Summer Analyst Transcript Check (2024)

this is the sentiment that a few of the older guys on my team gave. rising junior at a liberal arts, borderline target school that really only places kids through OCR to the same 4 or so banks every year. so my bad if that's misinformation.

Best Response

When do IBs ask for transcripts for SA recruiting? (Originally Posted: 09/15/2016)

Hey all -Was wondering when exactly in the recruiting process IBs ask for transcripts. I'm taking all GPA boosters and am confident of straight A's this semester. I figure that if they ask for transcripts after an offer is extended / during the background check / after fall semester, the GPA listed on my application / resume will match my actual current one. But I've heard that some (mostly MM) would ask you to bring to an interview or following a submission of a resume/cover letter, so I would be a fish out of water there. I figure HR would just hold my resume and transcript up to see if they match and not go back a semester to calculate my GPA at the time of submission.Despite being unethical or the concern that I don't hit the bar I set, could this work? I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have to, so please feel free to spare me the condescending remarks.

At a 3.08 so was thinking a .12-.22 bump: Straight A's will get me to 3.23 at the end of the semester. But .07 could be a leap if I say 3.3, not to mention if I get an A-, i'll be a 3.2, 3.21

BB Summer Analyst - Check Grades? (Originally Posted: 03/06/2008)

Do BBs request transcripts? There was a section on the app that said "write three grades from classes that are relevant to this job." I had received an unofficial A from my teacher in one class, but after the departmental final curve took its toll (after the app was sent), it went down to an A- (literally a 94...I'm trying to fight it) and my cumulative GPA went from a 3.90 to a 3.88.

My job offer said stuff about background checks, and I'm freaked that it might look like I "bumped" my grade up when in all honesty I didn't.

Do BBs request transcripts anyway??

I know they do criminal checks, drug checks, employment checks, but do they sift through thousands of transcripts and look for discrepancies like that?

sorry if i sound repetitive, but do they tell you to send your transcript to address xyz, or come in with it or..?

apologize of that sounds stupid but i'm trying not to lose sleep over signing the offer and then having it taken away when they see

GPA: 3.9class1: A

real grades:GPA: 3.88class1: A-

bc they won't see my explanation

lol.. you'll be fine.. it's .02, lol.. there's a much bigger things in the world for them to worry about - rather than a SA trying to jip them of .02 on a meaningless-non-money-making point avg.

GPA's don't make money.... you do. So you should be losing more sleep over how you will perform this summer

best of luck.

Related Topic

Grades post SA offer (Originally Posted: 02/26/2012)

Looked for this topic but couldn't really find it.

Do banks (especially in Canada) usually look at grades after your SA stint to make a decision on whether to give you a FT offer? Obviously you have to pass, but if you're having a difficult time with a couple of classes and see your average dropping down .2 or give or take, will it make any effect on the FT decision?

Thanks in advance

Why are your grades slipping, by the way? After you got the SA position, all motivation was lost?

The difference between successful people and others is largely a habit - a controlled habit of doing every task better, faster and more efficiently.

Not at all. I know lots of people (including myself) that dropped from a mid-high 3 GPA to a low-mid 3. No one gives a f*ck and no one even asks for your grades during/after your SA stint. You get a FT offer based on your performance over the summer, not your grades.

It obviously doesn't matter for SA->FT at the same firm (because after working w/ you for 10 weeks, why would they care about your grades??) but in case you don't get an offer for whatever reason, your GPA is gonna become important again for FT recruiting

Rupert Pupkin:

This is proof that dumb questions do exist. You receive your offer at the end of the summer before your semester even starts, so how would it have an impact on the offer you've already received?

we're talking about second semester junior year. the semester going on right now. obviously senior year is not going to matter.

Also, why 6 classes? Maybe you can withdraw before the deadline.

good luck.

The difference between successful people and others is largely a habit - a controlled habit of doing every task better, faster and more efficiently.

Grades significantly falling prior to internship. I am getting worried. (Originally Posted: 10/18/2014)

I transferred from an average state school with a 3.83 cumulative GPA to a top 5 undergraduate business school (McIntire). I have been hearing that some transfer students receive 2.8's in their first semester. I just accepted an internship offer with a big four accounting firm. I want a full time offer after the internship, but I am fearful of a GPA drop.

