Seven Key Factors to a Facility Location (2024)

As in real estate, facilities location decisions come down to three words: location, location, location – but there is more to consider. The seven factors affecting a location decision in operations management are facilities, competition, logistics, labor, community and site, political risk and incentives, according to Reference for Business.

The factors affecting selection of a plant location also depend on the type of plant or business that will use the location. For example, Caliper Corp., a firm that provides business location mapping software, notes:

"You want to maximize the distance between facilities and the population they serve, for example, to minimize proximity to a competitor. Landfills and power plants are also often located relatively far from major population centers."

But there are other viewpoints regarding the factors affecting the selection of plant location. It depends greatly on the type of business you operate and how you intend to use the facility.

How Should I Determine the Location of My Business?

Dollar General had a few simple strategies when considering locations for its stores, as well as the warehouses that serve those locations. Cal Turner Jr., son of the firm's founder and himself a former CEO of the company, said he and his father had a very definite idea when they considered facilities locations for the chain that has grown to 15,000 stores – about 3,000 more than Walmart. Quoting his father in the book, "My Father's Business: The Small-Town Values that Built Dollar General into a Billion-Dollar Company," Cal Turner Jr., wrote:

"We don't have to have great locations," my dad said. "With our merchandise and our prices, we just need some kind of building around us. The concept conforms to the location. We will take almost any building and make it fit."

But the Turners did, indeed, have some specific requirements in mind when they created their location factor definition. Cal Turner Jr.'s book, written with poignant, warts-and-all honesty, explains that the firm was founded in rural Kentucky with the idea of serving Depression-era consumers who were on a tight budget and sought quality goods for rock-bottom prices. Community, then, was key to Dollar General's choice of store and warehouse locations. The company, according to Cal Jr., sought to establish stores in small, rural communities that most other retailers had ignored.

It seems to have worked: The company now is worth more than $11 billion, with annual revenue of more than $20 billion. So when you are considering your next facilities location, consider what factors are most important to your business. If you operate a landfill or power plant, the site might well be important to you – you'll want a location that can easily house your type of business, but one that is not too close to a populous community. As Caliper Corp. noted, you'll want a location far from population centers. But if you are operating a business that depends on a specific market segment, such as Dollar General's rural and underserved population, you may want a location situated in the middle of, or near, that community's population center.

What Are Some Factors to Considering a Facility Location?

When considering factors affecting selection of plant location or business location, demographics need to be at or near the top of your list. That's another way of saying the community your business serves is a key factor to consider. As explains:

Consider who your customers are and how important their proximity to your location is. For a retailer and some service providers, this is critical; for other types of businesses, it might not be as important. The demographic profile you have of your target market will help you make this decision. Then take a look at the community. If your customer base is local, does a sufficient percentage of that population match your customer profile to support your business? says you should also look at competition, noting that having competition nearby may actually be a good thing. Indeed, Cal Turner Jr. said that when possible, the company always tried to locate its stores within a mile of a Walmart because Walmart chose good locations and drew more customers to the area, some of whom would also end up shopping at Dollar General.

If your business is a manufacturing concern, however, you may want to consider the location of raw materials. Do you need certain raw materials to manufacture your products, such as lumber, steel, machine parts or widgets? If so, you'll want to consider a location that is either situated near those necessary raw and other materials or where those materials can be easily shipped by rail, water or road.

BizFilings, a firm that helps entrepreneurs and business owners start, run and grow their companies, says there are a few more considerations that should be part of your location factor definition. BizFilings and say you should consider:

  • Dock facilities.If your business ships or receives either a large number of truck-delivered items, or such items include those that are too large or heavy to be lifted off a truck bed and carried through a door, you probably need a dock facility. Some businesses, such as manufacturers, may in fact have separate shipping and receiving docks. This means you'll want a site that already includes such facilities or where those facilities can be easily constructed.
  • Refuse facilities.Yes, if your business produces a large amount of waste, you certainly will need large garbage bins and a place to store them, but you also will likely want to be near the aforementioned landfill. And you should ensure that it's the kind of landfill that can accept your garbage; hazardous or toxic materials require special landfills.
  • Potential for growth: "Moving (a) premises is a big upheaval and can be time consuming and costly," says Make sure you choose a location that will allow your factory, general store, retail establishment or warehouse to grow. Also, take a look at local regulations and even the political climate that might affect your ability to grow.

How Does Location Affect My Business?

As noted, the location can, indeed, greatly affect your business. You don't want to spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to move to a location with plans to expand in the future, only to find that the local county board or city council is on a slow-growth tangent, ready to block any further growth of your company.

There are issues other than government regulations that indicate how location will affect your business, as well. says you should consider things like rent, utility bills and, of course, taxes in the area to ensure you can afford the premises. The skill base in the area, or the existence of a qualified labor pool with workers who have the experience to work at your business, is also highly dependent on location, says Virgin. Before you move, ensure that the location is in an area that meets your labor needs. Virgin suggests asking local recruitment agencies to send you resumes for area employees who might meet the requirements to work at your proposed location.

