Home economics can also help students develop skills that can lead to careers outside of the home. For example, home economists may work on developing foods for space flights, addressing nutritional issues in developing countries, or establishing national textile classifications. Home economists often need academic preparation in related areas such as chemistry, physics, sociology, psychology, and design. 
Britannica Kids
home economics - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
Today's home economist may, for example, be engaged in developing foods for space flights,
Home Economics Definition, Major Areas & Importance | Study.com
Feb 22, 2023 — Also known as \"homemaking\" or \"domestic science,\" the subject is now more comm...
Generative AI is experimental. Learn moreOpens in new tab

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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is mortgage debt good or bad?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\"Good\" debt is defined as money owed for things that can help build wealth or increase income over time, such as student loans, mortgages or a business loan. \"Bad\" debt refers to things like credit cards or other consumer debt that do little to improve your financial outcome."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are the two most common types of mortgages?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are two main types of mortgages: fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages. Each mortgage comes with its own set of features and benefits for you to consider."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What 2 types of loans can be considered good or bad debt?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Examples of good debt include mortgages that provide a home and a valuable asset and student loans that provide job skills. Examples of bad debt include unchecked credit card debt and payday loans."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How are mortgages paid?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Mortgage payments are made up of four main components: principal, interest, taxes, and insurance, which is often referred to as PITI. Lenders use an amortization formula to break down each monthly payment into these components:
  • Principal: The amount of the loan that has not yet been paid back
  • Interest: The cost of borrowing money, calculated as a percentage of the remaining principal
  • Taxes: Property assessments collected by the local government
  • Insurance: Homeowners insurance to protect against damage, and possibly mortgage insurance if a smaller down payment was made 
    Wells Fargo
    Components of a Mortgage Payment - Wells Fargo
    There are four components to a mortgage payment. Principal, interest, taxes and insurance.
    How Does Mortgage Interest Work? - Investopedia
    Principal. Each mortgage payment you make will have two parts. The principal is the borrow...
    Why Is Most of My Mortgage Payment Going to Interest? - Investopedia
    Key Takeaways. Mortgages work on an amortization schedule, which is the length of time it ...
    Quicken Loans
    Mortgage Payment Breakdown: What's Included | Quicken Loans
    Dec 8, 2023 — PITI is an acronym for the four main components of a mortgage payment: principa...
At the beginning of a mortgage term, more of the monthly payment goes toward interest because the loan balance is still high. As the principal is paid down, the remaining balance decreases, so less interest is owed each month. This means that more of the payment goes toward the principal, and eventually most of the payment goes toward paying off the remaining balance. This process is known as amortization. 
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
How does paying down a mortgage work?
May 28, 2024 — In the beginning of your mortgage term, you owe more interest, because your lo...
Some other things to consider when paying a mortgage include:
  • Down payment
    A larger down payment increases equity in the home
  • Prepayments
    Making prepayments toward the principal balance can reduce the amount of interest paid, but only if it makes financial sense and there are no prepayment penalties
  • Adjustable-rate mortgages
    Initial payments are calculated based on the assumption that the interest rate will remain the same for the entire loan term, but if the rate adjusts, the payment may be recalculated
  • Payment schedule
    Traditional fixed-rate loans typically have the same monthly payments for the life of the loan, but the portion that goes toward interest will decrease over time 
    Mortgage Payment Structure Explained With Example
    Key Takeaways. Mortgage payments are made up of your principal and interest payments. If y...
    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (.gov)
    How do mortgage lenders calculate monthly payments?
    Sep 9, 2020 — Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) If you have an adjustable-rate loan, your initia...
    Why Is Most of My Mortgage Payment Going to Interest? - Investopedia
    Key Takeaways. Mortgages work on an amortization schedule, which is the length of time it ...
Generative AI is experimental. For financial advice, consult a professional. Learn moreOpens in new tab

