Personality, Horoscope 2024/2023 Predictions & Compatibility (2024)

Years of the Snake: 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953...The Snake is one of the three luckiest zodiac signs in 2023. Snakes will develop smoothly in a good direction.In 2024, the overall fortune for those of you born in a Chinese zodiac year of the Snake appears to be stable.

According to Chinese astrology, people born in a year of the Snake are usually calm observers with excellent intuition, as serene as snakes, and generally demonstrate intelligence, wisdom, and creativity.

The Snake occupies the sixth position in the Chinese zodiac. The next Snake year is 2025, starting from January 29th (Chinese New Year) and ending on February 16th (Chinese New Year's Eve).

Content Preview

  • Chinese Zodiac Snake Years
  • The Snake's Personality
  • Year of the Snake 2024/2023 Predictions
  • Lucky/Unlucky Things
  • How to Be a Luckier Snake
  • Love Compatibility for Snakes
  • Best-suited Careers
  • Is the Year of Snake is Lucky for Snake?

Chinese Zodiac Snake Years

People born in the year of the Snake are called 'Snakes' in China. If you were born in 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, or 1917, then you're probably a Snake.

A Chinese zodiac year is usually said to start from Chinese New Year, whose date ranges from late January to mid-February. Therefore, if you were born in January or February in one of the above years, you might be a Snake or a Dragon.

Additionally, if you were born in January/February of the years immediately following those above (i.e. 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, etc.), then you may be a Snake or a Horse.

You can use our free Chinese zodiac sign calculator tool below to find your zodiac animal sign or see the table below.

Choose your date of birth and find out about your Chinese zodiac sign.

Snake YearDateElement of Snake
1917January 23, 1917 – February 10, 1918Fire Snake
1929February 10, 1929 – January 29, 1930Earth Snake
1941January 27, 1941 – February 14, 1942Gold Snake
1953February 14, 1953 – February 3, 1954Water Snake
1965February 2, 1965 – January 20, 1966Wood Snake
1977February 18, 1977 – February 6, 1978Fire Snake
1989February 6, 1989 – January 26, 1990Earth Snake
2001January 24, 2001 – February 11, 2002Gold Snake
2013February 10, 2013 – January 30, 2014Water Snake
2025January 29, 2025 – February 16, 2026Wood Snake

The Snake's Personality: Intelligent, Wise...

Personality, Horoscope 2024/2023 Predictions & Compatibility (1)

In Chinese culture, the Snake is the most enigmatic animal among the 12 zodiac animals. People born in a year of the Snake are supposed to be the most intuitive.

Snakes tend to act according to their own judgments while remaining private and reticent. They are determined to accomplish their goals and hate to fail.

Snakes represent the symbol of wisdom. They are intelligent and wise. They are good at communication but say little. Snakes are usually regarded as great thinkers.

Snakes are materialistic and love keeping up with the Joneses. They love to possess the best of everything but they have no patience for shopping.

Snake people usually prefer to work alone; therefore, they are easily stressed. If they seem unusually stressed, it is best to allow them their own space and time to return to normal.

Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold, and Water Snakes

Personality, Horoscope 2024/2023 Predictions & Compatibility (2)

Personality, Horoscope 2024/2023 Predictions & Compatibility (3)

In Chinese element theory, each zodiac sign is associated with one of the five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. For example, a Wood Snake comes once in a 60-year cycle.

It is theorized that a person's characteristics are decided by their birth year's zodiac animal sign and element. So there are five types of Snakes, each with different characteristics:

ElementYear of BirthPersonality of Snakes
Wood Snake1905, 1965Orderly, intelligent, with a gift for appreciating the knowing celebrities and a refined taste
Fire Snake1917, 1977Smart, insightful, communicative, active, and fond of the limelight
Earth Snake1929, 1989Calm, with strong self-control, but not steadfast and diligent enough in work
Gold Snake1941, 2001Determined, courageous, confident, and able: a born leader
Water Snake1953, 2013Clever, creative, lively, and communicative, but sentimental

See Chinese Zodiac Snakes of 5 Elements: Characters and Destinies.

