Ripple CEO On Fox Business , XRP Endgame & How To Control Bitcoin (2024)

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Lift off we have a lifp [Music] Off hey everybody this is the digital Asset investor and Brad garlinghouse was On with Maria barter Romo from Davos Listen up welcome back take a look at Crypto prices this morning down across The board the price of Bitcoin falling Over 8% in the last week after the Securities and Exchange Commission Approved spot Bitcoin ETFs for us public Trading last Thursday Bitcoin ETFs Pulling in nearly $900 million in just The first three days of trading we are Even higher than that today joining me Right now here at the world economic Form in Davos is the CEO of Ripple Brad Garlinghouse Brad great to see you great To see you thank for being here I want To get your take on the impact of this ETF approval what have you seen well I Think it's a very big deal uh in large Part because I think it's further Validation from institutions and even in This case a government entity where you Know the crypto has been on kind of the Outskirts I think and increasingly You're seeing that come into the Mainstream and so I think it's a Validation I think it's further Indication of more institutions coming Into the crypto asset market and and Ripple enables Global financial

Institutions take take us through that How so ripple at its core uh we sell Blockchain Technologies and solutions to Enterprises we focus primarily on Financial institutions we started with a Payments solution to to settle crossb Settlement for uh banks for PSPs you Know typically crossb payments have been Slow they've been expensive using these Technologies we can dramatically reduce The cost and increase the speed and Efficiency and now you're seeing Financial Services institutions try to Get their own strategy with regard to Blockchain underway how is that Chang Change the dynamic for ripple well I Think anytime you have a new technology It's it's nent and although crypto's Kind of been around for 10 or almost 12 Years let's say it's still new and I Think you have a lot of large Organizations even JP Morgan despite Jamie Diamond's comments about how he Thinks about crypto they're investing Heavily in blockchain Technologies now That being said I think in order for Blockchain to thrive and for the largest Population to benefit from these Technologies you can't have insular Closed networks like the whole point It's kind of like the internet the Internet opened up networks you had AOL And compy serve and Prodigy Along Comes The internet to create interoperability

Crypto does that and can do that across Many banks and to provide dramatic Improvements to how we think about money Movement and really any transaction and With any new technology I question Whether or not those writing the laws Around the regulation framework really Understand the technology now recently You called the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman Gary Gensler a quote Political Li ability to the United States you said he's acting in the Interests of citizenry or the long-term Growth of the economy that he's not Acting uh in the uh on behalf of of Customers and users tell us more well Look I think uh Gary gendler has Prioritized hiring more lawyers to Litigate the industry and this is often Described as uh you know it or kind of Regulation through enforcement if we Just took the time to codify rules of The road most of the indust and crypto Wants to follow the rules of the road Countries around the world have leaned In even the European Union 27 countries In the European Union have come together To create a construct for how crypto Should be regulated in the United States We haven't done this work I I jokingly Suggested maybe what we should just do Is type into chat gbt how should the US That's more than the US actually Brad I did this for you but

I used uh Gro which is uh X's AI if Gary Gensler were to be removed as chairman Of the US Securities Exchange Commission It could potentially lead to a shift in The regulatory approach toward crypto a New leader might make a more Accommodating uh stance which could Foster Innovation they could do the Following develop clear regulatory Framework encourage Innovation Collaborate with the industry International cooperation focus on Investor protection in conclusion the Removal of Gary Gensler could lead to a More positive and growth oriented Approach to crypto regulation in the US Fostering Innovation protecting Investors and promoting International Cooperation back to Brad he has done and It's frustrating and I think uh even I Guess yesterday there's a court hearing Between coinbase and the SEC and that The judicial system continues to slap Down the SEC because they're Overreaching they're overstepping what The laws say it's the reason why they Lost the case against Ripple it's the Reason why they lost the case against Grace guill it's the reason re why they Were dragged Kicking and Screaming to Have an ETF thus you know as I was Quoted I think uh Gary Gensler hasn't Been acting he's been acting on almost His own agenda not the people's agenda