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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What determines monthly mortgage payment?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
A monthly mortgage payment is typically made up of four parts, also known as PITI:
  • Principal
    The amount borrowed for the mortgage, which is the difference between the down payment and the final purchase price of the home
  • Interest
    The amount paid to borrow the mortgage, which is determined by the lender based on the base rate and economic shifts in the market
  • Taxes
    Property taxes paid to the local jurisdiction, which are based on the assessed value of the home and local tax rates
  • Insurance
    Homeowners insurance to protect the home, as well as any private mortgage insurance (PMI) 
    Quicken Loans
    Mortgage Payment Breakdown: What's Included | Quicken Loans
    Dec 8, 2023 — Wherever you live, you'll pay a property tax on your home. What you pay is base...
    Wells Fargo
    Components of a Mortgage Payment - Wells Fargo
    Your monthly mortgage payment typically has four parts: loan principal, loan interest, tax...
    First Merchants Bank
    How To Calculate Your Monthly Mortgage Payments
    Sep 12, 2023 — What's included in your monthly mortgage payment? ... Principal. The principal...
    Average Monthly Mortgage Payment - Bankrate
    May 8, 2024 — The typical mortgage payment has several components: the loan principal, loan i...
Other factors that can affect your monthly mortgage payment include:
  • Credit score: Borrowers with higher credit scores tend to receive lower interest rates
  • Down payment: A larger down payment, such as 20% or more, can lower your monthly payment
  • Loan term: The length of the loan
  • State: You live in 
    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    How do mortgage lenders calculate monthly payments?
    Sep 9, 2020 — Learn more about how this works. The payment depends on the loan amount, the lo...
    Rocket Mortgage
    How To Calculate Your Monthly Mortgage Payment: A Guide
    Apr 4, 2024 — 3. Amortization Calculator. ... Your current loan amount. The length of your lo...
    Assurance Financial
    How Do You Calculate Your Estimated Mortgage Payment
    For borrowers, the interest rate you can secure depends on your credit score and history.
    Chase Bank
    What Percentage of Your Income Should Go to Mortgage? | Chase
    Make a larger down payment. Putting at least 20% down is common, but consider putting even...
Generative AI is experimental. For financial advice, consult a professional. Learn moreOpens in new tab

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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are two mortgages?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A second mortgage is a loan made in addition to the homeowner's primary mortgage. Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) are often used as second mortgages. Homeowners might use a second mortgage to finance large purchases like college, a new vehicle, or even a down payment on a second home."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can a bank sell your mortgage without telling you?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Federal banking laws and regulations permit banks to sell mortgages or transfer the servicing rights to other institutions. Consumer consent is not required. However, the bank or new servicer generally must comply with certain procedures notifying you of the transfer."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is it better to rent or have a mortgage?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It's often less expensive to rent in the short term, but homeownership isn't just about your monthly finances — it's also about what sort of lifestyle you want now and in the future. Buying a house makes sense if you're ready for the long-term commitment and have enough financial stability to support homeownership."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does a mortgage mean the bank owns the house?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The bank or mortgage company owns an interest in the property and the mortgage note itself — but the lender does not own your house. Your home is considered collateral for the mortgage loan. As long as you pay your home loan in accordance with the terms, you are the legal owner of the property."}}]}}

My Real Debt: Mortgages, Part 2 - Your Product Type • Homely Economics (2024)

This is all about the different types of mortgages, including whether or not they’ll be right for you.

It’s a bit long but do read on if you’re researching your first mortgage, or you’re just into other people’s mortgages!

The product type (I still find it weird to call intangible financial services ‘products’, but hey) is something you need to understand to be able to choose your mortgage wisely.

There’s no one way to go when it comes to mortgages – what works for me may not work for another person, but I’ll explain why I chose the way I did. Despite the title of this post, there were three options I had to choose between – fixed, tracker and offset mortgages.

A fixed rate mortgage–

does what it says on the tin, no surprises. The rate is set for a specific time period, and that’s good for people who want to protect themselves from interest rate rises and nasty surprises.

A tracker mortgage–

so called because it tracks the Bank of England (BoE) base rate, up or down – although today’s trackers won’t fall below their starting rates, as the banks made sure not to make that mistake again. (Some people who got in there before the financial crash actually had mortgages set below the base rate, which, when it fell to 0.5%, meant that their interest fell to nothing!)

