Personal Property (2024)

8.1 Personal Property

Learning Objectives

  1. Distinguish between personal property and real property.
  2. Understand classifications of property.
  3. Examine methods of acquisition of personal property.
  4. Understand the concept of bailment, and the legal duties associated with bailment.

Let’s begin with an understanding of the differences between types of property. This is important, because different laws apply to different types of property. While it might be perfectly legal to destroy a piece of personal property—like a chair—without obtaining permission from the government, destruction of real property is a different matter altogether. For example, the owner of an office building who wishes to demolish it would be subject to many local laws, such as requirements to obtain the necessary permits. Such an activity might also be subject to further legal scrutiny, if the building in question holds particular historic value, for example. Let’s compare this to the destruction of a chair, which is personal property. Even if the chair is the chair that Abraham Lincoln sat in while drafting the Emancipation Proclamation, as long as the chair is owned by the person who wishes to destroy it, the owner may simply load it into his or her truck and haul it to the dump. No special permission is required, because there are few legal restrictions to the destruction of private property.

As you can see, property can be classified as real or personal. Real propertyLand, and certain things that are attached to it or associated with it. is land, and certain things that are attached to it or associated with it. Real property is raw land, such as a forest or a field, as well as buildings, like a house, a condominium, or an office building. Additionally, things that are associated with land, like mineral rights, are also real property. People often talk about real property by using the term real estateA term that refers to real property., which reflects both the concept of real property and the ownership interest concept of estateA term that refers to ownership interests..

Many businesses, from grocery stores to coffee shops to hotels, rely on real property for customers or clients to visit to conduct business. Today, many businesses are also conducted virtually, and have only virtual shops. Virtual stores, such as those found on eBay, are not forms of real property. However, certain virtual real properties, such as those found on Second Life, are traded for real money. Check out the two links in Note 8.13 "Hyperlink: “Unreal” Property" to read about this “property” boom, where real business occurs over nonreal property.

Personal propertyProperty that is not real property. is property that is not real property. Tangible propertySomething that can be touched. is something that can be touched. Moveable, tangible personal property is chattelMoveable, tangible personal property.. Many businesses exist to sell personal property. For example, the primary purpose of retailers such as Wal-Mart,, and Sears is to sell personal property. Some property can also be described as fungibleProperty that is not uniquely identifiable and is subject to easy mutual substitution. property. Property that can easily be substituted with identical property is said to be fungible. For example, if you bought a pound of sugar from a container containing ten pounds of sugar, you wouldn’t care which specific grains of sugar made up your purchase, because all the sugar in the container is fungible. Other types of fungible goods include juices, oil, metals such as steel or aluminum, and physical monetary currency.

Some personal property is intangible. Intangible property does not physically exist, but it is still subject to ownership principles, including acquisition, transfer, and sale. For instance, the right to payment under a contract, the right to exclude others from a patented product, and the right to prohibit others from using copyrighted materials are all examples of intangible property.

Sounds simple, right? Your iPod, your flash drive, and your computer are all personal property. Your dorm room, apartment, or house is real property. So far, so good. But imagine that you found a Jacuzzi for sale that you loved. You plunked down $5,000 to buy it, and you have it delivered to your house. You pay for construction of a deck to surround it and plumbing to service it. Is the Jacuzzi personal property or is it real property? This is an example of personal property that becomes attached to the land as a fixtureSomething that used to be personal property but has become attached to the land so that it is legally a part of the land.. A fixture is something that used to be personal property, but it has become attached to the land so that it is legally a part of the land. Fixtures are treated like real property. Accordingly, when real property is transferred, fixtures are transferred as a part of the real property. In our example, if you move, you will have to leave your beloved Jacuzzi behind, unless you make express provisions to remove it. What if you were just renting? Since removing a fixture would cause substantial harm to the property, that fixture remains with the land. The landlord might be very happy about that!

