Nontariff Barrier: Definition, How It Works, Types, and Examples (2024)

What Is a Nontariff Barrier?

A nontariff barrier is a way to restrict trade using tradebarriers in a form other than a tariff. Nontariff barriers include quotas, embargoes, sanctions, and levies. As part of their political or economic strategy, some countriesfrequently use nontariff barriers to restrict the amount of trade they conduct with other countries.

Key Takeaways

  • A nontariff barrier is a trade restriction–such as a quota, embargo or sanction–that countries use to further their political and economic goals.
  • Countries usually opt for nontariff barriers (rather than traditional tariffs) in international trade.
  • Nontariff barriers include quotas, embargoes, sanctions, and levies.

How Nontariff Barriers Work

Countries commonly use nontariff barriers in international trade. Decisions about when to impose nontariff barriers are influenced by the political alliances of a country and the overall availability of goods and services.

In general, any barrier to international trade–including tariffs and nontariff barriers–influences the global economybecauseit limits the functions of the free market. The lost revenue that some companies may experience from these barriers to trade may be consideredan economic loss, especially for proponents of laissez-faire capitalism. Advocates of laissez-faire capitalism believe that governments should abstain from interfering in the workings of the free market.

Countries can use nontariff barriers in place of, or in conjunction with, conventional tariff barriers, which are taxes that an exporting country pays to animporting countryfor goods or services. Tariffs are the most common type of trade barrier, and they increase the cost of products and services inan importing country.

Often times countries pursue alternatives to standard tariffs because they release countries from paying added tax on imported goods. Alternatives to standard tariffs can have a meaningful impact on the level of trade (while creating a different monetary impact than standard tariffs).

Types of Nontariff Barriers


Countries may use licenses to limit imported goods to specific businesses. If a business is granted a trade license, it is permittedto import goods that would otherwise berestricted for trade in the country.


Countries often issuequotas forimporting and exportingboth goods and services. With quotas, countries agree on specified limits forproducts and services allowed for importation to a country. In most cases, there are no restrictions on importing these goods and services until a country reaches its quota, which it can set for a specific timeframe. Additionally, quotas are often used in international trade licensingagreements.


Embargoes are when a country–or several countries–officially ban the trade of specified goods and services with another country. Governments may take this measureto support their specific political or economicgoals.


Countries impose sanctions on other countries to limit their trade activity. Sanctions can include increased administrative actions–or additional customs and trade procedures–that slow or limit a country’s ability to trade.

Voluntary Export Restraints

Exporting countries sometimes use voluntary export restraints. Voluntary export restraints set limits on the number ofgoods and services a country can export to specified countries. These restraints are typically based on availability and political alliances.

Note that nontariff barriers may encourage a local economy to self-manufacture very similarly to a manufacturing country. Though the mechanism changes, the target outcome is largely the same.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nontariff Barriers

Pros of Nontariff Barriers

The primary advantages of nontariff barriers are the protection of domestic industries from foreign competition. By imposing regulations and standards, governments can shield their industries from low-cost imports, thereby supporting local businesses and preserving jobs.

Nontariff barriers related to product standards and regulations help ensure that imported goods meet specific quality and safety standards. This can be advantageous for consumers by reducing the risk of substandard or unsafe products entering the market by requiring adequate manufacturing standards.

Nontariff barriers are also implemented to safeguard national security interests. These measures can include export controls on sensitive technologies or restrictions on imports of certain strategic goods to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. They're used to counteract the practice of dumping where foreign producers sell goods in a foreign market at prices below their cost of production to seize the competitive market.

Cons of Nontariff Barriers

One of the most significant disadvantages of nontariff barriers is their potential to distort international trade. By creating obstacles to imports, nontariff barriers can disrupt the natural flow of goods, leading to trade imbalances, inefficiencies, and market distortions. Obvously, this is intentional as nontariff barriers often limit the variety of goods available to consumers. However, this impacts consumers who then have fewer options and may be denied access to potentially superior or more affordable products.

Compliance with nontariff barriers can be costly for both producers and consumers. Manufacturers may need to make adjustments to their production processes to meet specific standards, while importers may incur additional expenses related to documentation, inspections, and compliance checks. Compared to tariffs, nontariff barriers are often complex with sometimes uncertain implications.