An offset mortgage–

a brilliant thing for people with a bit of savings, higher rate taxpayers, or, ahem, stoozers. The money held in a linked savings account is offset against the amount owed on the mortgage, so the mortgage holder only pays interest on the difference. I couldn’t find an offset mortgage to my liking, as far fewer were on offer, and I had other criteria (read on) to meet.

What they have in common:

They all usually have introductory offer periods, and then shoot up through the roof to the bank’s ‘standard variable rate’ (SVR), which just means ‘whatever the heck we feel like charging’, and isn’t worth sticking around for.

That also reminds me of “discount mortgages”… I don’t really get that, hoiking the price of your standard rate and then knocking off a chip to call it a discount. Not for me.

I looked into the first three.

Which did I go for?

When I was shopping around during 2014-2015, every day I’d come across a headline about a potential interest rate rise from the BoE. Fix your mortgage rate, they said, because rates are going up!

Well, they didn’t go up.

Oh, don’t get me wrong; I think they will go up eventually, but I’ve budgeted for that. That’s why I went for a tracker mortgage.

This isn’t for everyone, but surely that’s the point of this section – there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to mortgages.

My product type and my plan

I don’t need the security of knowing what my rate will be for the next umpteen years. I keep a beady eye on both our finances and the BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee meetings, and when rates go up, then we have options. We’ll start overpaying, because our terms allow for unlimited overpayments and the early repayment fee is so small as to be negligible.

One thing I know for sure is that my rate can and will go up. I’m prepared for that. I exchanged the security of a fixed rate which would have been higher from the start for the carrot of a lower initial rate. I was hoping to get to the spring of 2016 before a rate rise, and was prepared for a gradual (like 0.5%) rise… it hasn’t happened yet. For me, it’s all good. I see it as a bonus, having the initial rate for anything longer than six months, and yes, I’ve stress-tested my budget to make sure we could cope with rates up to 7%!

When rates rise we’ll probably start throwing everything at overpaying the mortgage, but until then we’re throwing everything at renovating the house, and we’re not borrowing anything to do it, but only using money we’ve already earned. You may think we should have started overpaying already – well, I wanted to, but Lord Balders didn’t.

Delaying it for a bit is a compromise.

What to look out for

Aside from what type of mortgage you go for, there are some items in the more fine print you need to look at. Seen a great rate? Check the ‘product fee’. Erm, most of the rock-bottom rates require ridiculous fees that only make it worthwhile if you’re borrowing large amounts; for me, the only thing I was willing to pay in order to borrow £35,000 was £0.

Also, check to see whether you’ll be allowed to make overpayments, and if so, how many. With the uncertainty of a tracker, I needed the option to heavily overpay or jump ship altogether without penalty if I needed to; fortunately, my mortgage will let us do either.

I’m also happy to switch mortgage providers once my 3 year introductory offer comes to an end – I’m not going to be suckered by loyalty.

Now, the prospect of moving my mortgage brings me on to something else you need to understand – credit ratings. That’ll be the subject of part 3.

Over to you…

Are you considering a mortgage, or have you taken one out? What type caught your eye, and why? Or am I mad to take out a tracker when rates can only go up?

Oh, and if you’re wondering why this post series is entitled “my real debt”, take a look at my “fake debt.”

Update: The Bank of England base rate fell to 0.25% in 2016. Read about what this meant for me in this post.

My Real Debt: Mortgages, Part 2 - Your Product Type • Homely Economics (2024)


What is a home mortgage in economics? ›

A mortgage is an agreement between you and a lender that gives the lender the right to take your property if you don't repay the money you've borrowed plus interest. Mortgage loans are used to buy a home or to borrow money against the value of a home you already own.

What are two reasons that a home mortgage would be a better type of debt than credit card debt? ›

Mortgage interest rates are typically lower than credit card interest rates, so consolidating this debt into your home loan could save you money. While there are downsides, such as losing some equity in your home, eliminating credit card debt can be your first step to more financial freedom.

