Ripple/XRP-Everything Runs On XRPLedger,XRP Reserve Currency Role, XRP Has No Ceiling (2024)

HomeRipple/XRP-Everything Runs On XRPLedger,XRP Reserve Currency Role, XRP Has No Ceiling

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Welcome back to the show everybody Everything runs on The xrp Ledger Somebody rot that beautiful [Music] [Applause] Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now 1.3 1 Trillion market cap for crypto the Market is off by 0.9% Bitcoin 34,100 Plus 17795 in ethereum as it Slips just a bit here under the 1800 Mark tether market cap 84.5 billion plus Right now xrp is 55 cents slipping 1.3 In the 24hour up 7.1 on the 7 day let's Get into this the range rate now is Between 54 and 56 cents we have just a Few days until the close of theth month If we could stay at this level or above Technical analysts are saying it is very Bullish for xrp so we are very excited About that and I want to encourage all Of you to join us in the freedom Zone we Are talking today about dystopian Nightmare or welli in society big Brother is watching you I'm going to Prove it this is a very real Conversation going on inside here ladies And gentlemen I I'm asking all of you to Join me for less than a cup of coffee Price for a cup of coffee per month just

Join us in here you will see why zero Google ads all my videos from the YouTube channel posted in here with zero Google ads you get the comment no Bots No scammers we get a real conversation Going on in here and I get to see all of Your thoughts and I'll I'm going to Start highlighting them too like I did Yesterday but you can go here dig Perspectives. and sign up by clicking That button or join us in the dpmg as as Well and get even more benefits so we'll See you there click the link Below Petro China completes First International crude oil trade in digital Yuan by buying a million barrels of Crude oil settled in the digital Yuan What we don't know and I asked this in The first video we do not know if this Is in fact being done on The xrp Ledger It was suggested by someone on X that it was being done on The xrp Ledger I do not have knowledge of that I'm asking collectively if anybody does If you could share a connection for that Otherwise we we what we are seeing However is we are seeing the digital Yuan whether it be digital or paper Another currency other than oil being Traded uh for oil and not using the US Dollar right that's what we're seeing Here we know that Saudi Arabia has begun Doing that with Shang through the Shanghai exchange as well so with that

Being said let's talk about this this is Chris John Carlo right here head of the Digital dollar project former cftc Commissioner and so many other great Things but you know what a brilliant Mind is what stands out to me when I Hear him talk and I want you to hear him Talk about technology and listen to what This sounds like to the moment we're in Right now talks about tokens I don't Know if people spend much time thinking About this so what are we talking about Here what is bitcoin what is ethereum What are these other salons cardano These other tokens you've heard about The way I think about it is they're not Very different than HTML Bluetooth stmp other protocols that Allow us to use the internet to Communicate they're they're protocols That allow us to use the internet to do Different things to record where value Is and who's transferring value to who And they all have different properties Bitcoin has some unique features program Scarcity anonymity ethereum has other Features it it's it's highly Programmable it's used with a lot of Smart contracts it's like an OS an Operating system for value on the Internet every every token relates to a Different design of a of a distributed Ledger technology to record um U value On either a public or a private internet

So they all have when people come to me And said I've heard about this great new Token what do you think and I say well I Haven't heard about it but if there's Any value the values in the in in its Network and what does that network do The two that have so far stood the test Of time quite well is Bitcoin and Ethereum they're they're well over 50% Of the marketplace yes there are Thousands of cryptos out there but most Of those thousands are tiny percents of What's in circulation so um I would say That once again the scandal of FTX is Not implicitly A um a proving somehow that there's no Value in Bitcoin that there's no value In ethereum when people trade them They're effectively trading the future Of that Network imagine if you owned or Had a portion of Bluetooth technology How value would that valuable would that Be to you how about if you had a a piece Of HTML or or the protocol that makes The uh email work stmp how valuable Would that be that's when you own Bitcoin and so I I think what's happened Is the success of owning those Instruments have led a lot of fraudsters To come up with tokens that have no Underlying value have Sizzle dogecoins And the other that have meme value in The same way that owning uh some new Baseball card might have value for a

