Six ways to support local farmers (2024)

Six ways to support local farmers (1)

Featured photo by Sonny Leon from FreeImages.

The majority of the farmers do not get fair payment despite working hard in the fields. If you’re wondering how you can take part in supporting smallholder farmers, here are some ways on how you can help:

Buying produce directly to farmers

Whether in a farmer’s market or on farms near you, it is always great to buy your food directly from the source. To get the best selection, shop early so you’d get the fresh and best harvests for the day. Otherwise, you can still buy any time of the day and have discounts for the “ugly” produce. Do not fret, buying them doesn’t mean they’re not good or nutritious. Getting them will help not only the farmer or vendor, but also the environment as you prevent the leftover “ugly” produce from ending up in landfills.

Join the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Buying harvests directly from farmers through the CSA system is also a great way to have fresh fruits and vegetables regularly. Through CSA, you are sure that you get to support a local farmer and at the same time, you know that the food you eat is safe and nutritious. This can lessen your tasks as you won’t need to roam the market and just order what you need through the farmer. It can also be delivered or you can pick it up on the farm. Meeting the person who grows your food is a plus.

Eat at farm-to-table restaurants and cafes

From dinner nights to birthday parties, you can opt to eat in restaurants or cafes that serve dishes using ingredients straight from the farm. This way, you are indirectly (or directly) supporting local farmers, too. Visit cafes that buy straight from local farmers and support small, independently-owned businesses as much as you can.

Spread the word for the farmers

If you have visited restos, cafes, farms, or have met local farmers themselves, it’s your turn to encourage your friends and family to try their products. By doing this, you can help local farmers be recognized little by little. Farmers are busy enough working on the farm that some of them prioritize the marketing side of their business. To support them, post an excellent review on social media as it is a great channel to spread the word. If you have a marketing background, you could also offer help by volunteering to sell their products using your skills.

Promote local stores that sell local products

Rather than going to chains, purchase goods at local stores and vendors that sell value-added goods like cheese, jams, or chili sauce. Let the big market players know that you’d prefer more local goods on their shelves than imported products.

Purchase materials in local gardening shops

When it comes to planting materials, visit locally-owned agricultural stores instead of going to sellers that offer products from abroad. It is way better to purchase soil, pots, seeds, fertilizers, and the likes from local brands and stores because you can talk to the gardeners who produce or source the products. Grab the chance to ask for some tips and recommendations in growing crops, especially if you’re a novice.

Supporting our farmers doesn’t have to be big. The next time you buy fruits and veggies or eat out at a restaurant, consider these tips and always prioritize local farmers and enterprises.

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Six ways to support local farmers (2024)


Six ways to support local farmers? ›

Tell your farmers what you want. Convey your values and what you are willing to pay in exchange for food that is in alignment. Ask them how you can support them. Farmers are innovative, eager and extremely hard working.

How do you empower local farmers? ›

Tell your farmers what you want. Convey your values and what you are willing to pay in exchange for food that is in alignment. Ask them how you can support them. Farmers are innovative, eager and extremely hard working.

What do farmers need most? ›

For a healthy crop to grow it needs fertilizer, heat, sunlight and moisture. Farmers take soil tests to see what nutrients their fields may be lacking. With these results, they are better able to apply precise amounts of fertilizer to their crop.

Why should the government support local farmers? ›

By supporting local farmers, people will not only save money within the community and improve the economy in the area, but they will also get better quality products at lower prices, which will also help with environmental problems and more.

How can we encourage local produce? ›

Here are 5 ways to prioritize local food in your daily life:
  1. Join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). ...
  2. Visit a local restaurant. ...
  3. Start a home garden or join a community garden. ...
  4. Be your own local food producer. ...
  5. Shop at a farmers market.
Feb 7, 2017

How can we help farmers during harvest? ›

Grab your brooms, shovels, dustpans and vacuums to help farmers clean storage facilities and containers. As you clean, note any damage that has happened to the infrastructure so it can be repaired and pests prevented from ruining the next crop.

