for the exact closing date.)
Investment AmountsMinimum of $1,000 (in multiples of $1,000)

Source: MAS

Individual investors can submit bids for SGS through selected banks’ ATMs and Internet banking portals. Applications through these channels may close one to two business days before the auction, and individual investors should check with their banks on the exact cut-off time.

Dates: Where the issue/settlement date, coupon payment or redemption date, or closing date of the application specified above falls on a day that the electronic payment system, established by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, is not in operation, issuance/settlement, coupon payment, redemption, or the close of application, as the case may be, will be effected on the next business day when the electronic payment system is in operation.

What is a Treasury Bill?

Treasury bills (T-bills) are government bonds that pay a fixed interest rate and have six-month or one-year maturities, with the 6-month T-bill being the most common.

Unlike SGS bonds, however, you are not paid with coupons. Instead, you buy T-bills at a discount to the face (par) value and are given the full value at maturity.

The 6-month T-bills are typically issued every two weeks, while the 1-year T-bills are issued every quarter, according to the issuance calendar on the MAS website.

The minimum application is $1,000, while the maximum application is up to $1,000,000 per applicant.

Do T-bills Pay Monthly?

In other words, if I were to buy a 6-month T-bill worth $10,000 with a yield of 3% p.a., I would only need to pay $9,850 upfront. Thus, they do not pay monthly.

At the end of the tenor, I will receive the full $10,000 worth (back into my bank, CPF, or SRS account) and would have earned $150.

MAS T-Bill Rates Are Only Revealed at the Auction

The big caveat is that you will only know the actual interest rates after announcing the auction results. Unlike SSBs, where MAS will tell us the exact interest rate we will get, T-Bills are auctioned, and the yields are determined then.

Historical Rates

Luckily, we can roughly estimate the rates by looking at historical data from the MAS website!

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Are T-Bills a Good Investment?

Before we dive into how to buy T-bills, let’s take a closer look at what investing in them means for us and how it differs from SSBs and SGS bonds.

Why Does The Government Offer T-Bills?

According to MAS, the Government issues SGS bonds and T-bills primarily to:

  • Build a liquid SGS market to provide a robust government yield curve, which serves as a benchmark for the corporate debt market
  • Grow an active secondary market for cash transactions and derivatives to enable efficient risk management
  • Encourage issuers and investors, both domestic and international, to participate in the Singapore bond market.

If you didn’t understand any of that, T-bills essentially serve as a way for you to lend the Singapore government money so that they can develop the local debt markets.

How Do I Withdraw Money From T-Bills?

Investors are not able to redeem T-bills early. However, you may sell your T-bill on the secondary market at DBS, OCBC, or UOB’s main branches.

That said, the price of the T-bill may rise or fall before maturity, and the trading volume for T-bills is low, making them relatively illiquid. So be sure you are okay with locking up your money for the duration of the tenor!

Are T-Bills Risk-Free?

T-bills are wholly backed by the Singapore Government, which has a “AAA” credit rating.

This reduces the risks of investing in T-bills to the bare minimum (read: there are still risks).

Singapore is one of only 11 countries that enjoy the “AAA” credit rating by Standard and Poor (S&P), as in the folks behind the S&P 500 index! Some other countries that have this rating include Switzerland, Australia, and Finland.

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (4)

Such a strong rating arguably makes the T-bills one of the safest products in the market.

The only way you will lose all your money is if the Singapore Government defaults, which has never happened!

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T-Bills vs SSB vs SGS Bonds: What Are The Differences?

