Primary vs. Secondary Target Market | Bizfluent (2024)

As one witty business blogger quipped, “Everyone is not a demographic.” In a dream world far, far away, one could point to a demographic and announce, “That is my market!” However, this world is one where market segmentation helps businesses identify their ideal customers. Understanding the types of target markets facing your company means having a better understanding of the target marketing strategies to yield the best revenue opportunities ahead.


The primary target market is the group of consumers a business covets the most or feels is most likely to be the purchaser of its product or service. The secondary target market is the next market that most appeals to the company.

Target Markets vs. Demographics

These two concepts often get readily interchanged, but they’re not the same thing. Target markets are “demographics plus”. Demographics are the statistical understanding of people and populations. It’s about understanding how age, gender, geography, education, race, marital status, employment type and more plays out among people in places or regions.

The target audience is basically demographics plus income plus geography plus buying power. Most importantly, the target audience is those whom the company would like to have as customers — they’re in the right area, they have the right needs, they’re the right type of person and they’re in the market for that product. To get these customers, the company targets its advertising and marketing efforts toward them.

Keep in mind that a target market will include certain demographics — say, women between 26 and 34 — but not all women between 26 and 34 are part of the target audience. Why? Well, consider an apartment complex in a city where it’s safe, upwardly mobile and close to the downtown core, and the developers are trying to attract young, urban, female professionals. Of those 26- to 34-year-old women in the region, there will be those who hate downtown or others who are already married, so none of these women will be of interest to the developers — they’re not the target. That's OK because not everyone will be a consumer positioned to buy what a company is selling.

Primary Target Market

The primary target audience is the group of customers that a business thinks it has the greatest opportunity to convert. They’re the consumers on whom the company is banking to be early adopters, brand evangelists, repeat customers or simply a good bet. For instance, the developer may decide that the best way to attract the young, urban woman might be to have marketing posters inside transit stations near the development, slickly teasing these passersby that, “If you lived in brand X development, you’d be home already.”

The primary target audience won’t be the largest group, and they may not even be the most obvious group. They’ll be a select audience that the company should identify through a process of discussion and analysis. They’re a group that meets all the data sets as being most likely to buy into that product or service. Marketing should be designed in a way that will ring bells with that group.

That doesn’t mean they’re the only consumers being pursued; they’re just the first point of attack.

Secondary Target Market

The secondary target market is the next market that most appeals to the company for its promise and potential. Consider as an example a budget-friendly laptop that’s perfect for students and teens. Young people may be the expected end user, but the primary audience is actually the moms who will be making the choice for which laptop to send with their kids to school. The kids, then, are the secondary target audience.

As another example, consider one of those “grab-it” tools used to reach things high up on shelves. The primary target audience is likely the elderly — they can’t climb up on chairs and stools anymore. The secondary market would be wheelchair users who are confined to their seats. Of course, they need the reaching tool as well and are quite likely to be converted to customers, but they’re a smaller segment and will be more likely to hear about the product than perhaps the first group who need to be introduced to it via an informative campaign.

It’s easy, though, to make a quick reference or inclusion of the secondary audience in the primary campaign, and this is a wise plan of attack.

Segmenting the Markets

To get the target audience — primary or secondary — means segmenting the market first. This is when you group potential customers via their traits and demographics. Women over 50 who are still in the workforce with plenty of disposable income and who travel at least once a year — that’s one market segment. Income, education, political perspectives, geography, work history, race, gender, age and so many other factors can all be attributes upon which one segments the markets.

In selecting traits to form segments, it’s completely up to the companies to choose what they think makes the most promising consumer. For instance, Dunkin’ Donuts won’t market its coffee toward the affluent and well-heeled customer since they’re more likely to drink Starbucks or other elevated brands. Appreciating coffee is only one small part of the consumer it's after, and if it's really in sync with its product, it will understand its customers.

