Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (2024)

Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (1)
Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (2)

What this story covers:

When college students need help with homework, they often turn to websites such as Chegg and Quizlet. They find answers to problems, study guides and practice tests. But are they learning anything along the way?

Why it matters:

Study aid websites have become so commonly used that education experts have grown concerned that students are cheating themselves. That is, they are taking shortcuts rather than working out problems themselves.

By Ryan Moriarty & Emma Stark

Isabelle Cochran,an education majorat Towson University, thrives in hands-on learning environments. She loves working inlocal elementary schools, which she’s had the chance to do through her program. But most of Cochran’s classes at Towson have been classroom-based, withtraditional lectures, tests and homework. She struggled the most in these settings.

In some cases, when she was short on time and lacking motivation, she she turned to homework aid websites like Quizlet. Cochran realized she was taking a shortcut and initially felt guilty, but she needed to finish the work however she could.

“My teacher took the quizzes right from the textbook and if you Googled it, you would get every answer to the test,” she said.“And you could just copy and paste the question from the test and the entire test would come up. You just had to search a little bit, but it usually came up. So that’s what I used Quizlet for.”  

For her prerequisite classes, none of which had to do with education, she used Quizlet when she could.

“Once I realized that these classes weren’t going to make me a betterteacher,I just wanted to get them over with,” Cochran said.

But she eventually realized that using Quizlet wasn’t helping her learn. She didn’t do well in a history course.

“I realized I should have focusedmoreand I probably would have done better with my own work,” she said. “And history was the last class I used Quizlet for.”

Cochran is one of many students who use websites like Quizlet and Chegg to take shortcuts with school work. These websites are easy to navigate, helping students find answers in a pinch. They don’t require much effort, and students rely on them often when they aren’t motivated to do the work or do not understand the material. Is using Quizlet and Chegg cheating? Opinions differ depending on the context. But most everyone agrees that students who use these websites are cheating themselves.

What are Chegg and Quizlet, and how do they work?

Chegg and Quizlet aren’t the first websites to help students find quick answers. But, along with Yahoo! Answers, they are among the most popular.

Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (3)

Before the internet, there was no way for students to get around the process of doing their own work unless they were able to get past students to give them their old tests and assignments. Even after the web became commonly used, students usually had to search for a long time to find what they needed. But the technology behind student aid websites has improved as automation and search engines have become more sophisticated.

Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (4)

 Chegg, an online source for students, was foundedin July 2005. Chegg offers textbook rentals, the opportunity to sell textbooks, online tutoring and, perhaps the most popular feature, homework solutions. An account costs $14.95 minimum for the basic monthly package, $6.95 for a single lesson or $30 a month that includes video chats with tutors.   

Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (5)

Once an account is made, users can type in their homework questions and hundreds of step-by-step solutions will pop up. This allows students to see how to do the problem or simply write the answer down. Chegg is often used for classes that involve math, science or finance — classes that use formulas or have clear right and wrong answers to problem sets.

Quizlet, another online source for students, was founded in 2007. Quizlet is a free website that allows students to make flashcards, study games and practice tests. There is the option to upgrade to $2 a month for offline access, but a paid account is not needed for general use. Unlessusers change their settings to private, other users can see study tools that were created. That means students can Google a question and have that answer pop up in a link to someone’s old Quizlet with the answer. Quizlet can be used for all subjects and is especially useful for classes with vocabulary words and concepts to memorize.

Chegg and Quizlet are unknown to some educators. Those who are familiar with them have a range of opinions. Some think the websites shouldn’t exist or that students should never use them. Others are fine with students using them to make flashcards or study but are uncomfortable with students finding answers on assignments.

Mahnaz Moallem is department chair and a professor in Towson’s educational technology and literacy program. Jeff Kenton is an associate professor in the department. Both are familiar with Chegg and Quizlet. Hear their takes on these study aid websites.

Dr. MoallemDr. Kenton

Mixed feelings about the websites

Students and educators often have different views on whether these sites are helpful study aids, considered cheating or somewhere in between. Some students dislike using them because they feel it makes classes harder in the long run. If they aren’t really learning material, how can they do well on an in-person exam? Others feel it’s unfair if some students use Chegg and Quizlet while others don’t.