Singapore Savings Bonds
Singapore Government Securities (SGS) BondsTreasury Bills (T-Bills)
What is it?Safe and flexible bond option for investorsTradable government debt securitiesShort-term tradable government debt securities
How does it work?Pays interest every 6 monthsPays a fixed couple every 6 monthsInvestors buy it at a discount. Upon maturity, investors will then receive the full face value of the bill
Investment duration10 years2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50 years6 months or 1 year
Minimum investment$500, and in multiples of $500$1,000, and in multiples of $1,000$1,000, and in multiples of $1,000
Maximum limit per investor$200,000Auction: up to allotment limit for auctions

Syndication: None

No Limit; up to the allotment limit for auctions
FeesCash: $2Cash: $2 (Waived if you apply through DBS internet banking)Cash: $2 (Waived if you apply through DBS internet banking)

CPFIS: $2.50 transaction fee, $2 quarterly service fee per counter

Type of Interest PaymentFixed coupon, steps up each yearFixed couponNo coupon; issued and traded at a discount to the face (par) value
Payment of interestEvery 6 months, starting from the month of issueEvery 6 months, starting from the month of issueAt maturity
How is the price and rate determined?The interest rate is fixed and published by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) every month

The interest rate is announced before the application

Determined by auctionDetermined by auction
How to apply?Apply through DBS/POSB, OCBC and UOB ATMs or internet bankingApply through DBS/POSB, OCBC and UOB ATMs or internet bankingApply through DBS/POSB, OCBC and UOB ATMs or internet banking
How to redeem?Redeem the full principal with accrued interest through Online Bank or ATM

There will be no penalty for early withdrawal

No early redemptionNo early redemption
Can we buy/sell on secondary markets?NoAt DBS, OCBC or UOB main branches; on SGX through brokersAt DBS, OCBC or UOB main branches
Can we invest using our SRS account?Investors can invest through their respective SRS Operator's internet banking portalInvestors can invest through their respective SRS Operator's internet banking portalInvestors can invest through their respective SRS Operator's internet banking portal
Can we invest using our CPF/SRS?CPF: No
SRS: Yes
Auction: Yes
Syndication: No
TaxThere is no capital gains tax in Singapore

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How Do I Buy T-Bills in Singapore?

Before applying, make sure you have the following:

  • A bank account with any local banks in Singapore (DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB)
  • Central Depository (CDP) accountthat is linked to thebank accountyou intend to invest with
  • A CPF Investment Account with one of the three CPFIS agent banks (DBS/POSB, OCBC, and UOB) for CPFIS-OA investments (no account needed for CPFIS-SA investments).
  • An SRS account if you are using funds from your SRS.

How Do I Apply For T-Bills?

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (5)


You can apply for a T-bill through two methods:

  1. Apply at an ATM (only DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB) near you OR
  2. Apply through Internet Banking under “Singapore Government Securities”.

Note that the $2 transaction fee (excluding GST) is waived if you apply through DBS.


Apply through the internet banking portal of your SRS Operator (DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB)

CPFIS: Can I Use My CPF To Buy T-Bills?

Submit an application in person at the main branch of your respective CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) agent bank (DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB).

For DBS, OCBC and UOB customers, you may also apply for T-bills using your CPF-OA funds online via i-banking under “Singapore Government Securities”.

Do note that agent banks charge a one-time fee of $2.50 (excluding GST) per transaction and a quarterly $2 service fee (excluding GST) per counter. A T-bill investment using your CPF Ordinary Account will incur a total cost of $6.50 or $7.02 after the prevailing GST of 8%.

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How to Apply for Older T-Bills

Dealer Banks (Secondary Market)

Aside from bidding at a T-bill auction, you can also buy T-bills with primary dealer banks (DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB). This allows you to buy older T-bills for an even higher return!

What Is a Competitive Bid and a Non-competitive Bid?

As you apply for new T-bills, you will have the option of a “non-competitive” and “competitive” bid.

Non-competitive Bid

Anon-competitive biddoes not specify the yield. Instead, you onlyspecify the amount you want to invest,and thosefunds will be invested regardless of the yield. This is the option that the average Singaporean should go for.

Non-competitive bids will be allotted first, up to 40% of the total issuance amount. If the amount of non-competitive bids exceeds 40%, the bond will be allocated to you on a pro-rated basis.

This is the option that I recommend for most people, as you won’t need to deal with placing competitive bids.

Competitive Bid

On the other hand, a competitive bid is usually for institutional investors or the more investment-savvy, where investors will bid for their desired yield.

Opting for a competitive bid means that your funds will only be invested if the cut-off yield exceeds your specified yield.