What are the 2 main components of any mortgage loan *? ›

Your mortgage payment (PITI) will reflect the following costs: P = Principal. The amount applied to the outstanding balance of the loan. I = Interest. The amount of the charge for borrowing money.

Why do banks give mortgages? ›

Banks sell mortgages for two basic reasons: liquidity and profitability. Banks need to keep pools of money on hand—both to meet their federally mandated cash reserve requirements and to have funds available for account holders and customers.

What is a mortgage debt? ›

What is mortgage debt? A mortgage is a secured loan that allows you to borrow money to buy a house or commercial property. You will typically repay what you owe in monthly payments over a set period of time.

What is home in home economics? ›

In home economics, "home" refers to the place where someone lives, such as a house or apartment. Home economics, also known as "homemaking" or "domestic science", is the study of skills that are useful in the home, such as cooking, sewing, and cleaning. It also covers a range of other subjects related to running a home, including:
  • Human development
  • Personal and family finance
  • Housing and interior design
  • Food science and preparation
  • Nutrition and wellness
  • Textiles and apparel
  • Consumer issues
  • Childcare
  • Hosting 
    What is home management in terms of home economics?
    Question: What is home management in terms of home economics? Home Management: "Home" refe...
    Home economics Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of HOME ECONOMICS is a subject or class that teaches skills (such as cooking o...
    Home Economics Definition, Major Areas & Importance | Study.com
    Feb 22, 2023 — Also known as "homemaking" or "domestic science," the subject is now more comm...
    What is Home Economics - Teaching Wiki - Twinkl
    At its core, Home Economics is about home management. This covers many subjects, such as h...
Home economics can also help students develop skills that can lead to careers outside of the home. For example, home economists may work on developing foods for space flights, addressing nutritional issues in developing countries, or establishing national textile classifications. Home economists often need academic preparation in related areas such as chemistry, physics, sociology, psychology, and design. 
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Is mortgage debt good or bad? ›

"Good" debt is defined as money owed for things that can help build wealth or increase income over time, such as student loans, mortgages or a business loan. "Bad" debt refers to things like credit cards or other consumer debt that do little to improve your financial outcome.

What are the two most common types of mortgages? ›

There are two main types of mortgages: fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages. Each mortgage comes with its own set of features and benefits for you to consider.

What 2 types of loans can be considered good or bad debt? ›

Examples of good debt include mortgages that provide a home and a valuable asset and student loans that provide job skills. Examples of bad debt include unchecked credit card debt and payday loans.

How are mortgages paid? ›

Mortgage payments are made up of four main components: principal, interest, taxes, and insurance, which is often referred to as PITI. Lenders use an amortization formula to break down each monthly payment into these components:
  • Principal: The amount of the loan that has not yet been paid back
  • Interest: The cost of borrowing money, calculated as a percentage of the remaining principal
  • Taxes: Property assessments collected by the local government
  • Insurance: Homeowners insurance to protect against damage, and possibly mortgage insurance if a smaller down payment was made 
    Wells Fargo
    Components of a Mortgage Payment - Wells Fargo
    There are four components to a mortgage payment. Principal, interest, taxes and insurance.
    How Does Mortgage Interest Work? - Investopedia
    Principal. Each mortgage payment you make will have two parts. The principal is the borrow...
    Why Is Most of My Mortgage Payment Going to Interest? - Investopedia
    Key Takeaways. Mortgages work on an amortization schedule, which is the length of time it ...
    Quicken Loans
    Mortgage Payment Breakdown: What's Included | Quicken Loans
    Dec 8, 2023 — PITI is an acronym for the four main components of a mortgage payment: principa...
At the beginning of a mortgage term, more of the monthly payment goes toward interest because the loan balance is still high. As the principal is paid down, the remaining balance decreases, so less interest is owed each month. This means that more of the payment goes toward the principal, and eventually most of the payment goes toward paying off the remaining balance. This process is known as amortization. 
Some other things to consider when paying a mortgage include:
  • Down payment
    A larger down payment increases equity in the home
  • Prepayments
    Making prepayments toward the principal balance can reduce the amount of interest paid, but only if it makes financial sense and there are no prepayment penalties
  • Adjustable-rate mortgages
    Initial payments are calculated based on the assumption that the interest rate will remain the same for the entire loan term, but if the rate adjusts, the payment may be recalculated
  • Payment schedule
    Traditional fixed-rate loans typically have the same monthly payments for the life of the loan, but the portion that goes toward interest will decrease over time 
Generative AI is experimental. For financial advice, consult a professional. Learn moreOpens in new tab
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What determines monthly mortgage payment? ›