Why should we support farms? ›

Locally grown food supports the local economy. Supporting local farmers means supporting the local economy, which is major for any city. Money that is spent with local farmers and growers stays close to home and is reinvested with business and services within the community. It creates a cycle of local support!

How do you promote organic farming? ›

Organic farming methods like composting, mulching, and using bio-fertilizers will help promote healthy crop growth, as well as soil richness. Vermicomposting is another excellent method of introducing important nutrients into the soil naturally.

What do farmers love to do? ›

As caretakers of the land, farmers enjoy watching crops and animals grow. Whether it's seed to stalk or chick to hen, much care is needed. From planting and watering to harvesting, farmers put time and effort into their crops to ensure a plentiful harvest. They enjoy working outdoors.

What are three important qualities that farmers need? ›

Important Qualities
  • Analytical skills. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers monitor and assess the quality of their land or livestock.
  • Critical-thinking skills. ...
  • Initiative. ...
  • Interpersonal skills. ...
  • Mechanical skills. ...
  • Physical stamina.
Sep 8, 2022

What are 5 good things about farming? ›

', keep reading!
  • Farming is Good for Your Health. ...
  • Being a Farmer is Challenging and Stimulating Work. ...
  • It Provides a Source of Income in Rural Areas. ...
  • Farm Work Helps Develop Younger Generations. ...
  • Farming Can Help the Environment Thrive.
May 5, 2022

How did the government support farmers? ›

The Morrill Act of 1862 established the land-grant colleges to teach agriculture and other subjects. The Hatch Act of 1887 funded agricultural research, and the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 funded agricultural education. The Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916 created cooperative banks to provide loans to farmers.

Why are farmers important to our community? ›

Farmers and ranchers are the backbone of America, working from sun-up to sundown, taking care of the land and livestock and providing food for their fellow citizens and the rest of the world.

How does the government help farmers in the US? ›

FSA makes direct and guaranteed farm ownership and operating loans to family-size farmers and ranchers who cannot obtain commercial credit from a bank, Farm Credit System institution, or other lender. FSA loans can be used to purchase land, livestock, equipment, feed, seed, and supplies.

How do I promote my local farmers market? ›

Post photos of previous fairs or farmers' markets to give prospects an idea of what the event would be like. Create articles on the market, upcoming dates, vendors that sell there, and the types of foods to expect and post them regularly. For example, if you're selling vegetables, provide simple recipes.

What are some of the ways to support local products? ›

Here are the best ways to support local businesses:
  • Visit your local farmer's market.
  • Buy and gift local artwork.
  • Take a class or watch a livestream.
  • Order takeout and delivery.
  • Tag local businesses on social media.
  • Leave a positive review on social media.
  • Recommend local businesses to friends, family members, and colleagues.
Jul 20, 2022

Why should we support local farmers and local food? ›

Supporting your local farmers strengthens your community and local economy. On average, only 10 cents of each food dollar returns to the farmer. The other 90 cents goes to corporations for packaging, marketing and transportation.

How can you support a local food community? ›

10 Ways to Support Local Food
  • Buy Directly from a Farmer. ...
  • Eat at Restaurants That Use Local Food. ...
  • Ask Your Local Grocery Store to Sell More Local Products. ...
  • Buy Locally-Made Products at Your Grocery Store. ...
  • Plan Meals Around What's In Season. ...
  • Tell Your Friends About Your Favorite Food Producers. ...
  • Grow Your Own Produce.

How do you interact with a farmer? ›

Always try to listen more than you talk, and have a list of questions prepared. Make sure to ask them what they're doing differently from their neighbors; it might lead to a story you didn't expect. Farmers, like most people, are happy to share what they know and do with people who are truly interested in learning.

