Rental Property vs Stocks: Pros & cons of each asset class (2024)

Last updated on January 21, 2022

Both stocks and rental property have done extremely well over the last 10 years or so. But recently, the performance of these two asset classes is becoming increasingly disconnected.

Many investors today are concerned that stock prices are no longer driven by fundamentals, with nearly $100 billion projected to be pulled from hedge funds this year alone. On the other hand, single-family rentals (SFRs) have generated consistent annual returns of 10% or more from a real asset that can be seen and touched.

While there’s no simple answer to whether rental property is better than stocks, there are some fundamental differences between the two that every serious investor needs to know.

Real Property vs. Paper Property

Buying a share of stock is like buying a very small piece of a company. For example, Amazon has about 504,000,000 shares of outstanding shares. So, if you spend $30,000 to purchase 10 shares of Amazon, you own about 0.00000002% of the company.

In the old days, when the price of a stock went up, it was usually because of strong sales, higher net income, or a valuable acquisition. Today, chief financial officers have mastered the art of buying back stock to increase share prices instead of investing in their businesses.

The Harvard Business Review (HBR) recently reported that the 465 companies in the S&P 500 Index in January 2019 that were publicly listed between 2009 and 2018 spent $4.3 trillion on stock buybacks during that 10 year period. Buybacks that enrich investment bankers, hedge fund managers, and senior corporate executives are done at the expense of common stock shareholders and the company’s employees.

Rental property, on the other hand, is completely different. With real estate investing, you own something real, such as land, physical property, and the cash flow from rent the tenants pay.

Income-producing real estate has operating expenses, such as maintenance and repairs, property manager fees, and property taxes, and insurance. By investing in the right type of rental property using conservative leverage, single-family rental property can generate cash-on-cash returns of 12% or more.

Unlike owning stocks, rental property investors receive numerous tax advantages from the IRS, including operating and business expense deductions, depreciation expense, and deferral of capital gains tax.

Rental Property vs Stocks: Pros & cons of each asset class (1)

Pros and Cons of Stocks

Investing in stocks requires very little money. There are even online stock trading platforms that allow you to buy fractional shares of a stock. So, instead of paying $3,000 for a single share of Amazon you can purchase $1,000 worth of a partial share of Amazon.

While stocks are highly liquid, you also have very limited control over what the CEO of a company says or does. A mis-sent tweet or an unexpectedly bad quarterly earnings report can easily cause share prices to plummet by 10% or more during a single trading day.

Here’s a closer look at some of the pros and cons of owning stocks and bonds instead of real estate:


  • High level of liquidity
  • Very easy to diversify among different companies and industry sectors
  • Convenient choice for retirement accounts
  • Many exchanges offer free transaction fees
  • Trade 24/7 with an internet connection from anywhere in the world


  • No control over what a publicly traded company does with your money
  • Stock market is more volatile than real estate
  • Not all publicly traded stocks pay a recurring dividend
  • Ease of trading leads to emotional investment decisions
  • Capital gains from stocks cannot be tax-deferred

Pros and Cons of Rental Real Estate

Many beginning real estate investors are surprised to learn that it’s possible to invest in real estate with very little money as well. You can purchase shares of a REIT (real estate investment trust), contribute money to a real estate crowdfund, or participate in a limited partnership.

Leverage is another way to invest in real estate without tying up a large amount of your investment capital. By making a small down payment, you gain direct control over income-producing real estate and the various tax benefits rental property provides.

Now let’s take a look at some of the biggest pros and cons of investing in rental real estate instead of traditional stocks and bonds.


