Ripple/XRP-The Great Debt Jubilee,MAS & Ripple Wholesale CBDC Go Live This Year,EU & Digital ID (2024)

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Welcome back to the show everybody look At that right there xrp out for a run This morning 66 cents ladies and Gentlemen up over 23% on the 7 day uh we got that and Guess what else we got we got Singapore Monetary Authority the same one that Gave a license to Ripple going live Wholesale this year oh somebody rolled That beautiful Intro [Applause] Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now it is $2.59 Trillion market cap for crypto the Market is up 5.4% in the last 24 66,500 Plus or Bitcoin it's up 28.7 on the 7day And 6.9 on the 24 3500 Plus for ethereum Up 14.9 on the 7day and 4.1 in the 24 98 99.8 billion plus for tether but it did Cross 100 billion earlier this morning Overnight we know that xrp is at 66 Cents it's up 6.4 on the 24 and up 23.4% on the 7 day oh yeah it's out for A run ladies and gentlemen we're keeping A very very close eye on it and I want To remind you as we make this change in The monetary system because that's Exactly what this is this is the Greatest Financial paradigm shift in the

History of mankind and it cannot be Overstated and that's why I am also Accumulating precious metals gold silver Is the big two that I'm focused on but You can get platinum and Palladium and More importantly you can get the best Prices and discounts if you just email Them info at milesfrom and put dig gold In the subject box that's all you got to Do and the rest takes care of itself You're going to get the best deals on Precious metal just do those two things Then we look at this rate here secure Borders safe CI sensible spending the US National debt is Rising by $1 trillion About every hundred Days I'm sure it's Nothing 100 days and a trillion dollars Is added to the debt every 100 days are You kidding me right now We're absolutely at the 80-year Mark for The US dollar as the world Reserve Currency and out of the last five the Netherlands and Portugal had an 80-year Lifespan and I would dare to say knowing I'm not an economist I would dare to say That that is enough of a signal right There that you're adding a trillion Dollars every hundred days to your debt That something has to be done we're Running out of Runway and guess what There's more people that thinks so and Economist warns here that the real Threat to the US dollar dominance is not

Bitcoin but unsustainable fiscal Policies I would agree with that and Then I see this here on an eve of America of a Bank America is on the eve Of a banking Crisis warns an exim IMF official with Hundreds of lenders at risk of failure And I say oh it's a banking crisis all Right but if we want to be a little more Pafic it's a money printing crisis is It well bricks Coalition we reported Yesterday Mexico wants to join Bricks Now and now Pakistan does it just keeps Getting bigger it will rival the G7 by 2030 according to brics Coalition maybe Sooner if they keep having countries Join so now we're looking at this this Is called the Great reset Watch EU Parliament approved digital Identity wallet Brussels is also looking To implement a central bank digital Currency now this is interesting cuz Brussels is where Swift is located and Swift is privately owned by all the Banks right just a little fun fact and If I were to put great reset on my Thumbnail they would take the thumbnail Down on YouTube because there is no free Speech on social media platforms don't Believe that it's true and you're going To want to be in the freedom Zone today For the conversation we're about to have That I wouldn't dare have on this Channel CU my Channel's monetized but

Here we have here the US debt clock and Shout out to Echo X if you're not Following this guy I mean who doesn't Love this guy's energy he's amazing and I'm following him yeah yeah I am F I've Been following this guy yeah make sure You're following him too he does such Great work out here I've had a chance to Be in a I think it was a Tik Tock space About a year or so ago uh super nice guy Super smart but I want to pick this Video up just for the sake of time here And play this video that really breaks Down what a great reset or more Appropriately termed the a debt Jubilee a debt Jubilee is something that Was done over and over in every 70 to 80 Years or 70 to 80 maybe a 100 years or So if my memory start right I did a lot Of research on this a few years ago but The debt Jubilee is something that was Done in biblical times every so many Years like 70 to 100 years right and This would relieve people and if there Was anyone who was enslaved because of Their debt they were released at that Time so they could start over Kings Would do this right so this is an Important thing to understand because I Know we have not seen it in our lifetime But it has happened so we're not talking About something that doesn't have Precedent right now I want to play for You here uh what the great Jubilee could