Some things that are attached to the land are not fixtures but are part of the real property itself. Imagine a farm with one thousand acres planted in corn. Is the corn crop personal property, or is it real property? Or imagine a forest. Maybe the owner has been thinking about timbering the forest for some extra money. Is the forest personal property, or is it real property? Both the corn crop and trees are examples of real property that can become personal property, if they are severed from the land. This means that when an ear of corn is picked from the stalk, the ear of corn becomes personal property, even though while it was growing and still attached the land, it was real property. Likewise, when a tree is felled, that tree is transformed from real property to personal property.

Besides property types, property can be classified by ownership, too. Personal property and real property can be private or public. Private propertyProperty owned by someone or something that is not the government. is owned by someone or something that is not the government. Individuals, corporations, and partnerships, for instance, can own private property. Private property can include real property like land or buildings, and personal property, such as automobiles, furniture, and computers. Property that is owned by the government is public propertyProperty that is owned by the government.. Yellowstone National Park and the Gifford Pinchot National Forest are both examples of public property that is real property. Public property can also include personal property, such as automobiles, furniture, and computers owned by state or local governments.

Methods of Acquisition of Personal Property

Personal property may be acquired for ownership in several different ways. For example, if you produce something, then you may own it, unless you are producing it in the capacity of your work for someone else. If you buy four yards of wool fabric and sew a coat out of it, then you own that coat by virtue of having produced it with your own materials. This is ownership by productionA method of acquisition of personal property ownership, which involves creating the property.. However, if you sew a coat as part of your job while working for your employer, then the employer will own the coat.

If you are in the business of producing coats to sell, then you may be a merchant, and the rules of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)A model statute that seeks to provide uniformity to contracts law among the different states. It is not a law until state legislatures adopt it as law. would govern transactions involving the sale of goods and the purchase of supplies from other merchants. Regardless of whether someone is a merchant or not, purchaseA method of acquisition of personal property for ownership, involving trade of valuable consideration. is a means of acquiring ownership. Indeed, in today’s world, purchase may be the most common method of acquiring property.

Property may also be gifted. A giftA voluntary transfer of property. is a voluntary transfer of property. Generally, the donorA person who gifts property. of the gift must intend to gift the property, the donor must deliver the gift, and the gift must be accepted by the intended recipient, known as the doneeA person who receives gifted property.. A conditional gift is a gift that requires a condition to be met before the gift will transfer. For example, if your parents said, “You can have a new car, if you graduate from school,” then that would be an example of a conditional gift. If you do not graduate from school, then you cannot have the gift of the car.

What if you find something? Dating at least to the Institutes of Justinian in Roman law, the concept of “finders keepers” is one known to every preschooler: finders keepers, losers weepers. However, in law, things are not quite so simple. Property that someone finds can be classified in several ways. A finder of personal property may claim ownership of the property if it is abandonedA category of personal property in which the owner has intentionally relinquished the property.. The owners of abandoned property must intend to relinquish ownership in it. For example, if you take your chair to the landfill, you have abandoned the chair. Someone may come along and take possession of it, which will place ownership of the chair in that person. If you change your mind later, that’s too bad. The chair now belongs to the new owner. However, if the property is simply lostA category of personal property where the property has been unintentionally relinquished by its owners. or mislaidA category of personal property where the property has been placed by the owner for the owner’s later retrieval, but the owner has forgotten where it is., then the finder must relinquish it once the rightful owner demands its return. If the finder refuses to return lost or mislaid property to its rightful owner, the owner can sue for conversionIntentional, substantial interference with the chattel of another., which is a tort. Conversion is intentional, substantial interference with the chattel of another. Another classification of personal property applicable to found property is treasure trove. A treasure troveA category of found property consisting of money or precious metals. is money or precious metals, like gold, for which the concept of “finders keepers” sometimes is applicable.