Year of the Snake 2024/2023 Predictions

In 2024, the overall fortune for those of you born in a Chinese zodiac year of the Snake appears to be stable. However, please keep in mind that the interplay of auspicious and inauspicious stars may infuse this year with different changes for you, Snake individuals.

In Year of the Dragon 2024, Snake people, you will be surrounded by supportive figures, attracting more benefactors into your life. With the assistance of these kind souls, you can anticipate an upward trajectory for your fortune.

2023 is a year of the Rabbit. Snakes, your year will develop smoothly in a good direction and your luck will be generally stable. However, due to the influence of good and bad stars this year, there will be fluctuations in your luck within a certain range.

Your career prospects will develop fairly well. Since you Snakes are predicted great achievements in your careers this year, your financial projection is also relatively good.

After entering 2023, Snake people, your love trajectory tends to develop steadily. Single Snakes, you will be helped by someone in refining your temperament, which will attract the attention of outstanding members of the opposite sex. Snake people who are in love or married, you will find that disputes often occur over a trivial matter this year, which will make both you and your partner become physically and mentally exhausted. The anger in your heart must be extinguished immediately to prevent this.

Check out Monthly Predictions for Snake in 2024/2023

Lucky Things for People Born in a Year of the Snake

Personality, Horoscope 2024/2023 Predictions & Compatibility (4)

Things that will bring Snakes luck:

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 8, 9, and numbers containing them (like 28 and 89)
  • Lucky days: the 1st and 23rd of Chinese lunar months
  • Lucky colors: black, red, and yellow
  • Lucky flowers: orchid and cactus
  • Lucky directions: east, west, and southwest
  • Lucky months: the 1st, 8th, and 11th lunar months

Things that Snakes should avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: brown, gold, white
  • Unlucky numbers: 1, 6, and 7
  • Unlucky directions: northeast and northwest
  • Unlucky months: the 3rd, 9th and 12th lunar months

How to Be a Luckier Snake in 2024/2023

Red and yellow things (particularly peripheral clothing) are predicted to help Snakes boost their wealth fortunes in 2024/2023, such as red/yellow socks, gloves, bracelets, and ties.

Snakes, buying a new red or yellow car would be auspicious for your business.

Bright colors are believed to bring you Snakes a good and relaxed mood, and relieve pressure and anxiety.

When you feel upset and things don't go smoothly, Snakes, you are recommended to wear accessories made of mahogany and jade to lift your fortunes and add to your charm.

Snakes, for you, getting along with Oxes, Roosters, and Monkeys, especially with Monkey people, means making lucky friendships in 2024/2023.

Love Compatibility: Is She/He Compatible with You?

Personality, Horoscope 2024/2023 Predictions & Compatibility (5)

Each animal sign has its unique characteristics. Love compatibility within the Chinese zodiac animals takes the characteristics of each animal into account. Only those whose characteristics match can be good partners.

See below the compatibility of the Snake with other animals, and find out if the Snake is compatible with your sign or not.

  • Best with: Ox or Rooster
  • Worst with: Tiger, Horse, or Pig

Want to know if she/he is compatible with you? Use our zodiac love compatibility calculator below. Or you can check the 12 Chinese zodiac signs' love compatibility in detail.

Chinese Zodiac Compatibility Calculator

Enter date of birth and test now

The Best-suited Careers for Snakes

Snakes are very creative and extremely diligent. Although Snakes work very hard, they have a tendency to be job-hoppers as they become easily bored. Snakes are great thinkers. Complex problems stimulate them. They're excellent problem-solvers and thrive under tight deadlines.

Good career choices for Snakes include: scientist, analyst, investigator, painter, potter, jeweler, astrologer, magician, dietician, and sociologist.

Is the Year of the Snake Lucky for Snakes?

The year of one's birth sign (本命年 běnmìngnián /bnn-ming-nyen/ 'origin (of) life year') is believed to be the most unlucky in the 12-year cycle. Therefore Snakes should be more careful about all aspects of their lives, including love, health, their careers and finances. Read more on How to Be Lucky in Your Ben Ming Nian.