Look like and let's understand where it Came from from and you're going to hear A girl talk in a second remember the Debt that we just went over and Echo X Is going to highlight that very quickly But I want you to pay very close Attention because there's going to be a Girl that speaks here and she's going to Talk about stuff that we've covered in The freedom Zone quite heavily that Robert F Kennedy Jr has talked about Which is serfdom right and feudalism This is a very big deal because it is The moment that this world is in right Now where the largest players back in The day it used to be Kings right and Today it's corporations and and and uh Banks right black rocks right the Vanguards all of those right and all of Those entities are buying up everything And making you work for them and that's Exactly what Robert F Kennedy explained Uh when we covered it in the freedom Zone is how they Monson had bought up All of the pork uh companies and pork Independent pork farmers and large part And still are and they're doing that and Then buying your land then turning Around and saying okay now that we've Bought your business your family Business you can work for us and we'll Pay you this much that's surfed them Right it's one tick above a slave but it Really isn't impressive at all because

You're really still enslaved to a degree Right so let me play this video and I've Got some stuff after this you just got To see because I tell you the next year Or two is it's our year for this space And you're going to find out why But the US national debt is Unsustainable I know that you know that Sleepy Joe knows that everybody in her Mom knows that the history of debt began In Sumer in 3500 BCE over 5,000 years Ago fism led to debts so extreme among Small farmers that they would often sell Their children into debt ponage to pay Them off this is when the emergence of Slavery first appeared 25% of all people Enslaved at this time time did so in Order to pay off their debts in order to Prevent Revolt Kings would periodically Forgive all debts this is called debt Jubilee Credit Systems emerged as a Means of account long before the Invention of coinage in 600 bce. David Refers to these non-market Community Interactions as everyday communism this Way of life was maintained by Mutual Expectations and responsibilities the Early signs of the military coinage Slave complex emerged during the axial Age from 800 bcee to 600 BCE coins were Used to quantify human economies and led To a radically different conception of Debt and social relations this was Maintained by the creation and

Recreation of social bonds through gifts Marriages and general sociability this Was enforced by mercenary armies who Looted cities and enslaved community Members severing them from their social Markets this violent exploitation led to The rise of Empires enabled by the use Of coinage to pay off soldiers tax Obligations forced everyday citizens to Accept this new monetary system which Unsurprisingly increased debt and Slavery across the world in response to This religion and philosophy begin to Emerge often including discussions of Debt and ethics the fall of the Roman And Indian Empires led to the Abandonment of hard currencies and the Fracturing of power into many small Kingdoms with the exception of medieval Europe this is when modern economists Will tell you that we reverted to barter But this is not the case in the single Surviving Empire China things like Promissary notes and paper money began To emerge the same was occurring in the Form of letters of credit and checks in The Islamic world the discovery of the Americas led to the mass extraction of Gold and silver through Colonial Exploitation the bullan economy Reemerges as do large scale armies Importantly the Italian mertile city States who defied the Catholic ban on Usery had opened the floodgates to the

Current age of capitalist Empires we Know today this this adventurous Militarism or colonization was backed by Debt and exploitation of first the Americas and later West Africans Capitalist monopolies were established Through the disenfranchisem*nt and Destruction of local markets after the Gold Standard ended in 1971 the US Dollar became the world currency the Authority of the US dollar and the Federal Reserve can only be continued Through the maintenance of military Superpower as long as client states are Still willing to by government bonds the System continues nothing can stop what Is coming and they will continue to do It until it implode the US national debt Is Rising by a staggering $1 trillion Dollar about every hundred days jubilees Were was conventional part of human Societies right up to the Roman period Now I've said we need a modern debt Jubilee because when you look at debt And you see the debt is actually created By Banks debt is not me lending to you And therefore you don't repay me I get Ripped off it's Deb Bank saying that's a Great idea Martin here's a million Dollars for the house you want to buy And through and by the way you ow a Million dollars creating it out of Nothing but doing it because they expect House prices and thr to rise