Imagine finding the next-generation iPhone just lying on a bar stool. It has not been released yet, but there you are with an actual prototype in your hands! This is valuable property because it embodies the cutting-edge intellectual property of Apple, both in utility and design. Brian Hogan found himself in this position. Apparently, an Apple software engineer had accidentally left the prototype on a bar stool one evening. Hogan decided to sell the prototype to Gizmodo, a tech site, which was willing to pay for it so that it could write an early and exclusive review of this soon-to-be hot item on the market. Gizmodo subsequently discovered that Apple had lost an iPhone prototype and wanted it returned. Regardless of that fact, Gizmodo dismantled the prototype and published photos on its Web site. Subsequently, it returned the property to Apple.Edward C. Baig, “Gizmodo: Lost Next-Gen iPhone Returned to Apple,” USA Today, April 21, 2010, (accessed September 27, 2010).

Was the prototype of the next-generation iPhone abandoned, lost, mislaid, or a treasure trove? If Apple filed a civil lawsuit against Gizmodo, what would the claim be and who should win? Since we know that Apple wanted the property back, we know that it had no intention of relinquishing ownership of it. Therefore, the property was not abandoned. Since a next-generation iPhone is not money or precious metals—even though it is very valuable and worth a lot of money to Apple—the concept of treasure trove does not apply. A phone is not actual coin or cash. In this case, the property was either lost or mislaid, because it was unintentionally relinquished or set down for later retrieval, but the owner had forgotten where it was placed. In either case, if the phone had not been returned, Apple could have brought a suit for conversion. A successful conversion claim would have awarded damages to Apple. Just like any successful conversion claim, damages would not include a requirement to return the property itself. Incidentally, California has captured the duty to return lost or mislaid property in its criminal statutes, and the facts of this case are being investigated for possible theft charges. Check out Note 8.32 "Hyperlink: Finders Keepers?" for this story and two additional cautionary tales about claiming found property.

Hyperlink: Finders Keepers?

Be careful what you wish for. These stories might seem like a miracle to the cash-strapped, but they are cautionary tales.

Next-Generation iPhone

Gizmodo published the details of a found iPhone prototype here, but the prototype became the subject of law enforcement and an Apple complaint, as seen here:

Cold Cash, Hot Lead

This found “money” along an interstate might be abandoned, lost, or mislaid, but it is unlikely to be claimed by its rightful owner:

A Renovator’s Fantasy

This found money in the walls of a house might be an example of a treasure trove, but the treasure was quickly dissipated by legal troubles: and the epilogue:


Sometimes it is necessary to intentionally leave personal property with someone else. For example, imagine that you own a cat. If your cat, which is considered to be chattel, needs to have surgery, you will need to leave her at the veterinary hospital. Clearly, taking your cat to a veterinary hospital does not constitute abandonment. Likewise, you have not lost or mislaid your cat. And, precious though she may be, your cat is not subject to the concept of treasure trove. Instead, in this situation you will be known as bailorSomeone who is in the rightful possession of property who gives the property to someone else to hold., and you will be seeking a bailment with your veterinarian. A bailor is someone in the rightful possession of personal property who gives the property to someone else to hold. A bailmentAn arrangement in which the rightful possessor of personal property gives the property to someone who has agreed to hold the property and who has a duty to return it. is the arrangement in which when the rightful possessor (such as the owner) of personal property gives the property to someone else to hold. The holding party, known as the baileeSomeone who is in the possession of someone else’s property, and who agrees to accept the property and has a duty to return it., agrees to accept the property and has the duty to return it. The bailee is someone who is in possession of someone else’s property. In our example, you rightfully have possession of your cat because she is your personal property. You give your cat to the veterinarian to hold, who has agreed to accept the cat. You also rightfully expect that the cat will be returned to you on demand. Indeed, the veterinarian has a duty, by virtue of the bailment, to return the cat to you. Consider Note 8.36 "Hyperlink: Lost Dog", where Delta Airlines was the bailee of a dog, which it lost.

Hyperlink: Lost Dog

Check out this link. Do you think the remedy offered by Delta Airlines is adequate in this case? Why or why not?