Another issue is that sometimes the answers on these websites are entered incorrectly — especially if done by another student.

To dissuade students from using Quizlet, some teachers have started to make new tests each semester instead of using test banks (which rely on the same test every year). That way students cannot post the test questions on Quizlet for future students. Laura Oppenheimer, a marketing director for Quizlet, said in an article that the company has an honor code it asks students to follow, and asks that they follow their school’s honor code. If schools or teachers ask Quizlet to take content down (that relates to their class), Quizlet says it will oblige.

Chegg does not accept requests for papers to be written. If it becomes a recurring issue with users, they are removed from the platform.  There is still the step-by-step solutions section, however, where students can enter a question to get an answer if someone else had previously asked that question and someone answered it.

Chegg doesn’t stop this function, but if the student’s university contacts Chegg asking if and how the student has been using the site, Chegg will provide that information. So students have to be careful how much they use Chegg to get homework answers, according to an article onEdsurge.  

There are other websites students use for homework and class help such as Course Hero, which shows parts of worksheet answers (and more if students pay for an account). There’s an app called Socratic that allows students to take a picture of a question and the app searches the internet for the answer. And then there’s Yahoo! Answers, which grew in popularity years ago.

Chase Bradshaw, a 2019 Loyola University-Maryland graduate who now works in finance, said it is up to students to take their education into their own hands and remember that Quizlet and Chegg are shortcuts. Even if it seems like a good idea to simply copy and paste every answer, students may regret it in the end.

How to get students away from Chegg and Quizlet

Educators can ask — or even demand — that students don’t use these websites. But perhaps a better way to dissuade them is to create assignments and tests that don’t require memorization and looking up a correct answer. That means more hands-on learning experiences, according to Rebecca Shargel, an associate professor of education at Towson University.

Kenton agrees that assignments that require more critical thinking are a good solution.

“I would say that the best way that I’ve run across for  people to learn is to be engaged in an activity where they are actually performing some sort of either realistic or modeled activity where they’re performing the same types of activities that a person would do,” Kenton said. 

Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (6)

Interactive learning helps keep students’attention and it allows them to experience what they are learning in real-time. 

“Students like to learn through firsthand experience rather than having someone else give them a series of conclusions,” Shargel said. 

If step is one to test students more on critical thinking skills and require less memorization (when possible), step two is on students. They need make the decision to do their own work.

That’s easier said than done. Michelle Jenkins, a senior at Towson University studying health science,  said she relies on aid websites when homework is worth a large portion of the grade and she is short on time. And the websites remain helpful for study tools, she said.

Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (7)

“I think [the websites] have their purpose, but when students use them just to get answers and skate by it ends up biting them in the a** at the end,” Bradshaw said.

“They never fail me,” Jenkins said. 

Jenkins said teachers should enhance the way they teach to help eliminate the problem. Coming up with new questions or de-emphasizing worksheets and homework could all make students feel less inclined to use Quizlet and Chegg, he said.

Cochran, the education student, said she plans to use more hands-on experiential learning when she becomes a teacher. She’s learned from her experience that requiring students to memorize terms and concepts isn’t the way she learns best.  

“Just hands on learning — get [students] involved in what they’re doing instead of having a PowerPoint up on the screen about whatever subject we’re learning, have them learn hands on and have them do activities instead,” Cochran said.

Not necessarily cheating, but cheating yourself (2024)


Is it cheating to look up answers on study guide? ›

No, that is not cheating as the comments point out. You have invested time looking for material to practise and come across some.

What counts as cheating on a test? ›

Cheating includes, but is not limited to: lying; copying from another's test or examination; discussion at any time of questions or answers on an examination or test, unless such discussion is specifically authorized by the instructor; taking or receiving copies of an exam without the permission of the instructor; ...

Why cheating on a test is wrong? ›

When you cheat, you're claiming that you are doing the required work even though you're not doing it. That's inherently dishonest. Your teachers expect the work you turn in to be the result of your own effort. When it's not, and you say it is, that's lying.

Is it ever ok to cheat on homework or a test? ›

Morally wrong

Like stealing and lying, cheating is morally and ethically wrong. It's as simple as that. Every time you cheat on a test, you are acting as if you've done the work yourself, which is just like lying.