Short period of time but they have no Underlying value and so and there you Have it and listen uh ladies and Gentlemen you have heard me give those Same analogies right here on this Channel imagine owning a a token that Represented the Value and the utility and volume of Simple maale translation protocol for All emails or HTML right or HTTP for all Websites that's what they forgot to do In the birth of the internet is to Create a token that represents the value Of all of the volume of activity Happening on The Ledger I've even gone As far as to say is I'm waiting for Someone to create a paper tradable Market digital tradable Market if you Will on those protocols based on volume Because you could really just go long And short on the volume of it and have An entire Market that you're Trading this is what we're talking about This is what we're moving towards and Yes Bitcoin and ethereum do have the Majority of the market share of crypto At the moment and truth be told you know The issue I have with ethereum is how it Was launched right and the free pass That it has gotten and the token Assembly line that was created from that Free pass but the reality is is ethereum Has way more functionality even at its

Level of development than Bitcoin does Per se Right it doesn't mean that it doesn't Have hurdles we've heard Joseph luin and Vitalic butterin both say that it is not Scalable in its current state so there Are issues that it will run up against At some point that's why the layer twos Are trying to create situations on top Of the ethereum layer that can eliminate A lot of those hurdles as well so but we Also have xrp now we know that from this And I'll give you just a very clip at The front and the clip at the back here This is the SEC meeting back in February Of 22 agreeing and voting on getting to T+1 t+ 0 settlement time indeed using Such Technologies as distribut Ledger Technology take a quick Listen ever increasing pace of Advancements in technology including Distributed letter Ledger technology Further shortening the standard Settlement cycle in the near future may Be both desirable and feasible indeed Some such efforts are already underway Already underway now let's listen to the Vote settlement how did commissioner's Vote uh on the division's Recommendations uh to amend the Securities Exchange Act Uh uh on clearing and Settling Yes yes yes uh yes uh the recommendation

Is approved unanimously and there you Have it that's the SEC saying yes we Agree that we're going to move forward And revamp the infrastructure for Settlement of Securities and derivatives Which by the way Ripple joins months Later in August right they join isda the International swaps and derivatives Association for which the Dtcc is a part of and then the dtcc Comes out and tells all of us let me Find that very quickly here because I Have it here uh the DTC comes out all Just tells us a few days ago that they Have Acquired securency and securency Tells us that the protocols can be Utilized along with ripple Stellar you Know you get the you get the drill right This is what we're watching happen here The mistake I think a lot of people make Is they they get into a place where they Start to think to theel okay well I've Created this watermark for myself and if It doesn't happen by the time the Judgment of the case comes if it doesn't Happen and price doesn't move when fed Now goes live if it doesn't happen when Iso20022 goes live if it doesn't happen When they announce that they join isda If it does but meanwhile you're Bypassing all of this amazing news this Fundamental news new that is developing That is showing you ultimately where We're going on the map but people get

Stuck that if they don't see some kind Of price action based on one of those Events or the cumulative effect of those Events by some time that they've Perceived then they get discouraged look And I'm not trying to talk anybody out Of anything I'm just trying to discuss An awareness that we should all be aware Of right so just you know it's a chance For us to re-evaluate our mindset think About what's happening think about this This one flipped a chain right here this Is uh a anchal m Mal I believe and uh Excuse me if I've messed your name up I Certainly don't mean to research head at Ripple uh xrp Ledger is perfect Blockchain for Central limit order book Dexs because the transaction fee is Almost zero flip chain says this means The entire NASDAQ S&P can be moved to The xrp Ledger by tokenizing stocks then You think about the acquisition of Medico quite strategic it is indeed Right providing custody for the largest Clients recent City Group collaboration With medo think about that tie think About sologenic and the decks built on The xrp Ledger tokenizing stocks already And that's out of uh Abu Dhabi right Then recently Hong Kong monetary Authority selected Ripple to participate In the pilot project with their digital Hong Kong dollar right this is what's Happening Here the automated Market

Maker introduction here you know to uh Uh tighten the the the price r or Tighten the uh spread on the xrp price By eliminating slippage and satisfying The arbitragers and getting and Squeezing them out right and then paying Those as reward fees to the people who Participate in automated Market maker Liquidity pools you know this is what's Coming ladies and gentlemen Understanding that six Canadian Banks Collaborated to achieve a huge milestone In payments they're first to conduct a Live fire exercise on a systemically Important payment system known as links Which is critical infrastructure link Software created by Valente Technologies Take a quick listen to this so what who Cares what's the big deal about that Tell us next slide please yeah Well first off you know to have payments Canada our regulator and all six of the Big Banks to actually play nice and Collaborate with one another well that's A feed on to itself but honestly this Exercise represents a huge milestone in The resiliency of the wholesale payment Systems program and DPAC is going to Tell us a little bit more about that Program in a bit huge milestone in the Wholesale payment zone right or payment System however you said but the wh sale But really this exercise marked the First time you know to our knowledge