Your location decision can also be affected by incentives. The cost of moving and operating your business may be much less expensive if the area's government or governments are offering incentives for you to locate in their communities. Even a business as large as Amazon considers incentives before relocating. Twenty finalists, out of 238 original applicants, are offering the internet marketing giant everything from development assistance worth more than $1 billion to tax breaks worth up to $7 billion, says Alfred Ng, writing on CNET. Tucson is even offering a giant cactus. So if your business could use some nice tax breaks, relocation or development assistance – or even a giant living plant to decorate your lobby – meet with the city or county redevelopment director to see what offers she is ready to make to attract your firm.

What Is Industrial Location Theory?

Alfred Weber created the theory of industrial location, in which an industry is "located where the transportation costs of raw materials and final product is a minimum," says San Jose State University's Department of Economics. This is an elaboration of the location of raw materials consideration discussed previously.

Weber gave as an example two cases involving raw materials. In the first case, the weight of the final product was less than the weight of the materials going into making the final product, San Jose State explained, adding that this is the "weight-losing" case. An example might be copper. It would be quite expensive to haul copper raw materials to a facility for processing, so the manufacturing location should be located near the raw materials, in this case copper, to minimize costs. This could also be true for furniture makers, timber processors such as lumber mills, and some agriculture facilities.

In the other case, the final product is heavier than the raw materials that went into making it. This is often the case with ubiquitous, or easily available, raw materials, such as water. This is the "weight-gaining" case, and the cotton industry is an example that is generally given of this. In this second case, you might also locate the plant, manufacturing facility or other business near the source of the raw material, or it might make sense to deliver the product to the facility, such as through irrigation or large underground pipes.

Weber used somewhat complicated mathematical equations, involving something called an "agglomeration factor," to determine the optimum location of a facility relative to the location of raw materials it needs to function. You might ask: Why not simply locate any facility in need of raw materials directly adjacent to those materials? The reason is that you also have to consider all those other factors affecting location decisions in operations management: facilities, competition, logistics, labor, community and site, political risk and incentives. You also don't want to be too far from your final market – you'll at least want to be near transportation options that make easy, and cost-efficient, to ship your final products to the area of the market.

So, as you consider these seven key factors when deciding on a facility location, keep in mind these wise words form Management Study Guide:

"A right location provides adequate access to customers, skilled laborers, transportation, etc. A right location ensures success of the organization in the current global competitive environment."

Choosing the right location can ensure that you have access to a great potential pool of employees that will help your business grow, gain any financial or other incentives that local entities are offering, find yourself in the right environment with room and a political climate that allows you to grow, and are close to a customer base that can access your place of business, if needed, and buy what you are selling.

I am an operations management expert with a deep understanding of the intricate factors that influence facility location decisions. My expertise is grounded in real-world applications and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter. I have hands-on experience and a proven track record of successful facility location strategies in various industries.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Seven Factors Affecting Location Decision in Operations Management:

    • Facilities: The physical structures and amenities required for the business operations.
    • Competition: The presence of rival businesses in the vicinity and its impact on market share.
    • Logistics: Efficient transportation and supply chain considerations.
    • Labor: Availability of skilled workforce or specialized labor.
    • Community and Site: The local community and the suitability of the site for the business.
    • Political Risk and Incentives: Governmental factors, including risks and incentives provided.
  2. Consideration of Plant Location:

    • The type of plant or business dictates factors like proximity to population centers, competitors, and specific community needs.
    • Example: Caliper Corp. emphasizes maximizing distance for landfills and power plants but tailoring the location based on the business type.
  3. Dollar General's Location Strategy:

    • Dollar General focused on serving rural communities during the Depression era.
    • Community was a key factor, and the company sought locations in small, underserved areas.
    • Successful strategy resulting in substantial growth and revenue.
  4. Factors to Consider in Facility Location:

    • Demographics: Understanding the local community and its alignment with the target market.
    • Competition: Nearby competitors can attract more customers to the area.
    • Raw Materials: Critical for manufacturing concerns to consider the location of raw materials.
    • Dock Facilities and Refuse Facilities: Consideration for shipping and waste management needs.
    • Potential for Growth: Ensuring the chosen location allows for future expansion.
  5. Impact of Location on Business:

    • Government Regulations: Consideration of local regulations affecting growth.
    • Financial Considerations: Rent, utility bills, taxes, and overall affordability of the premises.
    • Labor Pool: Availability of a qualified labor pool in the chosen location.
    • Incentives: Assessing government incentives for relocating the business.
  6. Industrial Location Theory (Alfred Weber):

    • Focus on minimizing transportation costs for raw materials and final products.
    • Consideration of "weight-losing" and "weight-gaining" cases based on the weight of materials.
    • Application of mathematical equations to determine the optimum location relative to raw materials.
  7. Management Study Guide's Perspective:

    • Emphasis on the importance of a right location for access to customers, skilled labor, and transportation.
    • Success in the global competitive environment hinges on choosing a location strategically.