A monthly mortgage payment is typically made up of four parts, also known as PITI:
  • Principal
    The amount borrowed for the mortgage, which is the difference between the down payment and the final purchase price of the home
  • Interest
    The amount paid to borrow the mortgage, which is determined by the lender based on the base rate and economic shifts in the market
  • Taxes
    Property taxes paid to the local jurisdiction, which are based on the assessed value of the home and local tax rates
  • Insurance
    Homeowners insurance to protect the home, as well as any private mortgage insurance (PMI) 
    Quicken Loans
    Mortgage Payment Breakdown: What's Included | Quicken Loans
    Dec 8, 2023 — Wherever you live, you'll pay a property tax on your home. What you pay is base...
    Wells Fargo
    Components of a Mortgage Payment - Wells Fargo
    Your monthly mortgage payment typically has four parts: loan principal, loan interest, tax...
    First Merchants Bank
    How To Calculate Your Monthly Mortgage Payments
    Sep 12, 2023 — What's included in your monthly mortgage payment? ... Principal. The principal...
    Average Monthly Mortgage Payment - Bankrate
    May 8, 2024 — The typical mortgage payment has several components: the loan principal, loan i...
Other factors that can affect your monthly mortgage payment include:
  • Credit score: Borrowers with higher credit scores tend to receive lower interest rates
  • Down payment: A larger down payment, such as 20% or more, can lower your monthly payment
  • Loan term: The length of the loan
  • State: You live in 
Generative AI is experimental. For financial advice, consult a professional. Learn moreOpens in new tab
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What are two mortgages? ›

A second mortgage is a loan made in addition to the homeowner's primary mortgage. Home equity lines of credit (HELOCs) are often used as second mortgages. Homeowners might use a second mortgage to finance large purchases like college, a new vehicle, or even a down payment on a second home.

Can a bank sell your mortgage without telling you? ›

Federal banking laws and regulations permit banks to sell mortgages or transfer the servicing rights to other institutions. Consumer consent is not required. However, the bank or new servicer generally must comply with certain procedures notifying you of the transfer.

Is it better to rent or have a mortgage? ›

It's often less expensive to rent in the short term, but homeownership isn't just about your monthly finances — it's also about what sort of lifestyle you want now and in the future. Buying a house makes sense if you're ready for the long-term commitment and have enough financial stability to support homeownership.

Does a mortgage mean the bank owns the house? ›

The bank or mortgage company owns an interest in the property and the mortgage note itself — but the lender does not own your house. Your home is considered collateral for the mortgage loan. As long as you pay your home loan in accordance with the terms, you are the legal owner of the property.

What is home mortgage explanation? ›

A mortgage is a loan from a lender that gives borrowers the money they need to buy or refinance a home. The borrower agrees to pay back the lender with monthly mortgage payments that include principal, interest and other fees. Mortgages are secured loans, and secured loans are backed by collateral.

What is a mortgage easy way to explain? ›

Mirage is an optical phenomenon caused by the total internal reflection of light from distant objects. When light passes from cold air (denser) to hot air (rarer), it bends away from the normal and undergoes total internal reflection, thus causes an illusion to the observer that, light is coming from the ground.

What is a home mortgage an example of? ›

A home mortgage is one of the most common forms of debt, and it is also one of the most recommended. Because they are secured debt—an asset (the residence) acts as backing for the loan—mortgages come with lower interest rates than almost any other kind of loan that an individual consumer can find.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.