Indefinitely which is them living a Mythical world lending for the wrong Purposes inflating bubbles you can reset That this was always part of the plan And this is well if it was always part Of the plan we may be closer to it than Ever and I want to uh I want to take and Uh bring us to This this is a clip right here and I'm Not going to play the whole thing cuz I Don't need to I want to start it at 1 Minute here and I want you to hear what This gentleman says and remember this is From Singapore fintech Festival 2023 now that's important because he Says they're going to go live next year Which is this year and the Singapore Fintech festival for this year is in November so we know he's speaking from 23 so this is interesting here because Uh you're going to hear him talk about Not only them going live with cbdcs and Live issuance but they're going to be Doing it on the wholesale side now this Is something I have talked about a lot On this channel that it would be much Easier for them to launch on the Wholesale side because you don't have The consumer uh uh you're not touching The consumer side or all the citizens It's much easier to upgrade and do Things on the wholesale back end because You're dealing with the banks themselves And believe me that's enough of a climb

Right there but it's much easier to do That than it is to go consumer facing That's why Ripple's not consumer facing Right so this is a very interesting clip Here I want you to hear exactly what he Says when it comes to prioritizing Regulating stable coins and cbdcs Monetary system which comprises Central Bank notes and coins and Bank deposits So you have Cbdcs and tokenized Bank liability I Ities since 2016 Mas has conducted many Experiments with other central banks and The financial industry to explore the Use of wholesale cbdcs on distributed Ledgers to facilitate real-time crossb Payments and settlements listen we will Take our experiments a step further next Year that's 2024 I'm pleased to announce That Mas will pilot the live issuance of Wholesale cbdcs to instantaneously Settle payments across commercial Banks Here that's this year he's saying that In 2023 that's this year because the 20124 Sy uh Singapore fintech Festival Has not happened Yet keep listening now previously Mas Had only simulated the issuance of Wholesale cbdcs within test Environments we will now go further into Live now the reason I'm showing you this Is because monetary authority of Singapore is the one that issued a License to Ripple and what have I been

Saying here with all The the people out here being polite who Have tried to create a false narrative That ripples Failed Right but there the ones the Mas have Given Ripple the license and what have We said here over and over and over You're not going to see things move Until you see the use and movement and Settlement of value with cbdcs and Stable coins and the monetary authority Of Singapore that gave Ripple a license Said they're going to start doing that This year watch out ladies and Gentlemen and where there's smoke There's fire old smoke dogs out here Getting it this guy needs a t-shirt in a Merch store because I'm buying the first One so has Stellar been working on Tokenization as well with us Federal Reserve and treasur IES baby the largest Issuance was carried out by Franklin Emilton Moody's reported referring to The US government money fund registered On the stellar and polygon mtic Blockchains come on in I love seeing This for us all the way around you guys Know I love Stellar I love xrp xlm harar Quant and xdc I love all of those those Are coins that I love and that's not Financial advice for me or anyone else I Couldn't be more excited now we're going To head into the freedom Zone and that's

I told you there is no free speech out Here my man Zack Rector received a Strike on YouTube and can't post there For a week I know all too well what this Is like and I hope that week goes by Very quick for you Zach and I'm sorry to Hear that it happened he said I will be Uploading updates to patreon directly in The meantime thank you all for your Support and this is exactly why I have The freedom Zone I've been victim to it Zach's been a victim to it Dai has been Victim to it and nothing we have said Warranted anything and I haven't I Haven't seen what happened to Zach but I Guarantee you he hasn't done a damn Thing wrong they've just chosen to take Something and Target him that's exactly What's happened there I'm certain of it And I hope that it goes by very quickly And he can get that strike removed we're Going into the freedom zone now oh and If you think talking about jet debt Jubilee is going to be something wait Till you hear where we go today we're Going to bring the bankruptcy King in on This and how he just got a huge decision Today Yeah uhhuh debt Jubilee Trump's allowed To be on every ticket in the ballot of The United States of America for the National presidential election we got That and so much more in the freedom Zone it's not Financial advice or me or