What roles do farmers play in providing for you each day? ›

Throughout the day, farmers perform a variety of tasks, including planting and harvesting crops, mending fences, and caring for their animals. They may also need to transport their goods to market or deliver them to customers.

Why should we support small farmers? ›

Importance of Family and Small Farms

Not only do they support the competitiveness and sustainability of rural and farm economies, they serve to: Protect and enhance natural resources and the environment.

What are 3 benefits of preserving farmland? ›

Farmland provides food and cover for wildlife, helps control flooding, protects wetlands and watersheds and maintains air quality. In addition, new energy crops grown on farmland have the potential to replace fossil fuels.

What is the job description of local farmers? ›

Plant, fertilize, cultivate, spray, irrigate and harvest crops. Feed and tend livestock and poultry. Milk cows. Perform or assist in performing breeding activities of farm animals.

What are 5 pros of organic farming? ›

Here are some of the key advantages of organic farming.
  • 1) Healthier animals and healthier meat. The livestock on organic farms is free to roam and the animals only consume grass and certified organic feed. ...
  • 2) No additives. ...
  • 3) No GMOs. ...
  • 4) No chemical pesticides. ...
  • 5) Better for the environment.
Aug 2, 2021

Why are we promoting organic farming? ›

Land use on organic farms is more nature-friendly

Because organic farmers rely on healthy ecosystems to control pests and protect their soils, they tend to farm in a way that encourages wildlife, like planting trees, 'beetle banks' and wildflower margins, and digging ponds around their fields.

How would you convince your local farmers to switch into more sustainable practices like organic farming? ›

Keep it simple: Complex and inflexible instruments such as regulations are less motivating to farmers and more expensive than simpler, voluntary approaches. Provide complementary support: A combination of policy instruments is more effective than a single policy approach.

What makes farmers the most money? ›

Using Livestock to Make Money Farming. Livestock is probably the most common way farmers make money from their land. And while animals have a few more expenses and a higher overhead, they usually bring in top dollar in terms of net income. Here are just some of the ways you can make money with livestock.

What is the ultimate goal of farmers? ›

“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”

What do farmers do to make money? ›

Harvest and sell your crops and animals at a price higher than the investment costs. You must factor in not only the cost of seeds, water, animal feed and other tangible costs, but also the cost of labor. Increase your profit by selling in greater volume.

What are farmers core values? ›

Some examples of values for a farm business might be family, profitability, heritage, sustainable land management, safety, community, or food security.

What is a good attitude for a farmer? ›

Possibly the most essential characteristic of a farmer is having a never-give-up attitude. This is the mark of a successful farmer who will stay in the game for the long run. Patience, perseverance and passion make it possible to push through the challenges and failures.

What do farmers need to know? ›

The topography of the area, type of soil, environmental conditions, and climate are very important factors that all potential farmers should know, before starting any other activity. The location of your field can dramatically change your business plan and your daily routine.

What are the two goals farmers have? ›

There are basically two major farm-operating objectives, profit maximization on market-oriented farms and household sustenance on subsistence-oriented farms (Collinson 1983, Ch. 2; Makeham and Malcolm 1986, Ch. 3).

What are 3 farming facts? ›

Each American farmer produces food and fiber for 165 people annually, both in the U.S. and abroad. Eight percent of U.S. farms market foods locally through farmers' markets and food hubs. One day's production for a high-producing dairy cow yields 10.5 pounds of cheese. Women make up 30 percent of today's farmers.

Who is a farmer in simple words? ›

A farmer is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials. The term usually applies to people who do some combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock.

How did the government support farmers in the first New Deal? ›

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was a federal law passed in 1933 as part of U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. The law offered farmers subsidies in exchange for limiting their production of certain crops. The subsidies were meant to limit overproduction so that crop prices could increase.

What are ways government helped farmers during the Great Depression? ›

Surplus was the problem; farmers were producing too much and driving down the price. The government passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 which set limits on the size of the crops and herds farmers could produce. Those farmers that agreed to limit production were paid a subsidy.