  • Passive rental income cash flow is similar to stock dividends, only in much larger amounts
  • Residential real estate is easy to understand for owners, lenders, and tenants – because everyone knows what a house is
  • Tenant rents can be used to pay property operating expenses and the mortgage, with cash profit left over at the end of each month
  • Annual returns from single-family rentals are much less volatile than stocks and bonds
  • Real estate is a hedge against inflation, with increases in property prices outpacing the annual rate of inflation
  • Leverage (or the use of debt to buy real estate) makes it easier to diversify an investment portfolio by several rental properties instead of putting all of your investment dollars in one building
  • Direct control over when and where you buy and sell, leading to better returns and lower risk than stocks and even bonds
  • Tax benefits include deducting operating and business expenses from gross cash flow, and using non-cash depreciation expense to reduce taxable net income
  • Capital gains taxes can be deferred by conducting a Section 1031 tax deferred exchange


  • Real estate is less liquid than stocks, taking much more time to buy and sell
  • Higher transaction costs with real estate agent sales commissions, escrow fees, and other closing costs
  • Self-managing property and dealing with maintenance and tenant issues can take a lot of time and actually decrease property values
  • Increased liability for tenant and guest accidents, if the correct insurance coverage and property ownership structure is not used
  • Investment property can be more difficult to analyze than stocks, at least until you have a system in place and a local team in each real estate market

Rental Property vs Stocks: Pros & cons of each asset class (2)

Is Rental Property Really Less Risky Than Stocks?

At first glance, it appears that rental property is less risky than stocks. But is that really the case?

Two help answer that question, we can look at two metrics:

1. Volatility of stocks, bonds, and SRFs

Volatility measures the distribution or scattering of returns over a given period of time. Generally speaking, the higher the volatility of an asset is, the riskier it is because there is a lower probability of receiving forecasted returns.

Some well-capitalized professional investors in the stock market, such hedge funds, attempt to make volatility work in their favor. While a pro-volatility strategy may have worked in the past, investors today appear to be shunning volatility in favor of predictability. As Reuters recently reported, investors have pulled out $33 billion from hedge funds in the first quarter of this year alone.

Much of that money may end up being invested in the residential rental property market. According to commercial real estate firm SVN, the single-family rental home market in the U.S. is poised for near-term growth opportunities.

Looking at the chart below, it’s easy to understand why:

Rental Property vs Stocks: Pros & cons of each asset class (3)

Using data from various sources including the S&P 500, the U.S. Census Bureau, and Zillow, we see that single-family rental property has generated annual returns of between 10% and 18% over the past 25 years. The only exception was the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, when returns barely dipped below 0% for a couple of years.

Stocks and bonds, on the other hand, have had much higher levels of volatility since 1992 through 2017. In some years, stocks generated annual returns of 30% or more, but also losses of almost 40% in some years. Bonds had somewhat lower volatility than stocks, ranging from returns of 25% in some years to losses of nearly 10% in other years.

For investors seeking strong and predictable returns, single-family rentals provide comfort among the volatility of stocks and bonds.

2. Reward and risk ratio of stocks, bonds, and SFRs

The reward/risk ratio is used to help predict the potential for profit of an investment compared to the potential for loss.

If the reward/risk ratio is greater than 1.0, there is more potential reward than risk, and vice versa. So, everything else being equal, an investment with a reward/risk ratio of 1.1 has less risk than another investment with a ratio of 0.9.

The chart below compares the reward/risk ratio of single-family rentals (SFRs) to stocks and bonds over the past 25 years. Average annual returns of the three asset classes for the period between 1992 to 2017 were divided by the standard deviation (the measure of variation between values) and then compared to one another:

Rental Property vs Stocks: Pros & cons of each asset class (4)

As we can see from the above chart, single-family rental property is the only asset among these three that has a reward/risk ratio greater than 1.0. Even bonds, which are often touted as the “safest” type of investment, have more risk than reward over the past 25 years.

When Stocks Might be The Better Choice

For short-term investors looking for a high level of liquidity, stocks are definitely better than real estate. Day traders, who move in and out of positions several times a day in the hope of making small incremental gains, could never apply their high-risk strategy to investment property.