That anybody has really conducted a live Fire exercise on a systemically Important payment system there you have It but where's that payment system Coming from ladies and gentlemen right Canadian payment system modernizing Vulpe Swift GPI Ripple it's a full swing Lynx is the next generation of high Value wire payments processing we're Smack dab in the middle of this Thing we're smack dab in the middle of This thing vulpe Ripple processor module Speeds integration to Ripple global Settlement Network to the Ripple global Settlement Network does it does that help it helps Me on days like today it really does Help me or maybe even comments like this From Marcus Treacher at his time uh Formerly from Swift and then he talks About you know uh it could be regarded As trailing rival projects such as Ripples interledger is what the article Was saying and then Marcus Treacher Global head of strategic Accounts at Ripple at the time not there anymore Swift is acting like a classic incumbent Adopting an incremental change approach To DLT adding for them it's all about The timing of the switch towards a newer Connectivity and Tech model yeah they Better be figuring something out right Because we know as we said you know Think about what the SEC voted on last

February then think about everything That's happened since it looks like Ripple is preparing by joining isda DTC Is buying securency to be able to begin To utilize these networks here ethereum Stellar Ripple EOS and other distributed Ledgers for settlement of digital Security tokens the movement of on on And offchain movement of tokens it's Right there right this is what they're Telling us and then don't forget back in 2015 because that's when plans really Start they didn't start this yesterday This has been going on for years that's Why Ripple Labs had Donald Donahue from The DTC Dtcc the former CEO become an advisor in 2015 because this is chess not Checkers how high could the price go ex Eth advisor agrees xrp could surpass $100 as it has no Ceiling we get into this it was based Off of this thread that started with the SEC chair Gary gendler says that the SEC Has 8 to 10 filings on bitcoin ETFs in Front of the commission yeah we know That and what will happen well it's Black rocks they're probably going to Get their way then we see this after the Post through here uh we have this uh From Steve St Nar off here shout out to You Stephen the pursuit of Justice often Requires patience and persistence yes it Does Selective detective here says do

You think xrp has a bright future and by Bright future I mean can it get above $10 possibly up to 100 i' take your Opinion on this over anyone's currently Stephen answers very candidly here and Says I believe xrp has no Ceiling if they achieve their objectives It's not a simple response but I'll give You a highlevel take usually a lower xrp Price would make their offering more Attractive however Ripple is clearly the Odds on favorite to win in a network Effects Model once this is achieved xrp must be And at the point I don't see a ceiling On The Price look at the US dollar which Has Network effects and is the standard That must be used in countless instances There is clearly no sealing on the price Of the dollar as it gets massively Depreciated but price becomes irrelevant Listen very carefully where he goes here Overshadowed by its required Necessity come to think of It could xrp take the reserve currency Role in part or whole interesting Concept wonder if that had anything to Do with ripple being viciously and Unfairly targeted probably just a Conspiracy theory that so many powerful Entities would go to such lengths to Unjust unjustly do everything they can To slow Brad garlinghouse and Company Down as they knew they couldn't be

Caught with their favored Alternatives note that I don't own xrp Or ether right now so nobody can say I'm Doing this for any ulterior motives Other than Justice and radical change Change to a more fair transparent system That's where we are on this day ladies And gentlemen not Financial advice or me Or anyone else xrp has no cealing and it Looks like everything runs on The Ledger The way I used to say it before even had A YouTube channel and even in the early Days and when I say everything runs on The xrp Ledger I don't mean all the Pennies in your couch cushion what I Mean is all the pairings of everything That is tokenized of value having a Pairing and place to live on the Decentralized exchange the xrpl not Financial advice from me or anyone else I'll catch all of you on the next One

Ripple/XRP-Everything Runs On XRPLedger,XRP Reserve Currency Role, XRP Has No Ceiling (2024)


Why is my XRP reserved? ›

The XRP Ledger has reserve requirements to disincentivize spamming the ledger with data, which must be replicated throughout the network and maintained by all servers in the system.

Does the XRP Ledger need XRP? ›

XRP Tokens

It's the fuel that powers the XRP Ledger's lightning-fast transactions. But it doesn't stop there. XRP also acts as a security measure, protecting the network from spam and malicious activity by requiring a small amount of XRP (a “transaction cost”) to be spent with each transaction.