In the United States you know I I wish I Had a clear answer to that I I think These are technologies that are here to Stay and the ETF approval is I think Further indication of that it's just Frustrating that we're spending so much Time in the judicial process to get Clarity when we could do that as many Other countries like Japan the ukuk the UA Switzerland here in Switzerland you These are not small economies they're Doing the work to provide that Clarity And in the US I think it's become a Political agenda not a policy agenda From so okay I'm going to cut it off There and let you see some other things But you can go to at mornings Maria and Watch the rest of that want to show you A couple other things this is Jeremy air Um in Davos from Circle by the way Circle just went back on the link to Platform just a few minutes ago for Those of you that are interested in Circle private Equity significant in Many ways um I think you know what what You actually have here is you have a Market structure uh you know a regulated Market structure that is wrapped Literally uh around cryptographic tokens In this case Bitcoin tokens and the Safekeeping of those the you know the Recordkeeping of those uh and the the Actual you know kind of underlying Transfer and liquidity and so that is a

Market structure a that is now being Interacted with by the very largest Financial institutions in the world and They're coming together and working with You know great firms like coinbase and And and others who are providing Critical the actual critical crypto Infrastructure you know uh around some Of this so I I think it's a very Significant moment because it's Demonstrating that you can have a Security or a digital token uh and you Can have those work together but I think The broader piece here is it underscores That at least in the case of the SEC and You can read gensler's comments and he And I think he's being pretty Transparent about about how how he Thinks about this which is he lost a Court case and and he's just going to Doesn't want to get you know sued again That's kind of what he said um but uh But I think there is there is more Because I think that the SEC Has much a much deeper understanding of This whole field and of the technology And of The Operators and the risks and What kind of disclosures you might need I think there's just a far greater Understanding than five years ago four Years ago three years ago it just Continues and so you know when Larry Think gets on television the next day And says this is just the Tipping Point

This is the Tipping Point towards Tokenization the tokenization of Financial assets broadly and of other Types of prop property is going to Change the way the financial industry Works it's going to you know change Access to finance and financial products And other things which I deeply believe Um I I think that's an indicator that You know I think what tokens are they Going to build all that on rock is Perhaps one of the largest Securities Issuers in the world um and uh and I and I think it suggests confidence that uh You know Tokenization uh is going to be coming on In a significant way and that we're Going to see some of the very very Biggest asset issuers in the world Issuing tokenized versions of those Assets this year and so that's Significant and I so so I do think it is Not just about is this validation for Bitcoin I think it's about the whole Technology architecture what it Represents and I think you know we're All sitting here because people are Interested right uh and that this is Here and it's not it's not going it's Not going away I'm going to go a little For a little forward and then come back Who is sitting there this is important Folks let's look at who's sitting there This tweet right here shows you who is

In Davos Ripple and Brad garlinghouse Circle and Jeremy lir coinbase and Bri Armstrong hadera and Leeman beard Stellar and Danel Dixon who do you think They're going to be tokenizing the world On Folks dogcoin does not have a Representative there Litecoin doesn't Shea new doesn't you can either join the Adults in the room or keep playing pump And dump with your with the children I Made my choice long ago sometimes Patience comes with being an adult Here's some more adults with the Black Rock black rock head of USI Shares are The flows coming into ibit coming out of Gbtc you know we're really seeing flows Come from a number of different Directions clearly you know the interest We're seeing is both from retail from Self-directed um investors and there are Some who were ready to invest on day one But we're also focused on those Investors who are just now beginning to Look at this new asset class and we're Very excited about that're getting our Super Bowl commercial ready portfolios And my ears perked up because that's one Of the big question when it comes to Black rocks models is there going to be An allocation to Bitcoin in the uh weeks And months Ahead well clearly I can't comment on That um but what I will say is we're