Researching stocks can also take less time and effort than analyzing income-producing real estate, has a lower cost of entry, and is more of a passive investment.

However, if you’re willing to devote a little extra time, investing in rental property can be much more profitable than stocks, and with a significantly lower level of risk:

  • Build equity and increase your net worth with appreciation over the long term
  • Generate passive income while using monthly rent from tenants to pay your mortgage and operating expenses
  • Owning real, physical assets is a good way to diversify away from paper stocks and bonds
  • Low correlation between stocks and real estate
  • Real estate is a proven hedge against inflation, with property prices rising faster than the average rate of inflation
  • Financing real estate is easy, allowing you to control an income-producing average with relatively small down payment
  • Property operating and business expenses can be fully deductible, while depreciation can be used to reduce taxable net income
  • The IRS only allows real estate to be used in a 1031 tax deferred exchange to defer the payment of capital gains tax
  • Providing workforce housing to middle-income families is a way of giving back to the community and helping the local economy

Rental Property vs Stocks: Pros & cons of each asset class (5)

As an expert in investment analysis and real estate, I have a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics between various asset classes, including stocks and rental properties. My expertise in this field stems from years of professional experience in financial analysis, real estate investment, and a continuous commitment to staying updated with market trends and investment strategies.

The article you provided delves into the comparative analysis of stocks and rental properties, addressing their performance, fundamental differences, advantages, disadvantages, and risk profiles. Let's break down the concepts covered:

Stock Investments:

Stock Basics:

  • Owning stocks involves holding a small portion of ownership in a company.
  • Changes in stock prices may be influenced by company performance or strategic actions (like stock buybacks) that impact market perception rather than solely by fundamental factors.
  • Accessibility to online trading platforms for fractional shares has reduced entry barriers.

Pros of Stocks:

  • High liquidity and ease of diversification.
  • Convenience for retirement accounts.
  • Some exchanges offer free transaction fees.
  • Ability to trade 24/7.

Cons of Stocks:

  • Lack of control over company decisions.
  • High volatility leading to emotional investment decisions.
  • Not all stocks provide recurring dividends.
  • Capital gains from stocks are not tax-deferred.

Rental Real Estate:

Real Property vs. Paper Property:

  • Real estate investments involve owning physical property generating income through rent payments.
  • Offers various tax advantages like deductions for expenses, depreciation, and tax-deferred capital gains through 1031 exchanges.

Pros of Rental Real Estate:

  • Potential for passive rental income.
  • Tangibility and easy understanding of residential real estate.
  • Less volatile returns compared to stocks.
  • Acts as a hedge against inflation.
  • Leverage enables diversification and control over investment.

Cons of Rental Real Estate:

  • Less liquidity compared to stocks.
  • Higher transaction costs and management responsibilities.
  • Increased liability if proper insurance and ownership structures are not in place.
  • Initial complexity in analysis until a system is established.

Risk Comparison:

Volatility and Risk-Reward Ratio:

  • Volatility analysis suggests stocks and bonds have higher volatility than single-family rental properties over the past decades.
  • The risk-reward ratio over 25 years indicates rental properties have shown a higher reward relative to risk compared to stocks and bonds.

Choosing Between Stocks and Rental Properties:


  • Stocks are preferable for short-term, highly liquid investments.
  • Rental properties offer long-term wealth-building potential, passive income, diversification, and tax advantages.
  • Real estate can be more profitable with lower risk if given proper attention and management.

In summary, the article covers the nuanced differences between stocks and rental properties, highlighting their respective advantages, disadvantages, and risk profiles. It emphasizes the potential for real estate to offer stable returns with lower volatility over the long term, making it an appealing choice for investors seeking wealth accumulation and income generation.

Rental Property vs Stocks: Pros & cons of each asset class (2024)


Are rental properties better than stocks? ›

As mentioned above, stocks generally perform better than real estate, with the S&P 500 providing an 8% return over the last 30 years compared with a 5.4% return in the housing market. Still, real estate investors could see additional rental income and tax benefits, which push their earnings higher.