Will cheating show on my transcript? ›

Similarly, if you receive an F in a class or on an assignment due to cheating, the grade will be reported on your academic transcript and will impact your GPA. If you are already a borderline student, failing a class because you cheated can land you on academic probation or even result in academic dismissal.

How do professors know if you cheat on an online test? ›

Online proctoring: This method can either involve automated proctoring programs that monitor your behavior through your webcam, or a live proctor who watches the class through their webcams in person. Automated programs can be unreliable, and often identify innocent behavior as signs of cheating.

Should you ever admit to cheating on a test? ›

Even if you were inclined to deny the allegations, it will be difficult if a teacher saw you copying answers or using hidden materials during an exam. If a teacher only has a suspicion that you engaged in academic wrongdoing, you may be inclined to deny the allegations. However, it is best to admit to your wrongdoing.

What are the four types of academic dishonesty? ›

Academic Dishonesty Defined
  • Cheating.
  • Plagiarism.
  • Fabrication or falsification.
  • Sabotage.

What is not considered cheating on a test? ›

Things That Are Not Considered Cheating

for study and/or clarification purposes • Any approved collaboration, use of technology, smart phones in order to prepare for test. Any approved notes, books, etc.

Do most people cheat on tests? ›

One of the most thorough studies, carried out by Dr. Donald McCabe, reveals that about 95% of polled students (both undergraduates and graduates) admitted to having cheated in some form.

What percent of people cheat on tests? ›

This work demonstrated that 64 percent of students admitted to cheating on a test, 58 percent admitted to plagiarism and 95 percent said they participated in some form of cheating, whether it was on a test, plagiarism or copying homework.

Why do so many people cheat on tests? ›

Some students might cheat because they have poor study skills that prevent them from keeping up with the material. Students are more likely to cheat or plagiarize if the assessment is very high-stakes or if they have low expectations of success due to perceived lack of ability or test anxiety.

How serious is cheating in an exam? ›

If a student hasn't managed to revise, wants to cheat and is caught in class, it can seriously damage his or her results, as well as reputation or even place at the school. They could get a zero on their assessment, contact home or even detentions and exclusion from the school.

How do you hide cheats in exams? ›

Wear a long-sleeved shirt and hide your cheat sheets under the sleeves. It is a very good method because your teacher won't look under your sleeves. And when your teacher isn't looking, you can easily take out a cheat sheet, and it's easy to put it back.

Is cheating wrong in a relationship? ›

Cheating can destroy a marriage, shatter your ability to trust future partners, hurt your kids, and even lead to depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The vast majority of adults agree that it's wrong, but anywhere from 39 to 52% of us may experience infidelity at some point in our lives.

How long does academic dishonesty stay on record? ›

Academic Integrity disciplinary records are kept for a minimum of seven (7) years except in cases of minor and non-recurring academic integrity infractions, which are expunged upon reward of degree.

How serious is cheating in college? ›

Legal consequences

These actions could include fines, loss of future projects to the university or lawsuits. Such actions have serious consequences, as they not only ruin the reputation of the university, but also result in loss of opportunities for other students in the future.

Does too much homework lead to cheating? ›

One study shows that giving too much homework can increase stress, reduce sleep time, and even lead to students cheating. The more students cheat, the more the education system will begin to decline.

How do you prove you didn't cheat on an online test? ›

What to document
  1. The assignment or test responses in question, if you have access to them.
  2. Any other relevant work you've done in this class.
  3. Your professor's accusation — an email, an official correspondence from the school, etc.
  4. Any relevant correspondences with other students or professors.
Jul 5, 2021

How do professors catch you cheating? ›

Professors often use Google or another search engine to determine whether or not a student has plagiarized content from the Internet. Students who copy and paste entire blocks of text from online encyclopedias and other types of websites often get caught this way.

What can you do if you re accused of cheating during an online exam? ›

What to do if you are accused of cheating
  1. Don't panic. When you read the letter, you will be distraught and will want to act immediately. ...
  2. Seek help. ...
  3. Think evidence. ...
  4. Think tactics. ...
  5. Write your statement. ...
  6. Prepare for interview/hearing. ...
  7. Hearing. ...
  8. Consider appeal.
May 31, 2019

What are 3 examples of academic dishonesty? ›

Copying from another student during an examination or allowing another to copy your work. Unauthorized collaboration on a take home assignment or examination. Using notes during a closed book examination. Taking an examination for another student, or asking or allowing another student to take an examination for you.