Do note that you may not get the full amount that you applied for, depending on how your bid compares to the cut-off yield :

  • If your bid is lower than the cut-off yield, you will get an allotment of what you bid
  • If your bid is equal to the cut-off yield, your allocation amount might be lower as the allocation is pro-rata
  • If you bid above the cut-off yield, you will not be allocated.

The balance (60%) of the total issue amount will then be awarded to competitive bids from the lowest to highest yields.

In essence, everyone will get the cut-off yield so long as your (competitive) bid does not exceed the cut-off yield!

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How to Sell T-Bills

Since you cannot redeem T-bills early, you may consider selling your T-bills through dealer banks (DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB).

But remember, the bond price may rise or fall before maturity, so you could lose some capital if you were to sell at a value below par value.

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How To Check T-Bills

Once you’ve applied for T-bills, the waiting game begins!

You will be issued T-bills three days (T+3) after the auction.

You may view your purchases or sales of T-bills at the respective platforms based on your purchase method.

How To Check T-Bills in Your CDP Account

Your successful T-Bills allotment paid for in cash will be reflected in your CDP statement (NOT SGX!):

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (6)

If you have purchased $6,000 worth of T-bills, for example, you will be allocated a quantity of 60 units, with each unit worth $100.

So don’t panic if you’ve put in $10,000 and only see a quantity of 100!

T-bills Application for CPF and SRS

SRS application: Statements from your SRS Operator (DBS/POSB, OCBC and UOB are SRS operators).

CPF-OA application: CPFIS statement sent by your agent bank (DBS/POSB, OCBC and UOB are CPFIS agent banks).

CPF-SA application: CPF statement.

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FAQ: T-bill Allocation and More

I Made a $10,000 Non-Competitive Bid With Cash and Received a Refund of $5,075 in My Bank Account. What’s Going On?

In this scenario, only $5,000 worth of T-bills was successfully applied, with the additional $75 being the interest earned.

This means that the cut-off yield for this round is at 3% per annum. If you’ve only received a partial allocation, this means that the T-bill you applied for was oversubscribed.

I’ve received the T-bill refund, but my CDP account does not reflect my T-bill holdings.

As T-bills are currently oversubscribed, it may take some time for MAS to process the information, resulting in a delay on your CDP account.

No need to worry and be patient for the holdings to appear.

Can I Submit Multiple Bids at the T Bills Auction?

Yes, you can! Additional bids will not overwrite your previous submission.

If I submit a competitive bid, will I get the cut-off yield or the bid I submitted if the cut-off yield is higher?

You will get the cut-off yield if you’ve submitted a bid lower than the cut-off yield.

Will T-bills Interest Rates Increase in the Future? How Much Interest Do T-bills Pay?

T-bills have recently become popular, resulting in high demand and oversubscription. On top of that, some people have spoiled the market by submitting very low competitive bids to get fully allotted while enjoying a higher interest rate.

As a result, the T-bill interest rates have been fluctuating recently.

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Are T-bills Right For Me?

If you are an investor who wants to invest for a short period (i.e. 6 months or one year), T-bills are a great and safe way to park your spare cash.

For the past year or so, we have seen the median yield of T-bills with yields of 3.64% to 4.40%,

How Is T Bill Interest Calculated? Does the Interest Compare to Bank Rates?

With the latest 6-month T-bill giving 3.73% p.a., T-bill interest rates are more competitive compared to fixed deposits:

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (7)

But they are not better than the savings accounts offered by banks, although the rates offered by banks are not fixed:

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (8)

That said, the interest rates are only determined at the auction, and if there is another oversubscription, you can expect interest rates to fall further and only a partial allocation.

For those of us who want to invest for the long term (i.e. five to 10 years), consider investing in SSBs or SGS bonds instead!

Do note that with the headline inflation rate predicted to be 4.5% to 5.5% in 2023 by the MAS, you’re still facing a tough battle.

So, if you have a long investment horizon, check out our piece about why you shouldn’t play it too safe as a long-term investor:

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (9)

Should You Invest in T-bills Now?

Given that the Fed has paused interest rate hikes for 2023, T-bills might not rise further.