What is a pro and con to owning a rental property vs traditional stock market based investments? ›

Real estate offers tangible assets, potential rental income, and long-term appreciation, while stocks provide growth potential, liquidity, and diversification opportunities. Ultimately, the choice between real estate and stocks depends on your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and personal preferences.

What is the most profitable asset class? ›

The stock market has proven to produce the highest returns over extended periods of time. Since the late 1920s, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the S&P 500 is about 6.6%, assuming that all dividends were reinvested and adjusted for inflation.

Which is a disadvantage of owning real estate as compared to owning stock? ›

Real estate is expensive and highly illiquid. Investing in real estate, even when borrowing cash, requires a large upfront investment. Getting your money out of a real estate investment through resale is much more difficult than the point-and-click ease of buying and selling stocks.

What is the 2% rule in real estate? ›

This is a general rule of thumb that determines a base level of rental income a rental property should generate. Following the 2% rule, an investor can expect to realize a gross yield from a rental property if the monthly rent is at least 2% of the purchase price.

Why high yield stocks beat rental properties? ›

These stocks pay reliable and growing dividends. Plus, they require much less work than owning a rental property. The internet is awash with claims that the secret to financial independence is buying real estate and renting it out as "passive" income.

What makes more millionaires stocks or real estate? ›

It's harder to get rich off stocks than it is to get rich off real estate. The main reason why is due to the absolute amount of money you need to risk to get rich in stocks. Even if your $5,000 stock investment goes up 50%, that's only $2,500.

Why is real estate a bad investment? ›

Real estate investing can be lucrative, but it's important to understand the risks. Key risks include bad locations, negative cash flows, high vacancies, and problematic tenants. Other risks to consider are the lack of liquidity, hidden structural problems, and the unpredictable nature of the real estate market.

Are REITs better than real estate? ›

Direct real estate investments may be more expensive upfront but give investors increased control and flexibility. Both real estate and REITs can help investors hedge inflation and market downturn risks. Both can also be a source of regular cash flow, though REITs are a much more passive investment than real estate.

What is the riskiest asset class? ›

Why Equities Are the Riskiest Asset Class. Equities are generally considered the riskiest class of assets.

What asset makes the most millionaires? ›

Real estate investment has long been a cornerstone of financial success, with approximately 90% of millionaires attributing their wealth in part to real estate holdings. In this article, we delve into the reasons why real estate is a preferred vehicle for creating millionaires and how you can leverage its potential.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in April 2024:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Money market funds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
Apr 1, 2024

Why do you prefer stocks over real estate? ›

Unlike real estate, stocks are liquid and are generally easily bought and sold, so you can rely on them in case of emergencies. With so many stocks and ETFs to choose from, it can be easy to build a well-diversified portfolio.

Is real estate a good investment 2024? ›

No — experts do not think there is a housing market crash looming in 2024. Lending standards are much more strict now than they were before the Great Recession, and with low inventory and high demand both continuing, the housing market is not likely to enter a recession in the coming year.

What is the average return on real estate investment? ›

Residential properties generate an average annual return of 10.6%, while commercial properties average 9.5% and REITs 11.8%. Investors typically analyze data pertaining to specific geographic regions or metropolitan areas to compare returns and the cost of capital to inform their investment decisions.

Are REITs better than stocks? ›

Key Points. REITs have outperformed stocks on 20-to-50-year horizons. Most REITs are less volatile than the S&P 500, with some only half as volatile as the market at large. Several individual REITs delivered significantly higher returns than the S&P 500.

What is the average rate of return on rental properties? ›

The return on investment on a rental property depends on the factors we've discussed above. According to S&P 500, the average return on investment in the US property market is 8.6%. Residential properties earn an average return of 10.6%, while commercial properties have a slightly lower 9.5% return on investment.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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