The bailee has certain duties to the bailor. For example, a bailee has a duty to take reasonable care of the property while the property is in his or her possession. This means different things for different types of bailment. If the bailee is the only party who benefits from the bailment, then the bailee must take extraordinary care with the personal property. A common example of a bailee being the only party who benefits is where the owner of the property loans the property to someone for his or her use. For instance, if you loan your neighbor a snow shovel without asking for something in return, then your neighbor receives the sole benefit of the bailment. His or her duty of care is that he or she must take extraordinary care with the snow shovel. However, when both parties receive benefit from the bailment, such as when you rent a DVD from Blockbuster, only the duty of ordinary care is imposed on the bailee. The bailee receives the DVD and Blockbuster receives a rental fee. When the benefit of the bailment exists for the benefit of the bailor only, then only minimum care is required. Gross negligenceReckless disregard of a duty (in bailment). will give rise to liability, but there is no great duty for the bailee to be as careful as he or she would be if he or she were receiving some benefit. If someone asks you to hold his or her books while he or she jumps into a swimming pool, you would have a minimum duty of care. If you lost the books, then you would not be liable. However, if you intentionally threw the books into the pool, then you would be grossly negligent and liable for damages.

An involuntary bailment is created when someone finds lost or mislaid property. The finder may not destroy the property, though the duties that he or she owes regarding the property may vary from state to state. A voluntary bailment is created when intention exists to create the bailment, as described in the previous paragraph.

As you can imagine, bailment is common in business. Examples of bailment in business include placing packages or goods with common carriers for delivery, warehousing goods with a third party prior to sale or delivery, or taking clients’ or customers’ automobiles in a valet service. Consider whether a business should be able to disclaimTo renounce. bailment (and the duties that go along with bailment). For example, if a hotel required its guests to sign a “no bailment created” clause on check-in, should that excuse the hotel from liability if the guests’ personal property is damaged while the property is left in the hotel?

Key Takeaways

Property is classified as real property or personal property, tangible or intangible, and private or public. Personal property can be transformed into real property when it is affixed to the land. Real property can be transformed into personal property when it is severed from the land. Personal property can be acquired for ownership through production, purchase, or gift or, in certain circ*mstances, by finding it. Bailments are legal arrangements in which the rightful possessor of personal property leaves the property with someone else who agrees to hold it and return it on demand.


  1. Classify the following as (1) personal property or real property, (2) tangible or intangible property, and (3) fungible property:

    1. A prosthetic device, for example, an artificial leg
    2. An expected inheritance of stock
    3. Draperies hanging in a dining room
    4. A bank account with a five-hundred-dollar balance
    5. A fictional story that you created
    6. A condominium on the thirty-second floor of a building in lower Manhattan
    7. The right to receive payment for your work (e.g., wages, salary)
    8. A wig that someone is wearing
    9. A silo filled with wheat
    10. The wheat in a silo
  2. Would you be willing to pay real money for nonreal property in a virtual world like Second Life? Why or why not? What are people buying when they buy virtual real property? How does this differ from buying actual real property, like land?
  3. If you found a prototype of the next-generation iPhone lying on a bar stool, what would you have done with it? What would be the consequences of your chosen action?
  4. Think of an example of when you have asked for a bailment. Did you feel confident that you would receive your personal property when you demanded it? Did you worry that it would be damaged in any way? If it had been misdelivered, what would your legal remedies be?
  5. Should bailees be permitted to disclaim liability for bailment agreements? Why or why not?
  6. At major league baseball games, who do you think owns the baseball when it is being played, and who owns it when the ball enters the stands where members of the public sit? Who owns the ball if a member of the public picks it up?
Personal Property (2024)


Is VPP insurance worth it? ›

If you suffer a loss due to a fire or a burglary, you'll wish you'd added valuable personal property insurance to your financial portfolio.

What is a good amount of personal property coverage? ›

The sum of the value of all your items is how much coverage you need. Often, the amount of personal property coverage is determined by using 50% of your dwelling coverage limit. For example, if your dwelling coverage is $400,000, you'll have $200,000 in personal property coverage.

