Pass Rate Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)

Enter the total number of passes and the total attempts into the Pass Rate Calculator. The calculator will evaluate the Pass Rate.

Pass Rate Formula

The following two example problems outline the steps and information needed to calculate the Pass Rate.

PSR = P / A * 100
  • Where PSR is the Pass Rate (%)
  • P is the total number of passes
  • A is the total attempts

To calculate the pass rate, divide the number of passes by the total number of attempts.

How to Calculate Pass Rate?

The following example problems outline how to calculate Pass Rate.

Example Problem #1:

  1. First, determine the total number of passes.
    • The total number of passes is given as: 100.
  2. Next, determine the total attempts.
    • The total attempts is provided as: 200.
  3. Finally, calculate the Pass Rate using the equation above:

PSR = P / A * 100

The values provided above are inserted into the equation below and computed.

See Also
Curve Grades

PSR = 100 / 200 * 100 = 50.00 (%)

Example Problem #2:

For this problem, the variables required are provided below:

total number of passes = 100

total attempts = 1000

Test your knowledge using the equation and check your answer with the calculator..

PSR = P / A * 100 = ?

Pass Rate Calculator - Calculator Academy (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.