In some cases, nontariff barriers can discriminate against foreign goods in favor of domestic products, violating the principles of non-discrimination and fair trade enshrined in international trade agreements. In addition, overly restrictive nontariff barriers can hinder economic growth by limiting access to global markets and stifling competition. Globally, this can slow down innovation and productivity.

Last, nontariff barriers may promote activities that do not promote the best resource allocation. When nontariff barriers protect inefficient domestic industries, resources may be misallocated. Capital and labor may be directed toward industries that might not be globally competitive without trade restrictions, thus putting an overall efficiency strain on the global economy.


  • May protect domestic industries

  • Ensures product quality and safety

  • May preserve national security

  • May prevent product dumping from other countries


  • May distort international trade leading to trade imbalances

  • May restrict consumer choices

  • May be more complex and difficult to understand

  • May not yield most efficient economic policy

Nontariff vs. Tariff

Both tariffs and nontariff barriers are two distinct mechanisms that countries employ to regulate international trade. Tariffs are monetary barriers in the form of taxes imposed on imported or exported goods, while nontariff barriers encompass a diverse range of non-monetary measures.

While tariffs target specific products or industries, nontariff barriers can have a broader and often less transparent impact on trade. Tariffs are typically a subject of negotiation in trade deals and offer some flexibility in adjusting rates, while nontariff barriers can be more challenging to quantify and may require complex compliance measures. In this light, nontariff barriers are a critical focus in international trade negotiations.

In many cases, tariffs directly affect the prices of imported goods and can be used strategically to influence trade volumes and revenue generation for governments. In contrast, nontariff barriers, though they may indirectly impact prices, are often employed to achieve various policy objectives beyond revenue generation. For example, nontariff barriers may be put in place to safeguard domestic industries or ensuring product quality and safety. It may so happen that there are incidental pricing impacts as part of the nontariff barrier.

Trade agreements often involve negotiations regarding both tariffs and nontariff barriers, as their distinct characteristics require nuanced approaches for trade facilitation. In some contexts, both are used in tandem, as it may be easier to manipulate one (i.e. tariffs) based on agreed upon nontariff barriers.

Tariffs vs. Non-Tariff Barriers, Summary
AspectTariffsNon-Tariff Barriers
DefinitionTaxes imposed on imported or exported goodsVarious restrictive measures other than taxes
NatureMonetary barrierNon-monetary barrier
PurposeGenerate government revenueAchieve various policy objectives
VisibilityTransparent and easily quantifiableVaried and often less transparent
Revenue GenerationDirect source of government incomeIndirect impact on government revenue
Impact on PricesDirectly affects prices of imported goodsCan indirectly affect prices and supply
Trade FlexibilitySome flexibility in adjusting ratesOften rigid and less flexible
Compliance CostsRelatively straightforward to calculateCompliance can be complex and costly
Negotiation in Trade DealsOften subject to negotiation in trade dealsSubject to negotiation but harder to quantify

Example of Nontariff Barriers

In December 2017, the United Nations adopted a round of nontariff barriers against North Korea and the Kim JongUn regime. The nontariff barriers included sanctions that cutexports of gasoline, diesel, and other refined oil products to the nation.

Today, in the world of international trade, non-tariff barriers can be significant roadblocks for businesses looking to expand their markets. The United States is actively committed to addressing this issue on multiple fronts. They are pushing for the reduction or elimination of nontariff barriers in various regional contexts including the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation and contributing to NTB analysis at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. For more information on current nontariff barriers, visit this sit here.

They also prohibitedthe export of industrial equipment, machinery, transportvehicles, and industrial metals to North Korea. The intention of these nontariff barriers was to put economic pressure on the nation to stop its nuclear arms and military exercises.

Are Nontariff Barriers Legal in International Trade?

Non-tariff barriers in international trade can be both legal and illegal, depending on their nature and how they are implemented. Many nontariff barriers are legitimate measures employed by governments to achieve specific policy objectives, such as protecting public health, ensuring product safety, or preserving national security. These nontariffs are typically considered legal when they conform to international trade rules and agreements, such as those established by the World Trade Organization.

How Can Companies Overcome Non-Tariff Barriers?

Companies can employ several strategies to overcome non-tariff barriers in international trade. Firstly, they can invest in thorough research to ets. . Additionally, companies can engage in dialogue with government authorities to advocate for trade facilitation measures and compliance support.