Focused on again for our clients Understanding what education needs there Are supporting them along okay so that's Black rot now I can't don't Underestimate the importance of this Video we've been saying for a long time They know who Satoshi is so the Questions you need to ask yourself is What is the Bitcoin ingame okay against The backdrop once you accept the fact That all the people that are telling you Satoshi this mystery but they're they're Lying about it the government everybody What why what is the Bitcoin endgame why Are they continuing to lie why will not One Bitcoin Max even acknowledge the Below video Wheezy has added on to the Video about the force Atoshi this the guy that's talking here Is Brock Pierce who I've always said I I Felt like he was either working for the Government some kind of he's Untouchable He's like Jed MCB nobody touches him So this was created by someone under Under a Japanese name right that you Don't actually know who it is so we Don't know who created this and it has Been hacked once some people do and some People probably do wonder how he knows That we looked at Bitcoin was the most Prevalent at that point we had seized Quite a bit of it millions of dollars Worth under the Silk Road investigation So one of our agents who started looking

At another Online Marketplace um through The Deep Web which was called Black Market reloaded they were sending Weapons um through packages and through At ordering them on the dark web and he Was really really smart forward leaning Agent and he goes I want to go interview Satoshi Nakamoto and we're like What He Said yeah I want to go interview this Guy and at the time we're like hey it's A figment of somebody's imagination Maybe it's true maybe it's not true we Don't know who created this and it has Been hacked some people do yeah some People do Well Chad Stein Grabber he put A little Theory together um and I'm Going to start down here in his theory He's basically talking about what he Thinks is the Bitcoin ingame Black Rock Now owns the majority of Bitcoin and it Will be $1 million per coin they're not Selling it back to you at any price Understand this this is his theory they Are doing it for control control of the Asset control of the market control of The future Financial network of digital Assets most of us thought the markets Would crash and pile USD money into Crypto as a save your note the Traditional markets are about to vacuum Up all of crypto and take possession of The most valuable future assets on earth Once they have majority control they're Going to turn around and sell you a

Crypto Market by means of derivatives Black Rock drives Bitcoin to 20 Million 20 million and who will be there To sell you those derivatives who will Who will be there to settle tokenized Derivatives 24/7 trading those Bitcoin Derivatives for every major institution In the world I'm sure you can guess the Dirty little secret that no one wants to Admit or know is that the greatest Scarce asset on the planet is going to Get sent into a useless cold storage box While the greatest digital asset on Earth is going to transact and settle Its derivative globally you asked for The xrp ingame I give you the Derivatives Market that's how Bitcoin Dies so it's the xrp endgame he was Talking About folks what he just said this is What Kendra Hill who disappear appeared Off social media said too just as an FYI And here's Brock Pierce too probably not It I was actually spending about an hour On the phone today contemplating how Would one hack Bitcoin uh uh it'll be a While before it would be possible uh Ultimately the equipment that's being Produced to mine Bitcoin would be Probably the main way that one would do It which is You're Building uh Technology that's meant to Hash uh Really really efficiently and uh you Know you're building up the ability to

Solve uh uh these mathematical problems At a rate that you know we've never had Networks of computers that could do this Like this other than with maybe the NSA Right so there you go look at this from Metal law man so this is weird I've Received numerous threatening emails From American Banks an ER magazine Demanding that I take down my tweet from July 2023 and remove the link to my Column published by American Banker my Column was critical of Gary gensler's Regulation by enforcement campaign Against crypto just one problem I bought A license from American Banker Permitting me to republish my column on Social media so I'm not taking it down I Love some metal law man this guy has Guts he's the guy that helped me get Back on on X and he is Smart And um Somebody's knocking at my door Let me let me get back sorry had to Answer the door I'm checking my volumes To make sure that the volume didn't get Kicked down when I did that um so we're Going to go into now and what we're going to talk About we're going to take you further Down the the Dark World of uh you know That place over there in Switzerland Where everybody is because I think There's a lot of Nefarious things on their agenda and I

Want to make sure everybody understands Real clearly what's going on and so That's what we're going to talk about I'm the digital asset investor I'm not An investment adviser this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and tell Your friends and family the Dr Evil's up To no good so we're going to keep Talking about it in the private group Because we can't do it out here thanks For [Music] [Music] Listen

Ripple CEO On Fox Business , XRP Endgame & How To Control Bitcoin (2024)
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