Anyone else click dig perspectives. Comom in the freedom Zone and come on In wellcome

Ripple/XRP-The Great Debt Jubilee,MAS & Ripple Wholesale CBDC Go Live This Year,EU & Digital ID (2024)


Is XRP worth buying? ›

If you believe in the long-term potential of Ripple's cross-border payment system and expect a favourable resolution, XRP might present a buying opportunity. However, always consider the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market and the possibility of further price fluctuations.

What is the price prediction for XRP Ripple after lawsuit? ›

Ripple price continues to retrace but may find support at the $0.544 level before potentially resuming an upward rally.

How high can XRP go? ›

If the crypto market cap hits $3 trillion and XRP retains its current 1.10% dominance, its price could ascend to $0.589 by 2025. In a more bullish scenario of the crypto market surging to $10 Trillion, the price of XRP could soar to a staggering $1.96, resulting in a potential 4x return for investors by 2030.

What is the price prediction for XRP to USD? ›

According to XRP's predictive model, XRP price is expected to move between $0.36 and $0.62 in August 2024. This will allow XRP to rise to $1.63 later in 2024 and eventually $1.44 in 2025. Throughout 2024, XRP is expected to move between $0.48 and $1.63 with an average forecasted price of $0.98.

Will XRP win a lawsuit? ›

Ripple recently scored an unequivocal victory from a dollars-and-cents standpoint in a class action securities lawsuit, with the judge tossing out most of the case.

Will Ripple XRP reach $50? ›

Interestingly, the crypto went on a consolidation for 12 months after the formation of three bullish candles before going on an 8000% to $0.40562. If this repeats itself, we could see XRP go through a similar consolidation period before skyrocketing to $50 starting on November 1st, 2024.

How long has Ripple been in lawsuit? ›

The SEC sued Ripple, its CEO Brad Garlinghouse and co-founder Chris Larsen in 2020, accusing them of illegally raising more than $1.3 billion in an unregistered securities offering by selling XRP. The SEC dropped its remaining claims against Garlinghouse and Larsen in October.

Will the XRP case ever end? ›

Legal experts predict the Ripple v SEC case might conclude soon, with possible penalties but no disgorgement. The lawsuit's outcome could significantly impact XRP's price and the broader crypto market.

Can XRP hit $100 dollars? ›

Crypto analyst JackTheRippler has raised the possibility of the XRP price rising to $100 soon enough.

Will XRP ever reach $20? ›

The Path to A Double-Digit Price

He believes the asset's true value lies between $8 and $20 and predicts it will reach this range by 2026.

Can XRP reach $35? ›

Can it reach 35k? Yes it can but it will take some time. My reasons for it is that Gold has a market capital of roughly $11T and Silver has a market capital of $1.3T right now. If XRP has the same market capital as Silver, it will be $26.

Is buying XRP risky? ›

Investing in XRP is not without its risks. The ongoing legal battle with the SEC is concerning. The SEC views XRP as a security, which has led to regulatory issues. Until these issues are resolved, XRP may struggle to gain traction with investors.

Is XRP a better investment than Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin and XRP are cryptocurrencies, but XRP is cheaper, faster, more scalable, and environmentally friendlier. Designed as a global payment system, Bitcoin is primarily used as a store of value and a medium of exchange. XRP was designed for cross-border payments but is also popular with investors.

How high will XRP go in 2024? ›

XRP Price Predictions: XRP price is predicted to trade between $1.4 and $1.6 in 2024 and between $1.8 and $3 in 2025, reflecting market optimism and potential substantial growth driven by favorable legal outcomes and market dynamics.

Is XRP a dead coin? ›

XRP as a project is far from dead – it continues to form partnerships with financial institutions. It also attracts significant trading volumes and a loyal community of holders.

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