Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (2024)

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Photo Editing

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Color Correction

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Image Enhancement

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Real Estate Photo Editing Service

In today’s digital age, where first impressions are often made online, the visual appeal of real estate listings has become paramount. Potential buyers and renters turn to the internet to search for their dream properties, and the quality of the images accompanying these listings can significantly influence their decision-making process. This is where real estate photo editing comes into play, transforming ordinary property images into captivating, marketableassets.

♦ The Art of Real Estate Photo Editing

Effective real estate photo editing involves a combination of technical skills and artistic flair. Here are some key techniques used by skilled real estate photo editors:

  1. Color Correction: Adjusting colors and tones to ensure they are true to life. This can involve correcting white balance, making skies bluer, and ensuring that rooms look inviting and well-lit.

  2. HDR Imaging: High Dynamic Range (HDR) techniques merge multiple exposures to create images with a wider range of light and dark details. This is particularly useful whenphotographinginteriors with large windows or outdoor spaces.

  3. Virtual Staging: Empty rooms can be virtually furnished to help potential buyers or renters visualize the space’s potential. This technique can make vacant properties more appealing.

  4. Perspective Correction: Correcting distorted angles and converging lines to make rooms appear more spacious and symmetrical.

  5. Removing Blemishes: Editing out unsightly elements such as watermarks,reflections, or even undesirable features like utility poles or vehicles in the background.

  6. Day to Dusk Conversion: Transforming daytimephotosinto dusk or twilight shots can add an enchanting ambiance to the property, making it stand out.

  7. Image Enhancement: Sharpening images, reducing noise, and enhancing details to create a polished finalproduct.

The Importance of Real Estate Photo Editing

Real estate photo editing is more than just a touch-up job; it’s an essential tool in the realtor’s arsenal. Here’s why it matters:

  1. First Impressions Count: As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The images associated with a property listing are often the first things potential buyers or renters see.High-quality, professionally edited photos can set the stage for a positive viewing experience.

  2. Highlighting Key Features: Photo editing can accentuate a property’s unique features. Whether it’senhancingnatural lighting, decluttering spaces, or making colors pop, editing ensures that these standout qualities are spotlighted in the images.

  3. Creating Consistency: Consistency inimagequality across a realtor’s listings is crucial. A professionalreal estate photoeditor can maintain a uniform look and feel throughout a realtor’s portfolio, reinforcing brand identity and trustworthiness.

  4. Reducing Time on Market: Listings with superior images tend to sell or rent faster than those with mediocre photos. Real estate photo editing can expedite the process by making properties appear more attractive and desirable.


Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (8)


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at USD 1.30.00 per image

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (9)


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at USD 1.20 per image

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (10)


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at USD 1.50 per image

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (11)


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Start From USD 0.50 per image

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (12)


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Start From USD 2.00 per image

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (13)


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at USD 3.00 per image

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Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (14)

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (15)

1. Send us 1 test image & your editing requirements. We will get back to you with the result and the price quote within 24 hours.

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (16)

2. If you are satisfied with the result and agreed on the price offered per image, you can now start sending us your orders via email.

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (17)

3. Upload your photos for editing through GoogleDrive, WeTransfer or Dropbox, send us the link and we will work with it accordingly.

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (18)

4. Send your payment. Get the photo orders back within 24 hours and begin using them right away. We also offer free revision.


Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (19)

at $ 3.0

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (20)

at $1.5

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (21)

At $1.0

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (22)

At $1.3

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (23)

At $1.2

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (24)

At $1.5

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (25)

At $0.5

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (26)

At $2.0

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (27)

At $3.0

Real Estate Photo Editing - Pixc Retouch| Professional E-commerce Product and High-End Retouching at low cost $0.25 (2024)


How much does real estate photography editing cost? ›

Average Real Estate Photo Editing Prices in the USA

Basic editing (color correction, minor adjustments): $1 to $3 per image. Advanced editing (HDR blending, object removal, virtual staging): $5 to $10 per image. High-end editing (extensive retouching, sky replacement, twilight enhancements): $10 to $30 per image.

How much do retouchers charge per image? ›

Average Cost of Product Photo Editing? On average, the cost is around $90 per hour for product photo editing. Talking about per image, you may need to spend around $3 per image.

What is the difference between photo editing and retouching? ›

In general, photo editing is best suited for images that require general adjustments to improve their overall quality or change their appearance, while photo retouching is best suited for images that require specific adjustments to remove imperfections, enhance the appearance, or create a specific mood or atmosphere.

What is high-end photo retouching? ›

High-end retouching is professional-level Photoshop work that changes an image to its best. High-end retouching is basically correcting images. Now, this correction means a lot of things. Like, changing the body shapes of models, clearing the skin, correcting eyes, manipulating colors, and many more.

How long should it take to edit real estate photos? ›

Real estate is a fast-paced industry so you should look to take approximately 24 to 48 hours to edit real estate photos.

What is a fair price for editing? ›

As a guideline, you should expect to pay at least $12 per 1,000 words for proofreading, $25 per 1,000 words for copy editing, and $70 per 1,000 words for content editing or rewriting. As the word count increases, many editing services will charge a lower rate per word.

How much does high end retouching cost? ›

As a rough estimate, basic photo retouching services can start at around $5 to $20 per image. However, more complex retouching, especially for professional or commercial purposes, can cost significantly more, ranging from $20 to $100 or more per image.

How much do freelance retouchers make? ›

The estimated salary for a Freelance Retoucher is £34,092 per year in the London area.

Can you make money retouching photos? ›

“HOW MUCH MONEY CAN PHOTO EDITORS MAKE?” Editors charge a per image rate, and you can expect to make $40 to $100+ per hour depending on your set rates and how much work you choose to take on.

Do professional photographers retouch photos? ›

Almost all professional photographers (some may not, but certainly most do) edit their photographs. It's a critical step in the process.

What is the most popular photo retouching software? ›

Adobe Photoshop

It's known as some of the best professional photo editing software thanks to its extensive features, including advanced layer support, 3D design capabilities, an extensive brush library and AI-powered selection and enhancement tools.

Is Lightroom or Photoshop better for retouching? ›

Photoshop is the best choice for images where you want pixel-level perfection. Photo retouchers, fine artists, or compositing artists may start in Lightroom but will ultimately rely on Photoshop to do the bulk of the transformation.

What is the hourly rate for photo retouching? ›

Some photo editors prefer charging hourly rates. For basic to mid-level edits, an hourly rate ranging from $20 to $50 is appropriate. Advanced editing may warrant a higher hourly rate, starting from $50 to $100 or more.

How much should a photographer charge for editing? ›

For basic to mid-level edits, an hourly rate ranging from $20 to $50 is appropriate. Advanced editing may warrant a higher hourly rate, starting from $50 to $100 or more. ⦿ Per image charge: Charging per image remains a common and straightforward approach.

Do real estate photographers edit photos? ›

However, even the best real estate photographers sometimes need to edit their listing photos to make them look their best. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the things that real estate photographers often edit out of their photos.

Can estate agents edit photos? ›

Our professional editors are experts at retouching images with a light touch to ensure each picture stands out for all the right reasons. Whether it is simply adding a blue sky and straightening walls, tinkering with the white balance and removing cars from driveways, we can ensure each photograph looks pristine.

Is real estate photography profitable? ›

Professional Real Estate Photography is a very lucrative market and if you play your cards right you can carve out a piece of the market for yourself. Depending on where you live and work, $50,000 might be a lot of money or very little.

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Article information

Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Views: 6326

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.