What is the most common form of academic dishonesty? ›

Cheating. The most common form of cheating is looking at someone else's work during an exam or test, but it can also involve most of the other types of misconduct listed here.

Which one is the most of academic dishonesty? ›

Plagiarism is the most common type of academic dishonesty, and also the easiest type to commit on accident!

What is technically cheating? ›

What Is Cheating? Cheating, also known as infidelity, is when a person in a monogamous romantic relationship has an emotional or sexual relationship with someone else without their partner's consent.

What are the 5 possible consequences for academic dishonesty? ›

Possible sanctions include:
  • Resubmission of work without penalty;
  • Resubmission of work with penalty;
  • Warning letter/written reprimand;
  • Failing grade (F) for assignment/exam/test or course;
  • Disciplinary probation;
  • Suspension from attendance in a course, a program, a faculty, or the university;
  • Permanent expulsion;

What is an academic sabotage? ›

Sabotage involves disrupting or destroying another person's work so that the other person cannot complete an academic activity successfully. Examples of sabotage include the following: Destroying another person's work (including documents, design, data, artwork, etc.)

Do universities care about cheating? ›

Most high schools will also put any cheating allegations on a student's record. Colleges will be able to see this and may not want to take a chance on a student that was caught cheating in high school. They may think that they will just continue to cheat their way through college.

Who statistically cheats the most? ›

According to the Institute for Family Studies, “men are more likely than women to cheat: 20% of men and 13% of women reported that they've had sex with someone other than their spouse while married, according to data from the recent General Social Survey.”

What percentage of students admit to cheating? ›

According to a survey of 70,000 students across the United States, 95 percent of students admitted to cheating in some capacity. According to a survey of 70,000 students across the United States, 95 percent of students admitted to cheating in some capacity.

How common is cheating nowadays? ›

According to estimates based on married couples, approximately 25% of men admit to cheating on their spouse at some point, while around 15% of women admit to the same. Another study found that up to 4% of married individuals had cheated on their spouse in the past year.

How often do cheaters get caught? ›

Most of them were caught during their third affair. About 11% of them were caught during their first affair, while 12% of adulterers were caught during their second. The survey claimed that it takes an average of four years for infidelity or adultery to be exposed.

How cheating affects the cheater? ›

Despite the initial thrill of an affair, cheating can negatively affect the cheater emotionally. It's common for them to feel anxiety, guilt, shame, worry, regret, confusion, embarrassment, and self-loathing when they contemplate how their actions impact those they love and why they cheated in the first place.

Why do people cheat in a relationship? ›

Why do people cheat? A wide variety of factors can bring out some type of affair. A study of 495 people revealed eight key reasons: anger, low self-esteem, lack of love, low commitment, need for variety, neglect, sexual desire, and circ*mstance.

How to lie about cheating on a test? ›

Stick to one story.

Keep it simple. If you are going to deny cheating, you don't need to come up with a winding, elaborate lie. Continuously repeat that you did not cheat, you are not a cheater, and you are saddened by the accusation.

What is an example of cheating on exams? ›

Copying answers from another student during a test or exam. Accepting answers given from another student during a test or exam, including online exams. Using a phone or other device during a test or exam. Using unauthorized material, aids or software during the preparation of an assignment.

Why you should never cheat? ›

7 Big Reasons Why You Should Not Cheat!
  • Infidelity betrayal causes anxiety and depression. ...
  • The perpetrator of the relationship crime. ...
  • Relationship misery. ...
  • Revenge. ...
  • Loss of trust. ...
  • Reputation. ...
  • Divorce and separation. ...
  • Uncertainty and fear.
Dec 26, 2018

What is allowed on a cheat sheet? ›

Typically, you can put anything on your cheat sheet, as long as it fits in the required space. However, your instructor might have guidelines about what would be most helpful. For instance, if you're doing a cheat sheet for a math test, you'd may want to focus on specific formulae or symbols that you covered in class.