What did farmers believe would help solve their economic problems? ›

Why did farmers think that an increased money supply would help solve their economic problems? The farmers thought that money supply would help solve their economic problems because the more money they had would equal to their loans.

What is the lifestyle of farmers in the United States? ›

The farmer uses tractors, seed drills, harvester and all kinds of modern agricultural machinery. The farmer takes a tractor on rent, and many still rely on traditional bullocks for ploughing the land. ... Since majority of the farmers do not have storage facilities and crops rot most of the time.

What is farmer empowerment? ›

Empowerment of farmers or farming communities is an important effort to improve their abilities and carried out through the farmer groups as institutions that organize farmers who are members of the groups.

What are three skills that the local farmers need? ›

Here are some examples of different skills you need as a farmer:
  • Problem-solving. As a trial-and-error profession, farming requires strong problem-solving skills. ...
  • Mechanical and repairing. ...
  • Interpersonal. ...
  • Time management. ...
  • Health and physical stamina. ...
  • Organizational. ...
  • Management. ...
  • Adaptability.
Mar 10, 2023

How do you empower local communities? ›

6 Tips to Engage and Empower Your Community All-Stars
  1. Practice random acts of thank you. ...
  2. Provide opportunities for connection. ...
  3. Make it easy for them to promote you. ...
  4. Listen. ...
  5. Turn the spotlight on their work. ...
  6. Have them help recruit and mentor new leaders.
Mar 6, 2013

What does farmer girl mean? ›

Definitions of farm girl. a girl who has grown up on a farm. type of: female child, girl, little girl. a youthful female person.

What are 3 benefits to having farms in your local community? ›

Local farms help keep food dollars in the local economy and support small businesses, farmers, and entrepreneurs. Community farms can serve as platforms for products and services that grow from the farm, such as value-added food products, garden education and management services, programs and events on the farm.

How do farmers benefit the community? ›

From banks and ball fields to auto shops and equipment suppliers, farmers keep rural communities in business, thriving and planting seeds for the next generation.

How are farmers important to a community? ›

Farmers provide food:

Besides providing food, farmers also produce other essential products that humans need. These include livestock, dairy, and vegetables. In some cases, depending on the enterprise type, the more animals a farmer has, the more profitable their business becomes.

What are the five elements of community empowerment? ›

The document identifies five principles: community control, public sector leadership, effective relationships, improving outcomes, and accountability.

How can a local community be supported to make positive change? ›

6 Ways You Can Make a Positive Change in Your Community
  1. Be a Good Neighbor. 🎶 Like a good neighbor, [your name] is there! ...
  2. Use Your Voice. You have opinions. ...
  3. Give Your Time. ...
  4. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. ...
  5. Paint the town green. ...
  6. Get involved in local government.
Feb 3, 2021

How do you embrace a local community? ›

Here are 7 ways to connect with your community and embrace the new season!
  1. Meet up with friends. Socializing can sometimes be hard to prioritize compared to all of the other commitments we have. ...
  2. Interact with nature. ...
  3. Connect with colleagues outside of work. ...
  4. Join a team. ...
  5. Fall cleaning! ...
  6. Buy local. ...
  7. Commit to a cause!

How do local farmers sell their produce? ›

Farmers Market

Farm markets are the backbone of agricultural communities. They provide farmers with opportunities to sell their products directly to consumers, give them an opportunity to meet other local farmers who might be interested in selling their products and create demand for them in local communities.

What is a local farmers market? ›

It's a market where a group of farmers come together in a single location to sell their food products to the public. To be a truly local farmers market, all products sold in a particular stall should be grown, caught, reared, baked, processed, etc.

Do local farmers take EBT? ›

If you get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP assistance, you can use your benefits at farmers markets to buy eligible food items. Although there are different methods for accepting SNAP payments, using your EBT card at farmers markets is usually straightforward.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.