National Debt by Country / Countries with the Highest National Debt 2023 (2024)

Just as individuals or companies may make purchases on credit or take out a loan to boost their finances, national governments often borrow money to further their country's growth or well-being. When this happens, the money borrowed becomes part of that country's national debt. Stated simply, national debt is the combined debt a country's government owes one or more lenders, such as other governments, various corporations, or even private individuals (such as with treasury bonds). But which countries have the world's highest national debt? The answer to that question merits a bit of explanation.

In terms of raw dollars, the country with the highest debt in the world is unquestionably the United States, whose national debt is more than twice that of any other country. However, the dollar amount of a country's debt is usually considered not by itself, but in relation to the country's overall gross domestic product (GDP)—which represents the country's ability to pay back the debt. Measuring by debt to GDP ratio, Japan's debt is the highest in the world and the United States—which has the world's largest economy and highest GDP—drops to 14th place.

Top 20 Countries with the Highest National Debt:

Rank Measured by $ Amount (millions US$): Rank Measured as % of GDP (%GDP)
1 United States 29,463,730 1 Japan 259.43%
2 Japan 13,053,658 2 Sudan 200.35%
3 China 10,115,837 3 Greece 194.50%
4 France 3,329,379 4 Eritrea 179.66%
5 Italy 3,169,955 5 Singapore 159.87%
6 United Kingdom 3,039,338 6 Maldives 154.39%
7 Germany 2,968,690 7 Lebanon 150.58%
8 India 2,379,040 8 Italy 150.30%
9 Canada 2,243,918 9 Cape Verde 145.13%
10 Spain 1,690,788 10 Barbados 135.40%
11 Brazil 1,495,729 11 Venezuela 133.61%
12 Australia 954,634 12 Bhutan 132.42%
13 South Korea 929,584 13 Bahrain 129.73%
14 Mexico 746,964 14 United States 128.13%
15 Iran 674,167 15 Suriname 125.70%
16 Singapore 650,630 16 Portugal 125.50%
17 Belgium 649,405 17 Zambia 119.14%
18 Netherlands 530,350 18 Spain 118.30%
19 Indonesia 488,638 19 Canada 112.85%
20 Greece 431,474 20 France 112.80%

Profiles of Select Countries by National Debt


Japan has the highest percentage of national debt in the world at 259.43% of its annual GDP. The Japanese economy experienced stagnation during the 1990s, which led to the government launching several initiatives, such as selling bonds and bailing out banks and insurance companies with low-interest credit, to help reboot the struggling economy in the 2000s. Banking institutions had to be audited, consolidated, or even nationalized.

While these actions arguably salvaged Japan's economy, they also added greatly to the country's national debt. Since that time, additional concerns such as the Great Recession of 2008, the 2011 f*ckushima nuclear disaster, and the COVID-19 pandemic have complicated efforts to combat the country's debt.

United States

The United States boasts both the world's biggest national debt in terms of dollar amount and its largest economy, which resolves to a debt-to GDP ratio of approximately 128.13%. The United States' government's spending exceeds its income most years, and the US has not had a budget surplus since 2001. Perhaps surprisingly, the countries to which the US is most in debt are Japan, which itself has significant debt, and China, which is often viewed as the United States' greatest economic competitor.


China’s national debt is currently over 10 trillion USD—however, because of China's massive economy, the country's debt is only 68.06% of its GDP. China's current debt level is a significant increase from 2014, when the national debt was 41.54% of the country's GDP. An International Monetary Fund report from 2015 stated that China’s debt was relatively low, and many economists have dismissed worries over the size of the debt both in its overall size and relative to China’s GDP. China currently has the world’s second-largest economy and the largest population, with approximately 1,425,821,667 people.


Russia’s debt ratio was one of the lowest in the world at 16.99% of its GDP in 2021—though the country's war with Ukraine, which began in early 2022, will likely have some effect on this ratio. Russia is usually one of the ten least-indebted countries in the world. Russia’s debt is currently at a total of just over 302 billion USD. Most of Russia’s external debt is private.

National Debt by Country / Countries with the Highest National Debt 2023

National Debt by Country / Countries with the Highest National Debt 2023

National Debt by Country / Countries with the Highest National Debt 2023


National Debt by Country / Countries with the Highest National Debt 2023 (2024)


What country owes the most national debt? ›

Japan. Japan held $1.08 trillion in Treasury securities as of November 2022, beating out China as the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt.3 The low and negative yield market in Japan makes holding U.S. debt attractive.

