Personal Property in an Eviction: What Happens to Your Things? (2024)

Can my landlord remove my personal property after I have been evicted?

Yes. A Writ of Possession is a court order that allows a landlord to take back the home. A Writ of Possession can be obtained six days after you lose your eviction hearing in court. Once your landlord gets a Writ of Possession, they can begin the final steps to evict you. Soon after the landlord gets the Writ of Possession, you will get a 24-hour notice to vacate. After this 24-hour period, an officer will come and allow the landlord to remove you and your personal property from the premises.

What happens to my personal property once I am evicted?

What happens to your property depends on your landlord. Texas Property Code 24.0061(d)(2) allows the removal of your personal property from the rental unit. Once removed, the property must be placed outside the rental unit, usually at a nearby public area. It may not block a public sidewalk, passageway, or street.

Furthermore, the landlord cannot put your personal property put outside if it is raining. If it is raining, the landlord must either wait to remove your property or put your property in a nearby storage container. Make sure you collect your property from this container as soon as you can. The storage container may be gone after only a short while.

Is there any requirement that my landlord has to store my personal property?

Not usually, but sometimes yes. The Texas Property Code does not require that a landlord store your property. However, a Writ of Possession does let an officer decide whether to hire a warehouseman. A warehouseman is somebody who removes and stores your property. In this arrangement, you pay the warehouseman to get your property back. Some counties require this arrangement.

Can I stop a warehouseman from taking my belongings?

Yes. Texas Property Code 24.0062(b)(2) allows you to demand the warehouseman stop moving your property. You have to make this demand either before they remove your property or before they leave the premises. In this case, you do not owe any moving or storage charges.

A warehouseman has my belongings. What does this mean?

A warehouseman is a person who removes and stores your personal property. In some cases, Texas Property Code 24.0061(e) lets an officer hire a warehouseman to remove and store your property. The warehouseman then receives a lien on your personal property. You have 30 days to pay the lien amount. After 30 days, the warehouseman may sell your property.

How do I get my property back from a warehouseman?

You can get your property back by paying the warehouseman’s lien on your property. Under Texas Property Code 24.0062(a), the lien amount is the reasonable cost of storing and moving your personal property. You can pay at any time until your property is sold. Your property may not be sold for at least 30 days from the day your property was stored.

If I only want some of my property back, do I still have to pay the entire warehouseman’s fees?

No. Within 30 days after your personal property has been removed and stored, you can pay for specific property back. You do not have to pay for all of the property stored by the warehouseman. Texas Property Code 24.0062(e) sets out 16 categories of property that can be paid for separately. This means that you can pay for specific pieces of your property that falls into one these categories. Some of these categories are:

  • Clothes
  • Family libraries and pictures
  • Beds and beddings
  • One couch, two living room chairs, dining tableand chairs
  • Food and medical supplies
  • One automobile and one truck
  • Children’s toys
  • Cash

After this 30-day period, a warehouseman can require that you pay for all of the property. This means that you can no longer pay for specific pieces of property. Instead, you must pay the moving and storage costs for your property.

What will happen if I do not pay the warehouseman?

If, after 30 days, you do not pay the warehouseman fees, they can begin to sell your belongings. You can pay for and claim your property anytime until it is sold. However, you have no rights to any legally sold property or proceeds. The warehouseman does not have to give you notice before selling your property.

Can I get my personal property back if it is or was being improperly held from me?

Yes. You can sue in Justice Court if your property was wrongly taken and stored. Texas Property Code 24.0062(i) allows you to sue both your landlord and the warehouseman. For example, if your landlord locks you out of your home illegally and removes your property, you can sue both the landlord and the warehouseman to get your property back.

My landlord or warehouseman improperly sold off or is withholding my personal property. Can I claim any damages against them?

Yes.Texas Property Code 24.0062(k) says you can sue for damages. If you win, you will get your property back. Or, if the property has already been sold, you are entitled to the value of that property instead. You are also entitled to the following damages. You could also win any actual damages, attorney fees, and court costs.

What happens to my property if I leave it behind before I am evicted?

If you leave property behind before you are evicted, the property may be considered abandoned. Texas Property Code 92.0081(b)(2) allows a landlord to remove abandoned property. Your lease may define what abandoned property is. Your lease may also lay out the rules for what can happen in such a case. If the property is considered abandoned, you no longer have any rights to it. A landlord will have the right to sell, keep, or throw the property out.