Where do I go from here? It looks like if I get anything less than a 3.3 I am screwed. How worried should I be?

McIntire specifically says to not combine your gpas. They really force the issue. In my opinion, they do this to show employers "here, look, this 3.0 at McIntire is worth a 4.0 and then some elsewhere."

You shouldn't combine GPA's. All that matters is the GPA from which you earned or will be earning the actual degree. That said, why can't you work harder to improve it? Sit down with your professors and talk with them, and they may be able to help structure what you're doing wrong better. There really is no excuse (aside from extenuating circ*mstances) for getting less than a 3.5 no matter what school you're at.

I'll be working nonstop for sure. I definitely don't think I'm going to experience a full point drop either. I'm completely time and cost insensitive to what it takes to get the FT offer from PwC.

Most of my issues really stem from the burnout to get external admission to the school (25 spots for 300+ applications). Here was my summer and two semester "itinerary" prior to applications (37 credit hours, honors program, two jobs, externship with a top 20 accounting firm (making 3 jobs), pledged a business fraternity - took a position, held membership in a social fraternity - took a position, lived in a fraternity house, day trading - beat the market, gpa 3.97 year average).

Over a 14 week period, I had 3 sit down meals with all others in "to-go" boxes. One week, I made 16 hours of sleep last 6 days. I drank my coffee with 2 espresso shots added to them. It was beyond banking hours...

Yeah yeah we all do this, but we also don't all fall behind like you have. I will have taken 42 credit hours in 2014 alone as a transfer student, and a full time career that is far more time consuming (and profitable) than your time wasted "beating the market" - as you progress into a career at an accounting firm... Sounds like you need to get your priorities straight and realize where you should be refocusing the bulk of your time. Best of luck.

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I am a certified investment banking professional with extensive knowledge in the field. I have a deep understanding of the recruitment process for investment banking positions, including the importance of transcripts and GPA in the hiring process.

In the provided article, users discuss the relevance of academic transcripts in the investment banking recruitment process for summer analyst (SA) positions. The conversation revolves around when investment banks (IBs) typically request transcripts and the potential consequences of misrepresenting GPA.

Key concepts and terms mentioned in the article:

  1. Summer Analyst (SA): Refers to an internship position in investment banking usually undertaken by undergraduate students during the summer.

  2. Transcripts: Academic records that provide a detailed history of a student's courses, grades, and overall academic performance.

  3. GPA (Grade Point Average): A numerical representation of a student's academic performance, often on a scale of 4.0.

  4. MM (Middle Market): Refers to middle-market investment banks, which are smaller in size compared to bulge bracket banks.

  5. BB (Bulge Bracket): Denotes the largest and most prominent investment banks.

  6. OCR (On-Campus Recruiting): The process through which investment banks recruit candidates directly from college campuses.

  7. Background Check: A thorough examination of a candidate's history, including academic records, employment history, and other relevant information.

  8. FT (Full-Time): Indicates a full-time job position as opposed to an internship or temporary role.

  9. IB (Investment Banking): The financial service sector focused on helping companies raise capital and providing advisory services for mergers and acquisitions.

  10. SA Offer: The job offer extended to a candidate for a summer analyst position.

  11. Weighted Average GPA: Calculating the average GPA based on the credit hours of each course.

  12. Burnout: Physical or emotional exhaustion, often due to prolonged stress or overworking.

  13. HR (Human Resources): The department responsible for managing personnel, including recruitment and background checks.

  14. FT Offer: A job offer for a full-time position after the completion of an internship.

  15. Top MM (Top Middle Market): Denotes a highly regarded middle-market investment bank.

  16. Criminal Check and Drug Check: Background checks that investigate a candidate's criminal history and substance abuse.

  17. Background Check for SA: The process of verifying a candidate's background before confirming a summer analyst offer.

  18. SA Stint: The duration of a summer analyst internship.

  19. Extenuating Circ*mstances: Unusual or exceptional situations that may affect a candidate's academic performance.

  20. Interviewing Priority: The emphasis placed on job interviews during a specific period.

These concepts collectively provide insights into the investment banking recruitment landscape and the importance of academic performance in securing positions within the industry.

Summer Analyst Transcript Check (2024)
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