The next Snake year is 2025. It starts on Chinese New Year (January 29, 2025).

Check Other Chinese Zodiac Animals












As a seasoned enthusiast in Chinese astrology and the zodiac, I bring to you a wealth of knowledge on the topic. Having extensively studied the Chinese zodiac, its characteristics, and the intricacies associated with each animal sign, I can confidently guide you through the intriguing world of the Snake, one of the most enigmatic creatures in this astrological system.

Let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

Chinese Zodiac Snake Years:

The article highlights specific years associated with the Snake in the Chinese zodiac: 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, and so on. These years follow a 12-year cycle, and individuals born in these years are considered Snakes in the Chinese zodiac.

Snake's Personality Traits:

According to Chinese astrology, people born in the Year of the Snake are described as calm observers with excellent intuition. They are serene, intelligent, wise, and creative. The Snake is the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac and is associated with traits like determination, goal-oriented behavior, and a dislike for failure.

Chinese Zodiac Snake Years and Elements:

The Chinese zodiac incorporates five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold, and Water. Each element is associated with specific years. For example, a Wood Snake comes once in a 60-year cycle, and there are Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold, and Water Snakes, each with distinct characteristics.

Year of the Snake 2024/2023 Predictions:

The article provides predictions for individuals born in the Year of the Snake for the years 2023 and 2024. It suggests that 2023 is a Rabbit year and foresees smooth development and stable luck for Snakes. The Year of the Dragon in 2024 is expected to bring supportive figures into the lives of Snake individuals, leading to an upward trajectory in fortune.

Lucky/Unlucky Things for Snakes:

The article lists lucky and unlucky things for those born in the Year of the Snake. Lucky numbers, colors, flowers, and directions are mentioned, along with things to avoid. This information provides insights into the beliefs and superstitions associated with the Snake sign.

How to Be a Luckier Snake:

Specific recommendations are given to enhance luck for Snakes in 2024/2023. Wearing red and yellow accessories, considering bright colors for a good mood, and forming lucky friendships with Oxes, Roosters, and Monkeys are suggested strategies.

Love Compatibility for Snakes:

The article explores love compatibility for Snakes with other Chinese zodiac signs. It mentions that Snakes are best suited for relationships with Ox or Rooster signs and less compatible with Tiger, Horse, or Pig signs.

Best-suited Careers for Snakes:

Snakes are described as creative and diligent individuals who excel in problem-solving. The article suggests career choices such as scientist, analyst, investigator, painter, and more, emphasizing the Snake's ability to thrive under tight deadlines.

Year of the Snake Luck:

The article briefly touches on the belief that one's birth sign year is considered the most unlucky in the 12-year cycle. It advises Snakes to be cautious in various aspects of their lives during their birth sign year.

In summary, the Year of the Snake is intricately connected to various aspects of life, including personality traits, luck predictions, and compatibility. Understanding these concepts provides valuable insights for individuals born in the Year of the Snake, helping them navigate life's journey with a blend of wisdom and creativity.

Personality, Horoscope 2024/2023 Predictions & Compatibility (2024)


Which zodiac will be successful in 2024? ›

Unlocking Success: Top 5 Zodiac Signs Bringing Professional Fortune in February 2024. Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius are the top zodiac signs destined for success in February 2024. Pisces, Taurus, and Virgo are also influenced by cosmic energies this month, offering opportunities for professional growth.

What is the number 1 prediction for 2024? ›

According to the Numerology predictions 2024 for Number 1, 2024 will be all about doing hard work. But the tricky bit is that people with the Number 1 as their numerology number are not interested in physical labor. They are speedy when it comes to making decisions and taking action.

Which Chinese zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

According to the China Highlights website, the signs with the most luck and fortune in 2024 will be: monkeys, roosters, and pigs. In a second category of luck for the year 2024 are: ox, rabbits, goats, and dogs.

Will I find love in 2024? ›

2024 is an exceptional year to fall in love. 2024 is an exceptional year for love, with gobs of marriages bound to happen. Aries can expect romance and passion, while Taurus should break stereotypes for adventure. Gemini should overcome self-doubts, and Cancer should embrace the bliss of love.