Identifying Target Audiences

Understanding a customer isn’t necessarily obvious in the early days. Sometimes, a young company knows what it's offering, and it simply sells the product until it has a better idea of its consumers. This is expensive audience research, but sometimes that’s how organic business rolls. As time goes on, it's easier to understand who is gravitating toward a product or service.

To learn more, a company can run target market analysis. To get started, it’s almost like writing an elementary-school paper: Explore the "Five W's" and the “H.”

  • Who is the audience? This is the demographic aspect of market research. How old are your potential customers? What is their makeup via race, gender, income, employment and all those other details?
  • What do they like and do? What sorts of hobbies do they have? What are their values? What are their needs? How do these things translate to your company’s offerings?
  • Where are your customers? Where do they live, work and play? Climate can influence choices because tropical Gulf of Mexico summers mean a different experience than the summer choices in Seattle, with everything from how they eat and drink to what they wear and do.
  • When will they buy? The “when” means understanding if a product or service will have slow periods, how to navigate those seasons and how to ramp up for the busy times. Is the product seasonal, year round or something that needs replenishing daily, weekly or monthly? Does the target audience have the income for buying said product or service at these intervals, and if not, what can be done to help that? These factors can all influence the ideal product messaging.
  • Why? Why will they buy from you? Why is your product one they’d prefer? More importantly, why do your competitors’ customers buy their product instead?
  • How? What is it you can say or do to get noticed by your target audiences? How can they be attracted, wooed, converted and retained? What will it take to create repeat business?

Understanding the answers to all these questions is only the beginning of hammering down the types of target markets from which a company has to choose and knowing how to connect with them.

Primary vs. Secondary Target Market | Bizfluent (2024)


Who would be your primary and secondary target market? ›

The primary market is the target market selected as the main focus of marketing activities and most of the firm's resources are allocated to the primary target. The secondary target market is likely to be a segment that is not as large as the primary market, but may have growth potential.

What is the difference between primary and secondary target audiences? ›

The primary intended audience is the population whose behavior you want to change. The secondary intended audience is the population that interacts with and influences the primary audience.

Why is it important to determine your primary and secondary target market when starting a business? ›

Identifying a target market allows marketers to focus on those most likely to purchase the product. Limiting the population funnels research and budgets to the customers with the highest profit potential.

How do you choose your primary target market? ›

You can determine this using different methods: an analysis of your customers to see if the majority have something in common; an analysis of your competition to determine if their customers have something in common; sales figures and related demographic information provided by industry organizations or other ...

What is an example of a secondary target market? ›

Examples of Secondary Markets

For example, children's toy ads aim to encourage children to ask their parents for toys. The parents themselves are a secondary market, both because the children alert the parents after seeing the ad and because the parents themselves may be induced to buy a toy after seeing a commercial.

Who is Coca Cola's primary target market? ›

Firstly, the company targets young people between 10 and 35. They use celebrities in their advertisem*nts to attract them and arrange campaigns in universities, schools, and colleges. They also target middle-aged and older adults who are diet conscious or diabetic by offering diet co*ke.

What is an example of a primary and secondary audience? ›

These are other people you could reasonably expect to come in contact with your message. For example, you might send an email to a customer, who, in this case, is your primary audience, and copy (cc:) your boss, who would be your secondary audience.

What is the difference between primary and secondary customers? ›

In the current study eight customer expectations differentiated primary and secondary customers of a focal organization: primary customers being those who give the majority of their business to the supplier, and secondary customers being those who do not.

What is the primary and secondary market in marketing? ›

In the primary market, companies sell new stocks and bonds to the public for the first time, such as with an initial public offering (IPO). The secondary market is basically the stock market and refers to the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq, and other exchanges worldwide.

Why do we need secondary target market? ›

A secondary audience is comprised of people who aren't the most likely to buy a product or service, but are still the second-most important. It's crucial to market to secondary audiences because they are either a user of your product, or they'll become a user of your product.