What not to say to home insurance adjuster? ›

Avoid any language that could be construed as apologetic or blameful. Admitting any level of fault can eliminate or reduce the compensation that may be available.

How do I make a successful water leak insurance claim? ›

Document the damage with photos, videos, and written descriptions. Contact the insurance company as soon as possible to report the claim. Provide the insurance company with all necessary documentation and information. Work with a reputable water damage restoration company to assess and repair the damage.

What does personal property coverage under a homeowners policy cover? ›

Personal property coverage — also known as contents coverage on a home policy — helps cover the cost of your personal items if they are destroyed, damaged, or stolen due to a covered loss or peril.

How does property insurance work? ›

Property insurance provides financial reimbursem*nt to the owner or renter of a structure and its contents in case there is damage or theft—and to a person other than the owner or renter if that person is injured on the property.

What is the 80% rule in property insurance? ›

When it comes to insuring your home, the 80% rule is an important guideline to keep in mind. This rule suggests you should insure your home for at least 80% of its total replacement cost to avoid penalties for being underinsured.

How do I calculate how much property insurance I need? ›

How to estimate homeowners insurance
  1. Estimate how much it would cost to rebuild your home. Estimating your home's rebuild cost is the first step in answering how home insurance is calculated. ...
  2. Estimate the value of your assets. ...
  3. Estimate the value of your personal property. ...
  4. Determine how much coverage you need.
Apr 3, 2024

What is the difference between replacement value and actual value for personal property insurance? ›

Replacement cost value is the amount it will take to replace your property or belongings without any deduction for depreciation. Actual cash value is the replacement cost value, minus depreciation.

What happens if you disagree with insurance adjuster? ›

Your insurance policy likely has an arbitration provision, meaning that when you and your adjustor cannot agree, a third party will be assigned to hear you out and recommend a settlement.

How do you answer an insurance adjuster question? ›

You may provide the most basic details such as your name and contact info, the location and date of the crash, and what car you were driving. Other than that, politely decline to give more details. You have the right to refuse to answer the adjuster's questions or to consult with a car accident lawyer first.

Why would a water damage claim be denied? ›

A chronic or gradual water damage issue such as an ignored pipe or roof leak causing slow seepage over time will typically not be covered regardless of the cause. Property owners are expected to fix issues to their property in a timely manner. Failure to do so can result in claim denial.

How do you maximize recovery on a water damaged claim? ›

Take the following steps to protect yourself as you determine how to maximize water damage claim amounts:
  1. Understand the Details of Your Insurance Policy. ...
  2. Look Out for Water Damage Risks. ...
  3. Take Pictures of the Damage. ...
  4. Submit Claims Within the Time Frame That Your Insurance Company Requires. ...
  5. Have Someone in Your Corner.

Can I claim compensation for a water leak? ›

Of course it is also very uncomfortable to live with the results of a water leak and this can lead to stress and anxiety, particularly if the problem has been reported and not dealt with after a certain period of time. You can claim for housing disrepair compensation if any of these problems apply to you.

Is a personal articles policy worth it? ›

A PAF policy can be a good choice when the value of a single item exceeds policy limits of your homeowners policy, or when you have a significant number of valuable items to insure. Typically, these policies are customized to your needs and help protect against a wide range of risks.

Should I buy protection plan for car rental? ›

If you don't already own a car with insurance, rental companies automatically cover the bare minimum in your state. However, if you want more protection, or if you're traveling abroad or for business purposes, you might need to get rental car insurance.

Is cargo insurance worth it? ›

In some cases, cargo insurance may be non-negotiable. Depending on the carrier and method of transportation you choose, you may be required to purchase cargo insurance. This is because cargo insurance not only protects your business and its belongings but also protects the carrier in the event of an incident.

Why is lemonade insurance so cheap? ›

Lemonade's use of AI and machine learning means it has lower overheads and can offer rates as low as $25/month. But that doesn't mean we've forgotten how important a human touch is.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.