Is the US national debt the highest in the world? ›

The United States has the largest external debt in the world. The total number of U.S. Treasury securities held by foreign countries in December 2021 was $7.7 trillion, up from $7.1 trillion in December 2020.

What countries owe the US money? ›

Despite substantial debts that America owes to countries like China and Japan, they owe us money as well.
Debts and Debtors of the US Government.
Country NameValue of Holdings (Billions of $)
All Other (Place this on the United States itself)482.5
Mainland China1,058.4
31 more rows

What percentage of U.S. debt does China own? ›

Overall, foreign countries each make up a relatively small proportion of U.S. debt-holders. Although China's holdings have represented just under 20 percent of foreign-owned U.S. debt in the past several years, this percentage only comprises between 5 and 7 percent of total U.S. debt.

What is the projected national debt in 2023? ›

At the end of FY 2022 the federal debt was $30.84 trillion. At the end of FY 2023 federal debt is “guesstimated” to amount to $32.69 trillion. Thus far, on 2023-03-09, the federal debt is $31.46 trillion.

Is China in a debt crisis? ›

"No doubt, China's current debt crisis has the potential to exacerbate existing socio-economic tensions," Singleton said, adding that renewed public protests like those in late 2022 could emerge, as Chinese citizens come to terms with "vanishing jobs, closed businesses and reduced wages."

Which country is debt free? ›

The best example can be taken from Hong Kong (it is a one of the debt free countries), whose economy has the least debt to GDP ratio.

How much is China in debt? ›

The size of China's debt problem is truly staggering. At last measure, debt of all sorts – public and private and in all sectors of the economy — amounted to the equivalent of $51.9 trillion, almost three times the size of China's economy as measured by the country's gross domestic product.

Can the US pay off its debt? ›

Can the U.S. Pay Off its Debt? As budget deficits are one of the factors that contribute to the national debt, the U.S. can take measures to pay off its debt through budget surpluses. The last time that the U.S. held a budget surplus was in 2001.

Why is the US so heavily in debt? ›

Tax cuts, stimulus programs, increased government spending, and decreased tax revenue caused by widespread unemployment generally account for sharp rises in the national debt.

Who does the US owe 30 trillion debt to? ›

It's the amount of money the U.S. owes to outside debtors such as U.S. banks and investors, businesses, individuals, state and local governments, Federal Reserve and foreign governments and international investors like Japan and China. The money is borrowed to raise the cash needed to keep the U.S. operating.

Does the US still owe China money? ›

How much money does the U.S. owe to China? China owns roughly $1.08 trillion worth of U.S. debt. 2 This amount is subject to market fluctuations. The value will change whenever China trades Treasury securities or when the prices of those bonds change.

How much is America in debt? ›

At its peak in April 2022, the Fed held more than $6.25 trillion in U.S. government debt, more than double its holdings just before the pandemic hit the U.S. in March 2020.

Why is Japan in so much debt? ›

The public debt of Japan has continued to rise in response to a number of challenges, including but not limited to the Great Recession in 2008, the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and f*ckushima nuclear disaster in 2011, and the COVID-19 pandemic in between January 2020 and October 2021, (which also held ramifications for ...

What would happen if China sold all U.S. debt? ›

Repercussions. The repercussions for China of such an offloading would be worse. An excess supply of U.S. dollars would lead to a decline in USD rates, making RMB valuations higher. It would increase the cost of Chinese products, making them lose their competitive price advantage.

What would happen if the US paid off its debt? ›

The country's net economic power would increase as more money was spent on goods and non-financial services—production rather than monetary intermediaries. We would be back to being able to consume what our country's economic capacity could produce.

Can China call in U.S. debt? ›

Key Takeaways. Whether you're an American retiree or a Chinese bank, American debt is considered a sound investment. The Chinese yuan, like the currencies of many nations, is tied to the U.S. dollar. Because of varying maturities dates, China would be unable to call in all its Treasury holdings at once.