Note: A Writ of Possession allows a landlord to remove your property from the rental unit. This is true even if the property is not abandoned.A landlord can get a Writ of Possession six days after winning an eviction hearing.

My landlord improperly locked me out without evicting me in court. How can I get my belongings back?

If your landlord will not give you a key to the new lock, you may consider filing a lawsuit. In some cases, improperly locking you out and withholding property is a violation of your rights. Filing a Writ of Re-Entry allows you to return to your home upon a wrongful lockout. A Writ of Retrieval allows you to retrieve any personal property left behind.

You may also have other claims against your landlord for an improper lockout. See this article for information about lockouts, including what your rights are and how to enforce them.

What can I do to prevent my personal property from being left behind?

You should make an effort to move your property out of a rental unit before you are evicted. If you do not have another living arrangement yet, think about the following tips:

  • Ask friends and family. See if they can store some property for you.
  • If you can afford a temporary storage unit, this may work as well.
  • Ask your landlord if you can be given more time to move your property out. Try to state an exact date when you can have the property moved out by.
  • Try contacting local organizations or the authorities to see if they assist you. They may be able assist you or recommend someone who can help you.

Am I liable for any damages my personal property causes after being removed?

No. You are not liable for any damages caused by your personal property. After it has been removed from the rental unit, you do not have any further obligations. It is up to the landlord and officers to ensure your property does not cause damage. They are required to move your property to a nearby location which doesn’t block a public sidewalk, passageway, or street.

Can other people take my personal property after being removed?

Regrettably, most likely. After your property has been removed, you must reclaim the property. If you do not reclaim it, you are giving up all rights to the property. Your landlord and constable have no duty to watch over your belongings. Although the property is still yours, unless you reclaim the property, other people may take it. It may be very hard to get property back if someone takes it.

How long do I have to remove my personal property once I receive an eviction notice?

In Texas, the entire eviction process takes about three weeks. If you lose your eviction case, your landlord can get a document called a Writ of Possession after six days. The constable will give you a copy of the Writ of Possession at least 24 hours before forcibly removing you from the home.

Make sure that you stay involved throughout the eviction process. This is true even if you know you probably will end up being evicted. Staying involved will let you know when important dates will take place so that you can move your personal property in time.

More Information

Illegal Lockouts:Lockout information, including forms for the Writ of Re-Entry (which allows you to return to your home upon a wrongful lockout) and Writ of Retrieval (allows you to retrieve personal property you left behind).

Texas Property Code Section 92.0081: Texas statute about lockouts and property removal.

Eviction Guide:Helpful information for tenants.

Texas Justice Court Training Center Eviction Packet: Information and forms relating to eviction court.

Texas Property Code 24.0062:Texas statute about warehouseman’s rights and liens.

Personal Property in an Eviction: What Happens to Your Things? (2024)


How long can someone leave their belongings on your property in PA? ›

Pennsylvania Law, 68 P. S250. 505a, gives tenants 10 days from the postmark date the landlord sends written notice that the items were left behind. You can request that the property be stored for an additional period not exceeding 30 days from the date of the notice.

How long do you have to get your stuff after being evicted in Nevada? ›

What happens to my property after I vacate? Your landlord is required to safekeep your property for 30 days after you vacate the premises.

How long can someone leave their belongings on your property in TN? ›

Whenever the landlord determines abandonment and takes possession of the rental, the personal property left behind must stored for at least 30 days. During that 30 day period the tenant can reclaim their possessions. Tennessee law does not include a requirement that the tenant pays for any storage costs.

How long can someone leave their belongings on your property in Indiana? ›

In Indiana, the state statute requires that the Landlord must keep the tenant's personal belongings for ninety (90) days after taking possession of the real property. Now there is one exception to this rule and that is if the tenant abandoned the personal property.

Can an ex throw away personal belongings? ›

While there are legal ways that they can require that you remove your personal belongings, if your soon-to-be ex-spouse has thrown away your personal property or is threatening to do so, he or she may be held accountable for any property that has been discarded, hidden, or otherwise squandered.

Can a landlord move your personal belongings without permission in PA? ›

(f) Under no circ*mstances may a landlord dispose of or otherwise exercise control over personal property remaining upon inhabited premises without the express permission of the tenant.

How do I remove an eviction from my record in Nevada? ›

If the former landlord will agree to seal the eviction, then you can file a Stipulation to Seal that both you and your landlord sign. Otherwise the tenant must file a motion in the eviction case to seal an eviction record.