Why is it important for a company to collect both primary and secondary data? ›

When data through both primary and secondary methods are used correctly, the researcher is able to test the validity of the research by analyzing secondary data. Additionally, secondary data backs up the primary data the researcher collected. Do you want to know how your competitors are doing business?

Why is primary market research more important than secondary? ›

Primary research usually costs more and often takes longer to conduct than secondary research, but it gives conclusive results. Secondary research is a type of research that has already been compiled, gathered, organized and published by others.

Which target market should you choose? ›

Look at the types of customers who are likely to purchase your products and use your services. Consider things such as age, gender, income level, marital status, occupation, educational level, gender and ethnic background. Identify which customer categories have the greatest need for your products.

What are the 3 factors to consider in choosing your target market? ›

A target market can be translated into a profile of the consumer to whom a product is most likely to appeal. The profile considers four main characteristics of that person: demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral.

How would you identify the correct target market? ›

3. Define your target customers
  1. Are your target customers male or female?
  2. How old are they?
  3. Where do they live?
  4. What is their marital status?
  5. Do they have children? How old are their children?
  6. What is their education level?
  7. What do they do for a living?
  8. What is their average income?
Mar 7, 2023

How do you find the secondary target market? ›

The secondary target is composed of consumers who may want to purchase your product through persuasive advertising, from word of mouth knowledge and by trying the product initially. The tertiary target audience is the group of consumers who want to wait and see.

What are 2 examples of secondary market research? ›

There are many types of secondary research sources, such as:
  • Published market studies.
  • Competitive information.
  • White papers.
  • Analyst reports.
  • Previous in-house studies.
  • Prior internal focus groups.
  • Customer emails.
  • Customer surveys and feedback.
Jan 14, 2020

What is secondary market target? ›

The secondary target market refers to the second most important category of consumers who need your product or service. The primary and secondary target markets can be interdependent such as in situations where products appeal to both parents and children.

What is McDonald's primary target market? ›

The McDonald's target audience is mainly lower to middle class consumers, who are interested in fast, cheap and convenient food. During the pandemic, the famous McDonald's drive-thru became even more popular. In 2020, the average drive-thru purchase took 349 seconds.

What is Apple's target market? ›

Apple Target Audience

Apple's target audience consists of middle-class and upper-class users who can pay higher for products that provide them with an incredible user experience. This means that these users have a higher disposable income and are willing to pay more for as high-priced products as Apple's.

Who is Nike's target market? ›

The Nike target audience tends to be from the higher-income socio-economic group, reflected in the premium brand image and pricing of Nike products. The average Nike customer is a sports enthusiast, interested in leading an active and healthy lifestyle.

What are the two primary audiences? ›

The employees of the firm and investors, and other external stakeholders are the two main audiences of a firm. The coordinated efforts of employees help a firm to achieve its goals, so a firm prepares its business by considering its employees.

What is primary audience examples in business? ›

With a primary audience, you're talking to people who can actually take action based on what they see or hear from you. If you're a B2B company selling accounting software, then your primary audience is accounting professionals who have spending power to purchase their own technology.

How can entrepreneurs find out what their primary target markets are? ›

How to identify your target market
  1. Analyze your offerings. Ask yourself what problems your products and services solve, and, in turn, to whom they appeal. ...
  2. Conduct market research. ...
  3. Create customer profiles and market segments. ...
  4. Assess the competition.
Apr 30, 2019

Why is secondary data better than primary? ›

Compared to primary research, the collection of secondary data can be faster and cheaper to obtain, depending on the sources you use. Secondary data can come from internal or external sources.

Why do we prefer primary data than secondary data? ›

Primary data is very reliable because it is usually objective and collected directly from the original source. It also gives up-to-date information about a research topic compared to secondary data. Secondary day, on the other hand, is not expensive making it easy for people to conduct secondary research.

What is the main advantage of primary data compared to secondary? ›

The main advantage of primary data is that they will answer a specific research question that secondary data cannot answer. Primary data are current and the source of data is known. Moreover, the information is proprietary.