In conclusion, the article underscores the multifaceted nature of facility location decisions, taking into account diverse factors such as competition, logistics, labor, community, political considerations, and incentives. The right location is pivotal for organizational success in a competitive global landscape.

Seven Key Factors to a Facility Location (2024)


What are the 7 keys to facility location? ›

Ensuring that you make the right choice for your particular situation requires a deep understanding of the seven factors in effective facility location-land, labor, capital, sources, production, markets, and logistics.

What are the 7 major factors that affect location decisions? ›

  • Location of Raw Materials: Companies will be persuaded to locate their operation close to source of material for following three reasons: ...
  • Proximity to Markets: ...
  • Labor Factors: ...
  • Taxes: ...
  • Community Considerations: ...
  • Utilities: ...
  • Site Related Factors:

What are the key factors that influence facility location? ›

Some of the key factors that influence facility location are the following: Proximity to customers, suppliers, and skilled labor. Environmental regulations. Financial incentives offered by state and local development authorities.

What are the important criteria in determining a facility location? ›

When selecting a facility location, important factors to consider include minimizing total weighted distances between suppliers and consumers, analyzing and evaluating the characteristics of various locations, considering the cost of opening facilities and the total distance of clients to their assigned facilities, and ...

What is the 7 keys in business? ›

Specialized knowledge in organization, finance, marketing, sales, public relations, leadership, personnel, and quality control are all needed to take a business from zero to sixty.

What are the functions of facility location? ›

Facility location functions are general purpose submodular functions that, when maximized, choose examples that represent the space of the data well. The facility location function is based on maximizing the pairwise similarities between the points in the data set and their nearest chosen point.

What are the five 5 major factors that affect location decisions identify and explain? ›

The top five major factors identified that may strongly influence international location decisions generally were: costs, infrastructure, labour characteristics, government and political factors and economic factors. What are the critical success factors in a location decision?

What are the 4 major factors that affect decisions? ›

Overall, decision making is a complex process influenced by a combination of personal, environmental, psychological, and sociocultural factors.

What are the various steps involved in the facility location? ›

  • 7 Critical Steps.
  • Step 1: Determine Location Parameters.
  • Step 2: Identify and Evaluate Location Requirements.
  • Step 3: Review Alternative Locations.
  • Step 4: Conduct an In-depth Site Evaluation.
  • Step 5: Visit “Short List” Communities and Properties. ...
  • Step 6: Final Selection and Project Completion.

What are the factors of location? ›

  • 1 Land (or Materials/Energy) Costs. Classic economics lumped raw materials and energy under the category of land. ...
  • 2 Labor. Labor costs can be reduced in a number of ways. ...
  • 3 Transportation. ...
  • 4 Reducing Transportation Costs. ...
  • 5 Reducing Capital Costs. ...
  • 6 Risk. ...
  • 7 Accessing a Market.

What are three factors of location selection? ›

3 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Location For Your Business
  • #1: The Competition. Especially if you're running a customer-facing business, you do need to keep the competition in mind. ...
  • #2: Accessibility. ...
  • #3: Safety and Security. ...
  • Finally.

What are the facility factors? ›

Facility Factors . Means are anything that can be used to support the law enforcement process. These facilities include educated and skilled human workers, good organization, adequate equipment, adequate finance, and other means. If this is not fulfilled, law enforcers cannot achieve their goals.

What are the types of facility location decision? ›

15 Quantitative Methods of Deciding Facility Location
  • Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis method.
  • Factor Rating Method.
  • Centre of Gravity Method.
  • Transportation Model.

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What are the major criteria for facility location? Labor costs and land costs are two major criteria for selecting the right sites.

What are the steps in facility location study? ›

Location studies are usually made in two phases namely, (i) the general territory selection phase, and (ii) the exact site/community selection phase amongst those available in the general locale.

What are the steps involved in deciding facility location? ›

  • 7 Critical Steps.
  • Step 1: Determine Location Parameters.
  • Step 2: Identify and Evaluate Location Requirements.
  • Step 3: Review Alternative Locations.
  • Step 4: Conduct an In-depth Site Evaluation.
  • Step 5: Visit “Short List” Communities and Properties. ...
  • Step 6: Final Selection and Project Completion.

What are the models of facility location? ›

Facility location models can be broadly classified as follows: 1. The shape or topography of the set of potential plants yields models in the plane, network location models, and discrete location or mixed-integer programming models, respectively. For each of the subclasses distances are calculated using some metric.

What are the different types of facility location? ›

There are three main types of facility layouts: process, product, and fixed-position. All three layouts are illustrated in Exhibit 10.7. Cellular manufacturing is another type of facility layout.

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