What are the squatters rights in Nevada? ›

In the state of Nevada, a squatter can claim rights to your property after living there continuously for at least 5 years. The squatter must also be able to show proof that they have been paying the property taxes for the entire duration they have been living there.

What are renters rights in Nevada? ›

Nevada tenants have the right to live in a unit that complies with local housing and safety requirements. If there are any existing damages to the unit, the tenant can request the landlord to fix the issue within 14 days of notice. In cases of emergency, the fix may be done within 24 hours' notice.

Can you leave stuff in your house when you move? ›

Unless you negotiate a deal with a buyer, any items that belong to you and aren't attached to or otherwise part of the house go with you when you sell. Plan to take your furniture, art hanging on the walls, small throw rugs, hanging plants, beds, curtains, etc. with you when you move.

How long does someone have to leave something at my house for it to be mine? ›

In California, personal property is considered abandoned after the landlord sends out an official notice and 18 days have passed. Until that time, the property should not be handled or disposed of other than to store the property in a safe, secure location.

How long can an ex leave stuff at your house? ›

The number of days should be reasonable, but more than 30 days is beyond reasonable. In cases where he is nearby, and the items do not require a moving truck and movers, 7-10 days may be reasonable. To protect yourself, make a written inventory and take photographs of the items.

What is considered personal property in Indiana? ›

Forms to pay your Business Personal Property taxes

Business tangible personal property is the value of all property besides real estate that is used in your business or organization. It includes items like computers, furniture, fixtures, tools, leased equipment, and any other equipment used in producing an income.

How long do you have to move out after eviction in Indiana? ›

Provided that the tenant does not appeal for reconsideration, a Writ of Execution is issued within a few hours to a few days. The Writ of Execution gives the tenant a maximum of 48-72 hours to vacate the property. If the eviction process is related to drugs, they receive 72 hours to leave.

What is abandonment of property in Indiana? ›

In Indiana abandonment is defined as the tenant's failure to pay or offer to pay rent due under the rental agreement and the circ*mstances are such that a reasonable person would conclude that the tenant has surrendered possession of the premises, as per IC 32-31-5-6(b).

What can I do if my ex refuses to give me my belongings? ›

  1. Make a List of Items Taken.
  2. If Someone Refuses to Return Your Property, is it Theft?
  3. File a Police Report.
  4. Request a Civil Standby.
  5. Ask for Your Property Back by Sending a Demand Letter.
  6. File an Insurance Claim for Your Stolen Stuff.
  7. Sue in Small Claims Court to Get Your Property Back.
Mar 16, 2023

What are my legal rights to retrieve my belongings from my ex? ›

You have every right to retrive your belongings. Just call your local police to meet you there and be with you. Also, let your ex know so there will be know static when you come. If the ex refuses to allow you to get your stuff, swear out at warrant at your magistrate office.

Do I have to give my ex his stuff back? ›

As for gifts, Judge Judy always rules that gifts do not need to be returned and that stands here with one exception: family heirlooms that were given contingent on the relationship lasting (like your grandmother's wedding ring) should be given back. A lot of people like to force-return a gift to make a statement.

How long does a landlord have to store tenants belongings in PA? ›

If the intent is conveyed to the landlord, the personal property shall be retained by the landlord at a site of the landlord's choosing for thirty days. If no communication is made to the landlord within ten days, the property may be disposed of at the end of the ten days at the discretion of the landlord.

Can a landlord take your personal property in PA? ›

This is a legal term with historical roots, and indeed the law was put on the books in Pennsylvania in the 1800s. Power to distrain means the landlord can take personal property of the tenant, with some exceptions, as payment for unpaid rent.

Do landlords have to paint between tenants in PA? ›

This means that every landlord in Pennsylvania must make the repairs needed to keep the rental housing in a safe, sanitary and livable condition. The law does not require that the landlord provide a perfect dwelling. A landlord is not required to provide paint to beautify the rental housing.

What are the eviction laws in Nevada? ›

Nevada law requires a thirty-day notice to the tenant (or a seven-day notice if the tenant pays rent weekly), followed by a second five-day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer (after the first notice period has elapsed) instructing the tenant to leave because tenant's presence is now unlawful.

What is a motion to stay eviction in Nevada? ›

A Motion to Stay (Delay) Order for Summary Eviction allows the tenant to ask the court to "stay" (pause) a summary eviction and grant the tenant up to ten more days to move. (NRS 70.010(2); JCRCP 110.) A tenant can file a motion to stay at any time after an eviction notice is served.