Alternatively, you can build a bond ladder and dollar-cost-average into T-bills with each issuance.

To help you make a better decision, check out the T-bills’ benchmark yields here.

Upcoming T Bill Singapore Auctions

Sometimes, we may also miss out on T-bill auctions, so it’s good to set a calendar reminder. Over at r/SingaporeFI, a user “D2GCal” has blessed us with a Google calendar for this year’s T-Bills:

6-Month T-Bill CalendarAdd calendar
1-Year T-Bill CalendarAdd calendar

If the current T-bill doesn’t look attractive to you, here are the next T-Bill auctions for 2023:

6-Month T-Bill Calendar 2023

Announcement DateAuction DateIssue DateMaturity DateTenorIssue CodeISIN CodeStatus
11 Jan 202318 Jan 202325 Jan 202325 Jul 20236-monthBS23101SSGXZ70079470Closed
26 Jan 202302 Feb 202307 Feb 202308 Aug 20236-monthBS23102HSGXZ29241676Closed
09 Feb 202316 Feb 202321 Feb 202322 Aug 20236-monthBS23103TSGXZ17686775Closed
23 Feb 202302 Mar 202307 Mar 202305 Sep 20236-monthBS23104XSGXZ59560854Closed
09 Mar 202316 Mar 202321 Mar 202319 Sep 20236-monthBS23105WSGXZ98140148Closed
23 Mar 202330 Mar 202304 Apr 202303 Oct 20236-monthBS23106NSGXZ31942782Closed
05 Apr 202313 Apr 202318 Apr 202317 Oct 20236-monthBS23107VSGXZ38306411Closed
19 Apr 202326 Apr 202302 May 202331 Oct 20236-monthBS23108ASGXZ84803105Closed
04 May 202311 May 202316 May 202314 Nov 20236-monthBS23109ESGXZ74045766Closed
18 May 202325 May 202330 May 202328 Nov 20236-monthBS23110XSGXZ89109110Closed
31 May 202308 Jun 202313 Jun 202312 Dec 20236-monthBS23111WSGXZ38592606Closed
15 Jun 202322 Jun 202327 Jun 202326 Dec 20236-monthBS23112NSGXZ18316448Closed
28 Jun 202306 Jul 202311 Jul 202309 Jan 20246-monthBS23113VSGXZ14619167Closed
13 Jul 202320 Jul 202325 Jul 202323 Jan 20246-monthBS23114ASGXZ42332148Closed
27 Jul 202303 Aug 202308 Aug 202306 Feb 20246-monthBS23115ESGXZ68145226Closed
10 Aug 202317 Aug 202322 Aug 202320 Feb 20246-monthBS23116FSGXZ84200740Closed
24 Aug 202331 Aug 202305 Sep 202305 Mar 20246-monthBS23117ZSGXZ87559985Closed
07 Sep 202314 Sep 202319 Sep 202319 Mar 20246-monthBS23118SSGXZ22996011Closed
21 Sep 202328 Sep 202303 Oct 202302 Apr 20246-monthBS23119HSGXZ95449054Closed
05 Oct 202312 Oct 202317 Oct 202316 Apr 20246-monthBS23120ASGXZ17695602Closed
19 Oct 202326 Oct 202331 Oct 202330 Apr 20246-monthBS23121ESGXZ35614007Closed
01 Nov 202308 Nov 202314 Nov 202314 May 20246-monthBS23122FSGXZ66087859Closed
16 Nov 202323 Nov 202328 Nov 202328 May 20246-monthBS23123ZSGXZ41634486Closed
30 Nov 202307 Dec 202312 Dec 202311 Jun 20246-monthBS23124SSGXZ85619765Closed
13 Dec 202320 Dec 202326 Dec 202325 Jun 20246-monthBS23125HSGXZ97252035Closed
27 Dec 202304 Jan 202409 Jan 202409 Jul 20246-monthBS24100FSGXZ14870752Upcoming

1-Year T-Bill Calendar 2023

Announcement DateAuction DateIssue DateMaturity DateTenorIssue CodeISIN CodeStatus
17 Jan 202326 Jan 202331 Jan 202330 Jan 20241-yearBY23100XSGXZ77770303