What is the projected national debt as of 2025? ›

By 2033, the gross federal debt of the United States is projected to be about 51.99 trillion U.S. dollars.
YearNational debt in billion U.S. dollars
8 more rows
Feb 24, 2023

What is the estimated inflation for 2023? ›

The forecasters have reduced their estimates for the probability that core PCE inflation in 2023 will be 3.5 percent or higher compared with their prediction in the last survey.

How much of the national debt is Social Security? ›

The Social Security Trust Fund

The trust fund holds Treasury securities similar to those held by private citizens, businesses, and governments around the world. It holds roughly one-fifth of total Treasury debt outstanding.

What country is China in debt trap? ›

Laos. According to the World Bank, by the end of 2021, Laos's public debt had skyrocketed to 88% of gross domestic product, with Chinese creditors accounting for a 47% share of foreign debt. In addition, Laos owes 11% of its debt to China from bilateral loans. The firing of Bank of the Lao P.D.R.

How Much Is America worth? ›

United States - Federal Government; Net Worth (IMA), Level was -20997153.00000 Mil. of $ in July of 2022, according to the United States Federal Reserve.

Where does China borrow money from? ›

International Loans. According to World Bank data analyzed by Statista, countries heavily in debt to China are mostly located in Africa, but can also be found in Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Which country has the best economy? ›

With a GDP of 23.32 trillion dollars, the USA is by far the world's largest economy in this ranking for 2021. It is followed by China in second place with a GDP of 17.73 trillion dollars. Canada is also quite far ahead in the international comparison and occupies the ninth place in this ranking.

Who owns US national debt? ›

The public holds over $24.53 trillion of the national debt, as of January 2023.1 Foreign governments hold a large portion of the public debt, while the rest is owned by U.S. banks and investors, the Federal Reserve, state and local governments, mutual funds, pensions funds, insurance companies, and holders of savings ...

Who has more debt China or usa? ›

How bad is it? China's debt is more than 250 percent of GDP, higher than the United States. It remains lower than Japan, the world's most indebted leading economy, but some experts say the concern is that China's debt has surged at the sort of pace that usually leads to a financial bust and economic slump.

How much U.S. bonds does China own? ›

Since U.S. securities held in overseas custody accounts may not be attributed to the actual owners, the data may not provide a precise accounting of individual country ownership of Treasury securities.
CharacteristicSecurities in billion U.S. dollars
China, Mainland870
United Kingdom645.8
9 more rows
Jan 30, 2023

How much is Russia's national debt? ›

In the latest reports, Russia National Government Debt reached 327.9 USD bn in Jan 2023.
Buy Selected Data.
Total Loans Growth (%)15.63 Jan 2022
Private Debt: % of Nominal GDP (%)52.85 Dec 2021
21 more rows

What happens if US debt gets too high? ›

Key Takeaways

The national debt also impacts the economy because if it gets too high, consumer and business confidence in the economy may dwindle, which could lead to turmoil in the financial markets and higher interest rates.

What will happen if a country Cannot pay its debt? ›

If the government has poor rating and is already in high debt then the foreign countries will charge higher interest rate on the borrowed loans. When countries are unable to pay back on their loans to their creditors then they declare bankruptcy and are then considered defaulted.

Has the government borrowed money from Social Security? ›

Since 1983, every US President has borrowed from Social Security to pay for government expenditures. However, there is no evidence that any of the presidents has stolen a dime from Social Security.

What happens if America defaults? ›

Economists say consequences of a default on the national debt could include higher interest rates, a stock market crash, a recession and massive job losses. NBC's Alice Barr reports. The U.S. officially hit the debt ceiling on Jan. 18, 2023.

How much debt can the US handle? ›

The debt limit caps the total amount of allowable outstanding U.S. federal debt. The U.S. hit that limit—$31.4 trillion—on January 19, 2023, but the Department of the Treasury has been undertaking a set of “extraordinary measures” so that the debt limit does not yet bind.

Are most US citizens in debt? ›

The average American holds a debt balance of $96,371, according to 2021 Experian data, the latest data available. That's up 3.9 percent from 2020's average balance of $92,727, largely due to the rising balance of mortgage and auto loans.

Who brought the US out of debt? ›

President Andrew Jackson Cuts Debt to Zero

By selling federally owned western lands and blocking spending on infrastructure projects, Jackson paid off the national debt after six years in office. This actually created a government surplus that Jackson divided among indebted states.