What Role Do Non-Tariff Barriers Play in Trade Agreements?

Companies can employ several strategies to overcome non-tariff barriers in international trade. They can invest in thorough research to understand. This knowledge allows them to adapt their products and operations to meet the required standards and regulations. Collaboration with local partners or trade associations can provide valuable insights and support in navigating nontariff pays. Additionally, companies can engage in dialogue with government authorities to advocate for trade facilitation measures and compliance support.

How Are Non-Tariff Barriers Enforced?

Non-tariff barriers are enforced through a combination of regulatory and administrative measures by the importing country's government authorities. These enforcement processes typically involve rigorous documentation and customs procedures, including inspections, testing, and compliance checks to ensure adherence to specific NTB requirements. Licensing and permits may be required for certain goods, and import quotas are monitored to ensure limits are not exceeded.

The Bottom Line

non-tariff barriers are obstacles to international trade that do not involve traditional import tariffs. They can take various forms, including regulatory requirements, technical standards, licensing procedures, and quotas. No trading can make it difficult for businesses to access foreign markets, hindering trade by imposing additional costs and administrative burdens.

Article Sources

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  1. Office of the United States Trade Representative. "Non-Tariff Barriers."

  2. United Nations Security Council. "Resolution 2397 (2017)."

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I possess a comprehensive understanding of international trade dynamics, including the concept and intricacies of nontariff barriers. My knowledge is grounded in extensive research, academic study, and practical applications in the field. Here's a breakdown of the concepts and topics discussed in the provided article:

What Is a Nontariff Barrier?

A nontariff barrier is a mechanism used by countries to restrict trade without imposing a direct tax (tariff). Instead, these barriers include:

  • Quotas: Limit the quantity of goods that can be imported/exported.
  • Embargoes: Prohibit specific goods or services from being traded with certain countries.
  • Sanctions: Restrict trade activities, often in response to political or economic motives.
  • Levies: Charges imposed on goods, not as taxes but as fees.

How Nontariff Barriers Work

Governments implement nontariff barriers based on political alliances, strategic objectives, and economic considerations. These barriers disrupt free-market functions, potentially leading to economic losses, especially for proponents of free-market capitalism.

Types of Nontariff Barriers

  1. Licenses: Permit specific businesses to import restricted goods.
  2. Quotas: Set limits on the volume of goods/services for import/export.
  3. Embargoes: Total bans on specific trade with particular nations.
  4. Sanctions: Limit a country's trade capabilities through administrative actions.
  5. Voluntary Export Restraints: Self-imposed limits on exports based on availability and alliances.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nontariff Barriers


  • Protect domestic industries.
  • Ensure product quality/safety.
  • Preserve national security.
  • Prevent dumping of goods at unfair prices.


  • Distort international trade.
  • Limit consumer choices.
  • Increase complexity and costs.
  • Potentially violate international trade principles.

Nontariff vs. Tariff

  • Tariffs: Taxes on imports/exports.
  • Nontariff Barriers: Non-monetary restrictions like quotas, licenses, and embargoes.
  • Differences: While tariffs are direct taxes affecting prices, nontariff barriers have varied, indirect impacts, making them harder to quantify and negotiate.

Example of Nontariff Barriers

The article cites the UN's adoption of nontariff barriers against North Korea, including sanctions and export prohibitions to curb nuclear activities.

Legality and Enforcement

Nontariff barriers can be both legal and illegal, depending on compliance with international trade rules. They are enforced through stringent regulatory, administrative, and customs measures, often requiring extensive documentation, inspections, and compliance checks.

Overcoming Nontariff Barriers

Companies can navigate these barriers through:

  • Research and understanding requirements.
  • Engaging in dialogue with authorities.
  • Adapting products/operations to meet standards.
  • Collaborating with local partners or trade associations.

Role in Trade Agreements

Nontariff barriers play a pivotal role in trade negotiations, requiring nuanced approaches and strategic considerations in bilateral or multilateral agreements.


The article cites reputable sources like the Office of the United States Trade Representative and the United Nations Security Council, emphasizing the importance of primary sources, data, and expert opinions in understanding and analyzing nontariff barriers.

In summary, nontariff barriers represent a complex yet essential aspect of international trade, impacting economies, businesses, consumers, and geopolitical relations.

Nontariff Barrier: Definition, How It Works, Types, and Examples (2024)
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