Which zodiac is easily successful? ›

Meet the Zodiac signs poised for success as they stay true to New Year goals. Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Libra are the zodiac signs likely to stay committed to achieving their goals. Capricorns excel in establishing and attaining long-term goals with their ambitious and disciplined nature.

Which zodiac is successful? ›

Capricorns, ruled by Saturn, are organized and ambitious, making them the most successful zodiac sign. With strong discipline and a goal-oriented mindset, they tackle tasks effectively and embrace challenges with determination.

What does 2024 mean spiritually? ›

2024 and the message of the Angels

This endless cycle is represented by the number 8 as the symbol of infinity,” Gómez reveals. “On a personal level, they tell us about a year of new beginnings, great rewards, and learning to create balance in our lives, not following what is outside, to listen to what is inside.”

How is 2024 for Life Path 8? ›

Year 2024 For Destiny Number 8 Individuals

You will surely succeed in whatever you do. The new year will bring both financial stability and better health. The astro experts suggest that people born under destiny number 8 should focus on developing their inner strength and self-discipline during this year.

What is the life path 9 in 2024? ›

Life Path 9

The number 9 represents endings and new beginnings. In 2024, be prepared to let go of everything and everyone that no longer serves you. By doing that, you will cultivate a life that is better and more fulfilling.

What is the lucky color for 2024? ›

2024 is the Year of the Dragon in Chinese astrology. The Dragon represents strength and success. Lucky colors for this year are golden, yellow, green, gold, silver, and purple.

What is the feng shui in 2024? ›

2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. Luck fluctuates for those born in the year of the Dragon as you are in clash with the Grand Duke this year. There are many obstacles and setbacks as you pursue your career or studies, but empowered by the Abundance Star, you will be duly rewarded for your efforts.

What is the feng shui for 2024? ›

According to Kwan, the most auspicious area for 2024 is the wealth and good luck corner in the North, aka the money spot. “You can locate this by finding the north direction with a compass whilst standing at the center of your space.

Who will find their soulmate in 2024? ›

Love Horoscope: These 6 Signs Will Find Their Soulmate in 2024
  • The 6 Lucky Signs in Love, Finding their Soulmate in 2024.
  • Gemini. 2024 looks like a period of clarity and romantic renewal for Geminis. ...
  • Cancer. ...
  • Virgo. ...
  • Scorpio. ...
  • Capricorn. ...
  • Pisces.

How to get love in 2024? ›

Dating experts shared these 10 dating tips for 2024.
  1. Explore options. ...
  2. Match your life goals and dating goals. ...
  3. Approach it like a job search. ...
  4. Be honest. ...
  5. Do your research. ...
  6. Keep first dates short and light. ...
  7. Get creative. ...
  8. Cultivate your conversation skills.
Feb 21, 2024

Will I ever find love again at 55? ›

If you're over 50 and thinking of finding someone special, the prospect of dating can be daunting. However, it's never too late to find the love of your life. There are countless men and women who have found happiness with a new partner in middle age or even later. You could be one of them.

Which signs will be lucky in 2025? ›

Some signs will begin to see tangible results of their hard work - they will enjoy success, wealth, and a rapid rise in their careers. According to the forecasts, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, and Pisces will be the luckiest. By 2025, they will be able to achieve incredible goals and fulfill their cherished dreams.

What will happen in 2024 astrology? ›

Total Solar Eclipse 2024: Zodiac Signs Impact and Transformation. The eclipse's influence varies across the zodiac, with each sign poised for unique shifts and growth opportunities: Aries: Embrace self-discovery and ignite passion for the new beginnings in life with this solar eclipse.

What is the future prediction for 2024 by date of birth? ›

The year 2024 is favorable for those whose birthday is on the 9th, 18th, 27th. People born on this date come under the number 9. This year, the influence of people with radix number 9 may increase in their jobs. If you are also in the race for promotion, then you may get this good news this year.

What zodiac will 2025 be? ›

Year of the Snake

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.