How do I get my XRP reserve back? ›

You cannot send the reserved XRP to others, but you can recover some of the XRP by deleting the account. The reserve requirement changes from time to time due to the Fee Voting process, where validators can agree to new reserve settings.

Can Ripple exist without XRP? ›

In both xCurrent and xVia companies can use XRP for increased liquidity if they feel like it, although it is not required. Only xRapid requires the use of XRP. The Ripple Consensus Protocol cannot exist without XRP, although it could still endure should Ripple, the company, fail.

Can XRP freeze your account? ›

It is a common misconception that Ripple or others can freeze XRP, similar to how centralized services like PayPal can suspend your account and prevent you from accessing your funds. In reality, while the XRP Ledger does have a freeze feature, it can only be used on issued tokens, not on XRP. No one can freeze XRP.

Why not to invest in XRP? ›

XRP's regulatory issues

According to the SEC, XRP is a "security," and it is doing everything in its power to regulate it as such. That's terrible news for investors. It means that XRP's core business operations have been sidelined in the United States until this regulatory mess gets cleared up.

Who controls the XRP Ledger? ›

The peer-to-peer network that manages the ledger is open to everyone. The XRP Ledger is maintained by software engineers, server operators, users, and businesses–a global community working to solve problems and create real-world value.

Will XRP be used by banks? ›

Ripple (XRP) is a popular choice among banks worldwide. The network's fast transaction speeds, low gas fees, and energy-efficient consensus make it an ideal cryptocurrency for traditional financial institutions. Fortunately, this is exactly the clientele that Ripple Labs has in mind.

Can I sell XRP from my ledger? ›

What crypto can I exchange through Ledger Live? Ledger Live, with our partners, allows you to swap Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Chainlink, Uniswap, XRP, Stellar, and many more. What is the difference between fixed and floating rates? When exchanging crypto with a fixed rate, our partner guarantees you a fixed price.

Can you cash out XRP? ›

At the current Ripple price, one XRP is worth $0.525877. Kraken makes it easy to sell Ripple for USD in minutes. How do I get my money after selling Ripple? After you sell your Ripple using Kraken, you can use our flexible funding options to withdraw your cash to your bank account in as little as 0-5 business days.

What will happen to XRP if they lose? ›

Ripple: Attorney John Deaton says Ripple will appeal to the Supreme Court if it loses. Pro-XRP attorney John Deaton argues what's next for the community if SEC wins against Ripple. If Ripple lost, Deaton says the payment giant will appeal the case in the Supreme Court.

Why do I have to keep 20 XRP? ›

One noteworthy point is that all XRP wallets must hold at least 20 XRP, due to the way the XRPL runs. At least 20 XRP must be sent to a new wallet to activate that wallet on the XRPL, and then 20 XRP or more must stay in that wallet as a minimum balance going forward.

Does Bank of America use XRP? ›

By leveraging its digital asset XRP, Ripple enables near-instantaneous transfers across borders, eliminating the need for intermediaries and significantly reducing transaction costs. Bank of America recognizes the immense potential of Ripple's solutions to reshape the traditional banking landscape.

Does Chase Bank accept XRP? ›

Credit card and mortgage payments may now be made using SHIB, XRP, BTC, and BNB.

How much will XRP be worth if it replaces Swift? ›

In a recent proposal by Edward Farina, the Head of Social Adoption at #XRPUpdate Healthcare, a hypothetical scenario was presented whereby the price of XRP has the potential to see a significant increase, reaching a value of $10,000.

Why is XRP not showing up in my ledger? ›

If you're having trouble with XRP funds not showing up after being transferred to an exchange, this issue could be due to the absence of a memo or destination tag in your transaction. It's important to remember that when sending XRP or XLM from your Ledger wallet to an exchange, including a memo tag is essential.

Why would banks hold XRP? ›

Ripple (XRP) is a popular choice among banks worldwide. The network's fast transaction speeds, low gas fees, and energy-efficient consensus make it an ideal cryptocurrency for traditional financial institutions. Fortunately, this is exactly the clientele that Ripple Labs has in mind.

What happens if you send XRP without a tag? ›

There are several moments that you should pay attention to when depositing XRP to your Cryptopay account. Basically, there are two common mistakes: sending funds without a destination tag and sending funds with a wrong destination tag. But both of them lead to the same undesirable result: funds will be lost.

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