13 Apr 202320 Apr 202325 Apr 202323 Apr 20241-yearBY23101WSGXZ19172121


20 Jul 202327 Jul 202301 Aug 202330 Jul 20241-yearBY23102NSGXZ94049863


12 Oct 202319 Oct 202324 Oct 202322 Oct 20241-yearBY23103VSGXZ50774546Closed

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T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (10)

About Justin Oh

Your average Zillennial who is obsessed with anime, games, movies and of course, personal finance.Join me as I break down personal finance into easily digestible and fun bits!

You can contribute your thoughts like Justin Oh here.

As an enthusiast and expert in personal finance and investment, I have a deep understanding of various financial instruments, including bonds and treasury bills. I have actively followed market trends, analyzed investment options, and stayed updated on the latest financial news and offerings.

In the article titled "T-Bill Singapore Guide — Treasury Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More" by BondsInvestmentsJustin Oh, published on 20 Dec 2023, the author provides valuable insights into Treasury Bills (T-bills) and their role in the Singaporean investment landscape. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Treasury Bills (T-bills):

    • T-bills are government bonds with short maturities of six months or one year.
    • They pay a fixed interest rate and are issued by the Singapore Government.
    • Unlike SGS bonds, T-bills are not paid with coupons; instead, they are purchased at a discount to the face value, and investors receive the full value at maturity.
    • T-bills are typically issued every two weeks for the 6-month tenure and quarterly for the 1-year tenure.
  2. T-Bill Rates and Auctions:

    • The author provides information on recent T-bill auctions, including issue codes, cut-off yields, amounts offered and allotted, and interest rates.
    • The interest rates for T-bills are determined at the auctions, and historical rates can be estimated by referring to the MAS website.
  3. How to Buy T-Bills:

    • The article explains the process of buying T-bills, including the minimum investment amount, application periods, and sources for investing (cash, Supplementary Retirement Scheme - SRS, or Central Provident Fund - CPF funds).
  4. Competitive and Non-competitive Bidding:

    • The author outlines the difference between competitive and non-competitive bidding in T-bill auctions.
    • Non-competitive bids do not specify the yield, while competitive bids involve bidding for a desired yield.
  5. How to Sell T-Bills:

    • Since T-bills cannot be redeemed early, the article suggests selling T-bills through dealer banks (DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB) on the secondary market.
  6. Comparison with Other Investments:

    • The article compares T-bills with Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) and Singapore Government Securities (SGS) bonds, highlighting differences in duration, minimum investment, fees, and interest payment structures.
  7. Risk and Safety of T-Bills:

    • T-bills are portrayed as low-risk investments backed by the Singapore Government's "AAA" credit rating, making them one of the safest products in the market.
  8. Application and Redemption:

    • The article details the application process for T-bills through various channels, including ATMs, internet banking, and SRS/CPF accounts.
    • It clarifies that investors cannot redeem T-bills early but may sell them on the secondary market.
  9. FAQs and Considerations:

    • Common questions about T-bill allocation, interest rates, and eligibility are addressed in the FAQs section.
    • The article also discusses whether T-bills are suitable for short-term investments and compares their interest rates with fixed deposits and savings accounts.
  10. Upcoming T-Bill Auctions:

    • The author provides information on upcoming T-bill auctions for both 6-month and 1-year tenures, including announcement dates, auction dates, and other relevant details.

By offering a comprehensive guide to T-bills in Singapore, the article aims to educate readers on the features, benefits, and considerations associated with this investment option.

T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More (2024)


T-Bills Singapore Guide (20 Dec 2023): T-Bill Rates, Auction Dates & More? ›

Yield on the T-bills hit a 30-year high of 4.4 per cent in December 2022, but it has hovered mostly around the 3.7 to 3.8 per cent range since March 2023. Nevertheless, demand for the T-bills has remained strong as they continued to yield higher returns amid the high interest rate environment.