Is secondary market is more important than primary market? ›

Secondary markets are important because they provide liquidity to investors. Buying and selling securities quickly often reduces the amount of value lost on a trade. These markets also allow smaller investors to get involved with trading securities.

What is more effective primary or secondary research? ›

Data gathered through primary research is more accurate than secondary research data. In primary research, the researcher is fully involved in the data collection process and he or she takes care to collect valid data that can be easily authenticated.

What are the pros and cons of primary vs secondary research? ›

What is secondary research?
Primary ResearchSecondary Research
High level of involvement from the researcherLow level of involvement from the researcher
Data collected fits the researcher's needsExisting data may or may not fit the researcher's requirements
Expensive, time-consumingFast, low-cost
2 more rows

Is the biggest target market always the best Why or why not? ›

The biggest target market is not always the best. This is because virtually every business had limited resources, so marketing to the biggest target market isn't always best. Instead, focus on the group of people that are most likely to buy your product, which will maximize the impact of each dollar you spend.

What are the four best ways to determine your target customers? ›

7 Ways to Determine Your Target Audience
  • Analyze Your Customer Base and Carry Out Client Interviews. ...
  • Conduct Market Research and Identify Industry Trends. ...
  • Analyze Competitors. ...
  • Create Personas. ...
  • Define Who Your Target Audience Isn't. ...
  • Continuously Revise. ...
  • Use Google Analytics.

What are five criteria used to determine a target market? ›

Target Marketing

Following are 5 criteria that indicate whether you have selected a viable target market: size, expected growth, competitive position, cost to reach, and compatibility.

What is primary difference between primary and secondary market? ›

A primary market is defined as the market in which securities are created for first-time investors. On the other hand, the secondary market is defined as a place where the issued shares are traded among investors.

What is a primary and secondary customer? ›

In the current study eight customer expectations differentiated primary and secondary customers of a focal organization: primary customers being those who give the majority of their business to the supplier, and secondary customers being those who do not.

What is a good example of primary and secondary market? ›

For example, when a company makes its public debut on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the first offering of its new shares constitutes a primary market. The shares that trade afterward, with their prices daily listed on the NYSE, are part of the secondary market.

Should it go primary market or secondary market? ›

The primary market allows investors to get securities directly from the issuer whereas secondary market helps in buying and selling of securities between investors. Marketability and appreciation of capital are the two major factors that lead investors towards stock market.

What are 2 differences between primary and secondary market research? ›

Primary research usually costs more and often takes longer to conduct than secondary research, but it gives conclusive results. Secondary research is a type of research that has already been compiled, gathered, organized and published by others.

What is primary market and secondary market quizlet? ›

what is the difference between a primary market and a secondary market? A primary market is a market for selling financial assets that can only be redeemed by the original holder. Secondary market is a market for reselling financial assets.

What is the major benefit of the secondary market? ›

Moreover, secondary markets create additional economic value by allowing more beneficial transactions to occur and create a fair value of an asset. Secondary markets also provide liquidity to the economy as sellers can sell quickly and easily due to a large number of buyers in the market.

How do you identify primary and secondary consumers? ›

The organisms that eat the producers are the primary consumers. They tend to be small in size and there are many of them. The primary consumers are herbivores (vegetarians). The organisms that eat the primary consumers are meat eaters (carnivores) and are called the secondary consumers.

What are two examples of primary and secondary consumers? ›

Insects (Primary consumers)⟶ Frogs(Secondary consumers)⟶ Birds(Tertiary consumers)

What is the difference between primary and secondary consumers with examples? ›

Primary Consumer - Animals that consume only plant matter. They are herbivores - eg rabbits, caterpillars, cows, sheep, and deer. Secondary Consumer - Animals that eat primary consumers (herbivores). Tertiary Consumer - Animals that eat secondary consumers ie carnivores that feed on other carnivores.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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