Who does the US owe 31 trillion dollars to? ›

Foreign governments as well as banks and private investors, state and local governments and the Federal Reserve own most of this debt, and it's held in Treasury securities, bills and bonds. Foreign governments and private investors are one of the biggest holders of the public debt, owning around $7.7 trillion.

How many Americans are in trillion debt? ›

That piece of the U.S. national debt — debt held by the public — accounts for nearly 80% of the $31.4 trillion. As of the most recent Treasury statement, it was $24.6 trillion.

How much land does China owe in the US? ›

Washington, D.C., August 17, 2022

China owns and controls almost 192,000 acres of farmland right here in the United States.

Which countries owe China money? ›

Those with the highest external debt to China are Pakistan $77.3 billion, Angola $36.3 billion, Ethiopia $7.9 billion, Kenya $7.4 billion and Sri Lanka $6.8 billion.

What happens if China becomes world currency? ›

More international contracts could be priced in yuan, which would mean China would not have to worry so much about the dollar's value. All central banks would have to hold yuan as part of their foreign exchange reserves, which would place the yuan in higher demand and lower interest rates for bonds denominated in yuan.

Who is the US in debt too? ›

Japan held $1.08 trillion in Treasury securities as of November 2022, beating out China as the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt.3 The low and negative yield market in Japan makes holding U.S. debt attractive.

What is Canada's current national debt? ›

Government Debt in Canada is expected to reach 900.00 CAD Billion by the end of 2023, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations.

Has the US always been in debt? ›

The U.S. has had debt since its inception. Our records show that debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War amounted to $75,463,476.52 by January 1, 1791. Over the following 45 years, the debt grew.

Who owns Italian debt? ›

Italian debt is overwhelmingly and increasingly held by resident banks and investors, as shown by the updated figures in our database on sovereign bonds holdings. In this blog post, I discuss possible implications.

Who owns Japanese debt? ›

As of December 2021, the Bank of Japan held 48.1 percent of outstanding Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs). While Japan's central bank held the largest share of JGBs, households accounted for a share of 1.2 percent.

Is the Japanese economy in trouble? ›

Japan's economy contracted slightly in Q3 2022, raising concern that the recovery that had just begun was coming to an end. However, the contraction was due mostly to a drop in net exports,1 which is hardly an indicator for the country's domestic economy.

Which country has the highest debt in the world? ›

Japan - Debt: 221.32% of GDP

Japan's debt-to-GDP ratio is the highest in the world due to a prolonged period of economic stagnation and demographic challenges.

What country is debt free? ›

However, the listed countries, with the exception of Russia and Saudi Arabia, are not necessarily economic first-world powers.
The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2021 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
CharacteristicNational debt in relation to GDP
12 more rows
Feb 15, 2023

Why is the US in so much debt? ›

Tax cuts, stimulus programs, increased government spending, and decreased tax revenue caused by widespread unemployment generally account for sharp rises in the national debt.

How much debt is America in? ›

Of the nearly $31.46 trillion or so in public debt, about $73.5 billion is not subject to the statutory debt limit; most of that represents the accounting treatment of certain Treasury securities sold at a discount to their face value ($68.2 billion) and debt held by the Federal Financing Bank ($4.8 billion).

Could the US ever get out of debt? ›

In modern history, the U.S. has never defaulted on its debt. The debt ceiling is the self-imposed limit on how much debt Congress allows the federal government to have. If Congress does not raise or suspend the debt ceiling, the U.S. could default on its debt, which would also impact financial markets and the economy.

How will us pay off debt? ›

Raising taxes and cutting spending are two of the most popular solutions for reducing debt, but politicians may be hesitant to do both. Diverting spending from the military to other sectors may boost job growth, which could spur consumer spending and help the economy.

What happens when the US reaches the debt limit? ›

The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past. Failing to increase the debt limit would have catastrophic economic consequences.

Who owns the US debt? ›

The public holds over $24.53 trillion of the national debt, as of January 2023.1 Foreign governments hold a large portion of the public debt, while the rest is owned by U.S. banks and investors, the Federal Reserve, state and local governments, mutual funds, pensions funds, insurance companies, and holders of savings ...

How much would each American have to pay to pay off the national debt? ›

The National Debt Clock says that “debt per citizen” is currently $87,124. But there's more, much more.

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