How do I seal my record in Nevada? ›

To petition a court to seal your criminal history record, contact the court in the jurisdiction where the arrest occurred. To facilitate completing the court forms, obtain a copy of your Nevada criminal history record.

What is the abandoned property law in Nevada? ›

The State of Nevada acts as custodian for abandoned property, holding it in perpetuity until such time as the original owners or heirs claim it.

What is the new Nevada squatter law? ›

Nevada's squatters law has created two new crimes relating to squatters: “housebreaking” and “unlawful occupancy.” The process that a landlord will utilize to remove the occupants will depend on whether the occupants were arrested for these two crimes.

What is the shortest time for squatters rights? ›

As already mentioned, squatters' rights in California require a squatter to have occupied a property for at least 5 years. It also goes without saying that the entire five years must be uninterrupted. In other words, the squatter must not have abandoned the unit at any point during their 5-year occupation.

Can a tenant refuse entry to landlord in Nevada? ›

What if the tenant refuses to let the landlord enter? If the tenant refuses to let the landlord enter when lawful, the landlord can sue the tenant for money to pay for landlord's injuries and for a court order requiring access or terminating the lease. (NRS 118A. 500(1).)

When can I withhold rent in Nevada? ›

Can You Withhold Rent in Nevada? Yes, tenants may withhold rent under the repair and deduct statute. This statute states that if a landlord does not make repairs within 48-hours of being notified, the tenant may pay to have the repairs done and deduct the cost from their next rent payment.

What is the quiet enjoyment in Nevada? ›

The “Implied Covenant of Quiet Enjoyment” grants your tenant peace and quiet while staying in your rental unit. As the landlord, you're responsible for maintaining a harmonious home environment and keeping the disturbances to your tenants' lives minimal. This will also help better your landlord-tenant relationship.

What happens if you leave your stuff when you move? ›

If you move out and leave furniture behind, you could be charged by your landlord for disposal (check your lease and local specifics). Moreover, it could be deducted from your security deposit.

What happens if you don't clean when you move out? ›

In most states, if the apartment is left so dirty that it will cost the landlord more than a normal “turn cost” (the cost for cleaning a unit and preparing it for a new tenant), the landlord may be justified in withholding the deposit.

Can I leave stuff in drawers when moving? ›

Always Remove Fragile Items from Dressers and Cabinets

Additionally, it's a bad idea to keep small items of any kind inside drawers during a move. Your movers will have to tip your dresser on its side when moving it down stairs or through tight hallways.

Why are homes abandoned with everything left behind? ›

A house that is abandoned usually is one that has been left unoccupied and vacant due to foreclosure, bankruptcy, or other financial or legal reasons. Local governments are usually not collecting property taxes anymore from the original owner.

What does it mean when a guy leaves something at your house? ›

If he's leaving things at your house he expects to be coming back and doesn't want the hassle of having to bring “stuff” every time he comes over. Calibrating the Relationship. If he's leaving clothes and intimate items, it is a way of signaling closeness. He's trusting you with his stuff.

Who owns the items left behind in a house after closing UK? ›

If the seller has left some belongings in the house you should ask the seller to remove them. If the seller cannot or will not remove the items you will have to arrange to have them moved. Moving the items may cost you money and you could try to recover this from the seller.

Should I get rid of stuff from my ex? ›

You should throw everything out, especially after a relationship goes sour, and start over otherwise you have trouble moving on. Even the small provisions will give you reminders of your past relationship when you see them in your daily life, and it will be harder to let go for your next relationship.

Can my ex boyfriend keep my belongings? ›

No person may take or give away or sell another's possessions without the consent of the other person, or a court order (such as after a lawsuit) giving him possession of those items. You can sue your boyfriend for the then-current value of the items--which is not the price you paid or still owed.

What to do with ex wife belongings? ›

Getting Rid of Your Ex's Stuff and the Liability of Doing So Upon Relationship Breakdown
  1. Organize and set the property aside. ...
  2. Notifying your former partner of the property in your possession. ...
  3. Notifying your ex of your intention to move the property. ...
  4. Moving the Property to Storage.
Mar 21, 2022

What are 3 examples of personal property? ›

Your furniture, appliances, clothing, sports/hobby equipment, and electronics are all regarded as personal property.

What are the 3 types of personal property? ›

Personal property may be classified in a variety of ways.
  • Intangible.
  • Tangible.
  • Other distinctions.