What is the T bill rate in Singapore 2023? ›

Yield on the T-bills hit a 30-year high of 4.4 per cent in December 2022, but it has hovered mostly around the 3.7 to 3.8 per cent range since March 2023. Nevertheless, demand for the T-bills has remained strong as they continued to yield higher returns amid the high interest rate environment.

What happens after T Bill matures Singapore? ›

Upon maturity of the T-bills, when will I receive the principal amount? On maturity, the principal amount will be credited to your respective account by the end of the day, typically after 6pm. For cash applications: The principal amount will be credited to your designated Direct Crediting Service bank account.

What is the yield of the T Bill in Singapore? ›

SINGAPORE'S latest one-year tranche of Treasury bills (T-bills) is offering a cut-off yield of 3.58 per cent, according to auction results released on Thursday (Apr 18). Yields rose from the last offering of the one-year tranche in January 2023, which had a cut-off yield of 3.45 per cent.

How to buy Singapore T-bills? ›

Investors can purchase T-bills at auction. Auctions typically take place 3 business days before issuance and are announced on the SGS website 5 business days before the auction. You can apply through DBS/POSB, OCBC and UOB ATMs or internet banking.

Are Singapore T-bills a good investment? ›

They typically offer a lower risk compared to other market investments. However, the returns on T-bills can fluctuate based on market conditions, especially in the secondary market. Fixed deposits, on the other hand, provide a fixed interest rate for the deposit term.

What happens when T Bill matures? ›

When the bill matures, you are paid its face value. You can hold a bill until it matures or sell it before it matures.

What is the yield of the Singapore 6-month T-bill? ›

SINGAPORE'S latest six-month Treasury bill (T-bill) is offering a cut-off yield of 3.78 per cent, according to auction results released by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) on Thursday (Mar 14). This is slightly down from the 3.8 per cent that was offered in the previous auction, which closed on Feb 29.

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Latest Singapore 6-month T-bill cut-off yield falls to 3.75%

What is the maturity of T Bill in Singapore? ›

T-bills are deemed short-term bonds with a short maturity period of either six months or a year.

What is the latest Singapore T bill interest? ›

Latest Singapore 6-month T-bill offers cut-off yield of 3.8%
  • T-bill yields hit a 30-year high of 4.4 per cent in December 2022, and have mostly hovered around the 3.7 to 3.8 per cent range since March 2023, amid the high-interest-rate environment.
  • The US Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates in 2024.
Mar 27, 2024

How do Singapore T-bills work? ›

How Do T-Bills Work? T-bills are short-term Singapore Government Securities (SGS) issued at a discount from their face value, and they pay a fixed interest rate. Their maturity periods are as short as six months and a year, with six months being more common.

Can foreigners invest in Singapore T-bills? ›

For Singapore Permanent Residents or Foreigners, please ensure that your NRIC/Passport details matches CDP records. For CPFIS-OA applications, there will be a validation at point of application to ensure that you have sufficient balance.

What is the best way to buy T-bills? ›

You can buy them from the government directly, and many buy them through a brokerage, retirement or bank account. Treasury owners pay federal taxes on the investment interest earned but no state or local taxes.

What is the difference between Singapore T-bills and SSB? ›

T-bills: T-bills are short-term tradable Singapore Government Securities (SGS), available at six-month or one-year tenors. T-bills do not pay out interest, unlike SSBs and SGS bonds. Instead, they're issued at a discount to the face value. Upon maturity, you will receive the full face value.

What is the latest Singapore T-bill interest? ›

Latest Singapore 6-month T-bill offers cut-off yield of 3.8%
  • T-bill yields hit a 30-year high of 4.4 per cent in December 2022, and have mostly hovered around the 3.7 to 3.8 per cent range since March 2023, amid the high-interest-rate environment.
  • The US Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates in 2024.
Mar 27, 2024

What is the 3 month treasury bill rate in Singapore? ›

Singapore Government Bonds
Residual MaturityYield
3 months3.915%
6 months3.760%
1 year3.589%
2 years3.476%
7 more rows

What is the interest rate for the 6 month T-bill in Singapore? ›

Latest Singapore 6-month T-bill offering 3.78% cut-off yield.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.