How to cheat discreetly? ›

See the cheaters' top three rules for a discreet affair below.
  1. According to Ashley Madison, cheaters also do the following seven things to avoid getting caught: Stay tight-lipped. ...
  2. Go the distance. ...
  3. Hide the evidence. ...
  4. Foolproof your phone . ...
  5. Maintain the status quo. ...
  6. Use a condom. ...
  7. Don't leave a paper trail.
Jan 22, 2014

How to pass a multiple choice test without knowing anything? ›

Here are a few of Poundstone's tactics for outsmarting any multiple-choice test:
  1. Ignore conventional wisdom. ...
  2. Look at the surrounding answers. ...
  3. Choose the longest answer. ...
  4. Eliminate the outliers.
Jun 26, 2015

Are you a bad person if you cheat? ›

Know That You Aren't a Bad Person

"Cheating is a very serious thing. It's a very big deal, and you should take the time to really sift through all of those feelings and reactions you're having," said Gloria. "At the same time, you also need to recognize that this doesn't make you a categorically terrible person.

Do most relationships survive cheating? ›

How Many Couples Stay Together After an Affair? In one study, researchers found that with instances of secret infidelity, only about 20% of couples were still married after 5 years. However, for couples who revealed infidelity, that percentage jumped to 57%.

Should I tell my partner I cheated? ›

Make sure you are doing it for the right reasons: Sometimes, people who have cheated confess to their partners only so that they can feel better and ease their guilt. If you find that telling your partner about what you've done will only cause them more harm than good, then this might not be the best way to go.

Can teachers detect cheating in Google Docs? ›

Is it even possible for teachers to get notified if their students are cheating? Well, the answer is no. Google Classroom uses Google Forms to prepare quizzes and assessments, and the latter has no such functionality to track cheating.

Is sharing test answers cheating? ›

Cheating on a test or exam may take a variety of forms depending on whether your exam is in-person or online. Examples of cheating in a test or exam may include: Students sharing their test answers with other students when such sharing is not allowed – see "What is collusion?"

Can you get in trouble for using Course Hero? ›

Using Course Hero for cheating or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Anyone who misuses Course Hero to submit another member's content as their own or gain an unfair advantage during testing may be permanently banned.

Can College Board tell if you cheated? ›

Even if you did actually cheat, the College Board and ACT won't tell colleges you're a cheater or ban you from retesting. If you're caught at the testing center, your test will be confiscated, and your score will be canceled if you finished your test. You'll be forced to take a paid retest.

Can teachers see your search history on Google? ›

In this case, it does not matter that it's your personal device because you've logged into their managed account. That being said, your school will not have access to your personal account search history.

Can Quizizz detect cheating? ›

If students quit the full screen to switch to or open another tab, they are warned and are dissuading them from cheating. You will be notified if students continue to switch tabs while attempting the quiz. Focus Mode is designed to prevent students from cheating by looking up answers from other tabs on their devices.

Can teachers see your tabs on Google? ›

Can teachers see if I view a Google form? - Quora. unless you submit an answer no they don't see who has opened it up there is also certain google forms that lock so you can't open other tabs so once you open it you have to submit your answer before you open another tab.

Can Turnitin detect Chegg? ›

Turnitin can check Chegg and detect plagiarism in your papers if you copied the content from Chegg. Ideally, Turnitin checks anything that is posted on the internet, including Chegg, unless if a website is not public.

Does Chegg report to schools? ›

As you might guess, Chegg doesn't go around sending emails to every prof whose students are using Chegg Study. However, there are some pretty clear giveaways when students are using Chegg to complete their homework, and some professors have sharp eyes when it comes to catching Chegg users.

Can professors see who uses Course Hero? ›

You also can't track who is using Course Hero. Often, notes are posted anonymously, so the individual who posted them cannot be tracked down. This means that it's harder to punish those who are blatantly cheating or difficult to tell if the resources available can really be trusted.

Do colleges take cheating seriously? ›

No reason for a college to accept a student who's cheated

If you are caught cheating after getting into college, in senior year--every college acceptance is conditional on you maintaining the same grades and demonstrating good behavior. Disciplinary violations will often result in a college rescinding your acceptance.

What is considered academic cheating? ›

Copying from another student during an examination or allowing another to copy your work. Unauthorized collaboration on a take home assignment or examination. Using notes during a closed book examination. Taking an examination for another student, or asking or allowing another student to take an examination for you.

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