What does an example of personal property include? ›

Personal property can be characterized as either tangible or intangible. Examples of tangible personal property include vehicles, furniture, boats, and collectibles. Stocks, bonds, and bank accounts fall under intangible personal property.

How do I delay an eviction in Indiana? ›

Talk to Your Landlord

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

What a landlord Cannot do in Indiana? ›

You have the right to access your rental home at all times. It is illegal for a landlord to deny you access to your rented property by means of changing locks, barring windows or removing doors. The only way a landlord may deny you entry to your rental property is through a court order.

What happens if you miss eviction court in Indiana? ›

If your landlord filed an eviction case, and you fail to show up for court when ordered, the court may rule against you without hearing your side. At your first hearing, the judge will explain the pre-eviction diversion program.

How do I claim adverse possession in Indiana? ›

A person must occupy a property for at least ten years in Indiana to make an adverse possession claim. During this period, the person must also prove additional continuous actions that meet the other conditions necessary for an adverse possession claim. Exclusive and continuous possession is necessary to show control.

Can you physically remove someone from your property in Indiana? ›

You must have a reasonable belief that you are protecting yourself from the imminent use of unlawful force. You would also be justified in using reasonable force if it is necessary to immediately stop someone's trespass or criminal interference with property.

What does abandoned property mean in legal terms? ›

Abandoned property is defined as personal property left by an owner who intentionally relinquishes all rights to its control.

What is the abandonment law in PA? ›

In Pennsylvania, a parent who abandons a child can be subject to criminal charges, including felony charges of endangering the welfare of a child. Depending on the circ*mstances of the case, the parent may be sentenced to prison and/or be required to pay restitution to the child.

What is considered abandoned property in Pennsylvania? ›

Determining Whether the Property Is Abandoned

a written lease ends and the tenant has vacated the unit. there is an eviction order for possession in favor of the landlord and the tenant has vacated the unit and removed most personal property.

What is it called when someone won t give you your belongings? ›

Replevin is the legal action you can use to get your personal property back when someone has wrongfully taken it and refuses to give it back. If this happens, you may also recover financial losses as a result of the wrongful taking of property or because you were unable to use the property for a period of time.

How do I get my belongings back from my ex? ›

Guide on How to Legally Get Belongings Back
  1. Make a List of Items Taken.
  2. If Someone Refuses to Return Your Property, is it Theft?
  3. File a Police Report.
  4. Request a Civil Standby.
  5. Ask for Your Property Back by Sending a Demand Letter.
  6. File an Insurance Claim for Your Stolen Stuff.
Mar 16, 2023

What is personal abandonment? ›

Essentially, self-abandonment is when you reject, suppress or ignore part of yourself in real-time. In other words, you have a need or desire you want to meet, and (often on the spot) you make the decision not to meet it.

How long does a parent have to be absent to lose rights in PA? ›

Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights

The grounds for involuntary termination are: The parent shows a "sense of purpose" in relinquishing their parental rights, or has refused or failed to perform their duties for at least six months.

What is the period of abandonment? ›

State laws differ about what is needed for a parent to be deemed to have abandoned a child. Generally, there needs to be a period of time during which the parent does not have any contact with the child and does not pay child support. In most states, the period of time is one year, but this varies.

How do I claim abandoned property in Pennsylvania? ›

To receive assistance from a claims representative, call 1.800.222.2046 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday, or e-mail

What are the rules for unclaimed property in PA? ›

Pennsylvania requires businesses to record and report unclaimed property annually, by April 15th. A business that cannot locate the owner of unclaimed property must turn the property over to the state after the dormancy period.

How do I evict a tenant in PA without a lease? ›

Your landlord must give you a written eviction notice before he or she can start a legal action to evict you, unless you have a written lease and the lease says what kind of an eviction notice, if any, the landlord must give you.

What to do with stuff from ex? ›

Send Anything With Roadie
  1. Be The Bigger Person and Give It Back. Seriously, not all break ups are bad. ...
  2. Throw It in A Garbage Bag. Like we said, not all break ups are bad; some are horrific. ...
  3. Sell It. Yes, you can profit from your break up. ...
  4. Donate It To Charity.

Is it OK to keep stuff from your ex? ›

It's really up to you to use your common sense.” As for sentimental things you don't wear – such as love letters – Barnett doesn't believe we need to throw these memories away. “Accumulating things from your ex is part of creating memories that at the time were special and grown from love,” she explains.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.